The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 16, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, July 16, 1933
em Society Turns to Informal
Salem' in Informal Summer
Dress for Numerous
. f
BEAUTIFUL Salem' and her hospitable residents attract
many out-ofTtown guests at seasons when other towns
and cities are deserted , by all who can manage to escape.
Numerous social events of the past week here have been in
the nature of "homecomings," centering as they have
around former Salem persons who have chosen to come back
: O to the splendor of Salem's gar-
Pontiac Girl
Will Wed '
The approaching '. marriage of
Miss Wilma Ricamore, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ricamore
of Pontiac, Mich., to Stephen C.
". Mergler, Salem newspaperman,
was announced by Miss Ricamore
last week when she entertained a
group of her friends at a bridge
upper at her home.
Miss Ricamore- will leave Pon
tiac late this month with a group
of friends, tour Yellowstone na
tional park and arrive in Salem
early In August, when the wed
ding will take place at a local
church. The couple will make
, their home in Salem.
Mr. Mergler is the son of Rev.
and Mrs, J. C- Mergler of Seattle,
" Wash., ''where Rev. Mergler is an
I assistant pastor in the First Pres
byterian church. Attending Wil
lamette university here, Mr. Mer
gler became a member of Kappa
Gamma Rho fraternity, and edit
ed The Collegian, student news
paper. '
Monmouth Rebekahs
Install Officers
Monmouth New officers of
Agate Rebekah lodge, Monmouth,
were installed Thursday night
with Mrs. Oral Edward3, district
deputy, and Miss Alice Butler, de
puty marshal presiding.
Officers: Mable Staats, N. G.;
Edith Lucas, V. G.: Nina Cornel
ius, secretary; Julia Stockholm,
treasurer; Lettie Johnson, war
den: Iva Hamar, conductor; Al
ta Rogers, chaplain; Fay Mur
doek, musician; Susan Stanton,
R. S. N. G. ; Agnes Frieeen, L. S.
N. G.; Oral Edwards, R. S. V. G.;
Nellie Deming, L. S. V. G.; Alma
. Friesen, I. G.; Addio Whiteaker.
- O. G. A social hour followed in
stallation. Four Generations
Honor Mrs. Blanton
Quinaby Mrs. Pearl Harris of
Brooks entertained with a dinner
in honor of her mother, Mrs. Ka
therine Blanton recently with
four generations of daughters
present: Mrs. Harris, daughter;
Ethel Harris Russell, granddaugh
ter; Katherine Ann Russell, great
Mrs. Blanton is one of the few
surviving pioneers of the valley.
She will be 92 years old in Sep
tember. ?
Hills Guests of
Miss Melton
Dr. and Mrs- David Bennett Hill
with their daughter. Miss Char
lotte Hill and her house guests,
Misses Joan Hoke and Isobel Hill,
are guests for the weekend iof
Miss Frances Virginie Melton at
her summer home on Whidby Is
land in Puget Sound.
Also the guest of Miss Melton
Is Madame Marguerite Lisznie
wska, former teacher of Miss Mel
ton's, who will give Miss Char
lotte a lesson on the piano while
j they are guests of their mutual
" friend.
Mrs. Robinson Hostess
At Luncheon
Airs, waiter is. Kobinson was
hostess to a small group of friends
. with an informal luncheon at her
home on South Church street,
Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and
Mrs. Robinson and daughter,
Jane, left yesterday tor Medford,
where-they plan to spend several
weeks. i . I
"MonmouthL Harry Kester,
' rural mail carrier on route 1,
Monmouth, and Mildred Boseut,
daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
' Boseut of j near Independence,
were married Thursday afternoon
."in Vancouver, and are attending
the Rural -Mall Carriers' conven
tion at The Dalles this, week. end.
-Mr. Kester who is well - known
in this section, is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Kester of Surer. Claire
Wlnegar of independence, is sub
stituting on the route for Kester.
