f ' The OREGON STATESM AN Salem, Oregoiy Thorny Morning, Jnn 2, 1931 . ' PAGE ELEVEN -V " " " . , 'f I I w 4 - ...-. I . I - Business Caret la this directory rueett ft nwathlr tuU culr. -Ratal $L06 per 11a per month AUTO BRAKES : - i atika Panek. the brake- ud .shimmy 0 act or. 17 i South Commercial Street . CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. Ph. 1751. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4480. R. ' EL NorUeaa. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor . IM N. High. TeL Res. 6871. DRESSMAKING Exp. dressmaking hi row home. I !. day. Copy pictures. TeL 7984. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets tun ral wreaths, decoration C f. Brett- haept florist. 677 Court. Tel. f 104. 1 EHrectory i i ALL kinds ol noral work. Uuts ilor- it. itth a Markac T.i Mi. HELP WANTED -MALE ft ACQ Want a yoonc man to work In town UliAoO with crew manager. Salary and com- - mtaoion, Leonard HoteL Apply even Auto and wlndowt'dass mlrrora. TaL ings. tlOa. Walter J. Dow pa, t Breya . insurance; HELP WANTEDFEMALE BECKS U END RICKS lit N. High TeL 4141 COBTKT-SMITH, gen. In a TeL 8832. LAUNDRIES TUB NEW BALEM UATJNDRT TUB WE1D&8 LAUNDai tt a man tl mt capital crrr laondrt Ftrat tn Quality and Servica Telephena tlS 14 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. TIARRZ W. SCOTT, The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattreaaea from factery to homa. Sprlnc maUresa fS.De. Ranovators and CuflUsatora. Bugs cleaned. Capital Bed dlng Co. Tak 40a. 00 N. Capitol. New tnattresa mad to order, old remade) carpet cleaning, sizing; fluff rug weaving. Baiam aiuw nag sw tresa Factory, 8. llth Wilbur. TaL S441. QUO y. Z wicker. Est. ltlL ... MUSIC STORES QCa C WILXf Pianos, radios, sew ing nf1.htn. ahaet muata and plane atudlea. Re pair lug radios, phonographa and sewing machiaea 4t Bute SUeet, Bolem. - MEDICINE Dr. Cnaa Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10:30 a.m . tO t P m X1S W. W m rcrcu , an irtniia herbs for male and fe male, tor constipation, rheumatism, nf-.mUcitis. colitis, gland, stomach disorders, Charlie Chan, Chinese Med icine Co. 131 N. Com'LDally -8, Sun day S-13. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint Bboflng. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, pooas or any auu i printing, call The Statesman Printing beparlmant. Ill & CommarcUL Tele phone 810L REAL ESTATE - BECK- HENDRjC-gi TeL 4847. W. IGRBNOBTCO.. lit & Uberty St. TeL , . . D-w-TT nntKT A SON a.S First NafL Bk. Bldg. TeL T807. -m--a--BT-t-, " STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves tar ' rsDUUl ana nnuw. kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, hooka, logan hooka lalem Fence and Stove Works, 161 yrZ.fcet TeL 4774. B. R Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITA!. CITY Transfer Co. 1X6 Bute BL TeL I7T1. Distrioutte tor-w-dlna and storage eur specialty. Get our rates. FOR local or distant transfer enrage, caU 813L Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portlaaa oa y. TYPEWRITERS "" -rrn.'T-rirRSi Adding Men, sold. rnted. renaired. -Underwood .Agents. CookeTe BhciljJrt. xeu WEtX DRilXING ' R. A. West. 30 years experience RFD g. Boa 101 B. TeL 110F6. Better Feeling In Strawberry Trade Develops ' wanfffT 4 XfT ' Tnn ft aa. There wae a 'sUghtly better feel- insr In tha straw Derry traue tuu on the East Bide farmers' whole sale market. Sales showed a ti is with a few Llected lots tl.sb-l.S5 and the 1 10 erate. Most of the good staff sold 1.18 crate. . . Raspbetriee wer. a . ik - arv alight increase in enpply. Sales spreading tl.0- special rtgm apta and sleeping 1.65 generally, a few tl.7; "Jtwrn iH nrss.nt wAr JftO B1W M uuJ.i..i" Vet s rm fur. sJrjDlex. iuXZii craleT S ' n r. Cherries wera weaker and iow t a- with Rlnri mostly -T0 in. mand for Royal Ann variety was lrrToi.t t.ir and nominally 4-5e as wera nia offerings. ' ' . v 1...MMI wraa ataadr at ll.SO - 1.7TTpyraml4 fo 1 a4 moettflnu, one to Srooma Cheapest la Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Adverttetiig Single toMrtiom per llse.l Oe Three Insertions per line .............. toe Six insertions per Has. . 