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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1933)
Local N ews Brief: SCIILHILlIffl o- JANANESE-AJVIERICAN ROMANCE USESIAP1Y1 Cburcn Meet on Tne annual Small Boy Hit Geeree Strans- coaferenco r the Congregational baugh. 4, of 2077 Fairrronnd caurcn oi uregon convened Tuea- road suffered hmi... ..h day at Hood -- the River-1 es when he ran Into an automobile Hiflh rhftrtl Gain 1 23 tier side Community church.. Dr. Al-I driven by Brace Willis route mn CilOOl uaiilS ICO per I . i . ... . . w I """ nam ana Norttt . Capitol r Wnl R O learS. IU -rr ". " V ""r"r ' poucei n.-a s mo-r a series 01 ieure. ev. n. u. i yesieraay jnree minor motor rcr wcill 111 . Stover, of Salem moderator, will J mishap reported were- v. s n- presiae mm conference, Dele- win, 1030 Norway, and a motor. .wv m .ofinni - svcb u cuwrii 1 uu iianiss. ai coiiage ana 1 roilment Iirures for tne past year iidniwli n S.1am M Krm tIUi IHlWUl- Mm r. lit n . - I. . T . . vi. ... 1 v. 'Aucmu, orooii. i in comnanson witn inner Tear . m .. A . ... I . . TT. J . - I " - raget. jars, ana a.jre, rs. 1 u cross uyra. Z9S1 Cen-Imade recently at the dty school Frank Martin and Miss Grace er' on Liberty; H, Leslie Frew- sunerlntendent's office shows that uooerisoo. -. . , .s, . nrorem ' a ueo Woods. 1 the total of 1(75 stndtnta for iiu norm man. ah stata itit . . ... r ..... 11 1.1 n...k T--t I - v.-. 1 is u iiiviiwm w. .urnivrm in mmm nifl. . - - I j . v SIVU .w. - v. . , . .v-t TM. ii1.g Th total defendant in. a auit recenUy I Jut Workers Here .The i..i. 1 era f mm r.n..i. , I year was bis as corapirea 10 it. i tAi. .v I vadinr t the wm.m.t(. 1 3aa , ine enrollment iigara ia icuiu( two v vk ycb av f o.s i - i " - - a . v o v u i vjr , returned yesterday by Judge L. AJOlS0n. assistant manager C. Lewelittg here. The court held m u- M. c. A. Employ the sale of the lots came under e "fi yes.t.erday' U7-JS there was an increase of tae f saie ox. ZZ..ni9 students in high school.-or P"P"."" . "4 in all schools 0! 1- : ji- . years ago. The report further shows that from the school year 1919-20 to ID CB SEEKS SI 2(10 DD( f P!$ Aid for Kelso Area Planned; Judge Rossman Makes Plea Locally Kit- -. '.' . : .' x-: r wnuen insirament cohering- ineir "Zlr "clB V l n increase of 1870 or 52 per cent, sale was made, plaintiff eould i2SJTr!,!Ir-.," This year'a gain in high school cUtmlng they .rro 5?J tot18 12. todents ! n.. with rwn TTAA1r. I able than IomI : .i.i.per.w oyer iau jenr Kataie Settled The eatata of 1 raigned in municipal court vsterr I cent. There waa a slight falling Ludwig Wolf, presumed to be J daT- Garland Swanson, 970 North oti ot pnpils in the grade schools dead, was ordered closed here yea-j l4ta treet, pleaded not guilty to jOTer la,t year terday, property valued at 132S a cnarge of failing to observe a sieay increase in pupiis was h.vine been divided amon.- tha I right of way which was f ul I noted for eight years from 1920 heirs.jU first no heirs to Wolf's alnt Wm Monday night after to 1928 although for four years estate ifere known an his proper- hls carfvas Involved In a collision f.roP 1.928 n?Ul 19?.1 tnere w" j wnt to tha tat Rnhnannant. 1 with machine driven hv fin. "ie cnango in enroiimeni. r 'J . It... - .. -J I I it.. 1.1.1. -. 1 1- hv Iral action tha fnnda war I raiser. 155 North Fourth street uowiuS is mo ui5 bviiuu. recovered from the state land Jndge Poulsen released Swanson and total enrollment figures since board which held them in trust n 10 bail and postponed sitting for the public school funds ot t,me for the trial. Oregon. J?ff of the 1400 gardens planted bv 1920-21 newly elected manager of the I need Iolk with free seeds from 1921-22 Portland chamber of commerce. 1 county relief committee are 1922-22 haa made a tentativo asreement 1 MI . In excellent condition and 1 1923-24 1025 to speak to the Salem Klwanla 1 aont ready to produce vegetables 1924-25 .......1090 club here July 18. May was re-1 for. canning, it was reported at 1925-28 1154 cently .named president of the relief headquarters yesterday. 