The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, July 8, 1933 PAGE THREE f m , .. . '.'4 i ! ' i t i i i; at r. Local News Briefs IjSCIO ODD FELLOWS . Extent of Injuries Unknown Extent of the injuries received yesterday noon by Mrs. Rollin K. Page when the Page : ear driven by her husband collided with one driven by George Roth at the in tersection of. Liberty and Mission streets was unknown - last night. She was taken to her home where she was- resting easily. Roth, in his report filed with .the city po lice, claimed Page was- exceeding the speed limit and that he, him self, was not driving more than 25 miles per hour. Both cars were overturned and severely T m' aged. '; -. " ' ' i " -"- ' V k.; "Boots" Grant and his band at Haiel Green every Sat. : : " Expect Notice Soon The , Sa lem postoffice is expecting notice soon from the, postal department of the! continuation of the 15 per cent nay reduction" for employes which has been in effect for the past three months. In addition to the redaction in pay employes are now required to take a' three day furlough each month without pa. This in addition to the 3 per cent deduction for the pension fund makes total of more than 25 per cent cut, in pay 'from the original salaries, Arthur Glbbard, assistant postmaster stated yester- Fair Ground Service Sta. under new management.: 2390 Fair ground RL 100 Gilmore Pro ducts. Western Oil 8e Qt. Attend Convention Four em ' cloves from the local postoffice left Friday for Bend to attend the annual state convention of letter carriers and postal clerks, and four others left early this morn int. Those attending are C. A Nichols, Arthur Welch, Ralph Morton, Guy O. Boyce and Mil lard Doughton. carriers, and U.S Ryder, W. G. Ross and F. H. Col lins. clerks. U. S. Congressman 1 Walter Pierce will be present as will also some member of the na tional postal department. Free dance Sat. Spong's Landing. Milk "Rustler" Sought Just one degree removed from the old wild-west pasttime of rustling cat tie is the summer sport indulged in recently by a person or persons near Detroit. The activity con sists of tying up cows and milking them regardless of ownership Sheriff A. C. Burk, called to De troit Thursday, made an investi gation but no arrests. It is thought that information obtain ed there may lead to an arrest . shortly. Wright Is Speaker Dr. O. C. Wright, who. has served as sec retary of the Oregon Baptist state convention for i years, will speak; at - the 'Calvary Baptist church Sunday morning at 10:50 o'clock ; Guest speakers will oc- - SCIO. July, TOfXicers. for-the Scio . lodge - of Odd - Fellows tor the current terra are as follows: UJheJnl9lt lL thV,i f A, W, H. Young; recording '"""""'7 7 Zit. nV y v t "ecretary,: F.i G. Gary; " financial Cochran is in. California At the BecreUry J. F. Cupor; treasurer.' night service Sunday, the Wo-; N. r. Morrison; warden; Arch men s society will , be in charge, Ray: r.s.n.g.; Thomas Small; ot, M-;uotpwo - iecxnreAOii: L.S.N.G,, B A. Holteen; R.S.V.Q..' China to be given by Dr. andMrs. George Flanagan r L.S.V.G., Per J. Vinton Scott ; ry Bilyeu; chaplain, N. B. Mo The biggest and best dance at Ha- ;.nm" f, ,I'lra5, me.m; tel Green Sat. 25e. - th,? locL .lodge "Ic,ated. ..... uuiuiiiius .oiiicer ai -ine reg-; Search Unrewarded No word alar meeting Saturday night. had been received at the local air- "-Rebekahs Installed Wednesday port late Friday night from-the night for the ensuing term of six searching party, which equipped months; included: .Noble grand with horses, has been combing the JLone otay; vice g r a n d, "Alta district south of Molalla for Wil- Phillips; recording secretary, Eu Ham .'Young, missing ' Portland nice Bartu;. warden, Maud Mont- Airways' pilot, who ' disappeared gomery; chaplain, Bertha Lytle; some. weeks ago. .Appearance of R.J3.N.G... Jennie Weddler L. S. buzzards in that section led tor the' N.