The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 27, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    I Local News Briefs f.MARCY TO SERVE
: : nnnTi mm nminnii
: 11 1 11 i ijiiuii hiiii i'u ui'u
run LHiiuununun
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Jane 27, 1933
Mishaps Reported Minor au
tomobile accidents reported to
city police yesterday were: A
Stollar, route seven, and George
I Zimmerman, Stayton route
one, at Commercial and Court
streets; E. R. Conn. 1911 Front,
and an unidentified motorist, at
Court and High; Arnold Maizels,
776 North Commercial, and F. J.
Rosche, route nine, at Highland
and Capitol; E. O. Martin, route
three, and a Salem motorist
named Harlan, at Commercial
and Oak.
Open every evening until 9 dur
ing this great S00 Club sale. The
lowest prices ever. Tallmans,
395 so. 12th.
Check Race Profits J. T.
Delaney, business manager for
the Salem drum corps, will go to
Portland either today or tomor
row ta check up on proceeds of
the dog races held a week ago to
night to raise funds to send the
corps to the Chicago convention.
Many legionnaires have not yet
turned in their tickets and sales
money, he said yesterday.
Escapes Cottage Farm Assist
ance of city police was "sought
last night to effect the capture
of Den Hoover 65, who escaped
from the Cottage farm branch of
the state hospital at 6:30 p. m
Hoover was described as five
feet, seven inches tall, heavy of
v build, and fair of complexion
He was wearing overalls and i
gray shirt , bearing No. 25.
dance tonite, U Park, 10
Job Requests Grow The U. S.-
T. M. C. A. Employment bureau
was a busy place yesterday but
its staff worked chiefly at regis
tering many, requesting Jobs.
Many more men than in recent
days sought work, D. D. Dotson,
assistant manager, said. Jobs,
however, continued scarce, other
than woodcutting for which there
were calls for 38 men. During the
day one man was placed at com
mon labor and one at farm
Thief Watches Wash No more
than 30 mUutei after Mrs
George Noak, 1375 .Waller street,
naa hung her Monday washing
out to dry, a thief made off with
several pairs of socks and two
dress shirts, she notified city
police. Officers were inclined to
believe some hobo was the thief.
since the Noak property board
ers on the Southern Pacific
ICE. Prompt residence delivery
Phone 5603. Also new modern
ail steel refrigerators at low
prices. Capital Ice & Cold Stor
age Co., 560 Trade Street.
Klwanis Meet Today The Sa-
Dr. Louis Magin to Succeed
Him Here as District
Appointments of Dr. M. A.
Marcy, who has served as Salem
district superintendent of the
past four years, as pastor of the
Sunnyside church. In Portland,
highlights the, changes made by
the annual conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church.
which closed in Portland Sunday
Dr. Marcy's successor as super
intendent of this district will be
Dr. Louis Magin, who has been
pastor at Sunnyside church, Port
land, for four years, going there
from Spokane. Dr. Magin's move
to Salem will be particularly
pleasing to him, as he has two
sons in Willamette, and a daugh
ter who will enter next fall.
The change is In way of a pro
motion for Dr. Marcy, who came
from Forest Grove to the super
intendency, and now to Sunny
Drunkenness Charged Two
en were, arrested by city po
lice over the weekend, on char
ges of being drunk Robert
Waunch, and A. C. Johnson, the
- latter of 725 Locust street, ac
cording to the police blotter.
, Johnson also was charged with
n, breaking glass on a public thor
oughfare. "Reckless Driving E. R. Conn
yesterday pleaded not guilty to a
reckless driving charge and will
have a jury trial in justice court
Wednesday morning at 9:30
o'clock. -
lem Klwanis club will meet this 8lde tho tnlrd lare8t Methodist
noon at the Marlon hotel, holding c&urch in Oregon. The change al-
I so carries a larger salary. The
side sDeaker In attendance PerrV Marcys will move next week and
Cupper will give the attendance h wil1 Preacl hl fIrst aermon
award. William Braun's -group of here Sunday, July 9.
memben ia ullrhtlv ahead nf fh Rev. K. K. Clark, who has been
group captained by William Chad- at Harrlsburg the past year and
wick, the former having 3590 Prlor to that was at Yoncalla for
points to 3530 for the latter. three years, is the new pastor at
West Salem, succeeding Rev. C.
