PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, Jnly 7, 1933 Gil COMPROMISE Oii JEFFERSON Blij ii ( Permits t Final Liquidation 3 Schramm; Bank was Closed in 1927 Final liquidation of the assets of the Oregon State bank of Jef ferson vhoch was placed In the hands of the state banking de partment March 18. 1927, was neared yesterday when Judge L. H. McMahan signed an order per mitting a settlement of $4770 In stockholders' liabilities for $100. The court also allowed a settle ment of a liability of $530 against M. M. Fisher for $50. Under the court order Ruby C Griffith is allowed to settle for $100 the assessment against eight stockholders of the bank : when It closed. Several of the shareholders have since died. The stock liability ; assessed by the banking superintendent, : which was compromised yesterday, was as follows: Edith O. Anderson. 4371; Coy Burnett, $212; estate or ueorge p. aninth, $1855; es tate of Margaret Griffith $689; Ruby C, Griffith, $901; McKIn- ley Kane,- $215; estate of Ed D. Smith, $285; . Jessie G. Smith, $212. In 1929 the banking depart ment assessed 53 per cent of the par value of the shares bat the assessment was carried through the courts to the state supreme . court "which subsequently reduced the amount of the assessment, The compromise was made on' the assessment provided for by the state supreme court. KIDNAPING AT FINE ARTS STAGE f - - . r " ' -- , " - y? - i t ; ' ' " - ' ' .: :'..: -:...:;::;:' ; ; ' ' ' 1 -v, . : :Kv & , , : w. '.-,:... , . L - : " .v. v.::.:.....:-: .v , , ' - s - : V - ' ' r. t - ox 'v'"1r , "V ' - v . - yss- Xv?4 - - -V- ' f - '--'aV ; ! : ' -v v r--; ;! Refinancing of Squaw Creek's Bonds Arranged Plans for refinancing the out standing bonds of the Squaw Creek Irrigation district have been completed and agreed to by the district and bondholders com mittee, C. E. Stricklln, secretary of the state reclamation commis slon, announced yesterday. The district comprises 7145 ir rigable acres, is located near Sis ters In Deschutes county, and has $116,000 in outstanding bonds. faulted In the payment of -both The landowners were unable to principal and interest. Hedvig Chrisieujeit .MEwaov" . H. F-M EiRcTif. Tli Mnnr ia which the kidMpiag ni raaMtn gotiatieM fr the r,Uu f Mi.. Mary McElroy, daiiKtr f City Muwfir H.nry F. McEIroy of Ktuu City, wre carried Mt lifts the cowardly erUae ef bdactioa and placal u among tn mo ana. . aiuvii mm , J " father U th cxccvtiT head. of Kansas City's police forcfi wms poworloss to do aaythiag except asset the kidaapers' deasaoii The best he could do was to Induce the criminals to lower their defends n nnn i x.lO.DOO in return for his daacbter s safety. With his irvu ueis Fin Hi BATTERY (L1SE Sentence for Knott Anderson, tried In Justice court yesterday on assault and battery charge, was held up until 4:30 o'clock this aft ernoon, pending an examination requested by the state. ' . Complaint against Anderson was made br his former wife, , after Anderson "punished their young daughter because i of religious scruples against a Saturday trip to town. Anderson Is living In a small cabin sear the home xt the ex-wife and children. Anderson testified at tome length. He stated that he had tak en some care of the children since ho and bis wife, were divorced In 1928, and that the children had been accompanying him, with the mother's consent, to the Seventh Day Adventist charch. The ' mo ther stated in court that she de sired no further advice relative to rearing of the children from Mr. Anderson. - Russell Eye Case Shifted to Judge . Both sides In the case of Earle Russell vs. state Industrial acci dent commission moved for a di rected verdict In clreuit court yes terday after the trial had been In progress for over a day. This ac tion removed the case from the Jury and placed it In the hands of Judge McMahan for decision with briefs likely to be filed by each side. Russell asks 40 months com pensatlon at $25 a month for the alleged loss of an eye. O STRAWBERRY RECIPES ! son, nenry, r, aoit iwm-otj - paid over the huge sum of money, and la two hoars hi daughter was released unharmed. Miss McElroy was taken from her own home at pistol point, the kidaapers leaving Miss Heda ChrUtenscn, the house keeper, to break the news to her father. pay the assessments levied by the district for bond maturities and bond interest and the district de- Territory Wool Prices Advance ECONOMY GROCERYl e 150 N. Commercial St. Phone 5563 Buy Flour NOW I Sugar I n io,::!:47e lour ami .