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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1933)
it it 1 ' V S ocietv News and Club Affairs Miss Murton and Frederick Gerke Wedded - .y - . ,iv;. .;; ,.. , A brilliant wedding in Portland Friday night was. the marriage-of Miss Ethel wynne Murton, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Murton. and Frederick W. Gerke, ' bob of Mr. and" Mrs. H. W. Oerkei at 8: SO o'clock in the Pint Presby terian church with Rev. t Harold Leonard .Bowman officiating. ' The church was beautiful in its simplicity of decoration. . "Two large baskets of Immense white peonies guarded the altar and, stretching on either tide was a graceful arrangement ot trailing Tine maple. A The wedding party took Its place to the strains of wedding marches played by Carl Denton. The bride wore an empire effect gown of iTory satin. A court train and a veil ot rare old hand made lace worn by her grandmother 70 years before her In Oxford, Eng land, added much to the beautiful dignity of the gown. A shower bouquet of gardinias, white sweet peas and bride's roses were carri ed by the bride and a wreath of orange blossoms circled her Tell. Miss Lucille- Murton, sister ot . the brlde.and her maid of honor, nr m. ttntOA lenetb. rown of pow der blue crepe with matching slippers and mitts. Her bouquet was ot Ophelia roses and pink sweet peas tied with pink ribbons. The brides maids. Miss Thora RflMan and Miss Mary Helen Gias gow each wore bouffant frocks ot mousseline De Sole wun net in aorta, slinners and mitts to match Miaa Roesen wore salmon pink and her flowers were blue del phinium and Talisman roses. Miss Glasgow wore yellow ana ner rinwprn -pfA delnhinium and yel- wreath of flat vel vet leaves matching the color of their dresses were worn oy me maid of honor and the brides Little Miss Marian Gerke wore a white frock of crepe de chine and a wreath of tiny pink rose buds circled her hair. She carried a gay basket of flowers. , Mr. Gerke was attended byfWil liam Hammond as best man nichard Collins! El mer Colwell, Ward Davis, Walter Gerke, Jack Letter ana rrans: Lynch. Follow in ? the wedding a recep tion was held at the Murton home on Overton street, with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Murton, Mr. ana Mrs W. Gerke and Mr and Mrs Frederick Gerke. receiving. Rarifon flow era made a gay background for the many guests who called. An all white bouquet tor the serving tattle maae an im pressive andvery lovely effect Her Mrs. Walter Gerke, Mrs riarpitfo f iVnrton. Jr.. Mrs. F. Cooper and Mrs Allen Hemp hill alternated in presiding. Assisting bout the rooms were Miss Winifred Granam, airs. vi m.inr: Ml Hortense Bark .-rit mim Hazel Ruddell. Miss Monetta Bates and Mrs. Frederick Fritscbe. TTniinvtnr the recetftion, Mr .mi un r.erv left for a short trip north. They will be at home in Seattle during me remiuu the summer and will return to Salem this fall to mane meir h nn n Both Mr. and Mrs. Gerke are well known in Salem where they have a large circle of friends who will welcome them to their new home this fall. Knot-a-Care Club Is Entertained Mr rnrrnll Robinson enter- . .a - r t- a m A vi Vfc ! tamea me ivnoi - j. - vm - " " Thursday afternoon at her home Th artnmoon was spent in sew log and t a late hour refresh ments were served. Mr. C. M. Robinson. Mrs. George Gardner, and Mrs. Wayne Robertson, w e r.e special guesis niMnhAri nresent included Mrs wiiiiam Thomas. Mrs. Elton Birch. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Mrs. Judson Bressler ana Mrs. Barron Robinson. Qiirton The engagement of mi Mildred Rozers. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rogers of Portland, to Delmar- Brown, son r Mr inif Mn. P. L. Brown Of Silverton, was recently announced mt rnnhAon at Portland for which Miss Annabelle Grant was hostess.; Mrs. P. L. Brown of Sil verton was present at the luncn Mr. Brown is a graduate of Sil verton high school and oc Oregon ctmtm. miioea and is now employed at the Portland Electric company of fiee. I ; Olive M. Doak, Society Editor Brilliant Garden Party High Spot of Smart Early Summer Events ; MAT All - "A .J II nJ.tiaii1fr.iit. f ting marked the garden tea at the home of Mrs. Clif- lord Brown on Mission street, wun jots, crown, mra. vnes oi CWrmrtA affix TVmal A Yminff m hnsteaswi Fridnv after. noon complimenting lira. , Chandler Brown, nee Eleanour Plamondon. a recent bride recently come to make her home in Salem. O" . The-ea came out In warm . - - . . . . an additional note ot friendliness to the hrilHantly formal tea. welcome to the quests and added the one touch .seeded tor per fect aetHa far all the lovely. beauty of a brilliant garden over whose winding paths maids and matrons of Salem. Portland. Eu gene and other nearby towns were watting to stroll along in sheer organdies, gar silks and lace and flopping, frilly hats. ; Smart garden turniture placed added color among the green plants and brightly- colored flow ers. Two tea tables arranged with a canopy cf leaves made, unfor gettable artistic effects. One was in white with tiny bows ot coral ribbon and spritely French bou quets to give a bit or color. Tne center piece was an old silver boat, heirloom in the Boise fam ily, and this filled with a riot of garden flowers. The other table was in tur- n noise two turauoise colored vases held white canterberry bells and along sides ana edges of tne table were festoons of smilax. Alternating at the tables dur ing the afternoon were Mrs. Wil liam Brown, Mrs. R. P. Boise, Mrs. Frank Snedecor, Mrs. John McXary. Mrs.. David Eyre, Mrs. W. Connell Dyer. Mrs. Paul Wal lace and Mrs. T. A. Llvesley. Guests invited to the number of 250, were received by Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Cox. Mrs. Toung and the honor guest Mrs. Chan dler Brown at tne entrance to the garden near the house. A group of prominent maids and matrons assisted in serving. , Amonz the many out-ofrtown guests were Mrs. P. N. Plamon- ddn of Seattle, mother of Mrs. Chandler Brown. Also two other distinguished euesta were Mon sieur and Madame Hubert-Robert Many men called during the later Mips Helen Rose lis Married in Spokane ? The marriage In Spokane Mon day of Hiss Helen Rose, daughter of Mrs. George L. Rose of Salem, to Roger Oscarson, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Oscarson, Saskatche wan, Canada, Is of much Interest in Salem where the bride baa a wide circle of friends. t The ceremony was a quiet one at the Manito Presbyterian church with Rev. Merle Edwards reading the service. Utmost simplicity marked the wedding and there were no attendants. Mrs. Rose motored up to he present for the affair. - i Mrs; Oscarson has for the past Group .Meets At Reigelman Home An interesting discussion of stare techniaue was held Thurs day evening at the home of Per- r RelreLman by the summer study group of Chemeketa Play ers. The discussion was lea oy "Pat" Peterson, associate dlrec tor. and nroved to be a round table of dramatic experience. Next week's session will be led bv Nellie Rowland Greene. The meeting will be held at the home of Gladys Hughey on the Port land road. Present at the session Thurs day evenlna- were Margaret Mary Zerzan. Gladys Hughey. Nellie Rowland Greene. Henry L. Roh rir. riara Belle Burnside. Alfred Hoffman. Gladys Burgess, Sue Ditto. Keith Middleton. Vernon ?rhm. Lncille English. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Peterson, LeilS May Students Entertain Mothers and Friends A group of students of Ber tha ' Junk Darbv entertained at her home Thursday afternoon in compliment to their mothers and friends. Solo numbers and rhythmic or chestra numbers given by the fonr vonthtul students were sup- niemented bv numbers nresentea by Alice Barkus and Eleanour Wagner, older students or jars. Darbv. Yotmeer ctudants actina as hos tesses included Lois and Norma Fischer, Louise Close and Elbert McKinley. Am on x the most attractive meetings of the year for the Pres byterian Ladies aid society was