Baptist Yonth Meet The Bap- L. Dark, who retired. Other Sa-
tist young people of Salem will lem pastors continue unchanged.
nom an important meeting at I Spiritual value of
Calvary Baptist church tonight at Conference Unusual
8 o'clock, when Dr. O. C. Wright The Methodist conference Just
and Dr. T. H. Hagen will be closed was the best conference
1 r ., .J
McKay Bespeaks Clear View
Of Unemployed Matters
At Chamber Luncheon
Explanation of the three city
measures which Salem voters will
find on ballots at the special
election July SI, allusion to the
city's financial situation and a
plea for clear thinking and ac
tion on the unemployed situation
in Marlon -county were contained
in Mayor Douglas McKay's ad
dress to the chamber of com
merce yesterday noon.
McKay's talk marked the clos
ing of the chamber luncheon ses
sions until fall, and drew one of
the largest crowds of the year.
Anent relief. Mayor McKay
pointed to the fact that the fed
eral government sets up the re
lief structure, through a county
relief committee, which In Ma
rion happens to include three
members of the county court.
After July 1, the Red Cross will
have no further dealings with re
lief, except as utilised by the
state relief committee.
tia (i.intAii ..... , u . , v r A -
Penitentiary officials left Mon- . "Z iT v ... !..
day for the vicinity of Taft where h"' vJiTV"
-m, . fA organizers, who have held forth
m m tift
on the courthouse lawn are a
they are conducting a search for
from the prison annex here late mera hanfd'ul of tn 12-0,00 Der
Saturday. Mrs. Miller -Is being BOD3 "celvlns; relief In this coun
sought on a charge of abetting
her husband's escape. Officials
Bald she met him with an auto
mobile near the annex, and that
they left there together. Miller
and his wife later went to the
home of the former's brother near
Measures Explained
Brief explanation of the three
local ballot measures:
1. Beer ordinance: A "yes"
vote will permit the city coun
cil to draw up ordinance for
Citizen to get acquainted with
city affairs and to attend coun
cil meetings at other times than
when a personal Interest is jeopardized.
rifle and ammunition. The cofr
present to show moving pictures for many years in spiritual value, wid'a brother subsequently report
Chemawa, where they obtained a regulation of 3.2 beer sale and
iur cuneciiua 01 revenue irom
sale by the city.
and to make announcements of I Dr. Marcy said yesterday, and the
the Baptist summer assemblies. address of Bishop Lowe was out
, . , standing in practical values. Ad
Fishing Draws Arrest Bruno dresses of E. Stanley Jones, mls
Krydynski, arrested for fishing slonary, drew capacity crowds to
without a license, pleaded guilty the church, and eventually to be
m justice court yesterday, ana taken to the public auditorium.
ed his escape to penitentiary of
2. Charter amendment for a
municipal dock. A "yes" vote
will authorize construction of
, fW . . win autnorize construction or a
No trace of the couple has been Q r nnn ,. , j. .
. . ,v , ,v . Jao.uuu municipal dock, open to
So' .?? ratfr SriSd
drew a fine of 1 25 and costs.
The fine was remitted and de
fendant placed on probation six
months. He is with the forest
army in this county.
12 Strawberries
To Cluster are
Shown by Girods
Address of the bishop and Dr. U.
O. Dubach of Oregon State col
lege, also drew throngs.
Other changes of interest in
this section are:
Marquam becomes part of the
i found
Ronde, for breakfast early yester
the city council, on the river be
tween Court and Chemeketa
streets. Nn a it a r a 1 nMlriitlnn
Miller was serving a term otkAni1l -m h- faBnaA. , -m
two years from Marion county for wiu be paid out of revenue from
larceny of chickens. tne dock itself, or an n. v. r.
r v - 4 . .
