The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 19, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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    jt,JHH: 3 s
v., -i .
- Vacation Time -tl
Keep p o a t e d on local
new. while , on : your' vara
tlon. Have The Statesman
follow' yob. Telephone 0101
in ordering change.
; - WfiATU ER " v 1
'. Fair today "and r.Ttim
day, bo change la tempera-'
tore; liar. Temp Tuesday -83.
Mia. 43, river: .4 foot,
northwest wind. - ,
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, July 19, 1933
No. 98
3?-...;;wvl.i, vviW'.jTv .-!(J-;!i-ii
'"V - ;; :-:"--'V; "'"l lJl'L FOUNDED ! 185! ; ' .':'-r '.-'; :"' ' -
a . Train;
Sixteen ilmured in Queer
f v Accident toAkrben :
Uniited aVOmaha'. -
S Z'
5 -
HI?- Passenger iCare Hurt but
'Several Bystanders at
Station Victims
". OMAHA. "Nibr;iul: 18 (APJ
The . eoglneec. and firemen m
llie - Barllngtdii jalfroad'a , crack
Iraln, the' Ak-Sar-Beh, wer killed
ind -a Union station porter Jser-
ouBly hurt" tonight' when the-boll-
ir of the locomotive palling the
vain, blew up under a viaduct
near the Union station here. Sev
tral others, .were, reported hurt.
aone. seriously. :. -;. -.. .-, . ','
r - The : dead. were. .Charles E. .-Ut
ter, Creton( engineer, and - JK.. Z,
Zimmerman, Lincoln, Neb:, the
fireman. The Injured porter was
James McCrae of Omaha. -
The train, en route from Lin
coln to Chicago was pulling into
the covered areaway connecting
the Union and Burlington stations
when the explosion occurred. The
areaway was almost cut in "two as
the force of the blast sent the boil
er of the locomotive 25 feet in the
Sixteen Reported
Injured in Blast
Charged as Hit
r'Z:i c
lit -iv:.,
AT--..- - T. 1
Injury Gase
Police Reticent About . Cliies" biii Guard Skid
. Marks ;.Wa Hong, Victim of Machine, J
' ii. ; In Critical .Gphditiohi Word.; ;v
DING .up ihree" day ..of investigation of the injuring
of "Wa.Hottg, S5 year old Chinese,' by a hit-run driver
Saturday night; city police last night arrested -Everett
Battles, 24,' or 1179 Third street,, West Salem, and charged
him with responsibility for the accident. ' The arrest was
made on North Commercial street near Center.
... .. . .. .. formal charge against Bat-
ties was tiled . witn Miner tiay-
den, ; ( justice "of . the .peace here,
at p. m. . Battles was charged
with ' being Involved in an- auto
accident in which Wa' Hong was
run over and seriously . injured
Battles was held . to have failed
to stop and render aid and as
sistance after the accident.
Hayden Immediately set Bat
ties' ban at 2000 and . If was
eVpected that he would be hailed
into court this morning to be
formally charged and to make
his answer.
. Under -' the state law, . failing
to stop after an accident Is
felony, . and conviction on the
charge renders one subject to
sentence to the county jail or to
the state prison. .
While Battles denied he was
no rats
Must Begin Serving 3-Year
Sentence :Soon;; Bonds -h
:--Case. Being Seard
. Last hope for Charles Archerd,
former Salem grain dealer and
Implement . salesman, to avoid
state prison faded yesterday when
the state supreme court upheld a
motion by District Attorney Trin
dle, the motion calling for the dis
missal of Archerd's appeal from
the judgment of the circuit court
here. .
