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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1933)
The OREGON CTATESMAN. Saiga, Oregon, Tuesday Bforning, July 11, 1933 DESIRES SPEED Delay in Agreement Upon Codes. Worries Johnson 'ndU:;PresIdcftt-"-'r " (Continued from past 1) . tlon apparently, is piling up goods speculatively;, against IaUr de mand when ' prices are expected to be" higher. , . r The administrator, however, aaid ' he believed the steel code which earlier he had asserted had been sent back for revision three times, was very nearjy ready, and that the oil agreement also might be la soon. Lumberman -expect to , submit, a' code this week andlf others also develop the recovery unit might find. Itself., suddenly swamped with work. .Because of v this Johnson Is holding back . on , the set date pun. t. -"J vi,;, Attorney General Coin rain m said today he did not berJeva thu . was the right time , to Institute any proceedings to force; the- re covery Trorram Into operation. He said he shared the confidence f President Jtoosevejt tha,t . in - diutry i war voluntarily working to establish Its lndnstrial codes. r- cConUnnd from pan l) Dakota Investigating reports by ine governor that prices were be ing charge In that state- that were out Of proportion to tho wheat price increase.- - - Cnmmlngs also warned any re turn -of prosperity should not be allowed to cause so mucb optim ism as to bring a cessation In ef forts to correct the evils which brought about? the depression.' v - The. wheat processing tax of SO cents bushel went into effect yesterday and the internal reve nue bureau Is awaiting the first returns 'of products on band for tax purposes. These must be filed on or before August 7. 11: Bakers Interviewed here yester day reported that no increases had yet been made In bread prices en account of the wheat process ing tar' but declared that a one cent Jump was almost certain to be effected within a tew days. The tax, 11. JS- per barrel of flour. amounts to about half a cent a loaf. '. 1 ft 1 .Continues from page 1) that although the suspension had expired... Olmscheid would remain fa office because Schermerhorn's bonds ."had been Canceled; Scher merhorn accepted Olmscheld's de cision. 1 ..'. ..' .1 Circuit Judge George IF. ' kip wortk. of Lane county,'! who Is hearing the ballot theft cases, today, denied the motion of Coun ty Judge Earl IL FehL one of those Indicted In connection with the hallot theft, for a change of venue. It was Indicated that Judge- Fehl will be the next of about 20 Indicted to go on trial. Clingmah Beats Tesura Higami; Bulldog Winner PORTLAND, . pre., July 10 (AP) Otis qiingman of Oklaho ma City defeated Tesura Higami of Japan, two falls out of three. In the main event of tonight's wres tling matches , here. 7 Clingman weighed 181. a pound more than his opponent: t Bulldog Jackson, IS 8. Klamath Falls, was awarded- the . Mmi. wlndup over DorryDettoa.:156, ijoan, uian. ....... John Nemanic, 158, St. Louis, took two falls out of three to win from Hogl PogI, J54, Argentina. Asnoy emitn, 147, Salt Lake City, defeated Jess McCann, 146, Port land, In the opener, taking one fall. Holding of Scout , : Camp Now Sure With the registration of 87 hoys yesterday, holding of the 1883 Boy Scout camp on the Santiant liver site was assured, according to W. L. Phillips, Cascade area councilman' In charge of arrange ments. The Quota of 40 boys will be reached by Thursday, he said, and will be raised to accommodate up to fO. The two-weeks camping period will open Sunday morning. The boys are to be In camp by 10 a.m. ready for- assignment to patrols and tents and to - tour the grounds. Dinner will be the first camp meaL A group of men ac tive In scouting yisited the camp Bandar to nut niaAA ' - ' an vruor. Leaders for the camp will be Don Dourls, scoutmaster of 8a- "m . aipn rarvine and Bill Ross. . Roseburg Awaits ; Vets Convention ROSJBBURO. Ore July 10. (A,f , Bosebnrg streets were sally decorated today in prepara tion for the state convention of Veterans of Foreign Wara,-to be held here July 18 to 15. Prepara tions are being made by the local v. F. W. post to accomodate