The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 19, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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    pact: four;
, Ths- CUnGON STATESMAN, Sakia, Oregon, Wcdri day Morning, Jdy i.
t 1:
' "No Favor Sxtays Us; No Fear Shall 'Awe"
From First Statesman, March 28, 1851
CHABLES A. SFR4CUK !-.-- - Editor-Manager
Sheldon F. Sackett J - . - - - Managing Editor
Th. Associated
tton of all new
this paper.
Member of the Associated Press
Press la txclualvely entitled to the uh for publlea-
dlspatchca credited to It or not otherwise credited in
Portland Representative
Gordon B. Bell. Security Building, Portland. Ore.
Eastern Advertising Representatives
- Bryant. Griffith A Brunson, Inc., Chicago, New York, Detroit,
. i Boston, Atlanta,
. Entered at the Potto ff ice at Salem, Oregon, as Second-Class
- Matter. Publithed every morning except Monday. Butiness
ff ice, tlS S. Commercial Street.
- If ail Subscription Rates, in Advance. I Within Oregon ; Dally and
Sunday, 1 Mo. 60 cents : 2 Mo. $1.25; Uo. $2.25; 1 year 14.00.
Elsewhere 50 Mints per Mo., or 1U.00 for 1 year In advance.
..-By City Carrier: 45 cents a month; J5.00 a year In advance. Per
Copy 2 cents. On trains and tferi Stands 5 cents.
Save the Trees
TVF what value will the "scenic" roads of Oregon be a few
J years hence when the timber is cut down? Imagine the
thrill to-Californians and easterners as they drive on a rib
bon of paved road bordered on both sides by logged off land,
dotted with stumps and charred or blanched snags. We have
millions for roads, and not one cent to save the forest bor
ders. We are busy exploiting our scenic resources; but let
ting' the slaughter of the virgin forest lining these roads
proceed. .
r Private interests owning the timber cannot be expected
to donate their valuable property for the public interest.
Taxation is forcing them to go ahead .with cutting. Mean
time there- is no money to secure the tracts and set them
aside for park purposes.' The highway commission is short
of funds. The federal government ducks when suggestion of
Of Old Salem
Town Talks from The States
man of Earlier- Days
Jury i, 1908
Seventy-f Iv officers and men
ot th Oregon National guard en
camp on range across the river
in th Rnge place' on mile tfp-
stream, -with more to come i tor
field and target practice; Captain
Charles Murphy of Salem company
M in charge of commissary.
LONDON Serioos controversy
arises between American Athletic
and British Olympic associations
over American's withdrawal from
tug of war and "arbitrary man
ner" in which American protests
dismissed; Americans claim to
have complied with the rules by
wearing, street shoes, while Brit
ish tuggers wore extra heavy calf
shoes with steel rims on heels.
SYDNEY, C. B. Arctic explor
Ing steamer' Roosevelt steams
away from here on mission to
seek north pole: Ferry in com
mand.' i ! .
July 19, 102S '
Subscriptions for Salem hospi
tal reach total of $2 .000; efforts
to be. redoubled to raise remain
ing ,15,000 needed.
DENVER Actual work on
Moffat tunnel, through continen
tal divide west of Denver, ex-
upected to begin early next month;
the 60-mile tunnel to cut rail dis
tance between Paclfie and Atlantic
oceans by 70 miles; campaign for
project carried on for over SO
an exchange is
borderlands are
made. Will this impasse continue until the
denuded of their forest cover: and the great
highways of the state are left to pass through dull stump-
The state jwill have to do something to save-its trees.
Secretary Ickesj opposes the idea of exchanging 0.& C. re
vested lands for these strips unless the land grant counties
will relinquish he taxes authorized under the Stanf ield act.
This appears reasonable for we can hardly expect the tax
money which (iomes from the sale of the lands, and the
lands themselves1.
Time presses on many of the roads, the Crater lake
road for example. . Temporary respite may be obtained from
the woodsman's axe: but a longer term policy including
provision for the money should be adopted which will pre
serve sunicien
woodland to justify our so-called scenic
Bond Vote Requirement
, A bond is a mortgage.
Lieutenant Rnssell L. Maughan
takes off today on first leg ot sec
ond attempt to fly from coast to
coast between dawn and dark.