As a result. Archerd must short-
A child walking through the ly commence to serve the three-
tunnel connecting tne stations year term in state prison to which
was reported seriously hurt. Judge Arlie O. Walker sentenced
A check of city hospitals show- him. Archerd, who was prominent
ed that at least 18 others had in business and fraternal affairs
been injured. Most of them were here, has been at a mine near
standing near the engine at the Grants Pass for about two years
time of the blast and were scalded after leaving here suddenly when
or hit by flying fragments of his business affairs became so in
steel and iron. r volved he could no longer con-
"Just one big flash and a tlnue.
boom," was the way C R. Craig He is expected to be In Portland
of Hastings, Nebr., a brakeman today to testify in a suit being
on another Burlington train, de- carried on there to collect from
scribed the explosion. Craig, who his bondsmen when he was in the
was 50 yards away,-, was hit on warehouse business here. Trindle
tne jaw by a nying piece or metal, said he expected Archerd's bonds
Far & hriRf timn aftr fha hint I . vint..i a.nn ..Aniit
naniC ruled In the -tWO-StatiOnS afl I 1Hr Arharit n th .horlff hara
the; crowds mlUedJihout, Ignorant shortly. The formal mandate of
of what had happened. The ex- dismissal had not eome down
plosion ripped out a 20 foot see- from the supreme court to the
tlon of the passenger viaduct and cjounty clerk yesterday afternoon.
the . motorist whose car struck Bouthern end of Lake Baikal, the
, "VV . Oklahoma flier was 16 hours and
tinned to weave their net of.evi- 3i m,nnt oy,omA nf
(Turn to page 2, COl. 1) set hv Harold fiattv and hlmaplf
in 1931.
' When he got to Irkutsk the dar
ing airman had accomplished
more than half the distance of his
projected round the world flight.
broke windows for hundreds of
yards around the scene.
None of the Ak-Sar-Ben passen
gers was known to have been in
The higher court held Archerd's
counsel had failed to take a man
datory step in making an appeal
in that the county clerk was not
duly served with notice of appeal,
Three of the justices dissented,
holding with Justice Rossman
who wrote the dissenting opinion.
that service of the county -clerk
was an unneeded technicality and
that the' court should reverse its
former decisions In the Interest of
M Blooks Road Job
fines of the Oregon state peni
tentiary was the destiny that to
night faced John Alvin Barrier,
17Lof Huntington Park, Calif.
The youth was convicted In
circuit court here today of first
degree murder for the slaying of
a state policeman. The jury re
commended lite imprisonment
To Take 200 Men
Oft Relief List
An order for 200 laborers was
placed with the Marion county re
lief office yesterday by Contractor
YSIalrA rV . la 4a VavIm nW
miking that sentence mandatory Uidening the Pacific highway near
On; the COUrt. IHrnnVi within thm. ma-rf Aa
Barrier was apparently unmov- two Tno men were all to be'oneg
who had received relief, under the
R. P. Cr setup. The U. tf.-Y. M. C.
A. Employment office was advised
that Blake'a crews would not be
composed of the men who regis
tered there the past few days In
hopes of obtaining the highway
Twenty-two men were placed by
ed as the verdict was read. His
father and mother, who had' sat
at his aide throughout the trial,
showed little outward sign of
emotion. Only the father's pat on
the! mother's shoulder Indicated
their feelings.
Selection of a jury to hear
the trial of Harry Bowles, 21,
also Charged With first degree I , ArrrnlnvmAnt hnroin VMtprdiT
murder for the death of State n as cherry pickers, two as rasp-
Policeman MIlo Baucom, got un- berry pickers, five as highway
derj way late today, and It was workers in the Santiam I region,
expected opening statements two as laborers and one each as
would be completed sometime to- I flunky and farmhand.
