Adams and Moore in Charge Of Camp Starting July . 25, at Oceariside 'rl Despite present : economic eon rttos, the Saleia TT.' M." C. A. ts pe-nsorlns; Ha annual summer cams for bdraat th'a Oceanaida camp lte, opening the extensive jropim amrjj ana continuing It days.- - .v.v,.':,' Camp Oceinslde la located two villea i north I ot Oceanside, . Tilla--mook- eoonty; facing a lialf mile .frontage, of beach.: It Is bounded 7 t reah water streams and virgin timber ta the Inland. This setting makes an ljeal location for;, the variety.! camp activities of fered to the young! camper, j - - juwignv Auams ana uus moo re. well-known - Willamette athlet&s? are In charge , of . the camp this : year". They jU. saperrise a com 'Detent ktaff of A ilirn. states' that the thirteenth ,Y camp . will e an outing no boy can af ford to mlssi: - . r The actlTltles play a major part ie camp . program. Fishing, eeaapviitlTe athletics, hikes and saori camp uie are inaucements . . te say boy - Registration Is taken care of at the Y. M.-C A; The feo this year Uf exceptionally low, being SS for , the! ten-tfay I period.' Bdys Shore 1 f Bias years of age, llring in Mar : toa Polk, Benton, Linn, or Tilla mook counties are eligible to at . tend. It Is pot necessary to be an ' association member in order to at tend Camp Oceanside. la STARRED IN RECENT KIDNAPINGS T - ' - - - ' - : 6 r; ' .00 c I 030,000 fQ6o,oofl , m i a mini iiii.iii i.. in i r v 1 1 - 1 -jXS- - . '""JI.'- mm . . ... -: - ..lj!uv'- Si yx ,HI I! i Here are the principals in the series of kid naping which occurred in the United States during the past five months and for whoso ransom a total of $850,000 was demsnded from their.familiea. Top row (left to right) s Charles Boettcher, Denver, CoLJ Mary Me j Elroy, Kansas Cityi Peggy JlcMatb .Bar t I 1 wkhport, Mass. Second rowi John (Jake the I Barber) Factor, Chicago; bis sonrJeromo Factor and William Hamm, St. Paul brewer. At left, John J. CConnell,' member of the power Albany, N. T. political family.' Ia addition to the above, August Luer, 78-year-old banker, of Alton, IIL, also fell a victim to kidnap racketeers. . . . ,,; Newcomer to Salem within re cent days. as listed by the cham ber of commerce, are as follows: Mrs. Rolls R. Mathews, 70 Mill; Ben Mishler, 1435 Mill; May B Hoveiy, 1545 North Com mercial; M.j T. Matthes, 724 North Church; Edward D, Hale, 4t Water; Clifford C. Higgins, 144 Center; Harold W. Miller, 1035 Highland; Martin Jackson, S45 Academy; Mrs. C. E. Smith, 117S Franklin: Fred O. Harding, S8S Sooth llth;. James Hender son, 334 North High; Harrison Wilder, 890 North Capitol; Cle land F. Fish. 1260 North 17th. Elbert Uttlo, 2450 West Nob Hill; Ralph Chamberlain. 2063 McCoyr Henry C. Hauge, 348 itb; Mrs. Martha Mars, i.y Nottn Fourth; Howard H. 6, Blllson 1288 North Liberty: Pit. Smith, S55 North 20th; J?'': Kralicek, 790 North wmtef; Reed Wattenberger, 2340 South High; Carl Hogg, 1695 Broadway; John L. Bross, 1730 Tnnti Bn Mishler, 14S5 Mill; Thomas C. Frohmader, 697 South Church; LaVerno Bennett. f?rtF!ont; - E- McCrary, 1140 North 17th. : Thomas J, Randies. 1455 Franklin; Pearl L. Linn, 425 Ma rion; Simon F. Hendrickson, 1705 fj0rta. Cottage; Mrs. Mary El liott, 1243 State; Alwyn G. Wet- 1218 Franklin; Gladys Renn, 227 ?2?lk ,WlnMr I Job Gottfried. 1280 North Fourth; Thomas Crowley, 675 South 12th; H. , Pressman, 214 North High. E. M. Parkisoh, 274 North Cot tage; Clifford L. Gardiner. 