Silverton charge Instead of Can- yLfQ Ol LaifflCiry Bewage disposal plant, to be con
by. Rev. P. M. Hammond, who . tm rr "tructed on city property north
has been at Toledo, succeeds Rev. JXf W JlltP HOUSP IS of town cot of about $475.-
Glenn S. Hartong as pastor at I . , 000. If this measure passes, it
berts; Leona L'ott, Mrs. Jack Bar
ker; and Fatima Lott, Mrs. E. J.
Strawberry clusters with 12 Williams
and 13 berries on the cluster
were, exhibited at The Statesman
office yesterday by .Mrs. Albert
Girod of the Quinaby district.
The berries are of the Corvai
lis No. 12 variety, and in the
patch cluster containing eight
and nine well formed and rip
ened, berries are frequent. The
Girods have three acres of ber-
Mrss. Tiny Waite, Mrs. Vida Mill
er; Mrs. Claribel Hummingbird,
Mrs. F. P. Phipps; Naona Nibble
nix. Mrs. Robert Forkner; Mrs.
Widemore Buneh Mrs. c. M Rn. HUDpara ana wooaourn; rt.
tiartong was promoiea 10 me
Woodstock church in Portland.
Dr. D. H. Leech, former Al
bany pastor and newly retired,
Rl& Idh Averted wU1 ut Salem in line with other
lS Juu nvciicu cltlea on the Wlllamettef lnclud.
will live in Salem and preach at
Taking care of the laundry of
the White House, Including that
of President Roosevelt and fann
ing Portland, to clean up the
sewer menace. The Salem dis
posal plant would not entail a
general obligation bond, but
Trrr. A Pratum, replacing Edwin Rounds J Vm. .T. ,r would be paid for from R. F. C
IrOOP 4 bCOUtS Lho will go to school in Calif- This was 'attested Monday fBndgf of whlcn 30 per C6n)
rt w m m I t n ttw.-. ilhatiir naafAr nna I ' " " I waiiM K a n nut. .lit
Jbnjoy weekend
Outing, Santiam
ornia. The new Albany pastor, one
of the major conference appoint
ments. Is Rev. M. T. Wire, from
Klamath Falls.
Addition of Keizer to the Jason
Interest to Be Fair
White House service
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are on
an automobile tour of the Pacific
The sewage disposal project
Rain over the weekend failed Lee charge and of Roberts to the
f-Att' whih thoir .rnn this to damoen the enthusiasm of the Leslie Memorial charge in Salem,
year wiU .be about 50 per cent Boy Scouts of troop 4 who made are nominal appointments for BU" Waahlngt0n alrport
of the normal yield, due to the l"P lo v,amp sanuam, leaying nenuira sua- Tne party j9 Tisiting at
coast. They were accompanied by wiU fbef r fon1 PJ
Mr. and Mrs. A. Crowder, the ;r rl. t V
former of whom is in charge of
winter; freezes,
home of Rev. and Mrs.
Women at Jason
Lee Give Play
town Friday noon and returning: these places.
Monday afternoon. Fishing, swim- Rev. W. J. Morrow, formerly owdftr
mmg ana otner sperts were en- iieia man tor iue we7jr tii-
Those making the trip were ward Terry, a McMlnnville boy XlfUXSeS Ol 0216171
Scouts ; Harold Allen, Ralph Con- Just returnea irom bcuuui m du-
lee, Wendell Halseth, Ralph Ken- ton, taxes tne w mamma crcun
U. S.
s n j t "i.Mee Wendell Halseth, Ralph Ken
Un r riCLay Dllgntlr Herbert Morley, Clifford
ton, William Wagner, Ralph and
Dudley Warnock, Wayne Willard
They were ac
companied by Troop Committee
man E. J. Willard.
Troop 4 is sponsored by the
First Christian church with E. W.
Kennedy as scoutmaster.
" A comedy production, "Crazy to
Prndnc M will ha ttrpsentpd hv
women of the Jason Lee church and Re,x . WIr.
at the Church Friday night,
June SO, at 8 o'clock. A nominal
admission will be charged.
The cast includes:
Dr. Mary Liveforever, Beulah
Graham: Salonica Swavback. Mrs.