1926-27 Pacific Coast Advertising club. At sie acneme of group canning 19Z7-ZS present h is busily engaged in a may bo worked out, it was indi- 1928-29 J East may be Eaat and West may ba West to Hnlin. hnt to Cnnid thev'ra In the same backyard. For examnle. the two victim ma nmuMl In each. ether here are Or. Toyoso Nakara, Japanese scientist, and his bride, the former Miss Frances Yom, Columbia University librarian. They were wed at Hartford. Conn. Dr. Nakara teach at Bailer University. Ind. 1ME1 OLD GIRL MAKES SOLD FLIGHT H. S. enroll ment 707 798 824 942 J. J. King Back aerlaa of conferoncea in Portland. I Caiea. assisting manufacturers and deal ..-i-- f-.i 1 Joseph Jerome King will be in u"ut' ry""""' teMMteif v.. .v.. V. . . i 9 ...... i u " ". HI la PnuutWrMi TadHl While I pected to return to his Portland aome sections of the valley are nome thia week after a trip to eomnlalnlnr of areat deficiency Aurora, 111., two months ago to at in the prune crop, several or- end the funeral of his brother- chardists in the Kelzer district. 'B-Uw- "r- Edward J. Gill. Mr. north of Salem, renort aoma of i -,n5 also spent 10 days in Bos their trees are breaking down, n Mass., and Btopped In New the crop Is so heavy. So far, the York Washington and Chicago en drop in these orchards has been rw nome. t 1L 1 . ' . I nc5iigioie. uuiess prunes on some vjtaHtv Health 5T, ,rt rM. ui iu nTr waoea irees siari leTer on gale at Ackljn aruypiug, more uruwu uraua win Rooterv artniversarv mle 191 M .1204 120S 1229 , 1295 .1398 1929- 30. 1930- 31 Friends of 1931-32 l . 1546 1932-33 1C75 Total en rollment 3597 3906 3932 4265 4399 4658 4822 5130 5467 5379 5329 5358 6616 5733 HMSW N SOUTH IS WORD Handled as calmly and eooly as a veteran, is the report from the Sajem airport on the solo flight accomplished yesterday by Lorraine Bowman, aged 12, daughter of Leslie and Martle Bowman, California fliers. The young airwoman, flying here under instruction ot Lee Eyerly, took her first solo spin yesterday morning, and It la pre sumed .aha is the youngest girl In the world to fly alone.' Lorraines' parents brought her here several weeks ago to pursue flying because a new California law does not permit a student ao young to fly. For her flight yes terday she. used a small Aeronca plane. ; Pete Lermon, pilot at the air port, took two passengers to Roseburg and back early this week. The local chapter ot tha Amer ican 'Red Croaa baa' received the following telegram from the na tional office: Four hundred fourteen homes affected by Kelso, Washington, flood. Two thousand persona homeless. Careful survey indi cates heavy rehabilitation pro gram, necessary under Red Croaa owing alow recession waters from homes, increasing severity situa tion necessitates extensire appeal for funds. Request your chapter accept quota $1200 as part relief fund needed. The Kelso flood is one more reminder of the fortunate circum stances which surround ua who live in the Willamette valley." said Judge George Rossman, Red Cross chairman. "We are free from floods,, tornadoes, drouths and other evil visitations from which other sections ot the coun- Oregon and Washington. I trT occasionally auf fer. Our good This nollcv. which waa Intro- iortune ougnt to make us will- duced by Oeneral Petroleum when ln to contribute to the relief POSTAL EMPLOYES TUG FURL lllfill Three Days a Month Requir ed, no Extras to be Hired, . Gibbard Advised it entered the northwest field eight years ago,' ia given credit by that organisation for much of its success in these two states, j.fii-i. I tlonal bank, or to Mr. Henry V. Hon is definitely aware of the I ri.. ' ... . T . . . I Compton. cashier, Ladd Bush of those who are rendered help less by such disasters. Contributions for the Kelso fund may be made to Mr. Lynn Smith, caabier. United States Na- bank It is rare that we have an vary important position the lnd pendent gasoline dealer holda in .tall . . .w . . . . a .v.- .T:th.T r"PPrty to contribute toward "v.. "."i":::,,:: tbe r of sufferers m the r ... "J northwest. Kelso Is our neighbor, Beginning July 1 and contina Ing until October 1. 