r.X The OREGON STATESMAN, Saten, Oregon, Satnrflay Morning, Jnly 8, 1953 TAGE 5E?N S . j - Jjpjcis B, IB,,,B,,,B,,"", """ """ lMW a-mmn4 -- aSHa-l MM aSsBna. MM -. M asm" amwS---i - -----------a-w- 11 i ; i "7T t if f r I I Business Directory Cartis lu Una 4incun-jr rua a monthly basis oury. Bat t . L0O per Um per month, ADTOi BRAKES HIM Paaek. tha brake and shrmniy doctor. 276 South Comnmwia! Sir 1 CATERING Burt Crary, the caterer. Ph. 6763. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Northnena, CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 354 N. High. TeL Rea 1571. DRESSMAKING Exp, dressmaking in your home. 8 2. SO day. Copy plcturea Te ret 7984. FLORISTS CUT (lowers, wedding bouqust fua ral wreath, decorations. G F. Bnlt baupt floiUrt, 671 Court. TL 594. ALL-kinds of aorsJ work. Lata Flor ist 14th it Market. TeL 3593. GLASS Auto and window glass mirror. TeL Si St. Waller J. Downs, 480 Brer. INSURANCE BECKS HENDRICKS 139 N. lilgfa i ; Tel. 4947 COFFEY-SMITH, gen, tna TeL 8433. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THH WELU-Ui LO.U.NDRI HI a High i TaU tlX CAPTTAL, Cm LAUNDRY First in Quality and Bervioa Telephone 3165 UM Broad ay LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattrasses from factory to noma Spring mattress f S.00. Renovators and fumlgators. Kugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. TeL 9iX IQIt N, CapltoL New mattress made to order, old remade; ; carpet Wd 8441. Otto b. Zwicaer. gat. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WIIr Plane, radios, sew ing machines, sheet muata and piano studiea. Ke pairing radios, phonographs and sewing machlnea 4 33 Bate tttreet. baletn. ' MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese- Medicine Co. T Bouts Tuesday snd Friday, 10:30 sm. to 4:30 p. m. 148 N. CtmmercUL rhnrii Chan. Chlnesei Medicine Co.. 123 N .Com! Daily 9-4, Sun. 9-13. All kinds herbs for male and female, for constipation, rheumatism, appenoior tl colitis, gland, stomach disorders. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roof tog. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONER -, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, 315 & CommerclaL Tele phone 910L i REAL! ESTATE BECKE A" HENDRiCK-L TsL 494T. W. IL URABENUORST ft Ca 134 & Liberty St. t TeL 4s, BOCOLOFSKT ft SON S04-S First Nat'L Bk. Bldg. TeL 7807. STOVES STOVES and stove re pairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired, au kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and nlaln. bon baaketa. hooka, logaa hooka balem Fence and Bteva Works. 263 Chemeketa. TeL 4714. B B, Flemlna. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 336 State St. TeL 1773. DiatiiUiUng. for warding and storage sr specialty. Get our rates. I j FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 2111. Lsrmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily.. . ,4 . TYPEWRITERS T TYPEWRITERS Adding Men. sold, rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. Cooke ft Short. 619 Court TsL S5S4. WELL DRILLING It A. West, 30 years experience. RFD 6. BOX 103 Bi, TI -10. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTIUX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the) Coun ty of Marion, as executrix of the estate of W. M. Coburu, deceased, and that she has duly Qualified as such executrix; all persons having claims against the estate of the said decedent are hereby notified to present the. same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Mar ion County, 2 Oregon, within six months -from -the date of this no tice. - - Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 5ta day of July. If 33. .8. E. COBTJRN. Executrix of the Estate of W. M, Coburn, deceased. J-8-15-22- 29-A-5. . RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Executrix, . Salem, Oregon. 