- ' The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning; Jane 23, 1933' . , PAGE NINE m 1 ' - i ' Business Directory C rda tu Una directory run Mi a monthly basic only. Rata: 11.00 per Una par monili AUTO BRAKES Mlka Panek, the braka and ahlnuny "doctot. $75 South Commercial Street CATERING Burt Crery. the caterer. Ph. 4753. CHIMNEY SWEEP . 'Telephone 44 5. R K. North-teas. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. 6COTT, flic. Cropracto7 $$ N. High. TeL -Ua 8573, ' DRESSMAKING - Exp. dressmaking la your borne, 85jejaayjCopyp2 FLORISTS CUT flower a, wedding bouqueta fun eral wreath a. decorations. C. F. Bratt- ban(4, ftorlat. all Court Tat. . ' , All kinds ot Mural work. Luta Flor- , 1st. Hth a Market. Tel 8U1. HELP WANTED 51ALE rT a aa - Want a yovnc man to work In towa taVASS ., with crew manairer. Salary and com- mission, tieonanl Hotel. Apply even Auto and window bUss mtrrora. TaL lpga Itoa. Walter J. Iwts, 8 Breya INSUEAHCB- SITUATIONS WANTED , Work. R. Porter, R. 1. Bx. 18. Salem. BCKB UBNDRICKS m.,.... It9 N. Ulan Tel. Ott Toune elrl wishes to assist with housework and care (or children. Write CtrTFET-SMITH. an. Ins. TeL 6. Mayme Nelson. Woodburn. Ore.. Rt 2. LAUNDRIES THH MEW SALEM LAUNDRY THJS WKi)R UAUNORT t a Miab Tai. im CAPITAL C1TT LAUMDRT First In Quality and Serrlce Telephone lit ItH Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HA.RRT W. SCOTT, The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES Mattrasasa from faclsry to coma Sprlaa mattress $8.00. Renovators and tunHzatora lUirs cleaned. Capital Bed dins Co. TeL 4019. 1920 ti. CapltoL New mattress made to order, - oM remade; carpet clemming. elsiag;rluIX nis weaving. Salem Fluff Ras Mat tress Factory, a 13th A Wilbur. TeL 844L Otto F. Zwlcker. Est 1UL MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Plaaoa, radios, sew ing machines, sheet musle mod piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs anduVmacaines. 432 State Street. Salem. . MEDICINE Dc Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p. m. 14$ N. CommerclaL an kind herbs for male and fe male, tor constipation, rheumatism, appendicitis, colitis, eland, stomach disorders. Charlie Chan, Chinese Med icine Co. 122 N. Com! Dally -, Sun- day -13. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, US & Commercial. Tale phona tlOL REAL ESTATE . BBCKB A HENDRICKS, TeU i47. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 130 a Liberty . : TaL 4$A anrrit fHtirt A SON 304-$ First Nat L Bk. Bids. TeL T80T. STOYES STOVES and eteve repalrtog. Stoves for sale, rebuui mno rwvl kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and Ti!r .... nooks, loaaa hooka Salem Fence and Surra-Works, 34X ?tlfct. T-L 4174. R. B. Flemtna. TRANSFER ripinL CITY Transfes Co. 12$ vardina and sorage our specialty. Gst our rates. -ra ii a Aidant transfer storage. caU 3lTlTLarmer Tranaf er Co. Trucks to Portland oaaiy. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Men. sold, rented, reoaired. Underwood Agents. Cooks a Short. $19 Court., TeL $584. WEIX DRli-LING ' B. A. West. $0 years experience, RfD a. Bos 103 E. TeL 110F8. Steadiness : in Butter Trade is 4 Growing Noted tyioTf iKn June 27-s(AP) - The increasing steadiness of the nttr trade OOta 7 oa i market and on the exchange, re- fle-ted not only the somewna- tef demand all through the terri - . v, iMunr ouuiuu tory, uu -r:" . 1 Churning at practically all domes-1 t -nlnta la ahowfUK OUitO A lib-1 .mi AtTt,A for the last week, hot weather enrtaillns; the supply -attcall all centers. ' - - r'- m , t ,V I The advance ci e i : I nrlrm ott Mime first trabee daring the late session or the prodttce ex- en an ge was situyij " - - v .l- "irrl - CDOn the vance ot - u.e au km v.hlta aa -biaflr seeking the w w --- - - . . .. .1 nndergraduat-s. ' Thara was no Change LB tuO Utterfat Markets ------ I Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 : Caifl-d Advertlstag Single lasertioa per lie. 2 9e Tfctee lnsartloas par iiae ,....,,...,. goe Six Insertions per Una.. 30c On month pur line .'