"li1 V The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Horning. Jcne S0 1333 PAGE TlinrfEEN in a- rn5?c s fn -um r . . . 4 a . , . u iruu t r .V V v 0 , i 4)y 7M Business Directory Hr m Uu litmctury omT nonthly basis ouly. Ratal Ut par lis par moatV AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. th brake and- ehlmmy . doctor. Ilk South cowmorgaj btree. CATERING Hurt Cry, the caterer. Ph. 8751. : oiuum SWEEP Telephan 445. Tt EL NoiMimie. ' ' CHIROPRACTORS DR. a - SCOTT, PSC. Chlreprctor.. l W. Kirh. TeL Re s67t. ; DRESSMAKING " Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Ca-3edL AdnrttalM Srorie tnserttoa per Use.lOe Threw toMTtloas -fr Uu sot 81 insertions per Una. 0c Oie month per tra..tl.at Minimum charge ......see- Copy for UU page ae etpted until :- the - lac bafora publication for classification, con n eelved attar thla dm win Iso ran under the needlag Too Lata to Classify. Eii. iraumaklni in your ham,. $1,00 day. Copy picture. Tret 7984 FLORISTS CUT Bwn, wwUlaa boqut fun rtU vreUi decdrattoaa C jr. Brelt btutpt, florin. 71 Court. TL 3C . h AULkladaef noral work. IaiU Flor ist, ltth MrkU TL Mil. p GLASS Auto wd window klaaa mirror. Tel. HOC Walter J; Downs. 8 Brey. INSURANCE v BSC KB H&ND&1CK8 lt W. Ugl - , T1. 4S4I - COrFET-BMlTH. en. In TL 86. Tao- StatoauMMi mo On-acial rpaaaib!lltj 4or orrots whlea nuiy ap- paar la adrorUaamaata aaJ Uabad ta Ita eolamaa, aai la caaoa waoro thi paper la at fault will reprint lat part of aa adTertUtmiat, la whlca th tTpograpalcal avlaUka oeeara. Tao Stataamaa rrroa tao rttht to rajoet objee tloaal aiTarttitng. It tur thar Mtorrea tao right to claatlfr all adTerUaia aa dor tao proper elaaaUlea tioa. - Turn, and aafnnv haoM R i rorkoar. Ill N. CotUx. TaL Ml. HELP WANTED FEMALE Will rire drl or woman aood htuiM and aocndlBK moner. durlnS summer months, in exchange for help hi home. No heary work or small ciui dren to cam for. Will pay wages tali fall. Add. Statesman box Z6t. SITUATIONS WANTED Work. R. Porter, K. 1. Bx. 98. Salem. LAUNDRIES TBI NEW 8AIM LAUNDRT THS WiUDfiS LaUNDRT t ., High Tal. CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY tlrst In Quality and 8ervice Tephona !& 114 Broadway : LAWN MOWERS Sharpanad, rapsiral and" "'traded. HARRT W. SCOTT, Tba Cycia Man' Young girl wlshea to assist with housework and care for children Write Marine Nelson, woodburn. Ore., m. i. Tonnir ladv. exnerienced. wishes pen eal housework. Apply Miss Grace Robinson, Route 1, McMlnnville, Ore gon. ' .FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh, crab now at Fldler'a stand, lntarsectioa SUvarton-Poruana roaa. Sm radio, anrcial In front of store radio chanced each day. Wills Music Store. injMwmj MATTRESSES. Mattresses from tactery to home. Bprlo mat trass !.. Raaarauvrs and fc-lcatora Hugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. TeL 401. N CapiteL Must sell my oearly new Baby Grand piano at once, part terms to respon sible party. Box 77. statesman. FOR RENT HOUSES Cashless Opportunities Cafe for rent, 8JT N. Comt - ' For rent 7 room house. CadwelL Statesman office. 6m Km T-room house with sleeping porch. Reasonable. Inquire 494 K. CapltoL 4 room modern. Inquire 1511 Court. MONEY TO LOAN ? Borrow on paraanal pro party i repay in monthly tnstallmenta WH.rAM. ETTB LOAN CO, State Ma S-itt. Guardian Bldg. TaL 1171. Houses for rant. Damon. MT N. Com. FOR RENT We have the cheapest houses ta Sa lem. CHILDS A MUXER. Realtor Hi State Street TeL 7L PERSONAL. INSTALLMENT .LOANS 8TATB LOAN COMPAN I tit Oragoaj Building, 2nd Floor . Offk hra M A. 14. to P. M. iTehmnona 77 IX. SUU license No. S-145. ... Modern house, ft. lath 8L (room, new paint, paper. Fireplaces, garage. 