1 i i i I r i i . , m a Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Caaaalftod Advertlsta Single insertion per Itet.lOe Three Insertions per lis) ; ....... IQv Six lnartiona per Una. .! Ou month per Um.. 11.0 Minima m charts ......Sit Cop; , tor taU part ac cepted until I: SO the evnn Ids before) publication for class! notion. Copy re celfed after thla Una will ba rnn under tha heading Too Lata to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for arrora . which may ap pear In advertisements pno llshed to Its columns, and In cases when thl paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objee ttonal advertising." It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED WANTED Cherry pickers at one. 75c a hundred. Good crop. C H. Ba ker, Rt. 5, Box 5S. HELP WANTED MALE Youna- man willing to work bra per day. Apply 381 State St, Room roe sat. 4 to p. m. HELP WANTED FEMALE Young- neat appearing' women for permanent work, apply ssi state , Room ZDS between 2 ana 4 p. m. mil SITUATIONS WANTED Work. R. Porter, R. 1. Bx. 98. Salem. FOR SALE MlsceGaneon RADIO SPECIAL one week only 170 new 7-tube Zenith cabinet model for I49.SS. Terms $5 down, f5 month ly. Sea Mr. Jens. .Wills Muaic store. Exp. haircuts. tOc-lSc. 1614 N. Com. Red cm-rants for sale. TeL 51F16. t wood ranges for sale, S10, 112. SO, 1C. 295 N. Coral. St. -: ' -"'IZC' .. w I forn j TbTf -tateTo,: U-JlW-iW. I . ,,V.0. V AA PUPPIES FOR SALE Purebred Wire Haired Fox Terriers. Quality dogs reasonably priced. W. E. I Crabtree, 406 8Urer St. Silverton. Used Ice box, good condition, ..75 lb.1 cap. $13.50. 705 South St TeL 7959. Nlpg. fumlwhod apt., S90 Union. TRADE Miscellaneous A new well-built, stock and all-par- peee trailer to trade for wood. TeL 4S4. WANTED Miscellaneons Wsnted piano for cash. TeL 6707. MISCELLANEOUS Typing students keep In practice spL for rammer, 3 moa ror fa. Thos. Roen. 420 Court. Mr. Lane of Seattle, Wu, expert! hair cutter, now located 301 S. Win ter. Prices the same. Adults 20c, chil dren i&c. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, 1577 Court St TeL 4857. Sleeping room, for gentleman. Hot and cold water rn room. 255 Center. ROOM AND BOARD R-B., $20 and 325. 64S Marion. Board and room for ladles, in. TeL 6678. -S96 Court St Close Board, rn-, 320. Near P. O. 4482. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 nice apta 313 and $23. 1580 Center. Apts. $13. 891 N. Com'L ; 3 R. furn. apt., frigid., 1209 Court. - Acta, rooms, garage house. All nicely furn. TsL 7664. 2261 HaseL Unfufn. duplex apt, 660 Union. i 3 R. basement apt., 486 N. Liberty. . Nicely turn, three room spt, water, garage. 1932 Chemeaeta. xe as a.. 3 R. furn. apt Very nice, 1064 Oak. 1 Adults. Completely furn. S rm. duplex ground floor. 8S0 Mill. T. O. Albert Front apt, overstuffed furn. 658 Center. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Close in modern six room bouse, sleeping porch, full base ment garage, also clean, newly fur nished apta, very reasonable. 4S7 So. Commercial St Furnished, unfurnished nausea H. P. Grant 1". lgh -St TeL S3S0. ' ' Furn, and unfurn. houaea R. A, rorkner. 