The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 05, 1933, Page 8, Image 8

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, July 5, 1933
11 hirteeim
im Enitisfe. Qpee
in hi
Beavers Snap out of Recent Slump and Win Holiday Bouble; Header
. ' - s
Irishman's 67 Breaks Past
Record of St. Andrews;
Horton Smith 2nd
ST. ANDREWS, Scotland. July
4-r-(AP) Thirteen Americans,
Including: the defending champion,
stocky Gene Sarazen, and one
amateur, George T. Dunlap, Jr.. of
New York, celebrated a sizzling
fourth of July In Scotland today
by qualifying for the British open
golf championship. -
- But' the fireworks for the' occa
sion were touched off by a smil
ing Dublin Irishman, Pat Nolan,
who came steaming in over the old
course to shoot the final 18 holes
of the 36 hole qualifying trials in
just 7 strokes, shattering all the
centuries of St. Andrews records
and giving him the medal with a
total of 71-67 13S.
Hard on the trail of Nolan
came Horton Smith, Chicago pro
fessional, in second place with 71
71 142. leading the American
Billy Burke, who landed the
last place on the American Ryder
cup team after a storm of protest
at ' his original exclusion, was
lodged in the third bracket with
Syd Fairweather and E. W. K.
Kenyon, British .professionals, all
grouped with 146s, Burke's by
reason; of a 72 and a 74. Behind
him ijrere scattered the rest, of
the field all the way down to the
158 stroke limit that left 117
players in the title hunt 18 holes
tomorrow, another 18 Thursday,
and a final 36 Friday,
s Misfortune visited only two Am
ericans in the field that started
yesterday. Joe Ezar, the wild Tex
an from Waco, landing outside the
qualifying rail with 81-77158,
1- 1 T" 1 A O ' w H.l
can student living abroad finished
far over the line with 86-78 164.
Every member of the Ryder cup
team that lost to the British pro
fessionals by a point at Hoylake
qualified, . Sarazen and Olin Du
tra shooting identical rounds of
73-75 for 148, while Walter Ha
gen had 74-75146; Ed Dudley
78-73 for 151; and Leo Diegel
put two 75s together for 150.
Ross Somervllle, Canadian who
holds the United States amateur
title, carded 79-75 for 154 to
match the total Johnny Farrell
achieved with a pair of 77s. Paul
Runyan came in with 77-76 for
153 while Denny Shute and Craig
Wood Just made the grade with
156 each.
Solons Take
Pair and Go
Far in Lead
W. L. Pet.
Washington .47 25 .653
New York ........45 28 .616
Philadelphia 36 36 .500
Cleveland 37 39 .487
Chicago 35 38 .479
Detroit 35 39 .473
Boston ...... 31 41 .431
St. Louis 29 49 .372
NEW YORK, July 4 (AP)-
Babe Ruth's 18 th home run of the
season, hit in the ninth, failed to
stop Washington from defeating
the Yankees, 3 to 2, in the night
cap after they had won the first
game of today's double header.
6 to 5. The double victory increas
ed the Senators' lead to two and
one-half games.
Washington ......... 6 10 1
New York ......... .5 13 1
Whitehill, Crowder, Russell and
L. SewelL Berg, Gomes, Moore
and Dickey.
Washington .........3 8 0
New York ... 5 t
Stewart and L. Sewell; Vanat
ta, Brennan and Dickey. - . "
Red Sox Win Two
(AP) -Boston spoiled the Athlet
ics - homecoming today, taking
both ends of the holiday MIL the
first 14 to 4 and the second 9 to
1. -.'fv-':,.; .
Boston ....... 14 14
Philadelphia . ... ....4 10
Rhodes and Ferrell; Walberg,
Peterson and MadJeskL
Boston ............ .9 15
Philadelphia .1 1
Andrews and Ferrell: Earn-
shaw, Freitas and Madjeski.
Sox, Indians Split
. CLEVELAND, July 4 (AP)
Chicago and Cleveland broke even
in a doable header today, Chicago
winning the second game, I to S,
after dropping the opener 5 to 2.
