PAGE EIGHT ipiiEii t liliil: Silver i Falls Timber Mill Re sumes Operations; Clan r Meets Slated . . 1 ' r Portland Army Band Coming Sunday - CILVERTON, June 13.' Sll . yerton is showing considerable In tsrest In the ceremony, scheduled her for Saturday when the Chem eketa , chapter of -the Daughters ji the American Reroiullonwlll Sponsor thejnarkers-commemor-atingthepioneers who fought In the: Battle of the Abiquain long -ego 1848:'.. ? - . : . Mra. id c. Geer. formerly of the Waldo Hills,- bat now d-Sa-v Jem," is ;" headings the vcommitte - masjng. ue .arrangements, sine a-rnun'.will nfoint In . fKa norV at gllrerton at noon and at,2:30 .tirej ' seaicauon ceremony win. be neia r ;out . on the ; country i roadwhere the marker 'will be placed. P(on ; eer and friends at SilrertonwlU ' Jpin 'the Salem group forthe-cere" . v iV4 Lmb Mill Opni:i SILVERTON, June 23. The : EHverFaUs Timber. company .mill . resumed operations-Thursday of - this week. Thirty - eight ear loads -.. ct logs 7 arrived from Camp. 15 during the week At present there are about 1(0. men at Camp 15. ... , Sawing the large .pile of hem ' lock logs,' begun Jane 7, was com pleted lai t 7 Friday ., and. the mill bad been down from ' - then until Thursday. . . ' -"Ackernum Child Dies ! V SILVERTON. June. 23. Bar ;- hara Ann fiAekerman, the"' rig ; v months- old - daughter,- of Mr.' and' - Mrs. Leo Ackerman, who died at i Salem hospital Thursday 1 will e buried from the Ekman funer al home here Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Interment at Bethany. The child was born De cember It, 1932, and had been ill since birth. Besides her parents she leaves one sister, . Charlotte May, and one brother, Donald Keith. Bfeeta Sunday SILVERTON, June 23. The Brunner clan of which V. L. run ner, of SilTerton, is one of the oldest present members, will hold ''its annual reunion Sunday at the Coolidge and McClaine park at SilTerton. Around 100 clan mem bers are expected to attend. Pythian Delegates SILVERTON, June 23. Del egates chosen rfom the local Pythian Sister group to grand lodge at Portland, are Mrs.- Wan da Anderson and Mrs. Albert Grlnde, the latter alternate. Mrs. Helen M. Wrightman, past grand chief of the Pythians, will also attend the rrand sessions. Membera of th Trlnnl TJnV club wlir picnic Wednesday, June 28, at the Coolidge and McClaine pam at SilTerton. A basket lunch will be serred at 6:30 In the even ing; Mrs. Alvin Hemmingsen and Mrs. Claire Helmke will be In charge of the coffee. This will be the final meeting until autumn. PHILADELPHIA, June 21. (AP) This city's largest known gold hoarder, described by feder al InTestigators as "a wealthy lexuie manufacturer." t u r n e back $120,000 in gold coins to : bank. --, f: t ,. 7 FKEBS DAY IS . SUITE FOB JULW tMTTto T1. .fn I ptniUMeyii 1AiiUAOi iuyTee - - the annual Farmers'. D sored by the chamber merceV are being, completed the merchants committee com posed of Tracy Savery. chairman; Cecil ,Riggs; J. R. Beck; . and Earle Richardson. Saturday, July li has been decided' on as . the date for the' affair which will ne an. aw oay ereou .