Iowa Congress
Veteran Called
1 6 Hours, 34- Minutes. Ahead
0f, Farmer Time ;When
.j Irkutsk vReacHed : '
Rossi and Codos Unable to
Hop off for Distance;
. Record Attempt
J ' '
IRKUTSK, Siberia, July '-It
Wednesday APV Heaw rain
and fog early today delayed a Cilbcrrt , N.'Haugeii, former Iowa
takeoff by Wiley Post, American
aviator on an around-the-world
flight, for his next stop, Khabar
ovsk, Siberia, 1400 miles east of
here. -
The Oklaheman, who ianded
here at 3 1 35 p. m., Moscow time
(7:35 a. m. E. S- T.) .yesterday
after, a flight from' Novosibirsk,
Siberia. had' intended to take off
from -Khabarovsk at 11 o'clock
last night (3 p. m., ' Tuesday,
K. S. T.) The heavy weather pre
vented him doing so.'
The time of his departure was
When he descended at this city
congressman whose name- was
associated with that of Senator
Charles Lv McXary. of Oregon,
in the drafting of early farm re
lief IeglsUtlon, died last night,
aged 74, of bean, disease.
U. S. Kidnap
Law Invoked
InLuer Case
France' and England: Offer
n Easier:cCredit; i Fear y:
H S:BecogmUon i ; fr;
Hearken ? to i Proposals for
Trade Agreements by
V Soviet Diplomat
'-England arid. Pranee;.' tn x'the 'Russian trade circles to
night, are. uneasy; over the" possi
bility of American ..recognition of
the IT. S. 8. R.: and are rushing
forward with Easier credit terms
for' the Soviets
Along with word from Paris to
day that France, and .Russia .are
discusslngf- a $22,000,000 order
for steel and allied products came
advices from London that British
firms are . looking forward . to
greatly Increased exports to the
soviet union.
The British, according to the
belief held here, are anxious to
erase the bitter aftermath of the
Metropolitan-Vickera I n c Ident
In south central Siberia near the Hannpn in Fnilinn Health ith its embargo on Russian goods
r I I IMMMVII I I ?J w ---- m ,., .
When He Retired Last listen to the trade proposals of
ST. LOUIS. July 13 CAP)- A
charge of violation pf the national
extortion ct , was nied-tonignt
against Percy' M. FKagerald, -an
ex-convlct known as the dice-box
kid," after he was identified as
one of the kidnapers' - of August
Lner, -aged .Alton,- in.,"'bankarr-.
Identification was made.- poHce
said, by the wife -of the banker,
who ' came bere f rtfm Alton - late
today- and viewed Fitzgerald- at
police headquarters: . "
Fitzgerald 'was1 arrested' last
night at, Madison, IXL.- across, the
Mississippi Tlver, at- the request, of
department of justice agents after
Mrs. Luer had picked out his pho
tograph from a group otjnctures,
and told them It resembled on of
the' two men,-accompanied by a
woman, who - seized her husband
a week, ago Monday night at their
home In Alton.
Officials say Bonds Spund
And Extension Required
Only by tax Delay
.Margin 3 . to 2 in Arkansas 1 J.
,A.nd tdviJ-jAliabama.
Say Latest Figures . ; :
Administrator ; Says law is
Doomed, Urges Start tn '
.Whiskey Distilling
- LITTLE ;ROCK, Axi July J.
(Wednesday) - (AP) X
tabulation of nearly' 90,000 Tele
br the Associated Press at J: 4$
am. today gaye a heavy majority
for repeal of Mh eighteenth
amendment, 1051 precincts oat of
204 in the state showing
82S for repeal and 34,778 against.
Most of the heavier voting pre
cincts had reported' and ' It was
estimated the total vote cast did
not exceed 125,000.
Spring Recalled
Indignant over implacatlons
contained in the interview of Gov-
Maxim Litvlnor, commissar for ernor Meier regarding purchases
foreign affairs and leader of the ot Dond3 by the state treasurer's
k mm
olilce fo investment of state
funds, and .defending themselves
against any insinuations that they
had put over anything wroug on
the state in the sale of 165,000
PORTLAND, Ore.. July 18
(AP) Against the skepticism ex
pressed by some officials investi
gating the case, Mrs. R. E. Close
tonight declared without qualifi-
Lieutenant Maurice Rossi and
I Paul Codos planned to take off
from Floyd Bennett field at dawn
in quest of a distance record but
i adverse weather reports later
caused them to postpone their
Russian delegation to the London
economic conference.