ap proximately 000 Visitors expect, ed taattend the convention. s : I ROMANCES OUT OF TUNE? : f r- x Mil ll ' . mm' m Whfle- Hollywood is still gasping ever reported rift. In the- marital Into of Douglas Fairbanks and Mary PickforoV, cornea-another brace of shocks-in the persistent rumors of stormy weather in the respective households of the Conrad Nagels (left) and the William Powells (right). The Nagels have been married 16 years. The PoweU (she is Carole - - Lombard), were married in 1931, mm hek SILVERTON. Julr. 10 Trin ity church at ; Silverton was filled- to capacity Sunday morning by an appreciative ' audience to hear the famed Schola Csntornm of Luther college, Decorah, Iowa. tms concert was one of 40 which the large male chorus is sresent- ing on Its 1833 west 'coast tour. This tour la beina- made to re place a D fanned trin to Enron a under the Leadership of Theodore Nickel, director, who has a atand. ing Invitation from the German uuneran saagerhnnd, of which he is -guest conductor. Followrna the morninr concert. a luncheon was serviced In the so cial rooms of the church prior to the meats leavinr for their nf tor. soon concert at Canby. Following tne. luncbeon the Young People's group oz Trinity church held Its regular meeting. Decision was made to hold the annnsl Tonne people's , picnic on July 31, the piace to be decided, upon later. Rev. -C. L. Foss gave a short talk on the subject of "Flattery" and two musical numbers were furn- ttned by the Jensen brothers. Nor man Jensen gave two piano se lections and Marvin Jensn raT a trombone solo accompanied at tne piano by Norman. First Bings are Shipped East by Cherry Growers ' First black cherries shinned out of Salem this season by the Salem Cherry Growers' associa tion left the rails Monday morn ing, bound for Chicaro. The cherries ' will arrive in the east the third- day out, but not In time to make the auction for that day.; Cherries shipped yesterday were Bings. As soon as Lambart ripen sufficiently, these will also be sent east for marketing. O. EL Brooks,, president of the associa tion, expects to receive the first L a m b e r t s Wednesday of thin week,- ' - Relief Gardens Providing Well For Unemployed By the hundreds, well grown gardens " In Marlon . conntr ira providing food . fof : unemployed families e a; result of the free seed donations from : the relief committee last spring. Miss Thora V Bpesen reported yesterday. As Instances, she .cited one garden from which large quantities of green stuffs were beins- dlstrlhnt- ed to needy persons In Salem and anomer wucn was- producing enough cabbage plants to supply a large number of gardeners. 2000 Persons on Cannery Payrolls With Peak Ahead More than 8000 persons are now employed In Salem canner ies, while an additional 800 will be at work before the end of the week. It was announced Monday. The mid-summer fruit season will reach Its peak here this week. Royal Anne cherries, lo gaaberrles. raspberries, both black and red, are arriving at the canneries la Urge quantities. Hunt Brothers cannery hag ap proximately 700; employes. : " - Davis Estate No t ; ' Affected by Suit Property Involved In a lawsuit on which W. C Wlnslow Is suing B. J. Oilstrap- of Turner for money alleged due on contract, is no part of the land and build ings named - In the Cornelia A. Davis estate. Mr; Gllstrap sutes. The property however was once owned ' by 5 Mrs. Davis. Wlnslow seeks to foreclose Gilstrap's tn-.terest. GHURGH PICrJlG 1BTH it in eniios silverton, July 10. - The annual' congregational picnic of the- Immanuel Lutheran chnreh has been scheduled for Sunday, July 16, at the Fred Heman pic nic grounds one-half mile left frflm Rocky Four corners, east oi silverton. . Services will be held t 11 o'clock 'and a basket dinner win be served at noon. Coffee will be furnished free and Ice cream will be sold during the day. The. committee in charse of general arrangements includes Lorene Funrue, Marie Larson and Mrs. Albert Funrue. In charge of refreshments are Al bert Nerison, Mrs. Conrad John son, Mrs. H. K. Fnnrue and John,. Overlund; program com mittee, Alice Ballangrund, Mrs. jasper sullum and Jonas By