10e Ofi-moaUi per line.. 11.01 Mlnlmsm chars . ... . .lit Cerpy for this vac ac cepted until th even ing, before publication tor classification, Copt Te vceWed after tMa llano will be rod a ader the, heading Too Lata to Classify. T e ftutfisrnsn assumes no . financial resrnnsiblltty Tor errors which mar ap pear la advertisements puo lished In its columns, and In eases where this paper is at fault will reprint that pert-ot-en advertisement in which the typographical mistake oeemrs. The Statesman reserres the right to reject obee tlonal advertising. It fur ther reserres the right to eltBsify all adTertislag un der the proper classifica tion. WANTED 13 rounsr women to dem o nut rate Alpine milk in stores all day Saturday. See E. P. De Graff, Room 11 &. New Salem hotel, after 1 p. m. to day. Will give girl or woman a good home and ependlng money, during aummer months. In exchange lor help ta home. No heavy work or small chii dren to care for. Will pay wages this rail. Add. SUteaman Box 217. SITUATIONS WANTED work, R. porter. K. l. ex. b. saiem. Young girl wishes to assist with housework and ears for children. Write Mayme Nelson, Woodburn, Ore., Rt. a. FOR SALE Miscellaneoua Fresh crabs now at Fldlera stand. Intersection SUrertoa-Portland road. owt nrr Ahii 11 t s TT ,u ... . r 100. H. A Hyde CO.. ZB95 fOTtianai Rd. TeL 9598. Am mitin anrla1 in front nf store:! radio cnanged eacli aay. wuia .usici" nii, wawr ayaiein, nice pooi, Store. I l?wn. lowers, shruba and gardea. alust seu my nearly new juy urana . . . -I piano at once, part terma to respon-1 Bible .party. Box 77. Statesman. storage or sell cheap for cash. 778, Statesman. VMMDMMIMMMI Lumber, doors, windows, cheap. 255 Market. . Team, liarneee for tractor or what? Cruson. 2138 N. E. 12th ave., Port land. Few good gentle horses and mules for sale. 1300 to 1150 lbs. E. D. PhU- lppl, Stayton. Certified Netted Gem seed potatoes. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. TeL 5428. Paradise beer 15 c. Park afternoon, evening, I Woman's bicycle, $18.50 cash. good condition. Kale plants, 60c thousand. 510 Jud - son. FOR SALE Gooseberries choice large berries, no worms 93F5. Expert ladles and gents halrcuttlng. 20c, children 15c 1814 N. uorai Woman's bicycle, good condition. $18.50cash. Box 268, Statesman. G4,-eim sutL Size 13. TeL 957L V M ,& WANTED Miscellaneous Wa nick ud dead or worthless horses, cows, sheep, free -of charge. TeL 4869. 1 Yvantea piano xor caso. awa. I WANTED used men's suit coats, I hats, and shoes in good condition. I nigucsi iwv. bioi MISCELLANEOUS w- Truing students keep in practice spL for summer, moa Xor, ft Thoal xtoen, ezo wourx. , wwmw "v.-- Mwi Mr. Lane of Seattle, Wtw expert hale mitter. now located 801 S. Win ter. Prices the same, Adulu 10c, chll UeTCU AeVVio Paradise Park; 1 miles east Market street Free picnics at Paradise Park. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, sip. porcn. 1177 Court St. TeL 4857. rtaairftbia, furnished room. Close to atatehooae. $56 N. Capitol Street ROOM AND BOARD "a. and R. near P. a $30. TeL 5483. v tn eA ny i?s cf u&rifm. - i n rs i al : Drx. a arii room ror laaiea. uw . annn nrw"ererva'' -Mri ! Tce HImiSb Waa.a wave - 1 - I ter. TeL poR3lENT -APARTB1ENTS i n uu-nri- - 1 ' ''"' ' a ' 813 and $35. Call 1686 Center. Tui-.. f" j Anta tis. 31 W. Comt Beautiful court rm. apt ftuieV I llundlV. garag- TeL ,!,, 9 r, rum. apt, frigid. 