NORTHWOOD, la-, July. 18. visit la Costli to
(AP) Gilbert N. Haugen, 74, American Exnorta
former congressman from Iowa, Alreadv. LitTlnoT'a visit tn Tnn.
died at his home here tonignt. don has Droved costlv to Amer- in bonds of Oregon City for 364.-
He had been suffering from lean exporters. 000, J. L. Franzen. city manager
heart disease and complications It was authoritatively learned of Oregon City, and C. Schuebel,
brought on by an attack of lnflu-1 tonight that one contract with an city attorney, called at the state
enza last winter. I American industrial firm, calling capital yesterday.
When he left office March 4, for purchases upward of 330.000. "If our tax levies had come in
the co-author of the McNary-Hau- has been cancelled within the last would ha naid the bonds off
gen bill and militant farm leader few days and the order placed in when due," said Mr. Franzen. "As
it was our funds on hand had to
BIRMINGHAM. Ala., July If.
(AP) Tabulations from Ala
bama's prohibition referendum en
Tuesday, early today showed re
peal of the eighteenth amendment
to have a growing majority,
reaching proportions of nearly 2
to 1. Tabulations of 1159 out of
2137 ballot boxes in the state,
gave; For repeal, 73.980; against,
44.&3U. Kepeal had a majority
on Incomplete returns in 4 4 out of
tne 67 counties in the state.
The Italian seaplanes In Chica- had completed 34 years continu- England.
eo tuned no for a hon tn Now out service in the house of repre-1 The reason assigned to the C&H- I Ha nand tnr rnrront cTrtAnaPa nntll
t a . . . a 1 . 1 a. 1 " I a m a. ai .11. if - . . ... . I
cauon inai sne Deneves me siory York, the first leg of their home- aeniauves, me longest recora 01 ceuauon was inai me Hrnisn taxes were paid in. Our schedule
of bond payments called for re
tirement of all city obligations by
Arkansas and Alabama yester
day apparently moved Into the
column of states favoring repeal
of tne eighteenth amendment.
With more than half the vote
counted in Alabama, dry leaders
of that state conceded that repeal-
ists nad won, while a 3 to 2 ratio
for repeal was being maintained
In Arkansas.
The vote in Alabama: 1159 out
of 2137 ballot boxes, 73,984 for
repeal; 44,530 against
In Arkansas: 1528 out of 2103
her husband, superintendent of ward Journey Cnlnni an Mm any national congressman. firm granted easier credit.
the Oreeon anti-liauor league. I r.harioa a r.iniik.,.). .r.t I Haugen won the reDublican I This gave an authoritative note
told police of his reputed abduc- more favorable weather before r- nomination a year ago after a to reports here that England soon , anA tM. fnHino. ?eclncU' 5829 tor repeal; 34,-
tion yesterday by two masked I gamine their aerial mannlnr erne. I close race with former State Sen-I would reinstate the partial guar-l ,,. ,t. m, u l 778 gln".
men. dition in the arctic ator C. .A. Benson of Elkader, but antee- on soviet sales, abrogated I T.Vji vj. i v I Sixteen states already have
waiJiereatei in tne democratic wun ine embargo arter the trial "r"tZ' " iiect nn are not T.oieo .or..eiiace.ment. 01
Close informed- police he had Jimml Mittm u niuirtsii u
been kidnaped by two men .who have Teeftten7r6mAhadyr by a I raiidslidw-tnioTember- by- RP-1 of -the- "MetpoIiUn-Vlckers en-1 r,. l!
entered his home shortly after Soviet seaplane which was to fly I Fred Blermann of Decorah.
mianignt, pouna mm, inrew nim him to Nome, Alaska, but he had 1 waugen naa oeen in poor neaun
into tne back seat or an -automo- I not arrived there and no further 1 mce nia return irom wasmngton
bile, and drove him southward information about him was avail
over the west side Pacific high- able.
way. He said the men represented
themselves as members of "The
Chicago Six" and demanded 312,-
000 from the anti-liquor league.