The Safety
Valve - -
Letters from
Statesman Readers
To the Editor:
May I say something through
your paper as to what many
people are doing? I find the
temperance people are cutting out
the firms who are -selling beer.
The slogan "buy dry" is gaining
ground very fast, and if Oregon
goes wet the 21st I fear some
who are now wet will find after
the 21st that they are riding on
the wrong wagon.
I have been reading the States
man for 40 years and it Is O. K.
Robert Loeb
you have your home free of mortgage how would
you like to have some one else clap a mortgage On it? Pub
lic bonds are mortgages clapped on by the voters, many of
whom may not) have to pay taxes to retire the bonds. For
public improvements it is often justifiable to issue bonds
on the vote of the people.
But the rejcord is so full of easy voting of bonds and
placing of mortgages on homes and businesses that conser
vatism is always needed lest when payday arrives the money
is not there to retire the bonds.
Hitherto the state has required only a majority vote;
and it does not except in school elections restrict the privi
lege of voting i in bond elections to taxpayers. So painful
has been the experience of Oregon communities over debt
service during this depression that it is generally recognized
that! some brake is needed to prevent excessive issues in
easy) money days. Accordingly proposition 308-09 would
amend the constitution to require a two-thirds favorable
vote! before bonds may be issued.
jThere mayf be occasions when this restriction may seem
too confining. On the whole however it should act as a re
tarding influence; and help to keep other people from slap- the department ot recreation with
ping unwanted mortgages in the form of 'bonds on your Edwin Hughey, chairman
property, in tne interest or souna pudiic creau we recora
mend the adoption of No. 308. 1
Friday night at the home of Dav
id and Roberta Bartruff the Chris
tian Endeavor society met tor a
social and business meeting. Ten
tative plans were made for a
group of the young people to at
tend the summer encampment of
the Evangelical church at Jenn-
ins lodge, July 2f to August t
The social hour was la charge of
State Power Bonds
ROPOSAL 310-311 is over the authorization of $103,000
lus in bonds to be used in providing the state power
fund. Since the law putting into effect the grange power
act is held up by referendum there is no machinery to spend
the money if it is voted. It will be November, 1934, before
the legislative power bill is voted on. Then it may be No
vember, 1936, before commissioners could be elected to get
the work started. There is therefore no necessity at the
I present trifle for voting this bond issue.
Things are changing fast in the power situation. The
entrance of thd federal government by building a dam across
the Columbia may force the issue and plunge the state into
public ownership. The developments should be closely
watched and guided. Until this matter is clarified there is
! no need for spending money on power surveys.
There is one further objection. .Why use bond money
for operating expense of an administrative board? Better
levy a fraction of a mill tax for the purpose and save the
bond issue f or construction purposes.
Our recommendation is to vote 311 X no.
A family reunion was held at
the William McCormack home.
Sunday, though plans bad been
made to meet with a daughter in
Oregon City. Present were Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Perkins and Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Curren of Flor
ence, who had not met for six
years; Mrs. Laurence Dunaway
and children, Barbara Jean, Lau
rence, Jr., and Jacquelyn of
Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Woelke
and Hasel and Blllie of Hazel
Green, and Kenneth McCormack.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Jewett ot Kan
kakee. 111., who have visited at
the home ot a bother, Ollie Jew
ett. for several weeks, will leave
for their home this week. Mr. and
Mrs. August Scharf of Santa
Monica, are guests at the W. H.
Scharf home.
Mrs. V. D. Edwards who had
the misfortune of breaking her
right arm, while visiting her
daughter in Camas, Wash., is at
home and doing nicely. "
Salem men at the .
death, ot Peopeomoxmoxi: -
(Continuing from yesterday:)
"On the 8th the march was re
newed, and after about nine miles
the Indians were discovered driv
ing all their stock into the moun
tains instead of surrendering as
was required.
"A skirmish followed. In which
the dragoons (mounted soldiers)
captured 800 horses, the foot
troops assisting In driving them
to Wright's camp 18 miles above
Spokane falls. At this camp' an
Indian detained . with Polatkin,
and who was suspected of certain
murders, was tried, convicted and
"It being Impracticable to take
the large herd of captured horses,
most ot which were unbroken, on
a long mareh, Wright determined
to have them killed, except such
as could be made immediately
useful- The order, was carried out
on the 9th and 10th, and the Spo
kane nation was, In a large meas
ure, dismounted. This humiliating
policy had Its effect, and Big Star,
another- Spokane chief, surren
dered, with his village. In due
form. His example was followed
by the Couer d Alenes, who were
told. to make their submission at
the ' Catholic mission on Couer
d'Alene lake.