berg. Bequest to Dog Is Puzzling to Tax Commission Inheritance tax officials Mon day were attempting to find some statute under which they could handle legally 81000, left by Louis Wlggln of Astoria, deceas ed, for the care and maintenance of his dog, "Spike." WIggen'a will provided tho money should be held in trust and expended in behalf of the dog at the rate of 810 a month. At the death of the dog any balance in the estate is to go to Wiggen's brother,' who lives in Norway. Officials said they probably would reach a compromise with attorneys for the estate rather than spend a large part of the money in litigation. Hall Gets Year With No Parole On Theft Count Loren Hall, charged with theft Of chickens, waa sentAnut vMtaw- day by Judge L. H. MeMahan to serve one year in the state pen itentiary. He was not paroled. He iau anaer indictment on a charge of lewd cohabitation. N. T. Warren, Portland travel ing salesman Indicted for invol untary manslaughter, was ar raigned yesterday. He was given until July 15 to enter his plea. Warren Is said to have been in toxicated while driving an auto in which Donald Sueevich, 18, Ore gon City, was a passenger. A smashup occurred and the youth subsequently died. - Lee Enz Disturbs Sisters; is Sent To Jail 60 Days When Leo Ens, working in the St. Paul district, went on a drunk over the weekend, he caused so much; commotion' about-the sla ters' academy there that officers arrested him on a charge of be ing drunk in a public place. Miller Hayden yesterday and ad mitted guilt, whereupon he was given 10 days In the county Jail to remember the episode by. . . DR. KEKNT3 EC HOSPITAI s - 8ILVERTOT. Vnl f ft t . W. Keene, one of the best known physicians la Willamette valley, was . taken to Portland. , fraf uter oeing tak en suddenly ill Friday. He will re main, it was"naderstood,vfor sev eral ays.s ::-.-i.:y.Lr. T.-, i.'a WALLnGE STILL PLAUS CONTROL Forecast of -Short Crop of All Grains "no; Barrier y To Acreage Scheme - (Continued from pag 1 : ' - country or sold at a fair price abroad," Wallace said. . , ' ; ' f 1 "The - unusual weather ' mnAI- tioas of this year" and the higher prices resulting therefrom will amort tne judgment of the farm ers Of the , TJnited 8ta.tM Ia wbat they should -plant next year" unless we : are able to cooperate with them In some : effective wiy under the niechanism or ika airni cultural act.'. SILVERTON. Jnlr 1ft vV and Mrs. Carl E. Anderson of ongview, .wash, who have been Visiting Mr. - Anderson's- slcter. Mrs.' George C Anderson, and her uunuy, nave -returned to their home. Aecomnsji Tin r than w UtUe Margaret Anderson who will stay witn relatives and' mends at Longview and - Kelso for -some time. The Andersons report that the-flood waters at Kelso were fast receeding but there was still sufficient water to make a show ing and many families are still unable to return to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Renwick and sons, Donald and Braes. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Allen and son Ken neth, Miss Catherine Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Shennanl fcava ntnnnw from several days spent at Cas- csaia. Klwanla this noon will discuss the joint-club picnic planned for Sunday, July 25, at Sliver Creek Falls. The club is snonsorinv tha picnic as a part of its year's ob jective of selllnr Oreron tn th tourist. Leslie M. Scott, ehairman of, .me siaie nignway commission, has wm lQTiiea w spesx to the meet- ing. Mayors from various cities in the valley will also attend. uann u. Hiu u tiiiirniB r ih arrangements committee for the tuwanis ciud. J. N. Chambers and William Chadwlck are other mem- oers or the committee on arrant-. ments. Rep ort is Made On Receipts of County Sheriff Cash received bv the ahuriffa office here during the first six months of 1922 totalled $121.41? according to a renort fMi tm. terday with the county clerk. Of hub sum 44Z,Z4Z was paid on the tax roll tor 1922 which . gregated 11,441,407. Taxes col lected by years follow: 1221. I144.4S4.83; 1230. 26.S22.22: 1922. 29439.79: 1922. 22X4S.11 1927, $252.25: 1222. $442.15: 1925. 1332.49; 1924. 1194.42; 1922. $27.99: 1922. 