--.... ..i Mrs. George VauSanten, lec turer of tne '.Kicareau u range, i .. rusoa. Thii peepiee- War. t will . nelir: charge of - tbemorn- I r p. V.--Ci- - ing:' program and .all : L' ' iT w" 1 -- unions; and community . clubf j 4 YuTwTil cm- ouested to get in touch "with, her.-l v.ii . 4 Ori sit, jxrmt- The OUdel band of the Portland SalTatkm Army which will appear here Sunday. In two concerts. Te band will present m program of music in VilIson nark at S:SO o'clock. The local Army .Corps wiu be in charge of the seryice at the First Methodist ch arch at 8 o'clock Sunday night, mad will present the Citadel band as part of the program". The public is tnTited. Louis Fllbaa is bandmaster of the Cit adel musicians, who are' JraTorawy Known here th rough two earlier ri&its. - . ; Purpl e Heart A warded to Stayton Man STAYTON, - June 23 Oscar L. Hagen, local contractor and build er, has Just receired from the war department a purple heart medal. Hagen went OTerseas with Co. C. 15 8. Infantry, but was transferred in France to Co. C. 77th division 301 Infantry batallion. While with that company as a dispatch run ner, he received ; a bad shrapnel wound. - The company started out from St. jMenhold, and fought for two days. On Dctober 15, 1918 while the Allied -American forces were attempting to drive the Germans from the town of Grandore, he was given orders to take a mes sage to the front. This he attempt ed alone, and it was On this bus iness that he was wounded by shell fire from enemy artillery. Later he was taken to an evacua tion hospital. He states that he will never forget the trip to that hospital, in company with one other man, also badly wounded, ana who died before .. the ambu lance reached the hospital. At the time the armistice was signed he was in a hospital in France. Hagen saw much of the actiTe fighting during the Ar- gonne-Muse offense. It was not until February 8, 1919, that he was discharged from the hospital with the St. Algnana casualty company and started for the United States. It is said that he will probably be awarded a medal for bravery, for attempting to get to the front lines alone. Mr. Ha gen received from -President Wil son ' the "Columbia gives to her son the Accolade of the New Chivalry of Humanity." He Is a member of Stayton Post American Legion. WEST -SALEM, - Jan e 23. Robert Scharf of - Albany," who has ; been staying with relatives and . attending ' school. In Albany is here and will remain for the summer vacation at the home of his mother, Mrs. Carl Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sprout have traded .their. West " Salem city property, house and lot for hop ranch three miles north west of SilTerton and will oper ate the ranch this year. They will continue to reside here. A very heavy last minute reg istration was recorded here con- GETS HTJLLT SCHOOL SILVERTON HILLS, June 23 Miss Helen Dlckerson of Silverton Wet Salem News has been secured to teach the Hullt school for the coming year. Miss Dlckerson is a graduate of the Oregon Normal school at Mon mouth and has returned to Mon mouth to study during the sum mer. Miss Frances cooeny, wno taught here last term has accept ed a position to teach In