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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Bloralag, July 16, 1933 FACE NINE ' . i . ... : 1 .. .... X 4 a i si . 1 jjjM. I . Business Directory iCavrUe iu slue UirecUi'l run est a1 monthly only.. Bato:. U0 r Una Pr itwauh. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panekvtue brake and shimmy doctor. 27 s South ComtsarcU. Street CATERING Burt Crnrv. the www Ph. 8752. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4460 S- Northnesa, CHIROPRACTORS DIU tX 1- SCOTT, rsc. Chiropractot, z& N. HUta. TeL Ren. lt DRESSMAKING Kxp. dressuut-ing In y no rfv 1'odv Dicture. Ti our nome. eL 1984. FLORISTS CUT fXowora, wddlnft bouquet tun rml wreaUia. ttecorauooa. G. . Brelt baupt, Uoiist. 571 Court. TwL 59S4. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Ctor 1st. ltb Market. TeL 9592. GLASS nl window CUM mirrors. TeL Hot. WalHf J. Uowns. 6P Breys. INSURANCE : fctKCKJS ft i n. a.jtu HUNUKICKa Tel. 41 COFFEY-aMlTli, gen. Ina. TeL Wii. LAUNDRIES THS NEW 6AUi,M UAUNUKT 2(3 a HisU TeL U CAlTAl- CiTX LAUNDRf kuu in Wuality ami Service Ttlepbono X6i KBt Uroaaway LAWN MOWERS iUal imsucO, icpaueU and traded. HAKUX W. tiCO IT. "The CyeU Man; MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to coma Suitua luatueas S.0. Keuovauna and fuuilaatora Kugs cleaned. Capital Bed cuua Ca TeL . uao tt. Capttoi- New matuess made to ...... ntul cluimtus. older, old lull ruaiWeavuisV tialsm lutf Kaa ft Mat ui tactury. IJth ftWuimr. let. uhl. Utut . Zwicaer. Ifasu laiL n MUSIC STORES .iKir r WILL Fianoa, radios, sew ing waelunea. sneev u.b lau sewlna uuwluuea 43 3 State etnteU baiem. MEDICINE UC. Chan Uun Cqiimm MeOlclne Co. lluurs Tuesday and Friday, 10 i3 a.m. Charlie Chan. Chinese aedWn Co, 123 .Com L uaily Sun. AU kinds barbs xor mate ami wu. j ciuUaiioa, rneumaiuMu, ""'" lui, coutia, gland, stomach disordera, PAINT AND ROOFING balem faint Routing. 47-4 Ferry. PRINTING e'.iu MTiTioNKUI. caaUs. paaipU- n,eruii. books or any aiuU ol bruiuua. The tiiatesuMUi Frlutintt piwne sltfL REAL ESTATE OH3CKE ft ttKN 1) KICKS, TeL 4947. iW. VL URABKNHOHST . Ct. 134 a Utterly tit TeL i vni'iiini.Nicl a BON l First Nat L UK. Blda. leL 7307 $V4 STOVES t'OV3 and stove rtipairlua. Stoves lur sale, rebuilt, and repaired. All kuids of woven wire teac, lancy ana puna, hop JMisaeta, hooks, iogau aooa JLin kunce and Biove Works. 26i r-7...i-.t. t.l 4774. R. & Fleoum TRANSFER cimtal CITY Transfer Co. 334 Slate . TeL 7772, DlstrltouUnav fox- wardina and storage eux . "k-"" (j0t our rates, - - tno irw.i or distant transfer storage. call 313L Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. TVPEYyUITERS ttpkW R1TKRS Adding Men. sold. rented, repaired. Underwood. Agent. nooki ft Short 1 Court TeL eS4. WELL DRILLING It A. Wast. 39 yeara experience. RKD a. Bos lei M. Tel. lISFe. Wheat Prices Go Sharply Higher, Portland Trade PORTLAND, July 15 (AP)- Sharply higher price were forced for wheat at practically all Inter national trading points tor the week-end. On the Portland fu ture market there were new high prleea tor all deliveries with f inals showing a net advance ot Sc for July. Be tor September and 4 Vie bashel tor December. The local cash market weakly followed with a. rise) -of 3c a bushel but Montana apring and., winter were each Quoted 4e higher. There were deliveries ot 8,000 bushels July for the day. Sales In cluded 9.000 bushels September end 20,000 bushels December: Farther advance of 20c hbl. for all trades of patent flour, were! announced by local muls. J Statesman : 'T Classified Ads Can 910I i OawtfVMl AdTCitlstmg Sl&sl Iwrass per ilse.l&e TfcrM liuwtloa par line S0 Six lnartlon- par lla. .iic Om month par lla. Uialmam charsa . . It Copy tor tau pata ae ccpted nntll e.10 tha araa tnx bafora pvbllcatloa tor elaaalticatloiL Copy ra eartad attar thli Uma will bams undar taa besdlns Too Lata to Claaalty. Tha Statesman ao financial . raaposaibinty tor arrora which may ap pear la