The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Mornlnsr, July 41933 PAGE THREE V-. " a. . U Local News Briefs - Oat on ' Bail ' ' Seaen persons arrested at lloO Hines street early . Sunday alt gained their 1 release from police custody .' by posting , bafl... Tea dollars - cash ball each was pat up by J. . J. Sheehan, alias J. J. Harris: F. J. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Butler., Municipal Judge . Poulsen accepted an.. automobile : as ball (or Leonard Ashman, A, O. and . L.' S. .. Brownie. They were charged - with . disorderly conduct sad disturbing the peace. . No admission charge ' to falr " grounds July 4. ' ' Fight Ends la Jail Jack and Ralph Sorahaa, 175S North Front street,' were Jailed "early Monday morning after city police found them ' and a third person fight lug with ' another youth oa a downtown street. Appearing - in municipal . court ' yesterday, . the ' two brothers pleaded guilty to charges of " being drunk. Judge ' Mark . Poulsen sentenced them to ' senre fire days each-. In city jail. 30c ' meals at Fairgrounds 4th.f . American Legion. - the MifftT fiiiLL CITY GILMORE CHIEF CONGRATULATED Recall petitions Incomplete The recall election involving V. S. Howard, , district attorney of Jef ferson county, will not be held In ; MILL CITY, July 3 The Bl connection with the special elec-1 ble school conducted by the Pres tloa July 21. This was determined I byterian church closed Friday Monday when. the. secretary otl with a picnic for the children and state found that two.' petitions con-(those fn charge of the school. Mrs. taining a large aamber of signs- Harry Mason was in' charge, with tures Qf persons asking for the re- Mrs. Herbert' I Bchroeder; 1 Maxlna iall election failed to bear the seal Jewell, Doris Grimes, A Ilea I a notary, public The remaining Smith and Rose Smith' yelping signature were; nob sufficient-to .with the classes made up of tha prder the recall election. Officials older children; and Mrs.! Clyde Ro Indicated that hy' tiling addition- gers. Mrs. Otto Witt, Violet Car, al signatures-the ' recall election ter and Lois Lovett in charge of mignt be hi.ia b. a later date. The the primary classes wu.fl.Mlsa l.ot recall petitions charged that How- ett at the head. Winona Swan was ard was inefficient. ': pianist during the term and also with tha. nrlmar! VArlc.. Draft and bottled beer at Marion ;Ti,. .Art f tha twn wmVi ran. Hotel's "Hpf Brau," Salem's only ;isled of blble stories, learning the W k a r, M mmM 1 tl -J - M Bwr rarir. . saiaas. oanawicnes. amDer 0f chnrch hymns, kinder- much Lunfcbes, ete. Open noon to garten work, and sewing .1 X.. V ta H 1 W":&-iS.i midnight. Bank Takes Over The First bank . of Reedsport, which . has been - operating on a ; restricted basis since the bank holiday was by the made aprons. older girls. Twelve girlsl dresses, while others made pin-cushions, dressed dolls, and some " modeled different articles from soap. , ; k t u.hAtt iltim ir naa nn Mayor Denude McKay last week joined with other lvie aadlndne trial leaden in extending: to Gay V. Smith, local maaager for the Ctilntora Oil company, congratulations on the anccesa f the eons pany here during the past tbreeyearn and oa the Introduction last week of a new Red Lion gasoline. f - ,k Police ' at I Fairgrownds Al though CapiUM post, American legion, will undertake policing at the state fairgrounds daring to day's welebnion, with O. E. Pal- c mateer in charge, eity police also will assist, Chief Frank Mlnto said last night, t Sereral officers '' will be deUilel; for patrol duty ": tere. , ) "' American Legion dance tonight. Fairgrounds. ' Falls Under Hon Salem I A ambulance was called to the state 'fairgrounds yesterday afternoon when one of the participants In T the program fell, with his horse landing on top-of him. He re--1 gained consciousness by the time the ambulance, arrlfed. howerer, " ' and did not r vq a 1 r e hospital r ' care. Officials did