14 17? nil $1.90; 1920. $2.29; 1919. $2.15; X91S, 1S.Z1. Two Women Escape Injunes j as Tree Splits at Forks LIBERTY. Jnlr 10. might have been m. rinm cident Saturday turned out for- muaieiy . wnen a e n e r r y tree broke down with Mn. vi nB Fisher, falling down upon her momer, mn. Ad Williams, stand ing below. The tree split at the forks. Mrs. .Fisher received only a shak. lag and the limbs of the tree went to each aid a f Mn wn. Hams, and she also wss unhurt. .. I i.' Holman Asks Hoss To Vote by Letter Rufus C. Holman, state trea surer. Monday sent a letter to Hal E. Hoas. aecretarr of tt who la new at The Dalles, urging nun not io return to Salem next Monday to break the deadlock exist in r between Oatuha v.u. and. Holman la connection' with certain state purchases. Holman declared that Hose could record his vote by mUl aad thereby avoid an unnecessary trip to Sa lem. JOB COSTS flOOO Refrontlng and altering the in side of the old Capital National bank building, 127 North Com mercial , street, la estimated to cost $1010, according to a build ing permit taken out yesterday by J. Rise. Another permit, issued to Mrs. Hurst, is ,ior mooting a 411 suu cost of $240. r Poo't Neglect Your v. Ejes TbDo So ; U&7 Mean Trouble ' We win test your eyes and Si the- proper prescription into smart looking frames for an extremely moderate cost Con utt with as today-it wCl pay Too. a . ;;- - .. : r KIWAHIS WILL TALK S1LVEH CREEK PUN Dl v TheiCall By OLIVE L DOAK : . . ELsnroRE . ; Wednesday ' Carole Lom- hard In Supernatural."" ; Friday "King of Jaxs." 'A CAPITOL Today--"Gold Digger of 1138." . GRAND ; .TodsyiMsry ; Piekfdrdf la '"Secrets:?; v? : Thursday Double feature: Janlor ; Durkin : In - "Man i Hunt,' and Tom Keene. ln ; , ; "Cheyenne KfaL" ; , HOLLYWOOD Today Magda Schneider in -Be( Mine Tonight." Friday Buster Keaton anl Jimmy Durante la "What!' No Beer?" ... 4 Whlle. Marion , county court members were petitioned, yester day to oil the market road be tween Marion and Jefferson, sev en miles in length, it appeared unlikely! that the request would be granted. ; Court members pointed out that there were 20 Q miles of similar road which might be oiled and that the average cost a mile would run from 500 to S1500. No funds are available for such ex penditures. . The petitioners ' declared that the road forrwhlch the oil was sought is heavily traveled and that the dust along the road makes conditions unpleasant for persons living near the highway. Disabled Vets To Have Lunch Stand at Fair The Salem chapter of the Dis abled American Veterans will op erate a lunch and refreshment stand at the state fair this year to raise relief funds, it was de cided at last night's meeting. The annual forget-me-not sale for tha mmmm mama.. wllt v- ducted At the aame time. At the July 24 meeting of rio ornunuon in tutt enisuves irom many of the chapters in thestate will be here for a business session and to re port on the national convention at Cincinnati, Ohio. The state D. A. V. picnic, it was announ ced, will be held on the third or fourth Sunday in August at Hlt-ler-park, north of McMinnvllle, 20 local VJr.W. Members Attend State Gathering Marion post No. til. Veterans of Foreign Wars, will send at least 20 members to the state convention which wiU be held at Roseburg Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this VMk. uni. n Hayden, commander, reported yesieraay. Tne group will Include five Official dftlAratAa anil Hvm. Conley, s t a t e senior vice - com- manaer Hayden will be unable to attend on account of Justice court activities here. 17 Head of Sheep Killed at Stayton As Dogs Make Raid STAYTON, Jane 10 Seventeen head of high grade aheep belong ing to Charles 8tayten were killed and wounded by dogs. Mr. Stayton paid ISO .for two of the bucks killed. He 1 ent out to his pasture the other morninr tluinf ..i.v. hnd found the two dogs among his He shot one, a large police dog. which was later Identified by its owner a Stayton man. The other dog got away. Mrs. Buck Will Speak At Aumsville Rally ATJMSVILLB5, July 10. A rally will be held In the Christian church; here Wednesday night at 9 o'clock, with Mrs. Necia Buck of