The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Friday Morninsr, Jane 30, 1933 PAGE ELEVEN V 4 i SMii vie i;i T BATTIE DOGH Heat Wave Broken in Some " Sections I by Torrential ; " Rains, Others Bake (By th Associated press)' A blistering sun and rain clouds Tied for supremacy yester day as the nation's heat ware was broken In several sections: and farmers looked over thir t...k fields In hopes that crop damage waa halted. ;i Mceh of the country, hoverer. till gashed for -breath as a re- lenuess' sun shot down stlf fling rays. tu Kanui nia m hv d. 'It -was; in at Junction City; 110 at Emnorla. anit Satin anil the rest of the staU was in the grip of 100 degrees . - Nwir WlnMeld, Kas I farmers baled, wheat and oats straw to toed livestock hvrnA f t) w shortage. The Kansas plains have oeen witnont rain of consequence since May 5. J Heat was still kin In nortions of Missouri. Columbia reporting as ana st. Urals 100 readings; highest Of the reason. Elsewhere in the-state; rain drenched down in cloudburst proportions to break the heat wave. Northeast Every dollar spent in this market returns to the trad in? area of Salem 100. That's what makes us all prosper. We do all our own killing and packing. That is why we sell you the very best quality of meats at less than wholesale. iiU Good to the last bite as Sugar cured, smoked with oak wood Bacon Backs ..... 12c Breakfast Bacon 3....... 13c ; Bacon Squares .. 7c Pure Lard. 4 lbs. for 1....30"c Our Bacon is more than we say it is. Try it once and you will be a Steady customer. Beef Roast ...... . 10-12c Beef Bofl.... ......7-8c Sirloin Steak 12c Prime Rib Roll ........15c . All our Beef is of the best of quality Pork Roast 10c Spare Ribs, 4 lbs 25c Back Bones 3c Pig Feet J2c Pig Hocks ....5c The best trimmed Pork sold on the Salem market Hamburger ; 12c Sausage 12c No water no cereal no suet Veal Stew .....5c Veal. Roast .........i. .... 10c MD ED WE EL D M A m LK E H Where a Dollar Does its Duty 173 So. Commercial Phone 8757 We are going to close July 3rd & 4th Close Saturday- Evening at 8 o'clock Oklahoma had temperatures above 100. At Hammond, Ind., and In the! south-part of Chicago.' winds of high - velocity accompanied" by! rains toppled, temperature and caused property damage A newly completed grand stand , at the Wolf Lake race course In North ern' Indiana was demolished. Dnluth, Minn., boasted temper atures below the 70 mark most of the day. Rains which provided relief from heat and drought were hea vy in Iowa and parts of Missouri, eight inches falling in some see- Hons. About two Inches of rain fell la parts1' of Minnesota ' and North Dakota, with showers gen eral in Illinois and Wisconsin. The rains, however, did little good to the parched small grain crops. Wisconsin reported that the showers had helped pastures, to bacco, corn and potatoes. Eight Inches of rain In Missou ri washed out sections of railroad tracks. Secretary of Agriculture Wallace was delayed enroute to Chicago by a washout. His train backed up, detoured over another road and arrived In Chicago many hours late. The "weather man" said a high pressure area moving eastward xrom the Pacific was expected ov er the- middle west by Saturday. This Will definitely end the heat wave which has sent temperature records smashing. IN NAZI ROW 1 : s . v 4 - 1 t x :.?. . sew-: -y " I - v 1 I Dr. Erwin Waascrbaeck, press at tacbe of the Austrian Leratiov ii Berlin, whose arrest by Nasi au thorities added feel to the resent ment between Germany and Aus tria. On orders from Austrian Chancellor Dolfnss 1,142 Nazis were Jailed in Austria as a re prisal. Dr. Wasserbaeck was or dered to leave Germany. COIWEITER IS SUM BY FEDERALS Milton Wiley of Josephine county. who Is serving a life term in the state penitentiary for the slaying of John