Chicago ...2 -i 9 1
Cleveland 6 10 0
Gaston, Gregory and Grube;
Hndlin and Pytlak. '
Chicago ....f 10 1
Cleveland .......... S : 7 1
Wyatt. Having, Grimes and
Grube; Connally, Bean, FerrelL
ST. LOUIS," July 4--( AP) -Detroit;
and St. Louis split the holi
day doable header today, Detroit
sslugglng freely to win the first
game, 1 to 4, and Campbell hit
ting a homer In the tenth to give
the Browns a 6 to 6 victory.
Detroit ............7 14 l
EL Louis ...... .....4V t 1
Frasier, Fischer and DeSautels;
Wells and Shea. :
Detroit .............5 IS 8
Ct, Louis . .. ...... .6 12 0
Rowe, Sorrell. and Hayworth;
pebert, Hadley and RaeL :
The 66 Game of the Century"
' ; . By BURNLEY
- - . ,
Vl3f3 Wu fl MAc'rTurajs Tti pilot
(Ml VllwMVr- """V. E ALL-STAR ML.
ALr ( 'rv v 1M f national :w
M ' ' l3k
fvA h SS & THE M.L. STAF&
1 VHV ' r-'mk- - A j&r WILL BE SEEKING
I a fe "V - r 1 V0RLDSERJESDEFEArs-
Kin Pnturn SrTiir hw Cm B
TOMORROW'S big charity
game between all-star Amer
ican and National League
teams seems to be attracting a lot
of interest. As you probably know,
the players that will represent the
two big circuits in this so-called
"Game of the Century have been
chosen by popular vote.
This diamond extravaganza is
being put on as part of the World's
Fair at Chicago, and the proceeds
of the game are to go to the relief
fund of the Association of Profes
sional Baseball Players of America.
In case you haven't heard about
it, the Association of Professional
Baseball Players is an organiza
tion which tries to provide for sick
and indigent old-time ball players.
The moving spirit of this asso-
riation is Ross Hall, former ball
player and scout, and one of base
ball's well-known personalities.
Russ was the prime instigator of
Jie movement when the association
was started some ten years ago, and
has been the secretary ever since
at time.
. The Salem Senators ' will
amble over to SUverton tola
si ternoon, to play the newly or
ganized team of Sllrerton
youngsters. Hie Solons have
tot been as successful in non
. league gamee as they have been
against State league opponent,
and they may run into another
disaster when they go to bat
against Lefty Schwab' or Don
Barch. The game Is at 0 p. m.
Even If SUrerton wins, It won't
bother "Burly" Bashor much. He
figured a defeat by the Elks here
a week ago pat the boys In fight
ing frame of mind for the Eugene
game, and It must have, at that.
The showing down there Sunday
needs no apologies.
The boys will need some each
stimulant this week, for they
will go np against the strong
Schappe team Sunday, includ
ing the hurling of Hatch, who
let Albany down with two hits
Sunday. Those hits came in the
eighth and ninth and ' old
-Chlnky' Coo vert had to go m
there as a pinch hitter In the
eighth to break the speU. Lamb
got the other one. Anybody who
holds HcClatn, Hecker, Lane
inf, Dowling and Wilkinson
with no swats at all, Jnst has
to be good.; ; v
Did we mention, a couple of
weeks ago that Marion county
was going to be in the state Le
gion Junior race this year? Wood
burn's . victory oref Portland's
best last Sunday, Indicates we had
the right .hunch.
SDLVERTON, July 4 - SllTer-
ton town team defeated the Scotts
Mills team here Sunday 10 to 7.
The; locals will play the Salem
senators Wednesday evening at
; coyjpiis
SUverton. . " .' "
The plan has been to get every
player in organized baseball to join
the association, dues being $10 a
year. The money thus contributed
has gone to help hundreds of for
mer ball players old diamond fa
vorites wno found themselves in
dire economic straits in their old
age. Medical attention, food and
housing have been provided for a
large number of worthy cases.
The ultimate aim of this splen
did organization is to build a home
to which needy old-time ball play
ers might be admitted. In the past,
lack of funds has made this plan
impossible to carry out, but tomor
row's biz game should provide a
sizeable amount towards its real
ization. The all-star game has not only
caDtured the fancy Of the baseball
public; it has also come in for a lot
of discussion among the ball play
ers of the rival circuits. It is said
that this game has aroused more
rivalry between the American and
National League players than any
inier-ieague ciasn in years.