Salem, and others to speak. Everyone Is Invited. NOW PT.STTVrt .Bfatlnee Kach Day a ITS tat K16I. . tae Ttwal ate I0V seta - as MINE TONIGHT ' 5 , ' . ... - - V ' i . rare 2fSTca ' w i iwk t kin : far r hMrf-li uch VD8IC asd.YOICIft ironcni Guest Tickets are told ton thin picture, except at Matinees. No Dime Nltes This Week. Straight, price et " Adalte SSe : ' . Chfidiva lOe iiiSSo njAow0vjl"n3irr rs Xl0&CY700ly V m i FALLS PIBIflT . DRAWIL'B SUFPOIIT July 23 Dedication r Plans Told to Groups ' From ; Mearby Citjes V 4 dfher communities' in Marlon County will . cooperate , heartily With Salem elrle rrnon, ' i hA dedication picnic and -program to oe oeia at silver Creek fails Sun day. JuirilX. Aunnnra support was received yesterday by a committee of . Klwanlaas "who conferred with, chamber of-com- mM-c .teasers, in . woodburn, Mti Angel Silverton and Stayton; - In each cjty. leaders said , a large number of their townspeople were planning to attend the pic nic Cooperation in furnishing entertainment- was ample publicity will be given the ML Anxal is'ntannfnv tA .Mil Us city band, and so Is Silverton If arrangements can be made there. Use of the Coolldge A Me- ft a . . . a vwuiv puouc pars: swimming POOl for Visitors to tha fall, alfh. er going or returning, was volun- Plans now call fnr-th h,u. aiag ot the festivities not later than 1:2ft SLml Rnnrfav ' ir..n from-valley towns will each make nor tains on -points of Interest for the Tourist 1b m rn r -mu ll. Scott, ehairman of the state highway commission, will h th principal speaker. , . r . , - In the detention ralllnr m thm various towns yesterday were Dr. David Bennett HIU, J. N. Cham bers, :W. W. Chadwlck, Willis Clark, Sheldon F. Sackett, DISTRICT MB Petitions for the formation of the Clackamas people's utility dis trict, including Gladstone and Milwaukle and seven water dis tricts, were filed with the state hydro-electric commission here Monday. The purpose is to construct a pipeline from Eagle creek, a tributary of the Clackamas river, through which the district would receive its water supply.' , The proposed district has a population of 12.000, with prop erty assessed at $5.t75.000. The cost ot the project waa estimated at $509,000. A report filed with the commission commission indi cated that the cost of -water has exceeded $22,000 annually for several years. It Is proposed to borrow money required for the pipeline from the government under- the public works bill. Water for the terri tory included in thm dlatrfet 1m now obtained from the city of rortiana. ' Vaught GeU Radio Operators License . For Amateur Basis AUBURN. Jnlv is r.iiA Vaught received his dio operator's license recently. ne went to Portland where he successfully passed the required examination. Mr. aad Mrs. Chart u XLTrtm of Gardena, Calif., were recent visitors at the Charles Vaught home. R. L. Merer la ahU tA h iSnn on crutches after being confined to his home with a broken ankle. Mr. Meyer was cutting wood, and a tree fell onto his ankle. George Baumrartnar fa m gresslng as well as esn be ex pected from lninriaa rurmtxrmA re cently when he was struck down GAVE 10 to 25 on Any Furniture Needs "PAY CASH PAT LE8S BMllei?'o , - Fornitorf Stort . ; NIW AND UMD SM lf. CWl , Tel. 8423 21-DAY ROUND-TRIP TO Jfi'RAirs fln Os uxt Chair Carp - P Other low round trfp fores : for travel tn toerlst con ondj fttaidort.hiQiBan&AJsoe& . nomleal aD-expense irlpejj ours or ins General Passenger Dept. .' 63T Ptttoek Block, ; XMtla4, Ore - n nrvnnfrnrv CUICKHS UTILITY WWVa4&SsV9 PORTLAND ROS3 W anpotftloa boofclat laqwlra ef ' n . I ... .... VI by an automobile near his home. us is aoie- to receive - visitors now, but will have to remain in the hospital, for a number of weeks; . -: .. ' Cherries and raspberries and loganberries are receiving the at tention, et several people in the community at present. The cloudy Weather- has - sat harraatlnr tialr several dars as fruits rhen -mneh quicker la tho- -sunshine.' , Soma hay. Is being, cut, in. the nelgh- oornood. ant the crop- will be short because of the freere last winter. ... . - BiDiniEns The effort of the atsta bfrhw. J commission io .rid th highways