PAGE EIGIIT ".: . . The OREGON STATESS1AN, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, Jgne 28. 1933 , - !:--" ' ' . V - : , rrrr .. . . .. ." .." ........ -., ... ...... ........ . .- ; .. .. -T- -i'-' ' : .'rim'i': ' Tl TT " T7 ' T7 ; " 'f- -V''-'- (""- "-17 I? Senaiom ; and' Elks to Vfe tor.Utv Mall. WOW i.oaay 3 1; far. li- iff'! ; STRENGTHENED Ready To Defend His Crown ' By BURNLEY Hope to Knock Over, City's "Official Team"; Game Set for 5:15 p.m. There never has been much question about the Salem Senators being the city's "official' baseball team but supposing another Sa lem team proves Itself better than the Senators? -''The best opportunity observed i In several years for such an oc ' j currency prevails this season, for the Salem Elks have developed Into auite a ball team and this afternoon at 5:15 on Olinger r. field, the antlered ones will - at- f tempt that Uproot, defeated the Elks, but since then the Elks have acquired some new players and have defeated two; strong Mia-wniamette, e a gu e teams. Including one. Grand Ronde, which gav the Senators a terrific battle early in the season. So it looks like & ball game. . The Elks' strengthening has been particularly noticeable in the Infield, where Denny Heenam, former Senator, has been acquired for third base and Ray Elliott, former American Legion Junior performer, for second base. Burch, slugging shortstop, likewise was not with the club in its first at tack on the Senators' prestige. Beechler, who smacked "Squeak" Wilson for two hits in the first game, has been moved to the in itial sack. On the mound the Elks will have Zorn, ex-Coast, leaguer, who held the strong Amity team to six his Sunday. Manager Frank Bashor of the Senators announces that Al John son, his newly acquired mounds- i man, till proDaDiy siari against the Elks, along with Bircher, the new catcher. Wilson however may be called upon for a few Innings, even if Johnson Is getting along well, .to keep the portslder In proper trim for Sunday's game at Eugene. This Is the first of a series of midweek games the Senators are planning to play in order to be come more used to regular com petition, for their Sunday State league games. A small admission charge will be made. V JF lF JACK- fey Al rAS GOOD 1 TIRES BADiy. A'-"Vf FlGKT AS EVER (Wr ASH5 DID-. WV ... t. Jy iWjfrop CARRIED fNp. r l I CORNER- KS VU, I ?-TrSs r " J mAGlNATlVE TYPE-"-fen "L fi WILL THE MEMORY ' ft SMlt A OF THE- SCHAAFiWmKff .&y' TRAGEDY AFFECT ( XgJBJ I mjTi HM AGAINST A MWJ' , OAKS EET.7 111 ELfflTOI Deadlock-: Until Then; Sacs Bump Into Radonits and Lose to Tribesmen Aurora Beats Hubbard Nine In Lively Tilt; Sweet Home Climbs to Top Lonn division AURORA. J, T - (SPW) , ttr.t ."' T . . ... ... Aurora maintained its place a halt game behind the leader, utj Angel. In the North Marion county division of the Mid-Willamette Valley Baseball association, Sun day by defeating Hubbard I to l in -a free - hitting game here. The visitors trailed until the Pet I seventh when they scored four 07 run. to take a one - run lead. The home squad came back In the eighth to score three runs after two were out, on a hit and three successive walka by '.Wissenberg and two more free passes by 5 Snaele who relieved him. .3981 Rivers. Aurora shortstop, col lected two doubles, and Seelr and PORTLAND. Ore., June 27 Moeher of the visitors each rot a t AP) After battling Portiana on trlnle. even terms for 10 Innings, Oak- Hubbard 6 12 2 land broke up the baseball game Aurora 8 7- 2 here tonight with a seven-run ral- wuenbrr. Snacle and Mason: ly in the 11th inning, to win, iz Qwlngs, Reed and J. Evans to 9. portiana was aoie 10 pro- OOAST LEAGUE W Ii Sacramento .81 Portland Hollywood .... .... 