-. G.', W. ' II. Toungr conductor; organization of the last searching Jane" Morrison; R. 8. V. G., Dell party.. . . ; '. .. v:,,,,-. ,Shelton; 1..S.V.G., Stella Flana ..' '"- tan; Inner " r n A 1 In T.vta Velvety suede jackets In snowy outer guard, N. I. Morrison. Mrs'. wane, maize ana ouu just ar- Kay officiated as installing of ft WELCOMES COMMAND! -CHIEF.,. R51: b B M !ES BITES IT HlBSIff r, a ''A Bronzed and looking fit as a fiddle. President Roosevelt Is greeted by nvea at Miner, a. bingie , ano .eer, Mrs. Montgomery as mar- r.ntm John M. SnWallie. eonunander of the-U. S. 8. Indianapolis, at: aounie. breasted styles, tnree to shal. and Mrs. Lytle as chanlain.l th K.w. mmandeP-in-chlef boarded the cruiser at CampoheUo' seven button, lengths. .The perfect Esther- Btond of Halsev, rnew m-1 hiW Nw Bnmswick. for hia return to Washington following bis Taea4 I M Wmi" wi - . - . I - : - . . i iv. vt i7v4.X . , ... I ,--.-(. JEFFERSON, July 7 Quite a number of Jefferson ' people at tended the funeral services for Ernest L. .;' Barnes " at Albany Thursday afternoon. Rev. Albyn Esson officiated.: Mrs. W. H. Da vis was the soloist. a - A' Mr. Barnes died suddenly. Sun day evening of a heart attack. He leave his widow, an aged moth er, two sisters and five brothers Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cobb enter tained with a picnic at their home on the Fourth. A dinner was serv ed under the lovely" shade trees on" the lawn of -the Cobb home. Present : were-' Mr. and" Mrs. Roy Nutting and daughter, Mr. - and Mrs. L. I. Bassett and. daughter of Albany; Mrs. Oswald Pender graft and two children of Albany; Mrs. Ruth Helt . and children Dorothy and Esther, of Dover;' Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cobb, Glenn and Clair Cobb and the hosts, Mr. aad Mrs. W. L. Cobb. i , Clarence . Thurston, one of the proprietors of Thurston's General store is building a new bouse, 22 by 24 ft. It is located in Smith's addition to Jefferson, in the south- part -of. town. There will "be three THORPE IS SEATED III BAY CITY POST 8ILVERTO5T. July 7 Silver- ton Lutherans were lnterested'ln learning of the installation of the Rev. IL J. Thorpe, formerly pas tor at . Patterson, CalUornla, at Trinity: church In' San Francisco on June 18. He succeeds the late Dr.-E.VM.- Stensrud who founded the congregation In 1899 and who served it until his death in Feb ruarr of this rear. 4 Rev. Mr. -Thorpe, who received his education ; at J Concordia col lege, and at the , United Church seminary 'was lormerry pastor at j Portland and while there was' a very frequent visitor at suvercon. He was also a -missionary to Chi na i and '. has held pastorates at Belfield, North Dakota;' Perley, Minnesota; -. Milwaykiee. Cantor The Rt. RerH. L. Fobs, former pastor et Trinity church at Silver ton, but now district- president, -officiated at the installation. , - i Fires Lacking; v Salem Firemen Eat Ice Cream In spite of the fact, that no fires claimed their attention. Sa lem firemen found Friday a warm . day. so Lee Cross made a gallon ot Ice- cream for them That is, he made the mixture and other members ot the deparment turn ed the crank. - Volunteer information was to the effect that the finished pro duct contained six eggs (!); one quart of milk and a pint and a halt of cream. Whether or not there' was also sugar and flavor . tag and whatever else ice ere" am usually contains, coula not be as certained but the Informant was sure It must have been good since ni; and at Patterson, California. ; none was left for hinu ' ' -. laiBIIABI III! HJORTH BEITS Milt M HILL bUK garment tor i your vacation and aembly president, announces she general. ninny wear, rnce will visit Scio lodee Aurust 2. .niiier - apparei i itoor. - . . ----- Guests of - Parents Mr. and . Mrs. Bertram Miller of Bell. Cal.. ' are the guests for a short time ot Mr. Miller's - parents. Rev. and Mrs. Car! F. MiUer, Newberg. Rev. and ; Mrs. Miller were formerly pastors -- of the South Salem Friends