The OREGON STATES21AN, BxUra,' Oregon, Bandar JLIoralng. July 9, 1833 PAG2NINC' i , V.- T .--ee-gass"- . ommp . bp i wm ejse eiji3 u y -v iiVw"T-- v vw ivv r i tJis i ;V V 1 A- 1 . .A I ft t I ! Business Directory a . noalhly bute ulr- BU: L0 per IIn per rooaUt AUTO BRAKES Mlk rmnk. th brmk mat ublmmr doctot. I7& Momh Cwmnwgi&! Street CATERING Burt Crary. Um aimr. Pfc. T. CUIMNEY SWEEP CHIROPRACTORS Da a U SCOTT. PSC. CtUropracMr, DRESSMAKING Kik drewmaklng la your bom. 1.0 day. Copy ptcturea. Tel. Tg4. FLORISTS CUT flotrara, wcddtii bouquet tun- rai wreatba, Oeeorattoaa vi r. uivk kamx. 0MUt ITT Court. TaU kltti. AIX kinOs or floraj work. LAita nor K. ltll A Markac Tat. : GLASS Auw and window gUaa mlrrora. Tat Walter J. IXwna, ao weya. INSURANCE B&CK 119 N. UlSb USNURXCKS TeL 4T COFFEY-SMITH, gen. Ina, TeL ttiZ. LAUNDRIES THB MEW BALKX LACNDBT IS1 a Hlch TeL $lt CAPITAL CITI LAONDBT Ftrat In Quality ftiul leervlca Telephona lt& Ut Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired aad traded. BAKRZ W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattresses from factary to : home. prina mattress S.M. Renovators and fumlgators, Kugs cleaned. Capital Bed-! Una Co. TeL . N. CavitoL New matures mad. te order. nUaMuim (eum ctcaHiJUdba i-i"w rag w sarins. Salem Flalt Baa Maf tzaaa Factory. & llth WUbur. TeL S44t Otie F. Swtcker. Bet 11L fllUSIC STORES (iKO. c WILL PUaoa, radios, sew tag marMet-s aneet muaio and plane j MudMS, uepainng rsoio poowanwu and eswus onacaines. oiaw oira-n. Salem, ' MEDICINE Dt. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday aad rrtday, is : a-m. to 4 :S0 p. m. 148 H. Cuamterclai. r-hari.,1 Chan. Chinese Medicine Co., 122 N .Com'L Dally -, Sun. S-12. All kinda herbs for male and female, for constipation, rheumatism, appenutoi tis, coittis, gland, stomach disorders. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry, PRINTING vos STATIONER T. cards. pamDh- eia, programs, books or amy kind ot printing, call The Btaiosrnaa PrlaUng Ittpartment. S15 B. Commercial. Tele- fhoneJl0LMj REAL ESTATE ' BECKB HENDR1C&3, TeL 4947. W. It. USABENHORST CO. 124 & Uberiy U TeL 848A SOCLOFSKX A SON $04-8 First Nst t Bk. Btdg. TeL T807. STOVES STOVES aad stove repairing. Stoves for sala - rabuilt aad rssalrea kinds ot woven wire tsnce. fancy and plain, bop pssketa- hooka, togaa books. Salem Fence aad Stove Works, 382 Chetneketa, ZaL 4774. ft. B Flsmine. TRANSFER CAPITAL C1TX Transfer Ca 12$ Stats St TeL 1773. Districting. for wardlna end storage our vsciait-r Ut our rates. FOR local or distant transfer storage. call S13L tartoer Transfer Ca Tracks to Portland daily, v - TYPEWRITERS EWRI' riCRS a. T r PEW R1TERS Adding Mch. sold. rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. ---Cooke As bhort 819 Court TL 5584. WELL DRILLING- R. A. West, St years experience. RsO 8, Bos ltl A TeL 110 5. . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMLX1STRATOR Notico is hereby siten that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court ot the State ot Oregon for the County of Marion, as Admlalstra- tor of the estate of Martha A. Clymer, deceased, ' and that he has duly qualified as such admin istrator; all persons having claims against the estate, ot said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly vemiea, to mePat the office ot Ronald C. Clover, my attorney.' 20S Oregon! Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this th day of July; 1933.- ' CARL II. CLYMER, Administrator of . the Estate ot .Martha A. Clymer, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. '," Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUeatXted A4rUtB SlajU laaerUott per Ust.lve TtmfBrtloas ff - i tin ....I0 Six laMrttOM pr Ua. .t9c Out uoatfe pw te .. 