4 5 Los Angeles Mission 41 Oakland 37 Seattle 32 San Francisco 33 33 3 50 .511 .549 .537 .482 .457 duce but one ran In Its half of I the eleventh. Oakland 12 14 2 Portland 12 4 Salinson and Veltman; Kalllo, Gibson, Walters and Sheely. RadonlU Stops Sacs SEATTLE, June 27 (AP) The league-leading Sacramento Solons ran up against Phil Rad onits, Indians' leading hurler, and came out on the short end of a 9 to 1 score tonight Radonits aid ing his cause with a home run with two men on base in the third. Sacramento 1 6 3 Seattle 9 9 0 Noonan, Hartwlg and Woodall; Radonits and Bradbury. BROOKS, Juno 27 . (Special) Though the teams were even In the matter of hits. Lone Elder defeated Brooks, 6 to 1. here Sun day. Bowslby of Lone Elder had a shutout until the ninth when two two baggers produced Brooks' lone score. Lone Elder 5 10 1 Brooks 1 10 1 Bowlsby and Barth; Balnbridge and Ramp. Hollywood Missions .. 8 13 SWEET HOME. June 27. (Special) Sweet Home went into the undisputed leadership of the Linn county league here to- Sunday, defeating Lebanon, 10 to 6. Lebanon 14 Sweet Home 10 11 4 P. Schmlti and T. Schmlti; Young, Robins and Crane, Reeves . Page and Tobin; Cole and Fitr- patrlck. San Francisco .... Los Angeles Davis, Stlne and Newsom, Ballou and Cronln. . 8 1 ..7 13 2 Bottarinl; McMullen, J Yankee Pros Nosed Out by ; SSbss British Team SOUTHPORT, Eng., Juhe 27. (AP) America's blue ribbon golf professionals; fighting from behind to the very last putt on the home green, today bowed in defeat! to Great Britain and lost the Ryder cup, emblematic of in ternational supremacy, six match es to five, with one foursome halved. Two days of the fiercest com petition In the annals of the team play ended in front of the South port club with nearly 20,000 spectators, among them the Prince of Wales, trying to see the exciting finish in which . Syd Easterbrook defeated Densmore Shute, enabling Great Britain to keep the trophy in the land of its origin. Shute, coming from behind on the last nine to first square the match . and then take the .lead, missed a six yard putt, then one from eight feet away to surren der the hole, the match and the series The burden of defeat, however, did not rest alone on the slender youngster who fought gallantly all . day In one of the tightest matches of the series. He came from behind five times. With him In losing matches were Olin Du tra,! who went completely off his game for a time to bow to Abe ACK SHARKEY may be ret-! ing along in years, but at lease he can still TALK as good a fic-ht as ever. Jack has a puri- listie date with the mammoth Italian challenger, Primo Camera, tomor row night, and to near tne wnice- ; Camera is as gooa already. left mitt of his in my face," roars the boisterous champ. "Every time he tries to left lab me. Ill move in- iide and hook him in the belly, just as I did in our first fight. Then 111 switch to his head and level him out." If von try to tell Sharkey that Primo has improved, he only laughs louder. "He still shoves his punches he doesn't know how to hit. No muscle- bound freak will ever lick me. know his style now, and this time hell be easier than he was in the first fifi-nt." savs Jack. Sharkey has little respect for Max Baer. either. He insists that he would murder the Calif orniaa the first time Baer wound np with his right. "As for Baer phooeyi" is the cocky champion s way of dis missing the California threat. Jack has looked rood in lus train ing workouts for this fight. He had a couple of good sparring mates in big Yostin Sirutis and the capable Hans Birkie, and now taat tne training grind is over he is appar ently in very good condition. Sharkey has said ouite a bit ox attention to roadwork in his train ing during the past few weeks, as he knows that his wind and legs must be in good shape if he expects to whip the Italian giant over the nxteen round route, u s a cincn that he will never win tomorrow night's bout if he enters the ring in