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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1933)
- PAGE SIX Ther OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning; Jnly 5, 1933 EC if ST GUIDE SERVICE ON WAY TO CHICAGO EXPOSITION i Holman Organizing Groups Over State to Make ' Recommendations committee to conduct a study of the state gorernment wIth a view ot recommending consolidations and eliminations to the 193S leg islature, nas oeen nnaeriaaen dj Rnfus C. Holman, state treasurer, la has been announced at the state treasury department. ; . Holman said ho would stress upon the committee the import ance of consolidating county gov ernments with a saving of hund reds of thousands of dollars an nually to the taxpayers. 'Good highways and other transporta tion facilities have made it un necessary to continue 36 county governments in Oregon," Holman Thousands of motorists will this continued. 'It is my opinion that year ba seeking reliable informa- the state should be divided into tion aDout routes 10 we amazing not more than six or eight dis- Century of Progress at cmcago. trlcta with a seat of government I To give the motoring public of ; in each. Such a plan would elim-1 Salem every service on touring In- inate duplication, increase effic- I formation, Walter Zosel, Goodrich lency and result in a tremendous I dealer, Salem, has arranged to saving." I supply; road 1 information covered The treasurer also pointed out by the Goodrich-Hopps guides. tnai tne siat 01 Oregon now nas Tne map shown here gives the is an absurd situation," Holman routes in tn, sectlon of tne coan' declared, "and has resulted In try covered by the guides. Num waste and extravagance. It is high jbers on the map refer to the par- time that the citizens of Oregon tlcalar guHe de3igned for that IZL Ml V I &WFRMIClSCCf - cooperate with a view of simpli fying their governmental activi ties and eliminating unwarrantea and costly frills." Holman declared that a ma- route. The 20 Goodrich-Hobbs Guides now ready cover more than 50, 000 miles of the best routes for long distance touring. They tell the truth without fear or favor and their purpose is to lessen the expense and add to the pleasure of cross country trips. Profiles and charts are used to picture every hill and grade and reveal the exact condition of ev ery mile of road service. No ads are Bold but hotels, camps and eating places are In spected And the best in each price class is recommended and the highest and lowest rates plainly quoted. There is also a directory of authorized dealers and service stations for nearly every make of car. Interesting scenic and historical places are pointed out and inti mate comment about roads and service is given. It la utterly un like any other map or guide and Is most unique and original. It is refreshing to find a guide that does not sell ads and that makes definite, unbiased recom mendations about roads and ser vice. It is a timely and welcome contribution to the welfare of the touring public. dinner was served, after which the usual toasts were read,- with Jority of the committee probably I cheering and firing of guns, but would be selected from Multno mah county so that meetings could be held frequently at the without the use of wines or li quors. There were 13 regular toasts, full of the spirit of 1776, lowest possible cost. Other sub- I and a number of others, all more committees would be located in the various' counties where they would conduct investigations of their local governments. or less colored by the peculiar sit uation of the country. "The toast, 'Oregon belonging to the United States and rightful ly claiming- her protection, and J . 1 9 OltS tor breakfast I fered in seducing her from that O -O path, by hired emissaries, come (Continued from rage 4) I from what source they may,' was received with 10 cheers ana tnree guns. ' " 'The United States of Amer- and in Ore-1 bration in Salem, gon City. "At thtk latter nlaA wna rpft ed a liberty pole presented to the ca, an example for the world, a committee of arrangements by of Jealousy to tyrants, the William Holmes; a round of 31 hom free' he land tne guns was fired, and an oration de- brave, and an "ylum of the op- llverea by .Peter il. Burnett, i " w which was followed by a dinner I1TO 611,18 and toastsj with cheering and fir- "Among the volunteer toasts lng of