Friends of Miss , Ruth Smith,
teacher of mathematics at Salem
high school jwill be Interested to
learn of her approaching marriage
to Edward Milton Runyan of Sa
lem, j
. -
Members Of the Tlllicum Danc
ing club, lalrgest organization of.
- its kind '.IbT Salem, vril hold a
post season sports dance at Hazel
Green Tuesday night for members
f the club inly. 1
- ! .
- Aurora Mrs. E. E. Bradtl and
daughter "Martha -have returned
from. Seavlew, Wash, - They also
visited Long Beach to be with her
. niece, Mrs. L George Francis of
r-The'ladiekrof the South circle
of the First
Christian chnrch-wlll
picnie in -Ebglewood park.yue-
dens, the shaded quiet of her
wide streets and the gay infor
mality of her summer entertain
ing. Popular visitors here are Mr.
and Mrs. George Simeral (Mar
guerite Klein) and their sons An
thony, Robert and Norman, of
Pixley, California. They are the
house guests, during their two
weeks' stay, of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
ton Simeral. .
Thursday afternoon Mrs. Myr
tle Taylor entertained witn three
tables of bridge at her home com
plimenting Mrs. Simeral. Friday
night Mr. and Mrs. Paul John
son and daughter. Miss Julia,
complimented the visitors with an
al fresco dinner in the garden of
their home on South High street
with the following a3 guests: Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Lewis and Mr.
Lewis' mother who makes her
home in Portland; Mrs. Anne
Klein, Portland; Mrs. Myrtle Tay
lor, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Simeral,
Mrs. W. R. Needham, Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Butler, Mrs. J. S. Grah
am, Miss FWeanor Trindle, and
the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs.
George Simeral and sons.
The same - group will hold a
no-host luncheon in the Silver
ton park today honoring the Sim
erals for whom a number of oth
er delightful pffairs are being
Thursday afternoon Mrs. Floyd
Utter was hostess for a lawn
party at her home compliment
ing Mrs. Alta Martin of Los An
geles who is spending some tima
here as the guest of her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Altmau.
Guests for the afternoon were
students at Willamette with Mrs.
Utter and Mrs. Martin.
Bidden for the delightfully in
formal party were: Dr. Helen
Pearce, Miss Dorothy Pearce.
Mrs. Otto Wilson, Mrs. Ray L.
Smith, Mrs. Waldo Mills, Miss
Gertrude Eakin. Mrs. George
Forge, Mrs. Charles Bates and
the honor guest, Mrs. Alta Mar
tin. Complimenting Dr. Carolyn
Hrube-tz Loehner of New York
City and Mrs. Ray W. Metcalf of
Pasadena, who are guests for a
short time in the city. Mrs. Asa
Fisher entertained informally in
her garden Friday afternoon.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Patton are Mrs. Claire C. Simeral
and sons, Claire. Jr., and Billy
of Lancaster, Pa., Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Jory and Melva Belle
Savage of Stockton, California,
and Miss Germaine Goodrich of
Oakland. California. Mr3, Sim
eral and Mrs. Jory are sisters of
Mrs. Patton.
Miss Thelma Davjs, daugter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Davis, who is
spending the earlier part of tho
summer in Salem with her par
ents has been a much-feted guest
during the past two weeks.
Miss Charlotte Hill has as her
guests at the home of her par
ents, Dr. and Mrs. David Bennett
Hill, the Misses Joan Hoke and
Isobel Hill of Pendleton, who
have been guests at a number of
the summer - social activities of
one of Salem's younger sets.
Miss Alicia McElroy of Port
land is spending the .summer
months as the house guest of her
aunts. Mrs. J. P. Frizzell and
Miss Margaret McFadden at their
homei 248 N. Summer street.
The Three Link club met in the
club , rooms of the Odd Fellows
hall, Friday afternoon for their
regular business and social time.
