PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem; Oregon, Tuesday Morninjr. July 11, 1933 Cimhloh to . ". - . ens'-1 Mai mgM MS WE Hew; Yorker Isn't so Much Heavier as ; Imagined; Newcomers Billed ' A, pair of first class wrestlers who have already demonstrated that they are well matched, -will elasli at the' armory tonight la the mala event of the weekly how, resumed after betas; Tar led hy the starlnc of a"hl Ume" affair outdoors at the fairgrounds last Tuesday. Principals are R o b I nU Heed, world 145-pound champion who retained his belt In the title boot at the fairgrounds,' and Jack Mitchell, middleweight who also figured prominently and popular ly on that card. ' Although - It was the general belief that when Mitchell and Reed met previously. It was Mit chells greater poundage which gate him an apparent advantage over Reed which the Reedsport . editor had much difficulty la overcoming, the fact Is that Mit "ehell weighs only a bo ut 1S1 pounds ordinarily, which Is not such ' a great margin since .Reed, when not ; cramped ; by necessity zor msjtmg weignt, will come close to that figure. t Mitchell's speed and cleverness are not to be discounted, though he- has not had as much exper ience as Reed. Mitchell Is ex ceptional la his ability to start for a ; hold without giving any advance warning, and Is remark ably tough. - Participants In the two 45 minute bouts wm inject . some variety Into the game here, as none of them have appeared on the local mat extensively In the past. "Swede Lawson and Ash ley Smith, meeting In one of the bouts, are newcomers and while Doc" Nelson has wrestled here two or three times, his opponent. Herb Berguson, Is known only by reputation. - He has. wrestled, j number of times In other north west cities. Tennis Court is " Stayton Scheme STAYTON. July 10 A first class tennis court is to be con structed on the lots south of the club house, due to the activity of some of the younger folk who Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE l I 12 13 19 16 . YA1 t& i l'o I" 22 ---i-i: : ill 27" 23 7H Zj7 25 UjL ULCi OU -r , &2l 3m : 3 ?9?7 30 3r 40 Hl H2 1 I I I Mr. I I 1 1 HORIZONTAL -la what city was Colsmbiaa EzMitioa f 1893 ' - hidr . 7 What Plya!ea greep ef kbuUU was f oraMrly kawm as the Navigators lUad7 12 Teacher 13 On the left side . ! 14 Egyptian tun god ; j 17- Came upon . ; ' 18 Money drawer 20 Turf . ' 31 Myself 1 22 Girl's name - 23 Fine lava of a volcano 25 Woman under religious vows I 28 Factions - 28 Hebrew name for God 29 Pulls with great effort SO Able , . : 82 Han's name 84 Broken coat of a seed of grain 87 Exclamation ; - t- 4 39 Of what aUte is Damaactu the ' capital?,'-'.. ' -f .,. 43 Dine 44 Female servants 48 Electrified particle - ; v 47 Interjection 48 Cooking uteMil 49 Small body of water (9 Sense organ ' - 61 Sytndls on which a wheel re- i volves 53Saffix: neTtalnlmr to One of a force of French Alge rian artuiery I W Free from confinement 58 What town ef West Hand was the mm ef impertaat battlca, 1914-19187 r- i 69 Buriear ; ' s- W'iV- VERTICAL 1 What . Awcricaa author aad ' JeeraalUt wretc Tree aad I 2 Pronoun . , . ' 8 Select -i , ' . 4 Consumed : 5 Saucer-shaoed leHa v " f 6 Anglo-Saxon money of account : 7 Vathy i tka capital ef what ' klaad eff the west ceatt of Asia Minor? 8 Imitated . 1" n 9 Brief strains of a bugle . 10 Correlative of either ; . 11 la what Creak . city k the Acropclis? - . 