. ,. :X.:xiQ3ve ilCJttlfcKM .The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday .Iorain. Jane 27. 1933 PAGE SEVEN W i 5M rao .'if i r , S ! 1 simyi,ra . 1 1 Business Directory Cf iu Uu directory j-wn aa 'a monthly tonsie ouijr. Rale r 8L99 per Um pr month. AUTO BRAKES Mike F-nek, tho bnkt and shimmy doctor. 275 South Commercial street CATERING Bart Crery, tlx ctw, Ph. 6763. CUISINES SWEEP Telephone 4460. tt B. K CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U SCOTT. PSC, CWroprmetoc. tfc4 N- High. Tot Rea 6W8. DRESS31AK1NG Exp. dressmaking In roar horn. 33.00 day. Copy pictures. TeL 714. , FLORISTS CUT nowers, wedding bouquets fun eral wreaths, decoration, C V. Brett haupt. -lariat. MI Court. TeL tWi ALL kinds of flora work. Luu ot trt. 16t Marlwt. TL X. GLASS ; Auto aa4 window gUas mlrrora. Tet liet. Walter J. Powna, t Brcya, INSURANCE BECKB HSNDRICKB alt N. Htgh Tel. COFYKT-gMITH, gen, tna. TeL IH1. LAUNDRIES TBB NEW SALU LAtTNDRT IU a High . Tel. a CJLP1TJLL. C1TT LADNDHT Ftrat In Quality and 8rvica TelephoMim U4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired an4 traded. 1IARR r W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man MATTRESSES Mattresses front factory to noma. Spring mattress f LOO. Renovators and (umtxatora. Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. Tel. 40ti. 9i0 N- Capitol. New matUess made to order, old remade: carpet cleaning, slsins ; flufi rug weaving, Salem Flult Bag 4k Mat tress Factory, a 13U Wilbur. TeL 44L Quo F. Zwlckeng8tlll;- MUSIC STORES ' qeq. (X WLLXr PUnos, radios, sew ing macMnes,. sheet cmisle and plane stadias, impairing radio, pnonograpns and sewing roacblnea, 411 State Street, Salem. MEDICINE Oc Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday. 10 :30 a to 49 p. m. 148 N. Co-me lercia-. AU kinds herbs for male and fe male, for constipauon, rneumauaui, appendldUa, coUtls, gland, stomach disorders. Charlie Chan. Chinese Med icine Co. X23 N. Com'L Dally t-l, Sun day t-13. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint RooHng. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, cards, pamphlet-, program-, books or any kind of printing, call The States man Printing Lepaxtment, Sit & Commercial. Tele phono 910L . . REAL ESTATE BBC-ta a HXNDR1CK3. TeL 4147. W. H. GRABE.NHORST ft CO. ' 134 O. Uberty St. TaU 8488. nnrriT.fJB-SKrr A SON S04-I First NatL Bk. Bidg. TeL T8QT. STOYES BTOVXS a-d stove repairing. Stoves for sal rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and piaia, bop basket-, hooka, logaa book Fence aad Stove Works, 343 Chemeketa. TeL 4TT4. R. a Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 214 Sua 8U TeL 1718. Di-trlb tag., tor wardlna and storage our specialty. Pet our ratea. FOR local or distant transfer storage, caUMU Larmer Tran-Xer Co. Truck ta Portland daily. TYPEWRITERS TVTPEWR1TERS Adding Men. sold. rnnted, repaired. - Underwood Agents. Cooke Short. i vuru , WELL DRILLING r. A. West. 80 years experience. RFD S. Bos 103 B. TeL 110F6. NOTICE OF FINAL 6ETTLE3IENT . Notice 1. hereby giren that Marlon Gibbs, Administratrix of the Estate of Albert J. Rousseau, deceased, ha. filed her final ac count In the matter of the-said estate In the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, and that Saturday, the 22nd day of July, 1933. at ten o'clock In the fore noon of the -aid day, ' in the County Court rooms In the Coun- -.- TT ar. rnn-t ty voufinuu- tZlitnl Oregon, has been fixed . the Ume and place by tne saia couri ior the hearing of objections to tne said account, and for -final set tlement of the Mid estate. Any and all - objection, to the .aid: account and the final settlement f the asM Aetata mnst ba filed with the Clerk of said Court on or before the date of said hear- lng. - Dated June 20th. 1932. . Marlon GlbbaAdmlnlstratx of the Estate of Albert J.' Rousseau, Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CaaMlOad AdTwrtiatas 8iasl tourtloa er Ust.lSe Tbtatj ictMrtloru pr Un Z0 Six lnuirfloai jer.ltot. ,10e Oxtm man la per lino ..