The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    PA lit! TWO
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon; : Thursday Mornlag. Jaly.13, 193
Trade Agreements Aimed at
- - Reciprocal Benefits
. Are Negotiated ;
. ;f" t ; -
. ', (Contfousd from page 1) S
rould be-lowered during 'June,
July aad August, when' the pre
ious fairs domestic output Is b
coming undesirable for
la then late fall and winter la the
Argentine -and the apple crop
there la ready for export A-pro-'
iso would be added under which
Argentine: apples, imported but
still unsold, would be withdraws
from the domestic market when
the home grown crop begins to
appear. . i
v In exchange for the American
concession In reducing the tariff.
the Argentine republic would de
crease Its duties, on i stipulated
products of; the United States:en
abllng. the' domestic producer to
ell m the South- American coon
try, receiving the credits built up
- y appie imports. : r ; ;
; r. ., Continued from pas 1)
Jure; Coroner L. E. Barrlck an
nounced last night after confer
ring with District Attorney W. H.
; Trindle. No date had yet been set
- ; - TUis was the second -misfortune
to befall the Droves family within
.' exactly a month. On June 12 the
hasband, John" M. Groves, car pen
ter. fell from the.. first floor to
the basement of the- White Corner
, building wn.d-e t: reconstruction
here and was unconscious for two tax went into effect but with only
days; He Is still; nursing a broken one exception were of. the opinion
arm suffered at that time.; that another Increase of from one
Mrs. Groves was the mother of half to ane cent would be: made
Millard Grores, prominent in Jun-
lor golfing circles in Oregon uo
to this year, and Maurice Grores,
- reserve catcher on the Salem Sen
ators baseball team,
r Surviving are the widower, sons
Millard and Melvln of Salem, and
Maurice who Is working In the
harvest fields at Lexington, Ore.;
the parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Campbell, route nine, and a sis
ter, Mrs. Lyman Sun din of Salem.
The body Is being held at the
Clough-Barrlck mortuary pending
completion of funeral? arrange
ments, i
Wednesday Heat
Is Less Severe
Salem gained fire decrees' re-
auction in temperature here yes- I
leraay . and I had further relief
' r
Trom , the heat in prospect for
today with lower hamidlty pre-
dieted by the weather bureau.
x eater day's maximum tempera
ture; was 82 degrees and mini-
mom 84. No change! in tempera-
tare is forecast for : today. .
m. . wanKiit
Tomorrow & Saturday
The 1933 limited
, ExtravagcBiza :
Jo&n Boles
Pad Whiteciaa ?
Entire picture filmed la
' . ';"."'
".1 H
Musie staff tnamfaara from the University ef Oregon, and , Oregon ;
State, ceUeae Who will take a .promlnant- part In the coordination
plans In musis for the state system ef higher education. They are,
left to riant Dr. J. J. Landsbury, head of the department ef musie
and In charge of work on both campuses; professor Paul Petrle, who
v:;i need all olce Instruction-and choral work, and RexUndarwoodr
who will head stringed- Instrument Instruct! an and orchestral work.
Both Professor Fetrta and HHr. Underwood will offer htstmetlon en
both eampuscs. v - - v
. Continued from pax 1) .
increase in cost to the consumer,
namely one and one-fourth to one
and one-half cents a pound, in
cluding tar and wheat, price fac
tors, has not been questioned. Ap
parently It may be accepted that
the , maximum Increase which is
warranted by rising costs Is at
present one and one-half cents per
pound loaf . . ."
Salem bakers yesterday report
ed no new bread, price Increases
had been effected since Sunday
night when the wheat processing
If Portland bakers did likewise,
Prior to last Sunday, several bak
ers Jumped the price of the cheap
est loaves one cent, declaring it
necessary to make up for rising.
flour costs.
10 More Scouts
Wanted to Sign
Up for Camping
Leaders of tne Cascade area
scout camp which opens at Camp
Santiam Sunday are anxious to
have at least 10 more boys regis
ter for one or two weeks periods,
W. L. Phillips, camp chairman,
announced Yesterday. Scouts may
register wrth Mr. Phinins or at
scout teadauarters. First Nation
I al bank building.
