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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Sakm, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, July 11, 1233 PAGE SEVEN 4", 1 1.1 'i A-- il I f af JLI f Business Directory Um iu uua dincior) ma oa monthly basts, only. Ratei $1.00 per Une per: month,. - AUTO BRAKES Mike iPanek, the brake and shimmy doctot.' 276 Sooth Commercial Street- CATERING Burt Crary, the caterer. Ph. S762. 1 CHIMNEY SWEEP Teltphone 40. R. EL NorTtino. chiropraOtors PR. a U COtT. PSC. Chiropractor. H N. High. "Tat Rea tilt. . ! DRESSaiAKlNG Exp. OMsamaklns ' In your hama. t!.0 day. Copy plcturca, TeL Tw FLORISTS CUT Dowera, wtddir botKPiaU un rat wrcatba, Aacoratiooa, a 9. Brelt baupt. Oortrt. ,i7t Court. Tat A i.i-kind ot noral work. LmU Ftor It. lm tt MarkaL Tt GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. TaL !. Walter J. Downs. 8 3raya. INSURANCE: BECKS HKNDRICXS W N. Hiah TeL , COFFET-SM1TH, gen, lna TeL MM. LAUNDRIES XHB MEW LAUNDRI . THB VVEICEB UA.UNDRT ttl a High Tat lilt CAPITAL. CITT UXWDRX First In Quality and Bervfc ! Telephona UU Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, HARRY W. 1 repaired and traded. ! SCOTT. The Crete Man" MATTRESSES Mi ureases from factory to Spring mattress f LO. Reso valors and f umlgatora Rugs cleaned. Capital Bod dlns Co. TeL 401s. IM tL CapltoL Now mattress made to order, old - remade iTearpet cleaning, sisiag ; Hull rug weaving. Salem fluff Rag A atat treao Factory, a 18th A WUbuft. TeL, 844L Otto' F. Zwlcker. Est 191L :MUS1C STORES ; GSa C. WILL Pianos, radios, sew ing rnnm y shoot moale and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing snashuea. 483 Stats Street, Salem. - - B1ED1C1NE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Ca Hours Tuesday snd Friday 10 30 ia to 4;30 p. m. 148 N. Commsroial. rnrii rrhan. Chlneee Medlcme Co- i 112 N .Com'L Dally 9-0, Sun. 9-12. All J jr kinds herbs for mate ana lenuue, iw ' rhffuTnatlam. anoendlai- tin, colitis, gland, stomach diaordera PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 215 & Commercial. Tale Pjiono101MMMMMMMMMM REAL ESTATE BOCKB A HENDRICKS, TeL 4947. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.'- 224 a Liberty St. TeL 8488. SOCOLOFSKT A SON 204-8 First Nat'L Bk. Bldg. TeL 7807. STOVES STOVES and stove-repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, books, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 282 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R B. Flaming. TRANSFER ciPiTit CITT Transfer Ca 220 State St. TeL 7772. Distributing, for warding ana storage our vgmui. Os w rates, ' ' wrtn local or distant transfer storage. eall 2111. Larmer Transfer Ca Trucks to Portland oauy. TYPEWRITERS ttpicwriters Adding Men. sold. rented, repaired, ' Underwood Agonta, Cooks A Short. 119 Court, TeL 5584. WELL DRILLING t ft A. West 80 years experlaaee, RFO , Bos 101 A. Tst llOFi. 4. Bits for Br (Continued from rage 4) receive COt kUIgatS IB armor ciau, origaue wi, f ""T.l.ti trappers wuu loeir wiiiic f skins. - - i-'-f' -Dr. McLoughlin. with an eye to business, lingered a. moment, Clerk Roberts (Geo, B. Roberts who for long years was employed there) called-'Pack to the bales, pack In the bales, The yoyageurs leaped to me task aao trunaioa up oraat. luw iitt Bt iii, m. - the furs. : " r rsrrsz; e-J ''k-i. ' "Chief Factor Og Sen. homely . and kind, passed ow up to the Jnrt with Dr. McLouithlln and the f other factors of the fleet.---His good wife Julia and his daughter Sarah Julia followed at a dis tance, with Archibald McKinlty. a talL red-headed Highlander, soo ond In command at Fort St James." L .