The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 14, 1933, Page 14, Image 14

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morninjr, July 14, 1933
Paulus Cannery Employes
Total 450 as Season Hits
Peak; Many Crops Coriiing
thiols of Those who Will
Absent Must be Cast
" By Tomorrow, Word ;
v.k - j ' '-. " '"yy
Voting places for Jtfarion coun
ty feitlsens In the special election
fVlday, July 21, were announced
Thursday by YJ. G. Boyer, county
ttrevk. Balloting will go. onin 79
Jpfaetlncts with one board handling
the .voting and one doing. the
Counting In the majorlt ot dis
. Voting by residents who will be
rt of the county next-Friday
TToses tomorrow at ; the county
fcletk's office. Absentee ballots
1U no longer be sent out as the
VTrae for : making .returns ' closes
this week. end. The only require
ment for citizens out ot the coun
. ty-July 21 is that they be resist-
and cast their ballots by Bat
's lrrday.' i
"his week end Mr. Boyer will
TWn all officials and sample bal
lots, together with voting precinct
WXftrial. over ih the. sheriff's of
fre hich early nexr week will
fcwrttbute the election equipment
' Sa lrt5fc tMittnKta ."W "1"-' : -j .'1 '
-Voting places throughout the
' ouniy ioiiow; -r j ;
fcrtHiDe. Haia'i hall ia AamavilA.
; AareYa. I. O. O. F. kail ia Aurora.
ZHatteaeaaa. I. O. O.-F. hJU
Vreeka. 8choolhoe ia Brack.
. fcattrrtUa. I. O. O. F. haU ia Butte-.
Wla.. ... - -
Caaape(V Caampeeg Memorial oaild
Wl. -
OkiMv. E W. A. Hall, half aula
rtt ot Chemewa. :
protean. Una; eharca at Boberta.
bonaUL Waaonie hall ia Donald,
i TOflersree. Ssrefle eefeoolaaase district
. -
Talrfleld. Fairfield traaf aalL
TaUkTOBBda..Ua7aTiUa achoolhoasa on
FaVifie highway.
Fact Garni. City hall iar Gerrais. -Wast
Oerraie. J. V. Keppinrer hone.
, iTereB. I.- O. O. P. haU, Horeb.
. "Central Hrwell. Caatral Howell aehool-
ouse basement. -
. Xerta HeweU. North Howell grange
iall. .
East Hnhbard. City hall ia Hubbard.
West Hahbara. XoTendaa bailding.
Jefferson. Masonic haU ia Jefferson.
liberty. Liberty hall.
afaeleay. Maeleay grange hall.
' Marioa, W. O. V. hall in Marion.
MeKse. Belle Paul sehoolhoute.
lfebama. Phillipi'a haU ia Mehama.
IflU City. Hammond Lumber Co.' a op
tfra hoose ia Kill City.
Monitor. Lennon's hall in Monitor.
. East Mt Ansel. City halt.
Wast Mt. Anfel. Ficker Motor -Co. gar-
Prlngle. Indian Hill farm.
Qntaaby. A. It. Anderson warehouse.
1 tUfarriew. Rirenriew school at OrTille.
Mftaaie. Kosedale schoolhease.
talent He. 1. U. B. church, corner 17th
b4 Nebraska streets.
eleat He 2. First floor of Bungalow
Christian church, corner 17th and Court
Sales. No. 3. Tale Electric laundry,
54 North 21st street.
. Salem No. 4. Swedish tabernacle, corn
er Mill and 15th streets.
Salem No. 6. Richmond school.
BaMm No. 6. Tew Park school.
' Salem No. 7. Fairgrounds Grocery
"More. 2630 Portland road.
Salem Ha. S. Jason Lee church, corner
'Jefferson and Winter streets.
Valam Ha. 9. Baptist eharch, corner P
ni North Cottage streets.