$. Uiaimaca cbArt Sit Cony tor ttt Mf tested asm tba lnr btor pnbUcalUja tor elassltleattob. Cpy rw cfrd after toia 4ima will ba ran aatlar la adadlac Tow Lata to OauKi. Ta SUisemaa. auamaa aa natarUI reipjxuiblllty for azrors wbiea. may ap pear la adrcrtisamtBts pno lUfhtA la lta coUmrna, ani la eaaes arbera tbla p&Pr la at taalt will reprtat taat part Dt aa advarttBemeat la whica Dm typographical ralataka aeeara. - Tb Utaraao . reaarraa th rif St la re act wbjee tlODal airartisbis. It far ther raaenrea the light, to claaatt alt aAwartlaiag aa der the proper cttaeinca tiem. HELP WANTED MALE "Want a young man to work in town with crew manager, salary ana com ; mission. Leonard Hotel. Apply Ten- lag. SITUATIONS WANTED Work. R. Porter, B. 1. Bx. 18. Salem. FOR SALE MlsceCaneous Fresh crabs now at ridlere stand. Intersection Sllverton-Portland roaa Burbank seed potatoes. Certified Netted Oem. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. Expert ladies and gents haircutting. 20c. children 15c. If 14 2. Com L FOR SALE Seed potatoes, $1.10 per C and up. Garnets, Burbank and Gems. 681 Highland. Seed Dotatoea. Garnetcnili. 91.25 per 10. H. A. Hyde Co.. 26S Portland Rd. TeL IStt. See radio eseclal in front of store radio changed each day. Wills Music Store. Must sen my nearly new Baby Grand .piano at once, part terms to respon sibie party. Box 77, Statesman. Would give wee of my fine piano for storage -or sell cheap for cash. Box 77S, Statesman. --- Lumber,' doors, windows, cheap. 255 Market. Team, harness for tractor or what? Cruson. 2130 - N. K. 12th are- Port land. , .1 Few good gentle horses and mules for sale. 1300 to 1450 lbs. E. D. Phil- tmpi, Stayton. Certified Netted Gem seed potatoes. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. TeL 5414. WANTED Miscellaneous We pick up dead or worthless horses. cows, sheep, free of charge. TeL 4869. Wanted piano for cash. Tel. 8707. MISCELLANEOUS Typing students keep In practice spL lor summer, 3 mot tor- 33. xnos. Roen. 420 Court. Mr. pane of Seattle, Wo, expert hair cutter, now located 301 S. Win ter. Prices the same. Adults 20c. chil dren 15c. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, alp. porch, 1877 Court St. TeL 4857. Desirable furnished room. Close to statehouse. 855 N. Capitol Street ROOM AND BOARD B. and R. near P. a 320. TeL 8483. lrrrrrrrrri'rrrr I jR-B., 20 and 2. 645 Marlon. Board and room for ladles. Close ; m. TeL 5678. 598 Court St. Modern room a Good home cooked meal a Garage. Reasonable. 1144 Cen ter. TeL 6204. ....-, RENT APARTMENTS FOR S apta. $12 and $25. TeL 8284. Apta. 813. 631 N. Com'L Beautiful court 8 rm. apt. furnish ed. Laundry, garage. Tel. 6154. Furnished bungalow apt. In Oak I villa court. Garage and water tree. 947 Mill St Adults only. 8 R. turn, apt, frigid, 1209 Court. V ts i -ssy irghariri rrjinffii r 3UVIUS, - BUA ' d.trtKa dm 51 I nicely furn, TeL 7644. 2381 HaseL Special rates on apta. and sleeping I rooma 858 Center, Reduced rent: 6 rm. fur. duplex, first floor, garaga, S64 MUL T. G. Al bert. Attractive first floor apt. 1135 State. FOR RENT HOUSES Forknar. 1619 N. Cottage. TeL 893L . For rent T room house. Sea Mra Cadwell, Statesman office, T 7 -room house with sleeping porch. Reasonable. Inquire 490 N. CapltoL Modern 6 room house, newly paint ed and papered, 8 blocks from state house. 1196 Marlon. - 4 room modern. Inquire 1S9S Court. T room furn. house. 655 Unlon. Housea for rent, Damon. 