180$ Court I -a parage bouse. liApte1J ,!tun Hasei - - firsTfT, iSfrTt ul - lbert , r - floor ant 1831 State. 1 j , . ,WM m"iTT I Nice furnished apartment. Orerstuf- I fed, lie V o.;.. . l . mA nnfnrBlsbad airtl Sa - 1 FOR RENT HOUSES rnra. and nnfurn. hooaea R. A. Forknar. If II N. Cottaga, TaL MIL For rent 4 room house. Sea Ural Cad well. Statesman office. T-room house With sleeping porch. I Reasonable, inquire 490 N. CapltoL 4 room modern. Inquire IMS Court. 7 room furn. bouse. (Si Union. Houses for rent. Damon. SOT N. Com. FOR RENT We have the cheapest houses In 8a-1 iem. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtor 314 State Street TeL (70S. Modern house, 9(0 N. Mta St. FOR RENT FOR RENT: Bouses and apt.. $7. SO up. Furnished $10-tlS-$20-up. For rentals, SEE BECHTEL or THOmASON S41 Stste Street Room 4. FOR SALE Real Estate GooA aml-nuufern T.mnm nitrit I residence, basement, fireplace, plumb- I In, on two biz lota covered with nut. I cherrv And MiummKl tnM uul num. I grape aroor. near achooia, niee view, I going at depression price. Also two with large fruit trees, block south Lea-1 i9 oriom "enrol, at ouiun, eaay icrium. uwnar. 764 Rural Ave. rnone 8. StricUy modern S room bungalow. -i-t a - a I cioso in. XMeariy new. a very cuuscv I T Dly ,3000 00' fUralah" S Acres with modern S room bun galow near Salem. Price only $3800.00. Terms riven. - SO Acres located north of Salem, all fenced and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at $2500.00: Termn. J. F. TJLRICH CO. Phone 8(78 325 State Street Two rata on knoll 40x130 each, fac-1 Ing Leslie brick school grounds, nice I view, covered with large cherry, pear nnd apple trees. Will sell one or both. See these before building. Easy terma Owner, 765 Rural Avenue. TeL 8Sj4, 1 rm. house and lot, $200. $10 ma buys it Damon. 897 N. Com L FURNISHED 8 R. home, basement furnace, fireplace, garage, old shade, I N. Salem. iricd to selL I ATTRACTIVE 8 R. mod. bungalow? N. $3275 with $100 cash, $25 per mo. I VAN M OREER I 203 Oregon Bidg. TeL 7533. 1 ri ii"vn-i'aJv"iiarTr" for SAT.T'c;m.ii hon. iiftflo no I on time or $850.00 cash. Fruit, flowers. I shrubs. Nice location. Close to state hoep. If you want a cheap home see this. E. V. (JEER. 450 N. 23rd SL 5 room modern home. Must sell at once. $2800.00. Cost $4500.00. W. G.I Grant, Masonic Bldg. " - - r fyj-yj) TWO GOOD BUYS IN SUB URBAN HOMES 8 acre tract 1 mile out on paved roao. d room House, water system, el ectric lights, small barn, garage and woodshed. To close in estate. nrlcMl I . . - . . ery ww i cnoice area tract 1H milea out on a rusu, new inui nousa VI s rooms, nook, plastered. Dlumbinar. elec-I 1ITTT Td U1T T T -!.. i .m '2 aa.xn.an, nnuion state btreet TeL 8708 FOR SALE Beautiful auhurba.- I borne. High and slahtlv location. ei cine water system. tTve acres Knar- iisn wainut trees ZD yeara old. Some es and other fruit. $8500.00. TeL 1 ' EXCHANGE Real Estate i ... ........ Owner of Ttnlu Vnl1 TAsfet under govmt irrigation project 'nearly completed. Offera up to 40-Afor sim- liar area raw land. W, Ore., 188 N. 21st, Salem. TeL C970. WILL. TRADE a. rhn1r Inr-xteA nomeror rarm. win assume. an M. GREER, 203 Ore. Bldg. 30-ACRES FOR TRADTC J around Salem. Haa a good 5-R. house, "'7 unui, -iccinc ugnt ana pumping ayaiein. cam una nen nouae, 50x18. 