.$ Lot Minimum charge ...... lit Copy for thU paia ac cepted antll $3:. the evea- 4ns before pubUcattoa tor classification. - C o p j re ceived after this time will be rp a under tae heading Too Lata to Classify. The Jfmstfisinaa assumes ao financial respsnsibTUtr lor errors ..watch mar ap pear la advertisements pno lisbed In Its columns, and la eases wbera this paper is at -fault wfil reprint that part of -an advertisement ta whlsh tha typographical mistake ocean. Tha Statesman r faery aa the right to reject objee tioaal aSvertlslag. It fur ther reserves the rlcht to classify all advertising ua der the proper class lca tioa. i FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs bow at Fldlers stand. Intersection Suverton-Portland road. Bur bank seed Dotatoea. Certified Netted Gem. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. Expert ladies and gents halrcutting, 20c. children 15c. 1614 N. Com L FOR SALE Seed potatoes. $1.18 per c and up. uarnets, BuroanK ana Oems. 581 Highland. Seed potatoes. Garnetchllt. $1.25 per 100. H. A. Hide Co.. Z Portland Rd. TeL 59. Sea radio special In front of store radio changed each day. Wills Music Store; Must sell my nearly new Baby Grand piano at once, part terms to respon sible party. Box 77, Statesman. ' Would glva use of my fine piano for storage or sell cheap for cash. Box T7(, statesman. Lumber, doors, windows, cheap. Market. - - , 255 Team, harness for tractor er what? cruson, 213 is. js. iztn ave., Port land. Few good gentle horses and mules lor sale, lsos to 1450 ids. e. d. mil ippi, Stayton. Certified Netted Gem seed potatoes. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. TeL 542$. Fryers, 5 for $1.00. Four miles E. State hospital. L, E. Brown, Box 294. Paradise beer 15c. - Park afternoon, evening," Woman's - bicycle, good condition. X18.5U WANTED MLsceHaneoas We pick no dead or worthless horses. cows, aneep, tree or charge. TeL 4889. Wanted piano for cash. Tel. 5707. MISCELLANEOUS Typing students keep In practice spL for summer, 8 root, tor 85. Thorn. Roen, 420 Court. Mr. Lane of Seattle. Wn.. expert hair cutter, new located 801 S. Win ter, races the same. Adults zoo, chil dren i.e. Paradise Park $ miles east Market street. Free picnics at Paradise Park. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, sip. porch. 1577 Court ou TeL 4857. Desirable furnished room. Close to statehouse. 355 N. Capital Street ROOM AND BOARD saBevhaaaBi B. and R. near P. a $20. TeL 6483. R-EL, 30 and $25. $4$ Marion. Board, and room for ladies. Close In, TeL $478. 595 Court St. WWMW l Modern room a Good home cooked meals. Garage. Reasonable. 1144 Cen ter. TeL 8204. ' FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 apts $13 and $25. Call 1G80 Center. Apts. $13. 891 N. ComL Beautiful court t rm. apt furnish ed, laundry, garage. TeL 5154. r I R. furn. apt, frigid, 1209 Court. Ants., rooms, garage house. All nicely furn. TeL 7684. $281 HaxeL Soeclal ratee on apta. and aleeping rooms. S5S center. Reduced rent: S rm. fur. duplex, first floor, garage, $84 MILL T. G. Al-1 Pert. ..'.-...-l... AttracUve first floor apt. 133$ State, Nice furnished apartment, Overstuf-I fed. 890 Union. I Furnished aad unfurnished apart-1 j ments, one to S rooms. Cheapest in 8a- 1 x" . FOR RENT BOUSES Funk , and onfr. bouses. ka. rorkner., 181$ N. Cottage, TeL $8tL - - 11 ii n finnnnnnm-ii-i-i"i" ------ avir Mntvm house. See Mrs. I CadweH, Statesman office. -y Mk'ayK- 1 Reasonable, inquire ts xs. vpiw- I .... kmiwwmii'iWwiwi I house. u$ Manoa. -. 4 room modern. Inquire 113$ Court tjlt-t. tT-Lry-irn . . --.i rT rm fm iMmM ill -Bka J innrirn-n-rri Bouses for rent. Damon, soi i. vmo. caan. Kale plants, 60o thousand. 