Detectives who questioned the
league superintendent at- length
today, indicated they were in
clined to look askance at some de
tails of the story as Close told It.
He said he had escaped by work
ing loose the rope with which he
was ItinnA liv tliroo toTiIti w Vita
two assailants with a pen and pen- odge L. O. LewelHng Tuesday
ell in such a way as to make them afternoon .heard arguments and
think he had pistols against their
case heard here
in March and his son, Lars G.
Haugen, an officer of the Nation
al City bank of New York, was
called here two weeks ago. He and
Hau gen's daughter, Mrs. Joe
Johnson of Northwood, were at
the bedside.
Haugen s wile died 40 years
ago and he never remarried.
Funeral services and burial will
be held here Friday afternoon,
tion. Similar action in 35 states
Each of the city officials made TrnJ' r
affidavits covering the detail, of D TroWbltlo. SJtatal
iae uauipoi uuua wuivu wtuv m- i trator said
'Prohibition Is on the skids.
We can't escape it and we might
as well not 'kid ourselves." He
urged immediate distillation of
backs, then shoving both men
from the moving automobile.
Powell to Plead
Before Poulsen,
then took under advisement the
case of the Oregon-Washington
Railroad and Navigation company
against Utilities Commissioner
Thomas. The railroad company
asks that the court grant a writ
of prohibition to restrain Thorn
1 corporated in the minutes of the
bond commission, approval of
which was withheld by Governor
Meier and T. Morris Dunne, new
member, because of objection to
the Oregon City bond item. The
purchase, say the Oregon City of
flclals, was approved by Charles
T Varlv t nr-mer members, and by
Advocating "true temperance", GoTernor MeIer. Further in their
branding the 18th amendment as affidavits they say:
unenforceable and productive of "We Informed Mr. Early and
crime, and promising to work for Mr. Paulus that we could sell the
establishment of state liquor's ! a J tlZ
1 Twinria t mr anil accrued Inter-
eontrol, five speakers last night t t A t of la h. nayine a W"h 25 truck operator later-
aaaressea a erowa estimatea at commission of $900 and at said wiea wuiwucrs, me case i ab
aaa in TtrminT. t.v . .nvvMtf tn Mr vtt I derson against Thomas, Involving
- . I. -a w- t.t- . wid the validity of the 1933 legteUttva
urging uera io yoie lor repeal hna enactment, ram. . fa
. . . . . . ...... i nrrr tn fliaconnc ine Donaa tu i ' -w -
me xeaerai ana siaie proniDiuon . " m argument late Tuesday In etrealt
amendments. This was the last "J ,.- . . com- court nere before Judge L. Q.
l.'r" .aa jewelling. Argument will be re-
?rVltV Pnitlwn aa from orderlnr certain refunds BEDFORD, July 18. (AP) menamen. mis was xne iui f 1000 ratner than ft -
ietOre rOMSen, onnSSmfnJSiil EarlHanscom. 28. husky Eagle stand of the motorcade of the ml8lon ot ,00 to private par-
Tf fU .l.if. i.v". 7 Point farmer boy. was sentenced woman's organization for national tle.. sumed Thursday,
ReCkleSS Charge &S2fin2'ViEL .onmetS prohibition reform which ha. been "he deal was approved by Ear- JSIS
The company petitioned Thorn'
as to order the refunds on the al
In the state penitentiary for the touring the state. ly nOW deceased, Meier and Paul-
Mayor Douglas McKay, Intro- us on that basis.
duced by Mrs. Louts Lachmund,
welcomed the visitors, and Mrs.