897 N. Com. I SR. house and bath, partly furnteh- I $1 per mo mc water. n N. i emircn. FOR RENT I .. for RENT: Houses and apta, 87.60 I np. Furnished tio-tis-iio-up. For I rentals. SEE REfiHTEL ar THOMASON 941 State Street Room 4. j i WANTED TO KENT innnnnnniwi-fi"" Wanted to renL- emaTl tmprrred acreage. Close In. F. la Taylor, Mon FOR SALE Real. Estate 1 Good, eeml-modern T-rooni nlaatered residence, basement, fireplace, plumb I Inc. on two bis iota covered wltn nut. I cherry and oroameatal tree and rosea. I Trap arbor, near acnooia. nice view. I going at depression price. Alto two teeautirul touUOlng iota tmit encn with larse trttit trees, block south Lea lie brick1 school, at bargain, easy terms. Owner. 7( Rural An. iMne . Strictly modern S room bungalow. I done In. Nearly new. A very choice horn at only 1 2 00 0.0 0. all furnished. Terms. S Acres with modern f room "bun galow near Salem. Price only $3804. Terms given. te Acre located north or saiem, au fenced and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at 12500.00. Terms. J. F. ULK1CH W. Phone K71 S2i StaU Street Two lots on knoll 10130. each, fa-1 Ing Leelle brick BchooUgroHnds, alee view, covered with large cherry, pear and appro trees. Will sell one or both. See these before nuuaing. snsr rerras. Owner. 745 Rural Avenue. Tel. . 1 rra. house and lot. 1200. 110 mo. buys It. Damon. 197 N. Com'L I mam rnnd home nlastered. Plumb ing basement, furnace and two . good lots at only 11400.00. Good terms. BO acres north of Salem, a choice I piece of land, no buildings, fenced and I cross fenced, a real bargain at 12500. Easy terms. . 5 room bungalow at- lliso.ov. ioui wllL like thU place when you see . It. Very easy terms. If you have any thing to trade tell us about It. J. F. UUKICH CUMPANr 125 State Street Telephone 8472 SNAP Owner Non Resident Now here to sell his modern I It bungalow for 12800 with good fur niture. 82150. By buying this home yon can save at least on thousand j dollars. Act quickly. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON S4f State Street Room 41 Shown by aa Appointment Only FURNISHED S R. home, basement rornace, fireplace, garage, old shade, ftm aim. pricen to seu. ATTRACTTVH 5 R. mo.1. bUBKSlOW N. 83275 with 3100 cash. 325 per mo. VAN M. GRK 203 Oregon Bldg: TeL 7533. sawsaasa 8-ACRE SNAP 8-A. all in cultivation. 1-A. bearing filberts. Family orchard and crop. toilet. Electric lights and water sys- tern. Men house (capacity 600), brood er house, dandy barn. All for 32350. Give some terms. SEE JTAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High Street ""-i-yinrr ru-in 'jXJrwqrsjrxscrxrxrvrunn FOR SALE Small house. 31000.00 on time or 3850.00 cash. Fruit, .flowers. shrubs. Nice location. Close to state hosp. If you want . a cheap homo see tnis. JS. V. UKEK, 450 N. 23rd St. EXCHANGE Real Estate eaa ea TlV r Wkfl WLn fUT-lULfXr Owner of Boise Valley, Idaho, 80-A. under govmt Irrigation project nearly completed. Offers up to 40-A. for sim ilar area raw land. W. Oreg, 1(8 N. 21st, Salem. TeL 4970. Fine large home, good location, Sa lem, for Improved dairy. Bog 222, Statesman. - - - - . .firrn.n.ri n r FOR TRADE On of very best 20 acre dairy ranches in San Joaauin county, Catlf. for equal quality ranch in Ore. or Wash. Deal with owner only. k. aft. cnurc&Ul, R. 1, Box 81, Oak dale. Calif. WILL TRADE a choice located home for farm. Will assume. VAN M. GREER, 203 Ore. Bldg. - FOR SALE FAR5IS MODERN FARM HOMS3 108 acres, good soil, Vi cultivated, can be Irrigated. Electric water sys tem. New modern dairy barn, new 4 room strictly modern Eng. type house. Family fruit and about 18 acres Um ber. This is one of the moat beautiful farm homes in the valley. Price -only $8,000.00. SEE HAWKINS ROBERTS FOR FARM BARGAINS BARGAIN BUT NOW! 5 A, all cleared, 8 R. house, good road. N. of Salem. 