1. 1 .; "i t raiaiEFras TO BE SOLD Ffllf FROM "DOWN UlTOER'iTO TC CRASH ESCAPE TOLD IN PROBE 1 IMllliSTIM - w v aunt sj ar I-. - I V - ? 4 -. l A t or " I: t. " . Xlh:.- - i' ' v : : . ; f i 1 '1 ' j V' f ' ' i J f f i r . f 'i 5i -J t, 'V If I hi t T v Stayton Priest Holds Mass . 1 !n-Sarrtiam- Sections; IV ; Boys Glad to Come STAYTON. July 12 Her. Fath er Jos Scherbrtag left her Sat urday afternoon la ne of the C. C C. trucks for Camp 617. which is located near the Black Eagle mine on the Little North Fork. At 7:30 Sunday, morning ho aald maai there,- after which ho was taken to Mehama by Lt. Wheeler and there they met a truck from. Camp CIS, located on Humbug creek, near the Breltenbash hot springs. ' They reached the camp, so that mass was celebrated there at 11:45. . These camps are a distance of 6S miles apart. 70 per cent of the men at 1 are Catholics and CO per cent of tho men at No. 617 are auo uainoncs. These men are all from Chicago. Mass was said at the latter camp for the first time this past Sunday In the large mess hall, which is ICO feet long. Prior to this mass had been said in the open air. Father Scherbrlng states that there Is always an exceptionally . large and attentive attendance at the services he has been holding in these camps, and that the young men are most eager to as sist him In the capacity of altar boys. . .- ; . - - . Father T. Scherbrlng of Sub limity, has also -rlsKed the above mentioned camps, and conducted services tor the men. .Cougars Get Mother Of 2 Deer Now Tame .And Pets of Kimseys STAYTON, July 12 Tex and Rex Klmsey, sons of Mr, and Mrs Arch Klmsey who live east of town, hare two unique pets. In the mountains near Gates they recently found two deer, about six weeks old. On the ground were the remains of the mother deer, and evidence Indicated that she had been killed by cougars. How I her young escaped Is hard -to un derstand. The Klmsey boys brought the little deer home and are feeding tlem on a bottle. EXJOY BOXF1RE PICXIO FAIRFIELD, July 12 Twenty- eight persons enjoyed a pot-luck supper and evening around a bon fire Sunday night in Ditmar's grove on the T. A. Ditmar farm In Fairfield. : FIRST BOY.BORJT TURNER, July 12 A boy has been born to Mr. and Mrs. C. C Martin on Friday- Larry Dennis is his name. He is a first child. Va' rM ' r":-"' - 'i;-' V r Jr'S"-, , v - , x yy -y J v -vV4 :, 8ILVERT0N, Julr It 01 sTronn of fiilrerton Lvtherans plan to at tend the Lutheran Bible Institute to open at Colton, east of Uolalla, next Sunday, July 18, and contin ue through to the 21. r r Sunday a large group of Silver- I ton choir members will go to Col ton to attend the rehearsal of the union choir which will give a spe cial program at the .Wednesday program. .; - ; -: " Complete biblical programs are arranged for each day with the two Sundays Included. Two out standing teachers of the institute are the Rst. Carl 8. Odell and Dr. O. A. Tlngelstad, president of Pa cific Luther college at Parkland. Wash., and son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Tinglestad of Sllrerton. The Rey. A. J. Towe, former 81Irerton man hut now of Portland, will act as congregational song leader. cooperating churches are the American Lutheran, the Norwe gian Lutheran church of America, the i Lutheran Free church." the United Danish church and the An gus tana synod. , .. Jack Crawford is the name paramount on the lips of tennis fans all over the world by reason of the Aus tralian tennis star's sensational victory over Ells worth Vines, U. S. champion, at Wimbledon, Eng. KiM6 AND EX-tUNC OVERHANO SMAStf ' '' Vines beat Crawford