The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning Jnly 1, 1933 PAGE SIX On Flat Basis 40 Cents a Day; Camps Take Holiday For Fourth ! DALLAS. June 30 A flat In crease of 40 cent a day for all men employed by the Willamette Valley Lumber Co., both In the mill here and In the camp, has been announced as effective July The camps above Black! Rock jwlll close for the holidays Friday, June 30. and the men will be out of the woods until Thursday, July . The mill will be shut down on July 3 and 4. and the planer will be shut down July 4 only. 'Farmers Day Postponed DALLAS, June. 30 Member3of . the merchants committee of the -.1 1 v , sui-ai cuamoer 01 commerce an nounced that the annual Farmers' , day picnic originally scheduled for Saturday, July 1, had been postponed until Saturday. July 15. This action was taken because It appeared to the committee thfct activities, over the Fourth of July holidays would detract from' the Interest In the picnic. Join O. C. C. Camp ' DALLAS, June 30 Seven Polk county men, who are experienced woodsmen, were sent to a forest camp near Molalla Thursday ac cording to word given out by Mrs. j. n. Biiyeu, secretary of- the county relief committee. This was the first . call received here for others than the younger men who ,-were sent to southern Oregon. . Those sent from Polk county were: John Robson, Jason Pick- ; elsimer, John . Utting, and C. F. ; McAllister; all of Dallas;! and Fred Lew,: Edgar Presser, ; and Ror Hubbard, of near Willamina. Suing for Divorce DALLAS, June 30 Marie Southwick. filed a suit for divorce here Thursday against Eugene W. Southwick In which she charges cruel and.- inhuman . treatment, i The couple were married at Van couver, . Washington. April! 14, 1J1J. and have two children The .j, piamurr also seeks custody of two minor children and $2 month for their support. "! . 1 Grants Xew Trial .DALLAS, June 30 Judge Ar t lie G Walker granted a motion for a new trial in the case of Mrs. . James N. Lynn, administratrix of : the estate of James N. Lynn, vs. : Ettrlck, Stinnette here Wednes day. The ruling was made on er ror In admissabilitv nf regarding of evidence to show . that the deceased had been drink ing prior to the time the accident . happened, although this was not "included in the answer to the 1 v inai, ueiu ill May, resulted In a verdict favor ing tbe defendant. - . Some Stores to Close a DALLAS. June 30 A three dav holiday will probably be in order jhere over the weekend for some of the stores have agreed to close "on both Monday. and Tuesdav. A petition was circulated early but ' not all the stores signed. No cele bration will be held here this year and Dallas will be deserted during ' the holidays as most of Its citizens will be vacationing at the beach or attending celebrations in other . valley towns. Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE 1 2 3 H 15 YXf I P I II IC IK 2 777 W 27 20 29 30 31 222. 32 33 3H ; 77Z 35 I I" " W Zll yzz7" W ' . -ill i 4- 1-14- -1 HORIZONTAL It strip of . , . leather , 6 encbant-i.- ment 14V analyze - 15 prevail upon 18 conjune- - tion 17 attempU 18 female deer ,1 crowd ":' 21 for fear . that 22 contorted -24drossof a inetal 17 aelf 29 walk feebly $2 royal 35 passage- way 86 hardened 88 beverage $9 close by 1 mournful 1 4 mountain - - lake i 47 ive forth 48 precious stone 50 country !n - Asia 62 sxUts - E3--domesticaU 54 Christmas carols r ' 55 legislator 67 makes beloved . 