I k Si BP a I i J' i. n PAGE SIX The OREGON STATES31AN. Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Morning, Jane 28, 1933 Society News and Club A airs Travelers Return ; From Chicago Miss Lena Belle Tartar who left Jane t for 5 Chicago In company with Miss Mary Cupper, Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Tartar if Corvalllsand Miss Virginia Tartar of Seattle, ha returned to Salem. The party attended the Century of Progress fair and much enthus iasm is expressed for the marvels of this display. Mis Tartar was especially enthusiastic for. the col or effects and architectural won ders which hare been developed. Music neld a splendid place on the programs and of this Miss Tartar took advantage. She also ' attended, several Chicago Sym phony concerts and bad time for a bit of special study at the Amer ican Conservatory of music. Miss Cupper and "Miss Virginia " Tartar, . both domestic science teachers found much of unusual Interest in the exhibits and dis plays In this department. Miss Tartar was also enthusias tic concerning the art museums of - the fair which house many million dollars worth - of art treasure many of which are rare displays from Europe. Breakfast Club Hears Miss Smith Miss Grace Elizabeth Smith presented an inspiring talk before the Credit Women's breakfast club Tuesday morning at the Mar Jon hotel taking as her topic for discussion "The Women Who Work and Keep a Home." An ex cellent talk was also given by Viola Haack of Salem General hospital concerning hospital duty. Special music was presented on Hawaiian guitars by Phil Storhow and Gordon Winchcomb. Special table decorations includ ed a patriotic color scheme with red and white roses beautifully combined with blue delphiniums. r Miss Nellie Schwab and Edna Townpend were the decorating committee. Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson entertained for the O. D. O. club at their home Tuesday night. A six o'clock supper was served and this was followed by bridge. This was the last meeting of the year for the club and husbands were in vited as special guests. Present in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yocum. Mr. and Mrs. Rue Drager, Mr. and Mrs. George Grabenhorst, Mr. and Mrs. L. DeMutt, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Meany, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eckerlen, Mr. and Mrs. John Karst, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Engel, Mr: and Mrs. L. Barringer, Mrs. Max Abst and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ouve M. DOAK, Society Editor SOCIAL CALENDAR Wednesday, June 28 Leslie Can Do class of Leslie Methodist church with Mr. and Mrs. John Bertelson. 110 West LeFelle street, : 15 o'clock. j 1 4 Naomi circle of First M. E. church, 2 o'clock pre ceding General Aid society meeting. - Memorial services of Pythian Sisters, following reg ular meeting; refreshment hour to conclude evening. Delegate to grand temple to be elected. Presbyterian Ladies Aid society, with Mrs. Ella St. Pierre, R. F. D. No. , Box 60. : North Salem W. C. T. U. 2 o'clock In Jason Leo church; 3 o'clock silver medal contest for young peo ple, Mrs. Stella Wilson In charge. ' 1 - Progressive Health club, 8:30 o'clock, in St. Paul's parish hall, 540 Chemeketa street. Thursday, June 29 South Salem W. C. T. U. at Leslie hall, 2 o'clock; Hon. W. C.-Hawley. speaker. ' Artisans and Friends invited to :4 5 o'clock; picnic supper followed by games and dancing; hot coffee to bo served. ... Past Matrons club,. Eastern Star, with Mrs. J H. Godfrey. . i Salem Junior Artisans, meet at Fraternal temple, l:3tclock; each bring picnic! lunch. Older members of Junior Artisans, dance at Fra ternaltemple, 8 o'clock Joy Turner Moses to present piano and violin pu pils, 8 o'clock. American Lutheran church. Ladies Aid of W. R. C. all day meeting at fair grounds; potluck luncheon; quilting. West Way club and Women's Benefit association, potluck covered dish