The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 19, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning; July 19, 1933
None get Alimony; Lewelling
Hurries bases to Make
Way for Others
' Six dlrorea deems all ob
tained 7 the default rout
were awarded vnhappy married
couples here yesterdap--br Jsdje
L, a. Lewelllnj who went rapid
ly taroagh the dlTorce machinery
as "other litigation pressed- for at
tention. Fire ot the cases were
heard Tuesday; one- decree was
sranted wheTe the testimony had
been taken earlier In the-month.
Lillian Knapp , secured a dlT
orce f rem O. A. Knapp and was
' granted the right to use her maid
en name of Lillian Lee.
. Herbert EV Norton secured a
-decree from Alene Ml Norton to
whom be .was married in 1929 in
Oklahoma. He alleged desertion.
Marlon .Harmon -won her free
dom from Clyde Harmon to whom
she wis wed In January, 1932; in
Vancouver, Wash. . She alleged
cruel and inhtrman treatment
The court granted Alma ItcEl
.haaey'a dltorce from Homer Mc-
Elhaney on the grounds of deser
tion. The couple was married in
B. Cutler was awarded a div
orce : from J. - Cutler - on -the
' grounds, that he was Irritable and
fault - finding. They were married
in ,1951 in Bellingham, . Wash.
She . received ! back .her maiden
name of B. Kenyon.
; Carrte Belle. White was award
ed a 'dlvorpe from Homer w.
White to whom she was married
In Salem in 1924.
In none' of the cases wss plain
tiff of ' defendant awarded ali
mony," "'-
sale he hiked
Cmtfnu from pes 1)
ally was decided in favor of the
city and the ooni constitution-
allty by the I higher court. Be-
rusai 10 permit a ne&nng cueceu Tertl8lng media, continues to con
effectively further proceedings in glder the 4 newspaper the
inai eouru
mains for the Oregon-Washington
Water Service corporation if it
wishes to fight the bond issue.
It can try to push its pending
suit In federal court In Portland.
Lawyers here think the case
would not be beard now that the
state supremej court has ruled
on the matter and since it is
doubtful if a federal question,
needed to secure federal court
attention, Is Involved in the suit.
Counsel "for the water company
has not indicated any further
litigation would be conducted
and officials of the company are
understood to be willing now to
, : I "
(Contlnu4 from page 1)
deuce, which they said made a
"fairly good" 1 case against the
young' man. They were noncom
mittal about the nature of their
evidence but it was bettered they
had recovered the car that hit
Hong. Pieces of a shattered head
light lens were found lying In
the vicinity of the "accident.
Last night officers were guard
ing tire-skid marks at the scene
and at the eait end of the Ma
rion-Polk county bridge, which
were understood to have been
made by the game automobile.
Battles had; been employed as
fountain clerk at a. local cigar
store for two jyears.
Last night attendants at Dea
coness hospital reported that
Ho,'V condlil011 WM extremely
most of the day and was bleed
ing from the mouth at times.
Dempsey Takes
- Broadway Stage
Beauty as Bride
ELKO, Nev.l July IS (AP)
William Harrison ("Jack")
Dempsey, former king of the
heavyweights, I and pretty; little
Hannah Williams of the Broad-
way stage, slipped unannounced
into the courthouse here : todsy
and were quietly married.-surprls-
ing all but ; their very closest
Supposedly bound for Reno and
. a wedding there tonight, they
. made an unexpected ston here.
visited a justice of the peace and
were married shortly before 9: SO
a. m. . : . -1
A FRANK CAPRA. Production
- From the Novel by
Grace Zarina Stoao
Seals VI Vy
. v Statesman reader bar been
Toots and Cas
per, has. been
making In her.
campaign to- re
gain her slender
and attractive
figure. The
know that her
reducing system has
wonderful, results.
The splendid' reducing system
is available : to : all Statesman
readers and those who. followed
Toots from the start have proved
to themselves that this medically
endorsed plan really works. Join
Toots on the road to health and
beauty. Here are the diet and ex
ercises for the eleventh day.
