PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. -Tuesday Morning, Jane 27. 1933 EJECT JOBLESS FROM BIVOUAC t AFTER QUEEN HELEN'S CROWN AT WIMBLEDON . I o i,'.., . . . & Leader, 0. H. Goss; Arrested For Vagrancy, Disorder; . Trial set Thursday (Coatlnned from page 1) sheriff! office- A nnmber of spe cial debntlsed citizens- shored their war between Goss and his supporters, .held the latter back aod oerraltted Williams to lead fkws towards the Jail. A self-annotated leader then took command, ordered the relief netltloners. grumbling, to- pack i p; their tents and beds and to tleaa np. Simultaneously, ten- state po tteemen under the leadership of UOOrgO Aiexanuer, gbuh around the courthouse to the west lawn and stationed themselves across the lawn, ordering all per sons to clear the ground. The jo lice gave unemployed petitioners ample time to pack up and in no ease tuBS Tiolence. .."MoeJt the campers and relief werkefS who had gathered at the Monday morning. made for the Unemployed Coun cil's headquarters on Ferry street where an indignation meeting was .held. City police and deputies' from the sheriffs office kept a watch throughout yesterday at Red Cress headquarters on North Com mercial street where relief mal contents staged a demonstration Saturday afternoon. No demon stration was made there Monday. The campers left behind large signs which .they had -made con demning the manner in which county relief was handled. 'Depu ties from the sheriffs office took these signs inside. ... & On the signs were slogans in- eladiag "Recall Siegmand," and ."Remove the o-called judge," as well as "RemoTA Boeaeni the out. alder." Ivan White, ah employe of the state relief -committee, said the demonstrations in Marion county were part of a statewide move ment protesting the way relief was handled. Jfl several communities a local Tiguance commmittee has put down the uprisings, White com mented. ?X s r IhewittI V;A ; .v ,C V st;; Si:':-:-: 1 , -i- f -KJL?-"f f f--V'T O&NE I - VxV f TTr' bl PC66Y iSCl s fraED and Skyline bonlerard.. The ChemekeUns' next euung will bo a steamboat trip rrom Portland to Longriew, WashUnd return July' II. AumsvIHe Holdup man Gets 10 Years, in Prison 52 Hours After Crime - HtlXM WILL VKOQV This Year's battle for the world's tennis crown at t ren. Ensrlish stars, are seen as serious threats, as are Wimbledon, London finds Mrs. Helen. Wills Moody J Rene Msthien, of France, and CHI Anssen, of Ger defending her title against tne most xormidajue oppo-i many, ileien Jacobs. U. 8. chanmion, la else sition of her career. SheiHa Hewitt and Peggy Scri-I strenuous contender, bat experts faror Mrs. Moodyi 1 BEHBG0FF1 SI IDE The Call Board ." . NO WRESTLING TONIGHT The regular Tuesday night wrestling show at the armory is being omitted this week because of preparations for the Robin Reed-Henry Jones welterweight cnampionshlp bout at the fair grounds on the Fourth of July. (Continued from page 1) cent credit on your downtown rates would be immediately avail able with such a system Installed. Bugbee cited fire prevention work by the local fire department as the other outstanding need for lower rates. "The nation-wide trend for fire departments is to more careful and more extended fire prevention work," he declar ed. Following Bugbee's visit here, Alderman O. A. Olson said he would shortly introduce ordin ances in the council calling for some alterations in the fire fight ing practice of the city. He indi- By OLIVE M. DOAR DOlVfJTO PRACTICES OAS THEFT CHARGED City police last night arrested a man giving the name of Raymond J cated these changes might include E. Burton and address of 2475 la fire fighting tower for the fire- uroaaway street on a charge of I men and a fire alarm system. Ol- tealing gasoline. They said ie son as chairman of the fire and was caught draining the gas from I water committee of the council, an automobile in a private garage I said the fire department hereafter at 2425 Hazel avenue. Grand Opening CAPITOL THEATRE STARTS SATURDAY, JULY 1ST OHOW OF 21.'' would lay greater stress on fire j prevention work. BODES SPANISH ELSINORB Today Maurice Chevalier in ("A Bedroom Story." Bobby Jones in Down swing." Wednesday Robert Mont gomery and Sally Ellers in "Made on Broadway." Friday Marion Davies in "Peg O