."..I 7 J - 5 - J L 1-: : 3 Salem,-Oresron, Friday Morning, July 14, 1953 - . .sr.. I r -Communistic Move lntimat-J ed;Trind!e Called 'Liar', ; Siegmund Railed at Branding District Attorney W. H.VTrindle a "liar-, another edi tion of the occasional "Unemploy ed r Council News" made its ap pearance about town late Thurs- day. , : "Trlndle betrays his boureeols conception of things economic when he speaks of not being able to -'muster more than 50 little persons,' the publication re ' cites. . Another, attack Is launched on County Judge Siegmund in the Publication. "It ia a vn.Vin.n fact that Siegmund particularly had adooted a huli-dnzinv inantt. ing and harsh attitude towards unempioyea workers and their families. He has Insulted women and denied aid to the sick and . attempted at all timp tn niar h burden Of the denressian nnnn ha backs of the Tlctims of the cap- iiaiisiic maladministration." the - paper declares, - 50c Bathing Caps .jOC Cigarettes Luckies, Old Gold, Ches terfield, Ca mels 10c 10c Lux O n 25c New Kotex fl ' J mq-fl "Vith Patent Equalizer i-lV-- dN 7 xH L a i i m iJSiSN .-.3ic . fl 25c New Modes p g s6c : YVl9cv? We Maintain a Special Truss Fitting Department AXL work guaranteed. No matter what truss you may be wearing, come in and have it adjusted FREE. Graduate fitter in attendance. Friday, Saturday Fountain Special Fresh Raspberry SundayT.............10c DCUGG Your NYAL SERVICE Drug Store FREE DELIVERY. - 7 , Phone 3444 Complete Prescriptiom Serrict An obvious bid for support for a communistic more is the final paragraph of the 750-word arti cle-; "Workers should real! us, more than eTer," the News de clares, "that only through the pro gram of the Unemployed Councils, a national organization, . using tactics dereloped as a result of the combined experiences of the workers in struggle ererywhere can we hope to win first our , im mediate needs. -Through organiz ation we derelop thereby, we can win our final emancipation." . Headquarters of the Salem Un employed Councils are at -4 33 Ferry street. . ' $15 79 Expended For Relief Work Here During June Relief work In Marion county called for an expenditure of $15, 879. last month, the county clerk's office announced Thursday. Of the sum expended, $10,638 came from county funds and was spent for 4768 working days. The county and state relief agency contribut ed $5241, of which $2268 went In cash and $2973 In payment tor groceries. A total of 1124 differ ent men were in the monthly road work payroll. Shoes 25c Dental Cream FREE with Wil liams Shave Cream Both 32c for A goo4 nasal spray eas es irritated nasal and throat membranes. $1.50 St. Regis Atomizer (3 Special 2-oz. Oil Spray Solution FREE with each atom izer, i 39c W3 ; Interestino Facts - Aw . j."xM - The distribution of The States man today including the extra green section copies Is , 0 The Ladles of the First Metho dist church suggest that all the seats In the church be mored for ward, not to get the people closer to the pulpit but to change the wear on the carpet. O . - Our boy wanted to trade his bi cycle for a pony. A little ad in The Statesman-did the trick and now he has a pony. The trade was made with a party Uring seren miles northeast of Sllverton show ing that The Statesman reaches a considerable distance- O Gus Hixon, circulation manager of The Statesman tells us that .The Statesman has shown a net gain of 242 subscribers In the past f 0 days. Well take the cre dit for this as we know nil the good ads we hare in the paper make it easier .to sell. People like a- paper that has lots of ads. O Special election next Friday, a week fromtoday. Every good cit izen should rote. By Special Saturday, ANNODNCEHENT DE WSTRA10W 10 Sunbeam MIXM ASTERS - In An Amazing Demonstration of Automatic Food Preparation O Potato Peeling, Vegetable Shredding, Vegetable Slic ing, Food Chopping, Coffee Grinding, Cake Mixing, Meat Grinding, Slicing, Mayonnaise Making. Also Knife Sharpening, Can Opening, Polishing. DONT MISS, COMING TO DOUGHTON & SHERW1 HARDWARE ' , 357 COURT STREET Phone 6932 Oty new location is between Center & Chemeketa on High Street, Sclem headquarters for and Fox Feed. Remember the Place Grocery Dept Durkee's Salad Oil 1 quarf in bulk Bring con- - p? tain era LfJls Pure Apple Vinegar Per 1AA 'gal.'. Xe7U Cane and Maple Syrup . Quart . OCa bottle .Ut Yellow Bantam Corn 9J cans 25c Old Farmers, bring us your fresh eggs, have been paying 17c, and do not think the market will be less, pos sibly more. - ' '! JO BE IB 12 Dried Crop Estimated Same As Last Year; Peach Output Unchanged Most recent estimate .- on the Oregon fresh prune production for 1933 is 20.000 tons, which is only slightly more than half of the 30,000 tons grown last year. The dried prune estimate la 20, 000 tons, the same as last year. Pear harrest will be almost iden tical with last year, or 2.812.000 bushels, it now appears. Washington's prune crop looks to be 20,638 tons on the fresh deal, compared to 23.100 last year; and 1,375 tons of dried, compared to 3,000 in 1932. Cal ifornia shows a boost orer 1932, with the outlook on this year's harrest 186,000 tons of dried, compared to 181,000 last year. The fresh, prune production in California, goes the other war, however, with an estimated 59, 000 tons for. this fall, against 8,- 000 tons last year. Peach crop this year in Oregon will be about the same as last year, or 230,000 bushels; and ap ples wui be under the 1932 fig ure, the estimate bow being 4,- 030,000 Dusneis, against. 