32250. SOCOLOFSKY A ROV First National Bank Bldg. I uilw,..,M,M,,wMW WELL EQUIPPED POULTRY FARM 44 acres on market road, part in cul tivation and In crop, f room cottage, barn, garage, poultry house 350 ft. long, equipped for handling 1900 birds, modern incubator and brooder bouae, electricity In all buildings, good well, electric water system. Price for all, only 5000. Will exchange for small farm of S to 20 acres near Sa lem, CHILD3 MILLER, Realtors 844 State 8treet TeL 6708 " ....... .l.l.lni.t.u.uLruLn it me show you the best buy If you are looking for a stock ranch, plenty of water; almost-600 A., at 316 per acre. Easy terms; closo In. Good oiag witn t acres in cult. H. C SHIELDS Real Estate Tel 8908, Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Ore. ACREAGE - "--''---"-"-" iirv.-iVinr rnrw-Lnr Aim. out, Imprv-, $1600. 3150 I down. baL like rent. Damon, 89T N. comx . WV)t, HOP LAND -, e mues nortn. uooa boil Final errnamsESi QUlck ,4S" 4 8-A I miles north. Good soiL Fine J AS. D. SEARS. REALTOR . 133 South High Street WANTED REAL ESTATE " " " at a. a-a-'nynnAf JuTJIfl. injl CASH BUYERS FOR RANCHES. Oolsten, 1633 .13th Ave., San Francis co, Cal. Business Opportunities i " " " i - -ii -irinrLri Cafe for rent, 89T N. ComX MONEY TO LOAN M f .i-T wVV,.. t"'XJZ, ww ninw nsiai at i it nun m inaw win mi. city property. Give full description. tF fTrorr. Qw. full deTio Box 223, care Statesman. . Borrow on personal property t repay I ULJ?,lt?..,IL"i&I1?,ent:. wrLLAM- :rrw 1.1 J AIM ITfl. Ktafe ll. BUI an. s ETTB LOAN Ca, State lia S-149. S6e 1 I Gnardian Bldg. TeL 3871, POLLY AND HER i "s-tmkt in ii fa MONEY TO LOAN 0mmm0000000 4 'Bells of Harmony Heard aver KOIH daily ring out a loan service - that is really really different. TOO GET THS FUU ' AMOUNT OF LOAN "IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL, INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK"AKD COTrrTT EOUS SER VTCK on loans tie to site Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Rn ,ilrSEBYT,ATEa l 111 State Street TeL s-T-4-e. I MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to redoes yout payments Tim keep the car ."P. A. BIKER Coc Xlberty SL. and Farcy Phnoa C7ti Salem. Ore """"""""""r I Private money to. loan on good real estate security. Abrams and kUUs Ina, I 4U Masonic. PsTRSONAL. LOANS. MADE on furniture, cars, sale rise other coed security. Revawtbie monthly, ween Tn nnanciaj need see a afereejisjiie OsSiTOALTjraTMENT M...-5P.ly?AT19M .est t,1ralJ, r. msr.nMrvr rnivg STATE loan com pan T . i til Oregon .Bunding, In fioot I 225SJ 5 & 8-i 4 s. I LOANS WANTED Wanted to borrow 8500 oa estab lished business, good security. Interest. Bl 783. gtstesman. LIVESTOCK And POULTRY Baby chicks. Last chance June 24 29. Red and Barred Rocks at special prices. Tel. 132F3. Le's Hatchery. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRY TmL 1000 Salem Fuel Co. Cottage. Trade m Asa, fir and oak, TeL 1418. Dry oak, 4 ft, 84.00. TeL 1708. 14 dry slab wood, 33 load: 14" dry old fir 32.50 load and dry planer wooa. 32.50 load. Prompt delivery. At Tra- Wood. aQ kinds, call 48F14, Smith A Rubens. 2nd growth and oak. Any length. Judd, TeL 21F14. , i m r. 3.35. tl 4o. Good dry old fir, second growth, ash, oak. Tel. 3473. LOST AND FOUND LOST Large spotted Guernsey cow. Strayed from Rt. t, Wednesday. Re ward for return. TeL 4953. FOR SALE-USED CARS WANTED Several -light cars. Win pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE Terms Trade 843 Chemeketa CHEVROLET GIVES MORS FREE LICENSE 86 Stude Coupe 1135.00 39 Ford Coupe 145.00 39 Chev. Coach 326.00 376.00 336.00 476.00 485.00 495.00 376.09 '29 Nash Cabriolet '29 Nash Sedan '32 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan '33 Chev. Coach '33 Plymouth Sedan '29 Ford Truck '29 Chev. Panel Truck 325.00 198.00 '29 Chev. Truck TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays MCKAY CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET GIVES MOBS) "Dick's Car Lor Chemeketa next to fire station, pays cash for cars. THRIFT PRICES ON USED CARS COME IN AND DRIVE A BARGAIN '31 STUDS LIGHT SIX 8 ED AN. Free wheeling, small mileage, new car service. '89 BUICK STD. COUPS. Overhauled and re finished. 