510 Jud-son. FOR RENT HOUSES Modern house, 969 N. lth 6t FOR RENT FOR RENT: Houses and apts.. $7.5 up. Furnished $10-$lS-$:0-up. For rentals. SEK BECHTEu or. THOM ASON $41 - State Street - Room 4. WANTED TO RENT Wanted to rent. small Improved I. Taylor, Mon- acreage. Close in. F. mouth. Ore. FOR SALE Real Estate Good semi-modern T-room plastered residence, basement, fireplace, plumb-1 ing. on two big lots covered with nut, cherry and ornamental trees and rosea. grape arbor, near achoola, nice view,! going: at depression price. -Also two I beautiful buUdlnc lots (OxlSS each with Urge -fruit trees, block south Les-I lis brick school, at bargain, easy term Owner. 7a Kurai Ave. f none ss. Strictly -modern Town bungalow. close In. Nearly new. A very choice home at only $3000.00, an furnished. Terms. S Acres with modern room ban I galow near Salem. Price only $1809.49. Terms riven. SO Acres located north of Salem, all fenced and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at SZaoo.os. Terms. J. F. ULRICH CO. Phone 8671 225 State Street Two lots on knoll (0x130 each, fac ing Leslie brick school grounds, nice view, covered with large cherry, pear and apple trots, win sell one or now. Sea these before building. Easy terms. Owner, TCS Rural Avenue. TeL 8854. 1 rm. house and lot. $200. fit mo. buys It Damon, 897 Is. com'. S room rood home plastered, plumb ing basement, furnace and two good lots at only 31600.00. Good terms. SO acres north of Salem, a choice piece of land, no buildings, fenced and cross fenced, a real bargain at $zov. Essr terms. - 6 room bungalow at $1150.00. You will like this place when you see It. Very easy terms. If you have any thing to trade tell us about It. 3. F. ULRICH COMPANY $25 State Street Telephone 867$ SNAP Owner Non Resident Now here to sell his modern S R. bungalow for $2800 with good fur niture. $2950. By buying this home you can save at least one thousand dollars. Act quickly. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 311 State Street Room 4 Shown by an Appointment Only FURNISHED 5 R. home, basement furnace, fireplace, garage, old shade, N. RiLlem. nrirari tn atl ATTRACTIVE S R. mod. bungalow N. S327S with $100 cash. $2$ per ma VAN S4. UrUUHiK ' 201 Oregon Bldg. TeL 758$. 5-ACRE SNAP 8-A. all In cultivation. 1-A. bearing ruberta Family orchard and crop. Good (-R. plastered house, bath and toilet. Electric lights and water sys tem. Hen house (capacity 500). brood er house, dandy bam. All for $2950. uive some terms.- JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High Street FOR SALE Small bouse. $1000.00 on time or $850.00 cash. Fruit, flowers, shrubs. Nice location. Close to state hosp. If you want a cheap - borne see this. J2. v. UEEH, 450 N. 23rd St. 5 room modern- home. Must sell at once. $2800.00. Cost $4500.00. W. G. Grant, Masonic Bldg. EXCHANGEKeal Estate Owner of Bols Valley. Id -ho. 8A-A. under govm Irrigation project nearly completed, oners up to 40-A for sim ilar area raw land. w. Oreg, lf$ N. 21st. Salem. TeL 6370. -'i-inry.-iW)tvnnrtaA. n Fine large home, good location. Sa lem, for improved dairy. Box 823, I atmiesman. -FOR, TRADE One of very best 20- acre ekury ranches in San Joaquin I county j Calif, for equal quality ranch in ore. or waan. Deal with owner only. at. Churchill, K. i. Box 81, Oak- cuue, aui. WILL TRADE a choice located noma for farm, will assume. VAN M. GREER, 302 Ore. Bldg. FOR SALE FARMS MODERN FARM HOME 10$ acres, good soiL U culUvated. can be Irrigated. Electric water sys- tem. rew moaern a airy Darn, new 6 room strictly modern Ens. tvna housa. Family fruit and about IS acres tim ber. Thla Is one of tha most tMuuitiful farm homes in the valley. Price only e,vov.ov. SEE HAWKINS a ROBERTS FOR FARM BARGAINS BARGAIN BUY NOW! (5 A., all cleared. 8 R. house, rood roao, im. or fcaiem. izi&o. SOCOLOFSKY A SON First National Bank Bids. ""- -- -- -- - - -.--.--.