1 AU In cultlvaUon and crop. What have you? JAS. TJ. SEARS. REALTOR J132 Sotith High Street FOR SALE FARMS Let me ahow you the best buy If you are looamg ror a stock ranch. plenty of water; almost 500 A., at 815 P?F acre: terms; close in. Good Mf flfre PSnoar rarma I oiug., witft; 60 acres in cult. H. a SHIELD3 Real Eatata ' TeL 8902, Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Ore. THIS RANCH A GOOD BUY 105-acrea good anil. ao.A. miitin. uon, mosuy oottom land. New Engllah type 6-R. house, bath, f lronlar ,ml electric llghta and water svatem. n oarn, poultry nouae, etc Little timber 1 and runnfne- water rtanH- i. . J! 1 duced Just H in price. $7000, give I wr . oee my agent. i woutn High street ACREAGE S A. 1 mL out, lmprvL, $15v0. $150 1 uown, oa iiae rent, lunon, 897 N. 1 Com'L - i WANTED -HEAL ESTATE CASH BUYERS FOR RANCHES. I Golsten, 1531 llth Ave., San Francis- co, Cal. Business Opportunities " - - - 1 11 njLixrvxnuLn Caf for rent, 897 N. Com'L MONEY TO LOAN --"------ I Borrow on personal property t repay In monthly Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN COL, State 11a S-163. 602 uuaraian uiag. xeu si77. 1 PRSON A L IN ST ALLMENT LO AN S i ..." i.rr .1 - i sis uinuu -uuuinii suu ciwr I eV. Itwa 1A.AA T t I viitvw a a w . w w im i v w w e - ni ., a cse. it- t s.wiyuiMw m v-w a-w-M-g. rULJ-Y AINU iitK MONEY TO LOAN -J"j-f 'i u-ltliuui. n Bells of Harmony' Beard ever ETOI1C dally ring out a loan service that la really really different, TOO GET THX FULL AMOUNT OP LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY I qmCK?J.,aB:viCS Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room III New Bllgh Bidg. tnd floor LICENSED BY STATE lit StaU Street TaL l-T-4-f. MONEY LOANED ON -AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange te redeoe youi payments Too . keep the car P. A. BIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 47S2 Sasam. Ore "lTi!2r? ,1-- - Jm,-2T- I estate security. Abrams and EUla Inc, 4ii Masonic, nnsuiiAii ULiajiB i MADE on furniture, cars, aalartas I or other ood eeenrtty. Repayable I monthly. Whoa In financial aeed see us before ejoelng a was. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION r-T -" LOANS WANTED wVed. t0 borrow $500 on estab- U1?. Jw"'n?u cnrlty. lntere"t- XJX 4SJ. SULUmtUa. I i ;zi We have first mortgage loan, yield- ly. City and farm property. CHILDS a MlILJSK, Mtge. IvOSnS 344 8tat.Prret TeL 6708. FOR S ALE-fWOOD GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TeL MOO Salem Fuel Co. Trade Cottage. Aah, fir and oak. TeL 184 8. 18- dry slab wood. $3 load: 18" dry old fir $2.50 load and dry planer wood. $2.50 load. Prompt delivery. At Tra cy's. TeL 3988. Wood, all kinds, call 4SF14. Smith A Rubens. tnd growth and oak. Any length. Judd. TeL 31F14. wji. - No. 1 18 In. old fir, $4.25. TeL 4450. Good dry old fir. second growtn, aan. ok- TeL 3873. FOR SALEUSED CARS WANTED Several light cara Will pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE Terms Trades 841 Chemeketa CHEVROLET GIVES MORE FREE LICENSE S HfnA Pnitu tltlSSl -m . r - iisai . . f mu - ivm.vw I IS Chav. Coach . 225.00 375.00 325.00 475.00 485.00 1 Nm Cabriolet I Wash RSa.n st v . i jj oheT. Coach I -jj pi-tnouth Sedan Villi I - - s is" oo 28 Chev. Panel Truck 28 Chev. Truck 195.08 -TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKAT CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET GIVES MORE ,-m-mmmTrr-lfrVr0ftW to fir. statron..vTh AV "Dlck'a Car Lot" Chemeketa next I " n i n-im-i -i -m trirw-iiun w ...inrinrinj THRIFT PRICES OTTJSED CARS DAuoir l wheeling, small mileage, new car I i-rl. I '30 BUICK STD. COUPE. Overhauled and refinlshed. UTernma 32 essex terra plane coupe. Almost new. New car service and ' 3 2 P L YMOtTT H BUSINESS COUPE. The famous 4. with floe tins- txtwar. I Oi ULlia 1-KS1UNT SEDAN. One of tha heat nr, .... Kt,n I '37 ST1TT35 VlflviPii rmm rv I '19 HUDSON STD. SEDAN. Track I ana etner extras. 29 FORD 4-DOOR Keen trunk. SEDAN. Kari- 29 DURANT 4-DOOR SEDAN. 3$ CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE. STATE MOTORS INC. 52 Chemeketa Open Evenings TeL 148$ FOURTH OF JULY SPECIAL a .... -...i . n I DUlclt eporc ttoauster. I "- .