Gordon Black; Ima Nutt, Helen Cozjcmfln Mamtifl
Ney: Sophenia Sobb, Mrs. D. O. JUC&iUCII IV dlllCU
Lear; Thelma Thump, Catharine
Barker; Mrs. Dubois Wellington
Humphrey VanDoozen, M r s.
Spiers; Emillne Screech, Elverda
Minton; Melladona Wheeze, Mrs.
W. W. Chad wick; Belinda Beller,
Mrs. Brown; Grlselda Shmultze,
Mrs. Phil Asplnwall; Mrs. Hen
rietta Hemaway, Mrs. C. A. Gies;
at first indicated, the mayor said
he had learned, unofficially.
Salem people don't need to be
ashamed of the finances of Sa
lem, for no city of its size in
the state Is In better shape, fi
nancially," the mayor said, "and
this in spite of the fact that
www st . I i9,vuv QuisiauaiiiK warrants
WOmen are tOien drawing 6 per cent Interest
Aitnougn mere is no actual worx-
TrT?TT.Arn nr. Jnn 5s ,n8 capuai, me oonaea maeDiea-
(AP) While they were attending nesa 18 areeably low."
the services at a Portland church , A regular procedure m reur
last nlirfcr thAlr nursea were stol- ng Donas, rataer man re
en from the church cloak room, funding, is one of the great needs
four Salem women reported today i n ctT, ad on towara wnicn
to police. The four are Beneltta e present council is worxmg
Edwards. Carol Braden. Lois aicitay saia.
Weeks and Barbara Barham. I The mayor urged Mr. Average
The camera caught Premier Ramsay MaeDonald of Great Britain (left)
and Secretary of State Cordell HulL chief U. S. delegate to the economic
parley at London, in this unusual tete-a-tete pose during a dinner for
the delegates at Grosvenor House recently. Apparently -the statesmen
are exchanging views "off the record."
ram ci
A scouting party went to Lost
Lake on the .flanks of Mt. Hood
Sunday to locate a camp site for
the annu-al .outing of the Salem
Chemeketans August to 20. The
party was met at Hood River by
several outdoor enthusiasts of
that city who accompanied the
Salem men to the lake. Autos
could be driven to within two
miles of the lake, the remainder
of the Journey being made afoot
over the snow drifts which block
ed the road in places.
Campsites were examined In
spite of the steady drizzle of rata,
which obscured the mountain. A
site was tentatively selected, on
the, northwest side of the lake,
opposite the mountain. Thoie
making the trip were Dr. C. A.
Downs. W. M. Hamilton, Ed Hotf
nell, Charles Spragae and Wallace
Funeral services for Ruby
Whittemore Morris, 53, who died
Sunday at her residence here at
2015 State street after an extend
ed illness, will be held at 10 a. m.
today from the chapel of W. T.
Rigdon A Son, followed by en
tombment in the Mt. Crest Abbey
Mrs. Morris was the wife of Dr.
Henry E. Morris, local optomet
rist, and had resided here for
more than 10 years. Preceding
her illness she had conducted an
optical service in Silverton.
She was a member of the Zonta
club, Eastern Star and the Busi
ness and Professional Women's
club. She is survived by her wid
ower, Dr. Henry Morris, and son,
Kenneth, both of Salem; mother,
Mrs. Helen Perry; brother, D. R.
Whittemore; sisters, Mrs. Clyde
Whlted, Blanche Whittemore,
Mrs. Eunice Carson and Mrs.
DETROIT, Mich.. Both re
tail sales of Plymouth cars to con
sumers and shipments from the
factory to dealers reached a new
all - time high during the week
ending June 10, according to a
statement made here by Harry G.
Moock. general sales manager of
Plymouth Motor corporation.
"Record salts to consumers of
6291 cars in one week makes the
ninth consecutive weekly increase
in Plymouth deliveries. This vol
ume is 89.7 per cent greater than
the corresponding week a year
ago," said Mr. Moock.
"Production that week was
stepped up to 8581 cars, which
marks a new high for the Plym
outh factory. At the same time,
our rate of turn - over of cars
in dealers stocks since the Intro
duction of the two new Plymouths
has established another record,
which has only been equalled dur
ing one week In Plymouth's en
tire history.