adTcrtlsementi po nahad la tta colunma, and in cases wbera tbt pxper la at taalt will reprint that part-ot aa advertlaeoxani to wfclsb tha typosraphleaJ mlfltaka oceara. The' Stateamao reaarraa the right to reject ohjec tlonal advertisings It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der tha proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE WAXTRD Silfsiwn. Tel. S410. SALESMEN WANTED S.lsmn Lowctt cost life protec tion in America. $5 membership fee. 59c renewal contract. Non-medlcaL Aes 1 to 80. North American Mu timl, Santa Ana, Calif. Salesmen Make 9 to 412 daily. Sell nw ilvertlsinf plan to retail merrhants. Positive hit. Wonderful neater. National. 41 East 32nd St, Nw York. ST SITUATIONS WANTED rtical mrrsing reasonable. Box tatcMnan. Waslnnn R. 1, Ex. 98. Silem. FOR SALE Miscelianeoua Ecr. haircuts, 0c-13c. 1614 N. Com Fine piano, radio, rheap. Tel. 8583. RADIO FOR SALE 10-tube R-32 $178 Victor, repossess- eii. iMlance due $47.60. Terms $5 down and $5 monthly. See Mr. Jens at Wills Mhho Store. Draft beer equipment. H. G. Da- nifm. factory representative. 807 ri. Cora'l. "Dh-t for filling. TeL 7370. Boys Good home made short wave radio, for amateur, etc., phones, roid- Kt speaker, battery and charger, tu bet, raisceL parts. Sacrifice no time to use 'em. Box 864 Statesman. Wood stumpage. 4 mi. from Salem. JBok rare Statesman For sale, about 60 tons clover and vetch hay in shock, ready to hauL Six miies out. Tel. 54S9. Black cherries. Hie. you nick. Rt 7. a zs. Miner, Tel. zwz. WANTED Miscellaneous Wanted piano for cash. TeL 5707. WOOD BIDS WANTED by Salem public library. Forty cords 24 Inch havy dry second growth fir to be de livered auring the season aa needed. Wanted 2nd hand canoe. Tel. S82. MISCELLANEOUS " --i i,-i-i-,i " rioririii Typing students keep 1n prartlce spL for summer, 3 tnos. for $5. Thoa. Roen. 420 Court Mr. Lane of Seattle. Wn.. expert nair cutter, now located 301 S. Win- ter. Prices tha same. Adults 20c, chll- areji ioc. We pick up dead, worthless horses. cows, siieep. aei. 4S63. w 1 LU : rsames men women. I 18-50, wishing post -depression Govern ment Krs. sready. iStart 3105.00-3175. montn. Mninnle coachine and nartlmi- lars FREE. Apply today. Box 1273S. care taxepiman. FOR RENT ROOMS -i - " iin. Modern room, garage, sip. porch. 1S77 Cmtrt St Tel 4SS7 ROOM AND DOARD R-B., $20 and $23. 645 Marion. Board and room for ladies. Close in. TeL 6678. 595 Court Rt Board, rm., $20. Near P. O. S482. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 nice apta. $12 and $23. 1580 Center. Apts, $12. 891 N. Cora L A-pts., rooms, garagei bouse All nicely furn. Tel. 7664. 2261 HazeL 3 R. furn. apt," frigid.. 1209 Court ah"wsseA)eseVW'WWWaMa Attractive & R. art Heat first floor. 1411 court Mod. 2 room flatXeatlr furn. front and back entrance. Elec. washer. 965 N. Fifth St i Furn. modern apt and sleeping room. Adults, owner, 438 ri. Liberty. I For rent CLOSE DuDlex and flata. $17.50 to $25. Five to S rooms. Every one nas r urn ace. Adults. BECKB ft HENDRICKS 1S V-tU fTt-i. 3 A. 1 vs-rirVvvv-irii ninraannissLfk 2 room furn. apt. $1.50 week. 129 i-vRK. rnone &z5. FOR RENT HOUSES srYVV,ni"VVsjru ; ESnia mnA nttfSti m vj ft I Forkner. ttio n. Cottage. Tel. 311. For rent 7 room house. See Mrs. Ca dwelt Statesman office. Modern bouse, cheap, 1606- State St I 4 rm. home, fit per me. TeL 6766. 1 g rm. furnished bouse. TeL 6406. Desirable house, wants desirable renter. Phone owner C207. Modern 4-room house, gas or elec - tricity. ids a. enure n. 2 rm. furn. bouse, 2 MIU 8t Small house, partly furn. 2430 Lee. Modern house. Inquire 15M Court FOR RENT To lease, meat BtarsMt Good loea tion. Living mesas -la conneouon. oooa equipment. TeL Site.' FOR RENT House and a A, orchard aad car- den. Call at list and Market WANTED TO KENT Wanted to rent modern unfurnished five or six room house close to school. not over SCO. Box 241, care Statesman. FOR SALE Real Estate CREEK HOME t room Colonial honse. semi-modern, crood condition, lovely lot. close to state house. Price 13000. part terms. C THUDS ft MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street TeL-1 f 70S. A REAL SACRIFICE ' 13600. will buy a jcood late built mod ern S room home located In N. Salem, has hardwood floors, fire-place, full cement basement, fur nace, double garage, east front on paved st. Only 3360 down, bal S3! 