$388 !"i -Tord SP"" Roadster, tip top 396 i'i' y'."c oraan !? S9S ill he Sedan I 1 Chev. Coarh 165 166 165 115 ill Prant "S" Coach ...".I BORREOO'S - Liberty Tel. lttl UP. STflEET HUSTLES NEW YORK, June II. (AP) A dixiy drop la dollar ex change, sharp breaks la grain quotations vend generous advan ces In current favorites of the share traders kept.tinancial mar kets hogtung today. "Wet" shares, textiles and nu merous other specialties got up strong . heads of steam. Oweng Illlnoig Glass took first place from National Distillers with a net gala of 10 points, the latter closing' approximately a point higher after a rise of nearly six. TJ. S. Steel, American Can, Wes- tinghonse, . General Electric, Al- lied Chemical, Harvester, Mont- gomery Ward, American Tele- phone, American Tobacco B and Consolidated Gas slipped major fractions to more than I points. fAU) V-"-''.!?. SPECIALTY SHARES EXTRA EGBS SPREAD 2C, Bom SlfHT POBTT.AWT) Jnnm. 58 fAPl There wa, littlo change In the CSS nutn twr ma uaj. nvw were unchanged generally with extras still showing a spread of 2c a dosen although the bulk of the supplies moved within a spread of 1C Hot weather stock wss creat ing much dissatisfaction among the trade ind receivers as a rnle were trying to stop snch move ment In this direction. Receipts of eggs continued to decrease with the chief loss in farm offerings although reports suggested cuU of about 20 per cent recently in me movement - . ... ceipts or eggs at a-oruana to date this Year are surprisingly liberal, being slightly greater than tor the same period a yeer ago. Market tor batter continued to reflect more than raising stesd iness. Make continued to move downward while demand was seaerally retained both for freeh consnmntion and for coolers Butterfat was steady Market shows steadiness in the live chicken trade with most buy ers bidding higher for light leg horn broilers. Demsnd for both live gnd dressed turkeys remain ed good, Practically no change was no ted in country killed meats, prices-were about steady through the lit with receipts not heavy and demand fairly well sustained. Prices Stronger On Finer Wools BOSTON, June 28. (AP) Prices show a strengthening ten dency on a moderate volume of business in the finer grades of territory wools. Good French combing and aversge strictly combing 64s and finer territory wools bring 70-71e scoured basis, in original bag. Bulk aversge French combing staple of similar wools sell at 8-70c scoured basis while short French, combing and clothing lines more at 1 5-6 7c The best strictly combing 58. 60s territory wools bring 72c scoured basis with ordinary lines selling . . . It around I UC NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT Tn the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for the County I of Marlon: In the matter of the Estate or Margaret R. Headrlck, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the final account of the United States National Bank, ad ministrator of the Estate of Mar garet E. Headrick, deceased, has been filed In the County Court of Qonnty. Oregon, and that I me lam aay oi July, at I v.- a1V . L. nKy... , ..m p.'BtT the Courthouse of said County. I hag been appointed by said Court 1 for hearing of objections to saia ""V-'."...1" U W- QSJIUB iUeOl COetTU AU OaiU W tate may appear and file objec Hons thereto In writing and con test same. Dated at Salem, Oregon, Jane 14. 1912. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK of Salem Oregon Administrator of the Estate of Margaret E. Headrlck, de cease I. FRED A. WILLIAMS Attorney for Administrator 219 U. b. National Bank Bldg. baiem, uregon. J. 15-:z-Z. Jiy 8-11. RACE ENTRY James WcdaQ, of New Orleans, La- who is one ef speed birds who will vao. fmm Mw YorV ta LOS Angeles for the Bendix prize on J y 1 . Ts race U a feature ef ths National Air Races to be bald in the coast city. WedeU is one of tha country's best-known speed fliers. 