(Continued tomorrow.; J Statesman' Classified Ads Call 9101 -. OMlTtod A4rwtlslas . Sfnsts HrU6a jer Uet'Jte TbTM lQMrtioas Mr , . ' us SOe. 8Uc 4artloBs per Ua. .tit Ob monlli Btr tta. ' Uiaimam cbrg .V.VV.tlff Copy tor . ikU vf ented untU iS9 Jtb inr . hcfnra nn h1bJi tloB f OT clsMiricatloa. Copf eiTeA after tair Urn will run o odar ta beadtos Too LaU to Claaaltr. ; Tb I Statesman ' assuBM a CtnaacUl roafMnbllltr lor rror wbtcb maj ap pear 4 adrarUsanwta po-' Uabd in" !ta colon ua, and to case wnero tht paper is at taalt srlU reprUt that part ot aa a4rrlaam.ant la walch u-tbo yprapalcal ; mlatakt Kttn. '; ., . - '-'Tb iSUteiBtaa- rMorros th rixbt to rlet ebjee tlaaal adTartlatnf. ' It fmi& titer -rtoarrM xaa riat to classify all adrerttalM der tbo proper elaaalfli tiov. HELP WANTED" aoilieBaerfMMMaeiasa WANTED! Uan and wife work: lor board and room and small monthly win; farm work and housekeeping; reterencea Call ISO mornings. HELP ;VW ANTED MALE I mrm luiildtna k houaa. I want to ex Changs soma wood tor basement and carpenter work, were la your cnanw to gat your winters wood and some money. . ' ' H. C. SHIELDS , Oreaim Bide. ' Tel. 8908 HELP. WANTED FEMALE WANTED five to seven experienced salea srirls tor special store demon- trt!nn aatea work Friday and Sat urday. Salary. State particulars ana telephone number. Address Box 228, Statesman. SALESMEN WANTED OoDortunltv make S109. week or mora. Cash in on tremendous demand. AUTO RADIOS Sells complete J .5 ; your cost tl.IS. Los Anxeles manufacturer de sires salesman with car, sell direct to auto owners. Latest a tube super, au elec Solen. lone. Remote cn'trL Salea- mirr., J14S VenloS Blva., lxs Angeles. . SITUATIONS WAN7TED Experienced housekeeper wishes po sltlow. Good references. Tel. 0887. FOR SAlJBIlstIIaiieota Exp, lialmits, 20c-15a 1814 N. Com, Used ice box, good' condition. 75 lb. cap. 912.60. 705 South St TeL 75 , Fox hound pups 85 and 28, 2 months Wayne Wtesner, Sllvorton, Rt s. ; . : PIANO A Francis Bacon la first class condition. TeL 58F12. WiH sell mr piano for 885.00. Terms $10.00 cash and $5.00 per mo. Write Box 231, statesman. Blng cherries. . 2494 N. Front ' For sals davenport beds, springs. dining table, 8 chairs, side board, dressers, rocker. Like new. 2345 Maple. Good bur on late model Hoover elec. sweeper. Also Regina, TeL 8792. XL W. Brown. TRADE Miscellaneous Will store my grand piano or sell cheap- for quick sale. Terms on 'part or will accept electric stove or electric rer. as part payment ana terms on balance. Write Box 232, Statesman. WANTED Mlsceflaneons Wanted piano for cash. TeL S707. WANTED Small movable garage. llsrtit trailer. Box 235, care Statesman. MISCELLANEOUS Typing students keep In practice spL lor summer, I moa for is. xnoa Roen, 420 -Court . - - -i-i-i- - -i -rn-i-.-tfW-ir-irv-irii-ii-i r a. Mr. Lane of Seattle, Wn, expert hair cutter, now located 201 & Win ter. Prices the same, Adults 20c, chil- orcm xoc We plck u p dead, worthless horses, cows, Kheep lei. 6. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, alp. porch. 1877 Court 8t Te! 4867. ROOM AND BOARD R-K Z9 .ma 92ft. 6 MAXlOIU Board and room for ladles. In. TeL 587 A 695 Court St Close 1 Board, rm., $20. Near P. O. 54 88. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 nice spta $12 and $25. 1580 Center. .Apta $12. 811 N. Com'L Apta. rooms, garage house. All nicely furn. TeL 7414. 2281 HaseL Unfum, duplex apt, 880 Union. Nicely furn. three room apt, water, garage. isi unemeksta, xeu isss. t R fura. apt Very nice. 1084 Oak. moot, sse uit -x. . Aioerv, I Front apt. overstuffed furn. 458 center. I R. fura apL, frigid. 1209 Court I Nlca furnished apt, 690 Unloq TiFORlIEIi an ntahM. nnfurnlaheA honma M- v J rorkaar,- 1116 N. Cottage. TeL 8 OIL m isa esm -. sums sjsisasai aas asi ss s 1 1 am For rent 7 room housa See Mra Cadwell, Statesman office. nSstasASSASS Houses for rent Damon, 897 N. Com. "5 rooms fura. upper Cat, 7 blka stats housa Owner, 481 S. Cottaga. Modern house, cheap. 