Bessie Edwards, the junior past
president, and Evelyn Bremmer,
the secretary-treasurer, were pre
sented with gifts from the club.
The afternoon was spent with
sewing, telling experiences and
games. The committee of Ame
Mills, Etta Hodge, Evelyn Nader
man and Malissa Persons, served
refreshments in the dining room.
Of special interest to people of
Salem and vicinity, will be the
presentation of "Phyllis Grant's
Junior Follies," at the Elsinore
theatre, Wednesday and Thurs
day. July 19 and 20. Music will
be furnished by BootsGrant and
his band, with Marie Stutesman,
popular young blues singer, offer
ing vocal numbers.
Fifty youngsters, from wee tots
to intermediate ages, will be
presented in song and danee.
Are you ' proud of
.. -your place of busi
ness? or your
display of merchan
Cyn' Cronisc
Court and Commercial St.
For Better
You ma r be sure that glasses
win be recommended ad fit
ted only wheji necessary. And -the
cost will be' small. -
Salem Delegates
- Elected to Two
1 Offices
Members of the Marion Auxil
iary Veterans of Foreign Wars,
No. 61, wired friends here yes
terday ; of the splendid showing
made by Salem delegates at the
department encampment just clos
ing at Roseburg.
Mrs. Bryan Conley of Salem was
elected senior vice president of
tue department. Mrs. R. W. Rem
ington of Salem was made depart
ment conductress. Both offices
are important positions in the
state organization.
Mrs. -Cecile Hardle of Portland
wag reelected senior president of
the department and. Mrs. Anna
Kelly, also of Portland, was elect-
ea president or the junior organiz
C n of the department.
'i iiJa i is the second successive
year, for Salem delegates to be
elected , to two Important offices
at the state, encampment.
Matrons Are Guests
Of Mrs. Curtis
- Baio m. lew via
time friends of Salem and Port
land. Mrs. Addle Curtis entertain,
ed at a 1 o'clock luncheon in her
home Wednesday afternoon, on
the occasion of her birthday.
The luncheon table was attrac
tively centered wiht bright sweet
Peas, baby breath and pink can
dles with appointments In keeping
with this pastel color scheme.
Large bouquets of sweet peas and
summer flowers were effectively
used about the rooms.
Guests of Mrs. Curtis for the
afternoon included: Mrs. Ruby
Brewster, Mrs. Mabel Olmstead,
Mrs. L. O. Curtis, all of Portland;
Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mrs. Lenore
Roberts, Mrs. Fannie Ramsden,
Mrs. G. A. Wilson, IMrs. Harvey
Taylor, Mrs. John Knight, Mrs.
Clyde Harris, Mrs. D. H. Mc
Kenzie, Mrs. Ada Gibler and the
hostess, Mrs. Addie Curtis.
Lodge Orchestra is
Heard at Talbot
The Rebekah orchestra, direct
ed by Priscilla Meisinger put on
an evening's program for the
grange members, in the school
house at Talbot, Friday night.
Those playing were: Lulu McClav,
Edith McElroy, Hazel McElrov,
Myrtle McClay, Verda Olmstead.
Elsie To.wnsend, Bessie Edwards,
Sarah Tennis, Flora" Turnbull,
George Meisinger, Albert Garrett
and Mrs. Meisinger.
The Rebekahs will meet for
their regular business meeting
Monday night at 8 o'clock. All
members of the team are request
ed to be present for drill. '
Monmouth Normal lodge I.
O. O. F. installed officers Mon
day night with W. J. Stockholm
as district deputy and Claude
Boothby as district deputy grand
marshal. Officers: Eric S wen
son, N. G.; Harrison Brant, V.
G.; Paul Tacheron, secretary; W.