4,950,' 000 bushels last year To stimulate interest in the fur ther derelopment and exploitation of oil fields in Germany a central ou association was formed recent ly in Hamburg. Arrangement July 15th 347 N. Hit Crown Poultry, Dairy, Crown Feeds Feed Cro'wn Feeds . There is none better Crown Mill Run 80 -90c Crown. Rolled Barley rrcr lb, $1.00 sack Recleaned Wheat 100, $1.60 Dutch Cleanser era m Editors on Way To Their Annual Meet, Corvallis number of members of the newspaper fraternity ot.th state are passing through Salem today on their way to the annual sum mer eonrention of the State Edi torial association which convenes this morning in Corrallls. After two business aesslons, the edi torial grout will be entertained at & banquet dinner. Saturday noon the editors will be guests at a luneheon aUWald- port and then will motor up the Oregon Coast highway for a ban quet that night at Newport. Representatives of the Salem papers and of the press staff at the capita) here will attend. 8 Junior Gardeners Form at Woodburn; Fall Show Planned WOODBURN, July 13 The Woodburn Garden club met Tues day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burnett. Mr. Timm, the new president, presided. A Junior garden club has been or ganised with a unit of fire mem bers. - - Plans are being made for the PC IFIL SiSI7FEI3 Airway Winning friends by the thousand pound H93 Home Adc Assorted Flavors H-lb. pk. Pabstett PEN-JELL 2 package PEANUT BUTTER 2 Dm. JATl RINGS package Obtain Your Fruits GRAPEFRUIT STRING BEANG -a CaL Series.. fH of jlce, doa. JJ-Fresh Green 4 rb . . . DANANAO LETTUCE r? a?? - tom wwhinm.2 S VotCfftaolono . o') NEW GPUDO Tt(v),K Baby Beef Steaks Round Sirloin and T-Bones Beef Roasts Choice Arm and Blade loiling EBqqG Brazing or Boiling Doflcscao - Mvei? fall flower show. . Mr. Burnett and J. I. Hall war named aa a committee, to make arrangements for suitable location. Tea will b sorred ia the afternoon an! craning, with Mrs. W- J. Wilson In charge. Mrs. H. F. Butterfleld was appointed chairman of the program committee for the year. The next meeting will be & bas ket lunch at the J. J. Hall home on August 8. - E SILVEBTii CIILED BILVERTON, July IS A big mass meeting is being arranged aa a portion of the educational campaign which' local organiza tions are carrying on in respect to the bond issue which will ap pear on the July 21 ballot in re gard to the proposed sewage dis posal plant at Silrerton. The date of the mass meeting has been set tor July 19 and will be held at the city park. A general committee from the rarious local organizations is composed of Roy Darenport, Dr. P. A. Loar, Ernest Starr, James Scarth, Cal Sehlador, Henry Aim 1 M 3 935 South Commercial St. C We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities -Open Till 9 AH 24Vz All Oregon Dollar Days VAN CAMPS TOMATO SOUP, 25 cans . ... r $1.00 FRUITS for SALAD, Del Monte No. 1 cans, 8 cans $1.00 SLICED PINEAPPLE, Libbys No. 2 cans, 7 cans $1.00 GRAPE FRUIT JUICE, Valrita No. 1 cans, 12 cans $1.00 ORANGE JUICE, Valrita No. 1 cans, 11 cans $1.00 TOMATOES, Standard Redona No. 2Vt, 12 cans $1.00 Country Kist CORN, Gold. Ban. No. 303, 15 cans $1.00 SHRIMP, Anticich, Extra Quality, 12 cans $1.00 LIBBYS TOMATO JUICE, No. 2 cans, 12 cans $1.00 5 and Vegetables horn Pan TLQ)C and I Clair Jarris. 4 j ' The committee has- announced that it wishes It generally under stood and . emphasized that ; the apkeep in interest on the .issue is not a tax on property, but on the Dtfomdai?l 228 Ferry One-Half Block West Slarion Hotel WHEAT, recleaned CORN, cracked or ground ..... BARLEY, ground ................... ROLLED OATS PROGRESSIVE SCRATCH ... PULLET GROWER . ... 1933 EGG MAKER .. ........ MOLAS-O-MEAL . All Prices Subject to Change Withont Notice Just Arrived A carload of Morton Salt. A salt for every purpose. See us for prices. In rJ BLUE SEAL Family Purpose Flour lb. bag PURE CANE Fine Granulated, 10 lbs. VINEGAR Bring yonr container, gallon Galad Drcsstofj Beet Foods, quart JELL-WELL Package Package Takit - Salem's Leading PORK ROAST Loin and Rib Cuts PORK STEAK Lean' Tender Pork f Fresh Ground Beef or PORK SAUSAGE Pound ' ' s '" Ooniicofje . ilsell as lituldatlon. The property llen is on the seirag plant only and the goremment requires that the plant has - to pay its own way and this will be done-by connection charges. EToccl (5; Phone 6858, 109 lbs. 100 lbs. 100 " lbs. (0 -lbs. $1.50 $1.60 $1.35 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $2.00 $1.35 P. M. Marshmallovs Just the Item for Toast ing on that Picnic pound E5 POTATO CHIPS Regular 15c Size 4m CAPC Produce Department- 0