'S3 ESSEX TERRAPLANE COUPE. Almost new. New car service and 1 guarantee: 83 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE. The famous 4, with floating power. 39 STUDE PRESIDENT SEDAN. One of the best cars ever bullL 17 STUTZ VICTORIA COUPS. Coat over 83500 new. 39 HUDSON STD. SEDAN. Truck and other extras. 29 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN. Kari-j i-een trunk. 29 DURANT 4-DOOR SEDAN. 28 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPS. BTAT8 MOTORS INC 526 Chemeketa Open Evenings TeL 8190 1 ,ww''"wwwmwWi We hare customers for light popular earn W can ret von the too nrinm tor car. We buy for cash or consign. We I carry Insurance for your protection. DEALER BO RR EGO'S CAB MARKET 240 No. Liberty - TeL 3488. y-i v XTT t rr t Finer Wools Head To Higher Prices BOSTON, Jane 1 1. (AP) Prices tended to harden on the finer territory wools. Choice strlcitly combing 64.. and finer territory wool., to be graded, are quoted at 71-7Se scoured .basis. While little of the new clip wool, of this description has been grad ed, offerings in original bag. con taining choice fine staple terrt - tory wool, have Mid at 70c scour- I . IJT' .T T". awia gsasiia. sratmca it i taa at x uuui errat sin I "" w m ... wj w ton Grain and Flower exchange, amounted to 9.612.600 poound..' Mass. Mrs. lleMath'. story thrilled I MnM,.i wtn villi. 200 nonnds . ' " the privioua week. PALS 'it- a - m - TV - 3 BUTTER STEADIER EGGS IDHD ; PORTLAJto. June 2C (AP) Market for butter continued to re flect lnereaslar eteadinest and even strength to epote. Latest snr- rer eusgested decreasing churn- operation, along the entire coast with the total output or. tne country likewise decreasing. There was a generally un changed situation In the egg mar ket here. Prices continued mixed with co-ops quoting the highest price along the coast which sug- - 4 V - ft AntkM A hmhlMl from ,V".: "Tv." norm woiua do ibiiiu.o. Steadiness was showing for the week's opening of the live chick en trade. Receipts were of fair volume only and a cleanup of last week's arrivals was generally shown. Good demand for both lire and dressed . turkeys. Leghorn broilers were advanced to 11 c DOUnd In SPOtS TBere was no cnange gnnoraiiy ta prices on country kUled meets. Lamb, were now In good call ind there ha. been general cleanup of Teal and hogs. Beef alone was In clined to drag a trifle. Strawberry Trade Easy; Raspberry, Currant $2 Crate PORTLAND. June 26 (AP) Monday's session of the East Side Farmers' wholesale market show ed more than passing easiness for strawberries. There was a tug of war between buyers and sellers. resulttnr In rather a deferred sell lng. Sales started with a few $1.65-1.75 but scarcely sufficient to count. The general run of good fruit sold $1.40-1.50 crate with some as low as $1.25 and others up to $1.60. Currants were In rather fair volume considering the season with sales mostly $2 crate. Raspberries were generally $2 top. Cherries were weaker and low er with the general prices In Dalles BingS around 7 -8c and sales slow. A few sold 10c but not sufficient to establish the price there. Royal Annes about the same. I Washington County Farms on Water List HILLSBORO Approximately x,.,wav w.v. 80 acres. Of crops on four Wash - lngton county farms will be under Irrigation this summer for the first time, reports William F. Cyrus, county agent. The larger part of this acreage will be in Ladino clover for pasture, with smaller amounts In alfalfa, sweet corn and canary grass. These tour farms are owned by John Thornburgh, Gales Creek; W. T. Putnam A Soas. Farmlngton; Eu gene Taylor, between Scholls and Sherwood, and the Fir Grove I dairy. WITNESS J 1 ra. eu ctin, -on ww a w w t w.ar w. w slu. . a . kidnaped Peggy. McMath. as f appcaicu OS US lUUlU Kb U1W MIX - of the Buck brothers at Barnstable. the crowd that lammed the old courtroom. Waiting for ' v- F j : V" : "":'vX';"'':"': ! 