'iV --!:?? , ( Orplian of if?53il 7 -x , rilf ! ' : S, v CHICAGO PIT SCENE OF SELLING SALEM WHEAT GAINS FIVE ENTS Hogs Slump 25 Cents; Strawlrries $ 1 .25 ; Asparagus Stiffer Wheat - climbed flva whole notches yesterday to a top of 75 cents per bushel oa both red and white offerings. This Is the sec ond five-cent - boost this week, and follows the substantial In creases In the larger centers. Hogs slnmped IS cents per hundred, to 44.(0 on flssta. Strawberries dropped also, to $1.25 per crate to the grower. Asparagus Is stiff er, at 70'ceats per doaen. General fdarkets r0DUCI EZCHAaTOX PORTLAND, Ore, Jsae It. (AP) rraeaee sessa(. sat pneas Bvlter. utrs lie. atssdarea 81 He. prima firsts 31He. first 19e. Egg fmk aitraa lS-lSe, fresh madlnaa 15-17e. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. Jess 28. (AP) Wheat Opea High Lew Close Jaly i 78 71 S September 7 7H 11 71 Deeembor 80Ve BOfc 75W 75 Caita wheat Ne. 1 Big Bead blas stew 7e; Jark hard wister 13 per cost 79c. 11 ven eeat 74c: soft white wast ers white, hard winter, aottbera sprisg. weaiera raa a jc. Oate No. 1 white 24. Corn No. 2E yellow 823. Millrua Siasdard $18. Portland Produce 1 PORTLAXD. Ore.. June 28. (API- Batter fruits, extra lie, staadare 13 He. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade 31-Z7e poaad; farmers' door delivery 21 22e pausd: sweet ereasi 6s hiahar. g2x Faeifie poultry proa ac era sell ing price: overuse 20c, extra lBc, mix ed colors 17e. medium 17e doxea. Buy ing price by wholesalers, frets, current receipts, 58 pound and op, 18a doiea. Cheeae S3 score Urexoa triolet 12c: loaf lSe pouad. Brokers will pay a bo- low quotation. Milk Contract price 4 par cent Portland delivery, $1.70 cwt; B grade cream 17 He pound. Country meat Selling price to re tailers, eoontry killed hoc, beat butch er, ander ISO pounds 7-7 He. Veaiers 70 ta 100 pound 7-7 e. Sprang lambs 10-lle, yearuacs 4-5e. Heavy awes Z-Sc Medium cow be pound. Canaar cow 1- Be. Buns 4H-9e pouaa. Mohsir Buyiag price, 1938 clip le pound. Ca tears bark Buying price, 1988 poeL la Douad. Hops Nominal, 1033, 64-88 pound. Live poultry Portland delivery, buy iag price, heavy hens, colored 4-S pounds lie. do SVh pounds ap 10c; broilers 3 peuads ap 0-10e; under 3 pound 11 - 11 e: colored aprisr. 3 pound up 12c Rootrs 5e paaad. Pucks, Pakias, breuars I2-lSe pouad; eld duck. Paklns 10a pouad. do colored 10a pound. Onions Selling price ta retailers. Oreroa. SI.15-1.S5 cental. bow oaioas -Calif orals. Bermad $1 50-pound erst: new red $1.85 centsL Potatoes Local 81.50; Deschutes Oems 83; de Bakers, $3.23; Yakima Oems $1.85. New potatoes Local white ssd red 82.50-3.65 cental; Califernia, white $3.65- J.75 cental. Strawberries Oreroa Dollar $1.25- 1.S0 crate; new Oreroas $1.35-1.45 erate. Wool 1988 ells. aomiasL Willam ette valley 33-2 Se pouad; eartera Oregon 18 21a poaad; sosthera Idaho 16 20c pound. Hay Baying price from producer. alfalfa Xa. L saw crop, $15-16; clover Ne. S. $14; eeetera Oregoa timothy $16; oat and vetch $15. Portland Livestock I PORTLAND, Ore- Jaae 88. (AP) Cattle Receipt T5, calves 10: slow. Steers, rood $3.35-6: eommea and m dluaa 68-6. Baiters, eommea sad me diant $3-4.78. Cows, eommea sad medium $3.50-4.35. Balls, good $8.35-8.50; cut ters ssd medium 83.35-S.38. Veaiers. rood 86-6.75; eommea aad medlam 88- 6. Calves, good 5-0; com moa aad dium 33.50 5. Hora aUeaiDts 300: steady. Good. LAO te 300 peuads- $4.35-4.75; BOO to 350 pa-ads 4.35-4.75; over 350 wonwda S9.80-AS0i Bowa good 33.30- A15; mediaat $8.35-8.75. Plga, rood f3.75-S.35. saeap oeoipts soo; staaay. Lamb, rood sad eh-ire SS-S.50; eom mea ead medium 9S-S. Watkert, 63- 4. Ewa $1.50-3.39. I Bits for Breakfast ! V (Con tinned from Page 4) Olympia they were Joined by Lee Terry and Capt Robert