PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon; Snnday Morninjr. June 25, 1933 iitI: Khowh I Ml Exhibit r leener-Bollmari Nuptials Hold Spotlight of Social For Weekend Colorful Church Wedding Attract s Large Number of Out-of-Town . "; . .' Guests A lovely candlelight service solemnized the marriage of Miss Wilda Fleener, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Damon Fleener to. J. Paul Boll man, son of Dr. and MrsL. A. Boll- VI .aX--J HUB UlUt The service was read arum oiuem juiu Hum qui oi I ' . ' "' - - National Conference "To Indicate Progress v :- t ..Reports of ' the-progress -;' made .' by the National Federation of ' Business and Professional Wom an's clubs toward the realization of Its ten-year objective, involving n intensive study , of economic ' problems, aimed at human bet terment will occudt the attention f the -country's career women at the biennial convention of the Federation July 9-15, in Chicago. The first of the larger women's organizations to endorse such a comprehensive plan, the Federa tion has for two years been carry . Ing forward a correlated program . of economic study and community letterment in its 1,350 clubB; Activities have ranged from aca- demie courses in economics, con ducted by professors and open to all the citizens of the community, to elaborate programs of community welfare. A club in Des Moines, Iowa, has made an Intensive study of the local tax dollar to determine whether edu cation, social welfare and similar projects were receiving an ade- quate appropriation. A clnb in : ; . i , ; ' - : Farmers toTalk of Plan for Buying Gas Through Co-op Deal . -WOODBURN. June 24 An ef fort to effect a plan whereby farmers : in -.v- north Marlon ; and south Clackamas counties may purchase cooperatively gasoline and oil will be made Monday ! Bight at a public meeting in the; . Union school. V The meeting will start at 8 p. m. The plan of , cooperative buying is being spon sored i by - the Marion county grange, but 1 open to anyone to participate In. Similar plans of cooperative gasoline and oil buy-: Ing for farmers have worked well in bier parts of. Oregon. A representative of an oil company will be present at the meeting. Women's Club Has . Fete For Husbands; Contests Featured HUBBARD, June 24 The members - of the Women's club entertained their husbands at a party at the city hall for their ; last meeting Wednesday night. ".Mrs. A. F. de Lespinasse as- alnl.J W -l J t J . , r""iu uj mis. iu uanana una 7.Mrs. Neva McKenzIe had charge or the games. Mrs. L. A. Bra den was- assisted In serving by Mrs. Claude Moomaw ant Mn. r Julius Stauffer. ' 1 " : Mrs. Orile Boje won in the -nail j driving contest. Mrs, Ida; Garland yron in the sand shaking contest Rebekahs Will Seat r Officers Next Month . ivpODBURN. ' June 24 -- The VRebekahs held a business meet- - Ing in the I. -p.- O.VF. hall- Tues day nightlat whichhtiaie plans 'were - made ffor. Installation 6f of fleers to' be held July A re- fceshment-'committee wu in. At pointed, conpfatiag tof Mrs. Mabel .-Triht, Mre. Jeanette TImmerle, .Mlss- Paul JTuhladorf. A program ft w m. ' : " (.tea if j. ,nuuy .Alio, tjrjicet ' fienter,.-Ernest (Ogden ' and Max S Murphy.- uj- i'.v.''