1: 1 : : i . - j : : - . i CROP SHORTAGE FORCES LAMBS, HOGS DECLINE Salem Wheat Rises 5 c. To 70; Berries are Inclined Weaker Lambs, and hog. both declined on the local market to start the week, 'while wheat took a flying leap to gala fire cent, per bu shel. Short crop of wheat Is piling the cent, up there, with yester daya quotations at 70 cent, lo caHy. Lambs were quoted at $4 per hundred aad hogs at $4.71 on- tope. Watermelon, are a kit cheaper. at three cent. per. pound retail. Strawberries, while still quoted at $1.50 per crato yesterday. were Inclined to be weaker. General Llarkets FBODVoa wrnwawow - PORTLAND, Ore Jaae 24. (IP) FreeWee escaaar. net seiw Better, eswas He. staaeares 21He. priwe firsts 21H.-irt ltfce. Sggs fresh extras 14-lse, fresh aeaimms 15-17. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore Jaae 30 (AP) Wheel upea High Lew Cleee Jaty OS S OS 49 September OS 73 48 T3 lewWr 71 75 H 71 73 Cash wheat Ne. 1 Big Beat btae staia 7"He; dark har winter 13 per eeat 7b He. 11 per teat 7He; soft watt 6Se; eara winter line; northers spring, west' era white. wrra red M4t. Oats Ke. 3 wkite 123.50. Cora Xo. iE yellow gSA. Millrnn Staadard 18. Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND. Ore Jaae 26. (AP) Batter Priats, extras 24e. stsaaards 33 He. Botterfst Portland a-HTerr: A grade 21-22e aoaad; farmers' deer delivery 31 22e pound; sweet erasai 6 kifher. tn Paeuie poeurr prodaaers sell ing priea: Oversize 20c, sslrss 18e, mix ed colors lTo. modiaas 17e doisa. Bar ing pries 07 wholesalers, Iresa c-rreat racoipta, 60 poaads aad ap. lie doaaa. llieesa vi score Ureroa triplets iz : loaf 13e pound. Brokers will pay He be low qaotattoas. Vilk etrt nriea Mr eeat Portlasd dsUTery, L70 cwt; B grade e1?" pease. Conatry meats Selling price te re tailers, country killed kocs. east batch ers, aader 150 panada 7-7 He. Testers 70 to 100 poaads 7-7 Vic Spring lambs 10-lle, yearliags 4-5e. Heavy swot 3-Ie: Mediant cows 5c pound. Calmer cewt 2- 3c. Ban 4H-9e Mist, klohair Baying price. 1933 clip 15e vaaad. Caseara bark Bnrtag price, XSSS Bool. 3a naaad. Hops rtomtsai. lvza, co-ooc peaae. Lira poultry Portland delivery, bay- 1st prices, hsavy seas, colore ponaaj 1 10. de poaads ap le; I broilers 3 posads ap O-lOe; aadar 3 poaads 11 11 He; colored springs. 3 peaads ap 13e. Boasters 6c povad. Daeks, Pckins, broilers 11-lle poud; out aacxs. Pekins lOe poand, do colored 10c ponae. Onions Selling "price te retailers, Orrcoa. 81. 15-1.35 ceatsL Itew onioas Uallferaia. Eermaoas 81 50-poond crate: new red 91.83 cental. Potatoes Local 31.50; Deschatas Gems 92: da Bakers, 93.35; Ytkiaa Gems 31.85. New potstoet Loral whits and red. 12.50 cental: California, white, sj.oe- 3.65 eeatsL Strawberries Orecoa Dollars 31.30- 1.40 crate; sew Orogoas 9L60-1.85 crate. Wool 1083 elis. nominal. Willam ette valley 33-2 $e peaad; eastara Orogoa 1831s poand: seathera Ids he 10-20e Hty saying pries rrom proaseer. .,,.1,. W. O.K. -1 V. O OIK. UIZB . A, O .. . . V . eastera Orecoa timetkv $16; eats and vetck 818. Portland Livestock 1 TWt-P T A VTl ra T as a 11. vast uattt ' v w.. w aav m w, aa a Cattle Receipts 1055, eel -roe 40; weak tendeney. Steera. rood 83.36-5: common aad mo di am 98.35-6. Heifers, eommea aad me dium fl-s. Dews, eommea aaa. moeuam 33.50-4.50. Balls, good f3.25-3.7S; cut ters and medlam 83.25-3.25. Vetlert, good 86-8.75; common snd medium 63- 0. Calves, rood. 95.60-6: common tad me dlam 13.50-6. Hags