1600 Stats $ room fura. noma 7 blka te state housa Inquire 4$1 B. Cottaga . t Dry goods, notions and ready-to- wear located in good valley town. Good location, good building, cheap rent. Will exchange tor Salem or suburban property or close-In acreage from $J,- ooo.oo to ijsoq.00. Address Box zzs. Statesman. - WANTED to swap my bicycle for a I riding horse. Must be gentle. Address I Route f. Box SCs. Cash for old bicycle, Tel. 4 Hi. 1931 motorcycle trade for light car. 11 Cowing St, Sllvertoa. . FOR RENT HOUSES 4 rtn horn. I It Pr mow TL 78$, Neatly furnished 4 room modern home at I9C Columbia Ave. . KELVIN JOHNSON 17S State Street - TeL C79. ; FOR RENT 220 N. 4tk St. i rms. . 5 mo. . 6 mo. mo. 2249 Claude St, S rms sis s. it tn st, s rms. 1134 Falreaount St, K rmSi . 7 mo. i ct b. ista St. i rma 7 mo. 133 Srd St. W. Salem, t rma s mo. isso Kiectno st, 4 rma ,, 2S2S 8. Com'L St, ( rma 1110 Rural Ave.. 4 rms. 4SS & 18th St. 4 rms. 8 mo. 10 ma t mo. 8 mo. 149 N. 17th St. 7 rma 18 ma CHILDS MTT.T.TTR. REALTORS 244 SUts Street TeL 8708. Modern turn. 8-nn. bouse, doss In. Tel. 8880. . FOR RENT Piano, 92 per mo. TeL 8588. WANTED TO RENT Wanted to rent farm. What have you 7 R. H, Murphy, Hubbard, Ore. Just arrived party, father, two sons with families want. 4-5-4 room bouses or bungalows quite well furnished. Might buy. Box 227, care Statesman, Wanted to rent from owner or 1m- Erovement company, large sized farm i district between Salem and Port land Must be soil best suited for gram production. Might buy stock, machine ry with lease. V. & MATTESON Inkster. N. D FOR SALE Real Estate Strictly modern 5 . room bumralow. close in. Nearly -news-- A-' very choice home at only $2000.00, all furnished. Terma - 5 Acres with modern room btm- galow near Salem. Frios only $1800.00. Terms given. . . so Acres located north of Salem, an fenced and cultivated.- Good Hop land, j Bargain at $2500.00. Terma , . J. F. IIL.RICH co, - Phono 8872 225 State Street Good semi-modern 7 -room plastered resldsace, basement, fireplace, plumb-1 ins. on two our iota cove reo witn nut! cherry and ornamental trees and rosea grape arbor, near schools, nice view. going at oepresstoa prtce. Also two beautiful building lots 80x110 with large fruit trees, block south Los- lie brick school at bargain, easy terma Owner. 755 Rural Ave. Fnone 8854. Two lota on knoll 40x120 each, fac ing Leslie brick school. grounds, nice view, covered with large cherry, pear and apple treea win sou one or ootn. See these before building. Easy terma Owner. 785 Rural Avenue. TeL 5854.. Bargain 9 U A. ttrunea 8 mL out $850. $450 down. Special S-A. and good house. 8 mL out $1600. $150 down. Damoa $97 N. Com'L- 8-R. mod; well furnished home at 12 OS Court St 2-car garage. VAN M. GREER, 202 Ore. Bldg. "HOTlESSACRmCED- One 6-R-. basement furnace. Good homo and dandy lot Cut to $1275. Al most given away. ANOTHER DANDT B-R. stucco (North Salem). All rooms nicely decorated. Hardwood floora Fine basement furnace, fire place. Dandy corner lot 6 fruit treea A give away at 33250. Cost owner $4000. Don't pass these ud as they are good Investment J AS. D, SEARS, REALTOR ... j 12 South High Street Small home on Market st See owner at 1582 Court St - Banraln 9U A. Drnnea S mL out $850. $450 down. Special 5-A. and good house. 2 mL out 21600. 2150 . down. Damon, 897 N. Com'L s. FOR SALE CHEAP ' Clear creek lot i1om in on Chema, keta Rt' 2, Box 66, Turner. - I GOOD BUYS IN SUBURBAN HOMES 2 acre tract 1 mile out on saved road. 6 room house with water system. eiectrio lights, small barn, garage and woodshed. Priced very low at $2100 to close an estate, part terma unotoe acre tract. 1 U. miles ant on paved road, 4 room house, plastered, plumbing, eiectrio lights, water sys tem, nice pool, flowera lawn, shrubs and garden. Priced very low at $2000, uoerai terma - S acrea. nart. fa) nrifan anma ffl. berta 8 room house, eiectrio lights. drove welL Price $1160, cash $50, baL $10 per ma 6 lnt Anotner one witn tmndinn nartiv completed tor Only $250. cash $26, baL $10 per ma BEE US for Sod bnva In enhnrhan homes. CHILDS A HTT.T.1TW- -R.altnr. 