-J 'fr.i Cornerstone Laying .For New; Church 2nd V WOODBURN, Junev24-Father f Rubis of St. Luke's parish; has 'announced that plans are being : .made "to: lay ' the cornerstone of ; rthe new church -which is being cocstrncted ; on' Sunday, ? July. 2. ; The 'irehbIshop( will: be present and - Judge Cavanangh. of Port ""land, will be the speaker. -r 1 Hubbard Talks R.F,C. Loan For Gymnasium HUBBARD, June 24 A group Of '25 l&terMtit rillMn. m.t . . the- treamery : Frtday aight - to l discuss the feasibility of obUln yiBg some money from the Recon struction Finance corporation to .t build .a .i gymnasium for the ' - schooL ' '. . .. VISITS FROM SOUTH DAKOTA "' - SRAW,' June 28 Regina Hoff man of Fletcher, South Dakota - has been Tlsitiag friends In Shaw last weekf She vu t fnrmar i. i. dent, of Shaw; -having lived here several yeara ago. with her par , . ents. Miss Hoffman la no w visit Jng hec sister in Salem. ; rOWKLL FAMILY TO MEET 1 MONMOUTH, June 24 The annual Powell family, reunion wtij . be held "today in east' Albany it North Linn Community hall. Pro gram 'features will include musi cal number a vlth 'irp4 nrn. , gram in the mornin5..p. O." Pow-; vt uuuuiuuku im jireaiueiii. IU fcUC JliOb 1 LldU V.1U1V.U. byi Dr. Grover C Birtchet before we state. - . . 'anrl th altar wu hanVpr! with wiin pin ami wmte Diossoms. witnedrai candles burned softly ia$ a' glowing background for the wedding party-which took its place to the strains orXohengren's wedding march played by Prof. Frank ChurchaL . , ... , .:, . Just ' preceding the ceremony Miss Elizabeth Clement 1 osng "At Dawning" and "I Lore economic nroblem. of .h -,.m munlty. but more comprehensive questions of wage security, unem- nlnvment inimr.i, nA nHnnl and international flnanA A B. leixh. North Carolina, eluh eaTLwneeI f organdie with rib- an Intensive coarse of economic crowf nd crT bon instrucUon to a wide audience in a qaets of "rkspur and sweet peas. weekly radio broadcast. While these clubs were concen tratlng upon economic study; women's communitv council in women s community council In Portland, Indiana, was emphasis- ing the community betterment phase of the program by a com- prehensive canning campaign .to provide a winter's supply of food for undernourished ehlldn clubs in Sapulpa, Oklahoma, and in Tallahassee, Florida, were rais- ing milk funds for under-nourish- in lauauunec, r .onua, were rais-1 ing milk funds for under-nourish- a4 i.t.nitn.. - .i..t. . I v vimuicu, a liuu in iNeOSnO, I Missouri, was providing hot iuncne3 ior scnooi children; a club in Elizabethtown, Pennsyl vania, was establishing a baby clinic and a recreation center; a club In Mitchell, South Dakota, was maintaining a municipal play ground and clubs all over the country were putting themselves In the forefront of relief and wel fare activities aind courageously campaigning for social legislation designed to avoid a repetition of the economic dilemma. What all these clubs have done in the line of study .and active ac complishment will be summarized at me Dienniai convention as a feature of the ten-year objective round table, held Wednesday aft ernoon, July 12, at the Stevens hotel. Preceding the general aid so ciety meeting of the First Metho dist church Wednesday afternoon there will be a special meeting of Naomi circle at 2 o'clock in the church parlors. Pattern iBy; ANNB ADAMS I !' lh ' YXV m. mam' -- ---- - . 1 nucu juu iu ivoruog, aiip mio this frock. In white or a lovely pasteL fashioned of pique, broad cloth or linen,- it wULbo the cool esC'amartesv neatest frock you've ever worn. Its erisn. anannv llnea .rejdeally designed for these fab rics., coasting chic re vers, perky drop shoulders, captivating pleats nd trig seaming. . . -what world oi cnic ior simple frock! Pattern- l50F;;-bder .V7. ; 14. 1 . If. 20, 12. - m ---w- vW 4.-e, g. 40 and 42. Size ii ouirea tU ard tiui. -.v.t- 1 Quires S yards S 8-inch fabric. .uusiratea step-by-step sewing in structions included with pattern.- 4 &(ta'Mata (1S) la eelna tinp (sln prfttr), tvt tkia 'Aaas ' Adiu p-ttta. Writ plauiy T1 mum, ddrs u4 tn BB Be sue am wa&tetL Tae mw taiMMt tatea ef ia Aaa Iwt rtUra book 1. Ar.-. aowi, spotts, gf, UtuUa 'tatM, lampars, kotut frocks, ipedal btfla Brs tetunu. ttylM for Jnsim. m4 . cmI loU for raartn, b 1a. traettOB for mkiac a cMe awoatM ; u UBoar tfe foaelMtUf items. 