the grade school at Molalla. Ickes Unfriendly To Proposal for Reclaiming Land WASHINGTON, June 28-(AP) Secretary Ickes told a western delegation seeking public works fund moneys for reclamation pro jects here he "did not see much sense ' In bringing .new land un der cultivation but did not turn down the appeal. Ickes explained td the delega tion, representing the National Reclamation association and headed by Marshall Dana of the Portland, , Oregon, Journal, that he disapproved of additional acreage being put under cultiva tion while the present farm cri sis presented the administration with an overproduction problem. sldering the unusually hear y spring registration, 41 enrolling the .last .two days prior to clos ing of the, books. . At the June court of honor for Cascade Area, held at the court house Wednesday night,. Zeral Brown .and John Ferguson were promoted to second class scouts. Earle Maynard became a first class scout, Alvin Richardson re ceived merit badges in cooking. handicraft and swimming, W. Harry Wiedmaler In first aid and Earle Maynard in personal hygiene. The West Salem scouts of troop 16 are continuing their activities during the summer months. Mrs. Walter .Gerth. and Mrs. Harold Elbert returned Wednes day from a trip to H e p p n e r where they were called by the Illness and death of Mrs. Gerth s sister, Mrs. Rosa Farnsworth. In a headlong collision with a car driven by A. A. Nltols of Day ton, C h es t e r Frederickson of West Salem received injuries to lila laf t Vnu MiMttT: Tlnth Mn were badly damaged but no other occupants hurt. The accident oc curred on Edgewater street near the Intersection of the Wallace road at the west end of the in ter-county bridge. Mrs. C. P. Nelson and daugh ter. Inger. of Alameda, Calit are making a visit at the home of her mother. Mrs. Anna Jen sen and with her brothers here for an indefinite period. G. N. Barnard, recently here from Los Angeles, has purchased the Homer Barbur place, a resi dence and ten lots, Is having the. home re-roofed and will im prove the property. 'He has also purchased a large tract In King- wood Heights. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harry Wied maler and little son will attend the called meeting of the win dow , decorators in Portland the last of this week. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Btornlng. Jnne 24, 1933 In thp Churches (ill ,m -t x. I r: r 1" PMt,r, A. B. Htndenen. Brri 11 J .i U u..... 1 Uarmiaff rvM! 1. Plans for fSSSXJSi i?'7 B.r. pk.. Day. spon- USIf r" TS &&? ber . of com- .ky mi. yT. JTi f'ST - - : - ,-. --f 1 I I W mm - - scunui . - 1 1 a-ciacK. nT. tor f rnima. w. Rrmlmr mi wK 4i y im cMr. Mmw UpU. '-Tk, Mir B. T. T. V. wiU Bt t 7 f. mu, S4r !. pnjut mubc .1 . . Orefctr rI4 at 1:40. g 'clack mrrrmom, "Tk Bctafm ( J..n, Clirut to Tu carta w wt n an k nrh mtnmt.- ktMi Oik,t nd , r..tMT SUt. F. W. ErUUo. pttftor. I mT -hl, ' : , A. .J - atmm'm, aiVMtoa. Dr. A.