David Honeyman of Portland In
troduced the speakers, who were
Ira Powell of Monmouth is slat- iegation that an overcharge had l4y,n JolT f Albert J. Ting
ed to appear in municipal court k-en mad. ercnarge naa mIdale.agea farmer
today to plead to a charge of reck- Counsel for the railroad assert- Tingleat was beaten to death
less driving placed against mm oy that Thomas has no inHndic during a quarrel at a dance,
city police after he drove his au- l tion over Artiir. w,i I Hanscom leaded aulltv to sec-
tomobile over the embankment at -orne befni-a fdr,i . ond degree murder before Circuit Miss Lillian Harris. New York.
the west end of Mission street ear- yo mminjgtratjT. officers. Judge G. F. Skip worth after walv- represenUtlve of the woman's re
ly Sunday. Marion Wilson, who The raliroai also agBerta tnat the lng grand jury action. He wept Pel organisation. Frank Manning
was injured In the accident, was cage lnT0iTea inter-state tm t bitterly throughout- the nroceed- Thomas Ryan, Portland at-
recoveiing Daubiacioriij i b w
night, Salem general hospital at
tendants reported.
Condition of Mrs. Mary Tergen,
who was lnlnred in a collision at
MTtcheU corner east of the .Ute 7": tb ecnn"rVVn,r 7JZ " Portland. -Prelude and intermls-l Papenfus.
v u.. ,i.a - J i went ui'iu iv "in
ium.. o I loruier sajem attorney now coun-l Uy . and everyone
court's final de
termination' on the case, opera
tlon of the new truck law has been
held up by a temporary Injunc
tion. Under the new law truck
operators not only must pay i,
high license and mileage fee, but
must provide property damage
Woman Struck by
far ?IVPr Roiad Insurance and a good faith bond.
I Plaintiff, who renresenta the
Oregon Motor Truck association.
WMie waikinr to the mailbox contends the new truck law la
-w " I J a a m
mtra-state rates and is not under tags. lornejrs. 1 B,'uu. ,lwf"r. V';1" . " i" w e. TiTer road highly discriminatory and is un
Thomas' control. I Waiving the grand Jury actloiu v
me aerenaant contended show-1 Hanscom said: "I'm guilty. I rZl"- icv .n eyerel lnlnred by Percy Cupper appeared
tag he had jurisdiction. Brief, don't Intend to blame anyone else. "-T driven hv John Pontiff yesterday and Willis
r II t A at a m kV. .... n. Iwa m .em. a a. a I LilB LU1I U UiBlllLl. BaamiUlh I I If .... v m m
Sb recetTed a bro- 'IUU1B na 4. sn. uevera ior
r to nis gion ambers were pUyed by the ken ankle and head lacerations, "es commissioner Tnomas wno is
concerned. I cherriin bind I It was determined when she was with the administration
Aurora Men Win Delay
Youth Drowns, Klamath
Nurse Dives to Death
Bee Causes Bus Wreck
v tt i -,. i . - - I i. n em an nana.
r",c '"V men to- w nybody." - RVfore rhe rallv member- ot the brought to Peaconess hospiUl by
u.uu, icpiracutcu iuo ptajnuii.i fnfnrmeil hv tlva court that . . ' . 1 n. j ir x..n.. r.-
of the law.
SESJ- rtend8 one'sentence to hi t7TfOrTgon b PflHe GrOWCrS
floner ' represented th commIs- granted. It 1. mandatory, life lm- a plflcnIc af the Jim Unn sister. Mrs. All ee Coolidge on - C jS.
...uovwu. .v"-- i mace on Laneriy roaa. , iiiiiiiifiirH iit-ii
I am ready to take my punish-1 . ; I - .
upemng frices
ment. I don't know why I should
Complications over how to con
duct a campaign for bringing all
Industry and business quickly in
to wage-raising, work - snaring
' PORTLAND, Ore., July 18
(AP) Dr. B. F. Giesy and Zeno
Schwab, former officer, of the
Willamette Valley Mortgage and
agreements delayed Its start to- Loan company of Aurora, now In
day but there ! were indications the hands of the receiver, today
that the policy had full admlnls- were granted a 30-day stay of ex-
traUon approval. t - ecutlon by Federal Judge McNary.