58 corpulent Herewith la the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. Copyright, lt3l. Dae 'Stttti in the Churches Imi HOUSE Or TXATEX Cnemekete st 17 tk strscts. Xaterds nomiastionsl. ET. X. 3. Smith, minifcUr, 1362 Skinner street. West 8lem. Pray r d prsii tarries Son day sfteraooa at S:45. Prayer service al averr wk nifbt at T:45, except Thursday aad Sat ttrday. - . V ' ntSZ METHODIST Market .and North Winter streets. 3. E. Stewart, patter. Sunday school 8:45 s. m., Emory Goods, 5 saperintaadant. Morning worship 11 a. b. Evening wor ahip 8 p. m. Rev. A. 3. Smith will oc cupy the pulpit at both services In the absence of the pastor. Toon if peoples' meeting 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Tsurs dsy, 8 p. as. " SEPOaUCEVD Capital and Marion streets. W. O. Lien kaemper, pastor. Sunday 'school, 10 a. m, John Denny, superintendent. German srTiee, 10 a. m.. subject Fellowship." English services, 11 a. m., subject, "Je sus and tha Children." Children's day exercises. Special music by male quar tet. All church day for July, meetings of consistory and Ladies Missionary scs iety in the afternoon. LESLIE MEMORIAL South Commercial and Myers streets. Pastor, S. Dsrlow swJohiAon, 348 East Myers street, phone 8687. Church school at 9:45, E. D. Roseman, acting superin tendent. Morning church service at 11 a. m. Anthem, "Send Out Thy Light" (Gounod). Sermon by tha pastor, "An other Year." No services in Leslie church Sunday night. The Leslie congregation if uniting with Jason Lea church in a fare well league church service with Dr. M. A. Marey beginning at 8 p. m., at which service Dr. Marey will preach. Church school picnic nd patriotic program Tues day. Mid - week prayer and study hour Thursday, 7:30 p. a., in Leslie hall. JASOM LEE METHODIST Corner Jefferson and North Winter streets. H. G. Humphrey, pastor. 8unday school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching by tha pas tor, 11 a. m-. community service. Ep worth league 7 p. m.; 8 p. m.. sermon by Drr-M. A. Marey. Musia by repre sentatives of Leslie M E. church. 9 p. m. farewell reception of the Marey family. All Methodints in Salem, invited to share in tlje e reception. FIRST PRESBTTERIAH Dr. Carl Gregg Doney will preach Sunday morning, in absence of Rev. Grov er Birtehet, the pastor. Tha young people will have charge of tha services at 7:30 p. m. CALVARY BAPTIST Corner of Highland and Ferry. W. Earl Cochran, pastor. Church school st 9:40 a. m., Mrs. W. A. Barkus, superintendent Morning worship at 10:50, aermon by Rev Sterling B. Slater. Solo, selected, by Wendel Robinson. E T. P. U.'s at 7 p. m. Evening service at 8 p. in., in charge of the young people. Silver string orchestra will play several numbers; quar tet, "Tha Nation's Prayer," Aahford; pageant, "Things That Make a Nation Great"; trio. "The King pf Love, My Shepherd Is." 'Wednesday, prayer meet ing at 7:45. Thursday night choir rehear sal at 7: 30 p. m. Saturday afternoon Fidelia guild meets at tha home of Mrs. Kenneth Grsber. CHRIST LUTHERAH State and 17th streets. Rev. Amos E. Minneman, pastor. German service 9:45 a. -m.; English, 11 a. m. Sunday school st 9:45 a. m. Luther league. 7 p. n. Mis sionary meeting of "Workers Jn the Lord's Vinysrd," Wednesday, t p. m. COTJRT STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST Commercial at 17th streets. Hugh N. McCallum, pastor, 1744 Chemeketa street, phona 8104. Miss Lela Taylor of Indian apolis, will be the guest speaker at tha First Baptist Church Marion & No. Liberty Sts. BRITTON ROSS Minister 11 A. M "A Great Giver" This is the Second Sermon on this very important subject. Plan to hear it. Read Nine teenth Chapter of Revelation. GIDEON QUARTET WILL SIXQ SPECIAL MUSIC AT ! THE EVEXIXQ SERVICE SHEFFER VERTICAL 1 fly swiftly 2 hurl 3 one who storms 4 part of the verb no be" 5 mixed type , 6 whirling 7 likely 8 fertilizer 9 causes to face the oast 10 utilizes 11 mended 18 human trunk 20 small rug '23 period of . time - 25 point aim at 26 belonging to the earli est period 28 secluded valley 1 80 binds 81 Hebrew name for ' God 83 printer's measure 84 protected 87 river In Scotland 88 Ascend 40 improper 42 variegated - ' quarts . 