1 per mo. irs a sou noma xor $3600. SEE IT TODAT. 274 N. 20th ST. $27S0. Large five room modern bun-1 Kalow with basement, mrnace. t treolace. large attic plenty of ahade - trees, paved St.. nice loca tion. This property ts financed with a bonus loan, eqnlty 2500, which must be cash. If you want a REAL SNAP here It la SEE W. H. ORABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street TeL 24(8. 2ft A. sandy loam solL Good 5 room house. Barn, elec. water system. Clear ror house In town. 94 A. near Coquille, Sandy loam soil, good ( room bungalow. Basji. creek, aprlngs. equipment, for small acreaxe near Salem. , 2 fine lots In N. Salem. Paving and walks paid ; sacrifice. R. A. FORKNER 1M N. Cottage Tel. 3031. If you want anything similar to the following, see roe. I have the best buys: 9 acres with 4 A. large cher ries; large uncompleted house; S ml. from Salem. 7 A. near Kelzer school, elect, water system. Acreajre tracts, and build to suit One of the best hop yards in the I valley: 117 A. with 42 A. in hoDS. ?ood bldgs. Let me tell you about these. H. C. SHIELDS 222 Oregon Bldsr. Tel. 8902. Foreclosure must let go. Can'-t help it Our modern home. Oak floors, buiit ins, stucco. Corner. Have 36700.00 in It. Now $3250.00. Onlv $650.00 down. Bal. less than rent. Box 242, States man. - - i .rriiijvriryi'winjMwu'rif MUST SACRIFICE 3 acres for $500. Good black soli, 5 rm. house, barn, city water, llnrhts, creek. Valley Land Co., 164 N. Liberty. Dairy ranch, mod. bldgs., pavement Sacrifice price. 710 N. High. Five room bungalow, two lots, good concrete basement furnace, house in very good condition. Will sell at $1600. Easy terms. 45 acres north of Salem, all In culti vation, good improvements, family fruit A very good buy at $5500. Will consider some trade. Five room bungalow, good lot paved street located near North Capitol street Price $1150. $100 down, ten dol lars per month. If you have any trou ble buying, selling or trading, anything you have for something you want tell us about it e write all kinds of In surance. X T. TJLRICH CO. 325 State St. Salem. Ore. TeL 8672. Good semi-modern 7 -room plastered residence, basement fireplace, plumb- Ine. on two bis lots covered with not. cherry and ornamental trees and roses, STarie arbor, near schools, nice view. trotnff at depression price. Also two hHiillfa buildtnc- lots 60X1 so eacn with large fruit trees, block south Les lie brick school, at bargain, easy rerma Owner. T45 Bural Ave. Phone 854. Two lots on knoll (0x130 each, fac ing Leslie brick school grounds, nice view, covered with large cherry, pear and apple treea Will sell one or botn. See there- before building. Easy terms. Owner, 765 Rural Avenue. TeL' 854. FOR SALE OR TRADE 6 room modem house close in, for sale at bargain. No trade. 4 room house. large lot 3700.00. 2 Summer street homes for sale. 200 acre farm, good soil. room house. larsre new barn, creek, some um ber. 175 acres cultivated. This Is I a real farm and can be bought rteht 5 acres near town, clear, to trade for home in Salem. Have some extra good buys and trades In acreages and farms. Bring in your trades. Have wonderful stock farm on -coast win take smaller stock farm In valley. Houses for rent, $10.00 and up. CHAS. HUDKINS. Tel. 18t Room 3. Millers Store Bide HOUSE BARGAINS Good home, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, 2 bedrooms, gar- axre. paving etc for tlOsO. Enellsh style in good condition, 3 bedrooms, garage and paving. $1150. 