Beeeipts 2900; 15-S5e lower. Good. 140 te 200 weaads S4.65-6: 300 te 350 Poaads 94J50-6; ever 350 poaads 1 4-4.6 S. Sews, good 33.45-4.15; medlam gi.3a-s.B. Pigs, geee fs.ss A15. Skeep BeeatpU 1200; fairly stead?. Lambs, good sad choice 95-5.50; eom mea sad mediam f3.50-B. Wethert, Z- 4.75. Xwsa fl.60-S.95. Financial Marts Scramble Higher Following Grain NEW YORK, Jnne 2 (API- Financial market scrambled high er today under the impetus of a stampede to buy grain, and cot ton Case Jumped 7 and closed near the top: International Harvester gained 2, Sears Roebuck 2tt and Montgomery Ward more than 2 Allied closed up 2 and Du Pont 2U. The National Distillers 1m proved 7. Several petroleum shares were up at least a point- Gains of a point of two to U. 8, and Bethlehem Steels. American . - - r.n waatlnrhrma. National Bis e V " h,V.T and cult. Amerlcaa Tobacco "B" and I Union Carbide were noted. Amerl- c Telephone was up a conple points. I , - ia e, - Sales totaled 4,548,149 shares.1 the Pin to Drop yQ cr I Salem flarkets Grade B 4. milk, IL3 per co-op pool price, handrwL Sarptaa f IJU. .(Milk sfklj Satterfst average. 1 IMstrfbator price f 1.70 Batterfai Top 3sfK21e priaU 24 K. csnes TZH. rrleea said grewara t aalea fcsyett Jase SS tTke arises iha, sepfilted Sf a kseai greoer. re Mratrve f ate aatiy esartet at are eo fasraatewO bt tb atasaaaaai rxoTTaxB TEOgTAAUa String Aaaaa. In, wk. .IS ArUchakra, in. , .TS Anarages. leeaL des. Ke. 3 . .00 CabWga. Ik. jS4 Oraea nenoera. riartda. la. , ae Peas. Oregea. la. Ml te Oaieea, dee. sea sees . .19 Petate Yakima Me. I 1.7$ Saasta, wkite Sweet petasaea, orate Lsttace, leeal . .05 . AS - Ml . .43 .830 Oeisaa. Lablak. wl Kaaeara. leeal Calary. dee. ,. , Cekferais. H craU asp las WnaMV. fancy . JS .3.40 . -SO .Lta Utra fsaey Kswtewas. taaey Extra- laser Oranges, TateacUs, fancy 3.7S te SAO rieea paeK a.no Beets, local, eoa. .2S Taraipa, tocal. crate , , .35 Carrot i. leeal. eos. . .35 Sriaach. local, cstto -SS ta .00 Baaaaaa. lb. ea stack .05 Haada . .05 MasUrd imn .00 Csenmbera .00 te 1A0 .10 U 80 Pineewplai retail Caalaloaaea, rrate Leaiaas Geose berries Strawberries, local Limes, fresh Avacadae, crate Sqaask. Its Iran, crate Sammer, ersie .1.9S . .75 . .03 3.00 8. 40 . .40 . .58 Apricots, crate Watermalowa. retail Tomatoes, hotkoas Texas . BOPB Top. 1933. Ik. Top. 1911. Ik. aooa Sayiag Prices Extras .13 as J04 .10 .00 jOS .13 to .13 Standards Mediants PODLTB1 Ola raaatora Cetar d boas . Medinms keat Uht hoot. Broilers MBAT Lambs, top . Hogs, top , 4.00 4.75 4.50 .04 H to .05 .03 H te .03 .03 te .04 .03 te .08 first eats Steers ., Cews Baiter Bells Drsassd vsaL top 0S Dressed bor . .07 OBADI ASTO HAY Wkeat. western red .70 White. Ne, 1 .70 Barley, tap, toe 16.00 te 30.00 Oats, tea 30.00 ta 33.00 Msy. sey-tsg prists Oats aad vaUk, tea Alfalfa, valley 1st cat . 16.00 .17.00 .10.00 .17.00 Kastera Oregoa Clever hay WOOL Mediam Coarse , .35 .38 Meksir as CASCA-A BAXK tea. II .01 H Dry, IV )4H rxrratxgT 00. peoai . 1.80 U S.00 Stocks and Bonds (Cepyrtgkt 1983. Suadard Statistics Ce.) Jase 36 STOCK AYSUtAOU 50 30 SO 90 tad'ls RB's Ct's Total Today 0.4 46.3 100.S 06.8 Freviooaday ST.8 45.5 104.4 64.1 week ago 87.8 43.1 lot s t.S Year ago 36.4 14 J 66.3 63.4 S years age 117. an. a los.s High IMS 89.0 45.5 113.7 BOA LewlOSS 43.S 33.6 41.6 43.9 High 1933 73.8 89.8 111.0 78.0 Lew 1983 35.1 11.3 51.8 13.0 BOKD AVEXAOS. 