43 populace Si ancient . - Greece 45 soon 46 river In 49 notLsg bo! 51 masculine nam . 53 flap 66 negative r. (yaaVata, be. 11 'clock warship servleo. Bibla school at :45 a. sa Hit. Irene WUlao. super intendent. Na erenlnc sarriea 4aa to tha convention at Turner eamp frannds. Wed nesday bibla stndy at S p. as. Choir prse tiaol Thanday at 8 p. av 7TB8T COHGHEQATIOirjU. Center and IJbertT streets. J. R. Bi- monds, minister. 8anday school at t:4S a. as. Horning won nip and com amnion. 11 a. at receotion ot memoera. wn- saonioa meditation, "Is tha Great Chalice of Antioea the Holy ersel!" TEMTUB BAPIISI 3. H. Eriscoe. pastor. Bandar school 0:45 a. sn4 D. W. Aaderson, superin tendent. Preaehinf 11 a. subject. The Army if Two Hundred Million," Evening service, S p. m "Tha Saved Man Ha No Business Outside tha Church; tha Unsaved Man Has No Busi ness in tha Church." B. Y. p. U. 7 p.m.. Helen Page, leader. Junior B. T. P. U. 7 p. m., Mrs. J. M. Briscoe, leader. E. D. Lindbnrr, chair director. Male quartet Brkersoa Brothers-aad Harry Byier. AME&ICAH Z.TJTHESAH Church street between Chemeketa and Center. Rtr. p. W. Erieksen, pastor. Bun- day school at 0:45 a. m., A. A. Krueg- er, superintendent. Men a conference con ducted by Br. A. 8. Jensen. Ladies' bibla class conducted by Mrs. P. W. Erieksen. 11 s. m., "Is Conversion After Deata Possible!" Special music by tha choir. conducted by William MeGilchrist. Young people s lee roe, 7 p. m. TOST UNITED BRETHREN Mission between 12th and University. A. S. Henderson, pastor, 1155 Mission street. Sunday school 10 a. m., Mrs. Alice Henderson, superintendent. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Younjr people s meeting, 7 p. m., "How Can-We Make Our Nation Mora Christian I" Wednes day night at 7:30 , week - day services, Mrs. Bert Buell, leader. UNITARIAN North Cottage and Chemeketa streets. No services during Rummer months. C. 4 M. A. GOSPEL TABERNACLB Church, 655 Ferry street. W. H. Cald well pastor, phona 8693. Sunday school at 9:45 a, m., Oranvel Sheet, superin tendent, Morning worship at 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting on Tuesday night. Young people's cottsge prayer service on Thursday night. TOST CHURCH OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST Chemeketa and Liberty streets. 8unday school 9:45 and 11 a. m. Sunday services at 11 a. m. 8unday evening services ara discontinued during tho months of July and August. Subject of lesson sermon. Cod." Testimony meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Reading room in Masonfe temple, open 11 to a:su except Sundays and holidays. EVANGELISTIC TABERNAULB Ferry at 13th streets. Charles O. Wes ton, pastor. 8unday school at 9:45 a. m. church service at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p.m. Midweek services, Tuesday and Thurs day at 7:45 p. m. Saturday, young people's service at 7:45 p. m. Orchestra rehearsal at 7 p. m., Saturday. TOST BAPTIST Marion and North Liberty streets. Britton . Ross, minister. Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Fred Broer, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 a. m.. special musia by tho choir; sermon, "A Great Giver." Junior, intermediate and senior B. V. T. U will meet at 7 o ciocs Sunder night. Prayer meeting before tha evening service, at T o'ciock. r-vening service at 8 p. m., special music by the mixed choir. Gideon qusrtet will sing at the evening service. MICKEY MOUSE GEE, MINNIE, SINCE tJT 5 A.T fr AND ISNV TANSUEPOCrr WE GOT OUT? RACS lxZf WERE GOING I CUTE ? WE L.OOKS 1 morse we've almost ET J TO have LOTS V A -rvtoss. wens JS2r7ETVR XT ( ' UTTLE CHICKENS PS UKE ' HE f i5ER PErS!XV' 1 SOON, WITH THAT J J UOVSEM h jr' Jl- MANY GETTING , lw ' j J "SS f ) T 9 " ' THIMBLE THEATRES Starring Popeye VOO THINK VOL) HWsE f PERFECT NfCTlON, BUT VOU1L FIND YOU'RE WROHCa b THERE'LL BE PUENTV OF .-7 TROUBLE LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY The Widow's Savings I a & , f SAY STUPID- HOW MANV I " 1 fAKlD'WHEM j OUR. VnSAGOVS ON FWE AVAIL J Xf (GOOD -THE MlMllMlttlftiO yO-HTlMES HAVCITOLO VOU; V ROBINSON K Mll ( 1m, ' 3 M&S.BEAL3 MONEY IS MA i BRAVE LITTLE KIO fVNMVKdWl - tVw A STOP SMOKING WHEN J THEEE'5 CRUSOE J 5XA U5TEW? &OXU4 THS PANTRY-! tLCkj P 19 RISKING HER h IHWiv rnK fedil? VOLhRE HANOLW4G OIL 0j NO DANGER -V 'A '''ZwJSiil SOMgONEfe C I 9VST- COTTA SAVCir&jT, flW&i i 1 rCUt FOR. TfCHlSSfwJvM lg I fo ' jj' TOOTS AND CASPER TC9TS AK3 ecu 14-CAYC3T C5 TrSONSWHO REDUCES THE MOST nun t Rft A4VtrKl AN "A2ADA3A ZZX COUPE Ht UNCLE EVERETT THE RAMOUS PRAIRIE JUNCTION HlLUONAIREl 0 1935. Ktoz Fcacwcs iftuhtitt. Inc, Cms tttoim rights mnei. mst 1CBTHODXST Church school. 9:45 a. m Public wor ship, 11 a.m sermon. "The 61a of Pre judice," Dr. Parker. Musia by quartet. Yeuag people's forum, S p. v. Service) at B p. m, la cMrgn at local w. u. x. u. TOST CHTXXCH OF TBS VAZABXn Center ana 18th streets. Bar. Fletcher Galloway,- pastor, residence, 653 North 14tn a tret, pboae 96S0. Bun day aeaool at 9:45 a. aa, T. ML LJtwiller, stipe r Intandant. Sermon, H a. at, "Save Thy self," a sacramental service, M. T. P. 8. aad junior society at 6:80 p. m Mrs. Loaella Hardy, president. rrasr xvanqzlicai. North Summer and, Marion streets. Emory W, Pettieord, D. V., minister. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. It. L. Thorn ton, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. Prelude and offertory by Mrs. thel Poling Phelps. Sermon, 'Tho Spiritual Law." Christian endeavor at 7 p. m. Evangelistic sarriea, 8 p. m. Gospel song servica in charge of Rev. Dean Versail lion. Special music. 8ertnoa, "Tha Last Message of tha Holy Ghost to tha Old Dispensation," Bible atudy aad prayer Thursday, at 7:80 p. as. TOST GERMAN BAPTIST North Cottage and D streets. G. W. Rutsch, minister. Sunday school st 9:45 a. as., Sam Schirman, superintendent. Morning service, 11 o'clock, subject: "Tho Threefold CaU of tha Lord." The Lord's supper after tha service. B. T. P. U, 7 p. nsw, Henry Neuman, president. Evening service at 8 p. m., subject "Helpful Advice to Christians." Mid week servica at 8 p. m., Wednesday. Wo men's Missionary meeting at 2:30 p, m.. Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Scheffe, route seven, box 97. TOST CHRISTIAN " High and Center streets. Uuy L. Drill, minister. Residence, 660 North Cottsge street. Church school, 9:30 a. m., E. W. Cooley. superintendent. Morning worship at 10:45. Weekly observance of the Lord's supper and sermon. Young peo ple's meetings, 7 p. m. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Special, patriotic servica will be feature - of the evening service. Mid-week service, Wednesdsy night 7:45. ROSED ALE FRIENDS Milo Clifton Boss, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m., T. D. Trick, superin tendent. Morning worship, 11 a. m., with youth talk, "Ships." by the pastor. Mus ic by tha mala quartet. Morning -message. Christian endeavor discussion, 7 &ra.. "How 5an I Make My Country ore Christian I" led by Tailed Trick. Evening song servica, 8 p. m. in charge of Forrest Cammsek. Friday, 8 p. m., bible study and monthly business set ion. CHURCH OT CHRIST Corner of Cottage and Shipping streets. C. T. Springs, minister, 2875 Pacific highway. Bibla study 10 a. m. Preaching and eommunfcnu at 11 a. m. Evening serv ice at 7:30. Young people's training class Wednesday at 7:30 p .m. Song practice Friday, 7:30 p. m. Preaching at Spong's landing, Sunday afternoon at 8 p. m. KNIGHT MEMORIAL Ferry and 19th streets. H. C. Stover, minister. Church school at 10 a. m C. C. Harris, superintendent. Morning wor ship at 11 a. m "Old Time Religion," anthem and ladies' trio. Ko evening serv ice. 8T. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN - Missouri synod,- corner 16th and A streets. Rev. n. W. Cross, pastor. English services at 9:45 a. German at 11 a. m. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial .street at Washing ton. Charles 0. Haworth, pastor. Sunday school 10 e. m., Mrs. Bertha M. Haworth, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 a.m., natriotie sermon. "National Greatness.' C. E. meeting, 7 p. m., topic, "How Can Wa Make Our Nation More Christianl" Evening worship, 8 p. m., Charles Moors of Caldwell, Idaho, will -bring tha mes sage. Thursday, 7 :so p .i monthly I meeting. I MM TWPftF. KING POPEVE! I I V .vA fMOM'T I IUIHKT THt HPCVC4 1 7 'l S U$ WMEft HWE 60TH i Wlr J , Vc, , liw MKnet ' - i 0G holes to plaut n hl kick to iKe j- vvorv r.J c mirouj? j k .7 troit nil shoots) 1 w k...- - ' I in e- r- t n i'n i 1 "m i mx ;j w x j V I - I II b l lLNT Tn II II mm S7 T sr I I S a, ft psv ti.i J F ' ' : I 113 9 1 ' Mm 1 THE AtkREEMENTf ISTUAT COLONgL MOOFCR MUST REOUCtt - THOEH PKMJM TO VDIBI OUR. TOOTS, AND TMATS AS IT SHOULD HET5 SO RflT HSO.L, LOSE A LOT OR WEWrHT EASILY! Funding Plan is Available; Foreclosure After 18 Months Compulsory i . ' , .( ! - -A considerable number of part payments and some full payments of taxes of 1930 and former years have been made at the sheriffs office during the last month due to provisions of - the - 1933 law which waived Interest on, these back taxes up to July 1, 1933. To day marks the last day during which the 1930 taxes and those of former years will not draw in terest. ;- Hereafter the delinquent taxes will begin bearing Interest again at the rate of eight per' cent a year from July 2, 1933. Delinquent taxpayers are given fire years in which to pay up these taxes in ten equal semi-annual in stalments. The law provides that eight per cent interest will . be charged on all back payments. A provision is also made in the new law which makes foreclosure of the back tax lien mandatory 18 months alter an instalment has been passed. Plan Explained As an example: If the total tax owed by a property owner July 1, 1933, for 1930 "taxes and years prior to that was $1000, exclu sive of Interest, he could pay 1 100 in an Instalment today, $100 on January 1, 1934, and $100 each six months thereafter, until , the back tax was paid. Beginning to morrow the $900 balance of the $1000 owed would bear interest at the rate of eight per cent annual ly. If no portion of the $1000 was paid today or for. 18 months, im mediate foreclosure of -the lien would be mandatory upon the county court. The new law bears no relation to the taxes of 1931 and 1932, which If delinquent, continue to bear Interest from the delinquent date at eight per cent a year. The thought of the lawmakers was to instigate tax payment HIGHULKD r BUNDS i Highland and Church ' streets. Glen Rinard, pastor. Bible school. 