344 SUte Street . -. TeL 4708. c umisnea moaern noma s rnnmi rurnace, OrepLaco, garage I blocks state nousa 827.50 to adulta Others rnxgeuta smau, Furnlabad aad BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 North High Street POLLY AND HER of I St j tfACHCKl-axX-( (AFFORD) -C- -v.ill MJ--i---ZZ' c SSv -r '-jir I V iy'. jasssS tV- L:r::::S aex--eSSSSBVnmmaM j-ij---- . -jyjttrK FOR SALE Real Estate acroa north of Salem, la good to-1 cation. Land lays verr Bios-and Is I productive- solL Fenced and cross I fenced. No tmiidinga. A real bargain at I2i0.0t. Good terms.- A. strictly modern, new. firs room bungalow. Everything you could ask In a, choice home. Priced at 15fl0.t. I Terms. ' -'::.-,-;,-.-- ' t room bungalow, m good location. Paved street. Floe, large lot. A soap at I13S.VO. very easy terras. . u. you j have anything to trade tell us about It - - 4. r. uuuch ca . --. ' ---- -- sis mat Btreet - - w- -Salem, Ore. TeL Wi By owner, poultry - ranch. Call at zj7 state st . - - " " - onriinrw-iiiini-i.n.nfULnjuu i- 'Paclflo highway land acres IU miles south. 4 acres fruit creek price now (ZS59.00. Suitable home camp ground, eta-Reasonable terms. iJKUKE - HENDRICKS ,' 18 North High Street EXCHANGE Real Estate TRADES For smaller house of equal alue. house of rooms, besides bath. lavatory, sewing room .modern .large lot Weil located. Owner, TeL 474t . "i-i-iirii"!!! riirtn raijrijxrujxnj-srtnnj'uri SALE OR EXCHANGE 41 acres stock farm with fair bldg. to. Price $19 A. - , , T VAN M. GREER. 101 Ore. Bldg. ACREAGE Owner must have some money and Is willing to sacrifice on her t acre farm with modern bids:- elect Make me an offer. - - ... H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. i . TeL 1902. Tracts 2 acres and bldga south, 22700 another 2 acres and email bldga 814(0.00. - Reasonable - ejsiln Close to Salem South. Close to bus and school. Immediate poaaMsion. BECKE HENDRICKS ' 189 North High Street Business Opportanitiea J i FOR sale Neighborhood grocery and meat market - Doing good bus iness. Box 236, care Statesman. - Cafe for rent 897 N. Com'L MONEY TO LOAN Borrow on Dersonal Dnmertv : reoav In monthly installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO.. State Its. S-149. Sua uuaraiaa Bldg. TeL HIT. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY Off&'nOoTsn. Fllir. U.Z dr together Telephona 7782. SUts license No. I S-185. . Tnrirsrvvvi8inisnri i sji nnrxrinnn nruxj MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Beflnanced Arrange to reduce yam payments Too keep the ear ' P. A. s!?KgBt Cor. Liberty St and FerrT Phoce 4722 Salons. Ora PlcRSONAL LOANS MADE on furnltura oara salaries 2 or other good security. Repayal monthly. When la financial need us before closing a loan. UaUNBTKAU IVVESTatSHX CORPORATION Flra NnfVmel Ritnk fT4tc ete 8862 ' FOR SALE WOOD w GUARANTEED - DRT wood ooal TeL 6000 Balsas Fuel Ca Trad A Ash, fir and oak. Tel 6448. - Wood, all kinds, call 48F14, Smltti A Rubens. ; - -' - No. 1 16 to. old r, 14.86. TeL 441 i A . Good dry old fir. second growth, ash, oak. TeL 3473. , Dry slab wood. IS in. old fir, and ?laner .wood. Prompt delivery at racy-a TeL 2984. Dry wood. $4.00. TeL 8489. L0?r. JiND F0UNP- . LOST In MU1 Creek, small green row boat Carle Abvama, 1647 Chems keta. TeL 7854. I ; . ; J. . . LOST Lady's keepsake wrist watch. Reward. Dial 9534. Will party who found package con taining dresses and eye glasses and other articles please return to Old People's Home or TeL 9179. Mra Hat tie Mtllett Liberal reward. FOR SALE USED CARS 4yaSVSasSjaSasWMs1sss TWO RED HOT SPECIALS 22-Pontlac Spt Coupe. Just like new. Priced amaxlngly low. '20-Buick Spt Road. A snap. SEE THEM AT BOB-R EGO'S -240 No. Liberty . , . - TeL 8688 1929 Hudson Super Six Sedan, A-l shape. Trade for late model light car. Sea at 230 Bo. 19th. " Valley Motor