church. They recently celebrated their 25th wedding an niversary, with all of their child ren present. Sentence Later Knute An derson, who was to be sentenced today following assault and bat tery trial in Justice court Thurs day, will not be sentenced until later, perhaps today. Sentence was held up until a mental examina tion is -given, and Judge Hayden had received no report on this yesterday at the time he was to have imposed sentence. Send Oregon cherries to folks back east. Very cheap rates now. Railway - Express Co. Tel. 4464. tion cruise up the New England coast. were K WISC0I9S1D TRIP HC IS Sill yesterday. . Of these," 3 0 cherry pickers, five, loganberry pickers; seven, laborers; and one, a housekeeper. 3500 la Estate The estate ot the late Martha A. Clymer was ad mitted to probate here Friday and Carl H. Clymer was named admin istrator. Estimated assets are 82,- 500 in real property. .- - & SANDWICHES ECKERLEirS BEER7 GARDEN 1 mile North ef - SALEM on Pacific Highway Correction: In the advertisement of Hoffman's Market in Friday's Statesman, fryers and chickens were Incorrectly quoted at 12 He per lb. The price referred to weinies, bologna and frankfurt ers, not to chickens. ' j Former Salem Man Files C. J. Jenson, who received hi3 elemen tary flying instruction from Lee Eyerly is now serving as co-pilot on a plane flying the mail route from Portland to Salt Lake City with the United -Airway8.'3efnson for some time operated a flying school and superintended the' air port at Beaverton. He was assign ed this route recently upon com pletion of a course at Boeing field in Seattle. ;' Plan your picnic and dancing par ties at Hazel Green park. Choir Well Received Word re ceived at Willamette,, university indicates that the Philharmonic choir of that institution, .named by Governor Meier as official Ore gon representative at .the Chicago fair, is having a successful con cert season en tour. All members of the expedition were reported in good health. The choir will not reach Chicago ' until late this month. Florentine tray sets comprising one oblong tray, six tall glasses with coasters to match, trays all for 1. Miller's gift shop. Goss Case Postponed Trial of O. H. Goes has again been postponed,, this time (o .Wednes day, July. 12. Change was neces sary because the district attorney will be busy in circuit court on the 11th. the-day set after an or iglnal change from the 6th. Goss was arrested , for disorderly con duct following agitation on the courthouse lawn here. Camp Needs j Jellies Mrs. C. H. Glenn, chairman of the Y. W. A. camp committee, asks that anyone who can spare Jams or Whitlock was filed in circuit court ycBieraay, ia i wo parties agree ing to an amicable settlement of their joint claims to some farm property In this county. ellies for the Girl Reserve camps to open July IS, contribute them. Such donations may be left at the Y. W; C. A., or a call to tne Y.w- win bring someone jflhn'. h.i i- to Mellow Moon Mond nitA. The Salvation Army would appre ciate cloth in sr. furniture, fru" Jar?. Phone 9437. " i ' ' I BRUSH CREEK, July 7. Wednesday Mrs. M. J. Madsen received a letter from her ne phew Henry Hjorth written at his home at Depere, Wis. Mr. Hjorth left here at 7:30 o'clock Thursday morning, "June 29. Mr. Hjorth wrote that he had ar rived home Monday morning at z o clock. He had driven the entire dis tance by himself and a letter mailed here to the Hjorth fam ily the day he left arrived, the day after be did at hig home. Roads, he wrote, were in good condition and he averaged a frac tion over 19 miles to the gal inn nf rimllna Tltla utam A Drive Postiwned The Rod! been higher he said, if he had ly strong wind through the east ern portion of Nebraska. He found crops in Wisconsin looking exceptionally well with hay harvested in most places and tall on his Cross drive in Salem to funds for aiding Kelso, Wash disaster sufferers, originally scheduled for July 7 and 8 has