14SS Ferry. Tel. 4147. Modern cottarea. Cascadia. rent rea sonable. Apply Mra Z. A, Olson, Cas cadia. Ore. . 4 rm. furnished home for summer. Adults only. 17S 8. Church. TeL ssrz. S room furn. house. IS.00. Call 14t ft. i ourtn. FOR RENT 'Bells of Harmony Heard ever KOIN daily ring- out a loan service that ts really really dttfaraaL TOU OCT THB FVLXi AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH OJTLT LAWFUL. INTEREST STRICT PRIVACT QUICK AND COURTEOUS 8CSVTCJB om loans ia ta sxas Beneficial Loan Society OF SAL.EM Raom lit New Bllgn Bldg. tnd Floor 111 StaU Street TaL -T-4-i FOR RENT: Hottaea and apta, ST.S4 up. Furnished l-H-f 20-up. For rentala BEE utLAjtiituL, ar TtiuMASorr ill State Street - Room 4. IS ACRES TO LEASE Stocked and equipped, 151 acrea prune". VAN M. GREER, 102 Ore. Bldg. MONET LOANED ON A.UTOB Contracts Refmanced Arranga ta reduce youi paymaata Tea keep the car P. A. ETKXR Cor. Lfhartv fit. aad FerTT Photta 47tl a-laea. Ora PriTate money ta loan aa good real estate security. Abrama and Ellis Inc, 411 Masonic. FOR RENT t acre tract not far out. rood build ings, water system. Price $17.50 per mooin. CHILDS ac MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Tel. 47081 FOR SALE Real Estate m --w- . -u-lj-)J-xnaj'Lnn PkRSONAI. LOANS UaDB ea furnltura, ears, ealarlaa or other rood security. Repayable monthly. When n financial aaaa us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT OTIRPORATIDN Good aemi-modern t-room nlastered residence, basement, fireplace, plumb ing, on two Dig lots covered with nut, cherry and ornamental trees and roses, j grape arbor, near schools, nice view, roing at depression price. Also two beautiful building lots 0x130 each with large fruit trees, block south Les lie brick school, at bargain, easy terma owner, 75 Kural Ave. pnone BSS4. LOANS WANTED Wanted to borrow $500 on estab lished business, good security. Interest. Bx 783, Statesman. jWWVVW Strictly modern 5 room bungalow, close In. Nearly new. A very choice home at only $3000.00, all furnished. Terma 5 Acres with modern room bun galow near Salem. Price only $3800.00. Terma given. 50 Acre located north of Salem, all fenced and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at $2500.00. Terma J. F. ULRICH CO. Phone 1873 325 State Street Wa have first mortgage loans yield ing 7 Interest payable semi-annual ly. City and farm property. CHILD 3 A MILLER, Mtge. Loans S44 State Street Tel. 4708 FIBUSTS ESI NEW YORK, Jane 29 ( AP) Financial markets wero dispoeed to move- cautiously today as the big international debate on cur rency stabillxatloa continued at fall tut. , Commercial solvents, American Ice, Standard Brands, Drag. lac. Eastman Kodak and a few others rallied, finishing: vita .gains of 1 to3 points. Deere received a warm reception at its "big board" debut it was moved over from the curb rising more than S la comparison with Wed nesday's closing on the other mar ket. Part of the gain was sur rendered. U. S. Steel. Bethlehem. Ameri can Can. Westlnghonse, Allied Chemical, Du Pont. National Bis cuit, Standard Oil of. New Jersey. Union Pacific. New York Central, Western Union and American To bacco "B" yielded major fractions to more than a point. Alcohol Is sues dropped. National Distillers losing more than S, U. 8. Indus trial S aad Owens - Illinois 4. Sales totaled 4.592,476 shares. KOLLXS TO McMIXXYILLE CENTRAL HOWELL, June II Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kolln, nee Marlorle Tweed, have return ed from California and plan to go to