663 JlvJ :B- stTeron, route YiZl "r- RAr Lebman, 1580 South 21st; Jack Rienman fouto six, box 4D; E. O. Moriar Ity, 2482 Walker: John wu. 74 SOUth Commercial- TM.k Hornecker, 1132 Chemeketa; E. S yner i0 Broadway; Elsie oeeiey, six North 21lt; ATinux urownley, 1605, North Cottago; Ray Bowman, 1173 Sec- wno. - 71 Attend Credit Group Picnic at f Nelscott Sunday Tba Salem Credit association's Mend annual nlcnle hM en- day at Nelscott, -was an enthusi astic success, partlcipanu report. Seventy-one persons attended, with dinner served to 45 of these. Twenty of I the group motored over the evening before. Weather ft the coast was Ideal Sunday, although the thermo moter there registered the high est this season. General committee ; in charge et the picnic was beaded by Frank Doollttle, and included also Miss May Seely, Elmer Bal derreo. Miss Laura Cheney and Forest Halladay. Brush Greek Residents Petition City Council To Favor Sewage Plant SILVERTON, July 17. The sewage disposal work at Silver ton took a new angle Monday, when a petition from Brush Creek residents was presented to the city council. The petition, which was signed by everyone ap proached, bore 32 signatures. And this isn't all,' said the Brush Creek residents. "You know that the city is not allowed to use the creek tor a dumping ground. The spirit of this law is disobeyed even though the word of the law is kept. The city dumps on the banks of the creek and ev ery high water carries the rub- bage on down for the farmers to fight." One land owner along Brush creek reported that be counted in less than 500 feet, 10 old mat tresses hanging in the bushes along the creek or left on the banks by high water. Old tires, springs, cans ana every Imaginable thing lines the banks of what should be a beau tiful stream," one Brush Creeker reported. 'And we are getting tired of it." The petition presented to the council reads: " The undersigned property owners In the Silver Creek dis trict below the city ot Silverton, respectfully ask you to avail your- DAL Hill IIELD1TCK Fifty Members Attend; Miss Ethel Fletcher Chosen As New President . The eighth annual reunion ot the Savage Patrick clans was held Sunday at Champoeg park, with nearly -50 members In at tendance. Kinsmen ' present were from Portland, Newberg, Wlllam lna, . Molalla, . Independence, Eu gene, Yancounver and Salem. - (Miss - Ethel Fletcher of Salem, was reelected president and Ed ward A. Stevens was reelected sec retary. The next' reunion will be held at the state fairgrounds the third Sunday in July, 1934. - Capt. Smith;' custodian at the park, recounted something ot the early history of Oregon and "the May 2. 1843 gathering as one of the program features. This meet ing la of particular Interest to the clans, as J. L. Parrish, a cousin of the ancestors, was present at the historic meeting ' - - Robert Lang of Portland, tal ented 14-year-old musinian, play ed several numbers on the old or gan at Cbampoeg.: A geneologi cal record sent by Mark Savage of Seal Rocks, was read. Thia in cluded the war records of John Savage of Salem, Mass., In the French and Indian and. Revolu tionary wars." ' '- Couple Held on Separate Charge In County Jail Josenh Giraer and Helen Gig' ger, husband and wife, who lire near. Hopmere, are in the county following arrests on different charges. He is accused of larceny by baileef an -automobile -be-f longing to the Elker automooue company and she was arrested lor being drunk in a public place.". , Glgger pleaded I not guilty. , in Justice court "yesterday -and will bare bearing this morning at -10 o'clock. He Is in Jail ln lieu ot 500 Jiall. She took 24 hours to enter, plea and will return at 10 this morning:. Her bail was set at Two Couples Ask Permission; to - Marry, Monday Two . marriage licenses were applied for Monday in the county clerk's office here. - k" ; Maurice Alvln Cothren, Meha- ma,' a lumberman, asked . permis sion to wed wava Myrtle wuson, Mehama, a stenographer. "s John Schlag. 