- & Ckriat." Anthtmtt ,aB4 th Still WI- Kr. CUrk JC S-tik, wf. er .kuL s.SO wita am tmumwtmg . m WKL.. Ml ' knot tt- I ! ' mm KZXOUax. i;Air aa siafriini. aaviiMf wrktv VTAVOdJCAIi v t VW . (tuna aS ' MrU itTia. nxrr xmraxxaw Xorlfc' Cttra aa4 CkaiekU atr--i. Mra. Walur A. DwiUa, arcaaiit. k... W. 0 EIlitt"t rortU. " prrn. Taia wiU k U lat Mrrie Were iv liMHt raeatUa. , ! ! - EIOEXJUTD niZBDg EIc1bV aa4 Cbarck imU. Gl.n Siaar. attr. Eibla ackMl IS a. Bl K K. Batkttt, aprUt4caiL Karaiag wo.--aaip -11 -' '.- ,Pt ici Uv.u4) O, II a Z4rBM4.a(c M aetior C. K- T p. E'cauaf n-r, ic:S p, lotiert, 4a rm aary -ills KMfcarata.V Xi4-k prajw ataatUg Taar4r. p. at JffTMar Jtarth. WVater. H. O. Basspkrar. pa star. . Ckrk . aokol 4 S n. Wantup at. 11 a. avXop Hew itt. Zpwartk Imp I P-- At a. a. r Mrrie. f4kia4 If wraMa, Utjn community, Has been placed - in yiuig.ppi,. u. at .s ;45 av fjAiUSL' .rlafp' t n BibU Oo.t .t is -.v "u fw Charge rolSpertS.?:eTentS ,Whch BTrwar " rrairr-Haa- fLr 'i i .V-Calivar lhadpUakio.7 Ort Jltt Ouptw.; Jriif rw-Mlri. wiuVlioclWlsr kV f&cOTuHJ sru TlOUS years. . P r i I S Will ' he aM Wr- pracUc - &aa.r airt. Tf , ! EraasantU p at. Via- waak WJ ui praiM Mn awarded: to' the -"w!ilietln' "th : ybi -u iwfic-ki V:o I u r,'Ek." u Tk-y ia. Tarious. sports' evenU "and-a'lt? 1?Uy 'iKfc''v' ' -; ' .TC W Vkle-stsly tae-p. aTkar;. . H.tir. -.,.. ,'r - prise will be givenby local meri okiiAtt MvaiuOAiv h:.v: -.- -t,- r - - . ' chints'to .the 'community , taking the largest: number of erenta. - i Mrs. 'HaMen Grant twill pre senCher" 'pupils' ,'in' ar'ecl- Ul at the MaJcsUc . theatre. that night. The-program will be con cluded' before being staged the Farmers' Day celebration,-be gins Riuttn. -ultor. ttuatfsr ackc4 I- " . mm - MvnitninMlt.. liontaf : wmMp ! ewek. I -: J t , Ufcrty atraat. Jk S.J Si-1 rrarflOWlaf lauia. 'ti"""! I '.Ij r..j, rkJ a.. re;tbe " street rdancerl tus s.r toptei ;wviafj 6j4 i 1' In connection with I era-D". aa4 kvDw -1 ntoj Henderson Gets Ministry rLere For Ninth Year aaJia) aaaaaAABM W 9 WJ rJ-aWi ff U alTV fZX K.rt 17 lad K ebrakaET. 1 ; ReT. A. S. Henderson, was re- n i T.'-WlHon, partar Baaiar aekoal I tamed. to the First United BretH- s:s . C.wri Wfwt ' M f- "r I ren church here to begin his :S,5.,S.7.iiti-:ialat..ear as -miniater. folloi f. rXZB SCCTHODIST - I w7. aiar I na tfiA-tXth anmral-i mMslon of Kark.t aa4 Mortk Wiat .trK.. J. B. J-J rZmTmfa mmmimm ii.M whlh xtl f : I " " r-..A ; . f. . 4 aaatar-aoeiatias. I , - - Home, in uniu l a. aT fia"aaar achoor 10 a. at Mra. BajmaaS- Tltwa, mmvtnUmimstr CkrUUa wiMTw S;4 Vw v i UiiliWI.WlVCJI', .1 SUwart, HiUfcBudiTKtol f: I VT Tmr-Vdi.ta a. acataf ' eoctatitS. I A .TT'.L' tV2" Harvard Deereel 'mni.11 ''i-ei i . aaekamas county.- Doctor of Lawk .Kaaaia ' wan kin I lit.' ''8Mni Blaa.'V Tvaac Mopia- atlar .T p. aa. jrrayar bhm immrw Say, S p. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., : June IS. (AP) Alfred Emanuel Smith, who obtained his early schooling in tne college of hard knocks, was honored here by - the country's oldest Institution of higher learn ing when Harvard university con ferred upon him the degree of doc tor of laws. " Rising from his place on the platform in historic Quadrangle, the university . brought . Its 297th year to a close, the former governor ot New York received his diploma from the hands of A. Lawrence Lowell, retiring presi dent, amid a storm of applause. Kite caaal tod lotnuu nxxxss U CUTta b1 paator. Bnaday. 