Sharkey Injured
In Auto Crash;
Car Demolished
Graham Sharkey. Salem Golf
club rice - president and pro, suf
fered cuts on the shoulder and
over one eye and a badly bruised
back early last night when his
automobile was struck by a
machine driven by Otto Frederick
son, Portland, on the Pacific high
way south ot New Era, he report-
O ;
t -
u nnappy lies the head that wears
new neavyweight champion of the world as he prepares to sink his
mighty molars Into a tender chicken during a party tTcebrats his
Tktory over Jack Eharkey. la lower photo KingrTeTvoca!
xpressio to his exultadon, while he acccmpacs timjdl pnS
The National Iunn Viu ttiotv
hearts set on winning this game, in
order to rehabilitate in some mea
sure tne rather tarnished prestige
of the Heydler loop. For the past
dead ar ma. thm VnrtA Rim
. - w. VWSl
tests have been almost completely
aominated by the American League
entries. Tha hnimlitin- thva
which the Yanks dosed out to the
Cubs last fall was an especially bit-
tcr pui zor u .national leaguers
to swallow.
Because of tltalv WnrU fi..
triumphs, American League play
er nave acquirea an undisguised
contempt for. the playing ability of
National LunwnL anil . MM
the older circuit naturally feel this
aeeniy. oo ui team oi .National
League all-stars will surely be play
inflf their heada oft in win trimth
row's game at Comiskey Park.
ine nauonai leaguers will be
managed by the great "Jawn" Mc
Graw, who returns to baseball for
this one game, while the dean of
big league pilots, Connie Mack, will
lead the American League stars.
CopjrrUht. II), Ebw rMtant SjwUcU. ba.
ed. His car was demolished. Mr.
and Mrs. William MacGinnis of
SUverton, administered first aid
and brought Sharkey on to Salem.
Two persons, whose names
Sharkey did not learn,' were in
Jured in the other car. .
HUBBARD. July 4. Johnny
la jjuc, tnree year old son or Mr,
ana Airs, uaroia La Due, pro
prietors of the lunch stand at
Midway berry farm, was operated
on for appendicitis at a Portland
hospital Monday night.
a crown my ere. savs Prima Carn-ra.
Sacs and Angels Also Take
Pair; Sheely, Bergep
Swat for Circuit
W. L
Sacramento ,,..56
Los Angeles ......51
Portland ........51
Hollywood bj. 60
Mission .........43
Oakland .........40
Seattle 36
San' Francisco .... 3 5
PORTLAND, Ore., July 4.
(AP) Portland won a double
header from Seattle here today,
taking the first game, 4 to 1,
and the second, 4 to 3. The sec
ond game, which went 11 in
nings, was played in the fast time
of 1:49.
Home runs by Sheely in the
sixth inning and Berger in the
eighth brought hi half of Port
land's first game total. The other
two came in the seventh on four
singles. Seattle got its lone run
in the first inning on a walk
and two singles.
Portland scored a run in the
first inning of the second game
when Mulligan walked, went to
third on Monroe's' single and
scored while Seattle was making
a double play. Seattle tied the
score In the second inning when
Coscarat walked, stole second and
scored on Johnson's single. Port
land got another In the same in
ning when Bersrer and Rmtm
singled, Jleeves stole second and
Berger scored on Bradbury's wild
throw to third. After Portland
had added another in the, third.
Seattle tied the Bcore in the sev
enth with two runs on B&dero'a
single, Almada's. double, McLar-
ney's long fly and Welsh's
Portland eot tha winninr ran
in the eleventh when Blackerby
walked, Berger singled. Reeves
was hit by a pitched ball, and
uiDsoa was safe when his hit
was iumoted (ty McLarney, who
Seattle l 6 0
Portland 4 12 1
Hald, Sewell and Bradhnrv;
Bowman and Palmisano.
Seattle 2 10 6
Portland 4 8 0
Ulrich and Bradhnrv: nihann
and McKay, Palmisano.
Leaders Also Win
OAKLAND. Calif- Jnlv l
(AP) Sacramento took hnth
games of the double-header with
the Oaks today, 8 to 2 and 9 to
z, to hold their lead In the Coast
league race.
