Business Directory Cards lu Una uuaclory mo mi , a monthly basis ouly. Ratet 11.00 Pr IIP pr month. AUTO BRAKES Mike fanek, the brake and ehtmmy doctor. 278 South Commf.r?ta; Street CATERING Burt Cranr. tha caterer. Ph. 4"768. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. North neaa. CHIROPRACTORS pa O. L- SCOTT. PUC Cbu-of.ractAr, 264 N. High. Tel. Roe . 6878. DRESSMAKING Exp. dresainaking. In o?-IT0 6..00 y. Copy picture Tel. T964. FLORISTS CUT Co were, wedding boUQuata fun eral wreaths, decoration C. F. BreU haupt. Cotlst. 571 Court. Tat 8904. ALL kinds ot floral work. Luts FVor tat. Vth A Market. TeL 9T92. GLASS Auto and window glass mirror TeL 6100. Walter J. Powna, 680 Breya. INSURANCE B EX: ICE HENDRICKS 119 N. High . TeL 44t COFFEY -SMITH, gen. In Tct 6682. LAUNDRIES TUB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY TUB WE1D1CR LAUNDRY tM a High Tel. tilt CAPITAL. C1TT LAUNDRY first In Quality and Service Telephone 2165 1264 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES Mattresses tram factory to tome. Spring; snatttese 38.00. Renovators and fumlxeter Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. TeL 4049. 0 CapltoL, Mew mattress made to order, old remade s earpe cleaning, aixing ; riutl tarn weawlss. aalem Flufx Ra 3tat trese Factory, a Uth WUbur. Tel 344L Otto F. Zwlcker. Eat. lOIL MUSIC STORES I cr c w i 1.1 Piano, radio aew- an. ariuiuii ahaet mualo and piano studies. fUpalrtns radios. phonographs v andsewln mactuaea. ill State Street. Balem. ' ' ' ' - MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Ifrtday, 10:20 aA t :S pTmT 148 N CocunarciaL All kinds herbs tor male and fe- j .u in. Mnaimuon. raauauuna, appendicitis, collUa, gland, stmriach disorders. CharUo Chan, Chines Med icine Co. 122 M. Com L Daily f-, Sun day -12. - PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint a Rooflng. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY. . cards, paaaph lets. programs, books or any kind of prtatiag. call The Statesman Printing Department. 318 & Commercial. Tele phone 910L ' REAL ESTATE BECK 8 A MgNDRICJCa, TeL 4847. W. H. ORABESHOBST CO. 134 a Liberty BU TeL 848a BOCOLOFSKY SON 804-8 FlTSt Nat L Bk. Bldg. TeL tSOt. STOVES STOVES and stove.- repairing. Stores for aale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds ot woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooka, logan hooka. Salem f ence and Stove Works. 882 Chsmeksta. TeL4l74. IV a Fleailng- TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. -228 State 8L TeL 3713. Distributing, for warding and storage ' ear specialty. Oct our ratea, " YOB local or distant transfer storage, call SlJUUL-armer Tranaler Co. Trucks to Portland oauy. . TYPEWRITERS TYPEWR1TER3 Adding Men. soio, .i ..n.i-jA" tlndarwood Agents. Cm JSM CmuU TeL 8584. WELL DRILLING " ' R. A, West, 80 years experience. RFD 4, Boa 103 & TeL 31038. ; : i, NOTICE ': ' Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockhold ers ot the BUte Sayings aad Loan Association! Will be held at the office of said association.. j Bute Street, . Salem. Oregon, on the 17th day of July 1333, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the ar- teraoon. for the purpose of elect- ing directors, and tO VOte upon the resolutions ot we uoara i Dlrectorg of said association par- uulnr tA erinnt a new B6t Of bV- . . UWS tor said aSSOCiauon; saia new set Of by-laws being now on file In the office of the associa- tlon. and subject to the lnspec - tlon of any Interested stockhold - r. and tor the purpose of trait- aactlng such Other .business as mi nrnnar mini bArora aaid . . meeung. - Dated thls 30th i day Of June. 1131. I view, covered with large cherry, Pr t ar nj. a .,i.n. Oakland