The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 25, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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Senator Brown Talks on
;"Humari Rights vs. Prop
I ,. T erty Rights"
The OHEGON STATES3IAN, Salesy Oregon, Scaday Morning; Jcne 23, 1933
est Salem . News
K.f mIi? -? ,t"Mriu xnont 'Wu Hubert, lltl Third
Nannie Griffin, Mrs. - Charles itreet. ChM T fi.ii. sta
Caalfant and Mr. and Mrs. W. JJfV Ciarlet ,4 1 Smith.
Harry "Wledmaler. and their on$ KUlTPd, 1. Loose la the Hee
retnrned the last of the week drick place oil Cascade drive, the
from a pleasant on tins; at Rom! Adam En tela ocennvrn tfc itAm
End. AlTin Richardson and Ray-
mono urinm, who hare spent a
oeugnum zortnisht's racatioa at
viuueene, wn , and at Mount St,
tieiens, returned to their homes
mis week. .; , , ,
1 Chureh organizations . and
friends of i the Ford , Memorial
church are f planning a farewell
CHEMAWA. June 24 At the
last meeting of the grange W.' E.
.ravage gave a comprehensive re
port of the state grange conven
tion at Pendleton from which he
ana rs. savage, delegates. - re-
ceuwy reiurnea. A resolution por Rev. and Mrs; Charles I
was passea Tavonng . the . eontfa. i Dark. whotr Wrlnr
uancef the Indian school which pnake their home in McMlnnvlUe.
u uwn , oraerea - ciosea by the I Tne aKalr win he held at the
vwrnmisBioner or. Indian Affairs.
' ! During the lecturer's, hour
State senator Sam Brown snokel ed to attend to wish th mtiHnf
on Human Tights arainat nrnn-1 Dastor rrwlnprt.
v.umpumenung r ue ' Dirihaays
eny ngnts'v and also explained
uv uBues to oe voted on next
ffionin., Mrs, JX-B. Kleihege sane
a solo and H. W. Bowden report-
eo oneuy on the Pomona meet
ing held at North Howell Wed
nesday. .- :
new innnaay night a reeep-
woa wiu oe neta at the hall hon.
orlng Lester Evans, master, and
a. . a 9 a - a. . w -
ais oriae 10 wnicn au grangers
are extenaea a cordial InvlUtion.
it was aeciaea , to hold a pic
nic at Hawigreen park Sunday.
July . Basket lunch. Arrange
ments wm &e la charge of W.
uowaen, Harry Keefer and H. R.
Hansen. ... -.
The next, meeting of the home
economics club will be held at
the home of Mrs, Charles Beck-
nerand.. those serving on the
commute ; will be Mrs. S. IL
Francisco, " Mrs. John Zielinski
and Mrs. Arhur Holden.
vacated by the C. D. Byrnes fam
ily . on , Kingwood ; drtva la the
Heights and the George Dun
hams, 1180 Skinner. The Albert
Kurths have purchased a beauti
ful home site on Rlvervlew drive
and plan, to make their permanent-
home there later, -'
'.N. D. Qookin has dosed his
place of business in West Salem
and with his family has moved
to the Propp f arm ' In. the Eola
neignts neighborhood Th
parsonage oa Edgewater street. 1 i ' W111 . employed in the berry
mesaay night and all are InTlt-1 f ' Boni time.
- iM jreaee i,nmDer company
repons snarp advances la the
prices of lumber. In many grades
an Increase of 10 to 1 dollars a
thousand is made and an upward
irena in au DuUdlng- commodl-
ot tneir oaagnters, which occur
Saturday and Sunday, the Glenn
Davenports and the Phil Hatha
way held a , Joint dinner party
Saturday evening at. the .Daven
port home.' Little Shirley Ray
Davenport was one year old and
Delores Hathaway, three years
old and the candle lighted cake
centering the attractive dining
table held four candles. Covers
were laid for Mr.- and Mrs. Phil
Hathaway and Delores and Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Davenport and
Maxlne and Shirley Ray.