11-01 Minimvm cluurg ......lit Cost fox tku w -ctttf bbUI t:S0 tb Loir bforw pvhiicAttoa for eiasairieatktt. Copy r eefyetl. ftr UU to will b nia ader U fteadlnr Too Late to ClftMlty. Tb StlMMaa AMI ao (iBABdAl reapoanbilitj : tor wrror Uea may p pear ta adrerUseaiaaU pas Uah4 la !tt eolanna. aa in cases wbere thfc paper Si at faalt will reprint tat pari ot as adrertteamta: la waleh t tae txpotrapaVal mistaka eeean. Tae Stateemaa rMerraa tb rUat to reject objee tlonal alTarttstng-. rt far ther reaerret tae rlcat to claaatfy.' an adrerUeiag aa der lb pre per elaaaifiea tloa. HELP WANTED Xntir to chernr Diekera rmcistered at R. W. Clarke's, will start Itunday. 10. HELP WANTEDMALE W.VXTED Woodcutters for cord 16 in. old fir oak. Inquire 45T No. Second. Corvallis, Ore. esesassaaaasstasasasaeaass Wool an its to measure, $9. Agents buv at wholesale, write lor sample outfit. . Ttude's Tallorlna Factory, Den ver. Colo. . - HELP WANTED FEM ALE WANTKt) five to aeven experienced sake Kirla for special store demon- atralion sstla work Fridar and Sat urday, salary. State particulars ana telephone number. Address Box 221, Statesman. Women earn IU dosen sewing. home snare time, materials cut. in structions fumianed. experience unnec essary. Write Superior Dress Company, 20S Hdvemever Htreet, Hrooklyn, rx. X SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS, sell 10 cent clitars whole sale price, factory to consumer, liberal crnnmlRstoti. AJax Clesr Co., York, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED Work. R. Porter, R. 1. Bx. 8. Salem. FOR SALIWMIscellaneottS Exp. haircuts, 20c-15c l14 N. Com. Good seed potatoes 75c per C City Ice Works. Tel. 312L -esaeasseaes--sN-a-ii tsas-es1asae-seisi PUPPIES FOR SALE Purebred Wire Haired Fox Terriers. Quality doae reasonably priced. W. E. Crabtree, 408 Silver St. SUverton. Used ice box. good condition, 75 lb. cap. S12-S0. 705 South St -Tel. 75. Fox .hound pups $5 and $$. S months Wayne W leaner, SUverton, Rt 2J PIANO A Francis Bacon In first class condition. TeL 8CF1S. Will sell mv niano for $85.00. Terms $10.00 cash and $3.00 per ma Write Box 231, Statesman. FOR SALE Wagon and hay rack, John Dears 7 ft disk, two bottom tractor plow, Harden drill, two 500 Chick Oil brood ers, six so gat barrels, two waijanc plows, one 12 in., one IS in., four It gul. milk cows, 350 rt gslv. h m. pipe, 500 lbs. hop wire, 4 quart milk goat with kids, lots of small tools. Any reasonable price accepted or will trade for cows, chickens, pigs. C L BOOTH. Rt 2. UcUInnvHIa Three mi. S. E. en Booth Bend Road Bin? cherries, 2494 N. Front TRADE Miscellaneous Will store my grand piano or sell cheap for quick sale. Terms on part or win accept electric stove or electric ref. as part payment and terms on balance. Write Box 232, Statesman. - W ANTED Miscellaneous Wanted piano for cash. TeL 5707. WANTED- Small movable garage, light trailer. Box 235, care Statesman. MISCELLANEOUS Typing students keep In practice ; spL for summer, S moa tor $5. Tboa. Boen. 420 court Mr. Lane of Seattle. Wn- expert hair cutter, now located 301 S. win ter, .pnees the same. Adults zuc, chil dren 15c , i WANTED : Names men women. 18-69, wishing post-depression govern ment lobs. Steady. Start $105.00 $175.00 month. Sample coachlna aad particulars i kei; Apply today. Box izti s. care statesman. FOR RENTROOMS Modern room, garage. sip, porch. 1577 Court St TeL 4 $37. Sleeping room, for gentleman. Hot snd cold water In room. 255 Center. ROOM AND BOARD R-R. $20 and $25. 845 Marlon. Board and room for. ladles. Cloee In. TeL 5478. 595 Court St Board, rm.. $20. Near P. O. 5483. tr0R RENT APARTMENTS , a.qrrtfxnjii'' -sa-a n ab J nU apt. 112 ana f i. iftss cutter. 1 luxxtruuej- rviririir - .. Apt $13. S91 N. Com'L m.m iii.iuu'irii'ii'n" "i ' " " " " - " - -- -"- wir-n and nnrurn.. ana gitrage Cheapest In Salem, 555 Marion. - r rooms, garage house. All 1 niceTr furn. TeL 7484, 2141 HaxeL ..mi'-""'--'-l---i'l-"'.'-j Unfurn. duple apt. Unlwi. -k-i-t- etir-n thrae room ant. water. garage, llaz tunemeaeiaw aw. -. S R, furn. apt Very nice. 1044 Oak. Adults 7V'-:':-:: Completely furn. 5 rm. duplex ground oor. 840 Mil. T. G. Albert r - ; floor. -m " Front . apt,' - or erstutfed furn. - c 853 - Dry goods, notions and ready-to- wear located In good valley town. Good location, good traurtjnjc enean rent. Will exchange for Salens or anbarbaa property or eloae-bi acreage from SI.