McMlnnville to lire. Mr Kolln will attend Lin field col lege this fall. D R OU GH T RETURNS $1.00 WHEAT DEMAND FOR BUTTER I NC R E A.SE S General Trade Keeps At Full Values; Calves Lower Salem Markets Radio 1 Program FOR SALE WOOD New 4-. mattress ntada te order, old earnet cleaning. slaUut i fluff rug weaving, aaletn ..Fluff Rag Jk Mat tress Factory. St ltt aV. WUhur. TaL 844L Otto F. fcwlcker. Esfc-iaiL MUSIC STORES GJBOl C WILL Pianos, radios, saw-' in. machines, sheet muale and plane studies. Repairing radio, phonographs and sawing TnMichln. 431 atata aueet. balem. ; - ' r MEDICINE Dc Chan Lam. Chinese Medicine Co. Hour Tuesday and Friday, 10 :30 ia Io4;j0 p. m. 148 N. ConunerciaL ii irinA. herbs for mala and fa- mal. for constipaUon, rheumatism, appendicitis, colitis, gland,- stomach disorders. Charlie Chan, Chinese Med teSeCo. 122 H. ComX Dally Sun- day t-. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING Would give use of my fine piano for atnrare or sell cheau for cash. Box 778. Statesman. TnnnjxjururM"Minvir-,-,s-M'i,i- " - - - Lumber, doors, windows, cheap. t55 Market. Certified Netted Gem seed potatoes. Puritan Cider, -Works, West Salem. TeL 542$. - Paradise Park afternoon, evening. beer-15c. - Kale plants, 50s thousand. 510 Hud son. FOR SALE Gooseberries choice larga berries, no worms 93 F. iwwywvwwiwwv N Expert ladies and gents halrcutting, 20c. children 16c. 1411 . yom i. Woman's bicycle, good condition. $18.50 cash. Box 244, Statesman. Girl's swim suit Size 12. Tel. 9371. SEE 8TANDLEY ft FOLEY for noon FAITH BONDS and TRUCK INSURANCE. Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg. . Liberty street crab stand, crabs, clams and fish. 248 N. Liberty. Cherries. Call 8244. VWVVMWWWWWW Weatlnrhouse electric range. S plates, 14 In., automatic even, wood burner, bought new in 1929. cost $137, must sell before July 5. $58 cash will take It 1840 N. Cottage, Two lota on knoll $0x130 each, fac ing Leslie brick school grounds, nice view, covered with large cherry, pear and apple treea Will sell one or both. See these before building. Easy terma Owner, 745 Rural Avenue. TeL 8854. 1 rm. house and lot, $200. $10 mo. buys it. Damon, 897 N. Com'L FOR SALE Small house, $1000.00 on time or $850.00 cash. Fruit, flowers. shrub Nice location. ' Close to state hosp. If you want a cheap borne, see this. E. V. GEER. 450 N. 23rd St $ room modern home. Must sell at once. 82800.00. ' Cost msqo.uu. w. u. i Grant, Masonic Bldg. TWO GOOD BUYS IN SUB URBAN HOMES t acre tract 1 mile out on paved road. 5 room house, water system, el ectric lights, small barn, garage ana woodshed. To close an estate, priced very low at $2100. Choice arce tract IK miles out on paved road, new shake house of S rooms, nook, plastered, plumbing, elec tric lights, water system, nice pool. lawn, flowers, . shrubs and garden. Priced very low at 82000, part term CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street TeL 1708 FOR SALE Beautiful suburban home. High and alghtly location. Eight room modern house, garage and electric water system. Five acres Eng lish walnut trees 25 years old. Soma cherries and other fruit $8500.00. TeL 7403, Owner. GUARANTEED DRT wood oal TaL 5000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade ft Cot tag a Ash, fir and oak. TaL 5448. Wood, all kinds, call 4SF14, Smith A Ruben - 2nd growth and oak Any length. Judd. TeL 21F14. No. 1 14 In. old fir. $4.35. TeL 4450. Ij-ij-, jj-i rafsr-T'aJi ,--------- --- aa- Good dry old fir, second growth, ash, oak. TeL 3873. Dry ftl&b wood, It In. old fir, and wood. Prompt delivery at planer wood. Prompt Tracra TeL 3954. Put In your winter wood now. Good 4 ft. 2nd growth and oak. Tel. 3888 FOR SALE USED CARS eaaJaaJaaajaaasw aeaaaaasaaswet WANTED , Several light car Will pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE Terms xraaae 841 Chemeketa CHEVROLET GIVES MORE FREE LICENSE 21 Stude Coupe $1"-?? rarOAT. Jane KQW POBTLAMD 20 K. 7:00 U. 8. If arise band, NBO. 8 : 00 Ronald Back, pianist. 