8n4 .Xor-yoar copy." Mtiioc, tu. -tooa coats. cUOog aa4 ftttoza to- CUor,-tvoaty-flTO CMts. .. . : . - Ailrist Q mn ortUrt to Tk Oro foa StatonBaa Patterm aoroartwoaV 43 Wct JTta stxv Kow Tort lty. - ' " - - -, - -. - - . .......... f . , . Interest a large assemblage of guests . . fWtf nn nlms n fan win rwtA ??n " , Pty led Yvonne Smffh. . m t f t'88 I6 f MIs1 lrl Jor: gen8en In Victorian frocks of r.een ?reandre. They wore cart- Miss Margaret Wilson ami fr William T. Heseman followed in 5lm .gowns of Dink orfandie. f4189 Edna Bollman as maid of L " maw oi t wore blue organdie made wittt Tery fnl1 ruffled skirt and a Dutte"ly ribbon bow at the waist ' Hrlnt and flowers were "d-"-" to the maids, 'Tne bride entered on the arm ot her 'atber who gave her in marrle. Her sown was ashes of roses angel skin lace over white 0" wa nouca ux roses angel skin lace over white natfn n, tt, H ' - .o ouc nuio io angel skin jacket with flowing sleeves. A slight train accen mated the skirt length. From a cap of angel . skin lace circled with orange blossoms the Ten r tulle extended in a sweeping train eagea wun Chantilly lace. Her flowers were gardenias and Ran. ture roses. Mrs. Damon Fleener wore an ensemble of dark blue triple sheer crepe and her eorsaze wa at sweet peas and gardenias. Mrs. Bowman wore Eleanor blue crepe with a jacket of helm tj. flowers were sweet peas and ro- pes Ushers Included niin r.n Laurence Fletcher, wnn.n t' Heseman. Carl Collins and Hom er Goulet. Following the cerent An v r. ceptlon was held at the Damon ieener residence. Mr. and Mrs. Bollman. Dr.' and Mm Riimi. and' Mr. and - Mrs. , Fleener Ms ceived the guests. Mrs. Clifford -J. t.tIa- Mrs... W. A. Cummin m nr-aM- at the beautifully appointed ser vice laoie. a lace cloth, center ed with' a crystal bowl holding cream roses and blue delphinium and flanked by crystal candala- ora noiamg lighted pink tapers made a delightful effect Th guest rooms were adorned with- baskets of ream roses and blue delphinium. Mrs. R. Ci. Hendoranm w- l charge of the dining room and assIstLig in serving were Miss Dorothy Moore, Miss Margaret Eagel, Miss Roberta Mills, Miss Sybil White, Miss Claudia Bun tin and the bride's attending maids. - Mr. and Mrs. JJollraan left Fri day nfeht fnr-a. m -t- - . i 1UIU Canada and after Jul i k .hi -v . - - a " 4 UC w r0.1? e ,n Tillamook at the; apartments. Mr. -Bollman , -U8lnes in Tillamook. . Mrs. Bollman wore a Platinum satin ensemble with hat .nJ eessories 6t : hlte;. and . a . white: ";M hi R0lnS away dress. Both -Mr.' and Mm tlua- tStPLon Sutl ege where "man- was- a member of Sf?-Pf; -C a m m a. sorority andfc Mr. Bollman was -affiliated Flth Kappa . Sirma. fraternity. .Out Of town wedding included :- Mr-, and Mrs. wkk -jf ' uiarlc' Mr. Wadene Hubbard ;of; Portland; - Mr. and Mrs. Rnv tta-via ii. - .v.-,,, ' mr. ana Mrs. Donald Crenshaw, Mr. and Mrs SftifW- Mr and Mrsf k! ClfnnJ? t88 Iren, pangborn and Clarence James, all of Tillamook ; Mr. and Mrs. Da-vM it t... '' Mr. and Marelrlf -"Marion Looney,7 Mi Margaret Ldonev im m u t t?' - U ?l ?eerson; !.. A -nd , oi McMinnville; Mrs. Minnie Bilyeu of Albany-Mr. a P. Jester, nt t-r-ot . v "" rs; rs. Leota.Plymae .ftf Pendleton; Mr. nd .Mri H. Tr-McCallan. ' Mr m i, , 1 aca, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin R. Adams, all ot Los aiit;:r;,.Bd0.Ml2 ir. and Mrs. vr a a a. S..e.AdmU ot Clendale. ,-,ua rs..irerGoln of Hollywood. Calif ..--f- -" t -l-1"0"'. sramnto, :C.I.; UZTZZ .Z" A i iiii a.. . iTivn . jaeTAOi . war and Mrs. W. ,L, Jeat.-T ' fl2 oiaTIr : Wf tr Jr.