- to 38.t. Address Box 215, Buueamaa. " " m..i i.T.i iri.iL.i WANTED ta swap any bicycle for a ruuag nerse, uoat be gentle. Addrei Roate t. Box SIS. Cash for old bicycle. Tel. 4S1C 1133 motorcycle trade for light car. zi townif t. SHrerton. ' FOR RENT APARTilENTS 3 Return, apt-, frigid-, 1209 Court Nice, furnished apt.. 69 Union. FOR RENT HOUSES l-sa--M-fB-MkeesaB Furnished, unfurnished houses. H. P. Grant. 1110-N. 18th St TeL 33A Para, aad eefarn. bouses. R. Forkner. till H. Cottage. TeL SfSl. For rent 7 room house. See Mrs. Cadweli. Statesman office. Houses for rent Damon. SS7 N. Com. S rooms furn., upper flat, T blka. of state house, owner, 43 v a. cottage. FOR RENT: Modern six room - home located at 735 Stewart St' SS5 Per mo. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST CO. ' 124 South Liberty Street S rtn, furatahed house. TeL 1-148. Neatly furnished 4 room modern ' home at 298 Columbia Ave. MELVIN JOHNSON 275 State Street TeL 7t. irrva. T3riM-T" I - - . . . a 4 room bonfraiow, ajceiy mnustiea, I at 284 West Killer St. 120.00. " Small hoose, garage and S lota, all ... t c- u-i.., S. M. EARLT3 208 Na High Tei t78. FOR RENT 2260 N. 4th St., 5 rms. , f 8 mo. 228 Claude St. I rms. , 8 mo. 818 & 19th St, S ma mo. 1128 Falrmount St. 8 rms. T mo. 695 S. 19th St, 8 rms. T mo, 1329 Srd St. W. Salem. S rms. t pio. 1040 Electric St, 4 rms. $ mo. 2325 & Com'L St, 8 rma, 18 mo. 1110 Rural Ave-, 4 rma S ma 25 & isth St. 4 rms. S ma 140 N. 17th St.. 7 rma 15 ma CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street TeL 870S. Modern turn. S-nn. bouse, close in. xeu Bvtv. FOR RENT Piano, $2 per ma TeL 8588. VACATIONIST Claming Fishing- Crabins New modern 4 and 1-rm. ante- 115 ana a wee a. on ore. coast hwy. mL & Seal Rock store 30 ft from ocean. Write or tnq. at store lor Mrs raul t-arrurer. WANTED TO RENT Have calls for 4-5-8 room houses either furnished or unfurnished. If you want to rent to good people, SEE - I AH. U. BEAKS, REALTOR 133 South High Street - r r-K-n-irinur-ru ltu uli ,i ,i . WfUnt-ft-1 in fort ti y-m TL-T-. . .-.-.. I you i li. t. Murphy. Hubbard. Ore. Just arrived party, father, two eons with families want 4-5-8 room houses or bungalows quite well furnished. Might buy. Box 237, care Statesman. Wanted to rent from owner er Im provement company, large sized farm in district between Salem and Port land. Must be soil best suited for grain production. Might buy stock, machine ry wiin tease. V. S. MATTESON Inlcster. N. D. FOR SALE Real Estate ---------- - ii i---i-,inrioriA, -ruim ,-ll Stlictly modern 5 room banralnw close In. Nearly new. A very choice horns at only $3000.00, all furnished. xerm 5 Acres with modern S room bun galow near Salem. Price only $3800.00. Terms given. 60 Acres located north of Salem, all rencea and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at ao.w. Terms, J. F. ULRICH Ca Phone S87S 325 Slat Street Good semi-modern 7-rootn d last e red residence, basement fireplace, plumb ing, on two big lots covered wttb nut cherry and ornamental trees and roses. grape aroor. near school nice view. going at depression price Also two beautiful building lots 80x130 each with large fruit trees, block south Les lie brick school, at bargain, easy term Owner, 7(5 Rural Ave. Phone BS54. Two lots on knoll 80x130 each, fac ing- Leslie brick school grounds, nice I view, covered with large cherry, pear I and apple tree Will sell one or both. See these before building. Easy term Owner, TS5 Kurai-Avenue. TeL asst. 800 Acre- Stock Ranch Soectal 135 acres, best of land. In cultiva tion. Balance in pasture and timber. Large house, good condition. Large machine shed and granary, old barn, spring water piped to house. 1 acre in walnuts In bearing. It acrea In prunes, has own dryer. Plenty of family or chard. This 800 acres located only 3 miles from R. R. station and paved nignway. will divide, some trade. See Geo. Vic with - W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., Realtors ISA & Liberty St TeL 8443. Bargain 9 A. prune S mL out $350. $450 down. Spedal 5-A. and good nouse, s mi. out, 9it00. $t down. JJamon. 