0:30 Cooking school. 10:00 Arion trio. NEC. 10:30 Woman's Maratine ef the Air, NBC. 11:45 Kire Cards, KBC. 12:15 Wester Farm and Home koar, - NBO. 12:45 O. M. Flnmmer. 1:00 Soloist. NBO. 3:00 The RolHeker. NBC. 8:15 Allyn's program. 8:20 Friendly chat 4:45 Mahdi, the Magieiaa. 5,00 The Goldmaa bead, HBO. 7:00 Amos '' Aady. NBO. :15 Charles Hart, NBC. 0:45 Paal Canon, NBO. m 10:15 Aasoa Weeks' orchestra. KBC. 11:00 Phil Harris' orchestra, 'B0 11:30 Arioa trio, KBC. Konr roatXAMD at a. 8:30 KOIN's Kleck 8:00 Billy Hay's orchestra. 9:80 Betty Crocker. 11.15 Alex Bemler, eoaeert pianist 12:80 U. 8. Army band, CBS. 8 ;00 Feminine Faneiea, DLBS. 0:45 Freddie Martin's orchestra. T-S.S Fiihlnv hnllatiS. 8:00 Glen Gray's orchestra, CBS. 9:00 Gas Arabella's orchestra, CBS, 10:15 Bport flashes. PORTLAND, June 2 (API- Demand for batter continued to strengthen hero with farther de crease rn churning operations. While there was no additional ad vance noted ia the price either on the open market or on the pro- dace exchange, the general trade waa at faU rain a. Recent showing of strength for butterJn practically all leading cities br the-country suggested not only the back to work movement of labor with carta eau en t gaia la money circulation, bat there was a real shortage la the -output ef butter la the entire country. Butterfat values hare not been changed hero for aa extended per tod, even when the market tor batter reflected a slightly easier undertone with manipulation re ported by outside distributors. -Market for eggs was showing a generally steady tone locally but without price changes. Shading below the prices established by local co-ops continued. Receipts were decreasing. Steadiness was Increasing In the market for live chickens but without price changes for the day. Light broilers continued in strongest call at the moment but all sorts were moving out fairly prompt. There was a fractional price loss in the price on country killed calves here for the day. Hogs and lambs were held about steady at late prices. There was another advance in the price on strawberries here, the result of decreasing offerings and an apparent awakening of consumers to this tact. Raspber ries and currents were a trifle lower. Credo B raw 4 co op. pool price, f 1W per hsutdred. Sawpla f i-W. aOOj fSiilk SalUnfat aerg IHstrflHitor price f 1.70 Batterfat Top S0-21e, prints MK, cabea Z2tf. rrieee paid ta gJere T taUaa aayet Jmie It . (The erleee aie. ea,p4ed ay a leeei graaac, -are ladicatlva at tSe amiry ensrkat Aaa as aes saaasataea by TW am ea raxax abu) rr.oiTaai.at aUaUg Waa, law t .18 AaUshoaisa. doe. Tt Aoaarage, Weal, .s. No. 1 .70 CaLbara, la. .08 reea poppara. Florida, la. , .. JO Peas, Oregea. Ik J) I t .03 OaWa. doe. haaehea J5 Petauoa. TakUaa 5s. 1 l.TS aaasta. white 8eoa astetesa. era to Latteee. local J.85 -LAO Oaiaaa. Laaias, V . ahaaark. local -Celery, dot. Appjee Wieeaaps, fasey Extra fasey Vevtowsa. fsaey Katrs teacy .45 . AS . .01 . .45 . .98 J. 40 .1.48 Oraagoe, Valencia, fancy 1.7S ta 8. SO Piece pack 100 Boots, local, dox. . .15 Taraips, local, crate 4S Cerrott. local, do. .15 Spiaech. local, crate 11 M .M Baftaaaa. lb. on slock - .05 Hands .05 la Ifastard SToens - .40 Cacnmbers