PAGE TWELVE : ic uuciuu aiAiivviiAN: Kaim. itrtmn Hinc4. ir... t a am "v i I' i i ii iii iii it linn i v : s. I lVlULfiLLii niib As Buckeroo Days . Ap proach; Sunday Mai! Ser vice is Talked . MOLALLA, Jnne 28. Orer ll ked of stock lias' armed tor nse daring the tenth annual Bacterbo, July 2, S and 4. This will Include wild horses, steers. Brahma stock .- and calres. The nrst shipment of stock came In Saturday from Bend, when 20 fiead of wild horses arrired' by truck. Banners are up. cowboys are making their a clearances, and Molalla is taking on the appear ance of a real wild west town in preparation for the show. Vera tlcGlnnis and Paris Williams, two women trick-riding stars, arriTed bere Monday night. Xorman Cow in is also in town and other per formers ill te arriving dally from now on. County Display Planned t H0LALLA, June 23. Molalla 111 tare a display at the coun ty fair this fall, it was decided at the Monday night meeting of the Commercial Club in the high .school. Other matters discussed at the meeting were the adrisibility Of Sunday mail service, county road work near Molalla, the in creased long - distance telephone rates and civic cooperation dur ing the Molalla Buckeroo. Molalla does not new have Sun day mail service, and although here has been some agitation for jft. members of the club arrived St no definite conclusion in its ffsvor. R. L..Holman is president ot the dab and J. O. SUata sec retary. Taylor Reunion Held MOLALLA, June 28. Descend ants of George and Rachel Tay lor and of Samuel and Augusta Taylor met at the Monitor Odd fellows' hall Sunday for the 10th annual reunion. The clan had planned to Sold the reunion at the Sllvertoq. park, but bad wea ther Interfered. The Taylors ori ginally came here from Ontario, Canada, and settled near Amity, where the first reunion was held. The meeting was attended by 49 persons, some coming from as far away as Seattle and Central ia. Mrs. Edith Jones, of McMinn irille. was elected president and Mary Ridings, Molalla, was elect ed secretary. Th3 next reunion will be held at the Ridines park on the Molalla river. Hammond Is Director MOLALLA, June 28. In a closely contested decision, O r i n Hammond was chosen director of Union high school district No. 44 Monday afternoon at the annual tchool election. He will serve for five years. He won out over Al bert Eyman by a margin of "32 Totes. Immanuel Guild is Ready for Outdoor Festival at Ulvins SILVERTOX. June 28. The Immanuel Guild is sponsoring a lawn festival Saturday afternoon and evening at the home of A. A. TJlvin on North Church street. The affair begins at 2:30 o'clock and is continuous until 10 p. m. Strawberries, cake, Ice cream and coffee form the menu and a program consisting of mu sic will be given throughout the evening. Serving on the committee are Mrs.. Lee Ulvin-Smith, Miss Selma Storaasli and Miss Hilda J. Ol sen. NOTHING DCES SO MUCH FOR I II ?2l24t2Si26i27l28i29 130311 I July Fourth and the open road, the beaches, resorU, and fishing streams are calling. Tele phone ahead. TVs easy to call "inter1 dry" ; from home or office or along the way. 1m i PACOTC THIPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CoXtPAKT "lce 740 State Street; Phone 3101 V - H MM ST" Jf ) 55 hotel mu W' W -. 4 r i PLANNING RECOVERY DRIVE , fj . ;vV: -v -trw Manping the plan of campaign for industrial recovery, General Hugh S. Johnson, Federal Administrator, is shown with some of his aides. SUnding are: John Frey, Edward F. McGrady (both of the A. F. of L.), and Sidney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers; seated: Secretary c.f Labor Frances Perkins, Gen. Johnson and Dr. Leo Wolman. economist. CHON FAIUIILY IS EPB1D STAY EAST WOODBURN. June 28. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Cannon and family recently returned from Crowell. Texas, where thT vent last November to visit his par ents. Conditions in Texas and the south are still on the downward trend they report. They expect to reside at Broadacres on their 10- acre tract where they are con structing a house. The latter' parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Will- son aiso reside there. J. F. Rlgdon was elected school director for McKee for a thret year term, succeeding P. W. Owre who had held that position for nine years. J. C. Owre was re elected clerk for th 15th tear Percy Seely was elected director at Union and Mrs. John Ramage, clerk, at Monitor. V. G. Calvin was reelected director and T. O. Thornton reelected clerk at Har mony. Mrs. Percy Smith was elect ed director and V.- J. White re elected clerk. In a!T the vote was against transportation. A group of young folks, the "McKee Entertainers," Saturday night appeared at Gervais where they were received with loud ap plause. In the group were Max Murphy. Rhuey Ann Senter, Er nest Ogden and Bruce Senter. The latter three named performers have sung and yodeled over sta tions KWJJ and KOAC. Special Program Slated for Church Services, Dallas DALLAS, June 28. A piano and Tiolin recital will be held at the Christian church Sunday af ternoon when Barbara Powers and Elsie and Mildred Miller of Mon mouth appear in a program at 4 o'clock. Miss Powers has been a violin pupil of Roy Miller for about seven years. Elsie Jane Mill- Reduced Rates Portland - Salem Round (T- - r Trip tjxmp Depot Xew SaKm Hotel SO LITTLE AS YC JR TELEPHONE ULY J9'33 t Ii I'll V. . f 1 1 ii' C A" A " " v v ' f er, eight, talented daughter of Roy Miller, has been studying the violin for about two years. Mildred Miller has been a piano pupil of Will Caldwell of Dallas for over three year. She will play a piano selection composed by Mr. Caldwell, "Valse Caprice." This selection was dedicated to Miss Miller by Mr. Caldwell when he wrote it. t - - Mrs. Bruce; Spalding, well known soprano sinter will inr -How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings" bj Uuaie at the morning service. CUiaor :13 to 9:15 p. m.: raetac8tawi. Time SOW - ) aBUWaMra-aSSMBB -t ii MIL mm mm fir v tt0ii m " mm ssk mk m m. v iitm i - mi.WrAf' oo, a . m m - w i j -v . w r m as sr m ninan''mmmmmmma''"'Hn "S-si f " 2 DIVORCE SUITS FILED AT W DALLAS. June 2$ Two dl- rorce actions, two marriage li censes, and a foreclosure action made np the majority of the busi ness transacted ia the county clerk's office the Utter part of last week and the first of this week. The foreclosure suit was that of A. A. Schramm, superin tendent p? banks, ts. J. C. Cocker ham et'kl, for 93018. . Rose Gallap filed a suit for di vorce from Albert Gallap. and charged cruel and inhuman treat ment. She asks restoration of her maiden name. Rose Tavlor. Th other divorce complaint was that or unrrord Bellenger vs. Pearl Bellenger. They were married at Spokane. He seeks also tody of a minor child. Marriage licenses were Issued to Glen Wingo. 25. logger, of Si leti. and Vera Wheeler. 22. honsA- keeper, of Falls City; and Lester . Been, legal, professor, or Pro vidence. R. L. and Helen C. Pranr legal, teacher, of Rick real 1. Guest at Suver is Honored at Picnic Held at Helmick " r SUVER. Jnne 28. Miss Mer- rlam Haswell of Corvallis spent a few days last week with Mf Dorts Conger. On Friday evening she was guest of honor at a pic nic at Helmick park when Miss Conger entertained & group of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jar Thnmaa and family and Wilmer McEldnwnev attended the Missouri picnic at Salem Sunday. Blaine Thomas re- 1 Slot- HOW . . uum .! - rr? SI nr, - XT I HULL AIDE I o ... . . o U c 3 n Harry F. Payer, recextJy.appointed Assistant Secretary of Stat, is pic tured at feu desk in the State De partment as he took over his new iriUts. Ftytr is a well-kaown au thority on international affairs. mained in Salem for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and daughters Doris and Dorothy and Frances Frederlckson