4 V 1 4 1 t 4 4 4 i . 1 A - Simpson Clan Has Annual Gathering The annual reunion of the de- ecendants of William and Mary Simpson, -who crossed, the plaint -with ox teams In 1816, and lo cated In the! -Waldo Hills, was held at.tho state fairgrounds at Salem, Sunday. The Simpson clan organized at a meeting held at . Silver Creek Falls park sbs years' ago, the first president beltf John Simpson of Carlton and Mrs, J. & Simpson of Salem was secretary-treasurer. Of ficers at thej present time are Mrs. W. N. Crawford; (Lois Simp son) Saiem, a great-granddaughter of William and Mary Simpson is president; Mrs. J. C. Simpson, Salem secretary-treasurer; and Mrs. Clyde BUvens. (Sybil Simp son), Portland, another great granddaughter la Clan Llstorian. . The meeting next year will be at SllTerton park and is expected to be one of the largest ever held. The oldest member present Sun day was David Matthews. 78, of Salem, and the youngest was Dar- rel Bilvens. 51 son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Blivens of Portland. All of those present were relatives of the noted Oregon poet. Sam L. Simpson, author -of "Beautiful Willamette'1 (and other poems. William Simpson was the first Baptist minister In Oregon and performed the first marriage cere mony recorded at the Marlon county court! house. About 35 members enjoyed: the excellent dinner and speeches and reminiscences by various mem bers. Those present were Mrs. Nan Cherry and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cherry, Dallas, Mrs. Phoeae Mc Xinimons, Sajem, David Matthews, Salem, J. B. Simpson. Salem,. Mr and Mrs. J. Cf Simpson, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Matlock and son Robert, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Ev erett Service and son Curtis, Aumsville. Mr. and - Mrs. Clyde Blivens and three sons, Portland, Mrs. Emma Simpson, Amity, Mrs. Alic3 Simpson, Lincoln, Mr- and Mrs. W. M. Retberford and daughter Wilma, Lebanon, Wil liam Udell,' Amity, Claude E. Smith. Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. N. Branch. Salem, Marian Shoemak er, Shaw, Miss Rose Simpson, Shaw. Mrs. E. Fendrick, Salem, Mrs. Effie Hastings and son, Sa lem, Robert Gould. Salem, Mr. and Mrs- W. N. Crawford and daughter?, Alice and Wilma, Sa lt' in. W. C. T. U. Hears Interesting Program Salem W. C. T. U. met for Its rsular session Tuesday afternoon a; its organization headquarters on South Commercial street. At tAii time an interesting program of varied topics was presented. Those taking part Included Mrs. Rr.th Tooze, Mrs. Beulah Ratliff, Mrs- Lena Lisle, Mrs. Lydia Leh man. Matters of concern for the coming election were topic centers f jr discussion. A special guest for the after noon was Mrs. Mary Train, a for mer member of the unit. She briefly addressed the meeting. Monmouth Miss Merle Miller, Miss Pauline Morlan and -Miss June Craven represented Mon mouth's World Wide guild at the annual house party held at Me UlnnviUe on the Linfield college campus this weekend. They con tributed a skit to the banquet pro gram Saturday night. The auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars will meet Mon day at Hazel Green for the reg ular meeting and this will be fol lowed by a 6:30 o'clock poll nek supper at which the auxiliary will be joined by the Veterans. Reports of the recent convention will be given at this meeting. ' Mrs. John Q. Hunter and son Bobby of Long Beach Is spend ing the month with Mr; and Mrs. Roy Hurst. Several affairs are being given for Mrs Hunter who formerly made her home In Salem. Versteeg Clan Holds Annual Meet At Fairview; McFarlanes Meet Too Roy Clark Honor Guest at Surprise Affair At Waldo Hills; Morleys Entertain Wheatland Fifty-six members attended the second annual Mc Farland family reunion held at the Fred Bauer aquatic garden picnic ground here Sunday. Beside local people, from Salem were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pelley and daughters Letha and Cecil, Mr. and Mrs. Will Fitt and son ' Frank and daughter Edna and Miss-Alice Massey, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fitts and family, and from Portland were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ott, also Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bay llss and daughter and. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morgan of Lafayette- - ' I Waldo Hills A delightful sur prise birthday party for Roy Clark was held Saturday night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Clark with Bliss Mil dred Clark as hostess. Guests were: Edna, Martha and Helen Goodknecht, Beryl Ottoway, Lois Riches, Mrs. Harold . Clark, Rob I Moving -Storing- Larmer Transfer & Storage We Also Handle Fuel Oil, Grade Diesel Oil for Tractor Engines and Oil Banters ------ ' - -.; v-; '-" - . ",' 1 -' : , ews and Club Oliye M. Doax, SOCIAL CALENDAR Wednesday, July 19 Birthday party for Rev. Thomas V. Keenan; bridge and "500' in play at 8 o'clock. Mrs. A. E. Wickert, chairman of general committee Maccabees regular meeting at Women's club house, 8 o'clock; all members requested to be present. 'Thursday, July 20 All-day meeting of Ladles Aid of W. R. C. fair grounds; quilting to be arranged. Women's day at Salem Golf club; luncheon at noon and rotation tournament arranged for play; for reser vation call 4863. Friday, July 21 Mrs. W. A. Barkus, hostess to Calvary Baptist mis sionary society, 1115 North Winter street; 2:30 o'clock. Saturday, July 22 Past Matrons association meet'for one o'clock lawn picnic at Judge Percy Kelley home. Attractive Tea Honors Matrons A charmingly arranged tea was that of Tuesday afternoon be tween the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock at the Charles Low home at which time Mrs. Low was hos tess in compliment to Mrs. Ada line Remington, newly elected state conductress of the auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and for Mrs. Marty Conley, sen ior vice president of the Auxi liary. The guest rooms were color fully arranged in summer blos soms. Mrs. Low was assisted in serving by Mrs. Helen Sims and Mrs. Sylvia Furlough. Present were Mrs. Helen Sims, Mrs. Dorothy Baker, Mrs. Edith Mudd, Mrs. Ora Pettit, Mrs. Claire. Mrs. Blanche Fournler. Mrs. Eva Rush. Mrs. Effie Wet- zel, Mrs. Hazel Kaiser, Mrs. Vera ' dram of Lebanon. Mrs. Anna Borkman, Mrs. Sylvia Furlough and Miss Martha Floer. Salem Maid Makes Musical Progress Miss Julia Query, formerly a popular Salem maid is making' in teresting progress In her musical work in Portland. Each Sunday at 8 o'clock and Tuesday at 7 o'clock she appears over KXL. Sunday night she is heard in voice numbers and Tuesday night is ac companied by Margaret St. Clair of Jefferson, pianist and Mr Schuff, violin. Miss Query has also been ac cepted as a member of the a cap ello choir of the First Presbyter ian church of Portland. This choir was heard in Salem thl3 past win ter. " Mrs. W. E. Scandling of Port land has been a guest in Salem at the J. H. Callaghan home for the past few days during which time Mrs. Callaghan has been in Salem General hospital. Mrs. Cal laghan returned to her home Tuesday night with her infant child. The usual ladies' day will be observed Friday at the Salem Golf course. Mr3. F. C. Ritner, president of the women's club, announces a rotation tournament for that day with the us-ual luncheon at noon. Those desiring to make reservations call Mrs. Ritner at 48S3. A delightful birthday party Is being planned for tonight at St. Vincent de Paul parish bouse in compliment to Father Thomas V. Keenan's birthday. Bridge and 500" will be the divertisement of the evening hours. Playing will begin at 8 o clock. Mrs. A. E. Wickert is chairman of the gen eral committee in charge. A merry picnic among those being planned for the hot days was that sponsored by the .Hop Growers association at the coun try home of Mr. and Mrs. James Linn. and Ted Riches, George and Jim Gilham, Ernest and John Doer- fler, Sam Wilson, Lewis and liar old Clark. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Clark, the honor guest, Roy Clark and the hostess, Miss Mildred. Dayton Sixty-four members of the Versteeg family from Port land. Salem, Newberg and local people, attended the annual re union held Sunday at the John Versteeg farm in the Fairvlew neighborhood near here. John Versteeg was the eldest member present. The next reunion will be held at the Scott Edwards home in Pleasantdale the third Sunday In-July. The officers elect ed last year hold over. Pleasantdale Mrs. J. A. Mc- Farlane entertained eight mem' bers of the . Aloha Needle club and one guest, Mrs. Fred Mor gan of Lafayette, at her home Thursday afternoon. Coal and Briquets and High Grating Society Editor Happy-Go-Lucky . Club Entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Hill enter tained the Happy-Go-Lucky card club Saturday evening. Cards were in play till a late hour when a luncheon was served. High scores were held by Mr. J. G- Stewart and Mrs. F. Slater and low scores by Mrs. O. Turner and Mr. M. Hart. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs G. H. Bradford, Mrs. E. Vesper, Mrs. T. Slater, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cardley, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane, Mr. S. Bradford, Miss Margaret Stewart, Mr. Laurence Bradford, Mr. Jaek Stewart. Guests from Portland were Mr. and Mrs. M. Hart, Miss Pearl Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradford and Miss Ruth Hart. Farm Home Will be Scene of Picnic The Benton, Linn. Lane. Polk and Marion county unions of the w. v. T. U. will hold a general basket picnic at the Children's Farm Home Saturday. Julv 29. Coffee will be furnished by the nome. Tills Is in celebration of the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Willard and Ore gon cottages, the first units of tne borne of today. As this is the regular quarterly meeting time of the execntive board, there will be a business session from 10 to 12 o clock. C. L. Starr, president of the board, will act as toastmaster at the picnic luncheon which fol lows. All friends of the Chil dren's Farm Home are cordial ly Invited to attend this nicnic Mrs. Flora Thomas and her daughter Mrs. E. J. Scellars re turned recently from ,a 10 day irip into northern California and southern Oregon. The Oregon caves. Crater Lake, and nther scenic points of interest wera visited. Mrs. Charles G. Robertson and Mrs. Bert Ford will motor to Portland today to attend the luncheon being given by Mrs. Mc- uaniel Brown in compliment to Miss Mary Evans of New York. Mrs. Ben Baker of Santa Ana. Cal., is the house guest of Mrs. Edwin Viesko for this week. Mrs. Baker will visit in Salem and Portland until August 1. Mrs. Edwin Viesko and child ren will go to Neskowln this com ing week where they will be guests at the Fred Viesko cot tage- Mrs. F. M. Jordan of Seattle 13 the house guest of Mrs. Henry Meyers. Mrs. Charles Bauer and Mrs. Charles Stldd of Portland were visitors in Salem Sunday. Mrs. B. F. Pound and son Bob by, were guests In Portland Tues day. Mrs. M. J. Coon of Cuba, N. Y., is the house guest of Mrs. W. C. Franklin. Mrs. Allan Bynon and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Low Monday night Miss Edith Schryver Is spending some time in New York City. FOR MAKING OOOD THINOS TO EAT FOR MAKING GOOD THINGS J,Wvii 'in n ! mii iiimi'i"' ' i" i i . - . .... a - Affairs Clayton Stoyer Wecls Miss Myrene Lichty Central Howell Miss Mvrene Lichty and Clayton Stoyer were married Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Llehty, with Rer. J. M. Fran of the Pratum Mennonlte ehnrch officiating. The single ring cere mony was used. The rooms were laviahly decorated. The bride wai lovely, in a white gown ol embroidered chiffon or gandie and carried a bouquet of lavendar . sweet peas and pink rosebuds. Miss Nora Lichty at tended her sister. Russell Lichty, brother of the bride, attended the groom. Miss Vale RoAr played the" wedding march and Lyle Krug sang "Because. " Assisting about the rooms war Misses Inez Welty, Gladyce Lich ty. Ellen Steffen, Elda Her Ruth Simmons, Mrs. Raleigh Welty, Mrs. Fred Krug, Mrs. Clarence Simmons, Mrs. John Lichty, Mrs. . Alee Lkhty and Mrs. Ted Welty. Mr. and Mrs. Stover left for . short wedding trin. Thev will visit here with her parents and other relatives until the first of August when they plan to drive back to Greenville, Penn., where the groom's home is and where he is assistant foreman In the railroad shops. Guests for the wedding and informal reception following were: Mr. and Mrs. Gid Welty, Inex and Miles Welty, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Welty, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Welty. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herr and Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herr, Vernetta and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krug. Lyle Krug, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kreh biel, Norman and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Van Cleave, and Edris, Mr. and Mrs. John Lichty and John, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Alec Lichty, Benlah Grover and Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rogers, Vale Rogers, Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Frans, Rnfus, Arthur and Landy Franz, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simmons, Ruth, Max, Clarence. Bobby and Phillip Sim mons, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stef fen, Ellen Steffen, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford, Thomas and Frank lyn. Miss Gladyce Lichty, Miss Frieda Franz, Miss Elda Herr, Marvin Humphrey, Verle King. Clifford Dougherty and Rexter Butler. Mrs. George Guyles Complimented Guest One of the attractive affairs of the week wa3 the dinner party for which Miss Mabel Robertson was hostess at Willamette lodge Tuesday night in compliment to Mrs. George B. Guyles of Tacoma who has been her house guest for the past fortnight. Covers ware placed for Mrs. Guyles. Mrs- L. H. McMahan. Mrs. Sheldon Sackett," Mrs. Don Young, Miss Elizabeth Putnam, Miss Win ifred Byrd, Miss Elizabeth Lord, mis3 uarrtett Long and Mrs. Charles G. Robertson and Miss Robertson. SCIO, July 18. About 30 friends attended a farewell party at V. F. W. hall in Scio Sunday night for Mr. and Mrs. M. MulUn of Lebanon. Cards and refesh meats featured. The Mullins are returning to Camas, Wash., after several years spsnt in Lebanon, where Mr. Mullin was superin tendent of the paper mills. R. H. F. Struckmeier of Clover- dale superintended the harvesting of 50 tons of hay on his farm in trie rlverview section. An eight and one-half pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Stuart at the farm near Sader son bridge July 15. Alfonso Kudrna was here a few days ago from Minnesota looking ior a rarm lor himself and his father-in-law, who accompanied mm. Recent repair en the mill race ana nume nave been made by the local mill company. Wilbur Johnston, who has been with the Bryan garage for several 3 recently joined a conser vation crew in the vicinity of De troit, his orotner Ralph has been similarly employed east of Casca- dia for several weeks. Your own Mayonnaise has that delicate "just made" taste TO EAT FAREWELL IS GIVEN FOR Mill UNF1IV NIB PUCES III POME (MLB 35 Precincts get Ballot Boxes; Registration Slightly Lowered DALLAS. July 18. Prepara tions for the special election on Friday. July 21, are being made throughout the county and bal lot boxes have been delivered to the 25 polling places. Registra tion in Polk c o n n t y dropped slightly from that for the gen eral election but 7917 voters have registered to cast their vote at the special election. Polling places for the 35 nre- etnets in Polk county are: 1st Dallas, city hall; 2nd Dallas, court house; 3rd Dallas. Dallas city water office; 4th Dallas, un decided; 1st Independence, A. G. Baker residence; 2nd Indepen dence, city hall; 3rd Indepen dence. Women's Club building: 4th Independence, Independence Laundry building. Southwest Monmouth, Christian church; Southeast Monmouth, Wedeking building; Northeast Monmouth, W I n e g a r building; Northwest Monmouth, Baptist church; South Falls City. Chris tian church; North Falls City, city library; West Salem, base ment of M. -E. church; Spring Valley, basement of Zena school house; Brush College, Brush Col lege school house; Eola, Eola school house; East Rickreali, Ma sonic hall; West Rickreali, Grange hall; McCoy, I. O. O. F. hall; Salt Lake (Perrydale), hall over Yocum store; Jackson (Ball ston), I. O. O. F. hall; Salt Creek, North Dallas school house. Buell, Grange hall; Douglas (Grand Ronde). New Grand Ronde Community hall; Oakdale, garage at H. S. Butz residence on Uglow Avenue, Dallas; Bridge port, Union hall; Lewlsville, Lewisville church; Pedee, Union high school house; Airlie, W. R. Williams store; Suver, hall over Larson store; Buena Vista, W. O. W. hall; Rock Creek (Valsetz), Valley and Siletz depot. LYON'S. July 18. Lloyd Trask of Mill City had what may prove a very serious accident early Sun day morning. He was drivln? a sedan toward Mill City about i.jv o ciock bunday morning. After passing the deep fill just west of the R. A. Comforth res idence, hjs sedan left the high way, and struck the culvert in front of Comforth's house, pass ing over it, plowing eastward up me aucn, tearing out several fence posts, wreckinr tha fencing and finally the car land ed upside down in