guns, the festivities being I was one by A. L. Lovejoy, May concluded by a ball in the even- f the time soon come when the lion lng." In a note on the Oregon and unicorn may cease to go City celebration, Bancroft said: about the North American con- S V I tinent seeking whom they may "As this was the first public bite! celebration by the colonists of the I 4 th of July, the following facts I These were not, as Bancroft's concerning its observance may not writer stated, the first public cele be without interest. The proces-1 bratlons by the colonists of the slon was formed under the man-1 4th of July. The natal day had agement of Wm. Flndley, marshal been observed since 1834 by the of the day, at the City hotel, kept I missionaries wherever they found by H. M. Knighton, and marched themselves, in camp, cabin or sta- to me uetnoaist cnurcn, tne nag tlon. of the United States being borne There was a great celebration at the head. The ceremonies open- at the Nlsqually station in 1841, ed with prayer by J. L. Parrish; as readers of this column know. the Declaration of Independence There were some 400 present, ln was read by A. L. Lovejoy, after I eluding Indians, missionaries. which followed the oration of Hudson's Bay company employ Judge Burnett, lees, and officers and marines of "The assembly then marched the U. S. exploring expedition un back to the hotel, where a public der Capt. Chas. Wilkes. A monu ment, dedicated in 1908, on the 75th anniversary, marks the spot. It is in the suburbs of the city of Tacoma, Wash. There was a notable celebration on July 4, 1843, at Champoeg, where the oration was delivered by Gustavus Hlnes, who on the following day presided over the meeting at which the code of laws of the provisional government was adopted, and that government given a larger and new set of offi cers. In accordance therewith. Some readers will recall the fact that most of the settlers from a distance who attended both meet ings brought their blankets and slept on the ground the night of the 4 th; the only building there then being the Hudson's Bay's company's warehouse, a replica of which it is proposed to erect on the original spot the present season. , W The Oregon Rangers, the orig inal company, were drilled at the Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER !IZZ Zl- iiiiiiiizir-! L mZL. 2d 21 77 30 3l iiiiiiiiiizii 34 35 3 7Z 37 38 31 ZZl 2- . -2 .Zl H& Ml 30 7 51 52 - - 53 , 54 i 7 55 56. -I 1 W rAAA 1 Oregon Institute on Wallace prairie, W. H. Gray, one of the members, having superintended its construction and being then in charge. A good many first things were on that site among them the first building erected by white men in what is now Oregon, outside of the vicinity of the mouth .of the Columbia, the Astor fort or trading post, 1812-13; the first book written in the Oregon country, "The Prairie Flower,' the first fruits of the Astor en terprise reaching Astoria shipped from there, 1360 beaver skins and 32 bales of venison, in May, 1813, besides the first drilling of a mili tary company and the first dwell ing of a white settler in the Wil lamette valley, Baptiste DeLoar, a half mile north', etc., etc. DeLoar came with the Lewis and Clark exploring party in 1805. S S Notable characters participated in the 1841 celebrationa of the 4th of July. (Continued tomorrow.) BUSES PICKUP BREAKS ALL RECORDS "The momentum with which general business, has. rebounded from its all-time low , levels of three months ago doubtless is without parallel in the history of the country," according to Dun's weekly Teport received locally by merchants yesterday. The report continues. "From a position where mer chandise could .not be moved at any price, the nation-wide "buying wave has gathered such force that an actual shortage of goods now is becoming apparent in some trades, with orders in excess of current production capacities. Starting with textiles and shoes, the "movement ' has spread all through the lighter manufacturing branches and now is carrying the basic Industries into new high ground for the last two years at least. "At no time in the past decade has an upward swing been so sharp or a forward movement so wide in the scope it has attained in such a brief space of time. Definite evidences of gain now are the rule instead of the exception, with the reports this week giving fresh proof that the