no better snaps tnan ne was zor Schmeliiu? last year. A lot of the wiseacres seem to be climbing on the Camera bandwagon when it comes to doping the winner of the big boot. These experts point out that Sharkey has been inactive thinks lover I sines he won the title a year ago. while Prirno has been fighting stead ily and improving ail the tune. Long periods of inactivity are never good for a fighter, and this Is ea sily so in tne case oz a veteran T Ml HALSEY, June 27. (Special) Halsey pulled a surprise victory here Sunday, winning over Harrls- burg, 1( to 8. Twelve Harrisburg errors contributed to the defeat. Harrisburg 8 12 12 Halsey 1C 14 Palmer, Cunningham and Mc Allister; Tattle and Burnett. 8HEDD. June 27. (Special) Shedd was knocked out of the to 5. Although saeaa oumn ib gent, the.Tit club played er rorless ball. Tangent I Shedd f , , Elder, Jacob and Cocheil; H. Bault, I. Bault and.McKean. Veterans of Tournament Win Matches VICTORIA. B. C. June "2 7.- fAP) The old "war horses' of Pacific northwest amateur goir, and some promising youngsters, led bv Albert "Scotty" Campbell. Seattle champion, came through handily today In their first skir mlshlng for the northwest title in their opening match play over the Oak Bay course. ." An even eight of thefai iirst round survivors were from -south of the border line, and among them -were such veterans, as H. Chandler Egan, five times title holder, of Medford, Ore., Dr. O. r. Willing, Portland. Johnny Shields, Seattle, and Dr. Cllif sa ker. Kalama. Ore. Dr. Willing, former Walker cup star, had little opposition In pulling out a 9 and 8 win over H. Pretty, local Victoria player. At the 26th, Dr. Wlll lng's drive struck the flag, which was leaning over ' slightly, and stopped a few Inches away, rob binc him of a hole-in-one. He was one under par In the 28 holes he played during the day. A remarkable string of shoot lng, in which he cut five strokes from par In four holes, with two eagles, a birdie and a par, with a hole-in-one at the 14th, aided Jimmy Todd, of Victoria. In beat lng R. Munson. Seattle, 4 and 3. He came home after the round. which was shot In the morning, with a 32, four under par. The hole-in-one was on a 192-yard shot. SUCCESS Plenty tof light; Favorites Slated to Clash Tonight At 8:30 and 9:30 Night kitball was inaugurated in Sale:i Tuesday night and was success both from the stand point of attendance and ability of the teams to perform under the floodlights on Sweetland field. The lights, designed for football. provide plenty of visibility for kitball, but the players . showed the need of a few games to get accustomed to them. To ImproTp visibility for the batsman and catcher, the diamond Is to be moved several yards to the north. Parker's defeated Walt's Mar ket 13 to 1 by getting an early lead, capitalizing on the meat cutters' difficulty in gauging the ball under the lights. In th. later innings it was a tight mound duel. Salem Linen Mills shut out Kay Woolen Mills 15 to 0, Serdots limited the wool weav ers to five hits. Tonight the two winners of Tuesday-night will clash at 8::o. andPade's Grocery, spring sea son ciijipicn, win meet tne strengthened Elks team at 9:3" Finding the new league faster than those which played in th" spring season, both of Tuesday night's losers are planning to re cruit some additional players. Parker's 11 14 1 Wait's 1 6 r, H. Singer,- Kitchen and L. Singer, Sanford; Walker and Herberger. Salem Lluen IS 17 l Kay Mills S 8 Serdots and P. McCaffery: Mentzer and Carthew. EDDIE ALSO RAN SEATTLE, June 27. (AP) Freddie Steele, popular young welterweight of Tacoma, won one of the most Important victories of his short boxing career here to night when he scored a decisiTe decision over Eddie Ran, hard punching New Yorker. SH IS SIPPED COMMISSIONER'S COURT e the chamsion, Carnera will have the