Xewcomers Listed
Newcomers In West Salem who
have recently signed up for use of
city water Include the families of
Ben Maule, 1327 Plaza, Ray
Bowman. 1173 Second, Albert
Kurth. recently moved into the
Waring residence at 795 Pled-
Engineer to
hundred members .of the Dickey
dan met at the Buell hall June
18 for their .fourth annual re
union. The oldest member pres
ent was Mrs.' Llxxle ' Dickey
Nairn, aged 71; the youngest,
Emma Jean Rosenheim, age one
year. ,
Officers for the - coming year
aret President,- Holt Stockton;
Ice . preildent,- Walter Dickey;
and secretary; May Scroggins
Hutchinson. , -
. xne - community elub held its
last meeting Tuesday, night,-with
Dooiitue's service station enter
tainers and Salt Creek band put
ting on the major port" of -the
program. Eleanor Massey of Am
ity sang two numbers as did-the
small Vincent sisters. Earl Wy
att, Jake van Staaven. Eugene
Morrison and Jean Mackeu'iang.
Mr. and Mrs, : Godfrey" Beck
celebrated, their tTta wedding
anniversary June 11, A O o'clock
dinner was enjoyed at the home
of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Mailer at which all the
children of Mr. and Mrs. Beck
were present. They are Dr. and
Mrs. Wm. Beck ot Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Beck of River-
ton, Walter Beck, and Mr, and
Mrs. Floyd Nairn,
More Beer Cheer For
Monmouth ais Staves
Are Made for Barrels
MONMOUTH. June 24 The
oak stave block business is en
joying a boom with return of
beer requiring oak kegs as ship
ping containers. Chris Hess,
Monmouth wood sawyer, has had
a ripsaw. carriage added to his
woodiaw and is operating it as
a miniature sawmill to trim away
the sap wood unfit tor keg
manufacture savins; only the
sturay oak heart blocks.
Reunion for
Early Dallas
Schools 8th
DALLAS, June 24 Saturday.
July I, has been set as the date
ot the annual reunion of former
students ot LaCreole Academy.
Lafeyette Seminary, and Dallas
college. The affair will be held
In the Dallas city park as la the
The reunion " attracts former
students ct the three Institutions
from all parts of the Paclfle
coast and several from as far
east as New York state.
LaCreole academy, and Lafay
ette Seminary were founded here
In the early days of Dallas and
served as a finishing school tor
those ' who had completed the
work of the grade schools. In
February, 1101. the two schools
were merged and renamed Dallas
college, which was later closed
for lack ot support.
Later, the building used by the
college was used tor a grade
school and this building-. was
used as part of the present high'
school building ' when It was
built. All that remains ot the old
college is the part ot. the high
school housing the study hall and
one roll room. ' . ' r '
Committee Reports
Feature H. E. Meet
MA CLEAT. Jane 24 At the
June meeting ot the Home Econ
omies elub held at the grange hall.
Mrs. H. E. Martin gave a report ot
the economic meetings held dur
ing the state grange session held
at Pendleton and Mrs. J. F. C
Tekenburg ot the county economic
conference held at Union Hill.
Plans tor a general cleanup and
repair day were also discussed.
Other numbers on the program
were readings by Mrs. M. M. Ma
gee, Mrs. J. Amort. Mrs. H. A.
Fuestmsn, vocal numbers by Mrs,
II. E. Martin and Mrs. W. Welch
and talks by Mrs. Edith Wilson
and Mrs. J F. C. Tekenburg.
200 Women Starting
Tuetday in Cannery.
Opening: at Woodburn
- . , -
. u r y
WOODBrRN,.June 24 The
Ray-Bqwii cannery here will be
gin' packing fruit Tuesdsy, ao-"
cording to aH Indications. Cher-.
lies, mostly from eastern and
southern Oregon as well as the
few locals, will be canned. It
was thought at first that the
cannery - might start operations
Friday, bat the Ray-Maliag com
pany has net yet completed ar
rangements . - for securing . the
Royal Annec ,
About 200 women will be
needed to do the necessary stem-
mlng, grading and canning. Quite
a number of men will also be
hired. Registration tor the wotk.
has been unusually high.
SHELBCRN. June 21 A num
ber of the farmers of this com
munity are cutting their tint crop
of this year's clover. The crop as
a whole Is a light one duo to the
severe winter.
County, Health Nurse
Sneaks at PinnAAr at
Home ot Mrs. Harris
17 PIONEER. Jnn 24 V.rr,.
ette Giuis, county health nurse,
was the guest speaker at the Dal
las Community club meeting at
the home of Mrs. Ed Harris of
Is community, Thursday after
noon Other meats for the daT
were tre. George Curtlss, Mrs.