"On the 17th of September a
conncil was held at this place. Fa
ther Joset and Chief Vincent be
ing present.
Wright sat In judgment in an
arbor of green boughs in front ot
hl tent, surrounded by officers.
Vincent opened the council by
acknowledging that he had com
mitted a great crime, regretting
it, and hoping for forgiveness. To
this Wright replied that he had
spoken traly that a great crime
had been committed; but since he
had asked for peace his request
would be granted on certain con
ditions, these being the delivery
to him of the men who struck the
first blow in the attack on Step
toe, to be sent to General Clarke
(Gen. Newman S. Clarke); the
delivery of one chief and four
warriors, with their families, to be
sent to Walla Walla; the return
of the property taken from Step-
toe s command; consent that
troops and ether white men
should pass through their coun
try; the exclusion of the turbu
lent hostile - Indians from their
country, and a promise to engage
in no hostilities themselves
against white men.
"They wefe also required to be
at peace with the Nez Perces, to
which they cheerfully agreed, the
whole treaty being written out
and formally signed; Polatkin, for
the Spokanes, signing and smok
ing the peace pipe.
"On the 23d, a council was held
with the Spokanes, to which Kam
lakin was invited: but he de
clined, fearing he might be select
ed to be sent to walla Walla. The
same terms were offered and ac
cepted as had been accepted by
the Couer d' Alenes. After its con
clusion, Owhl of the Yakimas
came into camp, when Wright had
nun arrested lor breaking his
agreement made with him in
1856, and ordered him to send for
his son, Qualchln. telling him he
would bo hanged if Qualchln did
not appear.
Unexpectedly, the young chief
rode into camp without being
summoned, and was hanged with
out trial.
'Owhl, attempting to escape on
the return march when Wright
wag at Snake river, was shot by
Lieut. Morgan and died in an
hour or two.
'Only Kamiakin and Skloom of
the Yakima chiefs of any note
were now left. Their Influence
was greatly lessened by the re
sults of their previous acts. Kam
iakin abandoned his country and
people, going to British Columbia,
whence he returned no more, and
Skloom sank into ocurIty. (As
torn recently in thL column, a
great grandson of old Chief Kam
iakin has been a student at the Sa
lem U. 8. Indian training school
at Chemawa, a bright, upstanding.
likable boy, with good mind and
retentive memory.)
"As tor the Palouses, Colonel
Wright refused to treat with
them, but Instead had several ot
them hanged. . . . On the 6th (Oc
tober) the. whole command re
turned to Fort Walla Walla.
"On the 9 th, Wright summoned
the Walla Wallas into his pres
ence. When they were assembled
he ordered all those who had tak-
a part in tne recent catties to
stand up; SS standing up at once.
he selected four who were deliv
ered to the guard to be hanged,
making In all 16 Indians by him
hanged as examples to their peo
Written at Salem July 30, 1893,
these are the concluding words in
Mr. Victor's book;
"The country east of the moun
tains was closed to settlement by
military order, much to the dis
comfiture of persons who had en
tered into stock raising on its
grassy plains. But General Harney
succeeding General Clarke in
command ot the department of
the Columbia opened the conntry
to settlement In 1859, since which
time, with the exception of raids
by Snakes and Utes, and Joseph's
war of recent date, there has been
peace and prosperity for both the
white and red inhabitant."
.The reader who . has followed
this column knows that, from
1865 on. the covered wagon Im
migration across tne plains over
the old Oregon trail was almost
entirely discontinued, on account
of Indian troubles nearly all the
way across, and was not resumed
until 1863, when the U, S. was
ready to protect the caravans with
Mrs. Victor copied in her book
the old muster rolls of Oregon for
the period beginning with .the
Cayuse war under the provision
al government, brought on by the
Whitman massacre of Nov. 29,
1847, and continuing to the time
when she wrote. These old muster
rolls make Interesting reading
Interesting to Oregon pioneers
and their descendants, and in
crea singly so, and valuable, to
careful students of history.