1 ll a,- a. T. D. Trick, mmrwrim nl Manilas varabi U a, B, "Aa las SalvBtiam"; Ckriatia aalaar- trl. a. Caitaraa'a prairaai ia ekarg Hra. AJbart Caoaack aad Mra. Kaiik Cavpaek, S p. aa. rrayav aa babia ataay. Itiday s p. aa. CHUST XTAnOELZCAZi X.X7THXBAJI Elaktaaatk ua But atraata. Bar. Aaioa . Minaamaa. A. M- paJtor. Qer- aiaa aarrieaa S:4S a. aa. Bab j act, "Tkara Wa Kaow Tkat Wa ara tna caudraa ai Oo4 Baaaaaa Wa Lot tka Bratkara." EavUak aarrieaa 11 a. at. "LT ta tka Bra Ultra is a Hark Tkat Maa ia Cariatiaa." Suoaar ackool S:40 Mra. Aaiaa . Miaaana. aapariata4aBt. 'a IUar Uaraa aiaea Ua SaUai LaUar Inni wiU attaaa tka anaatiaf ( Ua Willamatta V allay ra4eraiaa of LUar laasaa ta ea kaU at Zioa'a Latkaraa ekarck, Ortfea City. srr. rAUTs znaoorax. Tka raetar. Oaarra H. Swift ia axpact- aS ta kara ckarra af Saaaay's aarrieaa. a v mm I Jaaa . uoiy eaatatamiaa i:av a. m. , nubbard Keiidence tka rar-iar oraiaf mr- t . ar. swill aaa uauj wiu nnn u h- Mrs. Mary Paulson Passes Suddenly at laai aa SatarSay aeearoiar ta eaira4 troaa aim at Piarra. 8. D, TZKrXX BAPTIST Caraar lttk. aa Brryawa. 3. H. Bria- eea, paator. Saraara 11 a. ax. "IHaial'a Prayar aaS Omf aaalaa" ; S p. aa. "Back to BatkaL" Ktaaatk Abbott, moralaf. r:lal aiasltt. Mra. K. D. Aadaraoa aaa Pafa. areaiar. Baaaay aeiool S:S a M.-Ol Aaaaraoa. aapartataaaaai. Toaar pplaa' aiaatiac T p. bl, H array Tlaa, laaoar, Waak Say 'sarrieaa, Tkara- aay. t:s, prayar aaa prau aamca. PIXST CHtTBOB OP THX TKAXAXm Caatar aaS lttk aUaata. Bar. PUaekar OaUaway, paatar. raeldaaew Sal Marts 14tk (treat, pkaaa S680. Babiaeta: 11 a. at- "Tka ill gaffialaaey af G4": .i.v. .viij... r ii m I t:w p. aa- mmtoih aiiwn w.e.. miiuieu., ' rrju, l Prayar. 8aaaay aekaot S:S a. P. MIS. Anna DlCk. RudolDh. Ma til- I M. LltwlHer. aapariataadaat. ft. T. P. 8. aaa Jraior aaeiaty :io p. au, Mra. Uf alia uaray, prauaaat. PXBSBTTXXZAM Wlatar aaa CkamakaU atraata. Grerar I W Cmrl Caikni. saatar. BaaSaT traa kt :40 wtrk a rr Saaaa-y eebal, Mra.. W.-.A Barkaa. , papcriateadaat. Maraias warabip l:SO a. aa, aatkaaa. t'Wka. ia Jaaaa Ckriat t" B. T. P. U.' at T ai. aa. Eraala werakip at S V. aa aatkaaL. .'Saftlr tka. Bilaat Xlrbt. Bray: aaraiaa, "Uaeatriag taa cia.-- rrayer aerriea Waoaaaday aigat. T:3 p. Ckoir rabaaraal Tkaraday alfkt T:I0 pja. ' HOtTSn OP PBATXB fTkaaaakata. ak lTtk atraata. Xataraa- nnl.iHiiul. Ha-. A. J. Hcaitk. aiaiatar. Baaidraea 1SSS Skiaaar ttraat, Waat &a- Uia. Prarar aad araiaa aerriea Baaday aftaraaaw at 1:4$. Prayer aarrieaa alaa orary waak alrkt at T:45. except Tiara. day aaa satarday. CHUBCH OP CHSIST Cat tare aad Bhlpoiar treat. C T. Boriara. aiaiatar. SS74 PertUad read. Bible atady. 