-.... i m, .mmmmmmmmrnimrT Mi ChOlCe, Kitchen a -j Queen or Har vest AQA Jar Maid. Sack ..VOL Rubbers Fishers Blend, Drifted ej doz C Snow, Pillsbury Best or " "rr""".. i Crown Pat. (-j Af A x Sack tplofti Lemons P Sunkist pzLk!!L..;.:.29c Certo m A Local fei Burbanks LcO 1 10 ,b,. 25c 2.mfhl ?g. Reducing WitHToots Statesman Readers are In ited to follow; diet and ex ercise profcram of tomlc strip matron. 1 BOSTON, July 6 (AP) (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Prices adxanced sharply to 56s 3-8 blood territory wool on recent sales up to 70c scoured basis for strictly comb ing staple and 67-68 cents for clothing. Strictly combing 56s 3-8 blood Ohio fleeces sell at 34 wools. Some houses are asking cents In the grease for the best higher prices. Strawberry and Pineapple Jam 2 cups (1. lb.) crushed strawberries 2 cups (1 lb.) crushed Pineapple 7 cups (3 lbs.) sugar bottle fruit pectin To prepare frnit, crush com pletely or grind about 1 quart fully ripe berries. Each berry must be reduced to a pulp. Cut fine or grind 1 medium fully ripe pineapple or 1 No. 2 can crushed pineapple. Measure sugar and prepared fruit into large kettle, mix well, and bring to a full rolling boil orer hottest fire. Stir constant ly before and while boiling. Boil hard 1 minute. RemoTe from fire and stir in fruit pectin. Then Reader of The Statesman' famous comic strip. Toots and Casper, know that Toots and Col onel Hoof or started yester day on their race to take off weight. Toots obtained a wonderful sys tem of exercise and diet that has been proren. successful and endorsed by medical authorities as one of the surest, safest reduc ing methods. The Statesman Is giring Toots and Casper fans a chance to fol low the great reducing system with Toots, and is publishing. daily, the diet and exercise rou tine prescribed. Come on, all who seek health and beauty here are the direc tions for the second day: Never exercise after meals. A brisk walk is all that la needed and the body fire that burns np fat will be easier stimulated to cope with what you hare just eaten. Train yourself to walk briskly. Increase the distance dally. If you can't walk much at first, then dirlde the exercise in to little brisk walks. Time your self. Soon, you'll be doing the same distance in a decreased time. Remember that the more you walk and the more briskly you pace along, the more calories are being burned. If yon keep it up. you'll know that you are using np fat equivalent to between 200 and 300 calories for every mile. So a short two - mile walk, briskly paced, will have taken off fat amounting to about 500 calories Now for the meals: For break fast we'll allow ourselves a little milk in our coffee. Orange Juice Poached egg. One thin slice wholewheat. Lunch: One cup bouillon (made from cube). Tomato salad with a dash, ot oUto oil 1& the dressing. Portion . of stewed rhubarb. A pinch of bicarbonate during the cooking will remove the acid. A very small amount of sugar, only If necessary, or better still, a sac charine tablet. v.:-. Dinner; Clam - Juice. Baked codfish. Tomato : sauce. String beans. Cucumber salad, cucum bers Just salted in, no dressing. Raspberry gelatine. Coffee or tea, no sugar, no cream. utlr and skim by turns for Just minutes to cool slightly, to pre vent floating fruit. Pour quick ly. Paraffin at once and cover, Makes about 10 glasses (6 fluid ounces each). , Strawberry Ice Cream 1 cups Strawberry Jelly or Jam 1 cup milk V cup heavy cream Fit together parts of freeser and pack, using 8 Quarts finely crushed ice to 1 part salt. Put Jelly or Jam Into freeter, add milk and cream and freeze at once When stiff, remove dasher, cover tightly, and repack, using 4 parts finely crushed ice to part salt. Makes 1 y pints ice cream. Postoffice is Rushed, Group ; Going to Bend - The Salem postoffice has be come a busy place In the last few days, Arthur Glbbard, assistant postmaster, said yesterday. Thou sands of pieces of election mater ial are being bandied and this eoupled with the shortage ot men occasioned by the new furlough plan, effective since the first of the month has kept air the regu lars busy. , Extra men hare been given a few, hours work. . . ; " A number of postoffice em ployes will Journey to Bend Sat urday to attend the meeting of the state association of letter carriers and postal clerks. - Re presentative Walter Pierce, con gressman from eastern ' Oregon, . has been secured, as speaker for th group.'