Salem : Ho. 10. Basement Salem "Wo
W Club building, 460 North CotUge
Salem Ho. 11. Hotel 8enator on Court
Salem Ho. 12. Store building on City
'p "grounds, corner .Oak and Winter
tfreeta. - k
! Salam Ho. IS. Leslie junior high school.
! Salem He. 14. Highland school.
Salem He. IS. Hunt Brothers Packing
Valem Ho.1 IS. City hall in Salem.
Salam He. 17. Marioa hotel sample
Veum an Commercial street.
Salam He. IS. Leslie hall, corner Mrerc
M Conunercial street.
Valem He. It. East entrance te base
Went of Waahinctoa school.
Salem He. SO. 378 North Canitol atraet.
Salam He. a I. Basement of Church of
Vod, corner Hood and Cottate streets.
Salam He. SS. Sll North Capitol street.
Salam He. S3. Courthouse.
Salem He. 84. Basement Fr leads
'Vadrea, corner Washington and Commer-
wia streets.
Beat Salam. Rickey sehoolhouse.
Jem Heights. Salem Heights halL
t. PaaL K. G. hall ia Rt
SksoUara, Weagenroth'a store ia West
. otts mil. L O, O. T. building- la
VTO'iv jama, i
fehaw. Shaw haH ia Shaw.
Bldaey. Grange hall ia Sidney.
Uer Faila. Church at- Silrer Falla.
North BilTsrton. The roundhouse.
East Silrarton. T!vevrrei i.hAAihnm.
Wea SilYerton. nights of Pythiaa halL
osayseB. Jinrpny-cardner Lumber Co
ActKity for the first - halt of
the . fruit - season at the Paulus
Brothers " cannery here is at its
peak; -with nearly S00 men and
women working on cherries, Roy
al Annes and black,' loganberries,
red and, black raspberries. On the
payroll yesteraay were exactly
4 50 persons. . -
Barrelling, of Royal Annes .will
continue another week a.t least,
and ' canning of blacks is Just
coming on. with about -the usual
size pack for this 'cannery to be
made on the blacks.
Red mud black raspberries will
be . coming in for another 10
days." A fairly good pack Is being
made.' Logans will also come In
until the end of next week; and
a fairly large Quantity is being
canned. ' .
Blackberries will make their
first appearance, at. this cannery
next week., After the berries-and
cherries' -' ate, out -6f the. way a
short lull ijwill come. .
The usual heavy pack of pears
will be made during the. last halt
of the season, a"h3 it is on these
that the tannery, will likely pnt
to work. Its greatest number iot
persons. Last year as high as 800
women "Were employed on pears
at one shift The pear run lasted
nearly 0 days. A heavy pack of
fresh prunes -1 is also f contem
plated. Paulus Brothers also do
a big dried prune- business, hand
ling as many as any concern In
the northwest. -
While the prune crop in Mar
ion and-Polk counties fs consid
erably off last year's, the crop
for the entire state will be larger
than last year, and 4n California
a 10 per cent increase In the crop
is reported this year.
Rr far no Drone nrices are
talked, and none will be until
after the California market is es
tablished. The market in that
state exercises considerable In
fluence on the Oregon price. No
price on pears has been quoted
publicly either. , Pears canned
here will be shipped in largely
from 1 southern Oregon and the
Yakima, region. h
Whether or not Paulus will put
up a I large quantity of carrots
tnis year depends lartrelv noon
the New JTork state pack. So. far
there Is no way of checking- the
New York deal " so the earrnt
pack here will be problematical
until latere Most of the carrots
canned here will come from the
eantiam country.
with 17 ent per hour
minimum wage coming into op
eration, the cannery Is using more
high school boys and men In its
won. as the wage scale set by
iae weuare commission dees not
aPPly to. them. So tar
bulk of the workers are women.