15 Military assistant Pade's and Parker's Stay Undefeated With Contest Between Them Looming Up Pade'i grocers . and Parker's sport goods 'salesmen - continued their victorious ' march Monday night, thus paving . the way tor the major contest of the Salem KItball league's summer schedule Wednesday night at 9:30 when these undefeated teams meet on Sweetland field. : This has been changed to the second game that night, with Walt's Market and Kingsley Ice moving up to the first game at 8:80. - Pade'a shut out Kay Woolen Mills 3 to 0, an outeome which in dicates the amount of strengthen ing the wool weavers have under gone. One feature of the tight con test , was a " home run, with the mum - Sunday's ' ball game , here was not-only one of the tightest the Salem Senators 'have engaged in here In the last eight years at least, but one of the snappiest. They got It over with in an hour and 26 minutes, which is going some for semlpro ball. The pro fessionals usually take longer than that, but as a rule they play a game . faster than do teams in unorganized ball. The chief time sarer among the professionals is the hustling on and off the field as the teams change hands; every body Is ready to move and goes on the trot. ' But have you noticed that the Senators have been doing that this year? Just one of "Burley" Bashor's efforts to make baseball here a little more "big time." AnotherJls that the catcher always covers plays at first base, unless required to protect the plate. . T 8ome of the boys thought that record of 86 minutes might enjoy the game. The property has reverted to the city because, of the owners' Inability to pay the paving assessments. At present, the site of the court is overgrown with weeds, and it will present an attractive appearance when a well kept tennis court' Is Installed there. . SHEFFER 19100.000 rupees 20 Barter 21 Earthen drinking cup 23 Venomous snake 24 Personal pronoun 25 Greek letter 27 Convert into leather 29 Plaything 81 Demonstrative pronoun . 3 worm What Eatfiski raar admiral . waa tka BritUh delegate te the Waahiaftoa Anna Coafereace : ta 1921? 85 Beam - - 86 By . ; 88 Three-toed sloth - - 40 Shortened name for the capital f Brazil 41 Island of the Hebrides 42 What colonial (OTernor ef New Eaglaad froai 1874 is top posed to have re led without regard for the wishes of the celoaUU? ' . 44 Members of a warlike Moham medan tribe . 45 Who was associated with ; Charlea Masoa fat ostablUhiag the boaadary betweea Virfiaia ad PeaasrWaaia? : 48 Short distance 49 Spanish coin 60 Make a mistake 51 -Beverage 62 Abraham's nephew ' 6o Above 57 Printer's measure Herewith is the solution te terday! puzxle. Caaiiia lilt. X rtttm Mutt aa bases empty, by Phil Salatrom. Parker's defeated Kingsley Ice IS to 3 In a game replete with base hits, the ice sawyers rival ing the fishing tackle experts la slugging but leaving most of their men on the paths as the various innings ended. Lack of control on the part of Bahlburg, Kingsley's hurler. j contributed to the one- sldednesa of the score. Pade's . , 1 . S 1 Kay Mills 0 S 3 Steinbock and Barnes, Pade; Mentzer and Brlcher. .- - Parker's IS Kingsley Ice . 8 IS 18 H. Singer and Lb Singer: Bahl burg and Glrod. , . beat the Coast league mark, bat there was a 47 - minute, aine lac . ball game played in the Coast circuit many years ago. - This Schapp's team has some sluggers on it, making "Squeak Wilson's , two - hit performance all the more impressive And while' not a -high scoring team, Schapp'a is one which has kept opponents' tallies down all season. Only 23 runs. have been scored against this outfit, whereas the Federals were lambasted for more runs than that In one game. The Bend team . which turned that trick has scored 80 runs, Salem coming next with 43. an average of 5 . Wilson Is the only pitcher in the league who has hurled two shutouts. ! The hard - lack Albany Alcoa will be here next Sunday, and there will be a midweek game, not yet announced ae to time and opponents. All right duffers, having seen all Bobby Jones has to offer, let's go out and break 90. But In case you didn't see bis . last chapter Sunday or yesterday, there's still a chance today, at the Klsinore. And you can't ex pect to break. 