- .un' Miss Bennie :u,:1f?Bl Sartoe, Mr. l?al-.M": C. Blbley . of TarVsh:: 7 W Maddlsoh of Renton, W.i nd Mrs. Jayr BolK' S t?"' Wash - Mr. and ?a? Ill Bnd ot WlBt- v.;:; Mrt. E. E.: Bergman has hid as her house guests ,the past week Mrs.iMabel Hammond of Port land, Mrs. Miry Ferber of- Eu gene, -ind - Mrs. Ethel - Baker ot Portland..' These guests were at . tending the conventions of the G.A.R. and auxiliary ordersv " I I mmmmmmmmwmvmmmmmmmmwmmmwmmmK. SOCIAL Sunday, June K Rose gardena of Mr. Myroa Van Eaton, open to publfe; R. F.-D. 4. Kwald avenue. Salem Women's Press club picnic, Nelscott; for club members and families. Monday, June 26 Rebekahs regular meeting, S o'clock for regular business and social meeting; initiation of candidates; all - members of degree team requested to be at lodge for drill and Initiation. Reception for grand officers of order ot Eastern. Star; 8 o'clock in Masonic temple. Tuesday, June 27 War Mothers last meeting of season at home of Mrs. Myrtle Llttlefleld on Union street; important bus iness meeting. Sons of Union Veterans and Auxiliary, potluck supper and social meeting, 6:30 o'clock at home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Prescott, 10(4 Oak street. - .Credlt Women'. Breakfast club. 7 o'clock at Mar ion hotel; patriotic note used for program. Wednesday, June 28 - LeslU Caa Do class of Leslie Methodist church wlth: i.;rn.d,MT ohn Bertelson.1 110 . West LeFelle street. is o clock. - Naomi circle--of First M. church, o'clock pre ceding General Aid society meeting. " pr Thursday, June 29 thn ,5.5:. I' l - at L'11 o'clock; " w BpiKr. Art Exhibit Wins Wide Interest PORTLAND guests are arriving in Salem to attend the exhib it of paintings from the brush of Marius Hubert-Robert which is now hunsr in the exhibit room of tne Y. M. C. A. and which wl11 remain yet for another week to De the iy ot all rt lovers of the city. Even a very uneducated artistic taste will find joy in the delight ful color effects and the brilliant line of these works of art which have called forth praise and en thusiasm from both continents. The scenery of the northwest has been treated by this artist in such manner as to place it on a high plane of interest and admira tion for the rest of the world which will view them as they are exhibited in the east and abroad. This brilliant art display of which any city would be jealous is open to the public between the hours of 2:30 o'clock to 5 and in the evening from 7 to $ o'clock. o Breakfast Party Pretty Affair A pretty breakfast party of Fri day morning was that which was given with Miss Jeanne Probert as hostess at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Probert. Bridge followed ,the breakfast hour, and the afternoon hours were spent in swimming. Guests included Miss Betty Hamilton, Miss Betty Lou Bur dette. Miss Mary Louise Ritter, Miss Mildred Bender, Miss Mar Jorie Pickens, Miss Lucy Fisher, Miss Gladys Knight and Miss Pro bert. r M. P. Dennis Home Scene of Party An attractive evening was en joyed by members ot the San Soucl club at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. M. p. Dennis. Friday night. , . ; Cards were in play at four ta bles with winning scores held at the end of play by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andresen, Vonah Herren and William E. Moses. '-.-.. Miss Francis - Williams - and Mrs. Vonah Herre were special guests for the evening. Plans were made for, the club picnic which will be. an. event of July 9. - - . .Shaw I Bessie Panther gave a surprise patty.ln honor of her mo- flier's birthday. Games were play ed nd- the yo$ng folks danced. Music was furnished by"Gen.Paa ther. George.Barry; Bill Mormam, Boyd Panther. Altha Panther "anrl Maude Kephart.. Refreshments were served- at a late hour. Tresent 'wereMr. - and -Mrs. Kenhart and fimilv r- . J n W. Panther and family 'of Salem, mr. mna Mrs, . it. Barry