apple tree WD1 sell one er both. Leo N. ChildS, Assistant See- j before building. Easy terma Rotary, jaiy a-cix. J, i Statesman i Classified Ads Call 9101 CUavmed Advertising Single insertion per llae.lOe Three Insertloas per 11a loe Six insertions per Una. ilOt One month per line.. $1.30 Mlnlmam chart ...... Sit Cepy for this pace aev eeptetl natll C:S0 the avea 1m balora publication for classification. Copy rev eelved after this time will be raa . enter tae heading Too Late to Classify. Tae Statesmen assumes ao , financial responsibility tor errors which mar BP pear ta avertisemeuts pae ilghed la lte colamna, and la cases where this paper la at fault will reprint that part ot n adtertlaemtnt fa which the typographical mistake oecars. The Statesmen the right lo reject oujeo tranal navertlslng. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising oa der the proper -sUsslfica-tioa. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Girl bookkeeper and atenograpber. Muat understand auto contracts no -married women apply In own handwriting and give rereren cea. Box 271. Statesman. Experienced housekeeper, family of 4. room, hoard and wages, write box 4. cars statesman SITUATIONS WANTED Work. R. Porter. R. 1, Bx. 88, Salem. Experienced farm hand wants work. JTiome S880 or call 17 1 o w. capital.. FOR SALE MIsceEaneona Fresh crabs now at Fldlers stand. Intersection SUverton-Portland road. Expert ladies and gents halrcuttlng, 10c, children 15c. leu jn. uomi. Liberty street crab stand, crabs, clams and fish. -MS N. Liberty Cherrlea Call 8214. RADIO 8PECIAL one week only 170 new 7-tube Zenith cabinet model for 4. SO. Terms $5 down. IS month ly. See Mr. Jens.. Wills Music Store. TRADE Miscellaneous Tradawood. for, piano. Bx. 270, Statesman. - - - "- WANTED Miscellaneous Wanted piano for caga. TeL 5707. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED i Names men women, 18- 88. wishing post-depression govern M . 4. v.. Qr.r. ties nn.t1TS I montn. HamDie coaenma ana parncu- Ure FREJB. Apply today, box iz d. care Statesman. Typing students keep In practl sdL tor summer. 8 moa. for 85. Thos, Roon. 420 Court. Mr. Lane of Seattle. Wa, expert hair cutter, now located 201 a Win ter. Prices the same. Adults 20a, chll-l dren 15c. FOR RENT ROOMS Co?rt 4 alp. porch. ROOM AND BOARD R-B 820 and $28. 848 Marlon. Board and room for ladies. In. TeL 5478. 695 Court St Close FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 nice apt 212 and 225. 1580 Center. Apts. 312. 891 N. Com!. ?! HTP: rgl A2,09 9.0Uf V Apts.. rooms, garage house. All nicely turn. TeL 7S4. 2281 HaxeL Olymvla apta, 730 N. Liberty. Furn. and uniurn. I or i room a. Unfurn. duplex apL, 860 Union. Large lower floor, 494 N. Cottage. 3 R. basement apt..' 488 N. Liberty. 2 rm. aDt. 580 N. Liberty, also 8 rm. fur. cottage. 1357 Market St TeL 4494. FOR RENT HOUSES Modern house, 960 N. 16th St 5-room, new paint, paper. Fireplace, garage. 1455 Ferry. TeL szoz. Neat smaU English style furnished. 1195 Shipping St FOR RENT Close In modern six rnnm hniiM. alMninar norrh. full baaa- i ment, garage, also clean, newly lur- nlshed apta, very reasonable. 457 So. Commercial St. Furnished, unfurnished house a. H. P. Grant. 1120-N. ISth Bt. TeL 8230. Forsk and unfurn. heuoea R. rorkner. 1618 N. Cottage. TeL S68L For rent 7 room house. See Mra CadwelL Statesman office. Hoaaes for rent. Damon. 897 N. Com. FOR RENT I service station on busy highway. Good l -awn air tat ran tYJWT ri-. .a. as A I for fruit sXand. inquire Iti - cneme- keta. - FOR RENT: Houses and apta. 87.68 no. rurnisnea it-i-iu-up. gov rentals, kkb-- I ... gute Street Room 4. FOR SALE Real Estatt - 1 biala-aaa-Mi-- I Mml.madtni T-room mastered I residence, basement, fireplace, plumb-1 j "f n .i0...!,1 I J aVborV near schools, alee view, l going at depression .price. Also two Urg. 1 SocVlouIa 1 11 brick scheoL at bargsJn.eajry terms. I Owner. Tie Kurai at, ruum . 