The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 14, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    ., , .,
Affairs at Champoeg Draw
- Chief in Charge
(Coottnged from pas 1) -with
a- statement for 35X2.25,
which he said vu the difference.
In pay he actually . recelTd and
the amoant of the salary budget.
Totter said ho enit hla Job at the
park because the board of control
"repudiated, their agreement" to
pay -htm $12$. a month and be
cause the board owed him $709
la back salary for 1931 and 1932.
Object or Inquiry .
J. W. Marnny. is at present acting-
an caretaker at the park. .
George H. -Hintcs, curator of
the OregOn Historical society and
- secretary of the Oregon Pioneer
. association, declared Toiler "ia
my' opinion, wa the best man for
th Job.? - -.
' Wimam-Elazlg. tecretary of the
state hoard of control, will go to
will investigate ,a complaint tiled
. byf Mra.. I. L. Patterson, luvolv
tagr tbo construction of a cottage
hre by Captain Bmlth, park als
toflan. "
link- Patterson alleged that the
structure Is not in keeping with
the park sarroaadings and is ob
jectionable to persona Interested
in the proper maintenance of the
property. " "
r, . ' , -- . '
. CContlnued from page 1)
about $1600 ; to pay on advance
outlay for, the 1933 show. The
legislature, however, eliminated
the $37,600 annual appropriation
for premiums and allowed only
$5000 a year for upkeep of the
fairgrounds and payment of in-
: "What, No Beer"
Mickey Blouse Matinee
Saturday, 1:80 p.m.
MA rtoOvwd Tteater f"
Today Another
Bargain Day
1:45 P. M.
Bring the Coupon
I Admit One when present-,
I ed with one
I .admission.- V
25 , paid
Good tonlte only Jnly 14
t4l : 1 Rosco Ates, Phyllis
fealV X j 4i I Barry, John Miljan
m W Our Gmr Comedy,
11 IP News, Cartoon Comedy &
11 V'r 'I I 'The Devil Horse"
if -ean 1
li-;&1htS Color tSS
? i. r. ;tflGHT 1 I
With Toots
i i ,
Toots, lovely1 girl made f am
ous by ber TOle in Toots and Cas
per, The Statesman's great corale
atrip, h, a
amased herself
with the re
sults produced
by a famous re- "
d u c i n g diet
m m w M V
commended te 7
her -on medicalvN
authority. : " . -
Many readers of The States
man who Joined with Toots In this
sure and sate method of reducing
also have been pleasantly surpris
ed at tho strides they are making
toward a beaatlfully slim figure.
This approved system is working
wonders. .
To reduce the abdomen, thighs.
feet and- ankles : Lie-flat on floor
with-. arms outstretched. . Circle
terest on 343.&00 of debt, outstanding-
for the construction of
the grandstand. -
Tbn Ibis year's fair must make
lt premium costs 'from' the gen
eral gate receipts and from its
share of horse and dog race re
turns. (. .' . - : -'
- If financial circumstances per
mit.. Gehlhar Is bopefu!"this fall
that" note maturities, of 313,600
due-on tho grandstand obligation
can bo met.
Arguments were heard In the
state supreme court here Thars-
uay in a suit Drought by em
ployes of tho Bea Selling store to
eniorce an, alleged contract In
voivlng the Selling estate. The
amount involved In the suit, was
estimated at $250,000.
The plaintiffs alleged that the
late owner of the store had agreed
with them that because of faith
ful service, he would give them
the store when be died. The
agreement was not in writing.
ueienaants contended that at
about the time that the promise
was alleged to have been given.
Selling made hla last will In
I If! fl A rtaOvtd Theater p3
II Today & Saturday
f lor laughs!
II 'Vl' i-X Then see what
I?.' ,T, Buster nd
I t'TC".,, ,,. c h nozale"
II jh " - V I bave hrewed
I S I for your do-
- ; . llghM fl
I: VVMHlMMMeilie
Everything! Girls by the Score! Dazzling
Beauty! Red-hot
if r-r ' Mucd
l C3 Vv iC Extravaganza
Color OP
' 7T UW7
' in .
II Bia Crosby . John Bolea
ii i ii f i I r JMnit .luff - hmt k mih
II f Snorts
W n.- NJ I
p sEjjjaajlMgssgjespiBBM
Statesman Readers are ; in
vited to follow diet and ex
ercise program of comic
strip matron. - v -j
outwardly with left leg, pointing
toes well. Do. this- four times.
Then do same with-right leg.
Circle' Inwardly, with left: leg,
pointing toes well. Do four times.
Repeat with right leg. Ton should
feel the pull from tho ,hipllae
down. Exercise until "you do feel
this vital pull. Without it, any exercise-
Is useless. T
Brenkfastr Orange Juice;
poached egg; two slices bacon
well dried out; thin slice whole
wheat bread; eoffee without sugar
or cream.-;
Luncheon: Stuffed beet . salad
with lltle chopped onion, celery,
parsley, seasoned with little salt,
pepper and - vinegar; cottage
cheese; sliced fresh pineapple.