Smenon. Mrs. Violet A. C Ahlf, Portland attorney, appeared for Wiley. There was no appear ance for the state in the supreme court. Wiley alleged that he killed Slmenon In self defense. HKEDW DRJIK DISTRICTS Governor Meier, chairman of the state reclamation commission. yesterday addressed a letter to the state emergency board requesting an aooronrlatlon of SSose to as sist irrigation and drainage dis tricts la assembling necessary ln- iormauon ana aata upon which to base' applications .for federal loans for reflnanelnc their in. debtedness. Rafus Holman. state treasurer, and Hal E. Hoss. secre tary of state, Joined with the gov. ernor in the request. Conjrress recentlT innrnnHatA1 $50,000,000 to be loaned La irri gation and drainage districts for refinancing purposes. The gover nor indicated that If Oregon dis tricts are to secure any of the fed eral runas, it is essential that they file at the earliest possible date complete information regarding their agricultural and economic conditions. ARMADA HEAD Brewery Plant Work Advancing While work Is progressing sat isfactorily on the Salem Brewing association's plant here, Frank Schmidt, manager, said this week it would be more than a month before operations could start. Some essential machinery for the plant is not on hand, raw mater ials must be purchased and the financing of 'the plant Is not litt er ; l : WBSJ,.! 1 ' " General Italo Balbo, Italian Air Minister, who is personally leading the mighty armada of 24 seaplanes in the epic flight from Orbetello. Italy, to the World's Fair at Chi cago. General Balbo supervised the special training of the 96 army air . men who man the air fleet. lshed. Schmidt Is directing a crew working dally on renovation of the building at South Commercial and Trade streets. Lions Club Grows During Past Year, President States Fifty per cent Increase, la membership of. Salem Lions club the past year was reported at yesterday's dab luncheon by W. RS Newmyer, outgoing president. Membership has grown from 20, when Newmyer took office, to 39 at present. The financial sta tus of . the dab also has been greatly Improved, he said. . Ia the absence of Judge George - Roesman, M. D. : Ohltng presented Newmyer wKh a past president a pin. O. D. Olson, new president, announced he would make committee appointments at the next meeting July "X. The elub will meet only on that dste la Jaly and on August 10 this summer. ' Claims Damage's -f For Auto Injury General damages of $2001 and special damages of I30S ' are sougat by Flora Swain la a suit filed, tn circuit court Thursday against Mr. and Mrs. K. IL Leach. Plaintiff alleges that the defend ants drove their ear into her, neg ligently, as she was crossing Stste sad. Commercial streets, here March 25. She says she s attained a broken left leg, severe Injuries to her back and a general nerv ous shock. ' Deliciousl Hot Weaifier Dessert Almond Roca, Choco late, Vanilla & Straw, berry flavors. Pint tub -2C3 1 Woolpert & Lens Drncc Your NYAL SERVICE Drug Store Court at Liberty Tel 3444 JOPLIN, Mo., June 29. (API -Federal agents late today shot and killed Homer Weese, a'jout 45, at a. farm house near here In which they were seeking a whisky still. Harold Lane, leader of the agents, said Weese emerged from the house and opened tire on the barricade behind which the offic ers had been watching movements at the house since yesterday. The officers returned the tire. Weese once published a weekly newspaper here. He served a short term In the state penitentiary ! about two years ago after 'being convicted of conspiracy to violate the counterfeiting laws. The four agents, all from Kan sas City, and E. E. Fisher, deputy sheriff from Greene county, said they learned there was counter feiting equipment in a barn on the farm and this knowledge caus ed them to increase their vigi lance. After the gun fight, the officers reported seising the equipment and also placed two men under arrest who drove up to the farm in a motor car. Those arrested. suspected by the officers of coun terfeiting; gave the names of W. J. Romans, shidler, Okla., and W. E. Lauener, Jennings, Okla. Hal Hoss Gaining Weight, Improves TT1 V. 