20 20 73.0 76.8 20 SO 84.6 74.3 Twday Previoas day 71.1 76.3 84.4 84.0 70.9 77.9 Week ago 7I O 75.1 Year sco 64.5 63.3 3 years sre 92.4 106.0 High 1939 73.4 76.6 Lew 1938 59.1 57.0 ry 60.4 89J 78.1 68.6 78.1 57A HirklSSS 71.3 78.0 Lew 1933 58.3 47.4 sew 1933 klgk. McKee and Deter Farms Prcucing 10,500 Young Turks 3. J. McKee, south of Indepen dence, and C C. Deter, near Oak Qrore, hare a total of 10,500 tur keys on their two farm enough to supply every family in Polk county with a bird for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, It has been estimated. They plan soon to replace these with about 11,000 more. Both are using steam boilers to provide heat for brooding the young poults, and a large house s - divided Into small pens to DO BIO them. Each pen has a sun porch. They plan to .ell the first batch at of nout eignt weeks and replace new batch, to be rais 1 m.A tv.lv , ed on their own farms. 3.00 te SAO v so J0 te .04 1.M i is 8.35 1.2S $1 WHE AT LOCALLY 1d.-4 T , J- Vr1ftrvta ittbutu a ai v wiutitv. Noted; Shortage to Be Unparalleled CHICAGO. Jane II. (AP) Possible nationwide crop short aga anparaneled for halt a cen tury caused excited buying today that rushed wheat ap 7 cents to practically $1 a bushel. Grain trading here approximat ed 150.d00.tee bushels. a total never before reached here, eyes In wartime. Today's prices for 'heat were more than doable I those at the beginning ef the year, about the lowest en record. Chicago May delivery of wheat. officially quoted today for the first time this season, changed hands at 11)4 cents, aad wheat available for Immediate use com manded $1.00 U at Fort Worth.: Texas. Three week a of destructive drought aad acorchlnr temnera-- lares of lot degree, and above were virtually unrelieved today. and thousands of purchase or ders for kind of grata over whelmed the specalative pita. Wheat closed flurried at the top most point reached, 14-7 cents above gatarday 'a finish, corn 24- 3ft up. oats 4S-53. advanced. Today's eloslnr quotations: Wheat July 85; September 11H-S-; December 94-t5: May a-ltt. Cora July 52 U-H : Septem ber 64-57; December fOK-. Oats July 4U; September 44-44; December 45H-U. mm FLOUR RISES 10 CENTS, ft IIS PORTLAND. June 2C (AP) Sensational rises - were forced todsy In all North Amerlcaa wheat markets. On the Portland futures market all new high points were reached for the sea son in July. September and De cember with rises of C4 cents bushel In each during the day. Sales included 1000 bushel July. 17,000 bushel September and 12.- 000 December. On the Portland merchants ex change cash wheat gained 7 cents for local and 8 cents bushel for Montana spring and winter. Advances of 10 cents barrel ia I the price of patent flour aad 20 cents average ia bakers was an nounced with a further rise of a dime rchedaled for tomorrow la local patent aad more promised if the price of wheat holds. Heavy sales of flour were confirmed for th east but no export business of Importance was shown. TUTSDAT, Jaae 37. iow-roan-Lac -t2 x. 7:00 Organ ceaeert, KBC. T:20 Organ raacert, SBC. 1:30 C. S. Army Was a. XBO. 8:00 koaaid Back, piaaist. 9:45 FYaacaa Iarraas. 10:00 Ceekiag srheeL 10:90 Woman's -tagaitae ef Us Air, KBC 11:30 Argentine trie, XBC. 11:45 MerediU WiOsea. NBa 13:15 Westera Yarm aad Hems kear. tnj. 1:00 Caaiae erckettra, KBC 3:00 Ai Pearce and His Gaag. KBO- 3:30 rrleadly cast. 4:45 hfaadi. the maeleUva. 5 :00 Balladettea. XBC 6:00 Uvea at Stake. KBC 6:30 Coaeart trie, KE X. TrOO Aasae 'a' Aadj. XBO. 7:15 Memory Lsse. SBC. 9:00 Maeical hiaaaeearaa, KOKO. 9:30 Slary Teller. NBC. 10:15 Asaea Weeks' ereaeetra, VBC. 11:00 Abe Lymaa's erckeetra, tC KODT MaTXAjrD 44. Xa. 6:10 KODI's KKock. 9:00 O. 8. kfariae bead. CBS. 9:30 kfadisea entente la. 11:15 Ceekiag aekaL 11:30 Wastpaal's ereheatrs. 13:45 The Gypsy Basle Makers. 8)0 remlaiae raaciae. BLBa. 4:45 Howard Ely, organist. 6:00 California melodise. 7:30 Joe rriedama'e ere-eetra. CBS. 8:00 Plea Gray's erekestre, CBS. 9:00 Gas Areaeim'a stiksitra. DLBS. 10:00 Cafe de Paris erckeatra, DLBS. SALT Coarse half-tot-ad QJT hay salt, 50 It. OOC BArd Wheat QECe per sack Out Farmers Grain Warehouse By. CLIFF STERRETT Radio 1 Program i 3 i r e t deceased J. 2 0-2 7 -July 4-li-is. mouth, Ore.