1410 N. Cottage. TsL 343L i For rmt 7 room houMb t3e Mrs. CadwelL Statesrnaa offlc. Houses for rent Damon, 89? N. Com. MMMMsafsaABSSBafaBtsaAA Furnished and unfurnished houses for rent VAN GREER - 102 Ora Bldg. TeL 1S31. wawwaiwwWa I rooms furn., tipper iuu, i oixa ox state houtw. Owner, 431 8. Cottage. FOR RENT Plana. $1 pr tna Tt-i, S5Stt. WANTED TO RENT m n i nrwi -ri-i " - - - - ' u- , Mlla far S.K.S nnm house either furnished or unfurnished-. If yea want to rent to gooa peopie, I . M MM . . , J . , . V. III BOUtn -U- Dry eoods. notions and ready-to- wear located in good valley town. Good location, good building, cheap rent. Will exchange for Salem or suburban Drooerty or close-in acreage rrom 000.00 to (3000.00. Address Box 225. Statesman. WANTED to swap my bicycle for a riding horse. Must be gentle. Address Route , Box 36S. Cash for old bicycle, TeL 4514. WANTED TO RENT Wanted to rent from owner or Im provement company, large sised farm in district between Salem and Irort land. Must be- soli best suited for grain production. Might buy stocky machine ry yiia lease. V. S. MATTESON Inkster, N. D. FOR SALE Real Estate THREE WONDERFUL. BUTS IN SALKM HUM. liiS East Salem. large corner lot 11x118 ft. Comfortable six room house, dou- bia garage, some choice fruit treea Price only $830. Easy terms. To close an estate, will give bargain price of 34000 with terms, on a well built modern S room, rea on a choice east front lot, about 100x125 ft. lo cated In one of our choicest S. Salem residential dlstrlcta See this If you want a real buy. 19th St. cottage of I rooms, large E. rront lot. pavement and walks in. gar- ag and wood ahed. Priced very low. 11050. Terms like rent. CHILDS A MILLER. REALTOR8 344 State Street TeL 6708. Strictly modern 5 room bungalow, close In. Nearly new. A very choice home at only 33000.00, all furnished. xerms. I Acres with modern 6 room ban' galow near Salem. Price only $3800.00, Terms -given. SO Acres located north of Salem, all fanced and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at sz&ov.oo. Terms. J. F. ULRICH CO. Phone 8672 32S State Street Good semi-modern 7 -room plastered residence, basement, fireplace, plumb ing, on two big lota covered with nut, cherry and ornamental trees and roses, crane arbor, near school a nice view. going at depression price. Also two beautiful building lots 60x130 each with large fruit trees, block south Les lie brick school, at bargain, easy terms. Owner, 765 Rural Ave. Fhone 8854. Two lots on knoll 60x130 each, fac ing Leslie brick school grounds, nice view, covered with large cherry, pear and apple treea Will sell one or both. Sea these before building. Easy terma Owner. 765 Rural Avenue. TeL 8854. OCA IJKA -ra Qru-nlol K A mnA crz-nrl f Otf Vi "StfW UUtllii SJVV I 1 M - caiau fa, vwvs l n . f a. -a-'AA 41 FA By owner, poultry ranch. Call at 2376 State St BUT THAT HOME NOW $1050 with 875 cash. 315 mo. buys S-R. house on paving. Buys S-R. mod. home on a large cor ner lot near school, bua Another real buy at 465 S. 31st See this one. VAN M. GREER 203 Ore. Bldg. TeL 7533 800 Acre Stock Ranch Special 135 acres, best of land. In cultlva tlon. Balance In pasture and timber. Large bouse, good condition. Large machine abed and granary, old bam, spring water piped to house, 1 acre In walnuts In bearing. 10 acres In prunes, baa own dryer. Plenty -of family or chard. Thla 800 acre located only 2 miles from R. R. station and paved Highway, win divide, some trade. See Geo. Vick with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Tel. 6468. EXCHANGE Real Estate TRADE For smaller house of eonal value, house of 9 rooms, besides bath, lavatory, sewing room modern large lot. Well located. Owner, Tel. 4745. FOR SALE FARMS FORCED SALE 106 acres, new modern 7 room Eng- I Hah type house, large dairy barn, elec- trio- water system, creek. Some tim ber, family orchard, good location. This Is a beautiful farm home. Must be sold. Price 17,000.00. Better hurry and see HAWKINS ft -ROBERTS for farm bargaina -5-ACRE BARGAIN A real buy worth more. Modern 6-R. house, bath, lights, and water system. uooa barn, 7UO capacity hen house. 1-A. filberts. Family orchard. Priced lor qukuc sale at 82950. 