-ii-w-Ln-rt.i-m rtnn WELL EQUIPPED POULTRY FARM 44 acres on market road, part In cul tlvatlon and In eroo. room eotta. barn, garage, poultry house 250 ft. long, equipped for .handling 1000 birds, modern incubator and broodar house, electricity In all bufldiinrs. mod weU, electric water system. Price for all, only $5000. Will exchange for small farm of 6 to 20 acrea near Sa lem. raiLDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street TeL $708 WMWMWIIMKWOWW .lM--- Let me show yon the beat buy if you are looking for a stock ranch, plenty of water; almost 500 A, at $16 per acre, -sy terms; close In. Good bldg with 40 acrea In cult. li. C SHIELDS I Tel. $$0S, Oregon Bldg.. Salem, Ore. ACREAGE 6 A. 3 mL out, imnrv'd.. 31500. $160 down, baL ilka rent. Damon, 897 N. Com'L HOP LAND 40-A I miles north. Good soIL Fine locadon. For auick sale $4876. Give terma SEE JA3. D. SEARS, REALTOR 18$ South High Street POLLY AND HER ALL THIS AJORABLEy REPAIRS? -U (SEE THEM STONS"e 1 L . .v. fjSJ tfA C"-- , . - I V , Jv I T trOURrVRM) ChEJVMATI a iMAKH ' &) VjH TH5 LAST WORD U'j : llf "VS5r2gtSlI AUh4T SUSIE. V iy-JOtNTTOJ W f A l-ITil-B K Wv -Or"-- f ll T' 1 ; "J WANTED REAL ESTATE CASH BUTERS FOR RANCHES. Golsten, 1523 12th Ave., 8an Francis-1 Boslnesa Opportunities Cafe for rent. 897 N. Corn'l. MONEY TO LOAN AaeaSAvApABSAAaSHsaBaassavsaaeavh'aa4avS Wldw"has 810.00 to loan.' Will di vide. Must be good value, improved city property. Glva full description. box Hi, cars Statesman. Borrow on personal property ; repay In monthly lr -tall men ta. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO.. State lie. SU. tea uuaraian Bids. TeL .ITT. 'Bells of Harmony' Heard erer KOIN dally tins out a loan service that la really really different. TOO GET TUB FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS 8EBYICS ON LOANS 1S to $309 . Beneficial Loan Society OF 8ALEM Room 119 New Bllgh Bldg. tnd rioor - LICENSED BY STATE SIS State Street TeL $-f-4-. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrana to reduce youi payments Ten keep the ear P. A, ETKER Cor. Liberty SL and Ferry Phone 4T31 Salem. Ore. Private money to loan on good real estate security. Abrams and Ellis Ino. 411- uasonic. - PERSONAL LOANS MADE on . furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Kspayawe monthly. When in financial need ase ua before closing a loan. . GENERAL. INVESTMENT . CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phase $518. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY $12 Oregon Bull dine 2nd Floor Office hrs. 14:00 A M. to 4:10 P. M. Telephone 7783. State license No. S-165. LO ANS W ANTE D Wanted to borrow $500 on estab lished business, good security, interest. Br 783. Statesman. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Baby chicks. Last chance June 26- 29. Red and Barred Rocks at special prices. Tel. I33KT. iees Hatchery. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRY TaL $000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade Cottaga.. Ash, fir and oak. TaL 80. Dry oak. 4 ft. $4.00. TeL $70$. 18- dry slab -wood. $8 load: IS" dry old fir $2.50 load and dry planer wood. $3.50 load. Prompt delivery. At Tra- crs. TeL 3188. Wood, an kinds, call 48F14. Smith m Rubens. 2nd growth and oak. Any length. Judd. TeL I1F14. No. 1 18 m. old fir. $4.25. TeL 4450. Good dry eld fir, second growth, ash. oak. Tel. S7I. LOST AND FOUND LOST Lmrce sDotted Guernsey cow, Strayed from RL 0. Wednesday. Re ward for return. Tel. 96J. FOR SALE USED CARS WANTED Several light cars WIT1 pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE Terms Trades 84$ Chemeketa CHEVROLET GIVES MORE FREE LICENSE 2$ 8tude Couoe $125.00 '29 Ford Coup 185.00 '29 Cher. Coach 225.00 '29 Nash Cabriolet 275.00 '29 Nash Sedan $25.00 '32 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan 475.00 33 Chsv. Coach - 485.00 '33 Plymouth Sedan 495.00 29 Ford Truck 27$.00 '29 Chev. Panel Truck , ,. 