10 a. aa. Praaebiac aad eeaaaaaiea at 11 a. ai. Efiaiii T:0 p. aa. Teaar pvrplsa' train iar elaaa Wedaeadar aiabt T:S0. Soar praetie Priday 7:0 p. a. Praaeklag at Spaas' Laading Baaday at I p. a. ST. JOH1TS ETAJTOELICAX, WTTHMJLaT Mlwtoa tyaad. caraer ' ICtk aad A atreeta. Bar. H. W. Qreea, paator. Ka aerrifaa ar Baaday eckeal 8amday, Bya edieel eaauaaaity aerriea ta be keld ia Bills bora. i fier, . naiKr. iicjaviiu, at iui- mer ' pastor- of Salem, was re elected presiding .elder. Rev. R. G. Brady, -principal of the school st Pedee is 'chairman " and" Re-v. Fermin IJ-Hosklhs, DJX, of Myr tle, Idaho, bishop of the .confer ence. - - HUBBARD. June 23. Mrs. Mary Paulson, wife- of Bahne Paulson, a prominent citizen of Hubbard for over 20 years, died suddenly at her home Wednes day at t p. m. At 8 o'clock she was in the garden apparent!? wen as eyer. The funeral ser vices will be at the city hall Satarday at I o'clock with Rer. S. E. Long officiating. S; A. Mill er has charge of the funeral ar rangements. Besides her widower she leaves ds, Lillian, Alfred and Helen. BAND PLATS TONIGHT TTXST CHTTBCH OP CHBZsT, tommiT Ckeaeketa aad Liberty straete Baaday aerrieea 11 a. a. aad S a. a. Babiert af leaaea aeraaa, "Ckriitiaa Seiaaca." Baa day aekeol S:4S aad 11 a. a. Tretlaeay aeetiag- Wedaaeday areaiat at 8. Brad iar raaa ia Maaaala taapl apa 11 ta 5:S0 esaept Baadaya aad kebdayS. PTXST MXTHOBIST Ckarek ackeel (radad for mtU. 9 US a a. PabUe warsaip. flaal apaaaraaea af WUliaaatte Pkilkaraeala ekair. 11 a. B TYr CI T idiMl Tnv raepiea- seraa. a a. a. rertlaad Baira tiea Aray bead. S P. a.: aerriea ia ekarsa af local Balraua Amy aarpa. rTAJfazijsno tabbbbacui Perry ctreet at lttk. Ckarlea Q. Wea toa, part or. Baaday ackeel at 1:45 . a B. 0. Perfaaea, aaperiataadeaC Ckarek ! aerriea at I a. am. aad T:49 a. a. Bat- vrday alfkt aerriea aa Ttoeaday aad Rev. Petiicord To Give Lecture On Passion Play A sermon-lecture of - unusual Interest will be that given on Oberammergau at the Evangeli cal church Friday night. June So, by the pastor, Rer. Emory W. Fetticord. The lecture is spon sored by the Women's Mission ary soe'ety ot the church. Rer. Petti cord has spent eon- slderable time in Europe,' and was there during presentation ot the famous Passion Play, given every ! years st Oberammergsu. DALLAS, June 23. The sec ond ot the series of 12 band Wlatar aad Ckeaeketa traU- Graver I Tbaraday at T:43 p. a. Satarday Teaar a Birttket, D. J. paster. Ckarek aekeol people's aerriea at T:45 p a Ladiee7 :M t. s Balpk Beett, . taporiateadaat. I prarar aeatinr Wedaeeday at X p. a. at la a aaa a. ta Ik l tl aa aa aaklaal 'TWa I ? 1 s a JL i f. a. oatar ke Baaday aekeol Meralas waraklp, 11 a. a aabject, "Tea I Orckoatra rekearsal at Prutln. mi P." Aatkaaa. "Tka Sta. I al.w Tl.-l- T-l a . Concerts by tne Dallas City band I dlaat Mora Hatk Patied Away." (Weed- I aarrieaa start at t:4S a, a. aad ckarek win no held Saturday night, June T.'tlzL: rsr I , . ,v SiZ VV trne 11 24. The organisation, directed by 1x. 0. : aoeietiea. S:so . a! 2v mrr saptist oalac praiea, T:se p. aa. MedlUUea. "la I Marioa aad Kortk Liberty atraata. mite ui. trrfaa, rao ui Jtorraia." ErHtea Jtoa. aiaiatar. Bible aekeol at (Kretaier a. ara;, aad "A. Meaory," :4S a. wl, rrod Braer. aapariaUadaat. Neartag). Moralag wonklp spoeUl H. N. Stoudenmeyer. presented its first concert ot the current season last Saturday night. First Baptist Church . Marioa as It Liberty ttt, EXXTTON -stOSS, lUnktSf 11 AJL The Beautiful Gift- . 