3 miles out STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 11 acres (Howell Prairie). Fine soil, most all In crop. Good building. 2 cows, j horses, poultry, crop and all tor fssov. uive good terma 160-STOCK RANCH If sold in next ten days only 84750. 80-A. In cultivation. Some timber. Dan dy house, barn, and large new poul try house. This can be beat lor price. $500 down, balance easy. SEE TAS. U. SEARS, REALTOR 182 South Hlsrh Street ACREAGE Owner must have some money and Is willing to sacrifice on her 60 acre farm with modern bldg., elect Make me an oner. H. CL SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. WANTED REAL ESTATE : WANT, at once, country home near Salem. Will consider with or without crops, equipment, etc. Describe fully. What school facilities, price. . terms. encumbrance, etc, 1916 N. E. Halaey Bt, roruana. POLLY AND HER - " J ItWHy) 71 731 I HOW DOES ONE RSCOGNCZT.) m Z' "N SsiR ?J-r (CONFC-JNI-0) OP THIS SWARM OfV- SSS2frjjS-. ;VBX V VMjf .- ',: " '.'''; ' ':"." .'' :; -' " ,'V . ; ;-' " ' ,:" ' -' . " ., ' '. . ." ' -i !:''' . '-. -' ; ; . : ' - - ' . r ' . .. " V ' ' ", ' . . . ' Easiness Opportunities FOR SALE Ton CHM Barbecue j service station, camp ground. Beet lo cation between Portland, and Eugene and -' doing a- nicer business. Two mi. south of Canby on Factxlo Highway. AT GARIBALDI Confectionery business, stock, fix tures, store bids, and living quarter This is a paving business. Price com plete $1750.00. Might accept trade.- - 8EB HAWKINS ROBERTS MONEY TO LOAN ,stSssss1sswsiaejsasTeaTsai Borrow on' personal nronertv renav In monthly tirst ailments. WILLAM- ETTB LOAN COL. State Ilo, 8-149. Sue uuaraian Bide. Tel. sstt. "T"" STATS LOAN COMPANT I ottfca'nrrTorrto0. m. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Reftaaaced Arranga to neduce jraui oaymeats Ton l keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and ferry Phone 4711 Salem. Ore. , PklRSONAL LOANS MA DB on fuvnirure, oara, salaries I or other good security. Repayable montniy. wnen in nnsncisi need see us before closing a loan. CORPORATION First Ntlm Bunk H"-Sk Vhee I SSI FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRT wood coal TeL 5000 Balem rnel Co. Trade a Cottage, Ash. fir and oak. TeL 5648. Wood, all kinds, call 4SF14, Smith ft Rubens. t No. 1 16 In. old fir. $4.25.' TeL 44S0. Good dry old fir, second growth, ash. oak. TeL 1673. Dry slab wood. 16 in, oH fir. and planer wood. Prompt delivery at Tracy' a TeL 3986. Dry wood, $4.40. TeL 4449. LOST AND FOUND LOST Small purse, containing 3 keys on triangular ring. 293 N. Sum mer. LOST In Mill Creek, small green row boat. Cane Abrams, 1547 Cheme- keta. Tel. 754. FOR SALE USED CARS CHEVROLET1 GIVES MORE FREE LICENSE 28 Durant Coach $136.00 '37 Bnlck Sedan 145.00 '29 Stude Sedan "24 Nash Sedan '30 Stude Sedan 'JO Oakland Sedan 175.00 UH1 S5 0o I '32 Chev. Coupe 28 Ford Truck 495.00 "5-00 29 Chev. Truck st as '28 Reo TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKAT CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET GIVES MORE TWO RED HOT SPECIALS '32-PontIac 8pt Coupe. Just like new. Priced amaaingly low. '30-Butck Spt. Road. A snap. SEE THEM AT BORR EGO'S 240 No. Liberty TeL 3688 SEE THESE FOR VALUE '31 STUDE LIGHT SIX SEDAN. Free wheeling, new tires, new car service and guarantee. '32 ESSEX TERRAPLANE R-S CPE. Just like new. Run less than 4000 miles. 30 BUICK BUSINESS COUPE New-paint and tires. Good shape me- cnanicauy. 30 PONTIAC 4-DOOR 8 ED AN. New paint A good light six reason ably priced. '24 WILLYS KNIGHT SEDAN. Lots of good transportation for the money. '26 DODGE SCREEN DELTVERT. Good condition. STATE MOTORS. INC. Studebaker Huson Terraplanes Open Evening and Sundays. 