1 Claude Fallon, national euard
cook under Mess Sergeant Harry
I Plant will b camo. chef. Don
Dourrls and Ralph Purvlne, lead
ers. 1 -. vfl
Firemen Warn
About Menace
Of Grass Fires
City , firemen renewed their
warning! against the danger of
grass fires ' yesterday afternoon
when th f Irst such blase of the
season 'occurred.: The late rainy
season resulted In unusually
heavy growth of grass on vacant
lots, they said, which will soon
be dried out and highly Inflam
mable. The city engineer's crew
is bow checking up on these lots,
notifying owners that mowing Is
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Jnly 12
(AP Dr. Daniel A. Poling o
New Jork city and Deering, JJ. H.,
was reelected president of the In
ternational Society of -Christian
Endeavor tonight The society, in
blennlat convention also reelected
Its other officers.
Mp.CTuriES Ly
i iT l.f t .-;.v; . "-.-.-. Jlo- : ,
LYONS, .July 12. The Lyons
community Sunday school attend
ed the Santlam quarterly district
eonrentlon at Mill City Sunday
and was .successful in bringing
home all the banners awarded. -
Thirty from here went. - .
In the Interests of proposed bus
transportation to the Stayton j
school, Frank Lynch and O. A. 1
Berry -visited patrons here .last I
week, and H. E. Toble. of Stay-
ton, was also here on the mat-1
ter. , no definite
arrangements I
hate been made yet as the matter
will have to be decided by a vote
of the taxpayers in, the districts
interested. - '
Mrs. Davis was called to Port
land Sunday to be with her moth
er; Mrs. Rilla Burkhart, 84, who
Is seriously ill." ' '
(Continued from pac 1)
he would see by executive order
tnat sufficient money would be
available for that purpose.
The president seemed Terr
sympathetic and at first oppor-
pi irnniiiiinfMfiitA i
iHKWMIi mam vnTi,
tunny we shall press again upon . OI l urowuea ABC8QaJ
the secretary of the interior and wW1 n swimming in Sll
the commissioner of Indian affairs ttx Dy Her Dody wa recovered.
the full use of the school and its
facilities and will advise."
Bottle Message
OI Shipwreck is
ZirfTlt1T ffnavl
ai GilLiy HUdA
Crn A CIWTTJS M - - .
SEASIDE. Ore., Ju y 12 (AP)
a. douib wmcn contained a m an -
sage purporting to bo from two!
my were . snip -
wrecked was washed no on th
beach here Monday and turned
over to Mayor WUltam H. Gal-
wavtf rrv - .
" , , icbd8, written m m -
mw pencu ana almost obliter-
u7 waw, reaa:
Help, we are- awamiMtii. hum
adrift since June 28 from 8. S.
iving.ana. Last location 23 north
a-uiuue, sx longituae. Jim Brent
Red O. Corry." '
Officials hero were Inclined to
view, the bottled message as a
hoax pointing out that 51 longi
tude would locate the source of
the message somewhere in the
Arabian desert. On thm im
chance that It might be, sincere.
nowever they said th !. m,
Sit w?t. 2iJftni- Tvh,?7 troop IS to attend a contest be
a lt-IItt .S8? ?ltecmtod tween troP Md troop four
f-BJS5?. that 1 ongttudo,Jof First Christian . church which
"C.1UC 5an- "ht haTOTwill be sUred on th Lihertr
been meant
va uiivj,, juig li For-
ShomI8wn,lU0fK.a,18M ,ad 0k-
wfv1"-61 for l-Hft t
JniV i , Monmonth,l
Jttly l. Prominent men from the I
livZJL'?. d TOTtoIf
atten tiTnV Tr--. vl 7 1 ' AU gram wUl bo held, with each Tlsit
ket lniibi. Ske1 ta brin DM troop asked to present a stunt.
- - -: i - ' '" Vento-Laak is master of troop II
Raji vv o,.. ... . ad. Eugene Kennedy of troop
m: : t"wij Aaiui
" Vru '"U" pracuce WKa .45
.... w UW1U1UC TilBTAIB wa
"fted y gunners of the Marion-"
f. . 8WT officers' ; assocla
ion, The offJceTs con
ducted the first target practice tf
the season on the national guard
range at Turner. -
AHowOvKdTteatar p
Hurry Hurry,
Last Times Today
mmm cess
a te n.