and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. V -o. McAlit-w and family, EmIIHa . Schmidt ,ot oauw, yien f anther of" Spokane, Wash George Barry of .Willaml pa and Bill Mormam ot Salem. . " v '-V r. . . Kingwood The Sahders home was beautifil -with ers, Tuesday, evening; yheh." the tia -ten anti rraai Sanders en ceriained with a gift shower for Mrs. Arnold CoffeL rhm, nMt n. t , . . .k ixiciuuea jurt. itaymond Compton, r. at, w. xummett, Mrs. Roy H. Pease. Mrs. Franv r!Aiiin- t. .l . . ., . U.E oauses uazei jemmett- and Edith weiDorn, the honor guest, Mrs. Coffel an dthe hostesses. .?. ; .- ..The rose gardens' ot Mrs. My-ron- Van Eaton will be-open to the public today and a cordial invita tion is extended to all to can and hJ i. Ewald avenue, ... SPECIAL ' 8 x 10 Portraits ; - 50c for one, 2 for 93c Court and CommeiYlal fits. EM Draws CALENDAR Lodg T f e nonors Its Grand Gffi icers brilliant affair-of Interest to the state is ;the reception being planned for MnnH night in the Masonic temple by members of Chadwick chapter, order of Eastern Star in compli ment to Mrs. Monnie Hauaer wor thy grand matron by Milton Mey- uru, assistant grand patron, and wrs. rear i e. Pratt, grand mar shall. The hour has been set for 8 o'clock. Mrs. Ida Niles, president of Past President's club, will in trduce to the line which will be headed by Mrs. Hauser and in which will stand a large number of the 19 grand officers of the state. Arrangements are being made for about 250 guests from all over the state. Mrs. Stella Henry is in eharge of the dining room. Mrs. Alice Meyers and Mrs. Hettle Da vis are in charge of decorations. Club Entertained At Newberry Home Miss Helen Newberry and Mrs. J. E. Duncan entertained at tho home of the latter Friday after noon with a bridge party. Large bouquets of roses and peonies were attractively arranged about the rooms. The guests were Miss' Clara Jane Harms, Miss Pauline Smith Miss Emma Judson, Miss Minnie Newfeid, Mrs. Alfred Young blood, Mrs. Arthur Weddle and the hostesses Mr J. E." Duncan and Miss Helen Newberry. An unusually interesting re cital was that givea by a group of students of Elma Weller at her residence studio on North Liberty street. Three small chil dren, Martha and Mary Weller and Gordon Weller each of whom have studied only three months presented solo numbers and gave a clever demonstration ot meth od. A second group of students who had studied two years in cluded Gordon . Merriot, Elaine Murray, and Kay McGuIre. Each . tbese demonstrated method and played solo numbers. Mabel McGuIre was graduate in Dun ning method and received her di ploma and Din after an interest ing presentation of work. Piano solo numbers were also present ed by Maxine Holt,, Muriel Brown, Alice Barham', and Lor raine Vick. V. ". . An attractive meeting ot the Salem W. C. T.' U.'Waa held Tuesday in compliment to Mrs. Rachel Reeder:" Taking part in the program . were Mra. ' Milo Phoole, Mrs;, 11.;, Shanks, and small Grace Bozcamp who pre sented flowers to two of the old er members of the union and who also presented the ' candle light ing service. Mrs.TReeder was especJ-'ly remembered with a bouquet of lovely flowers. . -;v An interesting program is be ing planned. by the Credit Wom en's . Breakfast club for 7 o'clock in the Marion hotel Tuesday morning. At this time any un usually Interesting program has been planned which will be built around a- patriotic motif. DONT THROW YOUR WATCIXAWAY we repair uem when others can't Guaranteed Watch Repairing or money baek - - For Better :"' -' EYE--'.". ' health; , Too may bs. sure that glassu wH b" recommended and fit ted Only when Beceiuarv iiut IP the. cost, win be small. . . iiPPhi Attention Eviehts of .Week Past and Present Indicate Social Affairs m I n Weddings