897 N. Com'L . POLLY AND HER iWlWS THE GOOD OP A CHICKEN-COOP WITHOUT CHICKENS, V -SV-----Swa---aV--aBWB- n PSaB- m. -e-r a-- -m. m r-Wyj fowls is s FOR SALE Real EsUU Br owner. couUrr raaclv Call at i M7ft Btata St. PACIFIC HIQHWAT HOltB - Fir acrea with three roota house and swage, all fn Bearing; frnlt, only IK tnuea out. Fries f sses,. ie easb, baL $2 per no. 1S4 Beuth Uberty Street . BOMS BARO-UNS ; I13S0. WQ1 buy a good flre room plas tered Bunralow, newry jmtnted in side aad eot. located at 1272 Third St. West Saieia, 2 down. baL SIS aw iral I2S7S. Iate bu!7t mocfern seTvn room bone, bardweod floore, feu ee- ment basement, tnraace, ttreplace. arase, $2S down. tel. S2 per mo. to mcsmie int. at f . A. WUX DEWUI BUT. - 1 4 S 0 0. New modern up to date Vene with seres nice room nardweod floors, - twe baths, one tn, also tile drain board, double garage, cor. lot, aear bos and school. Never been occupied. A BEAU SNAP. S1900 down. hT. easr twma SRB W. H. GHABENHOKST CO. -. REALTORS 1S4 & Liberty St TeL 4tS. . SNAP FOR CASH Three room home wttb garage and woodshed, pared sc. good location 7849 N. .Winter St Price i75 cash. IMMKDIATK POSSKSSION or wtU I rent for $8 per mo. Has wood raaae. BKIS W. H. UKABEWMOKST VJi. 124 South- Liberty Street Clear store balldinsT with ftxtores. Living quarters In connection of flee rooms and bath. Comer lot in high clan residence district Alt Clear and will trade for suburban borne dose to Salem. Modern house south and semi-mod ern house north, both clear of incum- srance and want acreage close m. 4 rat nouse. city water, electric lights and bath. Aere of around, small barn and chicken house. SIS 00. Pay Sad down and SIS a meatb. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 519 Court Street ' FOR SALE CHEAP Clear creek lot clone in. on Cherae- aeta. mi. z, liox sa. Turner. GOOD BUYS IN SUBURBAN HOMES S acre tract 1 mile out en pared road, t room house with water system. electric rights, small barn, garage and woodshed. Priced very low at $2110 to close an estate, part term. Choice acre tract 1 mlles out oa pared road, 4 room house, piastereo, C.i---Ki-,-r -.Let-He liahta. water sye- . - nni. flnwMra. lawn. snruDa -- - . . ..nnn snd garden, rneea rery ww .v-.. IlK-vel tir-rrt4a -a- - S acres, part m gaxaen, w twrts. S room house, electric ugnis. drove welL Price $1150, cash 50, baL tin rtor mn CZ. Int. Annih.r nnA with buildings partly completed for only 1850, cash $25, baL $10 per mo. SEE US ror good ouys in uouriu bomea ' rHiT.ns a- MH.LEH. teaiiorn 141 State Street TeL i0. 58 acres north of Salem, In good lo- nikn. I .and lavs very nice ana is nn nAwttv w soil. Fenced and cro fenced. No beiidinga. A real bargain at SIStO.tO. Good term. strictly modern, new, five room bungalow. Everything you could ask In a choice noma racea at T-rmt 8 ma bunealow. m good location. Paved street Fine large lot A snap at $1150.00. Very easy terms. If you have anything to trade ten us about it j.. p . uuuun isu. 225 Stats Street Salem. Ore. TeL 8S7X. -Furnished modern home 5 - rooms, furnace, fireplace, garage. 6 blocks state house. $27.50 to adult Others large and smalL. Furnished aad unfur nished. BECKS. A HENDRICKS 189 North High Street Pacific highway land 8 acres 2tt miles south. 4 acres fruit creek price now $2859.00. Suitable home i camp ground, etc Reasonable terms. BECK-S HKNUK1UK.S 189 North High Street Furn, hotel, leased, dear. Want Sa lem or small Imp. acreage. J. W. Coo per, R. 1, Box 17L Salem. EXCHANGE Real Estate Ttuus ror smaller nouse oi equal value, house of 9 rooms, besides bath, lavatory, sewing room modern large lot Well located. Owner, TeL 4745. FOR SALE FARMS FORCED SALE 108 acres, new modern f room Eng lish type bouse, large dairy barn, elec tric water system, creek. Some tim ber, family orchard, good location. This is a beautiful farm boms. Must Be sold. Price $7,000.00. Better hurry and i HAWKINS A ROBERTS tor rami bargain 5 -ACRE BARGAIN A real buy worth mora Modern l-R. house, bath, lights, and water system. Good barn, TOO capacity hen house. 