not learn the man's name. ' 'Draft and bottled beer at Marion ' Hotel's "Hof Brau, Salem's only Beer Parlor. Salads, Sandwiches, Dutch Lunches, ete. Open noon to midnight'. White Recovering Carol ' " White, 1099, Mill street. States man linotype operator, last night was re par ted recovering well from a ualor operation which he underwent at Salem general hos- ' pital Saturday morning. The at tending physician pronounced the operation a success and stated that the natient would recover ' rapidly. ; ' American Legion dance tonight. Fairgrounds. j- Jubilee Friday Night Mem bers of Woodmen ' of the World ' camn 118. Salem, will hold a Ju ' bilee here Friday night at- t ..' o'clock at their halls in Fraternal f temple. The occasion will be the - refund mad by headauarters on their insurance payment for the last fiscal .year. A varied program is being arranged. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting. , . '.'''.' conducted wllh iS&t 'l ? ' art of which was saved by R. ff?S!t2Jt'':lPZZ& Georgi Wilbur of Salem, who fr- Sntaimi? a Sflfl 5 Isaed u the,literatur used. iS2yS& rA V!'?v 0 ,of i Seventy-five children were en- reatricted f andsof the institution olled tomtag both were transferred to the Coos Bay th ckristiaa . and Presbyterian f itS ban'.-JiRe6ffpor5 thxatbm. The laUer part of July bank had restricted deposits of wnfnon P . christian church MS.OOO on May 10. the date of Its lan to Bola a tImiiar Behooi aBd lant . fin a m aIa f - art Jtm.n I r .... ... West Salem OUSTED REUEF.TO SI T Red Cross Asking $1200 in Marion County v to ' aid . Flood Sufferers - ISlewsl' WEST 8ALEM, July 1 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davte who have been making their home- in Eu gene- for the winter, while Mr. Davis was completing his univer- last financial Report. ; C, McC. 1 from both ehuVchaV wlil VLhJJSJSS: jnaso u presiaeni ok ine neeas- i atAni fornla to reside. Mr. Davis gradu ated in June from the state uni versity. Mrs. Davis,- who was formerly Willa Sampson, will car for her mother, who is not very BUTton Smally, young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smally, who had the misfortune to run a nail through his foot, having to take aotHockjaw serum and other pre- More calls and more eases were csiutlona against infection is do- pieauea guilty m municipal, court . . V"rJ!".ri: :7."T "Y.Z lino- now a ran h out and to a charee of beinr drunk. At- ""HW W u DwempgiicB waio , : .1 A .1 . MM w Uw I IIUU UU BKB1U. Dance. Mellow -Moon. Special, Leo Davis 10 colored musicians. Don't miss this broadcasting band A Am. 25 tr 4 Op Backe Jailed William N. Backe. 4t0 North 24th street, was so- tenced to serve five days fn eity . Jail yesterday when he POLICE CUT m . i III tor iix months' E. 6. Crooks, ar rested en a charge of assault and battery, was glvea three months jail sentence and had hht sentence suspended and was put on proba tion for six months. Cor. Alexander X. Hampton of Grants Pass, who has been attend ing- the annual state encampment 110 SERVICE tenants at tee receiving ward - ' '",:- SDendine the hoUdays at Nes I . . . . . i . Iknvin and at nthr roaat reaorta lyinr. on the lawn there late Snn- ttQce "oir IT r ic.r- -; -- --- oho,M day night, Dance at Snont'i tnnirht. IS Taxlcabs Fnder Law ' Taxi- of the state hospital found him ing radio - call cases by 2-S min- were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheppe .tl. rionald Poniade. ooerator. and her sister, Ruth Englehorn iuifiu1 fi9nnl Altnvothttr I and Mark Capp. uuuuuvv " o I , 't J itii aTl wa tiatdlAl n-ror thai ArncaJi uicnuweu cm th. I Arrested . recently ana appear cabs are included within tho defi- fire't month's operation. These in- In betoro the West Salem Jjis- niuon or motor nnsaM. nndfvr tna i -iaa u ctit nnarti in-i wm "no '"u um,.u. operation of the motor -.vehicle formation calls and 258 city case Wlls Kelly and James Chamber- registrauon law, and re requlr- calls aio cnargeu who