supper, o'clock with Mrs. H. A. Smart, husbands special guests. Women's Foreign Missionary society of First Meth odist church, out-door Indian missionary meeting at home of Mrs. G. H. Quigley, 802 N. Cottage street. Friday, June SO First Spiritualist church, circle at residence of George Stoddard, 1420 North Fourth street, 8 o'clock. Sermon lecture on Oberammergau by Dr. E. W. Pet ticord, First Evangelical church, 8 o'clock. Auspices Women's Missionary society. Dancing Party Attractive . Event A delightful party was given by Betty . and John Gearln re cently at the old Gearin estate near Champoeg. An orchestra furnished music for dancing. Miss Mary Coleman - presided at the punch bowl and at a late hour luncheon was served. Mrs. James Coleman, a house guest, was one of the first, and Miss Betty Gearln was of the late class of graduates of Sacred Heart Academy. Those present were Connie Mahoney. Helen Hickman, Dor othy Coleman, Wilberta Ruther ford, Betty Gearin. Evelyn Yer gen, Mary Coleman, Thais Ma honey, Agnes McKay, Beatrice Weisner, Tom Jette, Kenneth Gribble, Frank Hickman, Emon Weisner Wayne .Tate, Bert Davi son, Frank- Mason, Charles Mul len, Jr., Noble Eaton, Cornelias Gearin. Harold McKay, Herbert Bnrkhart, George Moore. Harney McKay, John Gearln; Jr., and James Coleman. Charming Ceremony Marks Marriage Of Miss Regester, Gilbert Looney Miss Vera Wheeler, Bride-Elect of Glen Wingo, Honored at Falls City Shower : Keizer The marriage of Les ter R. Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. FE. Evans of Keizer, and Miss Adell . Marie Druley, daughter of Mrs. Ellen Druley of Salem, oc curred in Portland June 14, at the home of Rev. Fred C. Taylor, pas tor of the Rose City park Metho dist church there. - They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Blake of Portland. Mrs. Blake is a sister of the groom. -Tho newly weds have returned from a beach trip and will reside at 1144 Iforth Cottage street, Sa lem. Aurora Mrs. A. L. Strickland was hostess for a large tea given at her home Friday afternoon honoring Mrs. Diana Snyder. Pre siding at the tea table, centered .wiiii graceiui coiumDines were Miss Tillle Fry, Mrs. W. W. Ir vln, Mrs. P. O. Ottoway and Mrs. E. E. Bradtl. During the after noon piano numbers were given by Mrs. C. J. Church, Miss Rose Ehlen gave clever readings. Mrs. SwJgart, Eugene, mother of Mrs. Strickland and Mrs. . Rupert An-. - derson, Oswego, daughter of Mrs rw.. a . . - . - ' - Duyuer . were, present, as were several out of town guests; - ' Jvtngwood House guests at , the ,G. J. Jackson home on" Cas cade Drive are Mr. and Mrs. Al ertson," t h e I r daughter Helen,' . and son Bernard of Tarma, Ida. Mr. Albertson has. been for 16 years head of-the music depart ments of the Parma and Payette ... schools. Jefferson A charming cere mony marked the marriage Sun-; day afternoon of Miss Geraldine Regester of Lebanon, and Gilbert Looney of Jefferson, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Regester, at Lebanon, in the presence of 60 rolativcs and Close friends. The impressive ring ceremony was used by Rev. Burrows of the Lebanon Christian church at Leb anon. The bride was given in mar riage by her father, before an improvised altar and arch with lattice work covered with flowers. Mrs. Ruby Wynd of Scotts Mills, sister of the groom, acted as maid of honor. Virtus Seehale of Portland, was best man. The bride was lovely in an ex quisite- gown of egg-shell crepe, and white veil held in place with sprays of orange blossoms, and Falls City Mrs. Anna Gard ner assisted by Miss Vesta Ross, Miss Lucille Mack and Miss El len Speerstra recently entertain ed at the home of the former in honor of Miss Vera Wheeler, bride-elect of Qlen Wingo, with a miscellaneousshower. Guests were Miss Vera Wheel er, honor guests Mrs. Sol Wingo, Mrs. Art Ross, Mrs. M. L. Thomp son, Mrs. Lot Gardner, Mrs. B S. Speerstra. Mrs. Walter Clark, Mrs. Glen Stoddard, Mrs. George Tice. Mrs. Theresa