f Win
-Declaring that the proposed
state sales tax, to be voted on at
the July 21 election, would not
relieve the property owner meas
urably but would rather penalize
him, Carle Abrams, state repre
sentative from ; Marion county,
speaking at- Lions club yesterday.
termed , the tax - part of "an In
genious and ' gigantic' scheme na
tionwide to take the load off the
big fellow and. put on the little
fellows." The sales tax idea lie as
serted was ,- national movement,
"developed at the seat of great
wealtb." ' . T
By 19 3 S If the present hree-
mui state property tax were col
lected, all but. $750,000 of the
deficit would be paid off Abrams
., "Fundamentally it Is an absurd
position to Uke." be
"that wc Incur a deficit of $4
000,000 In good times and then
determine that In two Tears (by a
sales tax), when we are In the
depths of depression we .must
not only, pay our operating expen
ses but also . pay off debts con
tracted la good timet.1: : -.
Mr. Abrams predicted U win
take little short of an uprlsljig to
throw out the sales tax. once it Is
passed :::;;:.frs"
IVcher vs. Burke
f Go to Jury Today
Trial ot Robert and Sarah Rich
er against Bdnjamln S. Burke, re
altor, and - the Metropolitan Cas
ualty company, occupied the cir
cuit court, here yesterday and Is
expected to go to the Jury today,
" Plaintiffs allege that they were
unfairly treated in a, deal In
which they traded their equity In
Everett, Wash-- property for 20
acres of land in this county The
Is made a de
fendant . as the) . concent . which
bonded Burke. " . . . -?
' The case ot Associated Stores
against Smith Tc Try was settled
out of court as was the action of
Swank -against Colgan. rf :
r- v i ;
Posting bi Grass
Be Started Today
Engineer Hugh - Rogers
yesterday advised all property
owners in the eity to clear their
lots, whether vacant " or not, ot
grass and weeds. "If these lota are
not cleared at once, the properties
involved ' will : be posted by the
eity." he said, "and the eity, w!U
proceed to cut. the , grass - and
charge It against the property.
Posting will be started today. ;
-Because in past "years the eity
has experienced difficulty in col
lecting these charges, this . year
the street department, supervised
bri Rogers, will endeavor, to. col
lect -throur se city attorn "
off ice. he added. V. t.
i ooctor? : ' .
- " VxV 7 ;
f ' - - r-.-V
jij!;.ajlvi.JtoAivj .i'.imiiJlm
en lane..
Xast Stsrton. Stayton hall In Stayton.
West Stayton. Commercial club ball in
West Stayton.
BUMlmlty. c. U. Jr. nail in fcuDiimity.
Turner. Masonie hall ia Turner.
Victor Point. Victor Point sehoolhouse.
Waeonda. Britt Aspinwall's garage in
Waeonda. 1
Woodard. Hullt aehoolhonse distrist
Jfo. 107.
East Wood burn. M. X. church in Wood
bum. - .
West Woodburn. City hall in Wood-
Inquiries Made
For Flax Fibre
And Tow, Word
Inquiries for flax fibre and flax
tow are coming in considerable
quantity to the state flax plant
here for the first time in many
months, officials of the flax in
dustry reported yesterday. Firm
offers at considerably higher
prices have been made this week
for a quantity of tow for which
there was virtually no market
year ago. The tow is to be used in
furniture manufacture.
During the last year, the pol
icy of the state has been to con
tract a small amount of new flax
and to dispose ot heavy inventor
ies as fast as feasible. The cash
position ot the flax Industry is at
present the strongest in its history.
BETHEL. July 13 Mr. and
Mrs. John Zak have returned from
near Tillamook where they visit
ed with their son Frank Zak and
family, formerly ot this district.
They report that their little
grandson Frankie Lee Zak was
painfully, though not seriously,
burned when a Roman candle ex-
ploded In his hand. Several of
the neighbors' youngsters were al
so painfully burned at the same
We also have ma-
tries 23 x 17 in
thes, same size as
newspaper -page,
. which are made
of glued tissues !