525 Chemeketa -------- - - --Trvi-,-,-irii-,-irinri.iirai.rLn Bargain Prices Exceptional Quality USED CARS 193S PLYMOUTH MODEL P. C SEDAN. New- car guarantee like new. In cludes new license 2450.00 I9ij r li i u u 1 H BTOKT ROADSTER. Free wheel ing, floating power, auto matic clutch. This car Just like new, run only 4,000 miles. New car guarantee. New license 685.00 1931 FORD SPORT COUPE, New rubber, new license- perfect condition : 300 00 1SZ9 t'HVRO-KT COUPE. Excellent condition 150.00 I92S DODGE 4 -SEDAN. Motor reconditioned 175.00 i9tu jjuhjlnt 4 COACH. Me chanically O. K. 11S.00 1426 CHEVROLET COACH 85.00 1Z STAR 4 SEDAN 75.00 TERMS TRADES W. L. ANDERSON, Inc. Dp So to ft Plymouth Motor Cars 360 Mann on St Tel. T70S Salem. Ore. "PLYMOUTH" The Lowest Priced -Cylinder Sedan" Fresh Cherries Will be Shipped Middle of Week Claude McKenney will start packing of black cherries for fresh shipment east about the middle of next week, he announc ed yesterday. He plans to buy for cash, though so far tha market has not been established here. Tha Eastern market on fresh cherries is In poor condition at present, ha states, but tha situa tion will undoubtedly look bright er In another week. PALS Interesting Facts ' 1 . -m No God In - Portland? Rev. M. A. Marcy, district superinten- aens-oi. was transiewea to ronisnawnere Be will serve the Snnnyslde Meth- ev. .ntiAiiriMmotiT m mad a Rat. Marcy wu hearing tha prayer, of , .rJT nl7 -1"' VT: least the time being. The max said "Good Bye God, we re going imom ne9 of tod z 4V4 ravwl T4 A 99 I. - . . W 4WIU41U-. 1 O J John D. Rockefeller is J 4 years . a . , I 01a touay. Marlon county has over 200 miles of paved roads. -O- Saw a newsboy knocked flat by 1 an auto on SUU street Friday aft- ernopn. The driver of the car was an excuea out tne news ooy pica- ed up his papers and ran off be- for anyone could find out If he was nun. v. ..- II nurntha Wavna Wl.n.r RHvarton. I Rt. 2. I Low Real Estate Prices Popular, Large Deals Show People are-beginning to take advantage of the low price of real estate In this section, judging from th report of James D. Sears, local realtor, who reports 17 deals or transfers in recent weeks. These involve SS0.060 and ara mostly small ranches and city property. Ttnsfers are as follows: G. A. Kricson's house on North Winter to Prof. Rah of Willamette un- iverslty; Jerry C. Barber, 5 acres in Keiser district to P. O. Breck- enridge; Eugene Bible college, 5 acres in Hollywood district, to Kelly James; Fred Ritner. (acres to Robert W. Olsen; William M. Stoddard, 2 acres, to George L. Rexer and family from Califor-1 nia; August Schieman, 25 acres, to R. McNown: C. A. Tatum's w - house on N. Church to R. A. Blev- vns; to. j. tvurin, z acres, to Pascal Traelio. and Z. E. Mill- , , r ' , . . , uuuacr b a acre uuy raucu ieseu to Harry Hart. Jury Finds Pair nr. i vor uuiny on Assault Charge Stanley and Manuel Hogate, ac- 1 cused of assault and battery upon Dalnh PI O .V . K a 4,- J . . j .1 j . 4 . i-au, ivauwcif . yekk ii k iu AS- pinwall home at Brooks, when mau av-,a a vaa oiwaa AtAl A1 Inr a 4 s - 4ita4ta-v -. room for the trial. The Jury was out about two hour, before It -Ain&if ha ir-tr cris f 14-r nllaO a vnvuou iaac uvv guutj I vlUlVb r Radio Program. SATTJRDAT July g XOW I-OBTlUdrD 20 X. 7:00 Morning Ptrade. NBO. T;20 Organ conort, NBO. 7:45 Ronald Buck, pianist. S :15 American Legion campaign, XBC. 0:30 Cooking school. 10:00 National Farm and Home boor. 10:30 Woman's Magailne of tha Air, 11:30 Marshall's Xsvericks, NBO. 1:10 rne uaatao ercaestra, riav. t :00 Easeatblo, NBO. 3:30 Week-ender. KBO. 8 :00 Amerleaa Taxpayer lea cue, NBC. 8:30 Friendly chat 4:00 Waldorf Astoria orchestra, HBO. 6:00 Gilbert sad Sullivaa Gents, KBO. s:oo Saturday mgat lMacing fartiea. 7:15 Witching hoar, NBO. 8:15 Oypsians, NBO. 0:00 Jinx of the Dumarn. 