P1neeps4 retail Cantaloapea, crate Lemoat Oooseberrie Ptrawherries. local Limes, fresh - Aracado. crate Sqaaah. Italian, crate , Sammer. erste , .. Apricot, crate . . Watermelons, retail - , . Tomatoes, hothouse Texas AO to 1.30 .10 to .30 .1.00 to 1.50 7 50 Jbi ta .04 1.15 1.55 8.25 1.25 1.85 .75 .08 .3.00 .3.40 "V- Northwest Damage is Greats $l.QV2 is Day's top l CHICAGO. June II (AP) - Big crop damage reported norths ' west turned wheat prices rapidly. .' upward late today; and dollar bushel formed the rale. anew at the close. At one stage, the wheat market to f l.aiu. Authoritative un official advices said prolonged high tempera tare and drought had taken heary ton of .spring wheat crops northwest, with n- nambered stools of wheat 'plant destroyed, and that ag a result the production world be severely re stricted. Indicating virtually a one-ate at crop. Indications of general rains 'ov er the northwest with the mols- tare extending Into the corn belt. were construed In some quarters -as meaalng the end of the drought aad (he heat wave. This led to sharp temporary setbacks in wheat values, the market going to I cents below Tuesday's high point, but swift advances later more than s-rercome losses. Wheat closed nervous. U - above yesterday's finish, corn Ti lt down, ostsJiAa-TLdTlnxedi Today's closing quotations: Wheat r. Julr--U: Sep tember 11-; December -; Msy 1JS-1.00. Corn July 504: September 55-; December S9H-U. Oats July 41 H: September 43-4m; December 45-4SH. General Markets PnODUCB XXCHAJIOB PORTLAND, Ore., Jaae 10. (AP) Prodaee exeaaace. net prices natter. extras lie, staadard 1 IK a, prime first i 11 e. first lHe. Eggs rresh extra lS-lOe, freak modiams 1317c Portland Grain Top. Top. 1. lb. 18 31. lb. Hora Extra Standard Hediama EGGS Baying Prices Old reoeure - Colored bra -Medians hen Llf-ht hens. Broiler rOTTLTBl .44 .58 .13 .13 .11 Jan 19. (AP) High Low Close SO 07 07 71H 60 6tH 75 H 75 TS Cosh wheal No. 1 Big Bead blaa- PORTLAND. Ore, Wheat Opea Jaly September -ll December TIa Lamb, top . Hoc, top First cat Steers .. Caw Heifer Ball! MEAT 4 . .10 . .09 , -OS .18 to J.5 Dressed veal, top Dressed hor .. .04 H .01 to .03 to .01 ta 4.00 4.50 . 4.15 to .05 .08 .04 .08 .06 .07 tern 77e; dark hard viator, 11 per cent TSe: 11 per cent Tie; soft watte, west er white, hard waiter, aorther apria, wee term rod 66c. Oata No. 1 white fid. Cora Ne. IX yellow $15.. '39 Ford Coupe 19 Chev. Coach 29 Naah Cabriolet '29 Nash Sedan 32 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan '33 Chev. Coach '33 Plymouth Sedan '89 Ford Truck 19 Chev. Panel Truck 29 Chev. Truck 145.00 115.00 175.00 325.00 475.00 4S5.00 4S5.00 375.00 115.00 195.00 Stocks and Bonds FOB STATIONERT, cards, ; eta, programs, books or any kind of ortoUna. call Th statesman Printing Department. 216 & Commercial. Tala phone 010L REAL ESTATE "BECKS V LLENDR1CK3, TaL 4ItT W. H. O RABENHOBST A CO . IH a Llhartjr BU - ; SOCOLOFSKT SON 104-1 Flrat Nat L Bk. Bldg. TeLTSOT, STOVES STOVXS and stove wpslrtn SUv fJraaia. rebUt and repalrad. All kindaaf woven wire fooca, fancy and hop baskets, hooka, If g hooka KaJam na aid Steve Works, 161 T.L 4774. R. a Flaming, V UW -Banmmspnmmw-i---"" TRADE Miscellaneous Trade Chev. '26 coach, good condi tion Want A Ford or 6 Chev. ar heav ier car. Pay dlff. Box 168, State- man. WANTED Miscellaneous Wa pick vp dead or worthless horses, cows, sheep, tree oi cnarge. ieu tsoa. Wanted piawr ifor- cash. TeL 5707. WANTED uaed men's suit coats. hata and shoes In good condition. Highest prices paid. Star Exchange, 111 N, Commercial St Phone 5948. aeesnasi WANTED South-bound driver to tow light trailer to Rcmeburg. Will pay. Call 777 w. wir.ter. TRANSFER UArn-.