- PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATES5IAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, July 11, 1933 -V- RICHES CLAN ;:. ! HAS HI At Silverton . Park Where Other Picnic Groups Also Hold Forth , PLANS SOLO - SlLVERTONuly 10FamIl reunions and picnicgroups of con siderable size were the features of tbe city park at Silverton Sunday. . -The largest, family : reunion: at the park Sunday was. that of the descendants of -Charles and George ; P. S. 4 Riches. George Riches was a pioneer of 1841, set- i tllng in the Waldo Hills in-1851 ! "on a land donation claim. Charles Riches came to Oregon around the horn in 1S53, lived at Salem fgr two , years and later settled at , Turner. The oldest member of the ! dan present Sunday was Warren Riches, 81, and tbe youngest was Janice Joan Riches, two months, the daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Don ald 8. Riches of Trtfner and the great granddaughter of Charles Riches. . : s :- r - Y'Bichea JOf fleers Elected cElsctlonr of. officers of the Rich est ln. resulted i- in; Harry Li Riches 5-or:SilTettn, -president? . president . George H. Riches of. Salens historian and Lois Anne Riches pt :' "-.Silverton, secretary? ".Present for the reunion were from .Salem, Mr. and Mrs. George IL Riches, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mulkey and. Warren; Miss Jane Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Max Car man, Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Steeves, from .Turner, Mr. and Mrs. War ren T. Roches', Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Riches, Miss Alice Riches, Mrs. Alma Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley RJches, Rachel- Ricbes, - Mr. and ! Mrs. Wallace Riches and - Wallace and Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Riches and Janice Joan Leland Riches, Mrs. Joseph McKinney, Miss Mabel Walker, Misa Ruth Robinson, Sara Hall; from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Riches and Hannah Sue, Mr. and Mrs-. Lloyd Riches and Tom, Patricia, Robert and David. Miss Maxlne Cummins, Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Whitely and Richard and Donna, Mrs. A. J. Carman, Me Minnville; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holmes; Woodburn, Ellsworth Riches; Sublimity, Mrs. J. T. Hunt Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Riches, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mul- key, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mulkey and Harold and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mulkey and Lucille and Maurice, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mulkey and Gene. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mulkey, Mrs. T. W. Rich es, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Given and Kenneth, Mrs. Alice Terry. Mrs. Jim Vearrler and Donald and - Harlan, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dahlen and Elmer, Betty and Ma eel, Esther Lucht, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Warnock and Frances and Margaret, Charles R. Riches, and Harry, Theodore, Robert. Winnifred and Lois, Billy King, Beryl Ottaway, Mrs. Elsie Sim- eral, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nelson and Richard, Miss Emma Adam son. . , Descendants of E. W. Starr who came to Oregon in 1876 and set tied at Stayton also picnicked in the Silverton. park. W. F. Starr of Salem was the only one present from the original family. Other descendants present were Clar ence Starr, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Starr and Donna, Mrs. E. N. Starr and Virgil, Jessie and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Beecroft and Dorothy and Marine, Mr. and Mrs. L. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. W. H Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Solie, Mrs. C. H. Long, Mrs. J. M. Es kew, Mrs. Orpha .Smith, 'Gladys uransreldt and Miss -France Welch. Other Groans Gather Other picnic groups in the park 1 1 A " f riEfHI DELEGATE TO MEET IS I s.X ' ft'-. f si fir, : y wsf SB West Salem News' WEST SALEM; July 10 West Salem- friends of Prof, and Mrs. Horace Pattison. of Portland will Smith-HugheS Leader GlYesj I to leamthat they have a Lecture On POUltry JUdg- : 1 been named Edward ManselL Mrs. Jerald Simpson of Clack amas is making a. islt at the Dome or ner moiner. Mrs. saran Sutton' for -pleasant vacation. ying for Club JEFFERSON, Jaly 10. At the monthly business-, meeting Quest at the S. H. Creasy some held at the Arrilson home Frlp M their daughter and .gTand- uay ingni, miss ranees enaie daughter, - Mrs. Arthur. Mitchell, Undismayed by the 'failure of bis trans-Atlantic attempt last year. when he drifted for eight days after ' was elected delegate from ' the Christian Endeavor society of the Evangelical church to tbe annual summer assembly ;at 'Jennings lodge, the latter part of this month. ' . ' " ' - Mr. and' Mrs. Wallace Remple are the parents of a baby daugh ter, Clarice Carolyn, corn at the home of Mrs. Remple's mother, Mrs. Dora Childs, July ft. Mrs. Remple is a granddaughter of Mrs. Mary Swabb and a niece of Mrs. iA.. Wilson ofjefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harris are enjoying a visit from two of their daughters Mrs. Ray Whitseu of Astoria, and Miss Florence Harris of .Fossil. Miss Hartman, superin tendent 'of; schools; of Wheeler nee Gladys Creasy and little Dar- lene of Los Angeles, who are vis- with a sister. In Silverton, for merly Alice Creasy. ; ' . " Edward Englehorn left this week - to accept position as a trnlt salesman In Montana. Spending the weekend at Tole do and Newport - were Mrs. Lynn L. Sloper, her mother. Mrs. Lida Andrews of Salem and Arlie Par ker and Darrel Watson of Port land.t.:) ;. Mr and ;Mrs. John V. Enslin motored to Roseburg for a visit and upon their . return brought Miss Helen . Richards ana ner oro- iting at the parental home and thers.-Edmond and-Wllford back here with (hem for a short vaca tion. All were guests of Mrs.'Gar net Smith part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. M.. Edgar cf Port land Ylslted" here with Mrs.' Ed gar' sister, he F. Marian Moore Sunday. :y- Mrs. B. A. Shoff has been mak ing an extended visit . with rela tives and ; friends at Kelso - and Longvlew, - Wn, and at Castle Rock, v " " ' Moving to 8eattle to accept a position In the northern city last week were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Nash and daughter Patricia Ann. Mr. Nash will be connected with the wholesale packing house and shipping department of the Dairy and Foods com mission. rs. Miss Ruth Maers of West Salem won first-place in a. singing con- tKSdI ! LIBERTY, July 10. A pee lal business meeting of . tbe Wo men's club- has been called for Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. R. Dallas. The club isf also- Invited to attend the potluck luncheon of the grange home economies clufc which meets the tame day for an test held recently at the Holly wood theatre in Salem. - all cay ess " at the ' Dallas home. . , t The Red Hill grange win meet In regular session at the hall on Tuesday evening. July 11, at 8 o'clock. Seymour Jones, from the Salem grange, will be guest speaker.-- v . - r , r , H Perl Scott, her patient. Mrs. Mel Gohel, and niece of Beaver Creek, are spending several days visiting the F. L. Scott. Mrs. Gob el baa . lately . Improved in health.,- . . - Other visitors thl week end were Mr. and Mrs. C Behnke of Florence, at the home ef their daughter,Mr. W. R Dallas. The Raymond Cleveland. Mrs. Mary Cleveland and the Elgin family made, trips to the coast. ' beimr f oreed ' down at sea off the L county, is also a auest of the Har- Axores. Stantsuds uausner Polish- I rts famllyTaccoxntnihyinr Mls American fiierwillahortly attempt a sola. "non-stop bop from New York . to. Warsaw, Poland. v rls fmlly7racc5Xnp-4hyiar- ' ' The Trail- Blasers crab' -of 1UI lersburg. "and the cravelhin Ponltrv elnb held. tbeiV - meetina Sunday includes a McMinnvlUe I Saturday alternoon at the. homo and ' Hillsboro group numbering I oi Mrs. jam es -Arnoia, -near mu-; 25: Los - Angeles. 3: Salem. 