10:80 Bias Xeonllxht. 10:90 Ade Lyman's orehostra, NBO. ll:o-wim raft orebestra, kw to KOIbT FOBTIulHXt 940 X. 3:80 KODTs Klock. 8:30 Buddy Harrod's orchestra, CBS. 9:30 Madison aasemble. DBS.. 10:15 Elms Beckett hot teas of tha air, 11:15 Italian Idyll, CB8. 13:15 Harry Biggs aad Rose City trio. :30 Mark maraow ana orcheitre, CBS. 1:00 The Book of Life. 3:00 Book of Life. 3:00 Prsd Berren'e orchestra. CBS. 3:15 Jack Miller sod orchestra. CBS. iir miiir asattgy vi was wm s. 4:00 Political situation la Washlngtoa. CBS. 4:45 Leon Belasco's orchestra, CBS. 5:15 U. 8. Marin band concert. CB3. 6 :15 Columbia's publi sffalra. B :s Uertrmda Mesea. CBS. 9 :00 Mellroy's Greater Orogetuaas. 0:30 Hollywood Bowl Symphony series. 11:15 Cafe d Paris orchestra, PLBO. KOAO tfOBVAI.lJS 650 Ke. T : 00 Homing meoUtatlons. 8 :00 Morning concert. 9 :00 Homo eeeaeoties ehsarvar. EAT RE ACHES NEW HIGH, DROPS lMbsh6gsgrain HI GH E R HERE I Profit - Taking JSpree F ollows Rise due4 . To London News CHICAGO, July 7 (AP)- Soeedlns: swlftlv abova S1.00 a . - - "tr" e""i"' touched 4 1.10 i In some transac tions, and then plunged downhill. t a Yt11Tl49I raW4i V-aWl Its tttilAV tmmAttea I ivhIsa -am swITJ niirtnat.n)l fn f.rp, M1TIW,- o - fallowing President Roosevelt's stand as to the money policy of the- United States. Contributing to subsequent reverse a e 1 1 o n of wThAAf anil Afha, A.paala vaia ftTna,ir . ty,a K.if , lndJcatl0M of further beneficial moIsture for crop. tonight. nra,'. , in Carried all Chicago deliveries of wneat up beyond $1.00 for the firat tlm thla tM.nn inH result. ff in tiaw aaaann Thlo-h n.lAa .... ---- " " uui a.isu in corn, Dariey ana rye. At me ex treme top today, wheat was up 134 cents above last week's low, and corn was up H cents Wheat closed unsettled 4-lH under yesterday's finish, corn l-2 down, oats -l off. Wheat: July, 96-.; Sept 99-; Dec, 1.02 U-; May, - Corn: July, 60 U; Sept., 63 64; Dec, 68-; Msy, ?S-74. oats: July. 45; Sept.. 46 ; Dec, 48-; May, 52. General Markets Psunrocs riCHAjron PORTLAKD, Ore., Jnly 1. (AP) Proesce, szchsnxa. net -rices Batter. ""' . standard 23e, prim, firsts ? -iSLJSW, 77. rw,, xtr,i Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Jslr 7. fAPl Whest Open Hieh Low Close jiy .75 75 75 75 .78 78 7s. 7SU September Deeember 82 83 83 V 92 h Me; dark h.k "wst iT t I ff1maK -k-a Va 1 :. T I oae, ii per cant 8c; sott wit, west- m w",le . wloler. ora ipnnf. w-itora ra i.e. Oats N. 2 white $25.54. Corn X. 2E y.llow $34. Millran Standard $19. I Portland Produce I POHTLAXD. Ore- July 7. (AP) Batter Prints, extras 26, standards 35a Bnttsrfat Portland delivery, A grade 24-35e ponnd; farmers' door delievry 23-2 3c pound. Sweet cream 5c higher. Egr Pacific Poultry producers' selling price, oTersizs 20c, extras lac. 1 mii.il Miln.. 17a iinm. 17. .!- 1 BnTiiM Dries hr wholeiialera : 1 xh ear- l rent receipts 56 pounds sad np. 1-e dot- I as. Ceaatry moats Selling pries to ro- 70 to 100 pm4 7V fJf. Sprinf tembfl I 1AU . 1 l ,,.:.-. a C . XT a . Medium cow, se pound. Caaer cows 2- '?2e. m. an. is. Kohair I . . pound. Cssears bark Buying price, 1988 peel 9c pound. Cheese 03 score Oregon triplets 12c, loaf 13e pound. Brokers will pay 7i s below e-outtons. Milk Contract pries 4 per cast, Portland dolivory 81.70 wt; B grade cream STH pound. Hoes NomiaaL 1933. 44-600 pound. Live poultry Portland delivery, bay- In price. Haavy hens, colored 4t-SH pound 11c, do 5 pounds aad up 10c Broilers. 