To reduce round the . thighs.
hips, -abdomen and back,- go in
for knee- circles. Lying on back
with arms straight out on floor,
swing knees in circle . from ..left
JSSOffllil SMS
. SAN. FRANCISCO, July 18.
Associated Oil company Wednes
day inaugurates in approximately
150 western
newspapers one
of the most im
portant adver-.
1 1 s 1 n g. cam-,
p a 1 g n s In Its
history, tierald
i n g t h e -1 n
t roduction
throughout the
Pacific coast
region of a new
Flying A gaso
line. .
V ana tiara
a v e a g a 1 n
been chosen by Associated . to
carry the backbone of the new and
extenalYA etmnilrn apMirilinar tn
p v nmB.H.
ager for the company. "Associated
oil company, with experience
gained from the use of many ad-
major factor in efficiently carry
ing its sales message to the pub
lic," he stated.
Faith in western business con
ditions together with confidence
in the outstanding merit of the
new Flying A gasoline are the
factors which have brought about
the major advertising investment
we are making," he continued.
We are convinced that In the
new Flying A gasoline which
makes its public appearance at all
Associated service stations and
garages today, we are offering a
motor fuel embodying one of the
greatest forward steps ever to be
made in producing a non-premium
The marked Improvement In
Pacific coast business conditions
during the past few months leads
us to believe that the manufac
turer with a quality product is
now in a position to reap maxi
mum results from his dollar in
vested In advertising."
Honeymooner is
Open Champion
Oi Washington
Spokane, Wash., July 18 (AP)
-On a honeymoon trip over the
Spokane Country club golf course.
Ted Lpngworth, Portland profes
sional, accompanied by his bride
of three days, shot his Way to the
Washington state open golf cham
plonship today.
The new titlist, a slow dellber
ate player, came from behind on
today's SS-hole round, to post a
72-hole score of lit, five under
par, and beat out Albert ,:Scotty
Campbell and Walter Pursey, both
Seattle, and Gordon Richards, Ta
coma, who finished in a tie for
second placer with 287 each-
" V, -
Special Music by
Boots Grant
and his
A reckless revel of death-defying
thriUsI 4000 feet abovo tht ground,
and the 'chute refused to open !
OTSflOBg ;EDgv5I1g'
, Bruce Cabot, Arline Judge.
Eric Linden, Ralph Bellamy
" no" ADVANCE bl ;
Statesman Readers are In
vited to follow diet and ex-
tTeia Program of comic
strip matron.
to right four times. Then re
verse, from right to left. Let
left knee circle : outward four
times, then, do same with right
knee. Then circle left knee In
ward four times, same with
right knee. Then let both knees-
circle right four times. ! t
Breakfast: Orange. Soft boiled
egg. Thtn slice wholewheat Coffee-
no milk, sugar. .
"Luncheon: Average serving of
boiled, halibut, .with horseradish
sauce. Quarter bead of lettuce.
Cup of tea without cream or su
gar but with lemon, if desired.
Dinnerr Cup clear tomato,
Four ounces sirloin steak, no
gravy: or butter. Few mushrooms
In clear meat Juice gravy. Two
tablespoons spinach: Lemon gela
tine. Small black coffee.
Don't forget that half a grape
fruit that Is to be eaten at about
10 p. m. Or -the-hot water-and
lemon - to. be : taken on arising
each morning,', .T :'" -";
GATE3. July 18. Local gard
ens whidi were slow in getting
a start are making up for lost
time. The weather has been es
pecially favorable for peas. Le
ror Grafe. just wast of Gates, has
Y three 150 foot rows of peas. which
in some places are over six feet
and one half and average' six
feet "the patch over. Grafe also
has two fields of oats both higher
than the fence which' surrounds
The local Rebekah lodge was
hostess for a "500" party on Fri
day night at the I. O. O. F. hall.
Lodge people from Stayton, Hill
City- and other -points were pre
sent as well as many from the
surrounding community Cards
were clayed at nine tables, first
prizes going to Mrs. Reynolds of
Stayton and Frank Thomas of Mill
City. Low prises were won by
Tllman Rains and Mrs. Roy Tay
lor of Gates, Proceeds are to be
applied to expenses of the coming
district convention to be held
here this autumn.