"Evidence that these record
breaking sales may be expected to
continue at a high rate right
through the summer lies in the
marked increase of sales to in
dustrial workers.''
Hutcheon Paint
Store to Move,
Breyman Space
The Hutcheon Paint store, now
located on South Commercial
street, has leased the south store
room In the newly remodeled
Breyman building on North Com
mecial. The building interior Is
Just being completed after the
destruction caused by fire in
March, 1932. The Hutcheon store
will be located In the new prem
ises August 1.
' The corner storeroom has not
been rented yet, but applications
are being considered by the build
ing owners and a lease may be
entered into within a short time.
p ... .
If V L,- A
U.S. Civil Service
Exams Announced
The U. S. civil service is an
nouncing competitive examina
tions for foremen, auto mechanic,
blacksmith, carpenter, electrician,
painter, plumber, mason, with
wages ranging from $5 to 19 per
day. Applications must be on
file with the Manager. 11th Ci
vil service district, Seattle, by
July 20. Information may be ob
tained from that office or from
any first or second - class post-
On each 20c or over, purchase
made before July 7th (Pie ex
12th and Ctemeketa
Without Oturitloa r Lom af Tiaa
S?9 Ortcoa Bid. Pfcoa 5S0
traffic on the highways
will be heavy, Good
brakes mean safety. Get
yours fixed today.
I can give you a soft, easy
working brake that stops
your car on a dime and does
it without squealing or grab
the biggest improvement In
brake lining since the 4
wheel brake. It's new, U's
different. See this new brake
lining for your car before
you buy. No advance in
prices. Sold and installed in
Salem only by
Mike Panek
275 Sooth Commercial St.
Ford, Chevrolet , and Ply
mouth brake relined In
less than one hour. Guaran
teed satisfactory or your
money back.
For Properties
Of Bonus Board
The world war veterans state
aid commission Monday announc
ed thA nnnnintinAnt of fmir nnn-
ty sales representatives to handle fruit buying In this section, has
nronertles taken over by the com- also entered the Roseburg field
Paulus Brothers packing com
pany has completed negotiations
which will permit it to enter the
cannlne field in Douglas county.
The Salem company has leased
the North Roseburg pacKing
plant. Idle the past five years, and
will install new equipment.
The R. D. Bodle company of
Seattle, which does considerable
.In this city June 26, Mary
Cornell. Survived by widower, H.
B. Cornell of Astoria. Funeral
announcements later by W. T.
Rigdon and Son.
Luther D. Frost at the resi- Salem DOS FOUnd
lence, route nine, Salem, June 24, . . ;
aged 88 years. Survived by five- At KanSSS U1ZV,
daughters, Mrs. Elta Yarbrough,
North Bend. Mrs. R. R. Graves,
Pendleton, Mrs. F. A. Cary, Plat
tes mouth, Neb., Mrs. Harry Ofleld
of Klamath, Cal., Mrs. Oscar
Chrlstenson, route nine, Salem;
son, T. O. Frost of Yakima, Wash.
Funeral Services Tuesday, June
27 at 2:30 p. m-. from the chapel
'of Clough-Barrick company, with
W. I Wilson officiating. Inter
ment L O. O. F. cemetery
and will process small fruits from
the old Umpqua Valley canning
Paulus Brothers have in past
years handled large tonnages of
dried prunes from the Willamette
valley, but this Is the first year it
has penetrated the Umpqua prune
district. The firm will also do
fresh prune canning at the new
The Umpqua prune crop gives
prospects of being the largest In
Bodle starts this week on bar
relling of Royal Anne cherries in
that district. Latest word from the
BOVer Notified I nree cents a pound, which Is un-
. r I Aar what rm o Ralpm firm hava
mission because of the non-pay
ment of loans.
The appointments include Al
bert S. Nelson, Yamhill county;
Robert 3. Kleason, Polk county;
Donald A. Young, Marion county,
and Henry Heisel, Tillamook
The properties are being sold at
their appraised values which In
many cases are less than the
amount of the loans. A I
;r- )
m OLDC3l
At the residence, 2015 State
street, June 25, Ruby Whittemore
Morris, aged 53 years She leaves
a mother, Mrs. Helen Perry; wid
ower. Dr. Henry E. Morris; son,
Kenneth Morris, both of Salem;
and the following sisters, Blanche
Whittemore, Mrs. Clyde Whlted,
Mrs. Eunice Carson and Mrs.