3 100 down. For bargains. SEE MELVIN JOHNSON, 275 State Street Nearly new 6-ronm fully modern home, first class location, city im provements all in ttnd paid. Estate property sacrifice offer for Immedi ate deal. Only $3250.00. SEE J. Lin coln Ellis. 462 State. 5 room and bath, modern. Pavement walks, garage, cement drive, shrub bery. Clear. .Owner phone 6931. For quick sale, cheap, modern home. beamed ceilings, hwd. floors, tile drain boards, shrubs and lawn. Small pmt down. uai. like rent. 6 lnt By own er 1570 N. 18th. TeL 8310. APARTMENT HOUSE On one of our best street and loca tion, priced to sell at tnly $4500 sold a few years ago for $11,000.00 will take a good house as part If you win see tms place it cannot heln to suit you m it nas an earning each iiiuinu isiae one apartment ior me owner. This Is a good investment SEE JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South Hlh Street EXCHANGE Real Estate 5 A. $ ml. east of Salem. It ml to school, 4 room house, bam, - chicken house, family orchard, $1550, Trade lor larger farm. 11 A I ml. from Salem, on caved road, room house, barn, chicken house, family orchard, all In croo. S2. 800. A bargain. Anythlna- vou want irora acre uo. MELVIN JOHNSON, 275 State Street AND HER 1 - 1 I HO IN HECK)LX30K, UMK. AlMTll HAVE VOU UD5T AMY I WL,I THOUGriT I'D VRM K j S C3LR IHjOCK V UHST OLR rMEXT-' CHlCrNS 1Hs LAST THAT THERMS A CHICKEN . '?&ttC ttk H INCREASES . LXX?R-NEIGH30R J FEW NIGKT5, IQJaSTt THIEF IN THESE: RMTS, AN' M ' . TMij ' gfef BEATS ALL, J fv&rrr- (LOST ANY ? QUITE) 'JZZT fS fas H?lfflllW . ' a FOR SALE FARMS S140 21 ACRE FARM 11400 WORTH DOUBLES S miles out on rood road, bulldtnrs need soma repair, . S wells, beautiful shad trees, small grove of timber, mixed orchard, balance in cultivation. Ftor a KKAL, bui m a smau iann, SEE CHIU8 ft MILLER, Realtors 214 State Street TeL 7i. ACREAGE 8-ACRE BUT 2100.00 down and balance $17.5 per month takes f acres located 4 miles ont on kooA road. 4 room house, drilled , well, outbuilding, a real value at Sltoo.oo. Let us show you this property. W. H. ORABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street 21100.00 CASH Takes close in 5 acres on Garden road, beat of soil. This tract Is an exceptional buy and offered be low value. If you have the cash and are looking for a real snap. see this todav. W. H. ORABENHORST ft CO., South Liberty Street INSTALMENT ACREAGE v 2500.00 down and balance terms at ff percent takes 10 acres of fine land located on Fruitiana roaa. just west of Frnltland about H mile, running creek year round. aa good a tract as Is located east of Salem. Price 11590.00., lnt percent 250.00 down and balance 210.00 per month takes 1 acre all in bearing apples lust outside city limits, price $500.00. $100.00 down and $10.00 per month will handle 10 acres all cultivated land, no Interest for 8 yeara Price sizao.oo. If you are looking for small acreage, tibifj W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Business Ormnrtunitips ----- , -, - - .--.rxi.jLnjvTju-ur Cafe for rent, 897 N. Com'L m m m m m "wwy iLiLiuLru-Lr-u-ir 2-pump gas station, repair shop, toilets, water system and 100 feet frontage, on N. Pacific highway. A snap for $1500.00. Better hurrv. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High OWN A BUSINESS $500.00 cash puts you in possession of a good paving hotel furnished. Lo cated in a good pay roll town. A $5,- I buu.uv property tor only 3J00O. Easy terms or will consider small house in saiem. ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY Equipped restaurant 2 pump service siarion, camns. & r. nouse, good bus iness, uon i oeiav. VAN M. GREER 202 Oregon Bldg. TeL 7533 MONEY TO LOAN " - -- nni irrri.,riirmnn.rt ,nn "tan.i Borrow on personal property; repay In monthly Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO.. State He S-169. 6 Guardian Bldg. TeL 8277. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor Office hra 10:00 A. M. to :30 P. M Telephone 7782. State license No. S-165. a - TnVsViJVinfVvv MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrang to reduce yum payments Ton keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 4732 Salem. Ore PERSONAL LOANS MADE an furniture, cars, salaries or other rood -security. Repayable monthly. When in fmanolal need nt us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION Fleftt NMnn1 Rank RV'.c Pnn tit I LOANS WANTED WANTED $1400 for 2 yeara Will give $200 bonus and 8 interest Good securities. Box 235. R. R. I., Salem. FOR SALE WOOD Good dry old fir, second growth, ash. oaic Tel. 3673. GUARANTEED DRT wood coal rL 6009 Salem Fuel Co. Trade Cottage. Ash, fir and oak. TeL 5648. Dry slab wood, 16 In. old fir, and planer wood. Prompt delivery at Tracy's. TeL 3986. Dry wood, $4.00. Tel. 6459. FOR SALE USED CARS Bargains in Used Cars for Saturday and Sunday 1930 Marquett Roadster 1929 Chev. Sedan 1929 Ford Sedan $325.00 265.00 195.00 195.00 185.00 1928 Oakland Sedan 1928 Oakland Cab. Coupe 1928 Whippet Sedan - 125.00 - 295.00 135.00 27.60 1928 Light Nash Sedan 1928 Light Nash Coupe 19Z Ford 4 -door sedan. Many otliers to choose from. All Cars have been reconditioned and are Teady to go at very easy terms. TERMS . TRADES -Used Car Exchange 542 Chemeketa Open Evenings and Sundays chevrolet gives more McKay's used cars 27 Pontiac Coupe , $ 91.00 '30 Chev. Pickup . 275.00 '29 Nash Sedan ,. 325.00 31 Chev. Coupe 385.00 '30 Stude 8 Sedan . 395.00 "30 Oakland ( Sedan 395.00 29 Bulck Master Sedan 425.00 32 Chev. Coupe 7000 mL " 495.00 Several Ford and Chevrolet trucks from $75.00 to $525. Fair Trades Liberal Terms Open Evenings and Sundays f McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 33$ Center Tel. 2189 430 N. Coral CHEVROLET GIVES MORE 1932 Pontiac Coupe, bragan. Low mileage. Cash or trade. TeL 5525, PALS FOR SALE USED CARS 1929 Hudson Super 81 x Sedan, A-l shape. Trade for late model light ear. See at 3ZS so. 13 to. Valley Motor Co. Used Cars' 1110 Bulck Sedan. Has bad very ' good ' care $195 192 S Bulck Std. Coup. Has good tires, finish good. Motor good 225 1929 Chrysler . 65 Sedan. Motor overhauled, rinish and tires good 245 1928 atudebaker t Cylinder se- .1:3 .Uuu Runs very good, good tlree 275 1929 Hupmobile 8 Sedan. Motor -" rood, New tires 17 a 1929 Oakland C Coach In very good shape a 29$ 1932 Chevrolet Sport Roadster. Run 12.000 milea Has tires. Motor very good 465 Valley Motor Used Car Lot Marion ft Liberty Tel. 7910 Open Evenings and Sundays TXTNT WAIT BUT NOW PRICES NEVER WILL BE LOWER '30 Buick Spt Roadster $385 '28 Bnick Country Club Cpe. 225 29.Durant Coach 135 SO Chev. Coach 295 2 Chrysler Coach OK 125 27 Hup Sedan 135 TRUCKS 29 Ford Truck (guaranteed) 195 29 Chev. Truck 185 Dodge Screen Delivery . 65 0ORREUO8 240 N. Lib. TeL 3688 I Can use good bay as part pmt on 1 Trucks BARGAINS IN Used Trucks 1929-Chev truck and semi trailer 1931-Ford truck, duals 1931- Chev. truck, duals 1932- 1 u ton O. M. C. duals These are all good values. We have some Jobs available. See Tom Wood WOOD-WHEATON MOTOR CO. INC. 540 ChemeketA Tel. 9598. WANTED USED CARS WANTED 1926 or '27 model T road- ster with ruxteli. Tel. 3896. SMET WEATHEDS NEW YORK, July 15 (AP) Stocks had little troublo'weather- Ing weekend profit-taking today and came through the Saturday market with a balance of net gains. Volume came to 2,242,460 shares. Alaska Juneau, Dome, MclntyTe and U. S. Smelting were up 2 to 5, while Homestake gained nearly 18. Cerro de Pasco jumped 3. South Puerto Rlcan Sugar, Cen tral Aguirre, and Great Western Improved 4. National Distillers, TJ. S. Industrial Alcohol, Simmons, Lnited Aircraft, Commercial Sol vents and Industrial Rayon were up 3 to 4. Gains were limited to fractions for American Telephone, Western Union, Case, Harvester, Kenne- cott. Sears Roebuck, Montgomery Ward, National Biscuit and West- inghouse, but Union Carbide. Al lied Chemical and Auburn firmed more than a point. FRUIT HARVEST WELL UNDER WAY. Dm RICKEY, July 15. Straw berries are all harvested and cherry picking and loganberry harvest in now In full