New officers are: Mrs. Maud
Davis, noble grand; Mrs. Robert
Bowes, vice grand; Mrs. A. B.
Horner, secretary; Mrs. Arnold
Syverson, treasure?; Conductor.
Mrs. A. B. Smith; warden, Mrs.
Blanche Dean; chaplain, Mrs.
Delia Dike; district deputy. Mrs.
Blanche Dean; right supporter to
N. G. .Mrs. A. D. Scott; left sup
port to N. G, Mrs. Glen Acker;
right support to vice grand, Mrs.
T. Ralnke. .
Through a misunderstanding at
Silverton the wbeat growers'
meeting whlcb was to have been
held here today will open to
morrow morning at Salem at
The meeting was first reported
to be held Tuesday night at 8:30
o'clock when it should have been
Tuesday morning. Members of the
Silverton chamber , of commerce
were busy. Monday trying to let
wheat farmers. know of the er
ror. Then when the locals were
all set tor Tuesday morning the
out-of-town people making ar
rangements for the affair thought
that, because of the first an
nouncements, many would not at
tend the daytime meeting and so
late Monday night decided to
postpone the meeting until Wed
nesday morning at Salem.
Tuesday the Silverton - chamber
ot commerce members, headed by
the president, Ernest Starr, were
busy explaining what it . was all
about to wheat growers who
came Into town. The members
ot the local chamber also spent
considerable time calling as many
wbeat farmers as they could get
in touch with to let them know
of the-Salem meeting. Many plan
i to attend from here.
Master of
Nuff Said
Meeting Here Today, and at
Silverton, Woodburn
On Thursday
The fundamental purpose of the
agricultural adjustment act and
other aspects - of the- entire plaa
for benefitting wbeat growera of
the country will be explained . to
day and. tomorrow by representa
tives of the Oregon 8tate college
extenstonjervice. The Salem .meet
ing will bo held In the cham
ber of commerce here at 9:89
a.m. today.- - "."W-Jv
Meetings opened simultaneous
ly la the high school auditoriums
at Woodburn and Silverton at
9:80 yesterday morning. At
Woodburn PauLT. Marls, director
of extension, exnlained the ehllo-
sophy of tae act and" its purposes I
I m , - a
pau a pineovra cu perwuu-
ip to the wheat situation. in the
country. Professor G. R. Hyslopv
head of farm crops, - explained
the plan la detail and the typo of
organisation which will have to be
set up in Marion county should
the plan become operative here.
William L. Teutsch, assistant
county agent leader,' and L. R.
Breithaupt, extension economist
will discuss the identical subjects
at the Silverton meeting.
Twelve meetings were held In
as many eastern Oregon counties
last week and the plan was favor
ably received by wheat growers
everywhere. Nearly 2000 growers
attended the meetings to hear Ore
gon State college represntatives
explain the plan. -
Voters msy find the form of the
ballot somewhat confusing on. the-
prohibition issue. They are ex
pressing themselves on the adop
tion of a 21st amendment to the
federal constitution, which In
cludes a repeal clause on the 18th,
and not on the direct repeal of
the 18th amendment.
On the question of the 21st
amendment, those voting "wet"
will vote 200 Tes; those desiring
to vote "dry" sbould vote 801 No.
Likewise there may be confu
sion in the electing ot delegates
to the convention called to express
the state's will on the proposed l
21st amendment. Names of "wet"
delegates are those behind which
is the slogan: "I. persnoally fav
or the adoption of the proposed
article ot amendment"; while the
slogan for the "dry" delegates Is
I personally opose the adoption
of the proposed article of amend
ment. Those desiring to vote "wet"
should make their crosses for the
Roy J. Glatt
Harry Humphreys
T. A. LIvesley
Warren Pohle
Edward Rosteln
Lotta C. Smith
P. N. Smith
The names of the "dry" candi
dates for delegate arei
Harvey S. Bond
Frank E. Brown
E. W. Coulson
E. S. Hammond
S. B. Laughlin
Glenn E. MeClellan
Walter L. Schrock
1 Gift
Herbs for
Every ITJ
H. S. Low, Directing Herbalist
47S 8. Commercial,' Salem, Ore.