expansion is reaching all parts of the country in its inclusiveness. Leslie Sunday School Picnics July 4, Turner. Approximately 100 members of the Sunday school of Leslie Methodist church picnicked in a grove bordering the banks of the millstream near Turner yester day. Joining with them for the day were a group from the Turn er Methodist church. O. W. Em mons, Salem attorney, was speak er for the occasion. A few of the younger members of the party braved the cold wat ers of the stream and the nearby pond, while most of the picnickers enjoyed baseball, horseshoes and races of various types. SWIMMING POOL READY SILVERTON, July 4 Silver- ton's swimming pool has .been cleaned out and is now ready for the public again. The pool was cleaned by order of the city coun cil and the gravel taken from the pool in the creek was used for road work within the city. POINTS WAY TO SLIMNESS - ; i i ; : o .-V' t i IV V-'V. Tt x--- I- 7 - A Jimmy Murphy, creator of "Toots and Casper", who has started Statesman readers on healthy weight reducing diet. Reduce With Toots" New Slogan; Scientific Diet, Exercise Methods Shown Come on, all yon Toots and Casper fans! Here is something that The Oregon Statesman has secured especially for you. Ton all know that Toots, love ly heroine of the famous Toots and Casper comic strip, is racing with old Colonel Hoofer to take off excess poundage and win Uncle Everett's prize of an "Aba daba Six" coupe. We have no "Abadaba Six to offer as a prize, but something infinitely more valuable health and beauty. The Oregon Statesman has se cured a wonderful system of re ducing a system that has been endorsed by noted medical au thorities as the safest and surest method of taking off weight and gaining vitality. It was prescrib ed for Toots by a famous doc tor. . Now The Statesman invites you to Join Toots in following this routine of diet and exercise for two weeks. You will be amazed at the results. Start with Toots on the road to health and beauty. Watch The Statesman for the first day's in structions, which will be printed tomorrow. SAFETY VALVE (Continued from page 4) rate supervision and tariff co-ordination between all classes of haulers. "The association of operators, Allied Truck Owners, Inc., of Ore gon, will sponsor tariff building and co-ordination and for the pur pose will immediately organize a department as an adjunct of the association, to undertake this work to facilitate the huge Job that faces Oregon in bringing all highway usage under the new act. Bakers Discuss 1 Y Stabilization of Price of Bread PORTLAND, Ore.. July 4. (AP) Retail bakers of the Port land area, meeting here last night to discuss stabilization of the baking industry under the nation al industrial: recovery act, ex pressed' the opinion that a mini mum retail price of nine cents for a- one-pound loaf of bread in this vicinity should be established. The price will be recommend ed to a Joint committee of the Oregon Retail Bakers' association. the Oregon Bakers' club and the Oregon Wholesale Bakers' asso ciation. The group will meet again Wednesday to discuss pri ces and other matters to be in cluded in a code of fair competi tion for the industry in. Oregon. "The different groups affected by the law are now working on tariffs as groups and the associa tion -effort will be particularly valuable in keeping these differ ent services in line and bringing about satisfactory ' co-ordination of the different types of highway users. ' "July 1, truck users of Oregon highways undertake to pay 43 pr cent of the state of Oregon's in come In the ensuing year. "This will be advertised to tbe public by the truck and bus op erators, as well as the fact that . this same new schedule for trucks and buses makes possible tbe 35 flat license fee for passenger cars, something the general pub lic has been clamoring for for many years." They propose to use the space on the side of their trucks that was used in the campaign against the West bill as a moving poster advertising that "these trucks make possible the $5 flat fee for cars." What they should put on this space is that they have shov ed enough of the cost onto tbe contract carrier and private truck owner so that you can lic ense your car for $5 a year. I have little fault to find w.ith the legislature. I thing under the circumstances without any lead ership that they did very well and we