i ... : ..... rr. a -1 1 r Tn. Q 1099 PAGE TEN . The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, neonesoay mumms. i . , . - ...-,.... . , . . I West Salem News MT. ANGEL. Jane 27. About 100 are attending the six weeks lammer school at Mt. Angel Nor mal and college extension. Regis tration was Monday and classes started this morning. . Courses available are: Methods la lower grades, methods in high er grades, social ethics, music and at - for ... grade school ' teachers,' German,' ..History. Engusn ana psychology. Both the lower and . higher . grade' methods will be taught by Miss Clara Stroud, teacher, from, the normal school at Belllngham, Wash. . This is the first time that sum mer school has been held at Mt. Angel. Mt. Angel Normal has lately been recognized by the Ore gon state department of education and by the northwest association ana is now a zuiiy accreaitea nor - mat school. V i ; '-' Rev. Heibel in East . Rev. P. -Alcuin Heibel, rector of Mt. Angel college, has depart ed for the east where he will take p a summer course at the Catho lic anirersity In Washington, D C Father Alcuin will; be back to take up his duties at the college next fall. - - WEST SALEM. Jane 27. The Women's Foreign Missionary soc iety for the Ford 'Memorial and Summit churches will meet for their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Ed Brock Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Glenn Davenport and little daughters, Maxine and Shirley Ray, will accompany Mrs. Rita Fox of Cottage Grove, to Inde pendence for a short Tisit with friends and then proceed to Cot tage Grove for a visit at the Fox home this week, returning here the last of the week. Members of the Epworth league are planning a pleasant ice cream social to be held on the lawn of the church Saturday night, July 1. Committees include Mona Vos burgh, Helen Gosser, Barbara Whipple. Josephine Tandy and SHOWERS SCOTER U PARTIES SILVERTON, June 27 Pic nickers and reunion groups were routed Sunday from the Coolidge and McClalne park shortly before the tables were spread by a sharp shower. One small group took to the grandstand with tables and all and spent the entire afternoon there. The Austin Taylor group, large number, motored out to Monitor where it held forth in the I. O. O. F. hall. The Brunner clan drove out Into the Waldo Hills and spent the day at Evergreen school house. During the past week groups who have enjoyed picnics in the local park Include the Nazarene church from Salem, numbering SO; the Lake Labish Center group, also numbering SO, and the Waconda group numbering 110 - The Earls clan has designated Its intention of meeting at the lo cal park on July 9. M. J. Dolan, park superinten dent, keeps the park In most ex cellent condition and visitors are high in their praise of his work- Margaret Kaster. The public Is Invited. Dean Thompson, who was sev erely-Injured in an. automobile accident a couple of months ago and baa been confined to his bed ever since. Is able now to be plac ed In a wheel chair and taken about carefully. Complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Arnold and family, from Car stairs, Alta., a group of relatives gathered at the J J. Arnold place for a reunion Sunday. Attending were the famines of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Ray HlseL Mr. and Mrs. William Brinkley. Mrs. M. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. T. Blubaker, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Page, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Coates, Mrs. Page, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Arnold. A fine base- luncheon were participated la. by the relatives. Appearing before the munici pal judge recently were Roger Bars tad of Woodburn, charged with speeding and fined $1 and costs; Albert Glben of Turner, ebarged with speeding and fined $2.50 and costs; H. R. Hawks, charged with speeding, and Wil bur MIfford of Dayton, arrested for not having a driver's license. Rev. and Mrs. Mereauii A. Groves of Cottage Grove, were vis itors here Monday,- calling on old friends upon returning from the annual meeting of the Methodist conference. MILES FAMILY MOVES IN HAZEL GREEN. June 27 Mr, and Mrs. Ross Miles and three sons