Asa A ,
'aw Wart to i
Coming Friday A Satarday
, v w,i
Supreme Court Rules Power
Law not In Force Soon -
. -( tuuuyu tur ruiuy
"The special election ballot July
21 will not contain the names of
candidates for. state power - com
missioner, :;: the - state supreme
court" decided; yesterday. Peter
Zlmutorman, M o r t o n Tompkins
and Albert Slaughter aought to
have their names placed as nom
inees. J. -. . ' ' " 't. ';.
".; Marion county officers were re
lieved when the- decision- was
made known, 'inasmuch as- the
ballots here- had already: been
printed. A contrary decision would
have necessitated reprinting the
ballots, v ; , ' :' " ' ;x '
,Tha. opinion was written by
Justice BaRey in a mandamus pro
ceeding r originally -filed in the
Marlon county circuit court to
compel the secretary of state to
place tho plaintlfra names on the
special election ballot. Judge Mc-
Mahan, . after bearing the argu
ments of attorneys In the lower
court, granted the writ of man
damus. Appeal was then taken to
the supreme court with Charles H.
Wleder and E. B. Hall, officers of
the Security Owners association,
appearing as intervenors. ., i ;a
The supreme court dissolved
the writ of mandamus and re
manded the proceeding to the cir
cuit court with instructions to dis
miss it, i
. Plaintiffs in the proceeding al
leged that they tiled their dec-
laratlons of candidacy within' the
required time and there was no
ralld reason why- their names
should not be referred to the ot-
ers at the July election. Attorney-
General Van Winkle argued that
at the time the declarations of
candidacy were filed in th estate
department the- grange power bill
of the 1933 legislature had not
yet become a law.
The grange power "bill Is now
under referendum - attack, hut
this will not go before the voters
at the special July election.
TAFT, Ore., July 13 (AT)
While her mother stood terror
stricken and helpless on the
beacn nearby, Quida McMullen,
Dttl TBr" "urs suon oy me
coast guard crew from Newport
...I.. .Ill,
iv tail) o nivu yutujivbWft
was nnaralllng.
With her companion, Louise
Kerry, Miss McMullen had swum
far out and around the point
Z , tL, Vn3 th n, r,
Suddenly they found themaelveal
ln the breakers. Miss Kerry
ceeded In swimming to tho b
1 WU WM wvwwiiqu warn
ently orercomo by the undertow
but Miss
1 .. ..-v Mni,.M
1 Miss McMullen is survived by
U .... w a
McMullen. AfteT mdwUng
from hlrh school heil aha aitt
I '
i tended the Oregon normal school
at Monmouth. She taught school!
for a rear at Wlllamlna and for
employed hero by the Lincoln
I Conn tT .Iorrinr Mmninr. i
Scout Troops 16,
4 Invite Others
I Wlllllhall IMIWimil
To View Contesting
. . i . ,
school grounds Friday .night Par-
aavs a MkM O-a w M aa AAtattM
following the contest,; whlck
will consist of a first aid problem
comprising signaling, bridge
bnUdlnr an trntt of Tirto-
theUcal injuries, a eampflro pro-
. Grove .
Nellie B. Groves of 718 Wilbur
street, died at a local hosltaL July
ir, aged SI -years. Survived by
widower, J. M. GroTes; parents.
Mr. and Mrs, O. M. Campbell of
route 9 ; sons, Maurice of Lexing
ton, Ore., Millard and Melwjn of
Salem; sister, Mrs.-Lyman Bun
din of Salem. Funeral announce
ments later. -
Marvin E. McDonald died - In
this city Wednesday, July IS. at
the g of IT years. Survived by
one daughter, Mrs. C. R. Smith of
Salem, and A brother, Fred Mo
Donald of Montana, Shipment will
be made to Payette, Idaho, Jnly
IS, under the direction of Clough
Barrlck company. " ' .
It Nrrer Pay
To Nesltct
It's the poorest possible econ
omy to'put off - vlatttng your
oculist . particularly when
your ryes can be tested and
glasses supplied fog so Uttla.
The Gall
Board V
Today. Carole Lombard
ln fSupernaturaL" Zaau
: PltU in "Bargain of, a
Today Otary Plckford
' ''Secreta.? . ; w.--.4
.Thursday - Double feature:
i Junior i Durkin-.' In "Man -
Hunt", and Tom Keen in
' ' -Cheyenne Kid.- r
Today Magda Schneider In
-B Mine Tonight" - ' -
Friday Buster Keaton and
Jimmy Durante in "What!