10 a.m., . M. Beckett, superintendent. Morning worship 11 I. n., sermon by Rev. Chsrles T. Moore of Caldwell, Idaho. Junior C. E. at 8 p. ra., intermediate and senior C. E., 7 p. m. Erenlng serrice 8 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday, 8 p. m. raCAHTTEX BAPTIST -Corner Haiel and - Aeademy Streets. Bibla school at 10 o'clock, lessen: Sam uel 22, 1 to 83. Bring your bibles.' Msre Saucy, Sunday school superintendent. Mid week prayer and praise serrice. Pwuhinr at 11 a m ana T :BO TV n. t Thursday evening at 8 o clock. Birds of 'The Colonel Hoofer Builds Up His Reserve SURE,! RAtOtNt TM5 KE-BCOC A&AIN SOPHIS! rVEoCTTTA EAT PLENTY CSFORS THURSDAY SO IF I REDUCE) TEN POUNDS ' I WONT CrET TOO HJN6RY WHILE. fM ON rues WELL SATISFIED THAT DIET1 CASPER,BUT HSU. HAVE TO LOSE OVER TltETfY f TO BEAT THAT! Valuable Piece of Art if Shown in Gervais; Has Scene Made of Pearls GERVAIS, June SO. John Korenlan and wife who w e r e guests at 'the John Knschnick home the first of the week left Wednesday n 1 h t for Chicago. Mr. Korenlan is taking a eut out of The Last Supper made of pearls from the Dead Sea to ex hibit at the Century of Progrees exposition, j ' . - i - This cut out Is made of small sections of pearls fitted together and is complete in even the smallest detail. It was made by a relative of his, a Monk in Jerusalem many years ago. The figures are set in a frame of Olive wood and bordered with a frame of the pearls. A second border was set with diamonds and jewels valued at a million dollars. " This valuable piece of art was stolen In 1901 and was not found through waiver of .interest and also to permit taxpayers to catch up their back , payments through an instalment plan. KILLS CHILDREN UE MUSKOEGEE, Okla., June 30. (AP) In a state ot collapse. Mrs. Jap Ingram; estranged wife, of an unemployed baker who Is accused ot shooting to death his two small children because he believed they were starving, was under . tbe care of a physician here Thursday. The children, Donald, 2, and Mary Lou,! 4, were burle.d at Coweta today. - Relatives told officers that In gram, 35, came to a little cotton farm, near Coweta Wednesday, wounded Sam Sewell, his father-in-law, and John Voss, Sewell's step-son, .then -- led . his tiny . son and daughter to a - farmhouse wall and shot them down. "They were dirty and ragged," he said, "I knew they had noth ing to eat but corn bread." He was arrested an hour after the shooting as ' he was hitch hiking toward - Sand S p r 1 n g s where his ' estranged wife was employed. County Attorney. B. J. Broad dus of Wagoner e o u n t y, said a Feather Good Earth" aw.TOirVB t40TTOW THAT COUPE FOR ME IP YOUHAWETO C TLLEST YOU A BOX OP CANDY THAT BELIEVES Sin TOOTS VOL SELF TO DO WIN THE "I CW i -CONTEST! To 5s until 192 3. During the time - ft was missing the diamonds were stolen. The cut out was found In possession of a woman in Seattle who had $aid $72,000 for it and she refused $150,000 for it. She later died and Mr? Korenlan bought it from the heirs paying a huge sum for it. Through the effort i of Mr. Wadsworth as many people as could be notified in a short time had the. pleasure of seeing this exhibit in the lobby of