Co. ? Used Cars' 1S4A fliilxk fhAiui. TTaa had VerV good care t98 1928 Bulck Std Coupe. Has good;: ttr.iL finish KOOd. Motor rood 22$ 1929 Chrysler 45 Sedan. Motor averhajilAd. nnlatl ana urea good i .. SE Stude baker $ Cylinder se dan. Runs very srood. good tires , - - $71 Hupmobilo A Sedan, Motor good. New tires . $75 295 1929 Oakland 6 Coach In very good snaps 1922 Chevrolet Sport Roadster. Run 12,000 mllea Has 6 tires. Motor very good -Valley, Motor. . , . Used Car Lot 411 Marlon A Liberty- TeL Open Evenlnsrs and Sunday 7918 I AUTOMOBILES MwaaaMwwwaMMwwaawAywaM WW flATJB Ono'li2t Reo 8-ton track aad trail er, roily equipped. Working em steady joa - REO SALES A sTERVXCfe CO, 128 StaU Street PALS FOR SALE USED CARS' Will pay cash for 1926 Fords and Chevrolets.' USED CAR EXCH ANQ E 542 Chetheketa CHEVROLET GIVES MORE FREE LICENSE .' - '28 Durant" Coach , , , tl85.e 87 Bulck Sedan" 145.00 '29 Stude Sedan ,,,,,,, r 175.00 19 Nash Sedan , ! 1 ' 828.00 'SO StUde Sedan -, "-- 285.00 20 Oakland Sedan., 895.00 '22 Chev. Coupe 491.00 28 Ford Truck , 125.00 29 Chev.' Truck , 145.00 18 Reo ., r 47ss -TERMS : TRADES Open Evenings' and Sundays v f McKAT CHEVROLET CO. : . . 'CHEVROLET CIVE3 MORS . ' LOW PRICED TRUCKS In Excellent Condition See TJs Model T Ford, truck with Worford i transmission. 1929 Chev. truck and semi-trailer 1921 Ford Truck. LWB. duals Mack truck, dual tire trailer, suitable i i I or logging JoDj 1921 Cher, truck LWB, duals and new 1 itcease. - - - - 1980 Ford -Panel -delivery 19S2UMC. 175 In. WB.v ' WOOD-WHEATON -MOTOR CO. 840 Chemeketa - TeL -0588. FLOUR PRICES IIP TO MEET NEW TAX PORTLAND. July 1(AP)-- The price of flour was up $1.40 per barrel today and millers will lose Instead of making money at the advance. This was duo to the fact that the new government tax of $1.38 per barrel witb X cents added for cash discount, was ef fective. Millers wero forced to add the tax to their former price, forcing the beet family patent to $7.60 per barrel in the wholesale trade, 1 No advance was made on the flour Itself but a further rise of 2 cents per bushel in the price with recent late rises, was expect ed to force millers to further re vise their prices upward within a day or so. In the meantime retailers were allowed 30 days to sell flour at the old price and without the gov ernment ux. Stock Exchange is Laggard on Finance Market i NEW YORK. July 10. (AP) New highs ia the grain and cotton markets and , a new low for dollar exchange failed to la spire much sympathetic enthusU asm on the stock exchange to day. Volume totaled 4,841,015 snares. . . While alcohol favorites soared 3 to 7 points and motion picture share from fractions to nearly s, Westinghouse, General Electric, Kennecott, Anaconda, American Tobacco "B," Woolworth, New York Central, Pennsylvania, San ta Te, Union Pacific, TJ. S. Steel Preferred. Standard Oil of New Jersey, Chrysler and American Telephone were losing one-half to more than 2 points net. Con solidated Gas, North American and several other utilities im proved moderately. "Bread" is sues were up fractions to about 2. STAYTON, July 10 Mrs. O. r. Korlnek haa received notifi cation that she has been appoint ed committee woman of the East Stayton precinct by the democrat ic county central committee. 1 e Program! ' TTJE SD AT, July 11 7 :0O Organ eoaosrt, KBO. 7:20 Orgaa eon cert, KBO. 7:30 U. S. Army band. KBO, , 8:00 Jehaay Marvin, KBO. 10:00 Cooking school. 10 :80 Woman? s Ksgsalas ef the KBO. Air. 1 1 :8 Argentina trie, KBO. 11:46 Meredith WUlsen. HBO. 12116 Westers Farm ssd Hems how, KBO. 3:20 Friendly east 4:30 Little Celleen, HBO. 6 :00 Lives st stake, KBO. 6:80 Concert trio, KEX. T:00 Amos 'a' - Aadr, KBC. 7:18 Memory Lane, KBO. 0:00 Musical Manneoulns. KOMO. ,10:16 Aasoa Weeks' orchestra KBOL 11:00 Abo Lymaa's oraheatra, KBO. XOAO OOBVALLIS 550 Xa 7:09 Meralag meditatioas, lad by Dr. Prsak B. Matthews. 