Dinner; iHoneydew melon; slic
ed tomatoes; berries, no sugar or
cream: or.. If preferred, . sliced
peach; tea, no sugar; lemon.
which he directed, that upon his
death the atore be sold and the
proceeds be added to hts estate.
Thovplalntnts lost in the cir
cuit court for Multnemab couaty.
whereupon appeal was. taken to
the supremo court. The case is
known a Rabies vs. Selling.
LONDON. July 1$ (API-
Great Britain went on record, in
the world economic conference to-
dav aa oooosed to public works
programs a short time after the
American delegation had broach
ed a proposal calling for shorter
hour of work and . increases in
wages to compensate for rise in
prices as an ameliorative for nn
The American resolution, sub
mitted by Sam D. McReynolds, of
Tennessee, declared unemploy
ment la "one of the gravest prob
lems the governments are con
fronted with at this time."
The British stand, taken in op
position to a French recommenda
tion, came in the economic com
mission toward the close of the
day. It was expressed by Walter
Rnnciman, president of the board
of trade.
Runciman declared Great Brit
ain had considerable experience
with public works schemes and
found them "the most unremun-
eratlve of all efforts to reduce un
employment. He added that his
government would not. initiate
any sueh move,' would not take
part in any such International
move ana wonia net furnish, a
capital market for loana Intended
for such purpose.
"The schemes were expensiv
unduly expensive and we shall
not reopen them no matter what
other nations do," Runciman said.
"We. have abandoned them nee
and for all."
(Continued from page 1)
Larklna, 8 S3 North 20th street,
a cousin, testified. Other witnesses
were Henry George, 1035 Hoyt
street, an eyewitness: Dr. Y.
Douglass, who examined Mrs.
Groves; City Patrolman W. R.
New and Sergeant W. J. Mulkey
of the state police.
:- Members-of the Jury were Clif
ford Parker, Charles Wiper, Leslie
Springer, M. B. Stegner, O. D. Ol
son and E. A. Miller. ;
This was the first Inquest eon
ducted by Coroner L. B. Barriek
since he went into office last Jan
uary 1.
Funeral services for Mrs.
Groves will be held at 1 p.m. Sat
urday from . the Clough-Barrlck
mortuary. Interment will be in Ci
tyvlew cemetery.
. ,
Belfast, Ireland, Dublin, Irish
Free State, Manchester, England,
and the Isle of Man are to be con
nected by an air service operated
by a railroad.
SEsx SummcTrnieSisters MG"
Stanley Smith . Rhythci Boys
Jeannette Loft llarry Earru
RnsseU Markert Dancers
ana bla 40-pleoe band
-. -I. . - -
SHEDIAC. N. B. July 13.
(AP) r General Italo Balbo and
his squadron of 1 1 Italian , sea
planes bound for the Century of
Progress exposition In . Chicago;
arrived hero late-today, complet
ing a flight of 800 miles from
Cartwrlght, Labrador, . the fifth
leg In the largest long distance
mass air movement in history.
The armada started its takeoff
from Cartwright, where- it arriv
ed late yesterday n following: tho
-most hazardous stage of its . trip
the . 1500 mile north Atlantic
crossing from Reykjavik. Iceland,
to Labrador at 8:30 a. m
Eastern Standard . time. The last
of the groups of three got-away
by 8:SI a, m.
Sweeping in from the north in
close 1 formation, the tirst group
of three arrived at 4:30 p. m.,
AtlanUe daylight time (3.30 p. m
Eastern Standard -time) General
Balbo, the Italian air minister,
was piloting the leading plane.
By-4:18 p. m., AtlanUe daylight
time, ell the planes had arrived
and were stretched across Shedlao
bay. , -
' Pupil Know the
When aa Inspector called re
cently at a school in Sofia, Bul
garia, he was Impressed with the
accuracy of the pupils. Every time
the teacher asked a question ev
ery child raised his hand, and the
answers always were right. The
Inspector congratulated the teaeh-
or. upset by his congratulations
she confessed she had devised a
system, and had taught all her
pupils to raise their right hand
if they knew- the answers and
their left when they did not. She
caned on only those with right
bands raised.
'Mr technical knowl
edge of gasoline is linv?
ited but experience hat
prored to me that Soper,
Shell sires the utmost
in speed. The new deal
ahoold win over many
new caere,".
C". H Bcmcock,
: ykWU' ''.WW'WV.' .Ull.uiiill..iiiyl..r mpttm V
yvfrt yJyp iff R 1 V Tl "
AXU ''tr-r K: ""v" -X,, fc , ';
- ""-hit I -'- ' '' - ' f I
. I? l. I mnat have a caaoGasj
ria coTerins: my terri- j " t 1 j that etarto Instantly and
twyltoritzuoUtxm 7Uv T : ; . iiunrea smooth perform-
that will fir me more . . f; ' '.Ti Utf' ; ance at an time. That la
rnnct per too, there-, t-. . -lA i t why I changed to Super
fore, I use Super SheU. . V- 3 J - jrv r- Shefl.