In this column appeared, a few
days ago, the names shown on the
company roll ot Capt. Charles
Bennett, noted early day Salem-
ite, giving the names of the men
who served under him until he
was killed in the so-called Yak
ima war in 1855. The writer also
promised to copy the names ot the
two Salem companies who served
In the Cayuse war Co. G under
Capt. James W. Nesmith, and the
one In which Morgan Lewis
("Lute") Savage, his great
iriend, served. The last named
was Co. F. They were the 9 th and
8th companies respectively.
No- 9. G, captained by Nesmith
bad as first lieutenants at differ
ent times David Crawford and
Nelson R. Doty, according to the
muster rolls, and as second lieu
tenants Baptiste Dorion (nam
misspelled in the rolls) and Mit
cneil Gilliam. Dorion was a son of
the famous Dorion Woman, of
etory and song, internationally
icieuraiea. in uo. U, tnese were
sergeants and duty sergeants: Vo-
latte Bergeron, Woodford Hoi
man, Geo. Laroque, Chas. McKay,
Benjamin Taylor and H. L,
Brown, it appears, by the old
rolls, that D. M. Morrison served
aa captain of Co- G at Wascopam
(The Dalles); probably for only
a tew days.
According to the rolls, Wm. P.
Pugh was captain of Co. F, No. 8;
Maxwell Ramsey second lieuten
ant; H. M. Smead second ser
geant, and G. W. Vernon and Da
vid Weston orderly sergeants.
"Lute" Savage was a private.
(Continued tomorrow.)
1I1S MU Hlmm v mmirvnm
side his microphone with a fox-
smile on his face and a sleek dinner
coat on his back. Great drum-
ahaped searchlights poured floods
ef srlarinff illumination into the
forecourt of the theater zlvlnt
everyone a look of waxen arbftclal-
ity- . . . . ..
Here In the balmy open air, amu
Babylonian columns with the starry
skv overhead and marble mosaics
underfoot, mineled the moss beau-
ttfol women and the best-fed men
on earth. The rabble too far back
to smell the expensive perfumes-
was held in check by ropes and
policemen who wore white gloves
for the unttsuaieeaaMn.
Whenever a polished motor car
brought up another atar, or even an
established featured player, the
multitudes on the sidewalk cheered
and clapped hands. The announcers
excited voice began to fall over it
"Just a minute folks! Here comes
Sybil HalL the screen start She's
wearing a ha I hat--good evening.
Miss HalL Miss HaB Miss Hall
ha! hat would you say a few
words la the microphone, please, to
the folks out there on the air. . .
Miss Hall consented In a voice
warm and living. A silvery evening
dress glistened on her body. The
announcer's eyes worshipped her
loveliness, for a moment before he
turned to worship the next glitter
ing arrival.
- Before the evening was over the
whole galaxy of Hollywood passed
before the microphone and said ap
proximately the same thing. All
confessed themselves to be In
high state of excited anticipation
and professed the keenest affection
for the absent Lena Luneska.
The announcer, who was not go
ing to see the picture at alL de
clared repeatedly that motion pic
ture history was being made to
night and his words grew increas
ingly electrical.
At home, his wife listened In
shuddering fear that his tongue
would slip and he would say what
he really thought about the whole
affair. It had never happened but
Mrs. Announcer lived in terror un
til all was safely over.
A stocky gentleman arrived and
spoke a few words into the ether.
He was the mayor of the city.
A domestic-looking man in
gray suit Tom Mulrooney, chief
of detectives was ignored by the
announcer and passed -inconsptcu
ousry into the theater.
The announcer craned his neck
hopefully toward the curb as a tall
young man wearing a negligent top
coat over his dinner Jacket ap
proached. Several women turned
their heads to look at him.
This was Lucky Cavanaugh
gambler with his athlete's body
and step elastic as a cat's. His skin
was clear and tanned over high
cheekbones, a bold Roman nose,
ana a solid cnin. Tne eyes were
gray, steady, unconsciously arro
No one mistook him for an actor.
The bony structure of his coun
tenance belonged to a generation
antedating Hollywood; to the peri
od of frontier and plain and sun
baked cattle towns. This heritage
was in his face yet his voice
vibrated musically and his manners
bore the unmistakable stamp of a
cultured superiority.