decisively last year In the Davis cup matches at Philadelphia. But the Australian inn proved, as he demonstrated by defeating Henri Cochet for the French championship a few weeks ago. . FEUDIEACB'; HOD IS STUDIED TUHVIW BOY SCOUT ilY CLUO IKS PICNIC T mm RIVERVIEW, July 12 The Thursday Thimble club met at the home of Mrs. Ida Yunker with Mrs. Marlon Goar as joint, hos tess. The newly-elected officers took up- their duties. Visitors were Miss Veloris Crenshaw, and Mrs. Myrtle Meyers. Mrs. Meyers Joined the club. Mrs. Jennie Crenshaw, chairman of the sick committee, appointed Mrs. Minnie Leighton and Mrs- Effie Sommer as her helpers. The annual picnic with the "As You Like It" club of Richardson Gap was discussed, and further plans will be made later. The an nual picnic of just the club mem bers was also considered. The next meeting will be July 20 at the home ofMrs. Nettie Hawk, with Mrs. Grace Bronkal as joint hostess. ' L. M. Beekser, who died July 7 at Salem, was well known in this neighborhood, having worked here for some time on A. Nelson's farm. His parents reside near this neighborhood. LIBERTY, July 12 Plans are complete and preparations going forward for the scout rally of lo cal troop No. 1C, on tho school rrounds. Friday of this week. Har old Judd, member of the scout committee Is in charge. Salem Troop No. 4 will be guests, will participate In events, and with lo cal troop camp on the grounds for the night. Both camps will be open to public Inspection At 6 p. m. a baseball game is scheduled between the two troops; 7 p. m., call muster and start contest which will include tracking, first aid, bridge build lng and signaling. The rally Is being put on to in terest people here In the scout work. Proceeds from refresh- treasury.. There will be no ad mission fee and the publle la in vited. A of MT. ANGEL, July 12. group of teachers consisting Sister M. Gregory, Sister M. Bern- adette, Sister il. Catherine, Sister M. Andrea, Mlsi"Helen Keber and Miss Theresa Dehler, all students oi Mt. Angei Normal summer school, attended the clinic achnnl As Committeenmn!iizl?' The school is directly under Dr. Delzell Invited For Sewage Plant Salem chapter, Oregon Building congress, has Invited W. A. Del sell to serve as chairman of a committee to campaign for pass age of the city charter amendment empowering the council to issue bonds to the federal publle works department In return for funds with which to construct a sewage disposal plant here. Secretary L. R. Schoettler announced Wednes day. N The congress has provided speakers on the question this week, T. T. Mackensle at Rotary club. Mayor Douglas McKay at Klwanls club, and Mr. Schoettler for the Lions club luncheon today V , t 7. ' Chairman Fletcher, of the Senate Investigating Committee, b shown, administering the oath to Frank E. Taplia (left), Cleveland capitalist, principal witness at the reopening of the Senate probe into stock opera tions. Taplia testified his syndicate made a profit of $28,19475 by sale of stock before the crash ia 1929. Seated is Ferdinand Pecora, counsel to - i the committee. ment stands will go to the troop noon. Grace Fernald of the University of Southern California, who teach es classes of children of all grades who have been found incapable of learning by the regular method. Dr. Fernald has devised a method of her own to teaeh these ehlld ren, which has proven success ful. She Is at present wrltinr a book explaining the system. The sisters wish to make use of Dr. Fernald's method In their mis sion school and Miss Dehler and Miss Keber, teachers of St Mary's public school of