advantage over Jack in size, weight, strength, youth, ambition, fighting edge and condition. Sharkey is smarter, the better boxer and the harder punch er. At bis best, the skinful title holder figures to whip even a vastly unproved Camera, but it is hardly likely that, at his age, Sharkey will be able to round into perfect con dition again. Make no mistake Jack cant win this one if he puts up one of his sloppy fights. BUly Duffy and i rawer biuj ise roe nave wnippeo the man mountain into wonderful condition, and he is going; to put up the fight of his life to win the cov eted crown from the aging sailor mTl CwnlaM. IIS!. KM fwlnii InAol. Iml (Continued from page 7) Pot I Emergency Acct. .636 O. E. Crowe, secy, trees. .621 exp. of representative .. 27.50 .524 Health Officers Acct. .500 Central Pharmacy, .493 1 medicine, etc .478 Vernon A. Douglas, M. D., .4081 traveller expenses .... , St, Louis 25 44 .36 J. H. Farrar. o. m.. stamps .., CLEVELAND, June 27 (AP) Hendrie Clinical Lab.. Tne league leading Washington I laboratory services AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Washington 42 New York 41 Philadelphia 33 Cleveland 34 Chicago SI Detroit 32 Boston i 24 25 30 34 34 25 40 44 11.10 25.00 10.00 Senators' eight-game winning Nova Lyndes, trav. exp. sireax: was snapped oy uioveiana today In a sensational ninth in ning finish. The Indians won 7-6. Washington 6 10 0 Cleveland 7 10 8 Thomas. McAfee. Russell and Sewell; Harder, Connally and My all. wifi m E ONLY 'ME HITS NATIONAL LEAGUE W L New York ..39 St. Louis 37 Pittsburgh Chicago Boston Brooklyn Cincinnati .. Philadelphia .35 .33 .31 .29 29 26 22 27 30 34 35 33 38 40 Pet .639 .578 .638 .493 .470 .468 .435 .394 'CtLJLW'1 BOSTON, June 27 (AP) Leo Mangum held the St. Louis Card inals to six scattered hits today Mitchell. and 8, Paul Runyan, and enabled the Boston Braves to who lost to Percy Allis 2 and 1, 1 gain a 1-0 shutout In the series and Leo Diegel, who was defeat-1 opener. ed by Arthur Havers 4 and 3. Captain Walter Hagen, all square with A. J. Lacey at the end of 27 holes, made a garrison finish to nose out victory 2 and 1. Gene Saraxen, who will defend ! his British Open c r o w n next week, defeated Alt ; Padgham 6 and 4. Craig Wood, - big blonde from New Jersey, won from W. H. Davie 4 and 8 and Horton Smith took a big lead, then held grimly to enough of it to defeat Charles Whltcombe. Ryder cup captain in 1931,: 2 and 1. St. Louis 0 6 1 Boston 1 3 0 Walker, Johnson and Wilson; Mangum and Spohrer v . Dodgers Beat Reds BROOKLYN, June 27 (AP) Tne Dodgers pounded SI Johnson and Ray Kolp for ten runs In the first three Innings today and de feated Cincinnati 11 to 2. Cincinnati 2 10 Brooklyn .: 11 14 1 Johnson, Kolp and Lombard!; Benge and Lopez, Outen. Stayp Pittsburgh at New York post poned, wet grounds. 5 Chicago at Philadelphia, post poned, rain. Olinger Tossers Defeat Lincoln; Scores 9- 8,4-1 on Reaches Top After Win From Turner 9 - STAYTO, June 27 Stay ton was Jubilant as the result of the hall game with Turner there Sunday. The locals carried oft the honor with a score of 11 to 4i This was the deciding game with Turn- r. fn th Basann resulting in T e. " The Olinger field playground Stayton is at the top of the list I kltDU team continued Its Un as the result of Sunday's srame. I broken etrlnsr f yfetnrt tr m.t w!?hVi?0. al6d the Lincoln tossers game, with Mehama. Mehama woa U- . t f.uuiug uuuDieaesaer : at Olinger field yesterday 9-8 and jLoneups for both games were as iouows: CHAMP FAMILY MOVES ' uuager 9-4 Lincoln R.1 stayton, June 27 Mr. and o"en, Lunsford Mrs.;Harley Champ and: family I Miller ; 3....... Mason are moving into tneir new borne l icnois stone on the Sublimity, highway. The I Salstrom ... . .if. . . . . , Esplion nouse-wnicn is a line one, was j seraots ...... .1. , . ... . DuBols duui to Take the place of their Kotn . . ..... .p. . . . m. Ritchie former. home destroyed : by fire. Traglio".......e...;.w. Ritchie Some work remains to be done on Quesseth , ,c.2.