B. Egelston, treasurer; Homer
Dodds, Warden; F. E. Murdock,
conductor; H. K. Sickafoose,
chaplain; C. O. Allen, R. S. S.;
A. T. Plummer, L. S. S.; George
Crofoot, R. S. N. G.; Cecil Price,
L. S. N. G.; Jack Goodell, L. S.
V. G.; B. E. Friesen. L. S. V. G.;
G. M. Partridge, I. G.; Paul Ri
ley, O. G.
The retiring noble grand.
Charles Bowman was not absent
during his term of office and was
noticeably prompt in attending to
all other minutiae incidental to
the office.
A social evening followed Installation.
r - ex
i. eiiiiiiigioiis
INGTON, who are leaving
soon for eastern Kansas,
where they plan to spend several
months, have been the inspiration
for a good deal of informal en
tertaining during the past week.
In their honor Mrs. A." A. Siewert
and Mrs, C. A. Sprague were host
esses for a dinner party Monday
The Pennlngtons were members
of a group holding a no-host pic
nic dinner in the gardens of the
David Wright home Wednesday
night and were guests of honor
Thursday when Mrs. H. O. White
and Mrs. E. A. Kurtz entertained
with an evening of bridge in Mrs.
Friday afternoon the Yomarco
class of the First Methodist
church entertained in honor of
Mrs. Pennington.
Last night the Friday Bridge
club entertained in compliment to
the Pennlngtons, with a dinner at
Mrs. Godfrey's, followed by bridge
at the U. S. Page home.
Other delightful parties are be
ing planned for the Pennlngtons
during the coming week, among
them one for which Mrs. A. A.
Siewert and Mrs. Roy Mills will
be hostesses tomorrow at Mrs.
Siewcrt's home.
Ruth Smith and
E. M. Runyan Wed
The marriage of Miss Ruth
Smith, daughter of Mrs. Augusta
Smith'of Salem to E. Milton Run
yan, son of Mrs. Mary Frances
Runyan of. Portland, will be quiet
ly solemnized in the presence of
relatives of the couple this after
noon at the home of the bride's
brother, Arthur Smith, in Port
land. Miss Smith is a graduate of
Willamette university and a mem
ber of Beta Chi sorority. Mr. Run
yan is a graduate of Reed college.
Rev. C. P. Grtes, district super-
intendent of the Evangelical
church will officiate at the wed
ding this afternoon following
which Mr. and Mrs. Runyan will
leave for the south. They will be
at home in Salem after August 15.
Rickreall Matrons
Rickreall Mrs. D. V. Price
and Mrs. Derrell Hewitt enter
tained the members of Thursday
afternoon sewing club at the
home of Mrs. B. F. Lucas.
Present were Mrs. Lloyd Nel
son, Mrs. Elwyn Hill. Monmouth;
Mrs. John Robison. Mrs. Chester
Gillam, Miss Catherine Price,
Miss Doris Goodell, Miss Virginia
Adams, Ellsworth and Peggy Ro
binson, Richard Hewitt and Ron
ald Gillam.
Rickreall Mrs. Jennie Demp-
sey and Mrs. Harry Dempsey at
tended the miscellaneous shower
Friday for Mrs. Walter Bates,
(Eva Mae Hamilton) a recent
bride, that was given by Miss
Betty Lee Fin at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Waldo Finn near
McCoy. There were 60 guests
A number from this community
attended the cooking demonstra
tion given by Mrs. Humphreys
at the Scio gymnasium Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Fashionable and Cool
and Oh, So Dressy!
Get Your Whites Now
for street wear . . . easy
to wear . . . easy to
keep. In styles from
that are good sports . . .
Cool . . Comfortable
and Styles that appeal.
From $2.95.
11 ' ' 1
entertaining With rvene wed
Miss White Gives
Clever Sports
Ohmart. who left Saturday to
spend 10 days as the guest
of relatives and friends in Seat
tle, Miss Muriel White was host
ess for a cleverly carried out
"Sports" Uarty on the lawn of her
home Friday night.