been, postponed to July 14 and 15. Judge George L. Rossman, pres ident of the local chapter of Red corn over six feet iruss. emu lasi nigni mai in is I vnm. tunity for a better-planned drive. Property Divided ' A decree dividing real property equally be tween the Coolidge & McClaine bank at SilverVn and Katherlne to pick, them up. Special sale of women's sport pumps and oxfords. Black and white pig skin pnmps and ox fords. Tan and white sport ox fords. White - mesh pumps, tan and smoke oxfords, for golf wear; black and white sandals. etc. Values to $5. Now 82.95. See Miller's Court St. window. Main floor. . File Demurrer A demurrer to the state's Indictment against Aubrey C. Crawford in which in- Birtchets Return Dr. and Mrs. Grover T. BIrtchet and family re turned to Salem yesterday follow ing a week at the summer confer ence for Presbyterian young peo ple of the Rogue River district. Eighty-five students were recls- rtered for the week of study and vacation. Dance with the crowd tonite, : Mellow Moon. Ladies free 'til 9. Charge Reduced n motion voluntary manslaghter is charged, jof the district attorney, larceny VICTOR POINT, July T. The annual picnic of the Union Hill grange will be held Sunday, July 9 in the grove at the Victor Point school house. A basket dinner will be served at noon and there will be a baseball game In the after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lorence ac companied Lorenee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lorence to Klam ath Falls for the holidays at the j home of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Turn er (Margaret Lorence) and son LeRoy. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hum phreys. Thelma and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fischer, Miss Elva Fischer and Phillip Alexan der, spent the Fourth at Wilhoit together with Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott and son Guy, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott of Union Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Neal and child ren, Kenneth and Shirley Jean of Westfir. Henry Jaquet, local brush and pencil artist, spent the Fourth at Silver Creek Falls state park where he made the trip around j the trail loop to the different falls making pencil sketches of several which he will make into paintings, later as time permits. Jaquet was accompanied by his wife and daughter, Miss Alice Ja quet, and his son-in-law . and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Goode and their two sons of Sa lem. Among other Victor Point i people spending the holiday at the falls were Mr. and . Mrs. Martin Doerfler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doerfler and son, Miss Anna Doerfler, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Larson and family and Mrs. Lar son's cousin from Portland who j has been visiting here, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gilmour, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Krenx and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Archibald and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Curnett, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robl and daugh ter and Marlon Fischer. was filed by defendant's counsel Friday in circuit court here. It is alleged in the demurrer that more than one crime Ig, set out in the indictment and that the indict ment therefore is faulty. Salesman wanted to work Salem and vicinity. Good salary. For appointment call 3511, Saturday between 8 a. m. and 1 p. m in a dwelling charged against A. C. Jones was reduced to petty lar ceny, and on the reduced charge he pleaded guilty and was sen tenced to 90 days in the county Jan. Tne state recommended a parole for period of a year, so sentence was suspended.' $1000 In Estate The estate of Harry L. Woodward, deceased. has as its sole asset the returns Xou-SoU Voluntary -A volun-lfrom a 81000 life insurance tol- tary non-suit for the plaintiff