27, ML' Angel, a laborer; sought a license to marry Evelyn Burllngame, ' 17, Mt. An gel, a housekeeper. -: ;. iVe swrrcHEO .TO CAMELS. f M Si you WONT GET TIRED OFTHEM CITHER. CAMELS j il NEVER 6ETOM 7 A THE NERVES. ' , - : :, .fit J , -JJ J rCCCO GET. ON -THS KdVES t NEVEl TWE TH2 TASTB. a sewage disposal plant under the Roosevelt public works plan. "Many years ago Silver creek was a sparkling atream of pure mountain water, relished by our dairy cattle and other stock. It was a favorite of the young people ot our vicinity during the sum' mer months and it was also a fav orite trout stream. It was an as set to the countryside as well as a source of pride to the owners of lands adjacent to its banks. "In recent years the town of Silverton has grown from a small village to a city of impressive domain with its paved streets and sewers which empty directly into Silver creek below the city, which condition changes the otherwise valuable stream into an oose of slime, sludge and muck. "For many years we have en dured this unspeakable contam ination from sewage waste which, at the time of low water, has caus ed a condition ot unspeakable tilth due to the insufficiency ot water to properly carry off im purities which accumulate . each season during the months of June, July, August and September, or until such a time as . the fall rains increase the flow ot water. "Unless the proper steps are taken at an early date to remedy these conditions, we will feel Jus tified in bringing the necessary selves ot the opportunity to build legal action tor relief." mm mm TAKEN Claiming defendants wrongfully took property which the plaintiffs were buying on contract, H. V. Compton and W. J. Busick yester day filed suit in circuit court against J. J. and Electa McDonald, asking that a lien of $28,217 be Impressed against the property al legedly taken by the defendants this spring. The complaint sets out that Compton, Busick and S. B. Elliott contracted to purchase the prop erty an orchard tract out from Salem in 1919 for a total price ot $27,500. payments on princi pal to date have totalled $17,000, plaintiffs assert. Comjpton and Bu sick bought Elliott's Interest in the property in 1930. Plaintiffs allege their interests were illegally taken and assert that improvements and payments made on their contract total $28,- 217, together with interest. STANDARD MILEAGE UNSURPASSED rrrl 420 lass at nlghUImeeut the A. A. A. CentMt Bears say accuracy . - nd Mt comfort mnim firat ki mllaag tacts. Of tha T laaollRM tastta the UarS't eeftlfleatlofl el "Unsurpassed" was given te Standard Oaaaiine. " ; ; .. -y- r, .?-';.Z . Frank aflald, official ' driver far l , miUasa testa, whase apaad and "proov . tof waa aa eloae that time variations ' etwaa mile-lasa navtt Moaeded ens Jtttli ef ana saeand. I I I l 1 A 3 no pick SUBSTITUTE In case there is no legal upset in the conviction of Cordon I Schermerhorn, sheriff of Jackson county, on ballot theft charges, the vacancy caused by bis retire ment from office will be tiled by the Jackson county court, Attor ney General Van Winkle said Monday. Van Winkle said that Schermer horn was entitled to seek a new trial and appeal the ease to the supreme court. : scnermernora was under