90 without seeing this one, which sort of ties the whole series together. Hungary is placing funds la country banks to help farming activities before crop sowing. MICKEY MOUSE ( HORACE, HAVE YOU GOT . X - - V A .GOOD WATCH WITH A ) THIMBLE THEATRElarring Popeyo HERE'S rVi CHECK. ( TrtT5l I toeLUTHWS r.U FOR THREE MlUVOl4,)( RKaWT- VETTLtO 50 HOP NfSK NOVO PKRT rT S LET ME RUU OU)KER OF TWi J r- rrCv BUSlKEtt J LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY; LAW IMTHE IM THE BU51ME53 -THE ASEGOCU- THE FA5TE5T- AMOXXJ ASKANYBOOy 6AYAOUARE AKI EXPERT PHOTOGRAPHER?, TOOTS AND CASPER WHAT ARE WE 60MMA HAVE FOR WNNERT0OTS? a O Hii Kwtg Teaim Syndicat. Int. T BATTLE Score In 9th With two out As Wilson Lets Schapp's - Have but two Hits STATE LEAGUE - . W L. Pet. .750 .CI5 .500 .500 .376 .260 Bend v'.'. ............ 2 ; Eugene -tu5 8 galem ..4 4 Federals ..rc...4 4 Schapp's r. ...... ...8 5 Albany ............2 4 ' Sunday Scores . At Salem 1, Schapp's 0. At Bend 7, Albany 1. At Eugene 4, Federals 8. Round trips, with hopeful bats men marching to the plate and disgruntled ones trudging back to the dugouts, were more than or dinarily numerous at dinger field Sunday as "Squeak" Wilson of the Salem Senators and Heuner of Schapp's put' on such a mound duel as has seldom been seen here- ....... ,. The Senators were economical. They waited until the ninth, when one run would do: the business without any Quibbling, and then they went out. and got it. Heroes in that workmanlike rally were Carl Wood, appearing in a Senator uniform for the first time since the league - season opened, and Lowell Gribble. Wood banged one on the nose for- a two-bagger, to start the Inning. He advanced on Moye's infield out and then Grib ble, who had previously hinted that Hellner's curve ball was to his liking, drove one back through the box and the game was over. Those two made a total of only five hits for Salem, but Wilson was even more parsimonious than Hellner, allowing' only two. One of those was a triple In the first in ning by Roberts, but two were out at the time and Roberts died on third. Four of the restaurant boys saw the paths, one walking and one getting there on an excusable error. The Senators' defense was otherwise air-tight and Included some nifty work in the infield. Schapp's AB R H Kohl, 2b .4 0 0 Repp, ss ......4 0 1 Roberts, 3b 4 0 W BT6T PHOTDGAPHEKf FIME5TAND W WIVf WELL - TIGH rt I MaaaaaaaaaWl "av i WU.UVCUBE REAuy TO , 5TARX j s WCU. EACH rVa OTTA HAVEONS THAN THATT00T51 tM H'JTlRYl IM FACT, I WANT TO NIBBLE ON I A THIN STOP CF CRISP SOMETHING BACON, BUT THERE5 tAUTTLd 'SPTNACn, SOMS I COTTARS AfO M1UXI THATfl ALLS Grt trwm"figh Plouff, rt ....JLt..4 Hatch, If ,r.w......2 Watklns, ef . . . . t . . . 2 Abbott, lb ..,.,..,.3 Turple, e ? .8 Hellner, p ,.8 Totals Senators W; " ' AB Scales, cf .. .8 R B ' 0 Manning, rt" t. ...... 4 Wood, ss ...... 