of advertising signs has resulted in considers ble abuse of mainten ance enxiaeera. -aMari!ii in. formation received at the offices ot tne state highway department Thli cidmIiIIt i - - . w Dougiss eounty, officials declar ed. At "Wolf creek a number of signs were found enroaohlng on Pacific highway and were ordered , 4 m owners ' became Peevish. It - waa .n .. - - . , .CIILOU their 111 humor by abusing the taw oianway department and its represenutives. . An irate service sution on at wss alleged to have menaced Frank Sullivan, foreman of the maintenance crew, with a gun. NEVADA CITT. rii t-i- V wtedlng narrow gauge railroad .?? mW coaeh ended 7 Ior Mr- Margaret fhCitter8?- ' Oakland. Cal.. In the mountains near here. A fferrer was traveling from Oakland to visit her daugh- ?!!l,Mrs:.Mi?t0Q Aeri t Down- miles from ham. th , v vwavu, vuupi- tw trelht cars, escaped en a,u9 IXeain PfAV AM wm.A a. switching operations. The runaway crm ' . madly down the crooked track for ww muss, men iert the rails and overturned. Mrs. Sehaeffer was fatally Injured, but Claude OTtourke, 25, the only other pas enger, escaped with minor cuU and bruises. . Policeman's Car Visited by Thief . PORTLAXD. July lo!(AP A prowler sprung the lock on one of the doors of a parked automo bile and stole a suit of clothes.--The car belonged to W. K. Wil liams, Portland police detective. It was parked 'alongside the police! station. - . I -v MsMwssssei SUBJECT TO ABUSE SEP KILLS IKE 1 1 i rrnn CAROLE LOMBARD JACK OAKIE TOMORROW IT I vTT TDUK w ii ii i.i u": . . -ntu kv . r ..... m,m.m . now: travse-for about 7a a. ANY DAY ANYWHERE ON SP SATI FRATICISCO $ a $19.30 Rotmdtrip SS fc? 01 ttmbn eraarable b the trala CarsM our fastest trains also in Pullman Tourist Sleepiax 2f & UttU " ! r).Ud in oar S ars Ciottto804to$lbiZmUmstalot504v904 . Al Ft. KOTTf. Arm Depot, tOt and Oak' J Biauu HUTOlBllflSIf Crowded off the V road by a truck, a car driven bv Laa rrnrah of Salem rolled down a Ki.f w WV-.WI.. embankment off the Salmon river cutoff about eight miles this side of Otis. 8unday morning. . -j . His father. J. F. Unruh',; sus tained bruises and was on crutch es yesterday;, his daughter Doris was bruised . and a brother. Earl Unrulf suffered a cut; hand. ,ThV injured were taken ta.fkffr frt r treatment and returned to- Salem J a a m a. . . . .. w u i no aay ny Artnnr Rahn and Charles Unruh. - . -r The car nlunxad IntA tha. mon river, the occunants rattlnr Aomt through a window. Some ap- prenension was felt f or awhile When Leb UhrnVs other dan rhfar. Alice,, was not located for a time. She was found la the water, un conscious, presumably from being " vii yi sjumuij w 111 BO( be salvaged. The truck drirap aa. sumed responsibility. They were on their way te Newport when the accident happened. BehJebyKehps Claim on. Title Terry NEWARK, f. J' JnU lft (API Ben Jebv f Kaw TnrV. won the referee's decision tonight In his 15-rousd ffrht with Tannr Terry, Trenton . middleweight. Jebys share to the dianntad mid dleweight championship was at take. The crowd that aw 'th rtphr in the outdoor arena at Dreamland park booed the decision of "Whi ter" Healey, referee. Jeby.won T rounds, Terry five, and three were even. Prevention Is Better Than Cure An opiate will dull periodic paia; Bat isn't it better to pre vent the pain? Take Lydia Ei Pink ham s Tablets three of four, dars before the expected discomfort and notice the di ference. If yours is a stobboca case, yoa may need to take these tablets regularly for a few mooths.- Persistent ose brings permanent relief. Clinical tests prove it; No narcotics. No dizzsoessj No unpleasant after efiectsa Inst little chocolate coated tab? lets tbS brmg rtsmltj. New size package 50? et all drugjistss LYDIA E. PIWKflAU'S TABLETS jljji'jlftjajl " HURRY! LAST PAY Only she knew . . . mk! smaerstood . . that their God had feet esT clay I la her arms ho ... fotnd forgKfmlneas ... tired of being 'a hero... being worshipped . . she was the one woman to whom bo was a man . to be loved; Tf r mann & THURSDAY" CflHOli LOMBARD RANDOLPH SCOTT V1VICNNI OSBORNI H.B.WARNER inn LOS ANGELES $2930 Roundtriri i II . I ; i iii r n rj d Td. 4408