-... Bertelson the house, but they will "do this Sederstrom,.... ' Elliott from Stayton when they played mere. as time permits r 'Sexton. rw,,,,Tf.., King Robin Reed undoubtedly Is In good shape, or he wouldn't have consented to risk bis world 145-pound title here on the fourth of July against Henry Jones. Grappling with Henry is always a risk for anybody. However, there is further con firmation of Reed's present, ability to take care of himself, In news that comes from Co lombo, O., to the effect that Robin held the vpper hand throughout two hoars and 15 minutes of fierce battling with Stacy Hall, one of the rising yoong men of the welterweight ranks. Hall is a recent convert front collegiate wrestling at Ohio State college, and every body knows these boys jnst ont of college -are rough and ambi tlon. They think a lot of Reed .back there, for the sport writ ers decided, after Hall had held him to a draw, thai Hall had Just about arrived. the trees to the right of the fair way to sink his second shot. Jim Ford, Portland golfer who played 225 holes Monday, most have walked 42 miles while he was doing it. That Is, If his shots were all pretty straight. Any detours out Into the rough would increase that. Peninsula turf is easy on the feet that's one break for him. And as any golfer knows, it's much easier to walk after a golf ball that it Is to just walk. In fact,. you have scarcely any realisation of walking at all, be cause your mind is all on doing things to that white pellet. After playing the Salem Elks here today, the Senators may look forward to a really tough one the Eugene Townles on their home lot. The Eugene boys, with Wilt shire on , the mound, are always dangerous. Wiltshire held Schapp's to a shutout and fire hits Sundsy. The Senators got to him a little more -freely here, but he may hare had an oft day. Albany, has often produced "raw meat" baseball, especially in the reign of Red Rupert, and last Sunday the fans there saw some more of It, though the . Bend boys seem to hare started . the. trouble. There were a cou ple of altercations, the liveliest occurring when Board of Bend claimed he had been hit on the elbow by a pitched ban, and the amps wouldn't give him a pass.: The visitors became so belliger ent that the strong arm of the law had to be Invoked to calm them down. So they protested the game, then went ahead to win it so the protest will be withdrawn. , - . i It was Tommy Tompson, we are now .informed, who .scored an eagle two on the fourth hole at the Salem Golf club: and to make it harder,. he had to shoot across 25.00 30.50 Marion Co. Dept. of Health, maintenance 60.00 E. R. Squib' it Sons, neoarspli., etc State Board of Health, bismo cymol 5.60 Horticulturists Acct, S. H. Van Trump, salary and expenses 127.10 Xndem. for Sis. Dis. Cattle Acct. Red Sox Hit Hard !?' L0Vv?; oJ.UD.e (AP) Wallace T. Riches, lndem. 17.60 Jail Acct. A. C. Burk, board of pri. 163.00 Boston outhlt St. Louis and won today, 5 to 4. Hoitnn K 1 St. Loui. 'a : Capital City Laundry, AndrAwn vn. n4 r. launary rell; Gray, Wells, Coffman and j?4 Cr.0S8 Pbnnacy med, Shea. Four Homers Figure DETROIT, Mich., June 27 (AP) Ben Chapman. Tony Las- seri. Earl Combs and Jonathan Stone hit home runs today as New York defeated Detroit 9 to 8. New York 9 13 1 Detroit 8 13 1 Brown, Gomes and Dickey; Marberry, Herring, Deeautels; and Rowe, Hayworth. 