un,lut mu. ed to pay the registration fee of Average time on radio eases overloaded trucks. They were each motor busses. Attorney - General WM g.2 minutes, marked from the fned "f 3, rt ,f, ,: Van winVla held in an nnininn it,. ii ... kmhImi m th Frank Einfeldt pleaded guilty to w I uuiu w ua w w i . - .. . handed down here Monday.. The ttm h off inr ranorted to head- " caarg l yeui rUJ, attorney general said this does quarters by telephone that he had not apply to the motor transpor- cleared the case. Investigations tation act, which exempts taxi- and fires, some requiring over an cabs operating within Incorporat- hour's time, prevented the av ed towns cities.1 The opinion was lerares from being much lower, requested by Hal E. Hoss, sec- The north prowl car handled 31 cases, central prowl 39, south prowl 32. traffic car 68, emer gency car 48, chiera car three, and Yew Park car six. State police handled 40 and sheriff's officers nine calls. sentenced to three months in the county jail; had his sentence sus pended and was put on probation i-T- The Salem chapter of the Amer ian Red Cross will - campaign here ; Friday and - Saturday ta rate 11200 fori homeless suffer ers of the recent floods at Kslao. Wash. 'A number of Salem women in Red Cross garb, wilt make the solicitations. c . . if. "u " : Because of the proximity of the northwest cities r to the stricken area. Red Cross officials feel they should contribute liberally to the Kelso sufferers. This policy is;ln keeping- with the Red Cross na tional poliey which Is to supply lo cal relief needs from the tribu tary territory ; 7 a. m . a it. . osuea w.jh OrJy recentry Inducted as Reich. uaw supreme court, pajnnan oi k. iwtaiie r.hnrc . the Red v cross - chapter .here. u.orities in Berlin, the Rev. Fried, pointed out yesterday that the na- rich von Bodelschwinga (above) U Uonal Red Cross had already do- one of the first eeoksiasU affected na ted IJ500 to the help of Kelso by the Nasi 'policy of church con sufferers . and was - seekinr to troL Pressure .from . the Hitler ralso- $20,064 throughout- the rerima farced the Rekhbishop't northwest Hp pointed out , that I ,r- : v resijrnatiqn. the general roll call of the Red Prm lata tn urh AnM tint bring in enough money for Pr I M "e"7 tleular disasters. Two thousand people are still I V ' ' ' I - , - ' - I , ' . hLii r TlSTftTE POUCE TAG 3 M . DB IES State police Monday continued their drive against automobile . owners who had failed to obtain their current license plates or ha1 no mad application te the secre tary of state. - . i ' - - :l f Approximately 300 provisional'- arrests were made in the Salem district' Monday. Invach case the , person arrested -wa given a lira- ' ited time in whien te obUIn plates and report at the; state police headquarters. The Officers indi cated that the drive, would be ex- tended to neaen ana mountain re sorts today, t ' A telegram was received at the state department Monday thafap proximately ?E automobiles in the Nyssa district had been ordered off the highway because the own- - ers bad not yet obtained .their 11- . cense pistes. . ;v The telegram requested that soma person be appointed at Nys- -J with authority to reeeiva It- r cense feea aad receipts, The state department reported , that a total of 114,70 sets of eurrent liceasa plates had been Is ¬ sued np to noon Monday as com pared with 72.841 seU .of plates . during the eorresponding period -in 1932. The gala for this year was 4t.SK. An average of 3194 plates were r Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Hewitt and daughter. Laverne, I t8Ued daUr since last Wednesday. tamlM. Wm.. Ar tMm iinw m. ur, aad urs. uoy k. xiewiti ana ceding of the water at Kelso. The . Ronald. Mrs. L. L. Thornton flooding water entered and cover- & on Leo, Mrs. Jessie Beatly. it Ikft rlnrkP rwf HA li ahih ami I Indenendence. Dr. and Mrs. L. ot tne uregon wauonai uuara at j 10o more homes were completely 1 Hewitt and