in gay Confusion and Weddings-to-be Create Mam Inspira tion for Social Activity ' , ' . ' ' " ... PICNICS are in favor even though the days still resemble spring's uncertain weather. But society, like the weather is in wide variety and the. fun of summer is fin dinar it self mixed with weddings of June and cards and teas of early spring. J . ; : Today two large picnics are scheduled, one the Salem Women's PresjJclub which with families of the club members will motor to Nelscott for the annual picnic ien joyed by this newspaper group ef the city, and the second the "Old East School" reurftjn to be held at the home of Mrs. W. Al Jones at Jonesmere farm. . .. " . - v: The latter, picnic will b enjoyed at 12 o'clock under the trees in the. background of the Jones home where an open air fireplace .and flowers and spreading trees will make a perfect. .setting for informal visiting and "reunion" of old childhood friends. There are 42 members of the class now living and most ot this numberQ , . are expected to be present. Member Include: Blanche Al bert. Anna Anderson, Edith Adair, Ed Baker, Burt Brown Barker, Fred Byars, Ad die Bowersox. Pit- ser Chadwick. Lena Crump, Floda Catterlin, Mollie Creighton. JeBsIe Crelgbton. Etta Calvert, Mllford Darr, John Evans, Ruth Hunting ton. Cecelia Higley, Minnie Hos- ford, Cora Litchfield, Milton Mey ers. Wilson McNary, Frank Mat thews, Lyda Parrlsh, Addle Payne, Fred Piper, Ella Pohle, Maude Rundlett, John Reynolds, Nellie Sheridan, Tom Smith. Ger tie Savage, Lewis Savage, Ossian Shirley, Minnie Thatcher, Dan Tarpley, Charles Townsend. Anna Veach, Horace Willis. Bazil Wag ner, Fred Williams, Carrie Walk er and Perry Wright. This week too. Includes plans for one of the most beautiful gar den parties of the year, and one of the smartest, for invitations are out for about 200 guests from Salem and out-of-town. Mrs. Chester Cox. Mrs. D. A. Young and Mrs. Clifford Brown are to be hostesses Friday after noon tor this affair in the lovely gardens of the Brown home on Mission street. This event is being planned in compliment to Mrs. Chandler Brown, nee Eleanor Plamondon. daughter-in-law of Mrs. Clifford Brown and a recent bride who hag Just come to make her home in Salem. And there Is the exhibit of the pictures of Marius Hubert-Robert, internationally known artist, which is now gracing the walls of the exhibit room in the T. M. C. A., and which Is attracting keen attention from residents of Sa lem and valley towns. This will be open yet this week and its dis tinguished creator is expected to gether with his wife, to be guests In the city sometime during the week. And the past week has held a variety of things mostly wed dings have held the keenest in terest, and they have come thick and fast. The largest of them was that of Miss Wilda Fleener who became the bride of J. Paul Boll man in a brilliant ehurch service at the First Presbyterian church Friday night. The convening of four state wo men's organisations in Salem this past week in connection with the state encampment of the G. A. R. has held : large attention. These organisations included the Wo men's Relief corns. Dauchter of r r. .v j.-uSv - 0 )"-' -T 1 3r iVk 'a:ii" -il-J U 4 ' ' -t.. : ".".",w M,u7 luitt In,?k vI" bo sold at tho old; iOAAMODITYj cficeshave S V nced--as much as : ' irii v r jVt - - mariymateAriaJjAist "iyinator. Cnsoqth; Kd1 i tiiui prices rrut go vpalMb' ; iiuui Am a tn a. JaL. i v i rmr nn . MM.1T.t... !T1 .1 .1 V econd rate: "&tDn df 7lc.m,eer)f 10 mt low & Whim. 357 COURT ST. - . . at inviavA onrusion Union Veterans, auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans and Ladles ot the G. A. R. Jason Lee Women To Present Play The women ef the Jason Lee Ladies Aid society are sponsoring a play