of Portland will move into the house on Mrs. Ellen Van Cleeve's property the last of the week. when Milo Barnett and family move to Pioneer. Mrs. Miles is principal of the school here. The ball game and delightful plcnie children will attend here. nilS TODAY Fl IBM Elf MS JEFFERSON. June ST. Fu neral services will he held here Wednesday at 2 p. m. from the Methodist church for Charley Lynes, 7. who died Saturday sight on his war to the Stayton hospital from one of the C C. C, camps on the Santlam. Mr. Lynes, who had been em ployed on Eagle Creek mine, and who prior to coming here had been in the butcher business in Brownsville, is survived byhis widow and tour children. The children: Ollla of Baker, Maud Doty of Klamath Falls, Ed of Longview, and Bernlce Skelton of Jefferson. He also leaves a sister and three brothers, Mrs. Maggie Clem ent of Los Angeles, Earl Lynes of Jefferson, William of Tolgo, OTtls., and Harry or roruano. Burial will he in me jeueraoa cemetery. Half Crop of Berries At Hills; Harvest on SILVERTON HILLS. Jane ST Strawberry harvest began here Monday and a SO per cent crop is estimated. This, growers report, is considerably more than was looked for earlier In the season. Most of the berries are ar sbals and the SUverton cannery to acting as a receiving siauon tor the berries whleh are Uken to a Salem cannery vismvo w. K. ADAMS tutrrard. June 27 Mrs. Roy H. Woodruff from Portland is the hnn niHt of her Darents. Mr. nA Mr. H. E. Adams at their fox farm on the Pacific highway. Cannoy and Grice Families Reunite; Honor Newlyweds ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Jane IT A Urge groan from here mo tored . Sunday to the L. L. Can coy home on route t. Woodbarn where an outdoor pouuex uianer was served. - The affair was a reunion et the Cannoy and Friee clans with ad ditional guests and , was made mora interesting by a miscellan eous shower,- honoring Mr. and Mrs. Leland Cannoy, whose mar. rlage was an event of Jane 17. The bride was Miss Velma Eby of Clear Lake and the groom is Ue only son et Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Cannoy. Moving - Storing - Crating 9 Larmer Transfer & Storage PHONE 3131 - We Also Handle Fuel 00, Coal and Briquets ind High Grade Diesel Oil for Tractor Engines and Oil Burners Special Gathering Isaac Waltoners Slated, Silverton SILVERTON, June 27. The Isaac Walton league will hold a special meeting Friday night at which time the state president. John B. Eblnger of Tillamook, will be the speaker. All leagues and friends are urged to be Dres- ent as Mr. Eblneer is said to hav a real message to lay before bis listeners. The meeting will be held at the legion quarters at the Sllverston armory and will begin at 8 o'clock. Election of delegates to the state convention to be held at Portland in July will also be made Friday night. County Convention Farmers Union, is Slated on Saturday BETHEL, June 27 The Mar- Ion county convention of the Farmers Union will be held at Be thel school Saturday, July 1, be- ' ginning at 10 o'clock sharp. A large attendance is expected, and s 50 foot tent is being put up to accommodate the crowd. Basket dinner at noon. Important speakers will be pres ent. All Farmers Union members Invited. Bethel school is out State street four miles east of the pen itentiary. f ACCUSED f - o Lawaaai. 4 -m 4 :':'. 4- . V-" J M Davis A. Lamson, Stanford UnJ lyersity publication official, is shown Swing escorted from the court at Ean Jose. Clif tn lall after a dm. toninsxy hearing on the charge of oo Black patent leather median tee, ttardy ak leather eotaele. Tots9 Anklets WW'i tow Price Rayen RIB BED with plated teps . . . st Ward's low priest, la -Caters. Boys9 Playsnlts WW'i lew Price it Durable over all f a b r 1 e s. Hick o r y or blue denims. 