3 peaada and up, 9-10c so das 3 ponsds 11-11 He. Colored apriags 3 pouaas aad up 12c Booatsrs 5 pound. Ducks, Pekia, broilers 12-Us pound; old Susks oe pound, do colored 10c pound. Oaioas Selliag pries te retailers, Oreroa 81 25-1.35 centsL. New onions California, Bermudas $1.35- 60 pound crate; new red $1.85 centaL 1 PoUtoe Local $1.50: Dstehutos 6m $3.50 ceataL do Bakers S3J5; Xakima Uama S2-I5-2.35. New potatoes Local whits sad rod 1 f 3.35-2.35 eentaj; CaUfornia, whit $3.35 3.85 centaL Strawberries hsw Oregon $1.40 1.75 eraU. - Wool 1933 clip, aomlaeL Willamette j valley. 38-300 pound; esatera Oregoa 18 31s pound: southern Idaho 16-20e noaad. Hay Buying price from producer, alfalfa Ke. L new crop $1; No. 3 $14: eastern Oregoa timothy $16; oats sad votes sis tea. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. July 7. (AP) Cattle Rscsipts 33, calves 7; generally steady. Stoera rood $4.75-6. eouua on sad dium $3-8. Heifers, good, common aad medium $3-4.35. Cows, good, common sad medium $3.50-4.35. Bulla god $3.35 9.60. cutters snd medium $125-9.35. Vsalers, good $0-6.75, eoemon and -te dium gs-S. Calves, good fSJO-o, com mon tad medium gs.so-9. Hors Receipts 03; about steady. l vwirsa, aav ww ai u w yuun u f s,i v-wtV 1 200 te 350 pounds $4.65-5.35: ever 350 Good, 140 te 300 pounds $4.75-5 J3; s-,--r1. AK fl-r eJ - KoV- xn4iua f rift, poa f - (.7 W 9X w-v" ?.e!-i,!i,-? c a t- j moa aad medium $5-5.75. YYet-er --- 11:00 Better health sad longer Ufa, U:00 farm hour. : 4:45 Diaaor musla. 7:80 Parm hoar. Coronation! Salem filar kets Grade) B raw 4 milk, co-opt pool price, S 1.43 pr hand red. Svrplus S1.25. 4 (Milk bsMd e sesUfSMtkly Saitsrtst evsrsge.) Ulstribator price f 1.70 Butterfat Top 22-23c, prints 25c, cnbes 28c Prises paid te fromm ky Sslesj SByen Jsly 7 fTke srisae keiew. seavueS ey a leesi greeer. sre tadlesttve t the daily surket bl are not rursotvad by TW tsiasirt FEuXT UD VEQKTASLBS Striag besas, lb. . , .04 Artichokes, do. . .75 . .70 . .03. . JO .03 . .IS, .1.76 .3.25 JJ0 . .5 . Mi . Jtl . .45 . Jti .L40 . .99 .1.45 Aspsragas. locsl, 4ox. Ke. 2 Cabbage, lb. Greta pepoars. Tlorids, lb. ran, Urates, 10. .01 te Onions, doe. baqebes . Potato, Tiki n t JSe. I ... Shasta, white ' Sweet potatoes, ezate Lettoes. local Onieea. Lebiaa, ewt. Kan barb, local Celery, do. sppltf Wiaesapa, fancy Extra faaey Kevtowaa taacy Extra laser Oranges. VetaaeU, taacy 3.75 te 3.50 Place pack l.SS. te 8.00 Beats. local, dox .35 Turnips, local, crate .25 Carrots, local, doi. . , .35 Spinach, local, crate Bananas, lb. en stock .35 to .SO , joa .054 .60 .50 to .80 2.00 te 2.50 70 1.25 - 1.25 8.-5 1.25 1:25 .85 Uaada itsstard era an Cncvmbers, notheuae Cantaloupes, crate Lemons Su-s -berries, local Limes, fresh Avassdoi, crate Sanssh. Italian, crate Snnuner, crate Aprirett, crate WsMn&elons, retail . Tosuttoes. kothoaie Tsxas Raipeerries B4akeape .08 .1.00 te 3.25 ..3.40 .1.00 te 1.35 1.00 Csrranta .00 .75 Locaaberrles BOPS Top, 19S2, lb. . Top. 193L, lb. .64 Jit coca 8syg Prices Extras Standards Mfdinmi .14 .IS .13 J4 .10 J09 .08 POULTKT Old rooster . Colored bent Medians kens Ltcht hem, Broilers .13 to .15 MB AT Lambs, top Ton. top . 4.75 6.10 . 4.S5 .04 i to .05 First rata Steers - Cows .02 tt te .03 te .08 .S4 .03 .OS .07 Heifer Balls .03 to D rested Teal, top Dressed bora GUAM AST BAT Whest. western red Whit. Ke. 1 .80 .80 .18.00 .22.00 Barley, top, ton Oats, ton Hay. bay let Oot aad votch. ton .14.00 .15.00 -14.00 Alfalfa, veUoy 1st eat ClOTer bay WOOL I Msoinm .25 .33 .13 . .01 . .OS ;" I aaonair C ABC ABA BAU Oroea, lb. Dry. lb. Vl-a-l,- n9A UvAn MllCKaS 00 H fill OS I I ""-r ' (Copyright 1933. Standard Statistics Ce-l July 7 STOCK a TE RAGES Today 9.5 58.0 110.S 95.0 Pro-iouadav 99.3 57.7 110.8 94.1 Week ago , so.s . ios.b ss.i Taararo 35.8 13.7 58.4 36.S 8 years aro 153.8 118.6 808.9 157-5 Hix-h 1933 - 99.5 58.0 113.7 95.0 Low 1938 42.8 28.S Sl.S 48.S High 1933 73.S SO A 111.0 73.9 Low 193. SS.l 13.1 01.S 9.U I BOSS AVEXAGES Todsy .: --75.0 