325.00 2$ Chev. Truck ,, ,., it aa ...... TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKAY CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET GIVES MORE Dick's Car Lor Chemeketa next to fire station, pays cash for oars. ---.-.irr.iirMi 1 1, 11 1 .-.w.ru-LrLfLri i i Lnj-u-ij-u-u- THRIFT PRICES ON USED CARS COME IN AND DRIVE A BARGAIN '$1 STTJDB LIGHT SIX SEDAN. Free wheeling; small mileage, new car service. 30 BUICK STD. COUPE. Overhauled and reflnlshed. 33 TERRA PLANE COUPE. Almost new. New car service and guarantee. 33 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE. Tha lamoos 4, with floating power. '39 STUPE PRESIDENT SEDAN. One of the best cara ever twillt 27 STUTZ VICTORIA COUPE. Cost over 15500 new. 28 HUDSON STD. SEDAN. Truck and other extras. '3$ FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN. art- ieen trunk. t . .'29 DURANT 4-DOOR SEDAN. as r-TTir roftf t?"T -ttot r nfttn ..w V W I V '!. & U-1.0i WwW STATE MOTORS INC 525 Chemeketa Open Evenings TeL $40$ CARS WANTED Wa have customers for lUmt notmlar caraWa can get you the top price for car. wa ouy ror caan or consign, we carry insurance ror your protection. LICENSED DEALER BORRBGOS CAR MARKET 240 No. Liberty Tel. 3(88. SILVERTON HILLS, Jane 2T. The Sllvertoa Hills community club will be the scene ot a dance Saturday night ' whea the Hill Billies, headed by R. Hendriks, 1 will tarnish the muslo. PALS FROM OTHER MARTS (AP) NEW YORK. June 17 Grains ran away from other mar. keta today, leaving stocks, cotton and the group of minor commodi ties far behind.' U. S. Steel, American Tele phone, American Can, Westing house, Allied Chemical, Du Pont, Montgomery Ward. Sears Roe buck, Woolworth, Union Carbide and General Klectrlc finished around their previous closes some slightly up, some moderate ly lower. National Distillers rroaucis stole the show with a rise of points to 102, which was the clos ing price. U. S. Industrial Alcohol, Am erican Aleohol, Union Bag, U. S. Gypsum, Drug, American Loco motive, Columbian Carbon and General 21111s rose 2ft to i points. Many rails wera up 1 to 2. Sales totaled E,M7,225 shares. Broiler Chicken Prices Bettered; Eggs Still Mixed PORTLAND. Jane 27 (AP) Market . for eggs v was . generally i without change locally. Values j continue mixed with both' blghj and low priced sellers clsimlngH tUst the other fellow is doing the cutting. Recent slight betterment in the price on lire Leghorn broiler chickens indicated the previous sharp cut was made to keep sup plies from arriving. Late receipts have been limited. There remaiaed a good demand for dressed hen turkeys even though receivers have been saying for some days that the old sea son was closed. New crop broilers I were in call. Market for country, killed meats was generally unchanged for the day. Receipts have not been heavy and while a slight over night carryover was suggested. sales were being made generally within the price spread. Strawberries Cut Sharply; Cherry Price Down to Sc PORTLAND, June 27 (AP) With a fair supply In sight and with little home canning report ed, price on strawberries was re duced sharply during the day. Raspberries were also lower with a slight cut also in currants. Royal Ann cherries were la the dumps locally with sales down to a nickel a pound for packed stock. BIngs, while somewhat higher, were Inclined to reflect slight weakness. PIo cherries were mov ing around a nickel. Green and wax beans were weaker and lower. Pea market continued weak, mostly 2 He pound down. Strawberry Fete At Victory Point It Large Success VICTOR POINT. June 27 Mrs. George Keating of Seattle, a recent visitor at the homes of her brothers, Phillip Andrew and The odore Fisher and Martin Lorence, lnrn1 hnm Katiirriav returned home Saturday. The strawberry dance sponsor ed by the Union Hfll grange an nuallv was bald at tha hall Rat- I . . " i-jrday night and was quite suc- eessfaL w. F. Krenx. Henry Pe ters and Verio King wero la charge. Musle waa furnished by Miss Vail Rodgers, Guy Butler, Chester Mulkey, Richard