have no one to blame but our selves for not looking after our own interests. But when another bill like the West bill comes up before the people, the allied truck owners who deserted us in the legislature will all come home to roost, and the contract carriers and the private truck owners will desert them like a lot of rats from a burning ship. il GRANT MURPHY MICKEY MOUSE ,A Poor Upholstery Job By WALT DISNEY jf( ALU ABOARD, MINNIE ! VOU'Ra I I KcU. ( MY GOODNESS M I ' J 1 jjll'IfiSSaP Zi swii OMLV wowA I TrZZ JiiJL, N7"V) l - THIS ROAD VV- JL f ALREADy7 SO HARD, WHEN By THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back" SEGAR HORIZONTAL -l-ble 4 month In the Jewish calendar - (5 myself 8 cry of the . sheep II invent 15 Infuriates 16 ripped lft sped 18 indefinite pronoun ,A pU 19 royitio word 20 sudden I widespread I fright 22 make 21 provided that 24 colonized 2$7-hinese measure 28 African fly 80-egreeabls odors 82 small ' child S3 exist 84 dreaded 87 strikes 40 otrt of te 41 eccentric f 48 note of the , , scale -,44 river in . Italy , . 46 pertaining to the . ' Salian f Franks ' 47 exclama tion 48 southern France 60 writing Im plement 81 egg-shaped 63 bird related to the crow E5-chair of state 67 indolent tumor of the skin 68 like 69 therefore 60-gain as clear profit VERTICAL ' 1 perform 2 trial impressions 8 duration of offtce 4 preposition 6 scold 6 Philippine capital 7 printer's measure 8 incline 9 small area 10 beast of burden 12 indefinite article 14 depart 17 insect 20 annoys 21 pertaining to. pottery 23 pronoun 24 retail shop Herewith is the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. LIE ISIS ERU AJT G.QK G$5 RJ1 CJAJN 5jSE Nj lAJTgO 25 one of the Greek or ders of architecture 27 part of "to 29 Greek letter 31 encoun tered 84 note of the scale 35 group of nations un der a single sovereign 86 arranges In folds 87 restricts to a scant al lowance 88 caseous 89 note of the scale 42 beverage 45 supreme deity of the later Norse pantheon 47 river in England 48 cut down grass 49 maiden ; loved by Zeus 51 correlative " ef either 62 permit 64 note of the - scale 66 cry ofmx-prise VnJHACT'SA jWrrERj) Z r TPKE IT? I fAI NKTION IS v KING BLO0?yT- POOW1 I'VE BeEHj T CEWEO-YOUVE ; ; f-ra i m old 1 r 0 S t-tfWE J I VJtwfe. VOUNta tO TRv TO WIN BACK, rVr SHfctP BOT rW SPIRIT t BKOK&C- 11 ri J 1 H " d w GO NOW - BfCK TO NrXZIUfS. ( N0 BACK-TO THRONE ANO f-VY uCUJfMi: EMPTV COONTRV. TO ORCVM ) lf6:--T-C OF THE MIGHTY NATION l JHAT iS NO - l&rr- LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY As Good as New By DARRELL McCLURE KGUOyOSKX ZERO -DON'T IT LOOK GSAMD RPTrUA MCXVOrFAl Wll I rnui AWFUL GLAD WHKM SHE IT BEAUTIW1I. SIM XVE BE EM HUMT1WCALLOVET2 FOR VOU -THE DOCTOR. MA5 COME TO CMAK1GE THE. BANDAGES GEE, OKi YOUR HAM05 ; FORGOT ABOUT THE DOCTOR THE. VsjAGOM LOOK5 SO .I AWFULLY 1 I Nice --"Ji.Tra' i w il y 4 V 1 ail. Kjaf rMnM lanl li tJW G tirhH mtml . rr MUST BE TTeuE THAT FORTUNE ' FXVORS THE BRAVE -THE CHILD'S HANDS HAVE, HEALED COMPLETELY NOT A TRACE OF" A 5CAR.-W, FEW DAYS VOU CAM REMOVE THE. BANDAGES1 fa I'M SO HAPpy DARL1MG X WAS AFRAID YOUR DEAR LITTLE HANDS MIGHT HAVE BEEN SCARRED Y PLEASE - FOR LIFE..' . DONTCRY: MRS.CEEAL- OR MAVB& V0ULL6ETME STARTED oAWLUiG TOOTS AND CASPER 'TareweU to Food" By JIMMY MURPHY I CAN HARDLY WAIT FOR TOMORROW TO MY FOURTEEN -DAY DIET CONTEST WITH COLONEL J HOOFER AND I'LL , WIN tT.TOO. CASPER : YOU JUST WATCH I YOU'RE DANCING NOW, TOOTS, BUT IF YOU , WIN THAT BEAUTIFUL UTTLE COUPE THEN Jli. DO THE DANCING i OR DAN! YOU MUST WIN THE 60R&EOUS UTTLE ABADABA SIX COUPE THAT EVERETT CHUCKLE i IS QOtNfc TO OIVE.TO THE WINNER OF YOUR DIET CONTEST WITH TOOT 5'. , . J9M. Kmg totmtt Syitdiaw. lac. Gnu Mmt fithn nemt4S HETS STIPULATED THAT I'VE OTTA REDUCE THREE POUNDS TO HER ONE, BUT I'LL WIN OUST THE THAT COUPE WILL BE IN OUR ciAkAuE TWOVMEEKS FROM TOMORROW 600D HEAVENS DAN! YOU'RE NOT STILL HUNGRY, ARE. YOU ? WHY, YOU'VE. HAD IX fHflD trot It? - POTATOES. FIVE EARS OP -CORN, A HUE SALAD, ' OODLES OF VEGETABLES. ANO THREE PIECES OF PlEi- THIS rS THE LAST SQUARE ItZAL ru. HAVE FOR TWO WEEKS! AND I'M GONNA TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT! HOW ABOUT GIVING ME SOME nice WAFFLES NOW. SOPHIE? v- TThiukiqul DIET CCHTEST GETWEEH TOOTS AMD CCU HOOFER WILL CE6UI TOM0AROW1 SOF&IRLS ARE GOING ON DIETS T0M0RRCW . TOO, AND REDUCE WITH TOOTS!