1 HnnfVifrf"iiririi."i-i' ' ' 1 two loU on taoU 6xl38 each, fae- I tn imia brick echool grounds, alee "-Owner, 765 Rural Aveaue. xei. saaa. FOR SALE Real Estatt I THREE WONDERFUL. BUTS IN SALEM HOMES East Salem, la rite corner lot S 1x161 ft Comfortable six room house, dou ble garage soma choioa fruit tree a Price only 9350. Easy terms. To close an estate, will give bargain price of $4000 with terms, on a well built modern room. res. cm a choice east front lot. about 180x125 ft. lo cated In one of our choicest & Salem residential districts. See thla U you want a real buy. I ltlr St. cottage of rooms, large K. I front lot. pavement and walks In. gar I age and wood shed. Priced very low, I ilOse. Terms like rent. CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street TeL 70S. Strictly modern S room bungalow. close in. Nearly new. A very choice home at only S3OQO.00, all furnished. Terma & Acres with modern room bun galow near Salem. Price only $3800.00. Terms riven. 80 Acres located north of Salem, an rented and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at 8ZSOO.00. Terms, J. . UUUCH CO. Phono 8871 32S StaU Street T rm. semi-modern house. Zoned fori business. All clear. Will turn on mod ern home and assume. - Beautiful 7 rm. strictly modern, oak floors throughout, gum wood finish. double plumbing, kitchen and bath- room in tile, very choice location. I """'.I V MIU HW Prtc -laSOft I 1 rm. semi-modern house. Lot ine ls'lmer -?erlna home Sunday J F. J. Radtgaa. The special com 88x180 on creek. Prico 82500. All clear night: were 111 a tew hoars after I mittee are finance. Ror Daren- 5?iL" m9JL!?9 Mm Talu here or away from Salem. Be our windows for soma axceo- tlonal bargalna WINNIE PETTYJOHN -1 Court Street EXCHANGE Real EstaU I I bk acres near Salem, s rm. house, otners present were apparently Powell, Dr. A. J. McCannel and. mgSticainewhia not efIected- No one appeared Dr. William MacNelll; entertala one of strawberrieaau under cultiva- seriously sick, but the victims ment, E. A.Sewell; publicity. tion. ruuy eqiupped and one good 8ro1?TUbaBVchdopm balance 5 years at 6. Ten acres or excellent soil, all in 01 TtrZoS: tains. 8700. Mina. vv. tl "k"" "I K0Od, land ,r Eene. rm. house, barn, large chicken house. other buildings, all In good condition: Free of mortgage. Wants home here ot I wnfit" nd up' KOOd u necessary, mm assume. I See our windows for some in. I tlonal bargalna WINNIE PETTYJOHN 519 Court Street ACREAGE If VOU want anvthlnor similar tn th. following, see me. I have the bnat hiiva. 8 A. with 4 A. large cherries : large un completed house: 5 ml. from Salem. 7 A. near Kelxer school, electric wa ter system. Acreage tracts and build tn itf One of the best hon varrfa in th Jfjley; 117 A. with 42 A. in hops, good wius. me leu you aDout these. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. 7 A MTPn nnav timnimi !iaixj VXAA, rOAAXJi WANT, at Once, riotintrv fenm ir wm . . . Salem. Wm ,.MoV-iTk rj..u. ' eronsk, eauinment. ,tr- Uun-iu ,n I What school fadlltlea. hHm. t.rm. I st PoAun "Iy MONEY TO LOAN ETMl lliu w o.... n m ... : r- I uunuaa tuaa. ill. xi7T. personal " lvsxallment" loans STATE LOAN COMPANY 312 Oregon Bulldlnc Sad Flnm Offlce hra. I0r00 A. M, to 8:80 P. M. ; Telephone 7788. SUto license No. S-165. 'Bells of Harmony' i rsTsTkri o a mm Heard ever EOTN dally ring out a loan service that Is really really different. YOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRrVJtfiT QUICX AND COURTEOUS SERVICE UN LOADS 1 to 8100 Beneficial Loan Society OB SALEM Room lit New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED HT STATU "' State Street T.L 8-T-4-. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracta Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments You keep the car . P. A. EIKER Cor. Llhertv St. auid SVrrv Phone 4722 Salem. Ore. '"" sTiiifraii ran on fMsaxexAiji PERSONAL. LOANS MADE ea furniture, care, eateries or other good security. Reparable monthly. When tn financial need see us before closing a loan. UCNKKAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION tint qt1al Rank P'-c rht S8K8 LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FOR SALE Chlckena frvinar alse. hens, ducks and rabbits. Mrs. John Barton. 7Z5 S. 13th St. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRY wood oaJ TeL 4008 Salem Fnal Cn. Trade a Cottage. AWMAAaMMMWMM lSi O. F. mill block ad, 184.60. Fred E. Well wood. Large load. WeHa Ash, fir and oak. TeL 8648. Wood, all kinds, call 48F14. Smith A Rtibens. - 2nd a-rowth and oak. Anr lenath. JuddTeL 21F14. . - Nh. 1 IS In. AM tr. 14 l.-Tl a. IS iw'.aj.iwwmimiii Good drr old fir. eemnd arwwth. ash. . .. MaVaWA-WWWIWMAJW Dry slab wood, 18 In. old flr, andliora naa as meir guests tne past ESf? .-iToni'l xieuvery lrc7 S. ei. SSBS. . Dry wood, 11.00. TeL 8488. POLLY AND HER I'M A GAME GUV? IVE STOPPED I ( OPEM THAT r. ill 1 1 (g CRAyCrOE, THPT VSjfrLL xJlSTCLOSE FER POLLYS BEEHIVBS EXIT WITH irrbTWH: VSS SHALL I SLA TILL l ZTTTK WLS7VJ IN THE HOUSlsrTPAPER, Htt) rifi-w IT SHUT, jTY V&IT IN AlSlriJ .V i W.."'. - A ATTEMPT TOjtJ - " FOR SALE USED CARS 8 OF BORREOO'8 BEST BUYS 30 Buick SpL Road. 38S 23 Buick spt- Coupe "guaran teed- , ,;; . ., ; ,. its Chryaier 82 Coach, tip-top 1151 240 No. Liberty - TeL 8888 BORREQCS 240 N. Liberty TeL 8838. CHEVROLET GIVES MORE FREE LICENSE 28 Durant Coach I13S.08 '27 Buick Sedan 145.001 '21 Stude Sedan 175.68 225.00 '29 Nash Sedan '30 Stude Sedan . 885.00 , 395.00 . 498.00 . 128.00 '30 Oakland Sedan '38 Chev. Coupe 28 Ford Truck 29 Chev. Truck 28 Reo 108.00 475.00 TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKAY CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET GIVES MORE IT T.Vnva Tnlw A a i I meats whA mttanAaA- naw .i vim. -m. U I m K & R I " returning to their homes. Ice cream had been served at the I party as refreshments and It was thought ptomaine poisoning may I PHIMCKS IK possibly have b e e a contracted dance, George Towe, Harry Aus from it, Among thoaa renortad I tin. Kannath TTanaan. L.. F. iU were Mrs. Orvillo Donning and two children and Junior Hobson. were quite uncomrortable. Next Sunday July 9th 1. the Quarterly district Sunday school convention, which will ba held at Mill City thU t?me! Wo LyoS. commanlty school plans to at- vuuuunmix acuooi plans 10 at - tend, and will leave the Lyons n . . . , . 7 J . 5h.U,rch at 9:S0 ln order to reach Mill City for the morning Sun- I day school hour, and will visit nv.i..i . I vuruimn cuurca o u n a a J l school. Everyone that wants to go Is asked to be at the church by 9:30 sharp. A basket-dinner will be served at noon. Bring mncn. Evans Honored With Shower by Chemawa Grange CHEMAWA, July 4. A recep tion and miscellaneous shower, M"""" "S "r rosier n.vni and Mrs. Evans, waa nnnnanrad "llu lu Xiome) JUCOUOmiCS CIUO in charge of arrangements. Mrs. H. W. Rnsiln rfi airman nfmt I the following assistants: Mrs. J. u. Acxman, receiving; - Mrs. W. U. Rinra r,faSmaaa TuTm H. Francisco, entertainment. " CnntAara Xf niMttal a mlna w i T v """T r S JBr nd.luet!.b7 ?len? "d Ernest Savage. Mrs A. E. Cummings, Mrs. Francisco and Eileen Holden gave readings. The honored guests received many lovely and useful gifts. Guests from Salem for the