4 Chester, lb 4 Move, c ... xx. .4 Gribble, 3b ...4 Pemberton, If ;3 Keber, 2b . .., 8 WHson, p ...t 3 Totals .31' ' l 5 Schapp's ......000 000 0060 Salem ........000 000 001 -1 Runs batted in. Gribble: three base hit. Roberts. Double play, Turple to Abbott.. Stolen base. Gribble. Bases on balls off Hell ner two, oft Wilson one. Struck out . by Hellner 8, by Wilson 11. Umpire Mason.. Time of game 1:20. . Albany .....1 1 Bend ,.7 18 0 Towne and Wilkinson: Murphy and E a banks. Federals ...3 4 4 Eugene .............4 5 .4 Foulk and Richards: Wiltshire and Bishop. : - siraon tikes 4TH G1E lit M ' SILVERTpN, July 10. Silver- ton baseball team won its fourth consecutive victory Sunday when it defeated the Albany Aces 4 to 8 in an eleven Inning game. Orville Schwab started out and pitched to the eighth Inning when Don Burch spelled out for the final three. Paul Rolling caught Sllverton scored in the first. fifth, and sixth Innings with Al bany scoring one in the fifth and tying with two scores added In the sixth. At the' end of the ninth things still stood at a standstill and It was not until the eleventh inning that Sllverton ran up an other point. ' The next game for the Silver- ton Hunters is with the Senators ot Salem in the middle of this week the exact date not yet set. There are Twelve Months in Every Tear f&UV&,A Klr4MA wANt WHAODAVA TO TIME ( WANT Of rr tJi TANGLEFOOT ' AN' SEe Y"jllhv HOW FAST . O V H5 CAN i O iJL ' RUN A "Gentleman OH.WrVH'-UVTEKit VftM GCHER BE "STPR fEPO rTTFFt J OF TWE DAJ1V BLAST (((FJUT DUE WV6 AHEXCELLEKTl rz A VSTAR VEPOftTERJ jrUSTGlVETMETlMrTTO get me cximrr- rLL be. WHEM Casper's Not a HAVE MORS v Mr Jm ft 'A I HAVENT ORDERED AnYTHIN It. CASPER . esCAUSS IP THERE WAS FQOONTHS HOUSE I MlAHTES TEMPTED RlAHT NOW, NGTMINCf, vTOEAT i . . ... VVT- DES III. B: jii o;i SEiirons . AMERICAN LEAGUE Pet X w ibUv .e w x Q W Washington .. , ' '. . .. 5 0 - 24 New York , ' 46 30 Philadelphia ll -39 Chicago : 40 Detroit 42 Cleveland - at 48 Boston , , - ? 45 St. LouU 1J 61 NEW YORK, Jiy !. (AP) The New. York Yankees, aided by two errors, a timely single by Babe Ruth and Tony. Lazzerra home ran, came from behind to score' nine runs la the; eighth and defeat Detroit 10 to 4 today. Detroit. ............. t 12 2 New York ...10 -9.2 Fischer, Hociett and Hay- worth: Brown, Moore and Dick- eyj Jorgens. . WASHINGTON. July 10. (AP) Cleveland today pushed over a run In the twelfth to hand Washington a 3 to 2 de feat, cutting their lead" over the New York Yankees to three games. ' . Cleveland ........... .1 8 Washington 2 10 1 Harder and Spencer; - Stewart, McAfee,; -R u s s e 1 1 and Sewell. Berg. . ; : Chicago '........-......2 12' 0 Philadelphia ..3 10 3 Jones, Lyons and Grube, Ber ry; Grove and Cochrane. -Chicago 7 8 0 Philadelphia I 8 3 Gaston and Berry; Oliver, Frei tas and Cochrane. St. Louis ...........9 8 1 Boston 6 7 3 8 1 1 1 e s and Shea; Andrews, Kline, Welch and Ferrell. Maxie Defeated But Keeps Title SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. (AP) John Henry Lewis, awift- punchlng negro school boy from Phoenix, Ariz., stepped up anoth er rung of the light heavyweight ladder tonight as he outseored Maxie Rosenbloom to win a ten round decision over the holder of the world's championship here. The title was rot at stake. of the Press'' TWATS MeSPEETA C WHAT T THAT HORS5) RUN A MILE ? 1 W SHUCKS, MlCKEV!y Jbl YOU DON'T-r CsT llf WANT A tvl J I WATCH Ijfj " in aw wt n l tA 1 EVTHER Wtf Ot VVUCLLi fN STWrX rfcFDKTERj QUIT s tt (ujwo Gives A HELP OUT- HE.5EEMS TO BE A YEKT KOUGrMOOWNGCUenOMER :tr;::-:t-j r: m a- BUT HE kEFEkENCCS L.)flM-":"a:- Cheerful Loser! DONT FORrfTT THAT HAVING A KIT CCriTCST -WITH COLONEL. HOOFER AND I WANT TO WW THE UTTLEL -COUPE THAT UNCLE EVERETT IS 60tNi TO 6fVE TO WHICH i EVER ONE OF US WHO THE MOST! YOU CAN -NOW,T3UT.YOUi. BE ENOUGH TO RWB INmi COUPE VP I WIN m Aurora Wins And Retains Circuit Lead AURORAT July 10 Aurora de feated Lone Elder 6 to 3 Sunday te retain Its hold on first place In the northern Marlon county divi sion ot the Mid-Willamette Val ley Baseball association.: . i Reed, Aurora ehucker, allowed only two hits and struck out sren -men. while Hunt. -right fielder, led la the attack by garnering a double and three singles for a : perfect day. . - r ' Lone Elder .... . .3 ' 2 , Aurora , .. . ; t 10 5 Bowlsby and Barth; Reed and J. Evans. ST. PAUL, July 12 Monitor's baseball team defeated St. Paul here Sunday 3 to 2 in a tight bail game featured by numerous strikeouts on both sides.' - Monitor , ,r, , , - ' '. 