Established la Oakland, Calif,
since 1012. Phone 5T58
TODAY! . .
I Admit One when present- I
. ad with one 25c paid ,
admission. . . I
pood Tonl to Only July 1Q
Tif iVeVV Tonight
I rJ woSI is
Ptf oTS,1 PAL
NrXir-N' ; Brian; the
M Below
The Gall
Today On the stage. Phyllis
Grant's Junior Follies; em
the screen, "Flying Devils."
Friday Zaae Grey's "Sunset
Pass." .
Today Marlene Dietrich la
VSnanghni Express.",
Thursday "Dangerous
Crossrosds" . with Chic
Today Barbara Stanwyck In
"The Bitter Tea ot General
. Yen."
Friday Douglas Fairbanks,
Jr., "in "The" Parachute
, Jumper."
''Flying Devils" is assured of
high comedy relief for its hair
raising thrills and -fascinating ro
mance bjr reason of .a featured ap
pearance of Cliff Edwards, the
"Ukelele Ike" of stage and radio
fame. He appears in the film at
the Elslnore theatre today with
Arline Judge, Eric Linden, Bruce
Cabot, Ralph Bellamy and others.
Friday and Saturday Manager
Carl -Porter, of the Elslnore an
nounces the presentation of round
by round fight of the Sharkey
Carnera fight of recent date. This
will present the exact blows as
they occurred. This showing will
be a feature la connection with
the picture, "Secret Pass," a Zane
Grey story.
Jury Frees Conn
Of Recklessness
In Mishap Here
Jury in justice court yesterday
took almost less time than it takes
to tell It to find Elmer R. Conn,
accused ot reckless driving, not
guilty- Charges .grew out of an
accident at Court and High streets
last month, when car driven by
Paul Traglio crashed with truck
driven by Conn.
Traglio was complaining wit
ness, with Don Triadle handling
the prosecution tor the state. Oth
er witnesses for the plaintiff were
L. M. Gardner and State Trooper
Farley Mogan. William- Meyers, a
bystander, testified for the de
fense, stating he was sure the
Conn truck was well Into the In
tersection before Traglio entered
it. Lloyd Harvey was also called
for the defense, whose case was
bandied by Martin Ferrey.
ii ft
1 " ' 1
m m m a a , - a s a ;
Tor always
S A ,
:,-.-:-':-v.,Ay.v'y -A--:
,- nMvT . . '
Group Goes to Bend Seeking
Support for Program
To Obtain Funds
! Seeking- the support of Red
mond and Bend In a request for
a 8250,000 North Santlam road
allotment of - 81,250.000 federal
road, -moneys available for forest
highways, representatives . of the
Salem chamber of commerce, the
Marlon county court, and cham
bers of commerce at Starton and
8Ilverton leave early today for
eastern Oregon. Leaders to be in
terviewed in eastern Oregon in
clude Robert W. Sawyer at Bend,
Senator Jay Upton at Bend, M. A.
Lynch, state representative and
former highway commissioner, at
Redmond as well as county court
members and buslnees leaders.
Yesterday the push for the road
fund allotment tor the North San
tlam was under way with. 20 pe
titions being circulated through
out .the . county, the-, petitions
pointing out to the state and fed
eral highway officials the need ot
completing the North Santlam
highway and the availability ot
the new federal forest road funds.
In the party leaving here to
morrow will go County Judge
Siegmund, Commissioner ' James
Smith, County Engineer Heddai
Swart. William H. Hamilton. Dr.
P. A. Loar, Silverton. Grant Mur
phy, Stayton. Other men from the
various county communities inter
ested in the " road's completion
may also go, the party making the
trip by way of the McKenzie pass
Hunt's cannery, which has
handled one of the. largest cherry
barrelling, deals, this week start
ed laying off warkers, as peak of
deliveries has passed. About 400
women were working yesterday,
and this will be gradually reduced
the rest of this week.
Late this week will see most of
the spring pack completed, al
though some berries will be com
ing in yet next week.