grandson." Kenneth Camp Clatsop, stopped en route 1 urrounded by water. Much per-j Pomeroy. and Guy Hewitt.. sonal nronertv was comnletelv de-l KUgene, Mr. ana r. riu stroyed. Improper sewage in the Hewitt, Mr;, and Mrs. Floyd Trav flooded area la renorted a men-1 is. ace to the health of persons near New House Built For Helper; Soon to Wed home for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. BL Vosburgh on Cascade Drive. He is a aephew of Mrs. Vosburgh and has distin guished himself by receiving sev en military decorations in sharp shooting, wall scaling aad other competitive feats. Mrs. B. A. Hanks assisted by Betty and Ruth Bedford enter tained complimenting the birthday of little Rose Ann Hanks Friday afternoon. Outdoor games on the lawn and dainty refreshments featuring, a candle lighted cake with its sparkling; six candles were features of the happy occasion. Toung Misses enjoying the affair were Kjmmaline Craig, Txonne Gray, Helen Lewis, Frances. Mar jorie, Happy and Helen Doria Frie sen, Loretta May Lemon, Mirian and Bethel Smith, . Rose Ann Hanks, Miss Betty and Miss Ruth Bedford and Mrs. B. A. Hanks and her mother, Mrs. S. Pfeifsuf. the affected area and. health au thorities are accordingly provid ing typhoid vaccine for refugees. "It is to be hoped that each Sa lem citixen will donate as gener ously as he possibly can." Justice Rossman said yesterday, "his gift wit! go to a vital cause. I. Albany.' Mr. and. Mrs. E. , M. Coates and daughters, Eleeta and ! Eloise. Aumsville, Leonard and Elton Hewitt. Gaston, Mr. and Mrs. a D. Oti. MeMinnyille, Mr. and Mrs. Era- PIONEER. July J -Forest Martin is building a new house for his hired man, Charles Welder man, who is to bo married soon to Ada Smldth of this vicinity. Ralph Severy of Dallas is doing the work. The house is located on the Ellendale road near the Forest Martin home. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Gilliam and f PENIS IT HEWITT CUn MEET est Sheiburge and son, David, and son of Rlekreall hare been stay- daughter. Doris, Mr. and Mrs. I ng at the Roy Bird home this William Warmington . and son, I week. Chet has been sick but is George, and daughters Olive and laDle to sit up at this time. Julia, and Marjorie Kerr. The remainder of the group was local people. DAYTON, July 3. Seventy- five relative and friends attend ed the 16th annual reunion of the clan of Henry and Elisabeth OFF FOR CANADA GATES, July 3. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Collins and daughter Lois are leaving Sunday morn ing for Canada where they plan to visit from six "weeks to two MAUPIN BACK FROM EAST " WOODBURN, July 3 S. W. Maupin returned Wednesday from a six weeks trip east, wbere he- went as a delegate from Oregon to the general assembly of the Presbyterian church convention . held at Columbus, Ohio. He also spent some time at the Chicago fair and visited relatives and friends in Missouri, Kansas, South , rotary of state. ICE Prompt residence delivery. Phone 5603. Also new modern all cteel refrigerators at low pri ces. Capital Ice & City Storage Co. ECO Trada utreet. ERNEST L. BIB DIES AT JEFFERSON - Eight Promoted Mrs. Charles F. Elgin has received word ' that her son, Wayne S. Elgin, has been : promoted j to assistant to the" California and southwestern district advertising manager of Sears, Roebuck and company. with offices at the mall order house in Loa Angeles. Mr. El 00 W0MFJ ll'JI woooeui m Grant County Pays Grant county Monday sent to the state J pects JEFFERSON, July 3. Ern est L. Barnes, 49, died Sunday night at his home east of the Jefferson depot. His death was at tributed to heaTt trouble. He be came ill that evening and died less than two hours later. He was born In Linn, county in 1883 and spent his early life in the vicinity of Albany. He spent of 690 were able to come this year due to drastic reductions neces sitated by Ninth corps area head-1 being a portion of the original quarters instruction in line wttn