My Heart." GRAND Today Ronald Colman and Kay Francis in "Cynara." Thursday Douglas Fair banks in "Mr. Robinson Crusoe." HOLLYWOOD Today William Powell and Kay Francis in "One Way Passage." Wednesday William Powell in "Lawyer Man." Friday Buck Jones in "For bidden Trail." Salem's national champion drnm corpj win maxe hat lew more publie appearances before going to the state American Legion con vention in August, J. T. Delaney, business manager, stated yester day. Reasons for this decision are the expense of cleaning uniforms and the Inconvenience to corps men. Traveling will be supplanted im mediately by a heavy practice schedule. The corps will meet at dinger field at 7:30 o'clock to night to decide on the schedule and plan a picnic for members and their families. Manager Tom Hill yesterday said the corps would practice one night a week on drilling and another night on music. Three nights a week will be devoted to individual practice under supervision of Director (Continued from page 1) to the robbery, took the .31 cal ibre Iver Johnson revolver he had used and hid it in. Casey's bouse and then asked Casey for a change of clothing. Wegener then burned the suit he had' bees -wearing and attired himself in grey striped golf knickers borrowed from Casey, black golf hose, a brown coat and a light hat. . Wegener, who had been an army pal with Casey, the two get ting out of the eervice in 1927, then went downtown for break fast with Casey and told the latter he thought he would escape north but confided he would come back when things Quieted down. He paid Casey $36 which he owed him on a note he had signed for Wegener when the latter became local agent of a'hosiery concern. When the state police had Casey's story they checked Weg- eners appearance from pictures found in Casey's possession and immediately started copies of these pictures to police headquar ters throughout the northwest, at the same time telegraphing a des cription of Wegener and the clothes he was wearing. Clothes Easy to Identify, Pointed Ovt Sergeant O'Brien reported .iden tification of Wegener was. easy dne to the outstanding clothes he was wearing. Wegener, after his arrest, told the police he had hidden in the hills Saturday and then driven in to Salem. He took the Ford coupe. which he had stolen June 14 in Eugene from Thelma Stlne and left it in Painter's woods, throw ing away the plates which have not yet geen recovered. He then made his way towards Casey's house, sleeping out in shed near there until the rain Saturday at midnight forced him to go to Casey's house and to crawl in through the window. The state police learned about the abandoned Ford car. Sunday noon when P. E. Perkins. 116 Center street, telephoned that T. E. McClean, bus operator, had noted the deserted car in the woods north of town. Most of Stolen Money is Recovered Of the $685 stolen from the Anmsvllle bank, $644 was recov ered by the state police. Of this $605 was taken from Wegener who denied he had any money but from whose person $605 was tak en when he was searched here in Salem upon his return. Wegener's $36 payment to Casey was also regained by the officers. The state police also recovered a round- trip stage ticket which Wegener 1 CO E IE LOSS HERE FEARED Clackamas County to Dodge Gin Marriage law, Issue Permits Sans Delay BOARD DENIES TQURUEY GRAB Rudv Schulti Unless the corps should decide had bought to Los Angeies ana to participate- in ceremonies at used as fsr as Mediora. FLIERS ARE FOUND DAY 'PEACEFUL' AT Portland Saturday night in hon or of George L. Baker, retiring mayor, its next public appearance will be July 4 at the state fair grounds. It 1 t III! I A. X ; f I il.T f PRICES ,-aw'i I 25c&35clAp I 12 Stars IS I (Continued from page 1) Cuban capital for this city. They vara rannrt oA f Win 9 ATM Tbasco. Meanwhile mountains. (Continued from pa. 1) swamps, jungles and plains In terday as numerous families un southeastern Mexico had been successfully seeking seasonal em- searched by land, sea and air in I ployment applied to the Red Cross unsuccessful endeavors to locate! for aid. Emergency rations were the officers. I given those in real need. All tran- The wreckage and the bodies, slent families are being urged to the reports said, were found in I return to their homes, where