E. Middlemen. Mrs. Raider, Mrs.
Plummer an!rdaughter, Mrs.
Smith and daughtfrsMra. Brock.
Mrs. C. Domaschof8kyrMcs. Rich
ard , Domaschofsky. Mrs. - Frank
Domasehofsky, Mrs. Alfred Dom"
aschofsky, Mrs. McBee. Straw
berries and cake were served by
the hostess. -
Mrs. Johnnie Keller honored
Mrs. Roy Kinion with a stork
shower Thursday afternoon at
her home.' There was a large
7 number j of neighbors present.
Mrs. David Steinbock and chil
dren of Tillamook attended. Re
freshments ' consisting of ice
cream and cake were served by
: the . hostess assisted by Mrs. Will
U7AAJk..M Tk-r. KINGWOOD, June. 24 Miss
Cleared UP With completed.. her freshman year at
v - . r. . v i santa Ana junior conege, sum
Arrest Ol Oims Ana; CallCr reached her home
here Thursday having motored up
Plant, City
MONMOUTH, June 24 As re
sult ot an Investigation made by
Monmouth's city council and
lighting committee. S. C. Halla-
day and George Cooper, which
Included a careful study of the
municipal plants of McMinnville
and Forest Grove, the council
will employ an engineer to make
a preliminary survey ior a piant
In Monmouth.
Costs, income and expense will
be Btutinized, and If the report
Is favorable an- application will
be made tfr-4he Reconstruction
Finance corporattonwfor jl loan.
The nrolect would haveto-axfor
itself In a few .years and make
profits from the beginning; and
citiiens would need to support
the home plant in full to make it
a success. . The council proposes
to : be very rure before taking
any definite action In such a ven-
turet- - -v
WOODBURN, June 24 Stew
i art Sims, 20 yeart old son of an
; Oregon State college professor
was arrested 'In Lebanon Friday
: by s state . police , officer. . Sims
has proven a clever bunco artist
; and has a criminal record dating
; from his 13th year, when he was
: an Inmate of the state training
: school after the theft of a boat,
has . also served - time In 1 Jail
1 twice and in the federal peniten
tiary, once. i -
Recently he broke " Into "the
; Woodburn Feed and Supply store
where, he stole" 82.80 In pennies,
a check writer land ; 400 blank
checks,' . part . of . which he 1 bad
with .him when apprehended.' He
is said to have operated in Mar
ion, Linn, Yamhill and Multno
ma counties. He is now in the
Linn county jail- at "Albany. A
warrant war - sworn out against
him In the Woodburn ' Justice
court Tuesday' and it Is expected
various.: other charges will . be
illed against him In other, places.
the Coast highway in company
with her grandmother, Mrs. W-
M. Smart of Santa Ana and her
two aunts, Mrs. H. L. Thomson
of Hollywood and Mrs. J. F.
Toung of San Diego, who will re
main some time for a visit. .
Amazing NEW Discovery Ends
in 15 days or
Surprise Package 0
With Six RatUers
Attracts Visitors
During the past, two days there
has been an unprecedented ' trek
of visitors to the Caldwell, home.
Cause Willis Caldwell Jj. rer
, cently received from his brother
Dale In Payette, Idaho, a ship
'ment vf six live '. husky ' rattle
cnakea.' i iV-' .'
! This shipment ; was In the na
ture ot a surprise and. Willis at
'first stated he didn't know. exact
ly what do with the '"pesky crlt-
- ters."- He has . solved the prob
! lem. ' Having taken a course in
taxidermy.- he has .decided to
mount them as- specimens. -: H
- says he thinks they will come in
handy In ."event of - the repeal ot
the 18th amendment.
Miss Katherine Arbuthnot of the
- Oregon - Normal school faculty,
- and Miss Faith Kimball, secre- i
r tary to President Churchill, will
sail from Seattle Saturday on the
- President Jefferson for a : two
t months cruise in the orient. The
- tour i will be conducted by Prof.
Henry LShdes ot the University of
Washington. . Major polnU - in
- China, Japan and the Philippines
. win be touched.