2 to 8 years. ill Dries in ne haw! Wea-t tritk et . deed. Bat tresse weal ' nana It xiiim 4-EIoar Enamel WW lew PWce QU Cm ea waad er metal ear fataat One eaart cavers ever 100 aq. ft 17 colars. Sect I Glo0.i Wre"a lew Price 0 o4i &j gaL - Far every to side ase, ea weedaratea el Eatitr ae4, li cetera. . Croqnei Set WaWi law PMce . kU KM1 es, ?VlVGSl strhed a fstaleaeJL Wh each Us. rates; )(J fr(qj(oJd (JV w (27 (W rr . ,m Flashlight VVaWs lew Price A Ward valoet T " Throw piercing LjJ beam nearly mile! Threap int twitch. Radio Dattery WW', Uw PWce $14 Far S Ube Mt er lew sad aaieme h i I a radies. EBthut cfi e i a a a y . Radio Tabes WW'i Lew PVC 4JSc and op Qaick heat inf. Lang life Fine tone quality. CearaateeJ one year. TOTS' SHOES WWi law Price Saw nUaaUlT satt WgQDdl9S 1 rmrnTmSm dTSTl lPEJfJQVlVAUil, . We don't check your water or wipe your wind shield when you buy motor oil at Ward's! BUT WE DO SAVE YOU MONEY I There's none better than Riverside 100 Pure Pennsylvania Oil. It's made from Bradford crude, costliest marketed. Stations get lOe to 15c more per quart for the same quality. CHAMOIS SKIN A full size skin. Double dressed and highly ab- HCkn sorbent I aC Standard DATTERY s Denary oeat . -bihes. FaIl$aC 99 CroaraBteed A per qwort in your own contain? TOP DRESSING Black for rubberized auto tops. Dries fast is water- KQ proof. Pint OaC RUN RITE OIL This Riverside battery beat m mtM avJ aiaflL IS nlaiM. for IS Bsomita SPARK PLUGS Cet more power, faster pick- up! Riverside Spark Phtes illO t 00c each in sets airre lJl M! Old plugs waste gas. T , each la sets Made for Ward's by a re liable refiner from a fine grade of crude oiL Many get twice this price! 2!c RIVERSIDE GREASES Cup Grease, 5 lb. can . . 75 C Transmission Grease, 5 lb. 75 C Hijn Pressure Grease,5Ib.79C Trade old tires for easy riding ir Cushions These big pillow Riverside b a 1 loons brine big car comfort to the light ear. Carry less air. Absorb bumps and Jars. Guar anteed without limit! Set of S tires, tubes and wheels as low as $97.00, less trade-in allowance. Lino. Lacquer WWs Law PWce Famous Quality SIMMONS Inner Spring Elattreoo A etit-ffiat U to rafreJL 1.46 buys 2 coats of Tredpruf for a Wik2W porch! lisiilr1 2.71 a GaL Fats' sWOlaas fjess ea yectnss, sawinl Caerscsa dea Iwaltaie - waertver asri wear eaakes a teack eatu ee easary. Drinker aeralxht . Casts 9 J ILlk2 TMs 5S4.8)5 WaDiminut Venae? Suafiit HBedlraeedl Wfol S3 aWs S4.50 mtkiy, pit cawrf (Wat Think of getting a walnut veneer suite like this for less than 1 50! At the rate prices are going up. It will be years before we can offer such a value again. Just look at it The Bed Is the popular poster style. The Chest haa a decked top, and a beautiful French Tanity. At this low price. It is a big value! ILolkS RJw WeVe UDevelopedl a New TTirralkoIldJ TEBeeitirie With 10 Latest Improvements a-? V 1 SlIT, S6 Save about 20 and get every one of the 10 most im portant advantages featured by the latest improved 19S3 electric refrigerators. Compare and see for yourself. S New Models meet everv family's neixl. 4.Prn cji- $104.50. $6 Down. $6 a month, plus small carrying charge. Nothing else to pay. HTuociiantiiioi? VaEuoeG Buy Now 1 Save Money I Save Lots of Money A ' 6-Pc Breakfast Seta. Enameled. I yf rm H Not perfect. A most unusual value at SpsJ95 . 0 Innerspring Mattresses. ACA Tick ' covering. Hair and cotton filler. Yen. (r I Of 1 tllatora. I19J5 value. QV5 - Chib Chairs. Heavily upholstered. ff- rr .. : Rust or Green Homespun covering. J , -1 Davenport and Chair Sets. Smart t ' - r f , j Homespun or Velour coverings. ' waaVev!i Tray Top Coffet Tables. rr A 1235 value at e5Hev5 Style! Value! Wear! In. Men9s Dress Oxfords 98 Far 4a tea! Far yaer gray er waka wear irt black grsla call It a Ike r as laraa. Medraaa la last aa nbbee keela. Sixes ate 11. i Men's Suits $17.50 values Light tans and grays, blues and browns. Bet- ter quality worsteds, flawless- tailorings, ap proved 1933 styles. Young Men's College Shop Suits with two pairs pants IR3 Mi let Your Own Drzssts Cool, Shttr COTTONS 24Vyi Tarfs kaa a spleadii eeOee tiaa af seaal vallea. piea TaOea, ptiaui vailea, la Ure ty rsuasaer paatala. TWeyTJ sake ap late tk Hainriest frecka, sad eaat yea se lktle yea eaakt te kave few er tre. Sa-39 laekaa. Golden Crests wear longer! WehnowbyTTESTp 1- Me gasitwerk ketal t pairs CHITONS -sees tit mrUmg aVysf Valassr Best fasaeas keaaial XaQarasklrraack pieet as. lPure Wool Swira Suito, Hlllnd You, namiMsiwir f or Mtt Tor meal For worn en I 8 m a f Cttlnr always- wst or dry. Baa "back styles for women. Speed salts . for. - men. (Boy's or, girl's; sixes, Tie. 275 N. Liberty St. Phone 8774 i i - Juiene. Salem Oregon