at falr Included Mr. and Mm t. man Cummings and Mr and Mr. Tt,bm 8 d Mr' Dd M- The Home Economics club will meet July 5 with Mrs. Charles . t , 7" uoia at Hazel Green on July 9. Lilies in Garden Qf W. S. Jack Are Attracting; Notice SILVERTON, July 4. The gardens of W. 8. Jack are attract Ing considerable attention at the present time and will likely con tlnue to do so during the next two or three weeks. Mr. Jack's fine collection of lilies is one of the special features of his garden. The Mount Hood lilies and the Shastas are about at their best this week while his 310 Regis lilies wUl be better within a week's time, although many of them are In bloom now. The canterbury bells are also un usually fine at this time, Mr. Jack has arranged for lights In his gardens and almost every night sees a group of friends out admiring the flowers. Eugene People Are Visitors at Ray Jones Home WACONDA. July 3. Mr. and Mrs. Cotter Gould of Eugene spent the weekend at the home I of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ray Jones. I Mr. and Mrs. Gould have been ti.iumuK Bi "iu-m leueuiij, I occupying tne x if. j ones coi- I aa- Him 1 V. I u . w. Biai- aii week Mrs. wuiis urown, post I ml,t.. B fitavn-, mA Um utioaivBe ajae veij vu nuit a a a Vern Williams of Olendale, Ore. PALS in in ' MS FOB PICUIC James Scarth Heads General Committee; Last Year's Event Success ' SILVERTON. July 4. PUns for the annual American Legion picnic to be held at the Hazel Green park on Wednesday, July 26, are almost completed. The Delbert Reeves post and Its auxi liary ot Silverton Is responsible tor the picnle to which all dis trict legionnaires are Invited. The local group gave this picnic for the first time last year and it proved Bach a success that , It Is being repeated agala this year. The general committee in charge ot the picnic this year In eludes James Scarth. chair- ii. i-i t -rA-. lri. t.h. d.. .-! mwt III. !1. I . KI1 r K .1 K II J L III. V.. I . 1UH.. uc , -k- ( port, chairman. T. J. Radlgan; gate committee. C. E. Hitrin- botham. chairman. Scott McPlke. Hans Olson and Olaf B o 1 m e; Tucker. Mrs. Archie Camnbell and (Mrs. Halle Rowan; sports, Frank F. J. Radlgan, William Swift, Er- "est Starr, aad Alfred Adams: concessions, George Manolis, Ken- oeth Hansen. W. L. Boullester, d Mis. Blllie Johnaon. The auxiliary will have charge 1 lot I , Sta the barbecue and refreshment stand, and Mrs. Scott McPlke was appointed chairman of the com- mittee. Mrs. Del Barber is chair4 . . man oi mo commuicB iu secur the food. The cedar chest with the hand embroidered articles the auxiliary members have made will be awarded this time, with Mrs. L. G. McDonald in charge of this event. Posts in this district who are Invited Include Amity, Banks, Dallas, Forest Grove, Hlllsboro, Independence, McMinnville, Mon mouth. Newberg, Salem, Sheri dan, Sherwood, Stayton, Tilla mook and Woodburn. BEGIN NEXT WEEK PLEASANT VIEW. July 4 W. A. Cook is harvesting the strawberries on both the Cook and Stanton places. The crop haa H KM ucc uw- ... "Mens and Marjory are picnicking Pd Quality. He has disposed of them locally and ha. received a fair price. Cherry picking will begin next Monday. There is a very good crop throughout the district. Hay harvest will be a little lateJ I 1- . 