40.00 3.00" Graham Sharkey Is ambitious to break that record, and he has it CHICAGO, June 27 (API all planned. The test may be made m6 Beaj rel,' Pitching by Red some time this week, for days are already getting shorter. It hard ly needs to be added that Graham will be the manager and sponsor of the affair and that somebody else will do the marathonlng. Arthur Hay Gets Place on Bench In Lake Countyl Faber and an 11-hlt attack today gave Chicago an 8 to 8 victory over rmiaaeipnia today. Philadelphia 2 11 0 Chicago 8 11 1 Cain. Combs, Oliver, Peterson and Madjeski; Miller Faber and Grube. . n Arthur D. Hay, since 191V a resident of Lakeview, Tuesday was appointed circuit Judge of Lake county to succeed Orlando M. Corklns who died two weeks ago. The appointment was an nounced by Governor Meier. Judge Hay Is now serving as FUSE ARREST II i. IS U 64.00 The state supreme court Tues day handed down two opinions reversing decrees-of Judges Jacob Kansler and James P. Stapleton TJ- " imuuiu iuuuij circuit ; ; :t7;-, "vf i "t, m .mu wed by winded re cover damages from Clyde E. ..VLVZS Mcan wTElmeT Conrad to for nine years, and chairman of 1 " " .'u" f h mnnin.i -.. - I Sanders, 8. C. Chauvln and X. A. naS gduatad ?rom the PortI"d law school of the University of I.' ,7r v , .7 , nn in mi tt- . . ' ... were written by Justice Kelley. Scotland and has a wife and three ?0. rmndJ the cases for re- MMrn I trUU ine auegea laue arrests oc curred on July 31, 1121, when the r0T, A Z?-T, three police officers obtained i JOSepn Jl. B alter warrant for the search of ad well IT1 2 T?:iJ "a at 28 8Lrta atreet, Poft- ILState IS rlea hand. Durinr the search of the house for Intoxicating liquors the Plaintiffs were nlaced under in The estate of the late Joseph A. I rest for disorderly Baker, long - time Salem resident, taken to the nolle station in has a. valuation of 118,287, 17.- patrol wagon. The plaintiffs al 000 of which was In 44 per cent leged that they were detained by Liberty bonds, a report filed the pollco for more than two iuesaay m pro Date court reveals. I hours. otner assets listed were 8739 In I . The suit for -damages subse cash. and 8122 In accrued Inter-1 quenUy was filed aralnst the est. Appraisers were L. P. Aid- threa noiir. Arfin t. h. .i,i. rich, Chester Cox and Roy Bur- court, where the plaintiffs ob- T't i . . axer or saiem, is tained a Judgment for 8250 each .uiuuuiiiLui oi me estate. , ...i Defendants then appealed. - - Salem Laundry Co., lann. Sanlta y Serr. Co. Inc., removing garbage .... 1.00 Salem Justice Court Acct. S. C. Catlin se R. K. Page, rent W. E. DeLong, cash adv. for stamps W. E. DeLong, trav. exp. Juvenile Court Acct, Western Union Tel. Co., telegram Poor Acct. American Red Cross, cash adv. for tickets Jake Blersack, cut. wd. for Mrs. Beckner E. R. rundldge, haul wd. Capital Drug Store, med. for R. Kiaar et al Caplans Grocery, groe. for Edith Pitts et al Carn Pharmacy, medicine for roor Central Pharmacy, med. for Jack Kays et al .... J. N. Chambers, exp. re. R.F.C. trip Mrs. Dora Chiles,, care of K. 4 F. Lipper Frank C. Clark, care of Inmates 288.33 A. DeJardln. groc for A. DeJardln B. F. Glesy, prof. serr. Sam Wallace Greenbaums Dept. Store, doth. H. Moudy et al Mrs. Earl Grimm, wood E. N. Hall, burial of J. Schneider Ross Hammaek, wood Hammond Lbr. Co., groe. for Nina Kahler Mrs. Mae Ledger ood. clerk at Seed Loan eft. Bualcks Groc for Jane Warden Groc. for J. W. Inman Salem Deaconess Hospital Cr. of Jacob Schneider Cr. of Fred Baker .... Cr. of Amelia Cottrell Cr. of Elizabeth McAfee Cr. of John Glandoa . . Care of Ollle Olson ..k Car of W. S. Brown . . Cr. of Mrs. L. Cribbona Cr. of Jos. Chllders ... Care of Jack Kays .... Cr of J. W. Richardson -Cr. of M. Chamberlain Cr. of F. M. Newhlrter Cr. of Geo. Woolrtdge 12.50 Cr. of Pauline Wells ..11.00 Care of Opal Means .... 2.00 Cr. of Mrs. C. Chastaln 2.50 Cr. of Adaline Wallace 19.00 Car of Chas. Harrison, 32.60 Cr. of Mrs. II. Buechler 11.25 Cr. of R. Alexander ... 