: fend make line
r For Sale at H
XC each i
Fine for making
shelves, tables, racks,
novelties, etc 28 to
30 inches in diameter.
8 for 10c
These boards come in bur. paper rolls and we only
have a limited supply. ; . . . . . " -
CTTb n- w v 4m anSikri'U am a"-
Friday 9 a. m,
Just for a few days only we offer all seasonal merchandise and discon
tinued lines at prices less than present wholesale costs. Our stock must
be cleaned. So even in face of the g reat a dvanceswe offer you now,
truly the most astounding values ever offered on fine quality merchan
Hundreds to choose from in this large stock. Finest
makes. Michael Stern and others. All newest shades
and styles. Now marked to give yon the season's
greatest values. Choose yours now while these low
prices are on. Large showing.
One group Friendly Five sport oxfords. Two tones. Regular
$5.00 values. Now for a quick clearance. QQ QK
Extra special I ... -. tpOex9
Listen Koickcrs
Thisgroup, fine Jinen" knickers. Plus six extra, well-made
Now to close out. $1 QK (0 QK
Special : ...... DXeaQ& tPeUuiD
Slacks -
Men's smart summer slacks linens. Flannels and tweeds.
Nowor this final clearance.
Special : . ,
Gol KnicIicPG
' One lot of our finest golf knickers. All wool, extra fine
quality and well tailored. Values to $8.50. CO QK
Now to close out. Special ..: 4)Oe0
GolSBalls -
Bishop's special fine quality ball. And now the greatest
value to be found. Afs
5 for ... 4 X oil VI
great values. You can't afford to SpOFt OX&0?dS
. , , . One special lot of odd sizes. Only two tones. Regular $5.00
mtss such savings. values, now to close out extra CkK
special ; : t&XetD
Yon all knout that to wait means
to pay more. Look over these
One lot straw sailors. Newest styles and a smart looking
hat. Values to $3.50. Now to AA
to close out '. . . tpXeUvl
White Caps
The real sport cap for summerFlannels and linens. Values
to $1.50. Now to close out. (1 AA
Special .-. DXUU
Men's Swimming Suits
One lot men's all wool swim suits. Various colors. Heavy
weight. Well made and regular values to $4. (T- A A
Now for this final clearance tt)XUl
Shirts and Shorts
Good quality broadcloth.' All shades, all sizes. Now what
a buy for this final clearance. (-j AA
4 pair :. : l-J. 4 X U U
Men's broadcloth pajamas. All shades, 'well made, good
quality and regular values to $1.75. Qf
Now to close out : J. :.. . . tOL
Men's fine wearing hose. Lisle and rayon. Medium weights
and good colors. Now extra special. $X 00
MEN'S MOLESKIN PANTS Heavy weight, well made. Special . . 98c
SUEDE JACKETS fine leather. Now a real value . . . $3.95 up
Doys' Mieliey Mouse
Gwina Suits :
Very finest zepher yarn. All shades. Sizes APn
t to 9 yrs. Now to close out
Doys1. Cwcattcrs
Onlot boys ' fine wearing pull overs. All QAn
shades. Now what & value Extra special OcC
One odd Jot white and khaki colors. Odd sizes. A
real pant that every boy should have at QQ
this close out price "C
1 Boys1 Tw
Here's the real pant for service and looks. Extra
well made. Now, , ' i .: (TJI
special vy '- " ' tj) X
B6ysf Summer Wash
-ru' PantoU-.-:.,:;:-
White stripes and others. Well -tailored, cool and
smart looking. Now extra . : y :. " C't A A
special : ' , i, . 1 ' , iDXaUl
One lot odd sizes to close out. Fine qnalityE very
boy. should have a pair of these at . . f QQ
this low pricel -' ' ' ' m ' , , , OaC.
Remember! Just a few;,
days of these savings;
Buy;nbw! It mthsa