was J Icy according to an appraisal fil- tnea in circuit court Friday in the led . in probate court Friday. Exe- case. of the State Industrial Aeci-1 cutor's - fees for handling the dent commission against Frank 1 31000 are Disced at 870 and at- Cherry Pickers Get Most Jobs Jobs in berry fields and or chards are largely going to Indi viduals who apply directly to the growers, C. C. Dotson, In charge of the Y. M. C. A. employment office here, said yesterday. Forty-three persons obtained work through the , local agency Walker. I torney's fees at the same amount. Ob ltuary Big auction today 1:35 k. m. F. IN. Woodry's Auction Market. Seeks $2300 Suit to collect 82500 allegedly past due on mortgage note, was filed in cir cuit .court here yesterday by Al Overloading ' Carl pleaded not guilty in court yesterday to an overloading charge, and will go to trial July 19 at 10 a.m. He is out; on bis own recognizance. ,. . Wanted, used furniture, Tel. 5110 Furnishes Bail NT. Warren, held in jail on a manslaughter charge, furnished undertaking on 31500 bail yesterday, and is at liberty. . Beckner Louie M. Beckner died at a lo- J ben Edward Smith, incompetent. cat nospuat juiy , agea jz years, throurh Dewev Smith, hia mar Rohrer resiaenc or AiDany. burvivea dian. Eva Mathiot and -several justice I 07 Wiaow Mar7 uecKner, oi ai- others are named defendants. uauj , tuiiuicut iwis, ta, al ter, Lester,- John and Louis, at home; tour sisters, Mrs. Blanche Coville of Patton, Calif.; Mrs. J. Monroe of Portland: Mrs. Elsie Sturgis of Alsea; Mrs. Stella Long or Albany; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beckner of Albany. Services from Clough-Barrick company Chapel Saturday, July 8, at 2 p. m. with interment in the Albany cemetery. j Guests at Findley's Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Findley of Salem; have as guests at their home, Mr. and Mrs. George Oliver ot Yakima. Mrs. Oliver is a daughter ot the i Vhen ' Others Fail T 5 I No matter with what yon are afflicted, our t wonderful herb treatment will positively relieve Findleys. Mr. Oliver is a graduate I influenza, diseases of the throat, or Willamette university and a member of the Yakima high school faculty. Coming Events July T-fcVCMy-wkle 'drive to raise $1200 -for Red Crofts to aid Kelso disaster sufferers." " V-V " July 9 Nebraska state picnic, J. W. Gilham farm near Macleay. July 13 County Christ., ian Endeavor picnic. Hag er's grove, afternoon. July 21 .i Special state wide and city of Salem elec tion . .'V.: ' July 23-- " Picnic" for former teachers and pupils of Evergreen school,' Silver ton park. . July 23 Picnic and dedi cation Silver Falls' . State park. ', ' July 24-20 Annual En campment. Spanish --u. War Veterans. ' Aturust 'f 0 Ohio state annual "picnic Salem Muni cipal auto park. - 4, i5 ' Xagel : ' "T Mrs. . Alma Nagel at the . resi dence, 555 Highland avenue, July 6. Survived by her widower, G. A. NageL Services from the Clough-Barrick chapel, Saturday, July 8 at 19 a. m. Interment I.O.O.F cemetery. Rev. Rutseh officiating, f- j , - O i ' .1 ' o Births ;; Hovey To Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hover, 1545 ! N. Commercial, a daughter, Betty Lou, born June 30, Salem General hospital. Miller To 'Mr. and Mrs. Vern W. Miller, E. . Center street, - a daughter, Margaret La Vern, born June 23, Salem General hospital, Cavender To . Mr. and Mrs Wilbur C. Cavender, a daughter, Doreen Esther, born June 15, Deaconess hospital. Ensley To Mr. and Mrs. Mearl Ensley, Independence, a son, Dor- sey Ray, borm June 27, Bungalow Maternity hospital. - -, . Oldenmurs To Mr, .and Mrs Harold Oldenburr. Route 8. Sa lem. a- daughter. Donna - Ccreen, Biggest and best band in the ral- lev. Mellow Mrvnn lnnft. Vagrancy Charged J. C. Mc Lean, picked, up about : the fair grounds on a vagrancy charge, pleaded not guilty in justice court yesterday, and will stand trial at p.m. 