at the church Friday night at 8 o'clock. Miss Beulah Graham is directing the comedy which has to do with perfect figures and motion picture contracts. The cast Includes Miss Helen Ney, Mrs. D. O. Lear, Mrs. W. Spiers. Miss Elberta Mlnton, Miss W. W. Chadwick, Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Phil Asplnwall, Mrs. C. A. Gies, Mrs. Vida Miller, Mrs. S. P. Phipps, Mrs. Robert Forkner, Mrs. C. M. Roberts, Mrs. Jack Parker, and Mrs. E. J. Williams. War Mothers Plan Last Meeting Aum iasi meeting or tne vor for Salem chapter of the Ameri can war Mothers will be held Tuesday afternoon at the home or Mrs. .Myrtle Llttlefleld a large amount of important ousmess win mark this meeting ana election or delegates to the national convention in Indiana polis is to be held. t The meeting is called for 3 o'clock and all members are urg ed to be present. . Hubbard. The- Pink and Lav ender club met for a picnic in the gardens of Mrs. H. E. Adams, Thursday afternoon. Tho members did not carry out the program as planned, on account of the sud den passing of one ot their mem bers, Mrs. Bohne Paulson. Guests present were Urm. final. Ott. president; Mrs. R. C. Painter. Mrs. Mel Malone. Vra r-hrf.M-. Stauffer. Mrs. a Bevens. Mrs- Anna Scholl, Mrs. George Zeek. strs. jerome Jackson. Mrs. Mary Kldston, Mrs. David Jackson and little son, Mrs. Lester Will, Mrs. Marie Claypool. Mrs. Lewis Bates. Mrs. Alice Weaver. Misa Frances Weaver, Mrs. E. E. Wolfer. Mn. Catherine Sllrtenhart, Miss Esther smtennart, Mrs. Fannie Pearcy, Mrs. Bailey and little dauchter. Mrs. Newton Bewail. Mrs. Elva Calvert, Mrs. Lemme and Mra. Woodruff of Portland. The next meeting will be at Wolfer springs. orlce! continue to so uD-ICJv?ni n arox.wxu mcrease prices asaih.T-; I lvf-i ..... . . . rfT- Zf You can sdvt the . diffemtex trf ; ' J ( c l ' placixyc order NOWr-be"i7 I - . a T '.1B.1 - - A -le i gets the model, YOU WANT! . . -V Marker. Placed : By D. Ai R Group Ad historic eerjtmony wss that which . dedicated Saturday after noon in Sllverton tho marker of bronze which " Indicates the spot ; over which waged the battle of I the Ablqua near Sllverton in those . dim years of 1841. The marker is the work of Che liieketa chapter ot the D. A. R. and about 30 members of the chapter were In attendance for the dedication. This battle which inspired the marker was fought by men of the early pioneer group of the Willamette valley against Klamath Indians and end ed the last trouble between these, two groups. The program Included the wel come extended by Mrs. H. T. Love, past regent of the chapter, and then the program was turned over to Mrs. C. C. Geer, chairman or the- program committee, who in troduced Mrs. A. E. Austin. Mrs. Austin gave the invocation and this was followed 'by the salute to the flag by Mrs.' r. W. Settle melr. The unveiling was done bv Miss Reba, and Misa Vesper Geer. The address of -the "afternoon was given by.RdyrR. Hewitt and this was followed by the bugle reveille given by Andrew Hewitt, and a closing prayer by Miss Net tie Spencer. Each participant on the pro gram was a descendant of some of the earliest pioneers of the val ley. After the dedication the D. A. R. group motored to the old hom of Edwin Markham near Silrer- ton and baek by way of the old Ralph Geer homestead. Mr. and Mrs. g. M. Laws and Dr. and Mrs. C. Ward Davis will assist Mr. and Mrs. John Bertel son as hosts , tor a covered dish dinner of tho Leslie Caa Do class ot Leslie Methodist church. The affair will begin at t:15 o'clock at the Bertelson home. 111 West LeFelle street. NewDresses French Shop . Masonic Bldg. an ucivinarors low prices! V-VCi - f -w ' , i rm . " YOUR ICE BOX TAKEN ASPARTC-PAYiMHin r il i - i i , r r- t - X . r 'A , , C ; V : 4; - a. 5 "1 - Hi