Fans who lammed t tanda
for the holiday play had two nn-
scneauiea thrills, one when Ray
Brubaker, manager of the Oak
land club, was knocked down
by Alex Kampourls, running at
mira oase, ana had to be ear
ned from the field With a hrnlren
collar bone, and the other when
Clarence Fieber, pitching for the
uaas, was relieved in the box,
stalked to the stands and landed
na puncn to tne jaw of a
razzing fan.
In the first earn a. Mia -Rati
ators hammered Glen Gabler and
Lou McEvor for 15 hit. Tjiv
man and Camilli drove in most
or the senators' runs. Lahman
hit a triple and two doubles.
auwn got two aouDiea and a
The second game saw the Sen
ators win 9 to 1 with nut ati a a
their runs being earned off Fie
ber and Joiner. A two-bagger
uj xeonaro nicker with the
oases lull cave tha sntr.
of the 6 in the second. Borja's
home run with two on featured
me tnira inning rally which net
ted four runs.
oacramenio ...........8 15
Oakland . 1 1
Bryan and WIrts; Gabler, Mc-
&Toy ana veitman.
sacramenio a j
Oakland 2 I i
Gilllck and Wnn.n. rui...
-ouier ana naimondi.
Stan RaJIv rri.
- "'j
(Ari Tne HollwAAd et.M
came from behind in m .i.v
Inning to defeat the Seals by
core or o to 4 here this af
ternoon. The southern outfit
corea rive runs in th Tn.
er maung three runs in tha
eigntn to eves the count.
Ari McDoug&ll, southpaw of
the Seals, was in a1it t..
for seven Innings. Ho wilted In
IZ ini11. however, and after
we - otars ued the score, was
taaen out lor Stutx.
Hollywood 8 If
San Francisco n
Campbell, Dnmovlch and Sum
mers, uassier; McDougaTl; SttiU
acuuc, isotianni.
" ' Anwll Tin TJVam4
-Bef ore holiday crowd of ap-
vniUffltMIT Ib.DOO fan a T j- a
CiCf wa ootn enos ot a doubla
hender today from- the Missions.
xum . Angeis won the first gam
to z ana the second 11 to 1.
iierov Hrrmtn
teentb. victory nf th.
mo ODenlnr MTi(a ni.u
Ward his eleventh victory of the
son In the second game. .-
Jlm. Ogleaby, Angel first base
man, hit aafaly in Knth - .
- w vwms niq eVUat
and second games to run his rec-
ora up to zs successive games
which he has made a hit, -Missions
........ ..x is
Los Angeles .. .f t
-jrA V,-
4 -
With an imposing total of 346,291 votes Al Simmons, star outfielder of '
the Chicago White Sox (left), stands out as the people's choice for the
designation of baseball's greatest player. Next in rank is Chuck Klein,
Philadelphia's batting star, who piled np 34233 votes. He la shown
with the trophy presented him as the most valuable player in the Na
tional League. Players' standing was revealed by ballot to select
American and National League teams to meet in the "baseball game
of the century" at Chicago on July 6.
Braves Win
Both Games
Over Giants
W. L.
New York 44
St. Louis . ..4 40
Pittsburgh 38
Chicago 38
Rnclnn 91
I fcrvofcWM ......... .W,
Brooklyn 33
Cincinnati ..J 33
Philadelphia .......31
BOSTON. July 4. (AP)
holiday crowd of 20.000 saw
the Braves- turn Giant killers to
day, and take both ends of a
doubleheader from New York, S
to o, ana S to 5.
New York 0 4 1
Boston 2 6 1
Fltzslmmons and M a n e u s o.
Richards: Cantwell and Snohrer.
New York 5 7 S
Boston 8 13 1
BelL Uhle and Manenso:
Frankhouse. Betts. Brandt and
PhflUea Win Two
With Ed Holly nitchinr effectlva
ball, the Phillies defeated Brook
lyn, 4 to 2, in the second game
toaay alter tney had accounted
tor tne opening contest, 6 to 3.
Philadelphia 8 10 1
Brooklyn 3 10 0
Jackson, Collins and Davis;
Munco. Beck and Lonez.