1-A. filbert Family orchard. Priced for quick sale at $2950. S miles out STOCKED AND EQUIPPED SI acres (Howell Prairie). Fine soil. most all in crop. Good building cow 3 horses, - poultry. Crop and all lor ssuoo. urve good term ISO-STOCK RANCH If sold In next ten days only $4750, 80-A. in cultivation. Some timber. Dan dy house, barn, and lane new poul try bouse. Tola can a be beat ror price. $500 down, balance easy. SEE JAM. U. KKA1.TUK t 133 South High Street - ACREAGE, Owner must have some money aad Is willing to sacrifice on bar 80 aere farm with modern ' bids-, elect Make me an offer. . - H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bids. - TeL S983. Tracts S acres and bides, south. $2700 another S acres and small bide- 31450.00. Reasonable term Close to Salem South. Close to bus aad schooL Immediate possession. BECKS A HENDRICKS 159 North High Street yM-ilWMwt,-ii.lii.l,l ..!. SEVEN ACRES with cultivated land, timber pas ture, a real place to build home. price $1050. $800 down, baL easy term BEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 114 South Liberty 8treet PALS i v - - I r . . tm . ' - i V I YYUI UU X I -VUS&FER-S Interesting Facts Thera ara forty eharehei ta Sa lem. ' x.x - O ; The city of Sa-em taa tersn wards and', two aldermen irom each ward making a total of 14.. o : The warm sua at the past few dara has doae away with, the mil dew that has been threatening tne hop crop. t. . ' ; -: "'. Brtese Gibson, an eld timer from rolk county In his 90 s has been visiting in Salem the past few days. Ha saya when fee was a boy there was bo such thing as mildew, worms, buss, etc O i Saw Brown, the photographer lookinx vp and down Liberty street Saturday afternoon for his car. "I left it soma place- hut 5 nst don't know where,' ha told UK. FOR SALE USED CARS SEB THESE FOR VALUE 81 STUDE LIGHT SIX SEDAN. Free wheeling, new tires, new car wnlM and suarantee. 31 ESSEX TERRAPLANE R-S CPE. Just like new. Run less than 4tt J mile It BUICK BUSINESS COUPE New paint and tires. Good shape me- enenk-ell . St PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN. New point A good light six reason ably priced. 28 WILLYS KNIGHT SEDAN. Lots of good transportation for the money. 28 DODGE SCREEN DELIVERY. Good condition. . , STATE MOTORS, INC. -Stude baker Huson Terraplanea Open Evenings and Sunday 525 Chemeketa TWO RED HOT SPECIALS '32-Pontlae Spt Coupe. Just like new. Priced araaaingly low. '30-Bulrk Spt Road. A snap. SEE THEM AT BORREuO S 240 No. Liberty Tel. 88 ACREAGE BARGAINS IN BUILDING LOTS Cor. lot near Parrish school, both st paved. $975 cash. Lot with nice shade tree near Par rish sehooL $800 cash. Cor. lot on Falrmount HIU. both st paved. $1000 cash. Lot sax ll feet with east front, near Leslie achooL Paved st $750 cash. If you want a real BARGAIN. In vestigate these. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 8. liberty St Tel. 8448. Business Opportunities FOR SALE Too CHUl Barbeaue service station, canto around. Beat lo cation between Portland aad Eugene and doing- a nice business Two mL south of Canby on Pacific highway. ------------------- -i-i-ii-.--ri i-i i inn nn muuuu J. AT GARIBALDI Confectionery business, stock, fix. ture store bldic and llvmr Quarter This la a paving bn sines Price com plete 94750.99. Mbrht accept trade. SEE HAWKINS A ROBERTS - - - - - -1 nnjvvijnnjLruii ririrtrxji FOR SALE Neighborhood grocery ana meat market. Doing good bus- mee. Box 238, care States nsn. MONEY TO LOAN ' - . iii n.niL- n - Borrow oa personal property: renav in mommy tsstairment WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO- 8Ute 11a. S-141. 5s uuardian Bids, .tcl S87T. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY tit Oregon Bundles. Snd Floor Office hr 10:00 A. M. to 8 :30 P. M. Telephone 7783. Stats license No. S-185. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Rafmaaced Arranga te redoes youi payments Tea keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Uberty St and Ferry , Phone 47S3 Stalem, Or PfcRSONAL LOANS MADB en funrtture. cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly, when ta financial need see us before closing a Men. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION nnr National Bs-ih Kl.'t: Pm e IKJ9 FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRT wood OOoJ TeL 5000 Salem Fuel Ce Trade A Cottage. Ash, fir aad oak. TeL 5(48. Wood. aU kind can 48F14, Smith A Ruben No. 1 18 In. old fir. $4.25. TeL 4458. Good dry eld fir. second srowtb. ash, oak. TeL s7S. Dry slab wood. It In. old fir. and planer wood.. Prompt delivery at Tracy TeL S3S8. - Pry wood, $4.00. TeL 8159. LOST AND FOUND LOST In Mill Creek, small green row boat Carle Abrams, 1547 Cheme keta. TeL 7454. PERSONAL EPTLEPST EPILEPTICS I Detroit lady find complete relief far husband. Etoeclallsts home abroad, tailed, mow lna te SelL AH letters answered. Mr Gee. Dem peter, Apt 13-188. t900 La fayette Blvd. West. Detroit, aucn. Music to e tfffiFZ ' ;".y Vs.---" FOR SALE USED CARS Bargain Pticw ' ' Exceptional Quality USED CARS 1933 FLTMOtTTTT t MODEL P. C SEDAN.- New ear snsraatee IHce new. , In- -etudes new license $850.00 1939 PLYMOUTH' 8PORT ROADSTER . Free wheel ing; Ooatiag power, awto- ataxia clutch. This car just like new, ran only 4,000 ', mile New car guarantee. New Ik-ens S1&.00 1911 FORD SPORT COUPE. niw, tow ucens eerfeet rondltiaa least 1928 CHEVROLET COUPEL Excellent eanUtiow 158.00 192$ DODGE 4 -SEDAN. Motor recewdfrtfened ITS OS 1928 DC RANT 4 COACH. Me- 'chanlrallT O. K. , HE ae 1928 CHEVROLET COACH 85.00 19ZS BTAH 4 SEDAN 75.0t TKMS TRADES W. ANDERSON. Inc. DeSote A Ptrmonth Motor ran Stt Mannon St Tel. T70S Salem. Ore. PLYMOUTH" "The Lowest Priced -cylinder Sedan HEAT PREDICTED, WHEAT RISES EGG, BUTTER BETTERMENT IS SEEN I Crop. Report Expected To. be Bullish; . Corn off CHICAGO, July 8. (API Spurred by predictions ot new tor rid temperatures northwest. threatening increased damage to spring wheat, especially in Can ada, wheat valnes made brisk up turns late today. There, was also lively everdng- np of accounts to prepare for the united States government . crop report Monday, belief prevailing in some quarters that the report would show sensational curtail ment of estimates of 1933 wheat1 yields. Only scattered rains fell in the northwest, and the fore cast was for higher temperatures goth sides of the Canadian Rock ies. Wheat closed strong at almost the day's top figures, l-24 cents above- yesterday's finish. corn off to 4 up, oats - advanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat July 99: September I 1.01-l.0I; December 1.04 Vi- ; May 1.08-H. Corn July 0; September (4- C4H; December S - M; May 731-. . Oats 4S : September 4 C H ; December 48-V; May SS. General filarkets PBODTTCB EXCHAircra PORTLAKD. Ore Jaly 8. (API Fredae exehaate, set prices Batte extras 34a. staadatas S3 vriais firsts zie, nrsts xle. ages sresh extras 18e, rreta ateeiaata 17-18c Portland Grain POBTLAN'D. Ore-. Jaly S. (AP) Wheat Osea High Lew Cieee Jaly 75 75 75 75 September 78 78 78 78 December 82 82 93 83 Cash wheat Mo. 1 Bis Bud Una- item 84; dark hard winter 12 per eaat nae, 11 per cent 70 e; sen white, weatera white, hard winte northers tpriag. wester red 72 a. Uets . S White 825.50. Cera N. 2B ystlew $28. Millrnn Standard $19. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or- July 8. (API Butter Priats, extras 26, atanearis 85e. Botterfat Portland deurery. A craae 24-25a poena; farmers door Saliavry 22-23e pound. Sweet cream 5o higher. Mrs fseme roaitry preaseers- selliag pries, oversise 21e, extras lte, mixed eelors 18e. s-adiams lSe dosaa. Baying price by wholesaler ; Fresh ear rest receipt 50 pouaes aaa sp, 146. set' ta. Ceaatry meats Solliag price te re tailors, country killed hogs, best b-tch- era, aader 150 ponndt 7-7 c Vealers 70 U 100 soaad 7-8e. Spring lsebe 10'lle. yesrlias 4-6. Heavy ewea 2-Se. Madiam cowt 5c pound. Caaer cows 2- Sc. Balls -5 poane. Mohair Bayiag sriee. 