. ;v , . " - j--.. . ... -... f:.. - ; tj: Runaway Team Cause Of Injury to E. Nicolls INDEPENDENCE, July " Earl Nicolls, who ' Is 11 ring on the W. T. Hoffman ranch north west of Independence, was quite badly bruised Monday when the team ot horses he was driving ran away with him. He was mowing hay when the accident occurred.- The mower was also broken up. ' Nlccols Is getting long nicely under a doctor's care. SPUR LOCAL JAM MAKERS AND MOTHER WANTS 3 BOTTLES OF CERTO. TOO ... SHE SAYS IT SAVES HER SO MUCH TIME AND MONEY I .Rams 9 BVK S Crown Feeds Groceries (Formerly in Farmers Public Market) NEW LOCATION 347 North High St. Tel. 6932 TO OUR CUSTOMERS Come In and visit us in our new store. You'll like the convenient, attractive arrangement of oar stock, and what's more, youTI like the service. Plenty of parking space, too. Don't forget our new location and our new store name. Don't forget we still sell Guaranteed Strictly Fresh Egg, the same as yon always got at onr old location. Low Prices on Groceries t Certo for jams & jellies 2bot45c Pen-Jel 2 packs Corn. Yel. Ban tam. 3 cans - Jell Powder. All flavors. 6 for Alaska Red Sal mon, 2 for Coffee, Golden West Lb. can 25 c 25c 25c 31c 29c Low Prices on Crown Feeds Crown Snowbird. Buy this week and avoid the tax. 49-lb. QQ ' sack tOt. Crown Egg Mash. 100 lb. $1.95 Leader Egg A Q Mash. 1001b. $1. ft 47 Recleaned Rolled Barley $1.00 Prices of feeds are ad vancing fast. These prices probably will be for this week only.. Guaranteed Strictly Fresh Every Egg Candled 1 M JL qJ. Per dot. y, t 3 sAr :) V J ' -.A 3 -, -ate v ?' " " ' -7 ' r i Certo in great demand as women rush fo put up jams and jellies... Cuts jam-maHng time to 12 minutes... gives fail-proof results at less cost . . .finer flavored jams and jellies. No wonder women are excited! Never have straw berries been cheaper or finer. What a chance to stock your jam cupboard full ot the delicious Straw berry Jam your family loves! - And it takes so little work, so little time, when you use Certo and the Certo recipes. You boil the fruit for only one minute And so you have a com- plete batch of Strawberry Jam cooling on the win dow sill in 12 minutes or Uss from the time your fruit is in the kettle!. You'll get finer-flavored jam or jelly, too, with Certo a? a with all of the real, fresh fruit goodness. , None of the fine fruit flavor boils away. And, because no costly fruit juice goes off in . steam, you get as much as one-half again more glasses from the same amount of fruit! -.' Don't delay! Get your strawberries and two bot tles of Certo now! That's enough to make up 40 six-ounce glasses of the finest Strawberry Jam you , ever tasted Certo is a product of General Food 4 FOR ALWAYS USING CERTO 1 Reduces boiling to one minnte. 2 Saves the fresh fruit flavor; 3 Gives half again more glasses. 4 89 Fail-proof red pes with , every bocde. OG.V.Cot,193S A M i M 11 is (ojJ ,nytgtt cl?f;fro rVf 178 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET GOOD MEAT FOR LESS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEAT ' AM Vegetable Home Made Lean Shortening Frankfurters Pork Steak e 3 Lbs. S Lb. E . Lb-.jjf) Choice Sirloin, T-Bone, Round Best Grade Beef Roasts Steak Oleo Lb.) Lb. HE 31bs.SS Tender Lean Shoulder Prime Beef to Boil Pork Roasts Leg of Pork Lb. Lb. 9 Lb. flSy2c ! Free Delivery-Open Until 9p.m. Sat. Nite Dial 8686 I ,iri nn trt ii t i i r r t f " r I- - -irmmi STATE AND COMMERCIAL STS. Special Prica for Friday and Saturday, Jnly 7th and 8th 8CT .fg E lbs. 4,Se IPeacmratt Bnattttei? o lkc . TT Freshly groond S -QaVj BPgissis - j?& -as lb. cg g lbs. as Rail L IS DilBiFd (b cans GTIUNG BEANC Staadard Cut 2s ...i. CORN . Golden Bantam. 803s Standard, with pvree, 214 s . , i i Assorted S for Our Best " 2g lb. Ground to Order One Pound Loaf of Bread Free With Each Pound Craclicrc Salted Wafers 2-lb. pkg Hoaey Grahams. National or Subs hi ae Deviled Meat U for Extract Special . It Is Cherry Tim SchiUlnv's Almond Extract, 1 ox. Schilllng,s Red Fruit Color.. 1 or. both tot o Pork & Beans Van Camp's ' 4 1 lb. HONEY 1033 Crop,- Very Flao Quality Mb. pan ... ......... ...... Fruit and Vegetables Onuses for - n ah ix&fM doa. oDC Lemotts, mice ones . am Dosea .a..... ZJC Grape Frait n in Seedleea ...0 for ltlC Lettace 2 Heads 5c Carrots ........V,... 4 Bancbee 10c IWts ...... . . 4 Bnnrhee 10c '5 E.IXP - Makes Delicious Jams and Jellies $2.00 ORDERS-DELIVERED FREE SUGAR EXCEPTED T - 4 'A i P -