that for which Mrs. Ella St. rierre was hostess Wednesday afternoon at her beautiful rural home. A nroe-ram had been arranged and included a talk on the 18th amendment bv Rev. Hush McCal- lum and special music by William McGIlchrist, Sr.. Mrs. St. nerre waa aaslated as hostesses by a committee o Mrs. Mary ? Park, Mrs. Charles Lrtle. Mrs. W. N. flmn Mrs. Jennie Pooler. Mrs. J. C. Duncan; Mrs. J. Skalfe, Mrs. n. E. Moodv. Mrs. F. R. DuRette, Mrs J. M. Judson. Mrs. uan Smith and Mrs. D. H, McKenile. cn.erton Hills Friends here have received word of the mar riage of Miss Agnes Bonner, iiinrMr nf Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bosner, to Henry Crowe ot Sa lem. The ceremony took piace in. eantnrn Oresron. "near Culver, Jefferson county, where both are employed. - ' - Mrs. Frances Elliott who. has k m. a n anenninar several months visiting relatives In Portland has returned to Salem where she will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Dotson. u nA fra. Garnle Cranor. rm vaoAirin conrratnlatlons up on the birth of a son, bora Sun day evening. Mr. crano-r is s member ot the Salem higH school staff.' . ; .: N.: i ! :-, . uiu rrances Richards, former ly "dean of women : of Will am- tt nniTAnity and sister of Proi. E. C. Richards is home from hen school work lu Beraeiey. ne wm spend the summer in baiem. Mrs. Mary Ranch, and daugh-1 ter. Misa May Ranch are spend ing tha summer months at tho Quality GUARANTEED! Back To The Sun! Let Jantzen ShoT7, You the Way. - s 4 x m- 5 i ti V sr A $ 'When you are offered H nbstitnte for feenvine KeSogs remember it i mtSAnm . iXL : thO fDlrit Ot - V OI SATTtS CII Shelia Terry, Warner's Feature Player, Wears A Jantzen Maillot Swim Suit Why do movie stars like Jantzen swim suits? First ot all they like that snug, skin tight effect of Jantxen suits which promotes ease in swimming. Then. too. mould fit is another feature that appeals because mould - fit suits add to the natural beauty In a most subtle manner. "Back to the sun". Is a pioneer fashion with Jantzen. Their Sunaire is the final word In style simpli city in a brassiere type suit. It fits perfectly . . . allowing the maximum freedom and comfort. The maillot or com monly called the Formal is cleverly adjustable so that the Individual fit is positive ly assured. The shoulder straps run through two rings at the back, continuing around to tie as a belt in front. This makes possible three smart hack designs; square back, cross strap and the necklace type which al lows complete back exposure for an even tan. Many other types of suits such as the distinctive brassiere suit, the Bra-Lift, the standard, etc. Prices range from $3.95 for standard, to novel ties up to Other AH Wool Swim Suite Priced $1.48 to $3.45 wt m vie e u f v v $7.50 r. I r five yean beea a' teacher f lan guages In one ot the Spokane high schools. She Is a graduate ot the University of Oregon where she was affiliated with Kappa Gamma sorority. During; summer vaca tions from teaching in - Spokane Mrs. Oscarson has v spent much time In Salem.-':: Mr. Oscarson Is a mining en gineer, is a graduate of the Un iversity of Minnesota and received his master's degree from ; Har vard. Mr. and Mrs. Oscarson will spend several week In Salem TIL DOCKET FOR JULY IS iBOED Trial docket tor the July term of court in department one, pre- to Canada where they will -make their home and where Mr. Oscar- with Mrs. Rose before they so on son Is In business. sided over by Judge : McMahan. has been; partially filled, as fol lows: '4v-';:i j.;j.rf :v &;- Wednesday, July B, t ajn. Russell- vs. . accident - commission; Thursday, July y State vs. Nor man Me Ills; Friday, July: T. M Donald vs. Union Engineering company; Monday, July 10, Tur ner sUU bank va; Parrish; Tues day, July li; State vs. Hall; Wed nesday, July lz. Associated Stores vs. Hamilton: Thursday, July 1. Reichervs. Burke; Thursday, July 20, Miller vs. doodyear Tire com pany. - ( Friday, July SI. legal holiday. Wednesday, July 2t ZollnerWs. Kaser. In the : following three eases: Judge Lewellins will preside), due to affidavits of prejudice. Thursday, July 27, state ex rel Miller vs. Herrold; Friday, July 2 9," Palmerton vs, Hunt Bros. Monday, July. SI, Monner va. Star ker. . . - L ; . - Sale Confirmed Sale of per sonal property owned by estate) of Andrew L. Pearson is confirm ed In court order signed yester- vr , y i v vs T 'ay OS w .