A ping pong tournament and
motorboat race in cards were fea
tures of the evening. Appoint-'
ments and refreshments carried
out the red and white color
Bidden for the evening were
the Misses Margaret and Jane
Mackenzie, Barbara Kurtz, Rach
ael Yocum, Ruth Yocum Frances
Sherman, Irma Oehler, Elisabeth
and Margaret Murphy, Mary
White, Olive Jones and Mrs. Vir
ginia Kaiser, and the honor guest,
Miss Ohmart.
Charming Recital .
Vleard Tuesday
A charming midsummer recital
was that given at the home of
Nellie Roberts Ramp near Brooks
Tuesday afternoon.
Those playing solos were Eva
lyn and Rosanne Henney, Marie
.and Jack Bosch, Mary and Anna
Takayama, Arlene Rasmussen and
Kreta Fae Ashbaugh.
In addition there was a reading
by Neva Ramp and vocal solo by
Harriet Talmadge (nieces of Mrs.
Ramp) and a vocal solo by Pris
cilla. Arlene Johnston (a neice of
Mrs. Ashbaugh, vlMting from
Vancouver, Wash.), and a piano
duet by Genevere Snyder and Kre
ta Fae Ashbaugh.
The rooms were lovely with re
gal lilies and Mary Pickford sweet
peas, roses and delphiniums.
Refreshments were served on
the spacious lawn and a picture
Additional guests were Thelma
Reed, Mrs. Snyder and Sonny,
Mrs. Bosch. Mrs- Rasmussen, Mrs.
Leah Bailey. Mrs. Agnes Jones,
Mrs. Durette, her sister, Mrs.
Jesse Matthes and daughter, Char
lotte, Mrs. Wassam and Mildred.
Mrs. Mary Hall, sister of the host
ess, Betty and Loraine Takayama
and Mrs. Ashbaugh.
Shower Given For
Miss Lichty
Central Howell Gladys Llech
ty and Inez Welty entertained at
the home of the former with a
pie-nuptial shower in honor of
Myrene Lichty on Thursday after
noon. The rooms were very attrac
tively decorated with a variety of
summer flowers.
The hostesses served delight
ful refreshments. Present were
Misses Myrene Lichty, Nora Lich
ty. Ellen Steffen, Muriel Lichty,
Mrs. Chester Lichty. Mrs. G. Wel
ty, Mrs. Clarence Simmons, Mrs.
Henry Lichty, Mrs. Chris Lichty
and the hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter George
gave a party for their daughter
Joy's fourth aniversary. Those
present to enjoy the party were:
Quinn, Mrs. Maysel Bates and
two sons Charles and Orval. Del
mer Curchill's family of Mill
City were afternoon callers also at !
the George home.
Gilbert Finley and Jesse Nlch-j
ols are gathering their bountiful
crops of black cap raspberries
and delivering them to McLaugh
lin at Albany.
Frank Gooch who is employed
In road construction work in Cal- j
ifornla was here with his family i
this week and looking after prop
erty Interests.
at I
.95 j
ee ReceDtion A 1 1 r a c t s
Many Friends
ONE of the large and unusually lovely events of the sum
mer season was the reception Thursday afternoon and
evening with which Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Lee greeted their
many friends on the occasion of-their fortieth wedding an
niversary. More than 200 persons called to felicitate Mr.
and Mrs. Lee during the reception hours. .
Great vasea of gladioli, baskets O :
of sweet peas, bowls and long , greeted at the door while Mrs.
Dasxeis or oriuiant summer
flowers against a background of
fern were arranged with beauti
ful precision in the hall and re
ceiving and dining rooms. The
predominating pink emphasized
by other pastel shades was car
ried out in the dainty appoint
ments of the- serving table pre
sided over in the afternoon by
Mrs. J. H. Baker. Mrs. W. G. Boy
er, Mrs. E. J. Swafford and Mrs.