Michels and Johnnie Butler. Many local people attended fun eral services at Stayton Tuesday for Mrs. Marioa Stuhr who passed away Saturday morning at the Stayton hospital. Mrs. Stuhr (Nel lie Peterson) formerly lived here. "Radio Program Wt-BAY. Jane ts. I-3W FOailJLSl) 420 Xs. T-.00 Orgsa ceacart, NBC. T:30 Organ concert, NBO. T:80 Rhythm Bamblers, NBO. 9:80 Coekiag sehooL 10:00 Sarah Kreindler, XBC. 10:15 Books for Childrea. MB0L 8:00 Jack ssd Loretta Clemens, FBO. 8:20 Frieadry shst. 4:45 Kenneth Spencer, NBC 6:00 Tales ef the Titans. NBO. 5:80 Myroa Kinsley, NBO. 7:80 Sam Garden, the Kibitser. 7:00 Amos b WAndy, NBC 8:15 College Vlaa sra-setra. $ :S5 Ydrewats- Eeseh Hotel arss tra. IS BO. 8 :45 Conrad T-fbaoU aad Grove's or chestra, MBO. 9:00 Oss Maa's YsmUy, NBO, -9:33 Ceseort la &hytb, HBO. Rock WHEAT SOARS ABOVE PATENT FLOUR PRICED Portland Cash Wheat Goes to 83 'Cents, Montana $1.054 PORTLAND. June 27. (AP) Better than dollar wheat was shown for ' hard varieties fodsy when' Montana 11 per cent mov ed up to $1.05 per bushel. This is 7 cents bnihel higher than the previous high mark reached yes terdsy. Local cash wheat ad vanced 2 to 4 ft cents a bushel during the dsy - with the . best quoted to 82 cents bushel. The difference between local wheat and Montana spring was a mat ter of milling Quality and the fact that local wheat must be based at this period upon what caa be obtained in the eastern markets, and not upon export sales aa during normal periods. There were - advances of 4 to 4 cents a bushel la the closing price on wheat options oa the Portland futures market. A farther advance of 20 cents per barrel in fsmlly patent flour was announced by millers fa ad ditlon to the 10 cents advance mada yesterdsy. Evea higher pri- Ices were immediately forecast for xiour. General Markets ' PBODTOX ITXCHAVOC- PORTLA'I. Ore Jaa 27. I API Prodace exchange, net prices Bsttrr. extras Jte. staaasrda 21 He. prime firm Zltoe, first 19 He. Eggs Freifc extras is-iac, Xrmh BMdtssts l-17e. Portland Grain POETLAXD. Ore- Jaae 27. (AP) High Low Close 73 70 73 7Stt 74 7H 80 77 Mi SOW Wheat Open Jaly 70 ' September 74 December -77 H Cask wheat No. 1 Big Besd blue- stam 82c; dark bard wis ter li par cent 88c, 11 per east 7Se; soft white, westers weite, aara wister, aertaera spring, vest era red 71e. Oats Na. a whits $38.50. Core Na. IE yallaw 325. Millrso Standard $18. Portland Produce 1 POETLAXD. Ore- Jose 27. (API- Better Friata. extras 24c. staadards 31 He Battarfat Portland ialivery: A grade 21-22o fro -ad; fsrmers door delivery 21 S3e peaad ; sweet craam Se higher. aggs Fid I la peeltry predorars sall Isg pries: Ovsrsiss 20s. ait ras 18c mix- ad esters 17s. m odlam 17c dozes. Bar- lag pries by wbslasaWrs, fresh current receipts. 54 pseuds and np. 17a de a. Choeae 83 scare Oregon triplets 12c ; loaf ISe Posad. Brokers will pay He be low s-otatiesa. Milk Caa tract srice 4 per cant Portia ad delivery. $L70 cwt; B grade erssm S7s pe id. Ceaatry meats Sellinr pries ta ra- taners. ee-stry kOlad bogs, bast batch era, asder 150 possds 7-7 He. Vealers 70 te 10O eMail 7-7 He. Spring lamaa 10-1 la raarlla 4-Sc. Haary ewes S-Se. kfedisa i eewt Se pound. Canner cews 2- Je. Balls 4H-e pound. Maaair Ksying pnee, 198B cup 15e pound. Cairsrs bark Boyisg pries. 1933 peel, Se peesd. Hops Hinal, 1931, e-eee pons-. 1 ts posltry- Fortlaaa aaliTery. bor- lag prices, heavy hems, eelored 4H-5H poande lie. de SH pevads ap 10c; broilers 3 pounds ap 9-10e; sadar 2 posads 11 11 H : colored springs. 3 posads sp lie. Beosters 5e possd. Dacka, Fektns, breuers 12-LSs poasd; eld dseks. Feklas 10s poand. ds eoWred 10s pound. - Onions Setliag price- to retailers, Oregoa. $1.15-1.33 eaataL Kew eaiess California. Bermndas $1 50-pemsd aratst saw red 31.85 cental. rotaaeee Lsesl SI. 50: oesehous Gems SS; da Bakers. $2.25: Yakima Gems "81.85. New potatoes ms! white aad rod I $3.so-s.ss ceatal; Caiiferaia. -kite $2.65- I 3.75 seataL ' Strawberries Oregsm Dollars $1.20-1.