Tollar, Mrs P. H. Gottfried, Mrs. Frank Mack, Mrs. Louise Chappell, Mrs, Roy McMurphy, Mrs. Wm. Mack, Mrs. L. Hylton, Mrs. Conley Poe Mrs. G. Page and the hostesses. Scotts Mills Friday night birthday dinner was given at the carried a show bouquet of sweet I home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith peas and lilies of the valley. honoring their daughter Gale on New Dresses Sizes 12 to 46 In t he latest ' styles & colors French Shop s Masonic Bldg. Preceedinr the ceremony, Dr, Gatchell of Lebanon, uncle of the bride, sang "Because," accompan ied by Miss Maude Durfee. Miss Barandrick of McMinnville, play ed the Wedding March from Lohengrin. Immediately after the ceremony, informal reception ws held, and a buffet luncheon was served. Mrs. Zola Arehart poured. The bride cut and served the wed ding cake. j The bride is the daughter vt Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Regester of Lebanon, is a graduate of Leban on high school and Ashland Nor mal. She taught In the Jefferson school two years, and at Leban on one year. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J? Looney of - Jefferson, is a graduate of Jefferson high school, and is. engaged in farm ing and . dairying. . . Mr. and Mrs. Looney are visit ing Portland on a brief, wedding trip.. Those attending' the;- wedding from Jefferson were Mr. and Mrs Walton Looney, Mr. and Mrs. W F. Gatchell and son Francis, Mr.' and Mrs. Fred. Looney, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Looney and daugh ter, Louise, Mr. and Mrs.-Harold Wynd of Scotts Mills,, and Miss Lyle Looney of Salem. - The will reside on his father's farm on the Green's Bridge road Hubbard Rev. and ,Mrs. Har ton and son Glenn were the guests ' of honor at a farewell supper given ,on the. law'n at ' the home of Mrs. Ellen - Carl . Mon day evening by' friends of the church. : Mrs. N e v a. McKenzle president of the Guild, presented Mr. and Mrs. Hartong with' a beautiful , handmade corntespane in a butterfly design made by members of the Guild. Rev.; Har tong leaves nex..week for his new charge.' the .Woodstock church In Portland. ; Aurora Mr. and Mrs. U. Eller sailed from -Portland Tuesday en route to San Francisco.: where they will be met by Mr. and Mrs. Gus Abendroth of Burlingame brother-in-law and sister of Ei- ler. They expect to return In three weeks. , her 10th birthday. Birthday Party Honors Maid Mrs. Solon Shinkle entertained ith a 1 o'clock luncheon Mon day for her daughter Mary Alice honoring her 13th birthday. Guests included Gertrude Schnider, Patricia Llvesley, WI1 da Jerman, Margaret Mary Huck- estein. Dorothy Whelan, Cather ine Mackey and Polly Anna Shinkle. Mrs. E. J. Huffman was hostess to members of Chapter G of the P. E. O. Sisterhood at her home Tuesday afternoon. The group met at 3:30 o'clock to hear con vention reports from the state convention held recently in Mc Minnville. Following this the members were joined by their husbands and all motored to Rlv- erdale where a picnic dinner was served. A program of interest was presented after the dinner hour. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bynon mo tored from Portland to be dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanzen Monday night. A pretty informal tea was that for which Mrs. L. H. Tarpley was hostess-Monday afternoon In the gardens of the Tarpley home. Bidden for the delightful affair were Judge Charles Carey, Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin and Prof, and Mrs. Edward Tillson, Much inter est was aroused in the guest group by the new book on archi tecture and design which Mr. and Mrs. Tarpley had Just received from the author, their son, Don ald Tarpley of New York city. Woodburn A group of friends of Mrs. Henry Miller surprised her in honor of her birthday Saturday evening when they gath ered at the home of the Millers west of town with well laden baskets of lunch and gifts. Seven tables of "500" were la