B. E. Carrier; and In the even
ing by Mrs. R. L. Farmer, Mrs. H.
H. Vandevort, Mrs. Carl G. Do
ney and Mrs. B. Earle Parker.
Guests calling during the af
ternoon were greeted at the door
by Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck and Miss
Helen- Atwood, introduced by
Mrs. T. D. Yarnes and invited to
the dining room- by Mrs. Ronald
Assisting about the rooms
were Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mrs. D.
Blatchford. Miss Margaret Cos
per, Mrs. H. E. Herron and Mrs.
F. A. Legge. Serving were Miss
Faith Priday, Miss Esther Lisle.
Miss Gladys Taylor. Miss Lois
Burton, Miss Alice Swigle. Miss
Loretta Sneed and Miss Willetta
Miss Eleanor Moore sang, ac
companied by Miss Virginia
In the evening Mrs. Lloyd A.
Lee and Mrs. W. C. Winslow
. ....
v fe
lV W?Jl I F A STttT Cil!f 7REFftl61RATOR.- I !yj I Wf U,
I '
Occasionally you come across some household invention that is so practical
you wonder how housewives ever did without it Such a development is the
new Crosley Shelvador. Not only does the Shelvador make small articles of
food instantly accessible as soon as you open the refrigerator-door, but it
increased the usable capacity of the refri3erator by 50 percent Only Gosley
gives you this exclusive, patented feature, and only Crosley offers you the
great value you obtain in Crosley electric refrigerators.
456 State St.
1 reg. $89.50 Maytag - $69.50 New
1 reg. $89.50 Prima - $63.75 New
1 reg. $47.50 1900 - $38.75 ;New
Reg. $115 White Rotary $59.50 New
Reg, $95 Singer - $35 Slightly Used
M mD (B (B IB:U2 (D -I
456 State St. I APPLIANCE STORE tTelepfccne 6022T :
Z i
E. T. Barnes introduced the
Mrs. Amy Mills. Mrs. B. L.
Steeves. Mrs. C. F. Breitbaupt.
Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead,
Mrs. Wallace Griffith, Mrs. 'Har
ry -W.' Scott, Mrs. Paul A. Lee,
Mrs. T. C. DeLong, Miss Betty
Parker, Miss Grace Elizabeth
Holman, Miss Doris Griffin, Miss
Gay -Swingle and Miss Evelyn
Swingle assisted about the rooms
and in the serving.
Mrs. Paul Pemberton, MUs
Joyce Woodfin and Miss Helen
Woodfin sang several numbers.
Mrs. Addie Curtis read and Miss
Bedford played several piano
Mr. and Mrs. Lee received be
fore the large fern-banked fire
place in he living room. Mr. and
Mrs. Lee are long-time Salem res
idents and have been active in
club, church and university cir
cles where they have a "host of
D a y t o n Honoring Mrs.
Charles Carr, a member and of
ficer of Electa chapter No. 29, a
delightful afternoon was spent by
35 women when the chapter was
hostess at the Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Sherman home in Dayton on Wed
nesday afternoon. Each woman
1 ' - -i a,. ... ... II i . -i.i ... LIMN 1 . Z
ywas given a card on which to'
writ her favorite recipe and sigri
her name and all of them wer
glveii to Mrs: Cam Refreshment
were served.
Treading a per
fect path' between
the extremes of de
signing. .;thi it the -secret
of the charm
of Normandie, Qw
esc member f the-.-Wallace
family oC
Sterling tablewste
Exquisite detail Is"
confined within the
simplest of outlines
...elaboration it re
strained to conform '
to our modern ten
ets of beauty.
Tea Spoons
are only $5.65
for. a set of
Harlman Bros.
Stated Liberty St
Delivery ' fnslallation I
One yeanrService
Telephone 6022
1 I
day. - Those
attending are asked
to bring, th
elr own table-service.
t ' , ,...v.
nm-m.- I 1 4 PI
I mm