1938 clip 15e peaad. Laaeara bark ssytng price, isis Peel So pound. tbeeae iU score Oregon triplets 12c. loaf 13e peaad. Brekers trill pay e below aeotauoa mis voBtraci pner m rwr cut, lrt87.u zUuU ,wti B atilk Ceatraet price per coat Hops somtaa. l3S, ea-oee poaa ' Live eealtry Portland daUrory. bay- lac price. Heavy bent, colored 4 -5 poand lie, do 5 pounds esd ap 10c Broilers, 1 peaads aad ap, f-10. aa dor a poeads 11-1 le. Ceiered spriags 3 paaaa.aad ap 12c Beotter t Be poena. Decks, Pakis. broilers 12-Us pewad; eld sacks 10s poena, es eeleree. lUs paaae. . Oaioas Selling prise to rtttilert, Oresoe 81.25-1-85 cealaL ' hew oaioas Cshlorai BermeAst $1.85- 50 peaad crate; sew rod $1.85 eeataL Potatoes Loeal $1.50: Doeehates Gems $2.50 cental, de Bakers $1.25; Tskims Gams 83.25-2J3.. New pototees Laeal white aad red S3.S5-2J5 eeatal; Caliloraia, whiU $3.25 9.8.1 eeataL Strawberries Few Oregeas 8 1. SO LOS srste. Wool 198 S elia. aomlaaL Winemette vmllav- 23-30e soaad: eastera Ot-Caa 1S- 81e peaae; seathera Ida bo ls-xoa pease. Hsy Bayiag pries from prodaaar, , . v - . , . . v. m .... Hum mm. A. h. w. V t eastera Oregon- timothy $10; eats sad vetch $15 tea. His Ears FOR SALE USED . CARS CHEVROLET . OTTES MORS . FREE LICENSE i 28 Duraat Coach --.$ 1 SS.eO 27 Baick Sedan 145-04 175. SO 395.04 495.M 125.00 "15. tt 475.00 "39 Etude Sedan '29 Nash-Sedan '30 Stude Sedan "30 Oakland J J Cher. Coupe 2S Ford Track 29 Chev. Track "28 Bee TERMS TRADES Oeee 5irnfsg and Sunday McKAT CHEVROLET ca CHEVROLET GIVES MORR LOW PRICED TRUCKS " In KxceOeat Condition See Us Model T Ford track with Worford 1929 Cbev. trvr end SMnl-tralter 1931 Ford Truck. LWB. duals ' -Mack truck, dual tire trailer, saftable for kigglng Jog 4931 Cbee. track . LWB, duals aad new 1950 Ford Panel delivery 1935 GMC. 175 to. WB. Cash Trade - Terms WOOD-WHEATOX MOTOR CO. 540 Chetneketa - TeL 9581. WANTED Good or Chevrolet Call '38 er 7300. '29 Ford Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, fl.43 per hundred. Sarplaa f 1-25. . Ctflik sated ea seed woetMy seltarfat srrrsgs.) . Distributor priced 1.70 Buttcrfat Top S2-23c, prints 25c, cabee 28c Fries paid te (Tawers by 6alesi ssyert -iviy s tThs sriees seise, aassttet si e local rr . are ledtcative t tke daily saarket Wat are aot s-arssstsd by T. Rtatasatss I raurr abto vsanTAsxa Strlag beast, lb. . .04 H Artiaaskse, do. , Atpsragat, lecsL doa. Ko, 2. .75 . .10 . 'M . M . J5 .1.75 -9.15 a.6o . .05 . A5 - .01 . .45 Cabbsre. 16. Green pepper Florid , lb. , Feat. Orrfott. lb. .02 to Oaioas. dos. baaeaes , , Patatees. Ysklme Se. 1 Shasta, white , Sweet seta tae (rate --, Lettoca, loeal - OaioBs. tab 1th. set Rkobarb. loeal Celery, tea. -, ... Apples - wtnesap laaey . .95 .1-40 . -99 .1.45 Extra taaey Kswtewa fancy . Extra fsaay Oraagas. Valeaelaa, faaey S.75 te 8.50 Place pack 1.03 te z.vo Beets. loraL dot. -25 Taraips, local, crate .25 Csmts, leeel. 4a , .XS Epiaaea. loeal. arete as te jbo Baaaea lb. ee stock JD Haada . . MstUH rresas - .so Cecembera, aetkeete , .50 te -SO Caauleapea, ante 3 00 te 9.50 1-emons - - .au Strawberries, local , , 1.25 Liaae fraab L25 Avaeade erate .8 95 &nsse. Italiaa, erate .1-15 8osaaer.. erate ... i.-as , -85 .0 l.rO to S.S5 A ricet crate 1 1 Wa.Un.Io-i. it tail Tests tea aetheeae Ta 3.40 RatpliiiiUee lUaakcsps Cam bus Lo(ts berries .1.00 to 1-25 1.00 .to .75 SOPS Top. 1932. U. . 19SL Ih. .84 -58 Tep sooa ariag rrloes Extras . . .15 Htasdtrdi 14 .18 -t4 ao .09 -08 .18 to .15 4.73 5.10 Medians rouiixi Old reeetora . Colored hens Mediant hens Ubt hen Bret lets , BOAT Lambt. top Tors, tee i First eats 4.85 .04 to .05 .02 ts .OS .08 te .04 .03 to .08 Steers ' Cowt Heifers Balls Dressed real, top .06 .07 Dressed hoc OSADJ AST HAT Wheat wettera red , --80 .80 .18.00 -22.00 .14.00 .15.00 .14.00 Wait Re. 1 Barley, top. tos uats, tea nay. bys S' Oats aad vetch, tee AKsHs. valley 1st cat Clover bay . WOOL Uodiam Coano . .93 . -13 .01 .08 Mohair CASCAXA 3UAK Green, IK Dry. lb. i . ... -. Higher Wool Price r .