-".; r.Hh.rtlm. for- ,nU and VUrI-Uty. CITT Tranafar Co. 116 warding Get pur rates. MISCELLANEOUS Typing students keep in practice enl. for summer. 8 moa for 1 5. Thoa Roen, 410 Court of EXCHANGE Real Estate 30-ACRES FOR TRADE Wants smaller place. 8 to 10 acres I around Salem. Has a good 6-R. house. with bath, electric light and pumping system. Barn and hen home, 50x18. All In cultivation and crop, what have you 7 J AS. U. SBAK3, KEAhTUK 132 South High Street FOR SALE FARMS THIS RANCH A GOOD BUT 105-acrea good aoll. 60-A. cultiva tion, mostly bottom land. New English tvoe 6-R. house, bath, fireplace, and electric lights and water system. New barn, poultry house, etc. Little timber and running water. Dandy place re duced lust h in price. $7000, give term See my agent JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 133 South High Street BARGAIN BUT NOW! 45 A., alt cleared. 3 R. house, good road, N. of Salem. $1250. SOCOLOFSKT ft BON First National Bank Bldg. ACREAGE Mr. Lena' of Seattle, FOR local or distant tranafar '?rs ItUUlMxuMlnnMUt Co. Truck to Poruano a r TYPEriTUTERS ,TVTT-irRSU.Addlng Ken. sold. i "ZZtaZ Underwood .Ageats. rkVft Short 51CUjt2i2 . - WELL DRILLING " l A. Was. t years experie-c. rfd a. Bo io g- rt tipye- Wnv, expert hair eutter. now located 301 S. Win ter. Prices he same. Aouits ioc, chil dren 15c tor.ii.rxn.rii'in--ii-.-iiJv-ii-iri- - -i- ----- Paradise Pavk t milea east Market street MWWWWWAMMM Free plcnlca at Paradise Park. FOR RENT ROOMS - w- M0tf0U0fA Modern room, garage. ,p. porcn. 57. 6 A. 3 ml out lmprVd $1500. $150 : down, baL Uka rent Damon, 897 N. Com'L 1$ A. with 14 A. in cult. 6 mL from Salem; houaa and barn. $1900. Tou can't beat thla H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 890$ TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundaya McKAT CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET GIVES MORE -nirk'n Car Lot" Chemeketa next to fire station, pays cash for car. y THRIFT PRICES ON USED CARS COME IN AND DRIVE A BARGAIN '31 STUDS LIGHT SIX. 8EUA. rree wheeling, email mileage, new car aarvlna 80 BUICK STD. COUPE. Overhauled I and reflnlahed. '$2 ESSEX TERRAPLANH COUPE. Almost new. New car service and guarantee. S3 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE. The famous 4, with floating power. 29 8TUDE PRESIDENT SEDAN. One of the best ears aver built 17 STUTZ VICTORIA COUPE. Coat over $3500 new. '29 HUDSON STD. SEDAN. Truck and other extra - 29 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN. Karl Keen trunk. '29 DURANT 4-DOOR SEDAN. 28 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE STATE MOTORS INC 625 Chemeketa Open Evening TeL $460 FOURTH OF JULT SPECIAL 1930 Bulck 8port Roadster. A snappy car $385 1931 Ford Sport Roadster, tip top 295 1929 Pontine Sedan 176 1930 Chev. Coach , ,,. 85 1928 Chev, Sedan 165 1928 Chev. Coach , 165 1929 Durant "4" Coach 165 192$ Hup. Sedan , 145 240 N. Liberty TaL $138.1 (Copyright 1033. Standard Statistics Ce.) Jan 20 STOCK AVE AQES 60 20 .0 SO Ind'ls Kit's Cl's Total Today 89.8 47.1 103.8 85.S ProTion day 00.0 47.4 105.1 86.1 Week aga , 84.2 44.0 102.1 81.1 Tear-ago 85.7 13.1 65.0 86.S year ago 153.0 110.9 110.1 158.0 High 1933 91.1 47.6 111.7 67.1 Low 1933 43.8 23.5 61.6 48.9 High 1033 71.8 88.8 111.0 7S.t Low 1933 83.1 11.1 51.8 85.0 B02TD AVEXAGE3 Today Previoa day Week aga Tear ago 8 year age Bigh 193 Lew 1038 High 1988 Low 1983 !0 73.4 73.5 73.0 58.0 02.4 78.5 68.8 71.8 53.2 10 77.1 77.6 76.1 61.S 106.1 77.S 57.0 T8.0 47.4 10 85.1 85.4 84.1 T3.1 09.8 85.4 74.1 86.1 70.9 60 85J 79,9 T7.T 60.8 09.4 78.8 63.6 TS.l 57.5 ACE TO RACE 17 ACRE STOCK RANCH It head cows goea with place. Will trade for clear house or small acreage close In to Salem. VAN M. GREER. 