-5 srste: mew Ore tons $1.25-1.40 crate. - cup, hbiw, niuaa ette r allay 23-25e pa-ad; ssstsra Oreroa is lie aeaaa: aoathera Idaho is-20e pooad. ilar sarins' arise from arssacer. nUalfa Ks. 1, asw erep. $15-16: slovar No. 3. $14; esaterm Oregea timothy $18; oats sad vetch $15. Portland Livestock I PORTLAND. Ore.. Jans 27. (A?) Cattle Receipts 75, calves 10; weak teadeaey. Hteers. geea l.s-; eaasmoa aaa me dian S3-S. Heifers, eommos aad ase disss $8-4.78. Osws, as mem ssd medium $X60--rs. Balls, geed $3.25-8 JI0; cut- Mrs snc tseaiom 9X.S--s.Z-. v osiers, good $0-0.75; common sad medism $3- S. Calves, geed $5-4 ; ismmon aad sse Sisv $3iO-4. Hoca BeeeipU 350 lEe low sr. Good. 140 te 300 posads S4J5-4.T5; $00 ta 350 poaads -.35-4.25; aver 250 posads $3.80-4,5 ASO. So a. good 83.50 4.151 medium 1.151 $M8 8.75. Pigs, good $3,75 8.13. Sksss Beeerpts $00; fairly steady. Lambs, geed aad castes 85-8.50; com' axoa aad medism $3JM-8. Wethers, $2 Swss ei-SO-SJB. 10:18 Asssa Wsska' ereksrtrs, NBO, 11:00 Aba Lyman's erakestrs. NBC. 11:30 Jim Tsft's erebest-a, XQW te NBO. r0I-OBLJO -40 Xs. 8:30 KOIN's Elsek. 8:00 Baddy Bsrred's erchastrs. CBS. 8:80 Concert Mialstsrss, CBS. 0:15 George Hall's orchestra. 0:45 R-salaa Gypsy orchestra. 11:45 Hopkins orchestra. 13:80 Woetpesl'e orchestra. 1:99 Moo st tie, S:0O iwiaiss raaeiee. DLBS. 4:45 Hswsrd Ily, srgssist, CBS. 8:80 Diak Aaraadt, argse soaeesi. 0 :45 C-hrmsia sympboay ott nostra. Tt43 Virtia's erehsstrs. 9:00 Gaa Arskalm's arshsstra. Bottom Salem Markets Cranio B raw 4 solla, co-op pool price, f 1.34 per hundred. Sarplus $3 1.36. (Milk aa seam! sisataly eetterfat sersco. Distributor price f 1.70 Batterfat Top SO-21C prists S4H. cabew 23H. Pi mas said to gravers i Sales bsjert tTas arises aeisw. saptrfieS ay a tssai grease. ra lasieative I ess sail market eat are aa gsaraatsad by Ta tnnasist rauix asm vaazraxLAS - Swistg essms, Ik. wb, .IS Artieaekee. Wa. .78 Aspsrsgsa, Weal, dea, Xe. t Cakssge, la. .03 Orasa seppera, rlettds. Is. , JO Psss. Oregam. lb. .01 to .08 K Omisss. doa. bssshes .IS Pelstees. Yakima Xe. 1 .1.7S Skssta. whits , 1.XS Sveei aetslsss. arsto -1.SO . .65 JU .01 .48 3.50 Lettmea, Oaiaas. Laaiaa, swi, Kaaaars, Weal Ceiery, . , CsUferais, H crate A-a Wlsessi lsessps. fssey . . .L40 . .90 .1.4 Extra fsaey Vewtewas. fancy Estra faacr Oraagea, Yaleaeiaa, tascy 3.75 to S.SO flace pack S.oo Bts. lecaL dot. .25 Tarsipe, Weal, crate .85 Carrot. WcaL dee. , , . .. .85 Spinach. Weal, crste Jli ta .60 Ranaaaa. lb. aa' stock .05 Has4s .0$m Maatard rrsass .00 C ambers .80 te 1.80 .20 to 80 -.2.00 to 3.SO 7.50 Ml U 04 1.50 .125 8-25 1.25 1.85 C .75 .03 Pinrappla retail Castalnapea, crate 14S1MI Gooseberries Strawberries. Weal Limes, fresh ATscadea, ecsta Sqoaaa, Italian, crate o-auner. crata , Apricoia. crate WatermeWas. retail Tematees, hothonsa 8.00 8.40 Texas aors Top, 1933. lb .68 J3 Tap. 1981. la. BOOS Bsytag Prices Extras .13 .18 .11 JM .10 J09 .00 Staadards Mediwms' POUXTBY Old roosters . Colored hess - Bedhnas heal Meat hass. Broilers .18 te .IS B-SAT Uak tap . Haca. tap AO0 4.7 J .4.50 First eats Steers - .04 H te .05 Cow i .02 H to .08 .04 .03 .OS .07 Heifers .03 H te .02 H te Balls Dressed veal, top Prsaeed a or oxuB asro bay Whrat. western red .70 White. He. 1 .70 Betley. tea, ton la. 00 to 20.00 Oats, tea -20.00 ta 15.00 Hi jr. aayisc prUss Oets ssd vetch. Ua 16.00 Alfalfa, valley 1st eat Eastern Oregea 17.00 -18.00 .17.00 CIotst hay WOOL Bedlam Coarse . Mohair .35 .28 ax CASCABA BAXX Orees. lb. .01 H .04 H Dry, Is. OiL peesd ppLMrT 1.80 te 1.00 Stocks and Bonds (Cspyrlg-4, 193s. Standard Statistics Cs.) .Ban 3T stock avssAsaa .50 ZO 80 Ind'U RE's Ut's Teem! Today 91.1 47.8 107.3 S7.3 Previses day 00.4 4S.S 108.8 08.8 Week sas S6.S 44.S 100.0 SS.5 Year ago 85.3 1S.S 54.5 -5-1 8 years are 153.3 114.9 209.3 157.8 High 191 1 00.4 Lew 1988 43.8 High 18.3 73.S Lew 