months. In Portland they will Matheney Hewitt, pioneers of ba Joined by Mrs. Garland, a sis- DEOta. Montana and Washington 1SJ. netd saturoav m thA rmrn I "J ui ra. villus. tun niu ia on the L. L. and Rada Thornton neing maae oy auto. farm in tha Unionvale vicinity, it treasurer here a check for Is, - 821.51. covering its first -half taxes for the, year 1933. Leo Davis' Band. 10 colored mu sicians. Mellow Moon Wed. nite. j Legion Adjourns .After a month to spend; his vacation with hi mother. , Wanted, used furniture, Tel 5110 , ' I - - Many C & C. Boys Here - Many C. C. C. camp members were in Salem over tha weekend and brief, routine business meeting remained here for the July 4 cele- last night. Capital post, Ameri- bration. Boys from the camps are can legion, adjourned until Aug enrolled from all parts of the ust 21. A Marlon county conn- country, a number of negroes from cil session will be held here July the south being in evidence. AH 14 Tha state legion convention the men wear the conventional will be held at Klamath Falls army khaki although their suits Augast 10, 11 and 12. re not regulation army uniforms. f 3-Way Mishap Occurs Three Follow the Crowds, Silver Eagle .rio -.nti-iAii -m-i Tavern, i.nnrnas. rwpr. tirrn- UlViVIliM : JWVUIMJ , lice of a three-way accident on trnnnmrnv Jnl s. The gin, who foraerly lived 1 Ray-Brown cannery here began 15 years at Waltsburg. Wash., and pects to na m baiem late tnis v stti,iiT mAnin- nntMn- f.. ...r tha v. ML J - iyi ui, JWa J mm .mv Liberty between Ferry and Trade; streets: Axel E. Robertson, 144 South 19th street, W. S. Dustin and Harry J. Morris, route- eight No sericus damage was reported. obit uary Norse on Daty A nurse will be on duty at the Marlon coun ty health department offices to day to give emergency service. Other members of the staff will observe tha holiday. . i - -. Dance with the Legion July 4, 8:45 p. m. Harmony Knights Orchestra. Dance Pavilion, state fairgrounds. General Adm. 25c SPEAK FOR PROHIS , TURNER, July 3. Henry B. Hall of "California, a prohibition up a pack of Royal Anna cher- operator of a pool room in Jef fer ries from The Dalies. The wore BOn. has been steady so f sr. plans lie Is survived by his widow. having been made to work July J orpha Barnes; mother, Mrs. A. 4 to put up perishable iruiui Barnes of Newberg; brothers. About 200 women are being em- f William of Jefferson. T. O. Barnes ployed for stemming, grading. and canning tha fruit. Quite a large staff of men Is also working. Loganberries and raspberries will be coming in next week, it is thought. The cannery- here ap pears to be making preparations for large runs in : logans and raspberries. r of Albany. W. W. Barnes of Hollywood, Cel., C M. and L. C. Barnes of San Burno, Cal.; sis ters, Mrs. Roy Stevens of Holly wood, and Grace Barnes of New berg, : Funeral arrangements have not been completed,. , the federal economy program. Attending from Marion county are Charles R. Campbell, Salem; Frank D. Ctoss, Salem; Gordon A. Graber, Salem, and George G. Smith, Silverton. Like all otter students at the camp this year,' these youths are veterans of at least one, previous camp, for the reduction order eliminated all be ginners or, basics, who normally form a large proportioa of tha attendance. STAYS IN AMITY PULPIT donation land claim. Aftar a AMITY, July 3. Rev. F. L. bounteous 12 o'clock basket dln-Connell and family have been Artists Wife is To Lecture at Y on Thursday ner, served cafeteria style, Dr. J. L. Hewitt called the group to order.- ,. Dr. Earl R. Abbett led In sing ing "America"; Cyrus Hewitt led In prayer.