sus pension from office for 90 days, but recently demanded that be be allowed to resume his official ac tivities. In the meantime bis bond had been cancelled, and be could not qualify for the office. (ill pnrz sVm .nfl mmm Its ' TTCl 4 f it I E Z. M kJV This should be your Choice of Hotels J.Th Kw Lwr ntw ailii ka - . AKHOOBJS tka ant a-' ' ticml rood fcotaL-91, ILSO, 2, fl.50. Spodal family ratoa! KmriT otott ma kaa a Sri- . vato Vats.' - - - .. , 0 Womoa travoUag waeeoaiBaat , aoeolva omr coartoay. . Q Dowatowa , loeaUoa, cloao ta tha ttorML Bat act aotar. Daa J. Moora, tvrmuaYf of fa V Moor Hotel ta Boottio, mt fVpTarslaleiai fwUFTH AND MORRISON ORTLAND 59c Resft sahatioe ef s. Tea; miT SSfr "St Jllllt j Perdolatoi A WaW VmW . 01. jgS ffkkbV 1 1 I latBrUkt jl iaQ cast slse. WtXSmm r 3-Qt Freeser $25 Ice eream! i iscocat asv wBAmMSTa Food Choi A WaW Va cm Six Lb Iron $2.90 t 1 a at deetrle Store Ayyw yd $3.49 steeps uSeeeett dee Tocster AWm1 lssW 2.29 a 1 e I C 1 s m. asgalekel Qtten Sisi AWmri VWve ed with wbJie poi'telsla sis aaaeL Vita righvbaad dralnbearo. - Water Heater AWmdVJm f-i 55.20 SUd am type. Oeats water lslliisssdflSlSnMHB Ostflt A Wepf Wav IPeiiDnDsyllwiimfiai RUNRITE Made from high grade crude. Qt. OIL 10c 42c SPARK PLUGS Riverside Spark Plusr. Price reduced! In sets. Each Standard Battery A real value! Has 13 plates. Guaranteed 12 Q 4Q months. DO .ft With old Battery AUTO GREASES Riverside Cup Grease, 5 lbs. 75c Transmission Grease, 5 lbs. 75c High Pressure Grease, 5 lbs. 79c w fa poor mm age You cant get better motor til than this Bivertide 100 port Pennsylvania oil! It will not break 6am under intense) heat. It ftes your motor the protection it deserves. Service stations charge yon doubU Ward's low price! SSJjMdD; Mfifles D)im IKfiveirsMe ...."Uroodl Moit IHIaM Woirmr9 o writes (Mtf tas4.75.19... 4US ?lTV SlsftAtt... 9JO AS LOW AS QU Riversides Hatd up longer I That's the verdict of drivers everywhere! They've driven Riversides over good roads and bad. At all speeds. On light cars. On heavy car. No bVmbt abonx qal ityt wTsrds wiffiagrr gaarsnteet Riversides without limit as to time or mileage. And sot to sen yoo money. Free Mounting. TMs 3 IPe. IBatflhupooinm dDmntfifitt Csit 115 Moire JLsmt Yeanr! S5 dOWB, $S noathly. Small carrying charge. Each piece can be bought separately. The porcelain enamel, cast iron and vitreous china are the finest quality! The tub Is the same design as in one of our most expensive sets. Chro--mium plated fittings. Closet has new shelf top tank with a Mother of Pearl finished seat. v Save 2dD2 ei WaFds Mew 5 SSaMMii i,Siars. V This TmEold Junior does everything a - $100 eieetne refrigerator can do! Keeps food safe. Freezes 42 ice cubes. Hakes delicious desserts and salads. Has 7 so;, feet of shelf space! Pow erf ul cooling unit runs and uses electricity only 1-3 of the time. Even on cost of -current It saves yon money! Other new TruKolds 11040 to S179.50. i 2G-IneItSaw AWmr4 VJe .01. WaQ Ulanead! TTaady a at opeaat saw steel. O-Inch Piano AWpi Vaive 51.95 BaaJy sbM.: aaaaeth plane. u Durable. AaV JwabU 1 law biait el teel steeL ra Ooset Seat AWaWVelse SaaeetkJ nbbe4 kardV weed, saabes aaylialta. Cbreaae pi steal aJnges. Vslae. Manila Rope 4.WMVMN evCAot Size Ti-In-Leweat pries bs the auuli far rape ef tkk taaalla slreagth. WaU Paint 4wereVefc $.99 Sal. Dries ever aic, deans wnJs a daiap detk.Iaatsfo? Zlnoite Paint a Sa a a a . a war reive $2.41 sal. -aSW.a CeaUr'2S less, wears eater Ibsa Mat laa a peJaU. ; ifnf rA!Alr 275 N. Liberty 'Salent, Ore. w