No Beer?" "
Farm Union to Start With
Dried, Canned Fruit,
, And Fresh Prunes
The Oregon State Farmers'
union will enter the fruit selling
market in the middle west, It de
veloped yesterday when the state
executive committee in session
here authorized the fruit mar
keting commit tear to incorporate
and sell in that section.
The union hopes to make
start this year with dried and
canned fruit the main commodl-
ty. No fresh fruit, with excep
tion of prunes, will be so sold,
The state purchasing commit
tee met with the executive com
mlttee yesterday 'to organize the
purchasing department on
greater scale, but so far no def
inite announcement of coopera
tive buying projects Is ready.
Organization work will bo car
ried farther as soon as fall work
ceases, state officials announced
More demand for new units has
materialised recently than in the
past two years.
Represented at the session yes
terday by their respective leaders
were units from Columbia, Wash
ington, Yamhill, Polk, Marlon
and Linn counties.
- The state executive board will
Tlsit the Columbia county union
meeting Saturday, the session to
be bold at the Downing school
house- about 18 miles west of St.
O. W. Potts of Jefferson
president and S. B. Holt of Sclo
I "OO.
secretary of the state organiza
STAYTON, July 12 Catherine
Scherbring of Earlville, Iowa, has
-arrived la Stayton and will act as
v.v.. X. w..
Josepb Scherbring. Miss Scher
bring is much impressed with Ore
I I'"'JU"'
work of tearing down the narrow
r,d cr0M tn 8nUjim rtTr
eommeneed Monday. Cranes
I will .Ka mmm.ja . aalal wkWiW
hiil.i H iNh!Hmim ;
Jt only SECONDS, to .
r . MnooD niirnr ! V
.. .. . and cu . . - .
. C A T il EI'.
: :;. ;.V . -X AND .
TC3 PACZXtQ TELEPnOXX asd Telegbaph Cojipasy
Business office, 740 State StrceJ, Phone 315.1
$50,000 Display Expected
For Pelt Show In Fall :
Here; Announced -7'
Plan for series -of four sum
mer schools, - starting- late this
month, and discussion relatlTo to
the second annual fall .pelt ho w
to be ' held in . Salem were con
sidered by the executtvo commit
tee of. the-Ore go instate For
Breeding association la ' session
at the chamber of commerce hero
No . date . has been"; aet for' the'.
faU phiow which! wilt be held t
the ..chamber of commerce rooms
here. V Last vyear -the ' fox bread-era-
brotoghfflS.OtOv. worth of
fine pelts . tor the-show, and it
Is hoped this will bo raised to
a-150,000 display this fan. The
local show will be ' placed this
year so as . not to coincide with
the . Tacoma, Seattle . or ' Denrer
Shows, '-r;- '
The summer schools, tor which
good: program : fa . being ar
ranged and. at which experienced
pelt men will N give demonstra
tions ' and lectures,- are as tol-
BotbelL Wash., near Seattle.
July 3f and . E. N. Walker.
Eugene Ftnlay and C. W. 8tacey
were named official delegates to
this school. .
Oresham, August 17; Eugene,
August IS; and Coqutlle, Aug
ust 13.
Present yesterday were: E. N.
Walker, Gresham, state p reel-
Cent; b. jr. Brown, inaepenaence,
Tice-president; Eugene Finlay,
Jefferson, secretary; C. M. Bee
bout, Aloha; T. E. Zeek, Aurora;
W. F. Churchill, Oregon City;
A. J. Bier, Corvallis; C. W. Sta
cey, Salem. ' -
The Oregon Feed Dealers asso
ciation will hold a general meet
ing of wholesale and retail feed
-dealers of western Oregon at the
Marion hotel here this morning
at 10: SO. The purpose of the
meeting is to perfect organiza
tion under the national industrial
recovery act, and all feed dealers
of western Oregon, whether mem
bers of the- association or not.
have been Invited to attend.