8 :00 Moralag coaeert 0:00 Home economics observer. 10:80 Walts SMlodies. 11:00 Coaeert recording. ; 12'J0y arm hour. i S-.'"V. ' 1 :00 Rhythm-hnaleaiea S :90 The Bssssirin' half koar. f :45 Oeaaviavs Basa-Oaskias, srgaa- ' 1st, Radio ' r - I I Fowl Play 1 !- " . RYE L E Aj) Barley Reaches ; $22; -Mohair, and , Hogs -Gain 1 5 Cents x Boosts in llTea tock and grain prices wero recorded . locally Moa- day- and also oa tao red raspberry market. . . -:; Hogs aro up IS cents, nnn dred to top of $5.25; lambs car ried a $5 quotation Monday. Rasp berries, due; largely to scarcity.! were boosted lit cents, to $1.15 1 and $1.60-per crate. . .Barley is up to $22 a ton, a substantial raise; and oats carry a 424 figure to the grower 4 : Monair is up to IS centsa pound. , " 0' .,--''' :: PBOOTCX XXCHAsTQX PORTLAND. Ore- Jaly 10, (AP rresnee exeaaage, set priees' Better, estrss see. aUaaexss 9 Sc. vriwe tint sse, Xlrets II. Eggs rresb extrss lOe. zresa saeaissM lOe. - Portland Grain POBTLAKD. Ore.. Jaly 10. (API High Lew Clees Wket -. Oaea Je4y 75i 17 Ti 77 0V4 704 80 ttopteatoer 78 Deewaber 814 84 U. S9U 84U CaAk wheat Ne. 1 Big Besd biae- I stesi 87e; eark hard winter 12 per eeal 80e, 11 per seat Sle; soft while, wesUra watte, hard winter, aortaera spring, weit era red 75a. - Oslo Ke. S white 925.50. -.Cora Jio. jyj yellow 828. ; . ItUlrsa Standard 219. 1 Portland-Produce PORTLAND. Ore, Joly 10. (API- Batter mats, extrse 15, standards 25e. Bntterfrt Portland delivery, A grade 2425c pound; farmers' door daUcrry si-zae poena, sweet cream oe signer. Eggs Pacific Poultry prodaeert' seUiag pries, everaise Sle, extras 19a. mixed colors 18c, scedisms lOe doses. Haying price by wholesalers: Freak cur rent receipts 68 peendi ssd ap, 14c Sol an. Country meats Sailing pries te re tailers, cosatry killed hogs, best batch ers, under ISO pounds 7-7 He. Vesiers 70 te 100 possds 7-Se. Spring Ismee 10 H lit, yeartisgs 4-5e. Heavy ewes 8-Se. sauna eews se pease, vsaer cows zfe So. Bwlla 44 -5c oeoad. Mekalr Bsyisg price, 1988 clip 15c senna. Cseears berk Barlsg . price, 1938 peel Se oesad. Cheees 99 score Oregon triplets 12s. leaf Us peaad. Brokara will psy lee oeiew eeotaueaa. Milk Contract prise 4 per scat Portland delivery $L70 cwt; B grade cream ST He peeao. Hese MemisaL 1038. S4-SSe neaaA Live soaltry Port lead delivery, bsy isg price. Heavy- keas. colored a-Sfc poaag lie, Se lit- ponaas aas ap 10c. Broilers. S veenee ssd . P-lOe. i dcr .2) pesads li-lli. Colaced spdags S peaade aad ap 1 3c Roosters 5e peeaA Docks, Pekia broilers 12-lSe peeadi eU decks 10s pound, do eoiered 10c oeasa. Osioas Selling priee te reUUers, uregoa st.zs-x.S9 cental. New anions California, Bermadas $1.85- SO peaad crate; new red $LS5 eeatat Potatees Local 11.50; Desckates Game $3.50 cental, de Bakers $2.25; xakima uems ssas-sjs. New peUtees Local white sad red $2.25-2.85 cental; California, white $25- s.93 cental. Strewberrles Ktw Oregoas $1.60 LB crate. Wool 1988 elio. aemiaaL Wmamette valley, 28-20e poosd; eastera Oregon 18 21e peaad; eoathera Idaho 16-20e ponnd. Hay Baring price frem producer. eastera Oregon timothy $16: eats and vetch $15 tea. Portland Livtktock POBTLAKD, Ore., Jaly 10. (AP) Cattla Receipts 117 S. calves 43; 85e aisher la spots for steers ssd she staff. Steers, good sad medium SS-S.SS, common 9S.3-e. Heifers, geaa, cos sad medium S4.25-4.60. Cows, good. moa sad mediesa S4-4.3S. Balls. 83.90-8 AO; eatters sad medium. $3.35 8.25. Vealers, good $6-8.75; cutter aad medium $3-0. Calves, good $5A0-S, com mon sa.oo-s. Hog -Receipts 2794; top light butch ers l5e Birnrr. Good. 140 to 200 pounds 85-5.50: 200 to 250 pounds 84.85-5.60; ever 250 pounds 84.25-5.15. Bows, good .$4-4.00, medium SS.75-4.S5. Pigs, good $25.8.25. pnocp aecsipia ion; stoaay. Lambs, good sad eheiee $0-0.50, com mon aad medium $5-5.75. Wethers $2 4. Xwes SL50-3.35. f Oopyrtghl 1988. Btaadard Statistic Co.) .lety srrocx avebaqes Today 09.8 55.8 113.9 94.1 Previous ear 9.0 57.0 111,8 96.1 Weak ago 90.6 SAO 110.1 01A Tear aro 85.9 13.6 68.1 SSA Syesrsege 160.V 113.7 818.S 184.S Higk 1988 09.S . 