C. Fay. "After ther had visited the Du wamlsh settlers, they returned to an attractive point of land at the entrance to the bay, where Low and Terry selected claims. . "Low hired yonng Denny to hold his claim while he returned to Portland for hlg waiting tarn lly. . "On September zs, Denny andl Terry began the construction the first log cabin. When low reached Portland it was found that the schooner Exact, Capt. . , . . ir , - soiger, was a rout to xr Queen Charlotte Island with some gold hnntera. Room was , also ?B-4 in th u(iMii for nassan. gers headed for Paget Sound. On the morning of Not. II. 1181. as the first of these passengers liailad wnnna Ttennw emerged fm- a Af bmah mhhin his eyes. 1 am mighty glad to see yon folks. said he. Tor the skunks have eaten all my grab.' the Storm Salem Markets Grade tj raw A fomt prtee, SlS per hsusdard. Bexplua 91JM. (Hiik baaed M SalUriat aeeraga.) tkl UUtribator price f 1.70 Battrrfat Tap 20-21c, prtaU MM. cubes QM. Frlees sale u gret r setesi styer Jaae 28 (The srie as fcekaw. saoshaS ay a laisl lie jet. era tadleatrea af ika dally start bat sre wa naraataae ay TVa Umaaul raurr ajro TsaaTAXLaa Strlag saeas. la, wa. .IS Artiekekaa. des. .78 Aaparsces. IscaL dot. Ka. g .70 Cabbaga, lb. t - .03 Orces appars. riarv4, la. JO Paaa. Oracaa, lb. t- jSS te JZk Oalaaa. daa. bmaabaa .IS Fatataae, Yakiaa Ka. 1 1.TS Shasta, white Sweat pate tees, crate j.se . .65 . S . .01 . .45 LeUuea, local Oaioas. Lebisk, t V Khaharft. local Celery, doa. Applea W ineteps, Taney . .S3 J.40 Extra faaa Me taw as. faaey txtra tasey .1.48 Orsagaa, Vslaacist, faaey 3.75 te S.50 Placa psek I.OO Beats, local, dox. .25 TaratM. leeaL crate .85 Csrrota. local, dox. - .38 Spisaeh, laeat erate Si te .SO .05 Baaaaaa. lb. as stock Uasds .05 Kssterd rreeai .SO .80 te LAO .20 to .30 3.00 te 3.50 7 50 .03 te .04 1.25 1.25 S.25 1.25 1.85 .73 .03 Piaeapele, retail Cantaloupes, crate loi Geoaebaxries Strawberriea. local Limes, freah Araeadoa, rrste Sqoaah, Italian, crate Summer, crate Apricot, crate Watarmeloaa. retail Tomatoes, hothouie 3.00 3.40 Texas HOPS Top. 1932. Ib. .66 J8 Top. 1931. Ib. BOOS Baying Prices Extras .13 .13 .11 J04 .10 .09 8 .13 Standards Madiams tOOXTBl Old roosters . Colored heas Mediums awns IJrht nana. Broilers .13 te KB AT Lambs, top . 4 00 .4.50 .4-5 .05 .08 U4 .08 . .06 . .07 Hot, top Ftrat cuts S tears - .04 H to .02 H te .OJ te .07 S te Cows Half era Balls Dressed vtal. top Dressed sor OSAt A3TO HAY Wheat, weater red .75 White. No. 1 .75 Barley, top. tea ' 00 to 30.00 Oats, tea 30.09 te 35.00 Hay. baylag prteoe Oats ssd vetch, ton .16.00 .17.00 .18.00 .17.00 alfalfa, valley lit cat Eastera Oreaea Clover hay WOOL Medium .35 .33 .13 Cevree . Mohair 0 ABO ABA BAXK Orees. Ta, .01 .04 Dry, IV rzr-FBaa OMT 1.80 te 9.00 OiL poasi Stocks add Bonds ( Copyright. 1688. Buedard SutUtics Co.) Jaae in itocx a rx sao as 50 30 SO I lad' I, HR's Ct'S Total Today 10.0 47.4 105.3 86.1 Previoas day 81.1 47.S 10T.I st.s Week are .. 87.4 45.0 105.4 84.0 Yoararo SS.S 18.3 84.5 15.8 S roars are 153 t 11S.S 310 151.0 Hira isis sit 4T.e iis.t st.s Lew 1SSS 41.S XS.S Cl.a 4I. Hirk 1983 73.8 36.8 111.0 78.8 Low lt3 . 15.1 13.1 51. S Si.O BOBTO AVXBAOES 30 30 80 SO Today 7S.S M7.8 85.4 85.4 Praviou day 73.3 77.8 84.0 78.6 Week aro , -.3.9 76.1 84.3 73.8 99.8 85.3 74.1 8 70.9 77.7 Year age 53.0 53.1 50.7 8 years are S3 109.1 Hirk 193S 73.4 77.8 Low l3i M t 87.0 99.4 78.8 es.s 71.8 78.S 53.3 47.4 78.1 6T.5 Sew 1988 kirk. Lee Terry had gone on an errand. leaving Denny alone to noia aown i tne claims aesunea to evoive into - 1 a metropolis! The landing was hastily accomplished, and then the men tagged away on the task of carrying the goods beyond the I reach of the incoming tide. I S "A dreary antnmn rain - 1 falling. There was no shelter. The I schooner continued on Its way to Olympia. The eolony was alone.' oil (Continued tomorrow.) SAWYER REUMOX SLATED urnKlTT ANn June, 58 The m WHEATLAND June IS. Tbe "th annual fsmily reunion of the descendants of Mark and Susan Sawyer who crossed the plains by "f"""1 be held in the groTa on the John Smith farm, a portion Of the Orl- 1 glnal -donation lend claim about nine miles south of Dayton ad- I joining me uayxoa - oaiem mu- I way. 