'July 28. He was released on his own recognizance. - Offers $500 Reward H. G. Ziegler of Aurora, from whose hop houses , 1C bales ot hops were stolen May 27, is announ cing a 3500 reward to any per son - who locates and Identifies the 1 bales. heart, kidneys, liver, stomach, piles, asthma, ' chronic cough, weakness, constipation, dizziness. neuralgia, headache, appendicitis, rheumatism, - arthritis, - neuritis, blood poison, catarrh diphtheria. eczema, swollen glands, tonsilltis, ear trouble, , lumbago, tumor, dropsy, female complaints, ner vousness; all disorders disappear without operation. r CONSULTATION FREE - THESING'H H. S. LOW, Directing Herbalist "473 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon Phone 5758 Lady Attendant Hours O to A p.m. Week Days; to 12 Sundays. I Main - Office, . Oakland. Callf 21 Year et Service ' will feel better and-- - Look Smarter . . in an Indfridqally .Tailor ed Suit. Now as low as 315.00. D. H. &IOSHER 474 Court Tel 5401 . Invalid Chairs to Rent ,CaU CO 10, L'sed Furalture. Departmeat .151 North High , V At The Statesman STARTING TODAY TO SEE 6 n and the on "Swapping" is in style I It's "smart to be thrifty" and it's thrifty to trade what you no longer want, for something you do want and need. Now, The Statesman makes "swapping" doubly interesting and profitable. By inserting a novel and original "Swap" ad in the "Swaps and Exchanges" columns in The States man Want Ads, you not only may trade something that's no longer of use to you, for something that is ; but, in addi tion, you will receive one complimentary ticket to see "The Eagle and the Hawk" at the Elsinore Monday & Tuesday. with FREDERIC MARCH CAROLE LOMBARD JACK OAKIE CARY GRANT Sample Suggestions of "SWAP Ads TYPEWRITER I cant satisfy my love of music on a typewriter. You can't write letters on a radio. Let's trade. ' . DESK "Stand up and grow tall." they ssy. I'm 8 ft. 8 In.; have high bookkeeper's desk; will swap for flat a top. 3 DAYS STARTING SuDimdlasr, cMlsr Midnight Matinee, Saturday, 11:30 p.m. The picture all Salem has been waiting to see. More Thrills than "Hell's Angels" 2nd 'Tings" Greater Cast Amazing drama of two war-birds f who flow to glory together, hating oach othtr all th way! And tho woman whoso charms mado thorn forgot fi tho war! ft - Milium . J.i .i.mi.1 iwi i jihiii.i i I j-nr n'saM i n - LADDER 60 ft. extension ladder; will trade for 8-in. post augur. You go yonr way and I'll go mine. FURNITURE Wife's gone to Re no. Will trade 8-rm. excellent furni ture for good '33 ear that , will go places. . , READ THE RULES Place a "Swap It" Ad Today 'Swap It" Rules RULE L Advertisements submitted shall repre sent a bona fide offering of an article or serrice which the participant wishes to trade. RULE II. Only , advertisements . ordered for at least three insertions . from July 8 to July 11, inclusive, in the Want Ad Section of The States man, under the classification entitled "Swaps and Exchanges," will be considered.' ' RULE III. Participants may deliver or mail their "Swap" advertisements to The Statesman. One person may enter as "many "Swap' advertise ments as he may desire, but the regular States man Classified Advertising charge will be made for each advertisement inserted, and not more than one ticket to the show will be awarded. . Employees of The Statesman and members of such employees 's families may not participate. To estimate the number of linea yoar advertisement will occupy, count O average words for each Hue. RATES B1 Per line 1 day Per line 3 days Per line 6 days Minimum charge .10c J20c JiOc Tickets given with each ad which runs 3 or more days. Tickets good only Monday, Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday, or Friday, July 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th or 14th. USE THIS BLANK V Name Address Swap It Ad ;Matinee? "Except ': Sunday &' Holidays' G:(LEYen!ng r . 500 Good y;y,;sektes (I ti i! Sent. 4-9 Oregon Mate f born June 24, Salem General hos- fair. t-