the the jungle several miles from a I possibility of obtaining work is place known as Alacran, approxl-1 held to be more favorable. mately 130 miles west of Carmen, Campeche, where the plane was urn u Donimimip IIULU I IUIIIU IILIIL Wegener's only police record known here is a booking for i drunk and disorderly conduct made April 5. when he was ar rested by local police in an apart ment here. He was released witn out a fine. He served a term in the army. spending some of his enlistment A looohole br which much mar riage license bnsbreea may be lost by Marion cennty to Clackamas county as well as to Clarke coun ty. Wash., was seen here yester day by Marion county officials la announcement from . Oregon City by Judge E. C. Latourette. The jurist there has Issued a blanket order stating that he win ask the county clerk's office to issue licenses the day ttrey are ap plied for, unless the applicants are nnder the influence of intox icating liquor or, it nnder age. solely with the parents' consent. Since June t, all licenses issued here have been granted by the county clerk only at the expira tion of a full three-day waiting period, following the Initial appli cation. The new provision wi made in the 1933 legislature's gin-marriage law. Judge Latourette made his de cision under a provision ot the new law which says: "The judge 4t probate in each county from ood and sufficient cause shown. may, by an order la writing sign ed by him, authorise the county clerk to deliver such license im mediately following the applica tion therefor." Judge Latourette handles probate work In his court at Oregon City, consequently he has jurisdiction over the marriage licenses. In this county, the jur isdiction over probate is In the hands ot County Judge Slegmund Purpose of Lew Is Declared Limited "The purpose of the 'gin' mar riage bill, as I understand It is to prevent people from getting married while under the influence of liquor and also to do away with hasty marriages," Judge Latour ette said. "I can see no good reason for people going to Vancouver to get married if they are la their right mind, not under the Influence ot liquor, or age of consent, and if not of age have the consent of their parents. It will be my policy to grant this concession, waiving three- days between time applica tion is filed and license Is grant ed) in every case where it is proper. "However, couples appearing for waiver of the three days who have the smell ot liquor on their breath will be turned down flat." Clackamas county gets $3 for every license and it can use. the money as readily as Clarke coun ty in wasnington, judge Latour ette declared. County Judge Slegmund here has given no orders permitting the Immediate issuance ot marri age licenses. Members ot the county clerk's office yesterday said they thought it extremely doubtful if any such orders would be issued except in rare Instances. Higher Education Officials Say Matter Taken up at Gary Request Only. (CoaUoned from PU 1 tinned bv Salem cltlienf and inmi nf the nnivarsitT where the tournament has always been held, the board adopted the xoi- lowisx resolution: 'In offerinr its facilities to the Oregon State High School Athlet ic association for the purpose oz holdlsr Its annual basketball tournament alternately on the University of Oregon and Oregon State college campuses, the offer or invitation was extended in re sponse to a letter-front the secre tary of the association suggesting sock an invitation. There was no thought on the part of the board or any or Us members ot trying, to take from the Willamette wntver elty or any other institution any ot the activities maintained on Its campus. Wright Operated On, Cousin Hurt In Cycle Mishap 111 fortune doubled up on the R. L. Wright family. 