The management of the asso
ciation has been working for the
past; few weeks on a trade prac
tice which, will be submitted at
the meeting: Working in con
Junction with tbo- Feed Dealers
association of Washington, they
hope to adopt a code of ethics
that will bo substantially the
same, thus lessening the work of
The board of governors of the
Washington association has ten
tatively adopted the code, and
Floyd Oles, manager of both as
sociations, will present It to the
general meeting. ,
DUBLIN, July 12 (AP) Sir
James. Craig, member of the Dall
Eireann since 1921, promoter of
Irish hospital sweepstakes, and
responsible tor the first bin In the
Don't give them a cross nagging mother
totomBmnor, Ahappf home depends upon
yoo. If toot work is ft burden tf the duV
dran annoy yon do something abont It
today. Start taking LytUa E. Pmiham'a
VegetabU Oxnpouad. It will steady yoor
nerves give you that extra strength and
energy you need.
By actual record. 9S out of 100 women
ay. "It helps Givo U to chance to
help yoa too. SoUbxafldxiigcista.
utiMiiHH; uiliiiii)iiin
dall which legalised these sweep
takea to ratso money tor hospi
20 Rdunfeof Fat
Lmt Her Double Chin Lost Her Prominent
T HipsLost Her Sluggishness ;
'Gained rhyricar"-Vigor -Gained fn- Vivaciousness
:.: -4 v -v - -i " '- Gained a Shapely Figure : f"
'Thousands of women . are ' get
ting fat and. 'loeiag their P11'
Juat because they; do not know
what to do;VvVr; ?',V'iv X.'
vlf you rt fat -how would you
like to rose It and: i the same
time gain In" physical charm and
acquire a rclean, clear skJa and
eyes that . sparkle wlta buoyant
healthr:r : -VO-.Vv- '-,
And gain In energy and activi
ty?"; w. ;v,. .
Why not do what thousands of
women have done to get rid of
pounds of unwanted tat?. Take one
halt a teaspoon of Kruschen Salts
ra a glass of. hot . water every
merntag before, 'breakfast and
keep It up for 3 a days. Yon can
This U the Fourth Report of tha
American Automobile Association Contest Board
that .we, the Contest Board of the American Auto
mobile Association, hare conducted a series of tests
ojandard Gasoline, manufactured bj Standard Oil
Company cf California, and six other gasolines con
sidered to be leading brands, for comparative detona
tion (anti-knock), under actual road conditions, using
what is technically known as the Cooperative Fuel
Research Road Test method.
Under the procedure and conditions that obtained at
the time of the test in this car, we find Standard G-'
oline is urgnrpassed.
AH tests were conducted by us under carefully con
troUed conditions of operation, in a 1 933 stock model
sedan, and in accordance with the rules and policies
of the AAA Contest Board. This smtement is based
on data developed by and on file with the AAA Con
test Board.
" Contest Board, American Automobile AaaodatioA .
Starting Prrotdi JcctJeratUn Prvdl I Mlltait
is unsurpassed in -ALL qualities
? Sundays, 8 to 9 p.m. N. B. C
A sparkling one-hour radio thow jammed with melody,
sorprues, and thrills. Doa't ml Detective Tales of CapC
$ fl 5500 $ fl (F.00
: ; : U B SS v 11
Roundtrip $29.30 Roundtrip
. - .S?ltts other lor of travel offers comfort cnmpirsbU to the ink .
- toe 24 a sailel These new Tourist Fares are good m Coaches oc Chair
' . Cars oa our fastest trsiit also ia Pullman Tourist Sleeputg Cara
. (berth for the night as little as IL50 extra). And in our dining cars
you enjoy the delidous "Meals Select" complete luncheons and
. dinner for 994 to tl2 breakfasts for 50 to 90,
A. F.
tals, died here today' at the age'
of 71 years. ; n , , , -
WomEn Lost
help the actios of Kruschen Salts '
by cutting down on pastry, fatty
meats and going light on potatoes,
butter and cream., Then weigh
yourself . and see , how many
pounds- yon havo lost. .
TouH have the surprise of. your .
life- and best of aU . a bottle of
Kruschen Salts that will last yon
for 4 weeks costs but little- you'll
probably say it's worth one hun
dred dollars after yon take the
first bottle.
Kruschen Salts are a blend of
separate salts your system
must have if you are to enjoy
good health. Ask any druggist for
a bottle of Kruschen Salts and -start
to lose fat today adv.
NOTH, Agent
- -A
' technicolor!- i
raaeeoger Depot, 13th and. Oak
TeL 4408