Successive conferences of Pre- Each of the two is under sen-
sident Roosevelt's executive conn- tence to serve 10 months in the
cil, composed of director for the county jail and to pay a fine ot
new emergency unit, of govern- $750. They were convicted in fed-
ment. and of the sneclal industrial eral court here April 21 of nslng
recovery cabinet board, consider- I the malls to defraud. Their mo-
ed the temporary plan but after- j tions for new trial were denied.
nbt fully satisfied as to methods J lov50bwSrhaMr
La v. .i jta. 1 18 (AP) John Wascnau, 20, of
10 I sorague river near Bly last night.
I Because of wide difference. In The youth Tlslttag relaUve. here
employment condition, between for the Pt ek wa. Mixed with
factories and atores and business tTamps while taking a moonlight
offices, Johnson Intend, to bare WI!E -f11 ;wr , vvrrmuwut,:.
separate types . of agreementa I boys SEE FATAL LEAP
in the wag and working T hoifr Yfr Zu
conditions. These preliminary The body of MaryE. Tracy, .8.
. agreements would be eftecUve on- Portland nurse, waa
i. . navement todaT beneath-a nign
be aubmitted, tudied, and pro- bridge. Police said sha had evl v. .v. . ti . I ontrv leaned from the span a
few minutes before. Small beys,
playing at one end ot the bridge.
saw Miss Tracy standing near the
rail, then realized suddenly that
she waa not there. Peering over
E CODE 1 Late sPrts
Problem ot Waiei Bonds
Sale 1 diked by Leaders
c3Arp AHfirvTn Tniv i rAP. ! Informal discussion of ways and
I -w ' - P - - x ' I aa.e .VI. V.
- w si a vn ad ti wnir n wnn 1 1 nm.iim aun i.ilv
sne was not mere, reenng over rvKiuAnu, juiy 15. &ry , . ZT 7r . tn acnnlre the Oregon-Washing-
the side, they saw the body on the The formulation of plan, for price Jonlght a. a Sacramento gBJJSS5?ffit
pavement peiow ana nouuea po- iuwum "a couo 01 7 WV7 ' n.' b,m hi kere at the lowest possible price,
nesa practice, in accordance with - rr w, had here late Tuesday after-
. j f v. .1 .. J..41. noon by Mayor Douglas McKay
prune ""eJf ... II and City Attorney Chris J. KowIU
the national industrial recovery j
act was undertaken by
Pf1 U HW A jr wn iv IIIUITTI
HEWTON, Or KlylS. J grower, and packer, of Orllll Xm to four tTm. at .M&MSlj'S
(AP) - One littleTbee. etriking EwhlSVn 2 a elnrbere stretch hU string of hiU in con- Mond'T
. . . . . 1 I mm n.- K..I. BIKBt UJ Ul IHJ VWMUV...
out once, wrecieo m stage louay t today secnuve games 10 . tno dwi - tv.