- A letter from M C. Hewitt of Roseville, Cel.. presi dent of tha clan, expressing his regret tor not being present was read. Resolution of condolence for those who passed on about two years ago, were read, they are: Mrs. Cynthia Hewitt, a son's wife; Mrs. Cordelia Hewitt, a grand son's wife, and Earl Benson, great grandson. A unanimous vote of thanks was given to the committee which was instrumental in the erection of, the monument at Hopewell, in honor of Rachel retained at the .Amity charge of the Methodist church for another year. This will make their fourth year here. POLES CURED Wltfcaat Oparatioa LM el Tha DR. MARSHALL 139 Oreroe Bias. fm ssee r Madame Mariua Hubert-Rubert, wife of the noted French painter. win speak at 3 o'clock Thursday I Cooper Matheney, the donor of afternoon at the T. M. C. A. on "Trends In Modern Art. The lec ture is open to all persons Inter ested in art. Five California '.scenes fn the public cemetery. The next an nual meeting will be held July 4, 1934. at a place to be desig nated by the committee. Of 'tha four surviving brothers water color have been added -to j only two were present. Dr. J. I Ray Farmer to Visit Boyhood Scenes on Trip Salam's oldest merchant, Ray L. ' Farmer, came to a decision Saturday that a man should visit the scenes of his boyhood at least every 55 years. As a result he started S u 1 d a y for his first visit since 1878 to Jacksonville. Ore., Yreka, CaL, and Scotts Bar, Cal. southern Oregon for a week or 10 days---". j I - Swart . :'" At the residence, 738 . North Front street, July 1, Mrs. Beckie speaker who is touring the state, T. Swart, aged 78 years. Mother j gave a. forceful talk Friday af- of Morton H. Swart, Hedda Swart, ternoon in a local church... Mr. Miss Fenska Swart, Mrs, Wikji Hall formerly worked in an anti- Winslow, all -of ' Salem, ' Addena I narcotic organization, Swart of Los Angeles, Mr. Mar- o !J-w&2a! I IN DRAMA OF PLANE HEROISM 3tnnhrlnir and Mill TJ. Stone-1 O- brink all of Salem. Funeral servi- . ces from the chapel of Rigdon s mortuary. Wednesday, July 5 at 2 p. m. with Rev. Ross officiating. Interment Cityview cemetery. Power Candidate Names Ordered On July Ballot An alternative writ of man damus ordering Secretary of State Hoss to place tha names of Peter Zimmerman, Morton Tompkins and Albert Slaughter on the July 21 ballot as candidates for pow er commissioners for Oregon was granted yesterday by Jndge L. H. McMahaa here after the state su preme court refused ta take Juris diction. Attorney - General Van TT win ha aMomnanied bv his ann. Iran T.. Parmer. Thev exoeet Winkle later tiled a demurrer to tn fcif in nnrfiiftm rufnriiia aet i the writ. Judge McMahan set V - Sucevkh .,: ' -o In this city July Z, Donald Suc- -evlch, aged 12 years. Son of Mrs. Mary Sucevich of Portland - and George Sucevich of Oregon City. Remains are being forwarded by Rirdon's . mortuary to Portland for services and Interment. 1 Coming Events ' ' Jnly 4 American Le gion 1 celebration at state fairgrounds, city.' Jnly 7-8 Ciry-wkle drive to l raise , f 1200 for Bed Cross to aid Kelso disaster sufferers.- " Jnly 9 Nebraska. state picnic,' J. TP. - Gilham farm near Madeny. t: July 15 r County Christ ian Endeavor picnic; Hat er's grovel aftemaon. - ' July 21 -- Special state wide election. - Jnly 21-23 Annual En campment, ; Spanish War Vcterana, ' Anznst O Ohio - state . annual picnic, Salem Muni cipal anto park, Sept. , -9 Oregon sUte fair. , M'tfjaat.iwtlt.fc ntwui wmi'Wii-i' -.mtMmxat! -r 11 t i iXimimm4 4. '"' 1 t 1 r il Wednesday. July 5, at 1 p. m., as the time for hearing arguments why the writ should or should not be made permanent. The petitioners allege that their names should go on the ballot inasmuch as tha referendum on the grange power enactment has been stoped by Injunction. 