7 i " summer. u. gTln u -n-T Boo? and people The Shanks clan will meet Jnlv i are ATnnr.Ti n r a mnn narvaxr. I 18 at the Tabernacle grounds at AlBcr r vueir snin annual re- union. Crowd Out to Fete Given by Club For Island Betterment GRAND ISLAND. July 4 A large crowd attended the- benefit Ice cream social sponsored by the Grand Island Improvement club held at the schoolhouse Saturday night. The proceeds will be used for community purposes. The next meeting of the elub will be held Saturday night, August 5. At this I time a musical program will be presented by the Junior chorus of the unionvale Evangelical church under the direction ot Mrs. Charles A. Ferguson. The mem bers of the chorus are working hard and a good program is antic ipated at this time. Mrs. Little to be Principal of Grand i Island School, '33 . . j GRAND ISLAND. July 4. Mrs. W. T. Little and Lucille Fisher, both of Dayton, have been hired by the board to teach at the school during the coming year. Mrs. Little will be the .principal. filling the position formerly held by , Miss Pauline Fowler, while Lucille Fisher will servo her sec ond year as primary Instructor. : Pea picking in the various fields ot the district la now la full swing. Picking has been going on for the past week and a half in the one - acre field belonging to . Harold Tompkins, where the peaa have been exceptionally fine. COMMODITY PRICES ADVANCE APRtLt rW : ' ' 'r- : FOOD, : 3 ; X;, :." : 64rO 63-5 .TLm : CLOTHING J eo-7 6o-7 FV I COAL o3 'L 180-1 77-5 f U-.,M rj? two I 1 i r , r--' " - T5 - -T- g ! SUNDRIES --ti -50-f-Tr-l------ r - 11 w i n i While the farmer is smiling over the rising- price of wheat (diagram, tower right) after four long years of leas than prodnetion costs, the city dweller is concerned about rising lrri&r coats, figures Just released art shown in the hov chart anti show -If av living? costs increased more than 8 per cent over April. Compared with W23 boom prices 00 per cent of chart figures) the cost of living is still considerabry lower than tea years ago. Official Washington is driving for wage increases to keep aea wna rising Beaches Draw Many Weekend Holiday Parties AURORA, July 4 There has been Quite an exodus of town peo ple to various points along the I coast and nearby streams for the three days holiday., Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Evans and their daughter in law, Mrs. M. H. Evans and chil dren left Sunday toT the beaches. Chester Gllbreath has Joined his family at De Lake where -Mrs. Gll breath and Joan are domiciled for the summer. Martha Francis Bradtl is with. Mrs. George Fran cis and children ot Portland at Seavlew where they will be for some time, The rodeo is the attraction for the Ray Tergen family and Port land friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Klater. Others are preferring pri vate picnics, at Robinwood, Mr. E. C. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sadler and house guests Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer ot Glad mrtA w w wh YrAnm Green and Ed- 2A SSsJS; fha wnianiel?. ward Green where the Willamette provides . boating and swimming facilities. While under the large maple trees at the E. Bradtl home large tables are spread ior a t,nTI- Hn . Wnr- I cnam ot cottage urore, wnere are- gathered her relatives. Mr. and Mlllard Lee ot Portland. Mr. l r-,i. !f La ZZLZr I .-a iiZ tLu jciark, Arthur Clark, Mrs. Laura Balr and her mother, Mrs. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Bradtl. STORK VISITS TWO SILVERTON. July 4 Two births were reported at the 811- WOOLWORTH HEIRESS BECOIVIES A PROCESS A Prince Alexis lldivani and the former Barbara Hut ton, heiress to the Woohrorth five-and-ten millions, . era shown aa they promised to love, honor aad eher iah during their civil vaddinar la Paris. At riant ta JAM ITS MAR APR KXTJCtt commocuiy prices. vertoa hospital over the weekend. A son weighing tour pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Otter- son Saturday. A seven pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Setness at the Silverton hos pital also Saturday. Ex-Grand Jurors Enjoy Picnic at Coast on Fourth