Philadelphia 4 10 1
Brooklyn 2 7 0
Holley and Davis; Benge,
Thurston and Lopez.
Cabs. Reds Break: Even
CHICAGO. Julv 4. f AP
After betas- shut out. 4 to 0. by
Guy Bush in the opener, Cincin
nati oattea out an 8 to 1 victory
over the Cubs today to take the
second tame.
Cincinnati 0 4 0
Chicago 4 11 0
Koln.- Qulnn and Lombard!.
Hemslev: Bush and Hartnett.
Cincinnati s 10 0
Chicago ............. 1 8 1
Hout and Hemslev: Root. Hen.
snaw ana Hartnett.
Cards. Pirates Sollt
Larry French held St, Louis to
seven hits and the Pirates won.
4 to 2, after dropping the morn
ing game to the red birds, 5 to 1.
St Louis 871
Pittsburgh ..1 8 -8
Hallahan and Wilson; Swetonle,
unagnon ana Ficinich.
St Louis 8 7 2
Pittsburgh ........... 4 10 9
Mooner. Johnson and Wilson:
French and Pldnlch.
Marion Defeated
By West Stay ton
WEST 5TAYTON. July 4 Tha
West Stayton town team met and
aereatea the Marion town team fn
a game of baseball played on the
won stayton diamond: Sunday
aiternoon. The score was 12 to 4.
HUBBARD, July 4. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Beers, nee Taata
Scholl. and her sister: TVrfW
left by - motor Tuesday morning
lor Heaaiie. wnere Mr. Beers will
attend the University ot Washing
ton.! . . .--,,..
rlckt Herrmann and McMullen.
Missions ....... .4. wl I :
Los Angeles ' ..11 n
Lleber, - Oi borne . and " Duggan
Hofmannt Ward and Cronin.
Seals Trounce Stars
(AP) Second game (night). :
Hollywood 2 10 2
San Francisco ,....... 8 12 9
Hailstorm Rakes
Regina Prairies
Destroying Crop
REGINA, Sask., July 4. (AP)
R a k e d by a hailstorm that
struck about 80 miles northwest
of Regina, through the Huron-
Ville district, 150,000 acres of
Saskatchewan's fine wheat crop
has been partly destroyed. Accom
panied by a deluge of rain the
X f 1 i a 4 I I
i , rtjcv ?l
mm srw r mv "tntvsa.saw7 mm
St. Paul Has
Victory Over
Brooks Team
BROOKS, July 4, (Special) .
St Paul defeated Brooks 9 to S
here Sunday, though the home
team played better ball fn the
field. Thirteen St, Paul hits were
main factors in the Brooks down- .
Scheuts and Kirsch; Banbrldge,
Harris, Ramp and Batchelor.
SWEET HOME, July 4 (Spe
cial) Sweet Home maintained Its
claim to first position In the Linn
County Mid-Willamette league di
vision here yesterday by defeat
ing Harrisburg 10 to C. The lo
cal batters were distinctly on, hit
ting 14 times, including twice for
four bases. Hartsell and Ted
Schmits got homers. . The game
was witnessed by nearly 09 peo
ple. Harrisburg 6 8 3
Sweet Home 10 14 4
Upmeyer, Tuttle and Burnett;
Bigbee, P. Schmitz and Hassler.
HALSEY July 4 (Special)
The second place Tangent team ot
the Linn County league continued
its winning streak here yesterday
by defeating Halsey In a' free
hitting game in which many bat
tery changes were nade. Homers
were hit by Norton, Cunningham
and L. Banlt for Tangent nd by
Falk for Halsey.
Tangent 14 16 8
Halsey 11 16 7
H. Bault, L. Bault and Morgan,
McKean; Norton, Cunningham
and McAllister.
HUBBARD, July 4. Mr. and
Mrs. Orlie Boje returned July 4
from a trip to Waldpoxt and Ya
chats, where they visited their
children, Gordon and Marie, at
DeLake, where they had been vis
iting their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Wagoner.
Btorm broke late yesterday blow
ing sheds and granaries about
the prairies, killing chickens and
threshing thousands of acres cf
grain crops into the ground.
giiieue. m r nup,uVnd mciiut: z?::
275 N. Libty SL
Tel 8774
Sakm. Ort.