68.0 118.7 95.1 Lew 1933 - 43.8 23.6 SLf 48.0 High 1933 73.8 89.8 111.0 78.0 Lew 1938 S5.1 ISA 6L8 85.0 BOKTJ AVSXAOBS Tedsy . 75.1 83.1 8.8 81.1 Previous day 75.1 81.0 S8.7 01.1 week are ts.i if.t es.s tv.s Tear saw . SSA 68.4 98.4 -64.0 Syearseffo 08.1 107.8 100.1 100.1 Higk 1088 . 76 A 81.1 SS.S Sl.S Low 109 SSA 67.0 74.1 08.0 Higk 1931 i 7LS 7 AO 80.1 7A1 Lew 1983 . 68.1 47 A ' 70A 87.6 V:30 Parm hear. 8:09 Prof. G. R. Hyslop. "Psstares fsr ran sewisg.rt ; :15 Dr. Victor P. . sfsrrU, ' Tke ; weru la . t:80 Paul Pstrt Ardsa, St . " frys Pstrt, Gsoeraf-arbets Stocks and Bonds S GRAmS, UP 7CElsrTS IJarkets mm Gradw - B - paw 4 - sollk. co-op pool price, f 1.43 per. ittHuLred:- - SarpUs 15.'. - (Milk eMd oa eesd-BMstatr saUertat aversaa.) - . . ; Ulstrfbotor price $1.70 Butterf at Top 23-25C, prints 29c, cabes 28c - - rrlees paid U growers fey Saleta ssyen Jaly 10 ITke.pcieea aeiewk-aasptied sy a Iseal gmoar.'sce iadu Vat are etyaar . raotr a ace lasicauve f tse asiiy sstih i rente s T Te aunuui) asm JBOBTABUBJ - Btdsg beaas. lb, ... , ., , 4 ,Aiaeaaea,. aeav. r , AtBareiaa local, aas. We. a ., . .. .ie Csbkace. Pv - , ,-J03 K. Oreta peppem. FleHia, 1W , JO fees; Orecea. V. .08 te .04 Oaioas. goa, ssseses .. ' m PeUtoM. Zaklaa Ve. 1 1.75 8 Salts, white J.1S a jo Lettaesr Heal .,05 . 5 .-01 . AS . .05 -l. a.4 Oaieas. Ubisa, swt. K habere, leesl . - Celery, des. , ,,. Apples ITlaeseps. tssey Xxtra (aaey IntnM, faaey xtrs tascy Oranges. Vsteaeias, fancy 8.75 te S.60 Place pack : te s.oo Beets. MeeL don. - J5 Turnips, local, crate . , , , , .25 Carrot a local, see. .s SDiaaca. leeaL crate Bsnaaaa, lb., e stock naaaa ' , stSstard era a i Caoasibers. betaease . Caataloerpaa, crate -2.00 te SAO 7 JO 1.15 1.25 8.25 temess- Strawberries, local Limes, fresh -. ,, Avaeades. crate 8eeaaa, Italias, ersU 1 Sommsr. srate ., . i: Apricots, crate .85 .Watarmeleas. retail .08 Tomatoes, ketkoaae 1.00 te 8.35 Texas s.o BoKPOerries .1.25 to UO LOO .00 Blackcaps Carrsats Logan berries .75 Hora Top, 1932, lb. , 1981. la. .00 AS Top, BOOS Baying Prices Extrss Standards Medietas J5 .14 .18 A4 JO POOLTKT Old reeeurs - Colored hnas - Mediants hens n JOB .18 te J.5 Light sees. Broilers MSAT Lambs, top 5.00. xtega, top .5.25 5.00 .OA ts -05 .014 to AS ' .034 to JO U)3Vt to A3 rurst cats . Steers Cows . Heifers Balls Dressed vaal, top, .044 Dresaad. bora .07 OBATJ6 ABD BAT Wkaet wettera red , - 80 .80 23.00 2A0O White he. 1 , , Eaiiay, top, tea i Oats, tea . Hay. oeytag gnus - Oats sad vetch, ton ... - - .14.00 .15.00 -14.00 Alfalfa, vsUsy 1st cat - Clever say WOOL Vediam Ceetee . .25 .t J5 Al , AO Mohair CASCAnVA BAAS Oreea, I Dry, lb. IV Strawberries are Scarce; Bings at 4 Cent Quotation PORTLAND. July 10. (AP) Strawberries were scarce on the East Side Farmers Whole sale market. Salea showed; a gen eral spread of $1.5 0-1.7 S-crate with a few a nickel to a dime higher. Raspberries were in supply. selling $1-1.25 crate. Blackcaps were a trine dull at $1.10-1.20 crate. Loganberries were.weak at 75-90c erata Currants sold mostly around $1 crate. Blng eherries were 4c lb. with Black Republicans out ot , The Dalles around 2c lb. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT - Notice Is hereby given that Marlon Glbbs, Administratrix ot the Estate of Albert J. Rousseau. deceased, has filed her final ac count in the matter of the said estate In the County Court of Marion County, Oregon and that Saturday, the 22 nd day of July, II $1. at ten o'clock In the fore noon . of the said day, ia the County Court rooms In the Coun ty Court House ot Marion County, Oregon, has been fixed as the time aad place by the said .Court tor the hearing ot objections to the said account, and for final set- . tlement of the said estate. Any and all objections to the said account and the final settlement of the said estate must be filed with the Clerk of said Court oa or before the date ot said hear ing. . - i Dated June 20th, 1921. Marlon Glbbs. Administratrix ef 1 deceased J. 20-27-July 4-11-11. - - - J05 .0$H , , .80 AO te .80 Us2 of rye Bread as wneac ouDsutute Ndw ; Foreseen CHICAGO. July, .TsWCAP) Uke a meteor, the . rye market flamed ..across the speculative. horizon today, and gained I cents '. a bushel., smashing, high price. records right And left, , l. , Excited buying that accompaa j, led the upward flight ef rye re suited from a belief among. many traders that as a consequence ot new oO-ceats-a-bushel.'taxee en' wheat converted Into flour, the use of rye bread might largely . displace-the nation's white loaL It was figured; that the- new wheat , tax, " together: with, . the market discount oa rye as com-'' - pared. iWlth wheat, gar' buyers : 4 I of rye aa adraatage of 0: cents : a bushel, ' - . - - - -.-' - : t -- TJader the new agricultural.1 measures , recently enacted by; congress, rye has no tax such as' that enforced on wheat bexLn- ining today, and furthermore the present domestic stock of rye Is sub-normal, with . the- ItSS rye - crop promising less- than- usual requirements. - - ( Paradoxically, the sensational action or rye whirled all deliver ies of wheat to beyond Tecent peak, pricea. Rye closed fluniad' at not far from the day's' tops. 74-7 cents above Saturdaya finish, wheat V-1 np, eora 14- , 1 advanced, oats with -l4 Today'g closing quotations: Wheat July 1.00: Septem ber 1-03 December 1.05- ; May 1.0H-. . Cora July 1: September , (5 December May ! 74-75. OaU July 4 ; September . 47-; December 49-; May -52. EGG BM IS GEHU.V BETTER PORTLAND. July 10 (AP) There continued a liberal show-; tng of strength la the market for butter locally on the open trade with prices, well sustained. Make continued to show decrease in this territory. Batterfat Is firm. There- was a somewhat better general undertone in the egg mar ket here with prices more general ly maintained for top grade stuff although some short held storage was said to be moving at various values. Market for lire chickens reflect ed weakness as a result of the dumping of supplies by scared producers who were unloading their surplus with higher feed costs. All country killed meats were showing at least steadiness In the local trade, veal, hogs and lambs were steady to firm, at full prices listed for extreme quality. Father of Buell is Called at Age of 86 BRUSH COLLEGE. June 10 H. M. Buell of Brush College re ceived word Thursday - of the death of his father. Dexter Buell, 98, who reamed, at the home of a son in Oklahoma. Mr. Buell had, not seen his father since 1927', when he made a trip to Oklahoma.! Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith and baby daughter Janeen of . Spo- kane, Wn., arrived here Saturday to visit his brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith and rel atives in Salem. Harvey Smith formerly resided at Brush College. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting, of the stockhold ers of the State Savings and Losa Association will be held At the office of said association. 244 State Street, Salem, Oregon, on the 17th day ot July 1932, at the hour ot 2 o'clock In the af ternoon, for the purpose ot elect ing directors, and to vote upon the resolutions of the Board ot Directors ot said association pur posing to adopt a sew set ot by laws for said association; said new set ot by-laws being now on tile la the office of the associa tion, and subject to the inspec tion of any Interested stockhold er, and tor the purpose of traa- sacting such other business as ' may properly come before said meeting. ; ' Dated this 20th day eg June,' 1121. .- ' , Leo N. Chllds, Assistant See retary. July i-T-11. By CLIFFv STERRETT