-w vrr f ivotea razz vv ccn BOSTON. July 8-AP) -(TJ. s Dept. Agr.) The strong ad vances in foreign exchange to gether with higher wool prices at the London sales during the past week stimulated a mora activa trading in the Boston market which resulted ia firmer sharply higher prices on domes tie wools. The upward tendency was strongest oa western wools and advances of 2 to I cents scoured basis were frequently realised. Late In the week hold ers were bcomlng reluctant sell even at the advanced prices realised. FOR. SALE USED CARS -l'eaejsestis--ss-sais-- . -i - WANTED Will pay scash for 1926 Fords and CtxevroIetSe7 US.ED CAR EXCHANQB 542 Chemeketa '' MRS. SMITH YXSTTS f j GATES, July S Mrs. D. B. Smith of Salem spent the Fourth ta Gates, renewing- old friendshlpa and looking after her property in terests there, Mrs. Smith , was a resident of Gates for many years, her bur band being a former mer chant and druggist of that city In the days when the little town was a booming village and headquar ters for the mines la this district. Mrs. Smith, who la employed at the state T. R. hospital, still owns IS acres of , land, including the) Robertson spring, here. f. J c Drop in Eggs Being Maintained; Meat ; - Prices Holding PORTLAXD. July g (AP) Betterment in the batter trade allver the country recently -and finally on the Portland- produce exchange, appeared the logical outcome of the decreasing churn operations together with a quickened demand and especially in the eastern and southern tec tors. . I 'Not only was there a better feeling In butter with occasions, premiums showing tor bntterfat but the entire dairy product sit uation appeared improved. . Market for eggs reflected con tinued betterment in undertone with the day's advance ot le be-, ing generally maintained. Re ceipts continued to decrease and premium stock was held firm. There was quite a fair demand for chickens. The recent weak ness due to forced marketing by scared producers who disposed of their flocks with advancing feed prices, has disappeared. . All prices la the country meat market were holding well at the weekend! Veal and hogs were well held at late advances and there was a slight betterment fn the lamb trade. i C There was an erratic tone for lettuce. While top quality is finding a shipping call, the mar ket was loaded with stock just oft the No. 1 grade and low prices were continued, HIV PRICE IIP, BUCKS SLOIV PORTLAND, July 9. (AP)- Strawberries came into their own "during the week end session ot the East,Side- Farmers whole-sale market. Offerings, were of mater ially lighter volume. Indicating that the recent Increase was mere- . ly a spurt and that the season is fast ebbing. Sales were made at a spread of fl.40-l.TB crate with the chief trade centering around $1.40-1.60. Raspberries were In good tup- ply, selling mostly fl.10 icrate. Loganberries were 90C-S1 crate. the latter tor best staff , Blackcaps sold quickly! around $1.25 top generally. - J Currants were around $1.10 crate generally, a few higher. Cabbage demand was good, the best moving at 2e pound.! - Cherries were In fair call but chiefly around 7 5-9 Otf tor ,158. 'I DRIVKRS TEST MONDAY WOODBURN. July t Kzamin- atioaa for drivers over 70 years of age and those applying for li censes for the first time will be held at the ; Woodburn city hail Monday, July 10. W. H.I EaUlie will be In charge. - ," i I ? Stocks and Bonds (Copyright 193S.8taadatd BtatittUa Ca.) Jalr t stock avEiAOaa Today 0.t 87.0 113.1 t.l Previeatday . OS. 5 ' 68.0 110.0 , 95.0 Week aye 03.5 60.1 105.4 t. Taaraxa AS.4 19.4 -52.t XS.O 8 years are"-154.5 118. 200.S 158.6 ft High 1038 . . 58.0 318.7 05.1 Low 1933 42.8 29.5 - tl.S 43.9 HighltSS tt l 90S 111.0 73.S T Lew 1932 35.1 19.1 51.8 S5.0 ; aosmTExxaxs Today , ),,. 'H S2.e 8S.T M.l - Prerioaaday 75.0 82.0 tS.4 81.1 Woek age 78.7 18.6 SS.5 70.3 1 Tooraea 5J.9 S2.S .78.8 b. 9 yean are 107.0 10t.e ' tt.9 . High 198S 75.0 82.0 80.4 81.1 ' Low 193S 58.8 67.0 74.1 S3.r- ' ELrkl932 71.8 78.0 88.3 78.1 19S3 53a 47.4 TW-S T New 1U1 Ugh. By CLIFF STERRETT Attorney for Administrator,"'-. Center. -' -X 8alem Oregon. ' ( S room furnished apt, $L50 a week. w , - j. 9-1S-Z3-39. P.-1290 Oak TeL 837. 1 1 J v - f t - . I ' ' - - . '