203 Ore. Bldg. 1677 -Court St Tel. 483 ROOM ANfii BOARD - ----------- - Bv and R. near P. O, $20. TaL 1481. nrirw- i - -- -- -- -- ------- R-B $20 and $75. 645 Marion. NEED CASH 6 LA. good hop land, fin location north. Priced $2500 tor quick sale. Make offer. VAN M. GREER, 202 Ore. Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE Rev. A. 8. Henderson wirt United Brethren hope. to. leave by motor of the church Monday Board, and room for "ladle. Close In. TaL 6478. 595 Court St WWW NNl-J- Modern rooma Oooa - noma cooaaa meal a Garage. Seasonable. 1144 Can ter. TeL 5806. FOR RENTAPARTMENTS I uumi'i nrry - - 1 nice apta $13 ana aza. Aa vanwr. uuu'uli-'j - 'if-n-i Apt. 111. Il N- Com'L aasjaiaiaWaaS 8 R. turn. apt. frigid, 1299 Court . jxj' in i i ii ' ' . rooms, g&rage houaa. .All . .A.MH.t W1LQ mi, At . . aorAdelbert ,tor near Hills- Bicelyr. TeL T6$t. 1261 HasaL Special rates on apta and sleeping - - . a a .... fthie-an. where no wui ai- aaiv, '-- .' . . .i Ad as v a deiegaie . b-u-i.. i t5l ctar. ..faif of-the denomination. jUMU nm1 a"" ml V1 & 'Teonference, held every four Reduced rtff ..e will hO in soosiuii nuui i . a T7av Henderson has I zzLZ. ?.VrS 'tha cast two general Attractive fim floor apt 1$1 Bute. r 1 .LLOMUvta I , seaBions, and was press chairman i NJc Knl apartment Ovarstuf- fnr the last one. na waa i fsd. $ union. - - - lu . . d.l niatnrif. I . .......... .. returned lo .Z,"Z lT. xr TnMhA and unfamlahed apart and la BOW aUrting bi" ninth year j BJ",Ja 3 rooma Cheapest to 8a- f aervieo here, me toxiti- leBi M Marion. -- r- v-thsr -TJalted Brethren ,wi,0t s waa held In Clackamas faintly: the alto being the larm of. Rar. Hendaxaptt' f ther OlvmrHa apta. Tie K. Liberty. .Furn. njul unfunL. t Of t rooms. U.-.-.-I -1 - -- -- -- -- -- ' - .- .. Tjnfura. duplex apt $! Union, . CASH BUTERS FOR RANCHES. Golsten, 1521 12th Ave San Francis co, cat Spring Pig Crop r rr i n a isiporervwn sv ( ; 1' I vy- r" Z f l r v 3 ' - A a X 1 l , I I .A I -. . ".A - v. V- X;-' 1 1 Portland Produce POBTLAXD. Ore- Jan 29. (AP) Batter Print, extras 14c, stsadards 13e. batterfat Portland delivery: A grd 21-21 poand: farmer doer delivery 11 12e pound; weet cream 5 higher. Eggs-. Pacific poultry producers' sell ing price: Ovorsixe 20c. extras 18. mix ed color 17e, medlnms lie dosea. Bay ina orice br wholesalers, fresh current receipts, 60 pounds and ap, 12e dosea. Cheese 91 teere Oregon triplet 11; loaf 13 poaad. Brokers will pay be low anetatioa. Milk Coatract price 4 per seat Portland delivery, $L70 cwt; B grade cream 87 Ho poaad. CeaaU-7 meats Selling price to re tailer, eoantrv killed hors. bert batch era. aader 160 poaad 7-7 He. Vealers 70 telOO poaad 6-7e. Spring lsmh 10-11. yearUsg 4-5. Heary owes 18. Medium caw 6 poand. Caaaer cow 1- 9c. Balls 4 -5 poaad. Mohair Boring price, 1988 slip 15e poaad. Cascara bark Boring price, 1988 peel, 8c peend. Hop Nominal. 