Mt; Angel, are studying the system so that is can be used for several special pupils In their school. En route the teachers also visited at Oregon State college. Reddaway Ranch Pear Twigs Bear Fruit, Blossoms A third curiosity In the tree realm reported, to the Statesman in recent days is the twigs from a pear tree brought to this office yesterday morning by Mrs. Olive Reddaway, 1421 North Church. , On the same twig with a small perfectly formed pear are healthy blossoms, also perfect. The pears are over an Inch and a halt long. The twigs were picked from trees on the Reddaway ranch in Polk county. Falls Highway is Nearly Complete secondary .Highway, which com pletes the gap ia the loop trip to the falls. The grading work on the three. and one-halt mile gap is nearly completed.' Swart said he would try to have the road smooth and readily passable by the time the park dedication Is held July 22. CHURCH LEADERS TO SPEAK DAYTON, July 12 Rev. Carl HeinmiUer, pastor of the First Evangelical church in Portland and also district superintendent of the West Portland district, will conduct the first quarterly confer ence at the Lafayette Evangelical church Friday. Rev. A. A- Win ter, president of the Old People home at Lewlsburc. Pean.. will address the Lafayette congrega tlon Sunday. July 23. He once was president of the Dallas college. i s ao ww a-w a viV4 yaiu ysw t la Salem, originally scheduled f or -last week, will be conducted un der the auspices of the Red Cross Friday and Saturday of this week, with the cooperation of represen tatives of virtually all the service clubs la the city. Sixty women . dressed as Red Cross nurses will sell tags on the streets and visit all business establishments. Salem's quota for the relief of flood euffererg at Kelso., Wash - where the flood caused by the. breaking of a dyke has not yet ' wholly subsided and whera hun dreds were rendered homeless, la 11200.,--..- ---y - The Red Cross commute fa charge of the . campaign Includes J. T. Delaney, chairman; 1 Justice George Ross man. Mrs. C. S. Ham ilton, B. E. lsson and Avery Thompson. Captains of the teams of sol icitors are Miss Barbara Barnes for the Girl Scouts. Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher for the Girl Reserves and Y. W. C. A.. Mrs. J. T. De laney for the American Legion Auxiliary, Mrs.' William McOllch- ' rist Jr.. for tho Women of Ro tary. Mrs. C. 8. Hamilton for the Y. W. C. A., Miss Jean Wilson tor the Spinsters club. Miss Helen Pierce for-the Zonta club, Mrs Clifton R. Mudd for the 8aleu Woman's club. SCR BED . The South Silver Creek Falls highwsy will have been completed by the end of this month, Hedda Swart, county engineer, opined TdmiIit. Swart aald 10 tracks are now busy hauling crushed ity, and the sunshine makes them rock .from Stayton to the road, a ripen fast. BERRY HARVEST OX JEFFERSON. July 12 Red raspberry and black cap raspber ry picking has begun In the Am nion, Johnson and Burnett patch' es. The berries are or gooa qusi IS OKIE LIKE A graphic description of the ge ology of Oregon when most of the present area of the state was cov ered by water, was given Rotar lans yesterday noon by J. A. Mc Nab. professor at Linfield college. The geological history has been unfolded. McNab said, through the remains of the earlier days discovered In various sections of the state. y Oregon in Its earlier .geological days consisted of two great is lands, one In the eastern and one in the southern part of the pres ent state. Most of the state, Mc Nab averred, was covered with shallow water and great reptllet lived here. The coast line was broad and swampy. The speaker discussed the means in which various moun tains were formed, many by vol canic action. MICKEY MOUSE The Pace-Maker By WALT DISNEY Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER M - Clu clu. cZA : T&T 25 26 21 777 29 1H V 3 JHO 7V H2 77? HZ 777. 