8 PJL The Coming Of Jesns Christ To Set Up His Elndoa On Tht Earth.- Read the Nineteenth Oispter of RerrelaUoo. This ia Im portant truth for-ths peopls ot today. Flan to Bear this llessags. Norn the Most Important Clothing Event Ever Offered th e People- of Salem $s Willamette Valley WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK THE HUNDREDS OF CUSTOIVIERS WHO ATTENDED THIS SALE. THE OPENING DAY FAR EXCEEDING OUR HIGHEST EXPECTATIONS AND TRULY MAKING THIS OUR GREATEST VALUE GIVING EVENT. '4 - 200 FINER - :'STV' aa';' '' Stwm i t u 200 FINE . . All new styles, good fabrics, smart' patterns. Many in this lot res. sold tip to $22.50 Now to close out, extra special vv'' " ' ' ' ' ' : , o Tweeds, Worsteds, Cassimeres and others.- The season's newest - colors , Tirl tmaf erfwloa Xfonw v fill errwm mrUA fnrmerlrim fi ' PiA.- Tatb? W I ...II... m W WM, . ... wmm tim a WM O - er .w. . I to doss out, extra 'special ' , " : ' ' - J v, v -: ' "'r u - , HEN'S LEATHER JACKETS -Fine , suede leather. Extra ,' well made. Reg. J sold at ,?5,5 and IT..5. Now to" I pwtT'; ;t? $3e95 a $5.95 """"aaaBaaja, "" -i-. iA-'-"-' " MENU SHORTS .Tine quality hroad . doth. "Weil made tor real service. Keg value to soe. now to a Close out, special 29c, .... 4 tor $1 89c 4 SMART NEW TIES 1 lot Hen's Silk Ties. Good patterns and, well made. : Reg. value to 1, Now; to close out tw lot,.- j o . special 15c, .......... for v 2. MEN'S FDTE UNIONS -Light weight Balbriggen, 'long and short sleeves. Ex tra well made and Reg. yalue to $1.50. Now to close out MEN'S HOSE Fine . quality lisle and 'rayon.. Smart new patterns, and a real., hose for wear. Reg. value r 'pairs J1 loc Now to close out . for v 1 FIXE SILK HES Very fine quality, new t pattern, smart colors. Value - to 11.50. Now to close out this lot, 151 ' special ...;.rOjC SWTMMINa STJITSrine All Wool. All colors, good styles Extra, special to close out these suits that "-'i;if formerly sold up to I S.SO, now d la ID OPEN TILL ? P. M. SAT. ir-urm Snmgs o ... o . . STRAW BATS1 'lot " of i good ..Sailors - and 'Soft. Straws.' Reg. sold "up to ft. Now to close out - as w sr ' - :.: ,25c; Z HOSE Men's tine . wearing ; Hose. Lisle and Rayon; plain. and, fancy Now . special t palra MENS SFORT BELTS Nearly all sixes ' and Reg. l value. - Now, extra special TWEED AND FLANNEL PANTS Smart pants for summer, wear. All new I styles and Teg. sold up to - - np $4.80. close eut .... ijLmVO RATON UNDER SHIRTS A fine qual ity shirt that tits and .- 4 tM wears. Special S6e, ,,"....g. for vl MEN'S KNICKERS -The finest knick ers In stock. All colors and fabrics and Reg. sold up to 17.50. , QC Now to close out.. . ...... vOeau ! 5 1 GROUP FINE LINEN KNICKERS. Close out .... $1.95 w $2.95 PAJAMAS 1 lot Men's Fine Broad cloth Pajamas. . All - shades; 1 good patterns, all sixes. Reg. values nr. to $1.71; Now to close out V,.. 0C MEN8 SPORT COATS The ' real Coaf for summer-wear.- Nearly all shades. Reg. value to. $11.10. , Now to dose oat MEN'S ATHLETIC UNIONS 1 lot fine athletic anions. Broadcloth and others. Regular raise, to I US 1 i,.!.:;;;v: 65c 136 NO. COJUIEUCIAL ST. SALEM SEE OUR 5VTNDOW3 Now to close out L 1 V XI