Gertrude Davidson; and broth
er, Doris Whittemore. She was a
member of the Eastern Star,
Zonta- club and Business and
Professional Women's club. Fu
neral services Tuesday, June 27,
at 10 a. m., from the chapel of
W. T. Rigdon and Son. Vault in
tombment at Mt. Crest Abbey
Ralph A. Taylor, Kansas City,
has written County Clerk Boyer
here that two weeks ago a dog
came to his home bearing a Mar
ion county dog license tag for
1932. The tag bore number 1108.
Records show that the license
was issued to Leroy K. Watson
who left here a year ago for his
fdrmer home In Virginia. During
his residence in "Salem he was em
ployed at both the O. K. and Hlb
ler's barber shops.
. For Sale Now
Wholesale and Retail
473 South Commercial St.
Salem. Ore Phono 5758
Fail .
! Coming Events
i; July 4 American Le
gion celebration at state
fairgrounds, city.
Inly 21 Special state
wide election.
Jnly' 24-2G Annual En
campment, Spanish War
Sept. 4-0 Oregon . state
fair. . ; ... .
Hospital Beds
to Rent
Call 6010, Used Furniture
- Department
151 North High
No matter with what you are
afflicted, our wonderful herb
treatment will positively relieve
Influenza, diseases of the throat,
heart, kidneys, liver, stomach,
piles, asthma, chronic cough,
weakness, constipation, dizziness,
neuralgia, headache, appendicitis,
rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis,
blood poison, catarrh, diphtheria,
eczema, swollen glands, tonsllitis,
ear trouble, lumbago, tumor,
dropsy, female complaints, ner
vousness; all disorders disappear
without operation.
H. S. LOW, Directing Herbalist
473 S. Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon Phone 5758
Lady Attendant Honrs O to 0 p.m.
Week Days; 9 to 12 Saturdays
Main Office, Oakland,, Calif.,
21 Tears of Service
I Figured I'd Get More Fun,
More Value from Plymouth."
THANK YOU, Mr. Abrams! We wish every
car buyer would buy as you did ; 1 1 after ac
tually driving all three low-priced cars.
That kind of test shows you how much smoother
patented Floating Power engine mountings make
a carl It gives you a chance to compare comfort
. . and room ; i j and driving ease.
There are a lot of things to talk about ia the
Standard Plymouth. Safety-steel bodies ;i; 70
horsepower L-head engine us hydraulic brakes
... big, roomy bodies. The fact that it's a six at
the price of a four.
What we want you to do is set or yourself IK
demonstration costs nothing. Won't you ask your
dealer to give you a ride in a Standard Plymouth ?
Standard Plymouth Six with Floating Power engine
mountings, Duplate Safety Plate Glass optional; 2-door
sedan, $463 ; 4-door sedan, $310; rumble seat coupe,
$485 ; business coupe, $443; All prices F. O. B. Factory,
Detroit, and subject to change without notice.
- - - 1 vmmmamt ,.; JT i .A i
"We're old Plymouth users, so that
Plymouth ad was interesting news."
looked at several higher-priced "I sound the Standard Plymouth actually
cars, then went to see the Plymouth,' out-performed other more costly cars.
LV ' r " 111111 V.. , ""'J .. ,,,,, . , ..-JL ' 1 i
4 r ' - - -:- " J- ' ' ."7v
... tte :
- ', Q. t. . .J-rii -
3 .
; TV K yv-- .-rw . . , i- , Ni
"'.,. . , .... ii niiiii.ii,l.,M.i ' !
a. .. .,, ., .. . . .
Standard 4-deor Sedan . . price
VThen I stacked hup against iacompedtors,I figured Fd get a 1 value.bystkJdng to Plymouth.
Mrs. Abrams voted for a Standard Plymouth, too... So now we've got our hh Plymouth in the Abraxas garage r