visited at Reedsport and Forest Grove Friday. Doris Anderson remained for a few days' visit with rela tives. Frances Frederlckson mada arrangements for attending Paci fic university tnis fall. WEBB SERVICE TODAY TURNER. June 28. Funeral services for J. L. Webb, promi nent local resident, will be held inursoay arternoon at 2 o'clock at the Methodist church here. R Uh &er r'0g nr? Wa. .IT'S FORTIFIED OD ALL WALDO HILLS. Jnna St. The eighth annual reunion of the de scendants of John and Mary Bru li ner was held Sunday at Ever green school with 14 members of the family and four additional gnests In attendance, Mr. a ad Mrs. Brunner came from Indiana 52 years ago. - V. L. Brunner of Silrerton was the oldest descendant present and Mrs. Lydla Klonfensteln earn from the greatest distance, Pres ton Creek, Cuba, A bountiful dinner was served at noon. Present from Battle ground were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wolfe and son Ralph; from Port land, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Brun ner, Katherine Brunner; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sampson, Lenora sad naymond Sampson; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Green; Vera and Jnne Green; Mr. and Mrs. Ralnh Dve. Emilv and Jeanette Dye; Conrad Green; Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Jackson. Ethel and And rev Jak. son; Independence, Mr. and Mrs. nenry jackson and son Henry Franklin: Sheridan, Mrs. H. C. Bailer. Rosetta. Freddie. Ilenrr. Jr., Mary Alice and Valrey Bailer; Salem. Mrs. Alice Kaser. Helen and Irene Kaser, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Storti. Lela. Edna, Wilma Storts. Josephine Kaser. Sirverton. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Brunner, Mr. and, Mrs. Johnny Brunner, Jane Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kaser. Veneta. Orral. Harrey, Melvln. Calvin Kaser; Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kaser, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kaser, Billy and Sam my Kaser, Mr. and Mrs. Alpbeus Schar and Earl Schar, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gelser, Mr. and Mrs. George Elton. Helen Elton ? Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krug and Lyle .rug. Mr. and Mrs. Alrln Krag, ea rr to "o h, MCe haZ fnh. r . . oli11 of L sr m w rm Donna and Dal Kmt; 'Mr and Mrs. Orral Egan. ouwi. . Mrs. Hanna,- Jackie and Eomny Hanna; Mrs. Llxxie Bra tier. Mr. and Mra--W. Mi Carrer, Valena and Joan Carrar;.Mr. and Mrs. Cliftoa DIckerson. l VadJi, Vale and Richard Die kerson. Ad ditional guests were James John son, June Falrcbild and Rath Prentiss of Portland and Loren Clement, Salem. DRAMA TO BE GIVEX nirr i Tun s. "Tie Af termath." a colorful, two charac ter, .religious temperance drama debate, will be presented at the Dallas Christian church on Thars- Jmw Tnn. 9 at t B. TTJ. II CD IT B. Hall and Judge M. C. Summers are featured in tne paru 01 juugw 1 Mi Tickets good on all trains having JUTJE 30, JULY 11, 2, 3,4 B hack by midnight, July 11 For the fine tune we offer oar famous Ceni-s-tnil" fares over mc'4di of July holidays. Pick the place yow waox to " go, then ft yrr $. f. agent hjf4 vest btt s j f get then. Tea to ooe, the traia will save you time and saoocy. KOTJHDTEXP Los Aocclcs Saa Frandsco Medford 423.40 15.05 6.00 rN' i -f 11 is 2 Ma mm CAtm i Wood of the superior court and Tom OTs'eiL who Is la the liquor business. ". - Farm Tour Scheduled For Today by Inskeep HUBBARD, Jane 28. Several farmers are planning to Join the farm tour arranged by J. J. in akeen. Clackamas count for Thnrsday afternoon. The group will meet at 1 o'clock at the home of H. C Belton, repre estatrra' of Clackamas rnnm. The tonr, epea to all, will in ciade tne, can, ana waiao Brown farms here. On the latter farm splendid stand of field peas, corn an Cits will be aotedV . ZXAX71Z3 Portland . Eocene .1.13 S.15 US r- j.'.-j a - v 1 4 -v 1M 3 ZZZI