"And here comes Lucky Cava
naugh!" cried the announcer into
his contraption. There's a rumor
around he broke, the bank at Cali
ent last week. Maybe hell give us
his system."
The young man smiled faintly
and addressed the microphone.
"Dont you believe a word of It,
Leni! Leni! It is I Karl! Karl Enger!"
citizens," he said easily. "There's
only on wsy to beat roulette
and that Is to own the wheel.' I
There was a burst of cheering
from the street and -Leni Luneska
arrived triumphantly on the arm
of a middle-aged gentleman in a
silk hat
She was small and slim in an
evening wrap of platinum material
wrapped tightly across her figure.
The searchlights gave her a metal
lic sheen; around her blonde head
there was, almost an aura,
Her voice when she spoke for
the radio audience was slightly agi
tated and had the quality of golden
wine with bubbles rising. The
scarcely perceptible accent carried
the flavor of Europe.
This night" she said, "is the
climax ox au that I nave ever
dreamed for and hoped for and
worked for. If I am happy, I' am
also a little frightened. Give me,
please, your good thoughts. . . ."
Lucky Cavanaugh took off his
dark felt hat and stood quite near,
watching her. As she left the mi
crophone it was necessary for him
to stand aside.
She passed so near that he sensed
magnetic radiations from her body
Her face had the fresh young vital
ity of a flower, but the violet-
colored eyes were slightly shad
owed as from fatigue,
Lucky Cavanaugh's admiration
suddenly was complicated by
twinge of pity. He had caught with
his gambler's sixth sense, the be
wilderment the lonely and troubled
uncertainty of the lovely Leni Lun
eska as she stood balanced pre
cariously on too very pinnacle of
This knowledge was purely in
stinctive with him. He was, by pro
fession, a gambler and endowed
with some strange quality of hu
man understanding akin to tel
epathy. Frequently this semee de
ceived him, but more often it was
amazingly accurate.
Up until this moment the matter
had been only Idle speculation with,
him when a man's guttural voice
broke out from the crowd held back
by the cordon of ropes and police
men. "Leni! Leni! It U I Karl! Karl
The voice, apparently, struck the
girl like a bullet She stopped and
even before she turned her head,
the color began to recede from her
Before the nearest policeman
could stop him, he had stooped and
dashed under the rope like an ani
mal. With rapid steps he crossed
the forecourt and was beside her.
Lucky Cavanaugh, no more than
five feet from Leni Luneska, saw
and heard. The man was a foreig
ner, shabby, emaciated. His ees
protruded and burned with excite
ment The lips were thin and
slightly twisted.
"I am starving, Leni!" he rattled
in his throat "Do you want me to
tell everybody the whole world
to shout it from the housetops"
He began to fling bis hand and
change color as policemen came
rushing - up. TeU them Tm an
right Leni!"
Leni Luneska's face became
smooth white marble. As the police
seised the man, she spoke in
strained, muffled words.
"Leave him alone, please . . . t
win speak with him ... old ac
quaintance . . . later on the in
side. Her escort's face was blank with
lack of understanding, but Karl
Kruger's step was jaunty as he
walked behind the girL There was
no trouble at the door. Luneska's
word was sufficient Directly after
Kruger sauntered Lucky Cava
nangh, utterly at ease.
(T a r h xo
Casrrlfkt. 132. br ftafctrt Terry ffWnia
DistribatH br Cine Fntares Srudicat. las.
I Repeal of
TIL TTfttEa A-Rsn
u nine uuuuuuauuuvsau Kb
,-Loss of
Price of Safety
on auto fatalities is sadly high.
life here in the past 18 months has been far
Ranchers Organize
Coyote Club With
Losses to Raiders
m excess of our population. There have been 36 deaths from coyote hunting has been the pop
uiar sports in tne suverton inns
T, t,nr fMm .tmnlM i uisirici recently wun ine result
T . "".r .. . " " I that there are now one large male
sisnt.; owe yvuv.s is uiuiitmug a wive tu uguicu up uu i coyote and one pup less, with an
motor car operation m me nope mac accidents wiu decrease, otner pup captured alive
What is needed is a wave of public sentiment that will com
pel more cautious driving.