1933. Salem postal employes will be required to take a, 2-day furlough each month without pay according to executive order by the president. The order affects all Salem post office employes except rural car riers who will take a. reduction in mileage allowance on their cars. Arthur Gibbard, assistant post master, stated that the local office Interpreted the order as taking the place of the 15 per cent reduction in salary which has been in effect since last March. The office will have to do its best to get along without hiring new men since the order additional ex pense If possible. Also beginning the first ot the month postal rates on letters will revert back to the old 2 -cent charge on mail posted here for lo cal delivery. Three cents will atill be required on letters going oat of town. The local office has been taxed almost to capacity aa far as work is concerned for the past few days, handling" auto license tags and election material. Gibbard stated that 114,000 in money or ders had been handled since the rush call for licenses started. Lear; Thelma Thump, Catharine Barker; Mrs. Dabola Wellington -Humphrey VanDoosen. Mrs. Spiers; Kmillne Screech. Elverda MInton: Melladona Wheeze. Mrs. W. W. Chadwick: Belinda. Beller. Mrs. Brown; Criselda SchmulUe. Mrs. Phil : Asplnwall; Mrs. Hen rietta Hemaway, Mrs. C. A. Gies: Mrs. Tiny Waits. Mrs. ?lda Mill-" er; Mrs. Clarlhel Hummingbird. Mrs. F. P. Phipps; Naoma NibNr nlx. Mra. Robert Forkner: r Mr. Widemore Bunch. Mrs. C M. Co- harts; Leona Lottv Mrs. Jack Bar ker; and Fatima Lott. Mrs. E. J. WlUiama. ' for complete support of such in- 7, . vV V 1 "c,u"u; dependant retail outlets." Mr. tfL"., " eneron nimm sj I wav aaa-.aM.aAU . a. a. np.Man X&ccirn uui wwuwmwj. 8TATTON. June J 7 Mra J R ft Q-4- .-7 Snaw. with her small son and vi VJCCZCCT JuaiU daughter are here from Klamath Oi Control Held m2"o"!. aSTES other relatives. Sunday Mr. Shaw joined tnem and they visited AI bany relatives. result. Decision Returned ..Judge L. G. Lewelling handed t -down a memorandum decision Tuesday in the case of Campbell against Up hoff. He held a new note was giv en by the defendant in lieu, of an old one and was - secured t by previous mortgage. He ruled that the new note be reformed accord ingly and that $65 a month -rent be applied thereon. High. George Returns John George, assistant in the city engineer's of fice, is expected to return to hi duties here today after being ab sent for the national guard en campment at Fort Stevens. George is a lieutenant in Headquarters battery, 249th Coast artillery. Dallas Girt Missing Mildred Buller, 17, of Dallas route one, I has been missinir from her home Don't miss Acklin Bootery anni- since June 23, city police here Tortir. aale 11 V MIe-h St i I-... .-'...... ... , ... i cib ijuuuua jesieroiT. neriii T. If. Hooker of Polk ciSunty and X Not True Bill Returned A not - true bill was returned by the frand jury, yesterday in the ease f Roy A. Campbell. He waa ac cused as a mortgagor of taking a tourist cabin, under, the lien of J. i C. Savage, mortgagee. The jury found him not subject to proseeu- tlon, Alois Keber signing the re port as foreman. To Manage Studio Miss Joan Jesten has come from Seattle to ! take charge of the photographic studio at the Mlllef Mercantile company. Miss Jesten has been connected with the Markham stu : dtos in Seattle and Portland for f aomo years and will manage the ' local studio. y Decision Returned In a de cision returned In circuit court here Tuesday Judge L. G. Lewd ling ruled that the plaintiff in the case of Falst against Faist should receive $2000 for her support and that of her child and that defen dant should also pay her attor ney's fees. ' " 4 .5? 4 . t : Sue on Note Suit to collect a note secured by a mortgage in the principal sum of $1250, to which interest and taxes are to be added, was filed in circuit court, by John and Caroline Fabry against Charles A. and Viletha Bort. The original note was issued May 20, 1930. To Look Oven Pen Norman Mellia. paroled from a two-year local police -are searching for the missing girl, the daughter of Mrs. D. F. Buller." Picnic Park Opened John Whitehead has opened a picnic and play ground park in connec tion with Bis grocery two miles east on Garden road, he announc ed yesterday. Paradise park, as he has termed it, is situated in a grove of ash trees and has facili ties for camp fires. Picnic Plans Ready Further plans for the Credit Association's second annual picnic will be re ported by the committee at the luncheon meeting . oi the group this noon.