When present work Is complet
ed, there will be a lull until tbe
pear pack starts. So far no prices
have been talked on pears or
During the cherry season,
Hunt's plant has employed as
high, as 800 women.
Other canneries, too, are slow
ing up as the cherry. receipts are
m :-:.:v;::-a- -'..w.: :- -.v.-. .';-x : i i i.,.-.:'- . .
' S -T J- f
i mM
ft "rtr J-r f
1 , ,',S
.- :: v :-y ; .v.v'.y. &&-'- -i- 4 - y-: -....- : . ..
H T 1
lowering. Sour cherries are com
ing la sow, and are bringing the
same prices that . prevailed tor
Royal Annes. from 2 to 8 cents.
Soma black cherries are coming In
this week, though the bulk of tbe
black eherry crop in this section
will bo shipped to the - eastern
markets as fresh fruit. .
Printers Invited
To Eugene Friday
To Consider Code
Printers of this part of the
state are -invited to Eugene Satur
day noon to consider the matter
of a governing code along the
lines ot .the national industrial re
covery act. The United Typothe
tae have already submitted a code
and the Oregon printers will con
sider its terms. ,
AU ' printers west of the Cas
cades, outside of Multnomah
county, are Invited to attend the
meeting which will be at the Ho
tel Osborn.
Gigger is Bound
Over, Grand Jury
Joseph Gigger, accused of lar
ceny by bailee, was bound over to
the grand Jury following prelim
inary hearing in justice court yes
terday -morning. His wife, Helen,
charged with being drunk in a
public place, pleaded guilty and
was sentenced to 10 days in the
county . Jail, She was paroled to
Martin Ferrey on "a six-months
probation period.' ,
ALASKA Round trip from Seattle to Skagmay 10
days 875.
CALIFORXH Round trip from Portland to S. F.
$22.50 Los Angeles $32.50 San Diego
$37.50, berth, meals and transportation first
NEW YORK Via Panama Canal and Havana.
Round trip including 5 days in New York with
Hotel and Meals. Total trip 42 days. $222.50
from Portland.
New York Via Panama Canal and rail return to
Salem, $220.
We represent ALL STEAMSHIP LINES with tickets
anywhere In the world.
The Calem Travel Agency,
519 Court Street Adjacent The Senator Hotel
: 5:-.-. :
earned aboutToasting"
fom mv
I used to think that "Toasting"
was just an advettisinB; phrase.
But one day my husband explained
to mt what "Toasting" is and
what it does. Where he learned
It all, I don't know, hut I began
to understand 'tht difference la
cigarettes, Now I find inyself ea
jojing Lucldes mildness sad
Persons from other states com
lng into Oregon to - work In the
cherry orchard! and berry fields
are- learnings about', one ot the
newest . kinks la this state's ve
hicular laws. The clause provides
that all persons gainfully em
ployed In the state though !t be
but for a day mast bar an
Oregon license. Mere visitors may
stay in oa their own stale's li
cense, pins the usual Oregon per
mit. ' -,
-This matter caused two per
sons, both accused of using void
foreign licenses, to be hailed be
fore Jud&e Hayden yesterday.
Edward J. Scovey admitted the
charge and was fined 1 5 and
costs, but was unable to pay so
is in Jail.
J. L. Zimnt also received a
like fine, and Is serving It out
in the county JalL
A void license charge was also
lodged-against L. MeCalley, who
pleaded guilty. His case was con
tinued one month for sentence.
He Is at liberty on hif own
MOLALLA, July 18. Dr. and
Mrs. F. E. Hume and daughter
Harriet, attended the annual re
union of the Savage clan at
Champoea Sunday: They are
descendants ot Towne and John .
Savage,, pioneers, who came to
Oregon from New York and set
tled near Salem.
fine taste with a new respect. But (
erea more since I am a woman
quite sensitive to personal dain
tinessand since mj dgaretto
and my lips ijire so intimatelf
related; I cspedally ap tedate ths -
comforting parity of T'oastingT. V
Naturally, with .w it's always
-Laddes Heasel- r-.
v .
Ijecausc tt It's toasted -