the Comforth's carrot patch. Anotner man from Mill CitT was with Trask but his name was not given. The two men were bad ly cut and bruised and Trask may have a skull fracture, as he be came unconscious during the af ternoon. The car was badly demol ished. They were obliged to leave the wrecked car until a wrecker came for it during the forenoon, taking it to the repair shop. Trask is the son of Mrs. Rhoda Trask of Albany and former Lyons resi dent. WEST STAYTON, July 18. r Annual homecoming of the Pleas ant Grove Presbyterian church. held on the church grounds here Sunday, drew the smallest atten dance In years. The pastor of the church. Rev. J. T. Stewart of Albany nreached. me morning sermon. While the tables were being n drive e r, s IN CARROT PATCH ni is ONLY SMALL CROWD i ' 74 GREATER ' ' W SHIPLEY NX) f Semi-Annual Sale . I 1 HOSIERY Phoenix The Famous Custom Fit Top Gold Stripe Both in Chiffon and Service 7Sc the pair LINGERIE OF SUMMER MESH Jump-ins and Shorts S9o ecch SILK DRESSES Plain Pastel sad Printed Silks a rsr J Jst rrfc i CJ.OO Will iiUU H I I .SHOES, I&93 -1 I Set thesa Items and the many . . ether specials oa J ss swsipi i i i in i '..., -i1 --ajijr"!.- . - . " , . i . , Arena for .West Salem's Wrestling Matches Under Construction This Week , WEST 8ALEM, July If . Ac tual constractlon work on the out door arena that will be used for seating the public attending the boxing . and wrestling matches that arc to be presented soon by the Klngwood post of the Ameri can Legion, started Tuesday. Mr. Remington has charge of the erec tion and the Beutler - Quistad Co., the contract for furnishing the materials. The arena will be 64 feet square and will hare a seat ing capacity of 1270 persons. It Is expected that the first bout will be held on July 28, and plans are being formulated to have every thing in readiness for that time. 1 The Milo Jensen grocery store window will house an exhibit of Borne of the work of the West Sa lem Boy Scouts for the next week or more. In the display will appear a model signal tower, model min iature bridge, plain table, three nature boards showing specimens of wood and knot boards and oth er scouting equipment, au tnings that the boys have made. The scout leader, W. Harry Wied- maier, has designed, eut from heavy cardboard and artistically painted an attractive Insignia to grace the window and designate the display. The troop has 23 ac tive members. i State Highway Survey Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Felger were hosts at a pleasant little farewell dinner party Tuesday evening at their home, complimenting their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. William Headrick, who will be leaving Salem to make their home in Portland this week.' Edward Underwood of south Salem has had lumber hauled to his property here. He will exca vate tor a basement and remodel the homo soon with the expecta tion of moving his family in to make their home here. An engineering crew of four or five men began the survey of the highway beginning at the Polk county end of the bridge and con tinuing to Rickreali, Monday morning. Widening and improving of this much - used highway Is expected to be begun soon and It is estimated that an expenditure of S135.000 will be used for it. Vacationing at Newport and other coast resorts for the week end were the Edward Cochrans, Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Baker and their guests, Mrs. Floyd Sue fert, James and Allen Seufert of The Dalles, and Miss Barbara Lee Whipple were beach tourists over Sunday. Hanscn-Stevens Reowio Mrs. B. F. Felger was a hostess to the Sunday reunion of the Han prepared a group visited the cem etery which joins the church grounds. It is an interesting place to these who have never HftATi there. The markers and tnmh stones, many of which are snnVon and moss covered, date back to the 1850's. It is kept in condition by volunteer work ers living near. Aftr tha nienic lunch, which was enjoyed in the shade of the shady old evergreen trees, tne fMinwIntr nrorram was given: A short talk to the kiddies by Mrs. Fred Nell, a late missionary to Africa and formerly of this Ylcinity: a vocal duet ty Mr. ana Mrs. Calvan of Jefferson; a short address on temperance by Mr. Hatha wav of Salem: an interest ing talk on the missionary work in Africa by Mrs. Ken, maae spec ial mention of the health