44 H9 16 &V7Mm- - "I J wr I I h I 1 I ! ' j THIMBLE THEATREtanring Popeyo Headline Hunters1 By SEGAR .. HORIZONTAL Born 1 What vUIage ia Virg UU was What aeUd Eagrli pot was the first English settUasrat la ot "cudymioa AMrka? 10 Bird a What aiAarb of Loxloa, Eag- 11 Small compact mass UjmL t thw site ef the Royd Passageway BaUaleal Caidess? 21 In an oblique position 12 What canal extends from Bnf- Carry HlrvT SO eP&V- IBCTTCR ACCOOKTOP OlS GOT to ihw urtHi BruMiK I I -" - a -scr-- 3 SC It: R) If IV. Km ffmm Sndon. Cmm r- mm temnU i LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY A "MitejV Large Family By DARRELL McCLURi faU to Albany. N. Y.T IS Century-plant 14 Notable period 15 To perceive by the touch 16 Swampy ground 17 Conjunction 18 Agitates the air 19 Evening before a church festi val 20 Consumed ; . 11 What netod American humor ist and playwright Is author of "Fables In Slang"? I ; T 22 Twice : t 24 Is borne - 28 Conventional term of respect ' (pL..':.v..-,- - 30 Musical note 31 Cringing 33 To purify ? - 35 Preposition 36 One who foretells cv. . ."a 38 Wants 3d Condensed moisture 40 To instigate 42 A father 43- Jolt '44 Lowlf 23 A clergyman's dwelling 25 Tavern . 28 Prefix meaning "down" 27 Relieved 29 On the supposition that i SO Gave nourishment S2 Biblical nronoun 34 Chemical symbol for Tellurium 37 Cause 39 What celebrated American . soldier and statesman- became ' U. 3. Ambaaaader to Ens land after having served na Vice ' 5 President of the U. 3.T 41 A color 42 Whom did President Rooee- ' velt eelect as Secretary of War In his . cabinet! George H. ..I 43 To shift from one side of a ves- v sel to the other ' 44 To disarrange 45 Ancient Grecian country . 46 What EnglMh queen w ths - last ef the Stnart sovereigns? 47 unserve - 48 Decsy S3fWlF VOU-RE 6URE Vt3uK MAMtjp 19 AMN1C ROOMCY, THEM '- - i 6tTF3 SEE.fPS A NOTE FROM " MR. HERXaJLEO-HES TOO AW HE WANTS ME TO COME. t ajar r w rw r m w - - f -- AN MEET THE BAMOUS MARVO MIDGET FAMILY 1 .r'jrat:::;;: wot; AMD THE MAeBRCTTrCeS-- t-rrrH. ?Jf allow meto introduce. VR 1 i 4 f THE MARVO 65TER5 AM X bJ f SVIPILUKISTOM SiO r, 1 IDVCKILUKIGTDM If HONcST. lM J Hr ZJ5r vjouiuington- 1 XsX. udollington I glad to meet ; A h f AND PgSEttJJNGTOMf Tlfj sv VVATcWjUJNgrDM H VWTOO ' Iff fwE ARE CHARMED TO J 1 I V V It ' 1 TOOTS AND CASPER Unfair Competition By JIMMY. MURPHY 47ToWIi.tca with neeaie . 48 -Ascent -1 JiT- 49 Bone of the forearm 60 Sooner than ' 51 Wind-instrument - 52 Chant 53 Being in the abstract . 54 - Leokont Mesmtaia la located U which ef the U. S.T - . VERTICAL " : I: - 1 What American statesman and U. S. President drafted th Deelarntiea ef Independence? 2 Open space -S Bearing ; ..?.-. 4 Elongated fish (pL)' ' 5 Reclaimed from a wild state -t Evergreen trees cultivated for oil - - - . i . t CtenUM, XIII. Das remow lieSVata. Im.. THEY TELL ME THAT COLONEL HOOFER t5 TAKlNir A LOT OF STRENUOUS EXERCISES N CONNECTION WITH HIS DIET AND I'M CUkIC'JS T0 5EEWHAT KIND OP EXERCISS r H2S 00IN4! I CASPER f5 AT THE DOOR! cora i:i,CASPER! 6000 HEAVENS I3AN DONT BE SO CLUMSY! CANT ADU WALK DOWNT1 WITHOUT t SJiciw. U Gmt Briam rlgiita tuiwA 1 "! "1 .j 1 1.L i :L - It 1 . . ' -" 1 J ., r V ' :- TOOTS DROP OUT OF HER REDUCING CDNTtaT INI in iW! iwwlrf ! CATbVi . " T r 1 403Nij IN FOR EXEROSES Smasrlaa THAT Aiirt TrUS! ... A