1 4 Marion County i Students Attend CM.T.C's Camp VANCOUVER BARRACKS. July 1. (Special Four tu dents from Marlon county are At tending the seventh annual. Cal- sens military : Training camp here. now. under way and sched uled to run until July" 22. They are part of a camp much reduc ed ln slse, as considerably less than bait of the original quota CAAD -OF THANKS - We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our many, friends tor : the kindness .and ; sympathy extended n ln our r recent sor row and: for the many lovely flowers. Mr. Fred West and s aun;, . - j v - . ... Three of the principals and the plane in the Lake Michigan tragedy which cost the lives of three heroic men are shown above. Forced down ' while on a fiurht over the lake, the eraf t sank, but not before the men had made a raft from gasoline tanks, en which they placed Mrs. Charles , ' Rennie (center), who was rescued 80 hours later by an Ann Arbor ferry. -Charles Rennie (right), her husband, was drowned, as was James Gil lette of Traverse City. Mich (left), pilot-owner of the plane, and Peter - Keller, a mechanic. - - -- - the Hubert-Rubert collection on exhibit at the Y. If. C. AThe ex hibit will ba open today from 3 m. to S p. m. and on Monday from 2:30 to S and from 7 until 9 V. Albany, Salem, Shaw Men seek Permits to Wed Three applications for marriage licenses were received yesterday at the county clerk's offices here. Alfred W. Trimble. 27. Al bany, an accountant, seeks to have a license to wed Ruth A. Bennett, 27. Corvatlis. a teacher. Charles II. Broncushio. 335 North . Liberty street, a clerk, seeks- a license to marry Zelma Hoodenpyle. 595 North 14th street, a clerk. - Gregory A, Robl, Shaw, a farm- er, seeks a lieensa to marry Maa- dina Archbald, Shaw, a nurse. Hewitt of Portland, and Dr. L. L. Hewitt of Independence. Those from' a distance were: Portland, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Hewitt, Dr. and Mrs. Earl R. Al bert, Dr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hew itt and sons, Robert and Lorin. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hewitt and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stoutenburg, Ruth and Velma Stoutenburg, Mr. and Mr?. Jimmy When OthersfyJ NEW DIRECTOR CHOSEN AMITY. July 3. - George A. McCuUoeh has been elected as the now director for. tha .-Amity Union high school to serve for the term of five years. - He . is from the Broadmead district. . Now la Its Third Week tn.f ' . v rortlaad - i ; r A new form of motion picture entertainment 1J : BE SHXE TONIGHT Starts Snndity at the, ' . j n f AHfls0ne4 TT3ter Py By Popular Request DANCE: Leo Davis 7 Returns to . TiorrowuIy 5 - It Celered Maridaaa with en- tertalnment galore. Direct , from Denver Airplane Ball - Ream. Ten have heard them ' en the air aver NBC and Ce- lombU Broadcast. Bear and - tee then la person. . . Utiles 33c Geats 43: ' . DomrMissrr No matter with what you are afflicted, oar. .wonderful herb treatment . will positively relieve lnfluensa, diseases of the throat, heart,: kidneys. liver, stomach, piles, asthma, chronic cough, weakness, constipation, dixslness, neuralgia, headache, appendicitis. rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis. blood poison, catarrh, diphtheria. eesema, swollen glands, tonsilitis, ear trouble, lumbago,- tumor, dropsy, female complaints,: ner vousness; all disorders disappear without operation. : COXSULTATIOX FREE THE SING HERB CO. ' U. a. LOW, DirecUng Herbalist - - 47S 8. Commercial St. Salem, Oregoa , Pboaa 875S Lcdy Attendant Honrs 9 to 0 p.m. Week, Daya; 12 ' Sondays. MalA.: Ofnce, Oakland, 4 CaliL,' 'tii.s i Hl'Tem" f Service i, ; Safe and Sane Weight Reduction .For Readers of . ' ' ' A The Oregon Statesman . " Invalid Chair to Rent " . Call' C8IO. t'scd Furniture Department v 131 North High" You probably know that Toots, lovely heroine of TooU and Casper, la going on a diet. . I For readers who want to accompany Toots on the -road to more ; conifortable poundage The Statesman . will print a safe, simple scientific Fourteen Pay Diet It consists of a program of light exercises, and menus : - for three plain healthful meals everjr day. Ht w n- 1 dorsed by doctors and is to be followed righ in your : . own home. : It will make you look better and; feel bet-, , 'ter than you have since you first started tot send up r the scales over your proper weight. ; 7: Wctch for the "Reduce With Toots" Met Every Day Beginning Next Thursday