1933 $5.1 48.8 118.7 38.S ST .5 84 41.9 78.S 30.8 111.0 18.3 81.8 $310. BOXD AVXXAOBS se ts so V3.S 77.S S4.0 SO Today 78.5 V8.S V7.S Prerteesday T3.S TS.S S4.S Week age ts.s T.a sa.i Ysarsge 83.0 53.S 73.8 SO.O 90.8 78.3 S years age -.4 10S.4 .s High 1988 TS.4 70 S SS.t Low 1S3S 68.8 87.0 74.1 SS.S High 1883 71.S TS.0 80.3 78.1 S7.S Lew 1933 53.S 47.4 70.S Now 1998 high. I Bits for Breakfast I (Continued from rage 4) Virgil Johnson, Mr. Basil Wagaer, Mrs; W. Al Jones, Mrs. Florence Irwin, Mrs. Thomas Holman. Mrs. George Dune ford aad Mrs. Carrie Walker Bewley, all of Salem. Other guests: Mrs. Daniel J. Fry. Miss Priscill Fry. Mrs. Kit ty Carver. Mr. and' Mrs. R, J. Hendricks, Mr. aad Mrs. Hal D. ration, nan. .uniusa iuviuiwui Miss Eva Moulton. Mr. Chas. Moulton. Miss Roberta Moulton, Mr. Crelghton Jones, Mrs. Rosalie J. Porter, Miss Helen Litchfield. Mr. and Mrs. Del. Dlnsmoor, Miss Mabel Creightoa. Miss Mary Payne and Mrs. Delia Jeffrey. Mrs. Fry and the writer were voted honorary members. By ia vi ta tlon. the 1124 reunion will be held at the Fry home la Salem. GOAL OF $1 20c HIGHER ! Barley Captures Lead; Buying is r evensiy At Record Prices CHICAGO. Jane 27 (AP) Feverish, big speculative buying ' that .latched grata markets anew today forced 8 cents maximum fresh rifle la values and outdid yesterday's sensational advance of 7). cents. Wheat today went far above $1. the traditional goal of thousands of farmers, and reached 1 1.0 C fa for May contracts. For the sec ond day la saccesaioa the wheat market ran ap a maximum new gala of 7 cents, bat barley to day surpassed wheat with a jump ot 8 cents flat. At the . extreme j top today, wheat showed a rise ot 21 cents over last week's low. and more than 52 cents gala since the beginning of the sea son. i Highest prices today, an equal- ley since l$Jo sad reaebed la the final quarter 'hour of business. ware la the face ot Immense prof- it-takiag sales and despite indica tions of showers promising at least some relief from prolonged drought and heat that have been wrecking crops. wheat closed wild at somewhat below the new top figures, but 54-. cents above yesterday's. finish, corn S-STl up, oats 2 to 2 cents advanced.. Today's closing quotations: Wheat July 5 U-tt: SiP- tember 974-08; December l,- ; May 1.05-054. Corn July 55Vi-4: Septem ber S0tt-U: December . Oats Jaly 44T.-45; Septem ber 44-: December 47U-H. Chiie tian Confab Attracts Members From Scotts Mills SCOTTS MILLS. June 27 Much Interest among church folks here Is centered upon the opening of the snnual convention of the Oregon churches of Christ, in the big Tabernacle at Turner this week. There will be no preaching service next Sundsy here, but Bi ble school and C. E. services wfll be arranged for those who are at home. The pastor. Rev. and Mrs. Shoemsker are attending the en tire convention. Mrs. B. T. Shoemaker and the following girls. Lillian, Esther and Marjorie Jones, Mildred and Norma. Hsskins. Eunice and Ole- no Chan, Ina Mae and Marabelle Helng and Gloria Price or Colfax, Wash., surprised Gale Smith Fri day afternoon. It being her 10th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Almond Rich have as their guests. Mrs. Rich's sister. Mrs. H. La Valley and three chil dren of Great Falls, Montana and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson aad fsmlly of Seattle. A family reun ion was held st the Sllvertoa Park Sunday. Road Work is Heavy In Silverton Hills SILVERTON HILLS, Jane 27 Considerable road work is ander- way In the Silverton Hills district. Work at present Is being centered around the Fall'a district and the work is mostly repairing old dam ages instead ot new work. I INVADER I -O - ) X letrtnant Tito Faleonl, famooa Italiaa flier, pictured aa he arrived as New York te participate la the National Air Races at Los Angeles Jaly 1-4. IA. Fakoni will perform aa a taember et the t-tcrnaUonal etontfng 1 By CUFF STERRETT. V .