play. India Missionary Party Planned An Interesting meeting Is being planned by the women's Foreign Missionary society ot the First Methodist church Tharsday after noon at which time all the wom en ot the church are Invited to an out-door India Missionary par ty between the hours of 2 and 4:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. G. H. Quigley, 802 North Cottage street. - ' The first hour will be given over to cutting quilt blocks .which will be sent to India. While this is being done letters from the eight missionaries and bible wom en supported by the church here, will be read. The-last hour will be' an Infor mal social and tea. Mrs. Metta Schramm will have charge of the quilting. Mrs. Frank Durbin Complimented Mrs. Frank Durbin, Jr. who Is spending a few days in the city before returning to her home In California, was. guest of honor tor aa Informal tea Tuesday after noon when members of the club to which she belonged when In Salem met at the home of Mrs. Lewis Griffith. Present in compliment to Mrs. Durbin were Mrs. Asel Eoff, Mrs Bert Ford, Mrs. P. D: Qnlsenber ry, Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mrs Frederick Deckebach, Jr.. Mrs Charles Robertson. Mrs. Richard Slater, Mrs. Gus Hixson, and Mrs. Dolph Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Fischer entertained in honor of their house guest, Mrs. P. J. Hillman or uaaiana, caur. cards were in play throughout the evening. Tnose present were Mrs. P. J. Hillman, the honor guest, Mr. and Mrs. Ruecker, Mrs. Gross, Mrs. Schulenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heinz, MIss j Dorothy Rue- cuer. Miss Genevieve Heinz, Mrs. can Gross and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Fischer. Mrs. Hillman Is Mrs. Fischer's sister-in-law The Rebekahs met for their regular business meeting Monday night with a good attendance of Salem members and several visit ing Rebekahs. Under Initiation lour candidates were given the Rebekah degree. cnaer the direction of Gus Erickson. a contest between Bill Cladek and Jim Smith was pre-' sented. Lenora Kreisel and Ivla- deene Hubbard acted as Judges Plans are under way for a joint installation of the Rebekahs and Odd Fellows. The Woman's Bible Class of the First Christian church have postponed their regular monthly meeting that was to have been held on Thursday afternoon, in order that members may attend the missionary meeting at the convention which is being held in Turner. Parriah seventh grade Girl Re serves will meet at the Y. M. C. A. for a swimming party at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. Miss Sarah Dark is In charge of the group, and Miss Eileene Moore will be the life saver present. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanzen were week end guests at Brelten bush springs. An Informal tea was given at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Scott Monday afternoon complimenting Mrs. VT. W. HI1L Miss Virginia Scott assisted In serving. Present were Mrs. Harry Ross, Mrs. John Berwick, Mrs. Miles Edwards, Mrs. Alice Edwards, Mrs. Joseph Schlndler, Mrs. E. Banmgartner, and Mrs. Everett Craven of Portland. West Way Club Closes Season A delightful evening Is planned by members of the West Way clnb as a closing meeting of the year for this gronp. The club will meet Tharsday night with the Women's Benefit association for a potlnck covered dish sapper at the home of Mrs. H. A. Smart. Special guests will be husbands of, members of tne clnb. Rev. and Mrs. W. Earle Coch ran left Tuesday night for Calif ornia where they will spend the next month. Club Elects Officers The Three Link clnb met fa the elab rooms et the Odd Fel lows hall for. their regular busi ness and election of officers meeting. Discussions ot plans for the coming year were entered into. Election ot officers named Lenora Kreisel as president; Pearl Swanson -as vice-president; Evelyn Bremmer as secretary treasurer. Bessie Edwards la the retiring