45: lersourg. naipn Morgan oi me Molalla, 20; Union Hill, 40; El-1 Smith - Hughes institution, was Hot Prairie Community club. 100: present and gave instructions In Bye and Skelton 70. . juaging pouury. . - - I . i M A Wondhnm nr.... i.nmWi i Jonn KMVOk ie sunamj morn- " ' " . O - ST - m , 1 IK nicnlckeil lhr m 7- .rirl 8 lOT n, .a.'WiMSM, the Mosher clan will picnic there ?ri -Jif'l r?..-.0- I- 7200002 ,7 i next anday. DESlOf EDBKFII SILVERTON HILLS, July 10. The home of Lewis Hall burn ed completely to the ground here. early this afternoon. Mr. Hall was alone at the time and didn't no- and daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs: Ray Lynes. Miss Emma Skelton of La Grande, was the. guest. of her brother, - William Skelton, - and family last week; She is employ ed in a millinery store, and is enjoying her vacation with rela tive in this vicinity. Through m an oversight, Fred Looney's name was omitted from the program committee for the dedication of tbe Conser bridge here. tice the fire until it was beyond Transportation or control. The fire, Mr. Hall thought, originated in the kitchen roof. The Silverton fire department went up to assist but the fire was beyond control before it had been noticed. Mr. Hall was unable to save more than two or three chairs. The loss was partially cover ed by insurance. Mrs. Hall and the children, who have been spending the week end at Yaki ma, Wash., had not yet returned but were expected home later today. v The house which burned down was the old farm home of Mrs. Hall's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Brudy Davis. VISITORS AT MAYO HOME STAYTON, July 10 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mayo have been en tertaining a number of guests. Among them being their son, J. W. Mayo, - and family of Port land; Mrs. R. E. Shipley, of Spo kane; Mrs. Nebergal, her daugh ter, from San Diego, Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Higglns'and daughter of San Francisco. Mrs. Higglns Is a niece of Mrs. Mayo and Mrs. Mattle Brace of this place. School Pupils is Live Issue, Lyons LYONS, July 10. Quite a large delegation of Lyons resi dents and high school patrons at tended the mass meeting at Stay- ton Wednesday. A system and plans are under consideration by the Stayton school district to make possible the ' transportation of high school pupils from dis tances who wish to send children there. No definite terms have been reached. Hugh Johnson took the mem bers of tbe Lyons Sunday school to the convention held in Mill City Sunday. A very small at tendance from Lyons was pres ent due to a good many being away at work for the summer, and others gone to different places for vacations. The - S. D. Brown and Carl McGee families and Marlon Mar tin .motored to Netarts Saturday. They reported the weather rath er cool until noon. Clam digging was limited to SB for each per son. Campers were canning a win ter's supply and crabs and oys ters are rather scarce this season. uQO you think all cigarettes are O alike ! "Vfell, you just light up one of these and see for yourself that Chesterfields arc really different. 'They're milder for one thing. And they taste better, too. But just you take a few puffs and you'll know they're the kind that satisfy!" OPERATOR EXAM 24th SILVERTON, July 10. Traf fic Examiner W. H. Baillle will be at the city hall at Sllver- WHITES HOME AGAIN SCOTTS MILLS. July 10. Mr. and Mrs. Lounco White and daughter, Miss Edna, returned last week from Los Angeles. where they spent the past win-1 ton Monday, July 24, between ter. Mrs. Grace Ahlers of San I the hours of 9 am. and 4 p. m. Francisco, is visiting her sister. I for the purpose of giving ex Mrs. J. N. Amundson and family amlnatlons for operators' and returned Friday from Spokane. L chauffeurs' license. f- jt 2 -k.v - s vtu &f JVHV - SJH v 4-. 19SS. Iigcstt a Mm Tobacco Co. ' '''' xeeas : JO: ;;4S; J H ,- . . - Vr iVfr3y r4 1 Oil xffr- T 1 v - NwL-t, s s V I - , ' - J ) - - - -c - i - - i -k 4 "vT&WwW1 ' t ' v V S 'V.- -X .;.:x:;-:.:v:.:;.-:-v:;-v7 ,V' 1 s '-. x-c v.' j::- " " . , v i- .eld. iS&Z- kesterfi o); 255 North Commercial F mi 255 North Commercial mm MM AST MJMLH3 2 SALES:M1L 2:S0 oecl s30 NOTICE! WE ARE- NbOINlS. 50 FREE To the First 50 People who Enter Our 8tore at 7:80 p.'xa. 7 1