-.WV. A'. "I Dick Powell of "Gold Diggers of '33" Says "I Like My Jantzen Make Ready For The Great Holidays! Our Store is Attuned to The Spirit of The -Tinies! Sportswear, Vacation Clothes, Surnmer Acces sories Etc are NOW at Their Best! Come Look Through! I ' It's A Big Cotton Frock Season sLsssss 99 Dick Powell enjoys swim ming. Tne jantzen Topper is his favorite swim suit. He makes it into a pair of trunks in a jiffy with the ripper. This two-way suit will appeal to you too. dts smart lines and color combinations are the last word . in ., swim suit fashions f or men. See it at Miller's today. ; A FULL ilXE OF SUITS BY '.' JANTZEN AND WEBFOOT, ALSO TRTTVKH Van kCKW AND ROYS. PRICES BEGIN - 75e AND , - GBADUATK UF TO ; fo J0 New Cotton A VOW rw n 1M 2.98 Organdies and - Voiles Every smart woman favors sheers. And why not? There's noth ing cooler . . '. nothing that appears so fresh and needs so little care. Reasons enough we think for offering these dine dance frocks of sheer plaid organdie and voile for only 12.98. Tour color scheme .Is here! 2ND FLOOR .0 0 0 0 0 0 These peppy print dresses are for hot days. They're cottons, but so fine and so flower-like you won't hesitate a moment over wearing them to afternoon tea at your club ... on a shop ping trip In town . . , at your hostess' weekend party. Daisy prints, wild flower bouquets, polka dots and World Fair geo metries. ' . , $r :. They're gay, bright ones wjth crisp white touches on collars and sleeves. Apparel sections, 2nd floor. Specially Featured at Swimming Suit Accessories Special wool ribbed swim suits priced at $1.48 Jim Jackets made of terry cloth. Colors, $1.00 New rubber swinunlnjr caps. Colors and white !J : 15c up Swim suit belts to match or contrast 15c up Swimming shoes A sandals priced 45e to 89 Velvet swimming- caps are new. Priced at J ! 65c and 75c Sale of ... " White Wool Knity Swagger COATS $3.95 These knitted swagger coats are inexpensively priced to suit your purse for the holidays. Made meshy for the cool breeses. Large patch pockets, Jaunty collar effects, raglan sleeves . . . all the ear marks of a really high priced swagger. But you'll have to hurry, if you want one at this price. 2ND FLOOR LET'S GO JUMP IN THE OCEAN! or play on the beach! HI Sale of Sporl SHOES $1.95 White Pisr Grained Hand Bags $1.00 Another group ot white hand bags arrived tor this holiday showing at 11.09 per your choice. Pig-grained and washable.-Practical as well as swagger." Nearly all have sips. Coin purse and mirror. Main floor. -; . i , Suede. Finished TRAVEL4 . BAG - ; $1.98 8oft, suede 1 finished slp- ner travel bag in Tien brown. W a t e rproof and looks like a million. Men's -section. Tes, let's do something exciting, but first let us go to Miller's and get. properly decked out for the occasion. We'll need the niftiest sea togs avail able because who knows how swell the sea will be or what the waves will be whispering? Come deck out at Miller's. Are We Proud of These! Salem Linen Suits and Coats Salem linen Is so devoid of starchy filling that authori ties on the subject say it Is almost non crushahle. And now . . . comes finest lin en suits in -America made of Sal em grown linen, rash ion's big bit., .and home grown. 2-Pc suits 5.95 Swagger Coats $5.95 Slack, black and white and white rough leather and grained sport foot wear in this group, ape clallr priced at . Il.tS pair. vvi f::''' i O uen isswoMmm SLACKS $1.98 to $3.95 Holeproof-Hose Celebrate In Salem Beige and grey the twe 1 feature numbers In Hole proof pure silk, full fash loned stockings shown -this week at Tie pair. - beach, f " , -