38.75 Mrs. a C. Mitchell, care of Robt. Hall 35.00 Dr. J. O. Nash, prof. serv. Frank Lipper 2.00 Newports Store, groc Mrs. Baughn 20.01 Portland Gen. Elec. Co, electricity 9.24 The Salem Drug Co., med. for poor 10.25 Salem Laundry Co., laun. for Mrs. Chllders 1.95 Terwllllger Funeral Home, burial of A. Johnson .. 35.00 Dr. F. H. Thompson, anaesthetie F. Neer ... 5.00 Union Oil Co. of Calif.. coupon books 15.00 Walter Vincent, wood for Mrs. Parker et al ..... 1 00 . . 11.00 Wm. Wengenroth. groc. for Frank Busare 5.00 Willamette Groc. Co., wd. 88.00 Willamette Sanitarium, care of Frank Neer ... 21.00 Woolpert Jb Legg, medicine for poor 24.43 Co. Property Acct, Lyle Beckner. labor 27.93 Merle Beckner, do 3.99 Pohle Staver Co.. fence etc. 24.40 .74 Union Abstract Co.. search 8.34 on Schauer prop 7.50 2.60 Rebate of Fees Acct. Durbin ft Cornoyer. rebate 3.00 Recorders Office Acct. Mildred R. Brooks, cash adv. for stamps, etc 8.34 H. Scofleld. clerk 38.00 Wolf Hop. Co., bk. forms 1.25 Registration of Election Acct. 38.71 The Gervals Star, prlnUng erds 13.50 E. M. Nlles. clerk 26.00 .60 Kaan MeWhorter Paper co, cards 2.T5 Rodent Control Acct. 18.66 Ames Harris Neville Co.. 13.78 5.98 scbool Supts. Office Acct. 18.00 I A. N. Fulkersoa, 4-H club assistant 4.20 I Vary L. Tulkerson, cash aav. ror stamps J 5.00 I Vary L. Fulkerson, travel ing expenses ...... 4.75 Wayne D., Harding, cash aav. ror supplies 4.00 J- J- Xrape Co, nDDons. .etc ......... 2.00 1 11 eta U cM orris, 4-H club secretary ............ Rahn MeWhorter Paper Co., paper, etc Cora E. Reld, 4-H club ex. H. I. Stiff Furniture Co, 12.11 20.00 69.16 4.00 27.25 20.00 .8.40 1.00 rental of tables 3.04 SL Louis Button Co, buttons 14.25 Sealer ot Wta. Jk Measures A ret. J. F. Jones, sealer 47.87 Sheriffs Office Acct. Elliott Print. House Inc. printing 4.00 Unrua Knspp Printing Co, Postage 60.00 Newell Williams, trav. ex. 3.4 0 Surveyors Office Acct. B. B. Herrkk, cash adv. for stamps 1.00 Wood Acct. J. B. Board row, cut. wd. 42.25 V. Calkin, do 52.42 Frank Cronn. do ,. 15.25 Leo Cronn. do 43.00 W. P. Dragg, do 13.50 C. T. Follon. do 36.00 H. Frey, do 38.00 E. T. Hondrick, do 12.25 A. MeClellan. do 22.75 Doc License Fund Acct. P. M. Koster, He. refund .. 1.00 O. V. Pont ions, collect. del. licenses 26. ou J. H. Porter, Invest. aheep claims 2.82 Frank S. Basl. sheep killed by dogs 15 u Ed Dencer, do 1.00 John Lillelund, do ...j.. 7.00 Lewis Mellbye, do 3.50 E. S. Porter, do 3.50 Geo. W. Shand, do 34.00 Ralph Tate, do 25.0o Miscellaneous Accts. Atlas Book Store, pins, etc 3.50 A. C Burk. use of car . . . .205.76 Pacific Tel. 4b Tel. Co, telephones 175.85 Pattoa Bros, pencils, etc 7.70 Charlie 4b J. N. Robinson. cutting wood 55.87 Nona White, -cash adv. for stamps, etc , 3.60 State lad. Aec Cora, ins. 139.97 Southern Pacific Co, trans. to forest camps gp. 133.00 E. A. Taylor, scalp bounty 2.00 Genevieve Foster, relief .. 17.50 inruune Howe, do ..... Mrs. Maade Klme, do . . . . Mabel Lily Ross, do .... Allan O. Carson, relief ef K. K.- Stewart , Lester Cola, Indemnity . Allan G. Carson, relief ef Mrs. O, H. Harvey C. J. Tome, relief of N. Hansen Allan O. Carson, relief of Wm. E.- Puckett ...... Henry H. Dixon, exam. 15.00 17.(0 17.50 10.00 T.50 25.00 tw.Of 10.00 1.00 10.04 T.2I 81.15 44.00 36.00 65.50 10.00 10.87 16.00 10.00 88.76 1.30 20.32 20.00 6.25 8.75 20.00 Verden B. Hockett, do ... 2s!oo Dr. L. A. Sleeves, do .... s.00 Irs ishh thiouL CoMnHUL on yetvt. WORLD'S FAIR TRIP! rouodtrips to Chicago, New York sad most otttn Swine anutS ihtmi ftm Vi- . .TTrl ". 011 r. " ; r. V Angeies, men so . your eastern desunaton and return on a northern line for not 1 mor, ml fare dun going straight east and back. Rouadtrip. to Chicago range from fO50 to I9O30. depeodiag upon class of sccommodauons you desire. r .. . ..." - -. - ' .'' .: "r--- : ' " ' - :GonShcm PcicxQc - A. F. XOTII. Arrar rassenger Depot, ISth and Oak . t - Td. 4403 i i - ii .11 i li; .11 ( 6: I t I I '11 --V -o - .4