1739 South Liberty street, over the week end. First LoweL a son, waa rushed to Salem General hospital 8unday night to undergo an operation for acute appendicitis. His condition yesterday was serious, though not critical. Then yesterday, Harbard S Mabistren ot Vernonla, nephew ot the Wrights, who came here to manage Lowell Wright's garage business, suffered a serious head injury when a motorcycle be was riding struck a piece ot rail pro truding from a handcar at the Oregon Electric crossing on South Liberty street. Mahlstrea was still in a semi conscious condition at Deaconess hospital last night. The motor cycle was badly damaged. Douglas uc&ay announced. The early sale, he explained, .was aa. thorised in order that local mer chants might benefit rather ttun proprietors ot stsnds just outside the city. The only restriction on fire, works here Jaly 4, aside from or dinary safety precautions, will b that they may not be set oft within the business district, fire sone one, the mayor declared. To the mayor is delegsted the power to set daXee for sale and use of fireworks, by city ordinance. 1 1RT, DRIVER III ACCIDENT ARRESTED Genevieve Ferrens. younc Sa lem woman, sufff 3d leg iajnrie and a head lacerakon, Tom Davis 1555 North Fourth street received a minor, shoulder injury snd Car- land Swanson of lone. Ore., was arrestee by city police on a charm ot falling to give right of way n as result of a collision inrolrir.. Swanson'a sedan and a coupe dm- en by uus patser. 1555 North Fourth, at Fourth and Hood streets early last night. At Salem general hospital whr the Ferrens girl was taken h.- Golden ambulance It was report ed her condition was not serious. Both automobiles were 0T?r- turned and considerably damaged. Eva Swanson, Betty Pointer and Dorothy Ferrens, also tiding with Garland Swanson. were not hurt. Swanson Is staying at the Pointer residence. 919 North 14th street. period in Honolulu. Pictures -t y r found with Casey indicated Weg- lflS FHCeS J UTlip One Cent Higher (jampecne, wuere me piu ws M . n . reported about 10 a. m. last Tues- Art tiXtlWlt at YM.CA. Closes Don Neglect Your Eyes To Do So May Mean Trouble We win test your eyes and fit the proper prescription tnto smart looking frames for an extremely moderate cost Con sult with us today It will pay u fit suit wiw us waaj n wui paj 1 I you. Between 160 and 180 former Missouri residents enjoyed the an nual Missouri association state picnic at the municipal auto park here all day Sunday. J. R. Payne. Salem, was elected president, suc ceeding j. l. Cutler. Holt Stock ton ot Sheridan was re-elected secretary-treasurer. 1 Roy Harland of Salem rave the address of welcome. Among speak ers was Mr. Payne, while Dr. A. J. Buchanan of Eugene gave a read- OOOn. AnnOUnCed Provided music. Edward Bryant of " I Alhftnv r1o.l've.veul e V ve w vuq VVCU1UI prayer. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cooper of MoMlnnvllle were the oldest con pie present. They have been mar ried 65 years and Mr. Cooper has been a resident ot Oregon for over 65 years. A Missouri song suns: bv Mr, Cooper was highly applauded. ener frequently played tennis. Of ficers released Casey yesterday, convinced he played no part in the robbery. Warden James Lewis dressed Wegener Jn at Once yesterday and said he would probably be assign ed to work In the flax mill. Last Timet Today r It's Gay! Sparkling with melody and mischief II Miwacg 6 p2h '- - - HELEN TWKLVKTKKKa EDWARD EVERETT HORTON , ADRIENNE AMES and - ADORABLE BABT. LEROx EXTRA Bobby Jones Down-Swing Comedy News i -f ; TOMORROW & THURSDAY He's the night-life prince "if .Broadway but a chump with the girls I ' .-. ; -Wr - , , - Anyone desiring to view the exhibit of paintings' by Marina Hubert-Robert at the T. M. C. A. will have to do so within the next few days as the pictures will soon be taken down. Secre tary C. A. Kelts announced last night. Yesterday and Sunday a large number of people inclnd Ing a group from Portland visit ed the art room. Hostesses yesterday were Mrs, Carl G. Doney. Mrs. C. A. Kells. Mrs. Blanche Allen and Mrs. Ber- nice Humphseys. Mrs. W. A. sennits and Mrs. Kells will re ceive visitors today. r n (I AUomeOvned Theater r ilKlOBiLYVOOlJ LAST TIMES TODAY 0:iE WAY PASSAGE Also Cartoon Comedy, Newa A i Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle In "BUZZING AROUND Death Overtakes Forest Worker on Way to Hospital STATTON, June 2 C Charles Lynes, about 0, died on the way to the hospital Saturday nlcht. of a cerebral hemmorhaeo. He i had been at one ot the conserva tion camps on the Little North fork In the Santiam country. W. A. Weddle. local mortician brought the bod here, and on bunaay it was taken to Vancou ver m one ot the conservation corps amouiances, which is used at the three camps east of here. .Lynes, who Uved near