DiioTr4 hj m Lo Angelet dmatlit,
Arnold' RbttmatoB Cpnl brinf gnek
attoaBdlnr remits, iiitribntor ttn a
written eD7-bek rrBte. Bcrard
led of how loss staadinf, or ot kow
Mtoto your cato, ! got definito rolict
is 19 dju or your uoaoy back. Boad
taeao letter Mat tr apreeiatiTo aaeia:
a Uo emA ef two weak eeaU go wltk
aot bt cratekeai the tklr week X west
te nek asalav" A. OOUDOX 831S S.
Oraad Av Lm AnSelea.
"After m week ealy eoald ralaa sty
anas above aty kead, rise aad alt wltkoat
miA k nv kalr see w aaada alaioot
ae wen aa over.' MIS. fXCBA VHT-
CEKT. S60 W. S7tk Bt. Xoa Angeles.
"Attack a Badl-V I eoold BOt
r Bteep. After 3 days X feel lianl
and the aeJAa aro aU gono." CHAS.
TjnBWOor. aaauBar, WaaMagtoa.
"after Se years of aaffortag. part ef
tko ttaw kodfaak and tkea waUdng wna
two oaaoa. at ta end u i wooxa
m lm.ii' CiHiUi T atood bt case
In tte corner to atay., KM. A. HUXX.T,
1ST B. Adaiaa. X AngoUa, Calif.
STew free booklet explain kow and wky
A mold 'a Khjuaatoaa Caotalaa can over-
eooao tko aaoM atnkborn eaao of Itkon
matUm, Arthritis. Nenrite, ate. Writo to
day for booklet M and copy of oar atoaoy
back, offer.- Ko obligation. Vot sold U
drag atoroa.
S62S So. Grand Are, 1m Angaloa, Calif.
Mrs.9 Horton Hughlett and
daughters. Margaret and Ruth
and her. father-in-law, Mr. Hugh
lett, Sr., all of Salem,, were guesti i
at the Ray Aubrey home part of
the week. Mr. Aubrey Is starting;
the construction ot a modern hog-
. house and Mr Hughlett assisted
in pouring the: concrete .founda
n i n
XEIZER, June 24 Mrs. Anna
Harold ot Stayton ; spent several
days the past week with her niece,
Mrs. C C. Cole. Mrs Harold went
to Salem Friday for a visit -with
friends and relatives. " - '
.UR storage
moving business
squares with .what
you think dependable
service should be.
And you : will agree !
that our tariffs are
eminently fair. . :
; Telephone 7773 .
'4 ?(
TOMORROW MONDAY ..... Starts the Semi -Animal Shoe Sale Buster Browns Geramie Varaes
r Values
Men, Women and
Only This
Special Event
could bring such Quality Features
at Reductions like these.
4 a .. i
1 bvii-Ctrnifc-fTa
This Semi-Annual Sale like allBusterBrown
sales, presents merchandise of the highest quality,
and only seasonable merchandise offered, the pri
ces offered are exceptional, and an incentive to
participate. It's a great saving event for Men, Wo
men and Children.
There's no easier, way to save than
a pair of these good looking ser
viceable oxfords at record low
Special sale Sport Oxfords, White, Elk,
afca er f f oeooeeoioei eeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeaee00oeeeo oqooqooq ooaooa oa ia a e aiaa
A Stdi of the Season's Smartest Shots
White Kid Perforated Oxfords, Cuban g
rieeis, a dressy number ;
Black Kid Pumps, Cuban Heels,
Styles, Special
Quality Footwear at Never EqaeHei Redactions
Hazel Brown Pumps, Louis Heels, the sea-
son's popular Browns, exceptional values..., -
7 '
A Sale of thel Season's Smartest Styles for Men
Black and Brown Calf Leather
Oxfords. A 1933 Style sold for
$5.50, Special
AU Sport Oxfords Exceptional Values
A group of Black Oxfords, all sizes in the
lot. Values to $5.00, Special
AU Styles for Men, Women and Children on Sale
Special Low Prices on Silk Hosiery
Serrice Chiffon in the
fashionable shades
AU Styles en Sate Set Windows
l . a it i r inaaniai
100 Pairs Short
Louis Oxfords,
Strap Pumps
Values to $6.85.
.While They Last only
Hi I
! i
sasw ' CTSk Special 59c 2$1