president. Mrs. Walter Pierce was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Frits Slade, Monday and Tuesday. She left Tuesday evening for her home In La Grande. This was Mrs. Pierce's first visit la Salem after having spent the past few months la Washington. D. C. with Repre sentative Pierce. Rev. and Mrs. J. D. McCor mick are back in the west after having spent much time for the past aeversl years in the east. They have been recent guests la Salem and will soon go to make their, home ' in Portland where Rev. McCormick will hare charge of a pastorate. North Salem W. C. T. IT. will meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon in Jason Lee church. This win be followed at S o'clock by a young people's silver medal contest un der the direction ot Mrs. Stella Wilson. A special meeting of the ladies aid of the Women's Relief corps will be that which Is called for Thursday at Lee- fairgrounds. At -this time a day of qalltlng will be observed 'wKh a potluck luncheon served at noon. . Mrs. - Elizabeth Gallaher and Mrs. Ruth Versteeg will motor to Silverton today to meet with Sil verton junior high school and high school Reserves for a camp rally. Miss Olivia De Gulre is act ing advisor ,for this group. eL 4 e invite ucu ur tns, kit toe RAL ISlECTGt KITCH C frTtt i"-tf n " Kt .-".i .... -iiSi mmm? cAmm ymr - 12 Noon Until 9 p. nv TODAY QEB '. ; "SPORT FR0CKS,f lllj M A latest prinU including f ' Y 8tnPs dots and checks ; 1 1 . J Ym wjn ant several at each : - SHiPLErs -S1 EE THIS KITCHEN of Your Dreams ; everything electric! Drudgery is eliminated to the General Electric Kitchen. Snap a switch, posh a button, and electrical servants do all the work. More hours of freedom for other things! More dollars saved! The kitchen becomes the most pleasant room in the home 3 s : and invitingly attractive in its modern arrangement. ' - In the General Electric Kitchen you will find the G-E refrigerator, standard of Electric range that makes automatic electric cookery faster and far more economical ; ; s the G-E dishwasher that automatically washes and drys dishes spotlessly clean i : : the perfect lighting and ventilation that brings better health and greater comfort ; : : and a hosr of General Electric small appliances that every woman wants. Visit the kitchen. coach while it's in your neighborhood and learn how easy it really is to have jomr dream kitchen come true. We invite you as ' f refrigeration excellence ; s j the General our guest 11 1 -there is ad obligation, PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 237 N. Liberty . - , ... . . Salem, Ore. 1 1 f n ri 1 i-wiri 1 iairt rin ntr i 1 fni nm HT YES, THE PRICES ON COTTON SHEETS ARE ADVANCING! We will witness sharp inclines when our present stock are exhausted. BUY NOW! and save as much as 40 per cent Only 500 To Sell At The OLD PRICES! 81 X 108 Extra Long 81 X 99 Standard Length 63 X 99 Twin-Bed Size 42 X 36 Cases to Match Four for $3.75 Four for i $3.25 Four for 75c 2000 yards of sparkling new A-B-G PRINTS at the old price flg) Yard Refreshen your wardrobe of cotton prints with a frock or two made of these fine A. B. C. prints. There are many new summer fashions that you'll want any way. So buy your fine cottons, now' at the old price of 19c yard. Main floor. New Organdies "ft J9 Yd. 40 and 44 inch widths Jaat arrived! New peaaanent fbUabed rcandka tn wide vMth la an Che 'wanted paaiels men a ceral, sufthhte. rose, v ink, arehM, alto grarat llcbi Wm nd white. I Kala floor. OVAL WASH RUGS it Inch rerertlbl aval wash rara ta bright shadea for vw haUa, bedrooma, bath porch and sma room. ZOae, yeUaw. rreea. rchld. ete. Braided weava with contrast centers. Auto Robes - rlald wool robes f or rovr va eatloa. Fast eotora, frlnced, aQ wool hi yle tag color cotobi- aauoaa. Kala New Silk' Crepes OH. Yd. - j New. dotted and checked sfik aowwM ' Ft 1 . " foa. are hero for roar ot h wealhor ftocka. Ught aad K "a ar smart is au ear. - . , r n.-t