JohnFeeney ''- ' '"jti;. - I . "- V TJL5xl;
: "J ' S III J I f
. ' . v;jh iii -;v -
n .-..u -r I i
' j ' ' 4 ' ! - - iii ..' " '-' t -
- , : - . . s " -"-" ""T
' - ',('"- . .... ,V
Now Super SHELL is
capturing the WEST !
Made on the Pacific Coast. Sold without 3 premium
at Shell Service Inc. stations and by Shell dealers.
TpENfl of thotuande In Chicago
SL switched tOLthls fiaiollne the
first week! Its the same: story hers
everywhere people are saying,
J'nlan, hare yon tried Super Shell!!
From Soper SheU yon get the kind
' of premium performance you once
paid If extra for. The same extra
mileage! The fiet-a-wayt the treat
reserres of smooth, quiet power!
Super rcflnini that's the reason
for it. By Shell's excluaire new proc
esses, the wasteful parts in ordinary
Ctsolins era entirely reaored. Sopet
The Gall
O. .
e e. "e--
Today- Paul Whiteman
"King ofJaas."
Today Doable -feature: Jun-.
lor Durkinln 'Kan Hunt'
and Tom Keene in "Chey-
enne Kid." , - .
Today Buster Keaton and
llmmv Tinrnntw ln."Wh&t!
No Beerf v ' - .
The decided comeback of mnsic
on the - motion picture stage
brings with it the revival of the
great . technicolor - extravaganza,
King of -Jazz," originally releas
ed by Universal Pictures three
years ago when the public's inter
est in musical talkies -was appar
ently dying. Even then, the pic
ture "took," but the very fact that
it was built around music kept
large numbers of bored movie
goers at home. -:
Recut, re-edited and reshot in
some particulars "King of Jazz"
opens today at the Elalnore the
atre. Built around an entire con
stellation of stars, the picture
cannot fall to attract attention
here. Paul Whiteman, John Boles.
Jeannette Lotf, - Bing Crosby,
Jeanle Lang, Stanley Smith and
here's the surprise feature Slim
Sammerville against a back
ground of songs, dances, girls and
color are said to make this pic
ture one of the shows of the day.
Although' totally blind, Mrs. M.
Male won two prizes at this year's
Cambridge Angling Society's meet
in Cambridge, England.
V "When the light change
lV. -hr''v to 'Go, I want to be
:. rr-'" yJV ; one. Since I.hare
.-r-r.r lA - K 'X " " changed to Super Shea
- W;C'j ' -' - - X am away ahead of the
'VfTA - Clark H. Hammond,
O V OakPrk.ia. "
-1 P J ' "? I Thousands in West ' " " : v' :
. now talking like this
ffnrittm. J frm MM t
leader said- - efjf rt - are being
made-to brlngrabout 'a- national
walkout, -s ' ---5;- v. '
! About 10,000 hosiery- workers
are on strike .it Reading, Pa.
There has been- little" Indication
of progress toward adjustment of
differences. The mill workers
there and. at Scranton are de-;
mending wage Increases, reduced
working- hours, unionization of
plants and improved working conditions.-:.
I .
I Strikes ia sympathy with the
needle craftsmen have been called
ia Peckville and Jessup. Pa., while
In leading laundries, pretzel fac
tories, textile plants, electrical ap
pliance shops and other Industries
have been affected by sympathetic
arid His Band
. wiU furnish a
Free Bus
Hazel Green
Sat, July 15
Boa Leave New Salem
Hotel a 8:45 pan.
r 1 1 11 11 1 ' i 1
Shell Is a concentrated motor fuelt
It brings out the greatest power and
greatest mileage your motor can gire,'
This new golden-colored Super
Sheli is the West's own improvement
orer the famous Super SheU the ast
paid more than 8 million extra dol
lars for! Now this new Super Shell
at the price of regular gasoline is an
orerwhelmlng success ererywhere.
fry 'li.and mW Ae 'telling,
'ail your JrUndt, 'JJChangtJq
ouDcr stiaiwi j
- -
Take Oct
Super Shell is Capturing Salem just as it
has already captured the east and th& west.
eU at
Smith. Watkins
We Co a Long Way to Make Friends
i ' ' ; : I -
I "... , l --V '
Tae Flah Ranch Road grade
at Is used for a lot of nw
car demoastrationa. Yoa should
aee my Naah so over the top
to high at IS miles aw hour since
I chanted to Soper SheU. I have;
noticed better mileage also.
' MUoCAyer,
Berkeley, Calif.
' -
lasa f iella
Word for It
Phone -
"Arway need a promtam
oilne mnta Sapor Shell came oa 1
the snarlLet and saved me hat
three cents a gaOoa. It bea all .
the anti-knock protection my
Oulfflaa ir eed,
John Homrick,
.... r ..j.
v I
i I
,4 y