swing. Strawberries were very light. running from one to two and one- half crates an acre as picked in some bf the larger patches. Some cherry orchards have fair crops. Lobanberries, owing to the winter freeze, are only fair, but O. Frys lie has a young patch that Is a wonder. Not only are vines out standing in appearance and con dition, but there is a bumper crop. F NOTICE OP APPOLNTMEXT OP ADMINISTRATOR Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County bf Marion, as Administra tor of the estate of Martha A Clymer, deceased, and that ha has duly qualified as such admin istrator; .all persons having claim against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified. to me, at the office of Ronald C Clover. ,mv attornev. 205 Oregon Rntliilnr 2lam XTarlnn Pnnnfv ureguu, wuuin six mourns lrum the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 9th day of July,' 1933. CARL H. CLYMER. 'Administrator of the Estate of Martha A. Clymer, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney tor Administrator, Salm, Oregon. J. 9-16-23-30, A. . PROFITING 6 The Black Sheep of Pa's Family WHEAT LEAPS WILDIiY; . 4 w I eF LETTUCE SHORTAGE GROWS ACUTE $1.23J4 Price Highest Since 1930; Crop . Damage Startles; ; CHICAGO, July 15. (AP) FeverLsh general speculative buy ing swept the wheat market wild ly upward about 6 cents a bushel today to -S1.23VL the highest price since 1930. - Startling crop, damage reports from' Canada pointing to wheat losses, of approximately 30 per cent of'Canads's production com pared with last year, gave rise to successive waves of purchasing that Immense selling for profit was unable to stop except during brief Intervals. At times, the mar ket jumped faster than a cent a bushel a minute, and showed a maximum gain of about 10 cents in 24. hours. Authoritative unofficial advic es Indicated that there had been virtual complete crop failure over a considerable part ot the Cana- dla wheat belt, and that the 1933 harvest would be 150,000,000 bushels less than In 1942. Wheat closed excited, 4-5H cents above yesterday's finish, with corn -l up, oats show lag Ve- advance. Today's closing quotations: Wheat July 1.12: Sep tember 1.15 - ; December 1.18-1.18: May 1.22-I. Corn - July 65; September 69-: December 73-; May 79-79. Oats July 47; September 48-; December 50-; May 53. General Markets PRODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND. Or.. July 15. fAP) .Produce exchaare. net prices - Batter. extras 24c, standards 23 He, prime firsts 23e, firati 21Hc Eggs Fresh estrss 20c, lria medium lc. Portland Grain POBTLAXD. Ore.. July 15. (API- Wheat Open High Low Close July 86 88 88 88 September 88 90 88 0 December 93 94 94 Cash wheat No. 1 Big Bend blue- stem 9c; dark hard winter 13 per cent 97c, 11 per cent 0e; soft white. western white, hard winter, northern spring, western red 85 c. Oat Xo. 2 white S28. Cora Ho. 2E yellow $29. llillrua Standard $19.30. Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND. Ore- July 15. (AP) Butter Prints, extraa 26. standards 25c Bjittarfat Portland delivery. A grade 24-25e pound; farmers' door daliavry 22-23o pound. Sweet cream 5c bighar. eggs fsciUc foul try producers selling price, orersix 22c. extraa 20c, mixed colors 19c, mediums 19e doxen. Bering price by wholesalers f rash current receipts 58 pounds and up, 14- le aoxan. Country meats Selling pries to re tailers, conn try killed ho fx. best butch ers, ender 150 pounds 7-7 e. Veal era 70 te 100 pa -a da 8-8 c Spring lambs ll-12e, yearlinga 4-5e. HeaTy ewes 2-Sc xeainm rewa 5c pound. Caner cows 2 3. Bulls 4-5e pound. ktohair Bayiag price, 1938 clip 15e pound. Cases ra bark Buying priee, 1933 peel 3c ponad. Cheese 93 score Oregon triplets 12 e, loaf 13e pound. Broken will pay e below quotations. Milk Contract price 4 per cent Portland delivery $1.70 ewt; B grade cream 37 Ho pound. Hops NomiDal, 1932, 67c pound. Live poultry Portland delivery, buy ing priee. Heavy hens, colored 4 -5 pound 10c, do 5 pounds end op 10c; keas ever 8 pounds 9c. Broiler, 2 pounds and up lOe. Colored spriags 2 pounds and op 12c. Roosters Be pound. Kecks, ream, broilers 1 2-1 3 e pound: old dacha lOe pound, do colored 10c pound. Onions Selling price to retailers, Oregon 91 Z3-1.35 cental. Mew aniens California. Bermudas $1.25 per 50 pound crate; sew red $1.35 eentet Potatoes Local $2; Deschutes Gems $2.85 eental, de Bakers $8; Yakima Gems $2.75. New potatoes Local white and red $2.25-2.35 cental. Strawberries 'W Oregon $1.75 erate. West 1932 clip. nominaL Willamette valley. 