and caused injuria, to three per-1 Delegate, from the WUlamette failed to keep pace with their maJor huT(U in the pr0pos-
dwuo. . I waiiev. mnr 11 mbhit ana ciarr i vuubu j uuur dmi Uwn., . . m fv. ih uia
The insect flew through the county. Washington, reported that Sacramento won, 8 to 4. f gBfficient city bonds to enable
winaow 01 tne stage ana strucx northwest nroduction of dried I la (k rf to h mad to the
LeeT-aylor, the driver, In the eya I nnnem. wfll be about tha aanta aa I : LOS -"ANGELES, Julr II." I MmnHT While tba manl-
Just a. the stage was rounding a 1 iMt Tgar. S on t h e r n Oregon, (AP) GoriUa .Jones, negro market wa. strengthen-
curyw. cultural ii, uuuubu, i though, u expected to produce a miauieweigui xrwm Aoieuu u ed materially in the last 99 cays,
lor lost control of the machine, I marA than nanally larr nrooor-1 Points south, won the decision I ,-., vfcTTaT anL'Kowlt were
and it crashed into a telephone j tlon of the; total crop because of over Wesley Ketchell, the Port- J doubtful if an adequate amount of
poie- on tne mgnwya oetween i farorable weather when the prune I land, ore. snocaout artist, aiter i eitr bonds to acuuire the plant
Echo and. Stanfleld. . : ' I treea vera in bloom. .. I a lis ties s" 10 round fight herel-miid hm marketed now. The
; Katherine L. Walker of Union, j Members of the eonunlttea an-1 tonight. before lesa than SOOt I bonds bear not to exceed fire per
Mo., suffered several broken ribs I pointed today, to perfect the plana spectators, I cent interest and cannot be sold
and, possible Internal injuries. included W.' Q Fisher of Rose-1; -A '- .' Ifor less than $15 for each $100
m.m XT PV1m tit nmaba. I bnr SI M. VnUnnn nf Pnrtlanit. I ! SAV FPANCTSCO.' JnlV 11. I mf nine bond taaned.
Nebr ' sustained bruised knees. 1 George B. Paulus of Salem. Henry I Ap) Jim Browning. .Ill,' of While the eounell has auihorix-
ltfrk C. A. Wlndle, Seattle, was Crawford of Salem. George Neun-1 Missouri, made It two straight to led McKay. Kowit and Alderman
reported tb hare suffered possible I er of Roseburgh, a L. Firestone I defeat- Richard - SUhl,-- 820, ' of Hughes to negotiate tor tho water
Internal in juries. The driver was I of Vanoonver.Waabu, and John F. I Germany, in a wrestling boat bera I plant and to determine what pur
badly shaken.. .... " " v"Twhita of Portland.2 lltonight.-- - . 'cnase prica the latter would set,
SAN JOSE, CaL, July 18.
(AP) The United Prune Grow
ers association announced opening
prices on Imperial prunes here to
day. Representing a gain of one
and one-half cents, or 20 per cent
over prices last year.
Hugh Herman, president of the
association, said the total crop
would be about 25,000 tons. .
The price scale as annouaced
by the ass tela tlon: 31-33's. e;
25-30's. 8c: 20-24's, tc; 2Q'a
and larger 11 He
Officers Asked
To Locate G. 17. -
Evans of Brooks
G. W. Evans. 38, of Brooks waa
missing from home last night,. city
Meanwhile yesterday another I police here were notified. The man
hurdle barring the way to muni- had net been seen ' by rehUrvea
clpal ownership waa crossed when since' S n.m. Thursday when ha
the state snpreme eourt overruled left for work fn an onion field. Ha :
a motion tor a rehearing made by failed to call tor his automooue
the defendant in the suit of Salem I which he .had left in a, garage,
vs. the Oregon-Washington Water I saying he would .return Thursday
Service corporation. : J night. V. ' .- . .-s
The suit lnvoxing.tne vaiiaity i ronce saia no trace ot aruir.
a the vi2.kao.0Sa. authorisation I Atcheson. 24. 1 Hollywood ' meat -
of water- purchase - bonds origin- 1 market manager who disappeared,,.
. (Qirn to page 1, col. 1 j . . '.last weeka had yet been xouaa. j -
no date was set yesterday for a
conference with water company
ILAnd when any agreement on
a purchase can be made, with wa
ter company officials, if and when
moneys may be obtained from sale
ot city bonds; the entire proposed
purchase will be laid before the
city council which has full and
final authority In the matter. Un
der the 1931 charter amendment
authorising the water plant pur
chase, the acquisition of the plant
here must be through the entire
' Meanwhile the acquisition of
the. plant here must bo through
the entire "council.