-Wednjasiday noon ses sions are held on the fifth floor of the Masonic temple. : Vasdeville . Tonight A 15- act vaudeville show will be given tonight at 8 p. m. at the Veteran's hall, 433 H Ferry street, under the auspices of the Salem Unem ployed Council. The public is in vited to attend. Drama Guild Meets The Drama Guild of the First Meth odist church will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the home of Paul Tyler, 883 South High street. F. J. Wegener, committed to the state penitentiary Monday, 52 hours after he robbed the Aumsville State bank, had a wife in California, according to Jason T. Anderson, Linn county deputy sheriff, who reported this infor mation to the state police. We gener, Anderson said. Was arrest ed In Albany on May 16, and while in the Linn county jail told Anderson of his matrimonial con necMons in California. Local offi cers were told by Wegener that he was single. Wegener aa arrested last May on the chargs of .retaining funds belonging to the hosiery company for which he worked, the war rant coming from Marion county. Wegener paid up the account with money borrowed from a friend. In his flight from Aumsville on Saturday Wegener drove through Linn county, officers there de claring yesterday that he crossed the Stayton-Kingstown bridge on ly a few minutes before a police guard was posted there. They be lieve he doubled back into Salem Saturday night, going through Corvallis. Original Selling Plan oi General Gas to Continue . Continuation of the company policy ot independent dealer sup port has been announced by R. C. King, vice-president and general sales manager of General Petro leum corporation of California, in connection with the major adver tising campaign now breaking in binding. A one-man meeting of the state board of control, with Gov ernor Meier acting as chairman. was held here yesterday. Governor Meier called the meeting to order, heard the re commendation of William Ein- rlg, state purchasing agent, and gave his approval to several sug gested purchases and contracts. Among the Items annroved hv Governor Meier were contracts for a new boiler and pump at the state penitentiary. Neither Rufus C. Holman. state treasurer, nor Hal . Hosa. sec retaryt ot state, was in attend ance. - une ot inese oiticials neces sarily will have to join in the governor's action before the eon tracts and purchases will become Lovre Funeral to Be Held Thursday 2. p. m. Siiverton SILVER TON, June IT. Funer al services tor Gilbert G. ovre. 54. who died at the Deacona hospiul at Salem last night," will be held from the Ekman Funer al home at Siiverton Tbnrsdar afternoon at 2 p. at. with Inter ment at Evens Valley. At the time of4 his death Mr. Lovre waa residing at Salem. Prior to two years ago he made his homo In the Siiverton oomaannKy .tor a numbers of years and two bro thers, John and Lewis stm live here. Other survivors are bis mother, Mra. Johannah Lovre; sisters. Mrs. C. H. Johnson, Sa rah, Ela and Berth Lovre; one brother. Thomas, all ot ; Selena, and one brother. Harry Lovre of Brooks. His wife died four years ago. , Reducing Comedy Will be Staged By Church Group Women of the Jason Lee church will present the spright ly comedy. "Crazy to Reduce,' at that church Friday night, June 30, at 8 o'clock. The admission will be nominal. The cast: Dr. Mary Lireforerer, Beulah Graham; Salonica Swayback, Mrs. Gordon Black; Ima Nutt. Helen Ney; Sopbenia Sobb. Mrs. D. O. When 0 Others i - fV. A f"AFTERN00NERS" For the Garden Bridge or Street Wear.. Voiles, Pique Voiles, Chiffon Voiles, Dimities You'll be delightfully surprised at a.95 SHIPLEY No matter with what you are afflicted, our wonderful herb treatment will positively relieve influenza, diseases of the throat, heart, kidneys, liver, stomach, piles, asthma, chronic cough, weakness, constipation, dizziness, neuralgia, headache, appendicitis, rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, blood poison, catarrh, diphtheria, eczema, swollen glands, tonsllitis. ear trouble, lumbago, tumor, dropsy, female complaints, ner vousness; all disorders disappear without operation. COXSCXTATIOX FREE THE SING HERB CO. H. S. LOW, Directing Herbalist 473 S. Comnerrial St. Salem. Oregon