'Hnai ia rainlnr welsht and fwlln? atronrer after a rest at. ths atala tuberculosis hoaoital at Th naiies. it waa reDortea at the statehouse yesterday. The sec retary or state is up ana aressea a nnrt lon of each dav. has a much I better appetite than two weeks ago and is improving, it is saia, I from his enforced rest. No date for his return here has been set. Um, Wiln'. Rim The state . annreme conrt Thnrsdar heard ' arguments In the case involving Watch out for SUNBURN! Deal tot the tortures of sunburn spoOyov outings. When your sUn Is burning fererUhly apply Ktx-Salvi&e at once. Ia a f w moments it pene trates deep into the sUa to give yoe soothing cool relief. Take s tube with yoe ea outings always. 1 wtfo fgh7 ip Etopy 9 if INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS 115 S. Commercial St. VACATION SPECIALS 50c PEPSODENT $2.50 SPORT QQ TOOTH Or GOGGLES ..aOl PASTE iOy 35cpALMOLIVE 29c ADHESIVE Ap SHAVING OQ TAPE, 1x5 ltt CREAM OC 50c CUTEX )rj0 $1 FOCUSING A HAND CREAMS I C FLASHUGHT 4a7C 50c PALSIOLTVE ; 19ft . SHAVING QQo S No. 120 -J TJ LOTION . fJfjC FILMS, 7 ex lit L25 VACUUM fTQ 2 BLADE BOTTLE, 1 pt. iVC PKT. KNIVES 6DL Si HOHNER QO "75c SHAVING QQ HARMONICA OaC BRUSH OuL 25cSTERNO ,- A. S10"? 9Af COOK STOVE LUC CORN PADS xl : 14b. CLARINE . 9Qp 1?SWITCH 1 Qp CHOCOLATES 6uL HAZEL JLVls 60c BROMO QO 1Jb- WRAPPED -I P SELTZER V-OyC CARAMELS IOC - i- - t - J MMMMMBa,MgMBaaaMnneenMMaisMWaMaMsswnwsMsi NEW COMFORT for tircd aching blistered foot ' Yjr si When t Ml are fired sad sore tney jew entbe " ' (Z-: JsrvSJsystam. wtegoodejea. Matotte !S a0 feet bath a tegular habit. A hot foot bath wia Kazafl Foot J Jit ThM foar the foot bath with RaxaU Toot Pwrdw- " b C 1 aoibameistare-Teur feet fed es4 wnfocttblt. Yea feel i w- better. Try this efferl - j K Avl Special offer Vyatt FOOT POlVDEn ySa FOOT SOAP ; Z2L ZVM 69c 59c 69c 9c 39c 39c 33c $1 Seventeen Face Powder U Neet Depilatory ... $1 Krank's Lemon Cream 25c Cashmere Bouquet Soap $1 Ambrosia Dry Skin Cream 65c Odorono -Deodorant 50c Ever Dry for perspiration stri: Also Ches terfield, Old Gold & Ca mel 20's EOS Pksr. 99c carton 60c Dr. Mile's Alka-Seltzer $15 BiSoDol Powder . 50c Ex Lax Chocolate 10O Tablets Port Aspirin 5 ffr. - S5c Radox Bath Salts 85e Jad Salts villus 39c 79c 33c 17c 59c 49c OUR OWN HOME MADE MAYONNAISE tastes the way you want it to taste IlJ Some folks like a sweet mayonnaise . . v and some don't want any sugar at alL Some like mustard, and some can't stand it.And lots of people like the taste and hcalthfulncss of fresh lemon juice while others want vinegar. There's only one way to have mayonnaise that is not sweet at all, or that is extra sweet . . . only one way to have mayonnaise that is made with lemon juice instead of vinegar . . . and that way is to make it yourself. Home made mayon naise is simply choice Wesson Oil, an egg just out of the shell, and seasoning exactly as you like it. -fir HERE'S THE NEW MIXER THAT WHIPS IT UP IN IK -.MINUTES!, rXSPECT MAYONNAISE EVERT TIME! It works with onejiand while you pour with die other . . .whips up a perfect mayonnaise in IX minutes ... the. time required for the pint of e Wesson Oil to pour out of the can. When the can is empty, six more strokes and your mayonnaise ' is finished. It can't fail. GET THE MIXER AND ONE PINT O F WESSON-OIL at your, grocer's today! v. 49 The recipe U o th mlxtf or making good: things io eat Jil,ft5utf;M i iff: ' 'V- - - -a - ii i- -