11 5 St. Paul . 2 4 4 Cooper and Norton; Shuttxand KIrsch. - ' STAYTON, July 10 Stayten carried .off the honors in the southern Marion county division of the Mid :r Willamette league, clinching the division title Sun day by' defeating Turner, 5 to 3. in a weu-played game before an unusually large crowd here. . -' ' Fred Lindstrom Swats in Pinch, Pittsburgh Wins NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet New York 44 St Louis 42 Pittsburgh u Chicago 43 Boston Brooklyn ,.35 Cincinnati . -Philadelphia 32 .587 .538 .532 .531 .506 .467 .425 .416 40 46 US PITTSBURGH, July 10. (AP) Fred" LIndstrom's single In the ninth with three men on base and two out today gave Pittsburgh a 3 to 3 victory over the Phillies. Philadelphia ..... 3 - 7 1 Pittsburgh 3 7 2 Holley and Davis; French and Picinlch. OO YOO RlOW UJVWT YCWE r?-T rr?rirs rf ! m P the best excEpv$oytnv OHE-frVTHSrHEj HrVSYoOmi lewcrvnoN?, I. By ANKBC-A MEW HAS 5PIENO0J I) TIL fM IP WE HAD . THAT COUPE NOW TD PUT SOME SALT ' AND PEPPER ON L'i ONE OF THE REDUCED TTt THATS HOW rROWL . QUICK' HUNGRY I AM! "Tirr r m i . mr - SM CLUB TOPS' TILUBI SQUAD Players well down the list on the Salem Golf club team "saved the bacon-at Tillamook Sunday, enabling the Salem squad to bring home aSltt to 22H victory over the Alderbrook Country club team. Salem won only two ot the . first eight matches, but lost only ona of the next 10. though one was halredr A return match will be played here In August. r . f?" The Salem players reported ex ceptional hospitality on the part ot the coast team. Scores were: Salem' . ' Tillamook -' Rltner Hayes 3H Woodmansee 1 Swett 2 R. Day 0 Skelley 0 Flanery 3 Nash 1 MeGlnley 2 -Victor 0 Isom 3 ' McFarland . 3 . Newmeyer 0 -Starr tJ.- Kuhn 2 ' Doughton 1 Kletiing ti Crews' 8 Thomson 2., ' Irrlne 3 Scraf ford 3 GUhamO Cock 2 .. Schulty 1 ; Meddlll 3 ' Anderson 0 Ebermaa 1 Duncan 3 Scoffer 0 Kuth 1 ' BotU li , Day H Borden 0 Mendenhall 9 Abrams 0 Merchant 8 ' : ' O- jr-League Standing i COAST LEAGUE W L Pet .596 92 . .577 .567 .459 .458 .379 .37$ Sacramento . . . . -S 9 Portland , - 58 40 40 41 42 53 53 59 6L Los Angeles Hollywood . Mission . Oakland Seattle .56, .55 .45 .44 .36 .37 San Francisco ' Sunday's Results At Portland 11-4, Seattle 9-3. At San Francisco 9-5, Holly wood 12-4. . At Los Angeles 10-3, Mission 4-5. At Oakland 1-5, Sacrament 0-6. ' y - Series This Week Portland at Oakland. Seattle at Sacramento. -Los Angeles at San Francisco. Mission at Hollywood. More apartments, were built la Czechoslovakia last year than in any of the proceeding three years. By WALT DISNEY WHAT YOU NEEDY I 7- By SEGAR MNTT GOT ASSOUJKEW NO EDJfXCfSTlON K0B00V5 BIZrieS, y tin DARRELL McCLURE HEDGES LOOK KIMCA TDOGH - BUT ) : I L0OK6 AlUT EVERyTHMO- IP HE KNOWS HtS STUFF AM DOES lT- TKEM HE TjOESmT HAVE TO DC CCAUTIFUL .. r..;. r SfnJaraia, hat . Camr Uneane eew fvsrrvM By JIMMY MURPHY i I CANT SEE WHY , I SHOULD CUT-DOWN ON MY FOOD JUST BECAUSE TOOTS IS REDUC1N41 1 SHE'S BEEN ON ' vi:.. A OJET FOR SDt DAYS AI3 rVZ LOST TVZX ." PCUIDS ALR2ADYS I . S- k. t 2 tar w A I & V .w ej X 4 V . I e i 4 .4 t 4 '.v - r.-.