Pboae S75S Lady Attendant Hears 9 to 6 pm. Week Days; 0 to 12 Batardays Mala Office, Oakland. Calif.. SI Tears of Serrlce A it ri Me i sentence to the state penitentiary. was ordered yesterday ny juage L. H. McMahan to bo taken through the state penitentiary to be familiar with its operations. Mollis pleaded guilty to burglary. Final Account In ' Final ac- - f I A- Joheph Helzsiefea was filed in . A probate court Tuesday by Rev. F. , V Scherbrlng administrator. Eighty ;('fiTe Acres of land appraised at J' $7000 were left by him. Hold Closed Session - Kiwan " ) ians, at their regular Tuesday X noon luncheon here held a closed Buckeroo Plans No Bull Fights, Meier Informed Directors of the Molalla buck eroo have no intention of holding a bullfight 'at their annual show this year. Governor Meier said Tuesday. The announcement was made eoune in the estate of the late by Governor Meier after more man suu letters nau Deen received at the executive department pro testing against such an attraction A total of 372 of these letters ar rived at the governor's office to il a v r Most ot the letters were said to have been written by members of the American humane society Mayor Advison of Molalla ad vised the executive department that a bull fight was considered at one time but was voted down by the directors of the buckeroo. o -o session, transacting club business There will be no meeting next ) Tuesday which is July 4, and a v national nouuay, SWill Admitted The will of the late John Lodovetske waa ad mitted to probate here Tuesday t and Mande Lilly, was named. d- l mlnistratrix. The estimated value of the estate Is $1000 TtM' Governor ia City- Jallu L. ' Meier, governor, was at hia office pltaL" Tuesday, transacting 'tatV'.tysf " " ecu. n viiiic . ; night.. 4 .Birthf . i ... . . A' Mitcneu to Mr. ana Airs, uw rence Carl Mitchell of Vermillion, S. D., a boy, John William, born June 25 at Salem. general, nos Bail for Giesy And Schwab Set Bail of $1000 for Dr. B. F. Giesy and Zeno Schwab was joint- lvl furnished bv the two Aurora men late Tuesday afternoon when they pleaded not guilty to indict ments returned against them here Monday. They are charged with fraudulently selling mortgages which ' were not first liens, as they allegedly claimed they were. Judge McMahan heard the pleas and set the bail. iarettes are not Different Kinds of Tofraccos Make a "Difference in Taste and Aroma . . . Take Chester fields for Instance PICNIC ENJOYABLE EVENT HOPEWELL, June 27. A picnic was held in George Kan gas' woods Sunday night when a large group or irienas ana neighbors gathered. The Outstanding Picture of Today "BE MINE TONIGHT" Now in its 8 th Week in Minneapolis Coming Soon to the flf AVtoOvMd Theater Py IHI OI.LYVQOll Hospital Beds to Rent Call 0910. Caed Furniture Department 'U : XS1 North .-.High . :: ; j : Coming Event$ July 4 -- American Le-, gkrn celebration a state ; f alrgTOonda jClX. July 21 Special aUte 1de iclection. " July 24-20 Annual 7 En , eamproent, Spanish War Veterans. : -: - SepJL 4- Oregon state fair.-" ' - Ten Pounds to the Ton " - I Salt prices are extremely low now. .We sell feeds, sprays, and poultry supplies at reasonable prices. We are out of the high rent district. We own the store building and warehouses. D. A. White & Sons , 251 State St. . 7 Phone 4952 SOME cigarettes are made oat of only one kind of tobacco . . . while others are made from several different kinds. And everyone can understand . that different tobaccos make a dif ference in taste and aroma. Chest erfields are a good example o! this difference. You see it's not easy to make Chesterfield's milder taste. It takes three distinct kinds of Domestic . tobaccos. Then these must be sea soned with the right amount of Turkish. And they must be blend ed and cross-blended until their flavors are welded together ... to make a cigarette that has character and yet is not too strong ... to make a' cigarette that's milderf a cigarette that tastes better 4) W3, Lioctrf Mttoj Tobacco Co. - t"aaaaaaaaawaaaaauBaaal -2Le . , ' i Mi1' 'Xltr V Ha&ktods of Domestic - ' i fx j ' ' VI ; Tobacau stored away b " f 1 V"' Tt ' tfc&wb fir curing. - U ! t :, I CkoiceTuriisiTohaccM ' ''A StS' J comt f Chesterfield T .aesferfielol iM