23-70e pound: eaatera Oregon IS 21a ponad; southern Idaho lS-20e posed. Hay Buying price from prodacer, alfalfa Ko. L aew crop $16: Ko. 1 $14: eaatera Oregon timothy $16; eats and T,tCB ls UB- Stocks and Bonds tCepyrigbt 1934. Standard Statistics Co.) Jaly IS .- - STOtTK a VBRA&E8 Today 98.9 56.1 111.8 94.8 Previeasaay , 88.3 5.l lll.o V4.1 Week age 9.6 67.o 111.2 V5.1 39.1 Tear ago 89.4 15.7 68.8 I 8 years Sge 165.1 124.1 228.0 169.2 99.8 58.0 X13.T 95.S 423 23.5 81.5 4S.t 72.3 89.8 111.0 73.9 35.1 13.2 51.8 35.0 i w 1933 High 1932 Lew 1932 OBT AVXSLAOXS Today 78.2 83.5 87. 32. PrSTiooaday 76.1 83.4 87.8 82 Week age 75.2 82.0 86.7 81.2 Tear age 55.2 53 J 74.7 81. S years aro 93.0 107.4 100.8 100. High 1933 76.3 83.S 87.9 82. Lew 1933 68.S 57.0 74.1 63 High 1932 71.S 78.0 86.2 78.1 Lew 1932 58.2 47.4 70. 57.5 1 Salem filarliets aaaaaaBBBSBBBBBaassssBi sswswawasi esssaBBasi bbssi aBBasMBswassasBBBi ssi BssesBBBBes Giada U ns 4 milk, co-op pool price, $1.50 per bnndred. Surplus S 1.25. (Milk anted ea -ml noatUj u it erf st evcrege.) distributor price 3)1.70 Butterfat Top 23-23C, prints 23 c, cubes 27 He Prices paid to (rawer ey Sates barvr July 15 (The erieea lutie. -atuwiiee or local gretar. are iaduatie t tne daily saerket bet are an' fiarantwd by T Staraamae I ntUJT ASTD VBBETm.H String beans, lb. . Asparagus, hwaL das. No. 2 . . .03 .90 .02 .20 .08 15 Cabbage, lb. Greea pepper. Florida, lb. Peas, coast, lb 02 to Onions, dea. bunches Potatoes, local . 1.75 te 2.00 Bwe potatoes, erate 1.M) Lettuce, local . . . oo Onions. C.tlif., ewU -2.00 Raabarb. local . .01 Celery. -dos. .45 Apples, Transparent .. 1.10 Oraagea, Valencia, fancy 2.00 to 2.75 Flaee pacx i.o to Beets, local, dox. .25 Turnips, local, crate .25 Carrots, local, dox.- . .25 ' Spiaaeh, local, crate , , .25 te .SO Bananas, lb. ea stock .05 Hand .W H U asterd sTvetaa .CO 50 to .80 Cucumber, hothouse Cantaloupe, crate Lemona Limes, fresh ATacados. crate Squash. Italian, crate Seaamer, crate Apricot, crate Watermelons, retail Tomatoes, hothouse Teitaa Saapberrioa , .. . 1.0 to 2.S5 . 2.00 .1.25 to 1J0 Blackcap .1.00 Currant I -cranberries Cherrtea. Ib. around .90 to 1.25 . .75 .03 Peaehei. local. 3 lb. box. retail . .15 Yoongberries. erate 1.00 te 1.10 Hora Top. 1932. lb .57 EOGS Baytnt Prices Kxtras l .18 Standard .15 .14 .S4 .10 .09 OS .15 Mediums POOLTBt Old roosters Colored hecs ,. Mediums hens . . .. tight hens. , Broiler .13 to MEAT Lambs, top Hogs, top .. .. 5.25 5.15 4.90 .04 to .05 First cuts Steers - Cowa .02 te .03 to .02 to .03 .04 .03 .06 .07 Heifers Bulls Dressed veal, top, Dressed hogs GSAIS AND HAT Wheat western red 90 . .90 ..24.00 -28.00 -14.00 -15.00 14.00 White. No. 1 Barley, top, ton . Oata, ton Hay. buyms prises Oata and vetch, toa ... . - AL'alfa. valley 1st cut Clover bay WOOL, Medium .23 A3 .15 .01 .03 Course Mohair CASCABA BAJLK Oraen, Ib. Dry. lb. Wool Mart Tends Slower, Prices Remaining Firm BOSTON. July 15 AP) TJ. S. Dept. A;rl.) The wool market has tended slower In the past few days but prices remain ed firm at the recent advances. In the last ten days trading has lift ed prices 3 to 7 cents scoured bas is on western grown wools and 1 to 2 cents In the grease on eastern fleeeed wools. This represents an advance since the beginning of July of 3 to 8 per cent-stimulated largely bx the rise at the wool opening In London last week and by the sharp decline of the dollar In foreign "exchange. SEWING GROUP MEETS FAIRFIELD, July 15 The sewing committee for the regular meeting of Fairfield grange Fri day night includes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hannegan. Harold Han negan. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. HIU and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hall- BIDS FOR, TRANSPORTATION POLK COUNTY. STUDENTS Bids will be received by the undersigned for that transporta tion of High School students from Polk County to Salem High School up to ttve,P. M. July 18, 1933. Information as to routes, are to be obtained at the Clerk's Office, 463 Ferry Street, Salem Oregon, or at the Administration Building, of School District No, 24. 434 N. High Street, Salem, Oregon. The right Is reserved to reject or accept any or all bids, The contractor is to furnish 15,000 surety bond tor the faith ful performance of his contract and public liability and property damage Insurance on buaes, lim its ot S5010..000 and 15,000. protecting the District against their legal liability. W. H. BURGHART. Clerk, School District No. 24, Marlon County, Oregon. Jly. 13-16-18. 2.25 te 3.T5 - , 1 .00 3 35 1.00 1.00 ."3 NEW HIGH Smaller Sizes Bring Premium in East; Berries Wanted PORTLAND. July 15 (AP) There was an acuta shortage ot quality lettuce throughout the) country and especially the small er sizes which were bringing a premium in the east, Tha maTket was wall supplied with poor to or dinary stuff. There was a very draggy tone In the pea market and prices con tinued low. Shipping call was Bat very good on account ot both the low price available and they very warm weather which was hurting consumer sales. Very good demand for .rasp berries was showing locally with prices steady to firm at the week: end. Currants were also ia call with prices held up. Strawberries were slow with little offered. Blackcaps were la fair call. Market for potatoes was hold ing fairly well locally as to price while demand, was good. Home grown stock waa Increasing; and quality was unusually good. PORTLAND. July 15 (AP) There was continued strength in the market for cube butter at the weekend. The late session of the produce exchange was generally without change for cubes even though there was a general Idea among the trade that an advance should be forced there. The exchange has all along been the weak spot of the butter trade locally Inasmuch as some of "its leaders have been doing the bulk of their marketing In the north and south and can make a show ing only by keeping the price at Portland artificially low. Butterfat retains its liberal strength. Trade in egS3 continued to gain strength locally as well as along the coast generally. Late receipts continued their decrease. Prices were being maintained for qual ity. Demand for chickens was now steady here. Prices were unchang ed to a fraction better In spots with all sorts cleaning up. Turkeys continued out of market generally with demand good. Two-State Picnic at Helmick Park Sunday Monmouth, July 15. A Kan sas-Oklahoma -picnic will be held Sunday. July 16, at Helmick park four miles south of Monmouth on West side highway. J. F. Santea of Monmouth Is local president. Former residents ot these two states are invited. PICNIC IN DALLAS P.VRJa" RICKREALL. July 13 Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis and daughters Elsie and Wilma, went to Dallas park Friday night where they were Joined by Mr. and Mra. Clifford Jenes and daughter Char lotte, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Moore, son Clifford, for a swimming and supper party. O O- ANTI-CRIME Joseph B. Keenan, Cleveland attor ney, who will direct the? co-ordinated Federal-State-Muniripal eru ade against gangsters and racket eers, is pictured at his desk ia tha) Department of Justice, Washing ton. - Ha promises special attention to. politicians with criminal alSilia-tions. cube eunEc holds STRENGTH, WEEKEND o o fir? . j jry4 1 - -w . j 5 Vr f " - -f f - -'i By CLIFF STERRETT