'A- Foreign Money and tax Questions Unsettle Board of Trade . CHICAGO. Jase it. (AP) In fnrloas whlpeaw action, dollar wheat was thrown Into the dis card today and huge selling op erations took the pis ce of specu lative stampedes to buy grains. Wheat plunged down approxi mately 7 cants and despite wild transient ralttee finished et al most the day's bottom figure. I UncertalaUee which followed af- flcial announcement that the Roosevelt administration's a e w process 'tax snd farmer bonus system would be quickly applied were among the factors traders assigned r for today's storms of selling. Extraordinary disturbed conditio as prevailing la regard to foreign moniea. .together with widespread belief that wheat pri ces had reached the top for at least the time being were also cited as incentives to sell. All grain markets had been honeycombed with stop lose or ders from recent speculative buy ers. These orders turned into an avalanche when profit-taking on a huge scale started the markets down grade. Wheat closed excit ed, bli-s cents under yesterday's finish, com down, oatsl- on. Today's closing quotations: Wheat July S9-: Sentn- her December 95-9K; aiay as. Corn July 52 U: September 5a-H; December 0:m-m. Oats July 41: September 42Va-4: December 41,-4. NOTICE TO CRKDITORS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion duly made. rendered and entered of record in said court on the twenty-eighth dsy of June. 1933. H. V. COMP- TOhl was duly appointed as ex ecutor of the list will snd testa ment and estate of LTDIA R. CLARK, deceased, and that said H. V. Compton hag duly qualified as such executor. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present the same, with proper vouchers and due verification, to said ex ecutor at 214 United States Na tional Bank Building. Salem. Ore gon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated snd first published the twenty-ninth day of June. 1933. H. V. COMPTON". as Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment and Estste of LTDIA " R. CLARK. Deceased. CARSON it CARSON. Attorneys for Executor. J. 29-Jly. -13-20-27. THTTaSDAT, laaw 39. QW rOETAJTD 630 a. 7:00 Siaginr 8trinr. KBC. 7:80 8inrinr Htringa, KBC. 6:00 Roaeld Baek. Jiaamt. 0:45 Coekiar sesooL 10:00 Woman's arazia of Ike Air. NBC ' 11:00 Artoa trio. SBC. 11:45 Orran coecort. KBC. 13:1 weatera farm ssd Home sour. KBC 1:0C Caaiao er ekeetra. NBO. 3:00 Al Pearra aad His Casg. XBC. 8 :30 Frieadly chat. 5:80 Memory's kleiody. KBa "7:00 Amos V Asdy, NBC. 7:20 Hotel IfeAlpia orcheatrs. KBC. 6:00 Staadard Sjmpkoaj hoar. NBC 9:00 Oaptara Hewry's Bbow -boat. NBC 10:15 Jiaar MeCool's fiihina aaida. 10:30 Aaaoa Weeks' reheetra. NBC llrOO AWo Lymaa'a oreheMra, SEC 11:30 Ariea trie, KBC on r pobtia no sto aa. 6:30 KOIX's BUeek. S:80 Cearert Miniatures. 9:15 Kalrht's arekeatra. S:30 Rain Opyay erekoatra. 11:15 Cooking sckoeL - ' 1 1 :80 Waatpaal's erckeatm. 13:30 U. 8. Army hand. 13:45 Americaa Lagloa. 8:00 remlsma Paaeiea. S:43-Cemmkla 8ympkeay erckcttra. 7:15 Pad Be raa, teaer. CBS. 8:00 Olea Oraye erebaetra. 9 rOO Ga Araaelm'a erekeitra. 10:15 Sport flssan. 11:00 Cafe de PaHa erckestra. DLB3. SALT Coarse half-ground A hay sslt. 60 lbs OUC FLOUR Hard Wheat Qfi per ssck aUC Farmers Grain .Warehouse By CLIFF STERRETT ll T ll A aVAlVJ Prosfram i1 " 1 i t Jf 1 'I i I "J 5 . AL1S for mO U SJw w mm i-