condi tions there, stating that the reg tion in which she and her bus- band work ia aald to be the most nnhealthful place In the world. Henry Porter of Aumsville, pioneer of this section, gave short talk, also. AT WORLD'S FAIR . MOLALLA. July 18. Cleo Foelesong. son of C. W. Fogle- sonr. was a visitor at the Cent urr of Progress fair in Cajcago durine the oast week. He will visit relatives in Oklahoma be fore coming home. Cleo was a member of the 1S33 high school graduating class here. sen-Stevens clan, held at the air ground, with an attendance of 102. She was the oldest descend ant of the Stevens clan present. On the program were talks by Dr. Guy Mount of Oregon City, Albyn Esson of Albany, and harmonica numbers by. Robert Groshong of Albany, besides readings and songs by numerous juvenile mem bers. Mrs. Rebecca Mount of Sll Terton, 14, was the oldest one present, and Mrs. Sarah McCub bln of Dayton, Wash., well up In Miller V Mid - Year Bring True (Second Kickernick cuff-knee, stepins Women's good quality rayon gowns, 2 for l Gossard, Nature's Rival, Bon Ton Girdles $2.98 Gossard fine quality Completes. Fine silk dressing robes, Pastel shades in tailored French crepe, all silk, dance sets... French crepe step-ins, Combination bandeau, Group of Silk Dresses Group of Knit Dresses. Group of Silk Dresses Wool Swim Suits (Main Printed silk crepes. A big value. Per yard 69c Odd lot of wide woolens. Reg. $2.00. Yd 41.19 One lot of neckwear, Organdie, pique, etc 39c Ready-cut quilt blocks. Salem made all linen huck towels. Five for.$ 1.00 Printed travel crepes. Reg. 95c vaL Yd 39e Fringed plaid auto robes. All wool.. Hand made, cut-work pillow cases. Pair $1.89 Cotton meshes, suitings, crepes to 59c yd. 19c Men's all wool swimming suits. Dark shades $1.48 Odd lot suit cases and travel bags. Choice 98c Men's shirts. AU sizes 14 Vi to 17. VaL to $1.50 79c Men's hand made ties. One lot of men's straw Reg. $1.50 Kaynee shirts for boys. Boys' and men's white Boys' sweaters. Sleeve Boys' Munsingwear athletic union suits 49e Men's golf knickers. Values to $5.00. Men's initial handkerchiefs Men's rayon union suits. Table of boys' wear, shirts, knickers, etc 25c Beverage sets. Tray, 6 glasses and coasters $1.00 Women's sport oxfords. Main floor. Choice, $1.93 Children's coats. Odds. (Basement) One big lot pumps, oxfords, ties, straps, pr..42.45 Women's white, blonde ties and straps, pr41.00 Men's black or tan oxfords. Odd lot, Pair $1.98 Special lot children's box to dose out at pair 15c Women's fine rayon pantie bloomers. Reg. 69c, 39c One lot of women's hats. VaL to $1.79. Choice..48c Women's summer coats in sports or dress $4.98 Children's coats, sizes 10 and 12 years. 4$8 Children's fast color print dresses, 7 to 12 yrs2Sc Women crepe, rayon and broadcloth pajamas 59c 1 lot women's khaki middles and gym bloomers 48c 1 lot children's play suits. Can't Bust 'Em 29c 1 lot men's union suits. Regularly to 8c now29c One lot men's and boys' work shirts. Reg. 98cu48c One lot men's and boys work shirts. Reg. 98c-49c cn's A wool sweaters and boys, blazers- 98c lot children's Yi, sox. Vat to 50c at pr. 10c ' Plain and figured curtain panels. Special, pr. 49c Scrim and net curtain fabrics. Special, yd 10c Dress materials, voiles, rayons, giutings, yd. .19e Salem made linen toweling. Reg. 19c yd Now 12yc Large cotton blankets. Singles in tan, grey etc 69c , Afl wool camp blankets. Seconds, patched, ea. $1.98 the eighties, the second fa senior ity. Deaa Thompson, young high school youth who was seriously injured in an automobile accident many weeks ago. Is now able to stand and walk a little and Is do ing nicely. ' '. COOKING SCHOOL DRAWS ;i LYONS, July 18. Several wo men of Lyons and vicinity-attended the Thursday , afternoon cooking school at the Hammond hall in Mill City. Mrs. Humphreys had charge of the school: Prizes for having the largest number of ' guests present went to: ' First , Mrs. Alta Bodeker of Lyons; sec ond, Mrs. Dellls Westenhouse, Lyons; third, Mrs. J. H. Johnson of Lyons; fourth, Mrs. C. D. John son of Gates. : ' Ecorioi Floor) .69e 42.93 lace trimnu .$3.95 silk robes.. .$5.95 41.48 vaL to $3 .$1.00 girdle, step-in. $1.29 $3.95 $7.50 $5.95 $1.98 Floor) Reg. 10c. 5e .$1.29 Excellent values. .25e hats.' Good quality 49c .98c linen caps l. 50c or sleeveless- 41.49 41.98 -5c Size 36 only. .49c Good values. $2.95