the bank Tuesday, afternoon where it was for. a short time. The monk worked 27 years mak ing this picture. It was exhibited for a time In Portland in the spring and it is estimated that 15,000 saw it there. ' It was shown In Medford and at the capitol in Salem. .These four places are the only ones in Oregon where opportunity has been given to view . the exhibit. murder charges - would later. Ingram is In Jail. be filed Com pleted U nit Of Golden Gate Span Accepted SAN FRANCISCO, June 30. (AP) The .first completed - unit of the 135,000,000 Golden Gate bridge project, a $4,05,000 an chorage pier on the Marin county shore, was accepted by officials of the bridge district here Thurs day. ' The pier, into which went 24, 000 cubic yards of concrete and 213,000 pounds of steel, was com pleted In 101 working days. It rises 64 feet from its foundation, 20 feet below the water level. It was constructed by the Pacific Bridge' company. New Cabinet of Peru Sworn in LIMA, reru, June 30. (AP) A new conservative cabinet headed by Jorge Prado TJgar- teche as premier was sworn in late Thursday under President Oscar Benavides, who assumed officer-following the assassination two months ago of Luis M. San- ches Cerro. By : V3URBON1 ITWNKCOLOIJEl. HOOFER WSJ. WIN! HSTS SO TERR31Y cat urr r aki sms iaiaa -r . op WElcrHT; I THINK rU. OONADtST THURSDAY AND lUDUCtWTTM ILL TIES CIIGII POST AT JEFFERSON Woodburn Grange Will Meet This Afternoon; Reports Are Feature WOODBURN, June 30 Rev.. J. Merlin Hill, who has been pastor of the church -of Christ the past four and a' half years has resign ed to accept a new pastorage at Jefferson. Rev. Hill has been a student of the Eugene Bible col lege and has been driving ' to Woodburn every weekend throughout the school yeata, re- -siding here during the summer months. His successor has not as yet been selected, the church, leav ing it to Mr. Hill to find his own successor. He will preach his last sermon here Sunday, July 9. . The Woodburn grange will hold its next meeting at the grange" hall Saturday afternoon at 1:20 o'clock. Initiation of two new can- -did ate s will be held and a report on the recent state convention will be given by Mr. and Mrs. B. L. . Carothers, who attended the con ventions. Mr. Carothers is a mem ber of the money and banking committee. . Practically all Woodburn bus iness houses have agreed to keep their' places of business, closed for three days, Sunday. Monday and Tuesday of next week. Many are planning trips to the beaches and three day fishing trips. : The members of St. Mary's Epis copal guild held its . last meeting for. the summer at the home ot Mrs. S. R. Kallak Tuesday after noon. Refreshmiats were served by the - hostess assisted by her daughter. Miss Roma Kallak. Mrs. T. C. Poormamand Mrs. H. M. Austin. Police Searching For Gut Ingram, Gone Since Monday INDEPENDENCE, June 3 Police have started a search for Gus Ingram, 37, who was last seen Monday night about 8 o'clock. In vestigators found some change and tobacco In trousers left In his room. Contents of a trunk added no light to the disappearance. In gram, has spoken vaguely ot the river, and there is some apprehen sion that he may have suffered a temporary lapse. G. W. Fawver, at whose home Ingram had a room, reported the disappearance. By WALT DISNEY By SEGAR DARRELL McCLURE By JIMMY MURPHY toots wax t DOHT THINK WtN IT TAKES 'OLOOANHOQFDq ajskavMi MshstisuaapM TiTLL" PC s i Lml t TOSTKKTO HAS MUCH A DIET AND WOMEN WflX-POWER, out icu WOiKCAUSB SOPHIE WILL HAVE THAT! SSHtM TO I PICK to win TC3 tssfcB ' A .,.--4',