1983, 44 68 pound. Lira paaltry Portlaad dolivary. bay lag pricea heavy hn. colored 4 -5 poaad lie. do 6H pound up 10; broilers 9 ponnda ap 0-lOe; an dor 1 poaad 11 11 He; colored springs, 1 pound ap lie. Rooster 6 poaad. Decks, Pekins, broilers 11-18 poand; eld ducks. P.fcin 10a pound, da colored lOe poaad. Oaloa utng pnea ta revaiisr. Oregoa, $1.15-1.85 centaL New . salens California, Bemad $1 50-poand eraU; new rod $1.85 eeataL PoUtoes Local $1.50; Desehote 0ea S3; da Baker. $1.15; Yakima Oeeaa $1.65. New potatoes Local whit aad red $2.50-1.45 eeaUl; California, white $1.65 1.75 eoaUL Strawberriea Kw Oregoa $140 1.65 crate. Wool 1911 clip. aomiasL Willam ette valley 13-35 poaad; eastern Oregoa 18-81e poaad; souther Idah 16-20e poaa. Hay Bayiag price from producer, alfalfa Ho. 1. aew crop, $15-16: clover No. 9, $14; eastera Oregoa timothy $16; oat aad vetch $15. OBADJ A1TD HAT Wheat westera rod .71 White, No. 1 .71 Barley, top. tea li.00 to 20.00 Oata, toa an no to 25.00 Hey. bayiag pries Oat ssd vetch, toa 16, 00 Alfalfa, valley 1st cat 17.00 Eastera Oregoa 18.00 Clever hay 17.00 Medium Coarse . Mohair WOOL Green, th. Dry. ft. OU, peanl CA80ASA BAJLK . PEPPE-tMIXT ' . .15 . .01 Vt .04 H .1.80 to 1.00 STTORS AT WHTTN'EYS BRUSH COLLEGE, June 2 Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whitney of Brush College have as their house SEASi PAST PEAK BUT BERRIES -SAB CORVALLIS. Ore., June 2 (AP) Although the peak of the strawberry season has been reached if not actually passed la major sections of the northwest, prices are sagging with let-up la demand, it wss stated in a review issued today by the USDA bureau of agricultural economics cooper ating with the OSC extension ser vice. Throughout the past week prices at Portland were $1.2S to $1.75 for 24-plnt crates, but Tuesday they dropped to $1 in some places. Oregon cherries have appeared on the market in fair volume during the week with prices on Bings around C cents to 7 cents a pound and Royal Anns 4 cents, the California crop Is not yet cleaned up because of the late season. Most vegetables In Portland are now coming from local pro ducers. Lettuce Is in demand at 35 cents to 50 cents a crate of three to four dozen heads. guests Mrs. Whitney's nephew, Leiand Nelson and his friend James Keller of Los Angeles. The young men plan to spend a month in Oregon. SAILS TO TRIPLE TRIUMPH X A J .wJ-r. ; , .-y zz r- . : . j x ;. .. . L. ; i Z. ' tzz r- . ; -fC' ... ..'' 'W ' ' , - t , - V , ' .... ' ( ' Portland Livestock I CORVALLIS. Ore.. Jane 29 (AP) An Increase of three per eent In the spring pig crop la the United States was noted In a re view Issued today by the USDA Bureau of Agricultural Econom ics cooperating with the OSC ex tension service. Pigs saved thla spring total 11,000.000 head. : ,17 Major ErnatUdet, Germanyi neat est living war ace, pictured as he ar rived atNew York, en route to Loa Angeles, where he will compete in the National Air Races. Ha brought two planes, one of which ha will fly across the continent to his destina-tton. PORTULVD. Ore- Jaaa 19. (AP) I Cattle BeeeipU 100. eivaa so; aiew. Steer, seed $3.15-6: eenrmoa aad me- 1 dlaaa 88-4. Haifera. aoaxmoa aad asi diem $8-4.75. Cow, aoaamea aad aMdtuaa $2.50-4.15. Balls, good $3.15-8.50: eat ter aad medlam $15-8.1S. VoaUra, goad S-aTS; eowtwea aad madias 8 S. Oalvae. good $5-6; eommoa aad me dium $1.60-.- Hnr. R..lnta ISO; Btes4T. Oeed, 140 to 100 poaad $4.35-4.76; 100 t 150 poaad 4.15-4.78; aver 160 Meads 83.80-4.50. Sow, good $1.80- 4.15; mediam $8.15-8.75. Pig. g aavs-sas. - Wernlnte tOOi Stead V. L-mha. sa aad choice 65.25 5.76; man aad medlam 83A0-6.I5. Wstkara, $1-4. Xwaa $1.60-1.15. a beautiful photo of Margot, the sw7tlom of the J SI!$&' ate BetU at Ivrc-rrN. T. The boat, iailing '"WrSSi )wed Ita heels to all competitors ia three erenta irn one day. Norman CsynoYi the skipper, whh U. Blake and P. M. Potter aa kis aides. POLLY AND HER PALS Tht Frogs Didn't "froak" By CUFF STERRETT, .. a I I -..w. . lrAVWS PAW ySHOULTJT DRIMK FER ALL WS W'iT.S oV-1 . y SleSj WATER .TILL ITS BEEN J . HA1MT VWOL-SOMgf W faMEMZR SEBl eg! i