There will always be accidents which are seemingly un
preventable. The stalling of a car on a railroad track, as
occurred Monday, is something difficult to anticipate and
prevent. But there are hundreds of other cases Where care
lessness is responsible for the accidents which occur.
For motorist and for pedestrian It is correct to para
phrase the old saying and makeit read: Eternal vigilance
is the price of safety.
me conviction ox sneritr scnermernorn in Jackson county as
one ot the participants In the theft of ballots which were going to
be recounted to determine his right to the office la another victory
for real "good government" In that feud-torn county. Her was a
taction which craved power and committed crime to retain power;
the while it was prating about the breakdown, ot law and order.
The Schermerhorn verdict is another step In tho eleaa-up of Jack
son county.
The animals have- been doing
away with sheep and young lambs
and this resulted in the organiza
tion of a group of ranchers Into a
hunting club led by John Mauld
ing and A. W. Mires. While the
ranchers ; have taken a vacation
from their hunting to care for
their hay yields, they are still of
the opinion that other coyotes
ar yet at targe and these ther
hope to kill later.
' Watch the shift to foreign bonds, another Index ot the flight
ot capital from impending inflation.
SILVERTON, July 18. At
tending: the American Legion aux
iliary district county council at
I Salem, Friday night were Mrs.
Lewie Hall, president of the 811-
verton chapter; Blllie Johnson,
nomine for president and secre
tary at the present time, her
mother, Mrs. Charles Johnson,
Mrs. Zaata Hutton and Mrs.
George Tow. -v
SILVERTON, July 17 Servi
ces at the Methodist church at
Silverton for the next six weeks
will je taken care of, during Rev.
C. J. Hall's absence by the follow
ing men:
July 23 rd, Rev. Floyd 8. Bail
ey, student pastor, Wlllamett university.
July SOth Dr. D. H. Schulie,
professor. Willamette university.
Aug. sin ur. v. u. Beams.
Ang. 13 th Mr. Roy Hnett,
lawyer, Salem, Oregon.
Ang. 20th Dr. Louis Magln,
district superintendent Salem dis
Aug. 27th Df. R. M. Gatke,
professor Wlllamett university.
Rev. Mr. Hall and his family
left Monday morning for a six-
weeks vacation In the middle
Now Dave i Hutton
cruelty. The "Iron man'
Is suing Atme for divorce
', it seems can't take It
on grounds of
SILVERTON, July 18. The
last pro-school children's and in
fant's clinic before September will
be at the Eugene Field school.
July 25. Mrs. Irma LaRIche, local
We not there Is nd change In prices on raisin bread- Maybe school nurse. Is in charge of the
" the' bakeYgfCrufd it has all the raisin's lteededU- - r v
- Pasadena reports the best earthquake yet, It was 350 miles
distant from southern California: .
Rainstorm at Coast
Reported by Powells
SILVERTON, July 18-A real
rainstorm was a treat to Mr. and
Mrs. F. If. Powell, Marshall Pow
ell and George Beebe Sunday and
i sueh - a storm they encountered
Sunday at Seaside. The group left
her at 2 a. at. and returned at
9 p. m. . They report that they
were surprised to encounter heavy
rain In the mountains and again
at the coast However, the rain at
the coast cleared and the latter
part ot their time spent ther was
llghtrttk---iVi , ''.'"
And of Oregon's State Prohibition Amendment
MEANS - - The return of HARD LIQUORS under the same unrestricted conditions as
now surround the sale of beer. Such repeal means the eventual
RETURN of the old SALOON
IT Vte AgoOiniGtt itCae Saflooim:-
Vote 301 X No.
Vote 315 X No.
Vote 101 XNo.
I vote against the proposed amendment.
I vote against the repeal of the law.
I vote against the amendment.
And Vote for ell of the Following Dry Cand idates for Delegate Seven to be Elzued
You Can't Repeal. th Effects of Alcohol It is a
Habit-Forming, Narcotic Drag. To Legalize an Evil
for Money, is Poor Economy and Bad Morals.
WiU Your Vote on July 21st Help to Keep Alcohol
and the Saloon out of Salem and 'Marion County?
Mrs. Lydia V. Lehman, Chairman Mrs. Lena M. Lisle, Secretary ,
Paid. Adv.