81.9 86.4 81.1 Previous day ; 74.6 81.8 84.2 80.7 Week an 73.4 7S.0 B.s is. Tesrsgo 53.8 53.6 TS.S 69.9 3 years are 93.8 10S.S 100.0 9J Hick 1933 75.0 81.9 SS.4 81.1 Liw 193S os.s T.e ts.a os.e Rich 1933 7L3 78.0 SS.3 VS.1 Lew 1933 6S.S 47,4 70.9 87 J New 1933 high. Weather Aids in Mildew Control Hop Men Report Warm weather of this week has given downy mildew, hop yard pest which had been gaining con siderable proportions, a heavy set back.' at which hop men are re joicing-. It hot days continue, little further inroads on the hop crop Is expected. Tha 1133 crop is now estimated at . 90,000 bales,- which would probably be reduced a fourth If mildew later gained -severe hold. Of the 10.000 bales, about CS. 000 are already under contract KA I rill TCU -UUW S-a a a ) J9 Tai - I jetoruy wbikou iau iuo wiih;- I ..., DahIsam MM-ttAtna 1 41-s V sa i i tJL mail ruuis.Ua -uuusuuai jisuR and asked what ha owed the city. re, woriiamou. iaahu stvi I . , a li. I tie was a uay cany ior uts ease l -, . vr.v.M., . .v. i, i was caiioa tur oaturuar, uiuiuius, ... Vn .Va.( v. P.W. but Judge Poulsen accepted $1 fine. Jones was picked up Wed-1 th, benefit of Dare's trip abroad nesday on a charge of intorlca- j hen tha stylist returns vnth a Tr UWU. Wheat up Two Cents; Apncots Strong, Supply Short Wheat, spring lambs and hogs all Joined the booster column yes terday, with wheat prices advanc ing two cents per bushel locally. Spring Iambs climbed to $4.75, an increase of 75 cents per hund red. Hogs- were up 10 cents a hundred, to $5.10 on tops. Apricots are also higher, a 15- cent advance being recorded yes terday. Light crop is responsible for the raise in price, which Is In heavy contrast to the cheap fig ures prevailing on 'cots last sea son. So far housewives have done little canning of aprieots. presum ably thlnkins; that the price would drop. SHEEP MID LAMBS PORTIAND, July 7 AP) In anticipation of a sharp advance in sheep and lamb prices, an army of buyers Is Invading the Willam ette- valley with Instructions to grab every offering. Lambs, espe cially, are In keen demand. This activity was confirmed here 'today by one Urge packer and several others. Sales of great volume are- re ported in the valley at prices somewhat below what Is avail able at tha stockyards here. Fri day carload receipts of all lines included 4 loads of sheep and . lambs, direct from a valley paint to a killer. There was yet no' change in general quotations. There was more than moderate -excitement in the sheep and lamb alleys at the stockyards. Lamb price were steady to firm here, although sharply higher prices have been reported dally at mid west and eastern points. The Journal said today "thai further advances which may in fluence the entire mutton trade will be forced, is the opinion of leaders here and sheep owners are being warned about grabbing the first offers available." NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of John Jacob Longcor, deceased has filed his final ac III DEI! count In tha office of the County ' Clerk of Marlon County, Oregon, and that Tuesday the 8th day of August 1933. at the hour of 9:30 A. M. of said day, in the Circuit Court Room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place, for tha hear ing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Jnly 8th. 1933. Date of last publication August 5th, 1933. J. W. Longcor. Administrator of the estate of John Jacob Longcor, deceased. Boon Cason. Address 413 Mc Kay Bids., Portland, Oregon. Attorney for Administrator. J. S-1S-.2-29-A. 6. EUROPE BOUND "wf 77 1 It-... ' h I r- i r 3 -vrf v-at- V , -v , i - Kn1; v. as 1 k " - a ., ... .s I M wavea am xwvwur su urn the 1 PmhaVt uu. a-m-- win -mi 1 CVUU-SUVS W sn. . ir By CLIFF STERRETT 1