Albany, is survived br a danrhter. Mn W. M. Skelton. After the formali ties at Vancouver, the body will oe turned over to relatives for ine nnai rites. Wednesday & Thursday Are Dime Nites eta r vim - Two Youths are Sentenced, Then Handed Paroles Two young men, both of whom pleaded guilty to grand jury In dictments, were sentenced to two yearsjeach in the atate peniten tiary: Monday afternoon by Judge L. It. McMahan and then paroled. Norman Mellls, held 'Tor stealing a radio from T. W. Smith, waa pa roled to Bert Smith. Marval E. Blanton, held for passing a-check without sufficient funds, was pa roled to C. J. Xmmona, . . Loren Han, indicted tor. bur glary not In a dwelling, pleaded not guilty and the date tor his K TOII BY DUG GROUPS Rain notwithstanding, the Sa lem Chemeketans enjoyed their overnight outing and tour of ! Portland parks Saturday and Sun day, members reported yesterday. The downpour held off during i the campfire program in Mt. Ta bor park Saturday night at which Dr. David B. Hill showed Oregon scenic moving pictures. Sunday some 45 Chemeketans and Portland Mazamas, led by Eugene Dowling ot the latter and Park Director Kayser visited d o s e n parks, including Laurel- hurst, Peninsula, White, Wash ington and Macleay, where lunch was taken. There J. L Teesdale gave a historical talk. Outstanding points along the tour were the Chapel of Our Sor rowful Mother at the Rocky Butte grotto, St. Johns' suspen sion bridge, the new view road Gasoline prices were raised yesterday for the third time this month. The new increase, one cent gallon, set the price for third structure gas at 20 cents, stand ard grade 22 and ethyl 21 cents. One ot the three price jumps .of half a eent, resulted from appli cation of the federal gas tax. Plays 225 Holes Of Golf in Day; Score Made 1101 PORTLAND, Ore.. June 26. (AP) Jim Ford. Portland am ateur, laid claim tonight to a new record for the number of holes played by a golfer in any one day. Starting at 2:20. a. m. today. Ford played 225 holes on the Pen Insula course before darkness drove him to the clubhouse. The "mark waa 25 holes better than that achieved last week by Bob Swanson. Los Angeles profession al. Ford averaged 81 H strokes for each 18 holes. Harvey Daer caadied the full route. Firecrackers to Be Permitted on July 4, Stated Firecrackers and kindred arti cles of powder and paper went on sale legally here yesterday but their use In the city before July 4 Is forbidden. Mayor Former Oregon Convist Taken; Owned Arsenal SEATTLE, June 26. (AP) A man who gave the. name of Harry Cragan, 22, but who was declared by police to be Gordon Morgon, a recent Inmate of the Oregon state penitentiary, was ar rested today in a raid on an apart ment, and an assortment of weap ons, they said, was seised. Flavor that can't bo copied ftse "When you are offered a substitute for genuine KtUogSfc remember it is seldom la the spirit of errice.'' a . istin - Of BATTLI caiss Reduced Rates Portland - Salem Round Trip Depot New Salem Hotel $1.15 The Surprise Picture ot or Any Other Tear Now In its Fifth Week at the Big Roxy Theatre, Seattle "BE MINE TONIGHT? . Coming Soon to the : K I oimvooU Pains and Dizziness Disappeared After She Began Taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a - Vegetable Compound '''aenMBnnenejBn V ' - - N ,J " : ,. ' r&iy grandmother and nry mother both used the Veretahl GmnamJ and they started me on It. I can do a awu wwt iww. ua not oixsy any more and the pains in my head have 601 left me." . - ; MRS. LEXAND FISHER 356 Center 8t Huntington, a Do net endure another day without to help titkipadidae can fhrt too, i-r- Special Reduction On Gasco Briquets ALL HEAT NO ASH If ordered now, you can secure your next win ter's supply of this wonderful fuel at $2.00 per ton less than the winter price was. AT THIS REDUCTION GASCO BRIQUETS ARE MUCH CHEAPER THAN THE BEST GRADES OF UTAH OR WYO MING COAL, GIVING ONE-THIRD MORE USABLE HEAT. The Advantages of Gasco Briquets Are: i. No Ashes. 2. Clean because Coated. 3. Better Health; Even Temperature. 4. Keep Aglow all Day. 5. Do Not Require Frequent Stoking. Why Buy Ashes Yftien Money Is So Scarce? CAPITAL OJHIftAfJSFER CO. U St&il Phone 7771 LARMER TRANSt-B 6 STORAGE IS) N. Libert Phone 1131 trial wag set as July IX. sum itj eu iuuig4S,