HUBBARD, July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Stauffer and Mr. and Mrs. Elton McLaughlin motored to Neskowin July 4 to attend the picnle tor the ' members of the former grand Jury, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Lester will and Mr. and Mre. Elmer Stauffer and b.i- Mmrn rH. nnh v-. as-araks vwtbu .w w -a- a w man and Betty, went to the rodeo at Molalla for the Fourth Mrs. Augusta Rlemer motored to Bend to spend the holidays with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blachley. Mr. aad Mrs Elmer McArthur and daughter. Doris, and Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Brown and Betty, Boyd and Wallace Brown Joined the McArthur clan at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pitts at Canby, on July 4. Measles Cases Many, Fairfield e FAIRFIELD. July 4. An epi demic of measler has spread through the Fairfield community. Children la the Don DuRette, Robert Dungy and M. J.. Ma boner families are suffering from this disease. j v X 'x-:-i..- -.-Ji: ?...:.. .1 BUSINESS GIB DALLAS. July 4 July wed dings seem to be in order in place , of the customary June weddings according to the showing made in the county clerk's office here on the first two business days ot the new monta. Five licensee were is sued on Saturday and three more on Monday. The- following are the licenses issued to date: June SO Dennis F. Bears, 12, laborer, of Canby, and Dolly Mc Intyre, IS. clerk, of Independence. July 1 Charles Wledman, 22, la borer, and Ada Schmitt. 17, stu dent, both of Dallas; Everett A. Gist. 21, farmer, of Cloverdale, and Dorothy Morrow, 22, house keeper, of Independence; Richard M. Stapleton, 22. laborer, and Wyma Lourea Troxel, 21, tele phone operator, both of Indepen dence: Revelle Howell, 22. labor er. Falls City, and Mar jorie Bala ton, 18. student, of Dallas; Fran cis M. Bishop, 22. truck driver, ot Lebanon, and Edith Jane Rlggs, 18, student, of Grand. Ronde. July 3 Edward Emmond Dunn, 19. farmer, and Olive Irene Relnhard,. 19. housekeeper, both of Dallas; Glen Wooten, 28, paint er. Seaside, and Ida Anderson, 20, housekeeper, of Tacoma, Wash ington; Lester Haernig-, 19, labor er, Sheridan, and Roseada Mole, 18, housekeeper, of Dallas. Blanche Conner, Once Woodburn Resident, Dies WOODBURN. Juiy 4. Word has been received here of , the death of Mrs. Blanche Conner, 33. at Eugene. Mrs. Conner was well known in Woodburn. residing here for several years where her husband. S. A. Conner was opera tor at the S. P. depot. Mrs. Con ner was born at Tipton, Mo., July 20,1880, and was married to Still man A Conner, January 28, 1903. Besides her widower, she Is sur- l??T0rA Ida Wneeler ton, Seattle, Mrs. Laura Simmons and Mrs. Harry Woodworth ot Spokane. Mrs. W. H. Cox of Swanvllle, Minn., and Mrs. C. V. Smith of Portland She was I member of the Methodist church. I Eastern Star and Past Matrons' I clubs I Oft ! T J X7 ou-riece jDanci rrom Church Here to Play GRAND ISLAND, July 4 Plans are being made. for the ap pearance of the approximately 30 piece band from the First Evan gelical church in Salem to be giv en at the Unionvale Evangelical church in the afternoon of Sunday August 20. There will probably be an all day meeting held with a basket dinner served during the noon hour. Local Help Only In Berry Picking WEST STAYTON, July 4 Work in the bean fields is greatly increasing with the rapid growth ot the beans. Twining win be nearly completed this week. Local help Is to be hired for picking again this year. - "r ii So -:; If- Franklyn P. Hutton. father of the bride, who gave his daughter into the keeping of the Georgian noble man. A relisioua ceremony waa later performed at tfca Rosaiaa y,Mft' 1 4 vU- By CUFF STERRETT