,e PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Maraingr, Jane 23, 1933 ociety Sons Auxiliary 1 Wames Year's - I Officers The Jlth annual encampment of the state auxiliary to the Sons . of Union Veterans came to a con , elusion Wednesday afternoon. It was to session In conjunction with the state encampment of the G. A. r. ; Officers elected Wednesday and later installed by Mrs. Louise King, national X and I. officer, Included Mabel Pritchard, Port-' land president; Vera Chapman, Marshfteld, rice - pres'dent; Alta Snyder, Portland, chaplain; coun cil, ! Alice Adams, Salem; Rose Riley, Salem, and Helen Bulter, Portand; treasurer, Doris Holder, Marshfield; patriotic Instructor, Jennie Yantis, Salem. - Councilor, O. C, Gosney, Marsh field; chief of staff, Marie Green, Portland; I.; and I. officer, Helen Olln, Portland; Inspector, Lulu - Boring, Salem. A memorable act of service on the part of the auxiliary's en campment was the presentation of a flag to the Girl Scouts troup of :St. Paul's Episcopal church. Informal social afafirs were in deluded in the regular business of the two - day session of the" de partment encampment. Nuptials to be Celebrated Sunday The marriage of Miss Elaine JIaa Cameron and Charles Camp bell will be observed in a quiet ceremony Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Cameron residence on North High street. Rev. P. W. Eriksen will read the service be fore an intimate group of close . friends and relatives. Miss Cameron will be attended by Miss Mary Kelleher. Mr. Wil 'bur Cameron, brother of the groom-elect will act as beet man. The bride-elect will wear an af . ternoon gown of grey and will carry accessories. The maid of honor will wear bluer.' The young people; will make their home in Salemi ; Siilverton Mrs. A. W. Kleeb, who is leaving Thursday for her new home at Vancouver, Wash., has been the inspiration of many pleasant little parties this week. Among them was a party given by members of her card club Monday night. Wednesday night the members of the Methodist choir, of which she was a mem ber, entertained for Mrs. Kleeb. Mrs. Johephine Parrish Stewart of Eugene, will spend the summer vacation in Salem with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Slater, and also with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Stevens. Pattern By ANNE ADAMS It's smart to combine lace with a summer sheer and this charm ing model for the matron por trays the mode perfectly. The yoke and sleeves are cut in one, pointed seaming and surplice bod ice effect such graceful sllmness, aud i the girdle is tied at normal waistline. . . here Is the perfect proportion for the larger figure. Fabric or net used Instead of lace would be equally delightful and chic. Pattern 2485 may be ordered 'aeB-?feMV 18' 20' 34 3. 38. 4 ft, 42 and 44. Size S6 requires 2 T4 yards 3 9 -inch fabric and 1K Sfit flnch lace "Pirated Sehite ep.Mw,BS lnstructlons included with pattern. M flfteea miU (16c) to colas mt eUmpa (coin preferred), for this AM Atom patten. Writ plainly F mm, aadrese aa itle set Be turo to itite tin wantet, , Tka bow snamer edltea of tae Juuu Adaas Fatten book la ready. Ator aoon, eporU, golf, Mania creaeea. Jumper, aoeae froeka, special kegla patten, etyiei for junior, and U2f 'i011 for youagrrtera, and In foe aukiac chtc (wetter ace anon- the faaclnatlng ltema, Bead wr TW eon. Price of: catalog, tit-!ee- C.Ulo, and patten to a", vwtBty-nre cents. - m.Ait " a orders te Tae Ore, fft JJUteenua Patten derpertment, tU Wee 17ta atreet. Hew Terk etty! ILmvaUamx yt 2435 News and Club Olive M. Doak, SOCIAL CALENDAR " Friday June tS ? " ( Three Link club at Odd Fellows hall, jil members urged to attend. - W. W. G. of First Baptist church, Mrs. Lydia Matt son, 1029 Highland street, 7:20 o'clock. Daughters of Union .Veterans, 8 o'clock Women's clubhouse. Neighbors of Wooderaft, Fraternal temple, potlnck dinner, 8 o'clock; regular business meeting g o'clock, visiting organizers special guests. Concert given by the churches of Salem for the Open Door Mission,. 8 p. m., In the armory. Juveniles of Neighbors of Woodcraft, at Fraternal temple, 2:30 o'clock. Joint potluck supper of four bible classes of First Methodist church in church social room at 6:30 o'clock. Camp Opening Date Changed to July 1 5 The opening dat for the sum mer camp at Camp Santaly which is under the direction of the Y. W. C. A. of which Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher is secretary, has changed the opening date to July 15 be cause of weather conditions. The dates' for the camp wjll be July 15-22; July 22-29 July 29 to August 5. Girls registering for the camp do not need to be Girl Reserves because the camp life is open to any girl in Salem who is able to attend. And she may register for all or part of the three weeks period, as she chooses. There are still needs for camp supplies such as prints for craft sewing, colored raphia, fruits and jeiiies, coat hangers, mattress covers and a few more chairs. -.11 : jf i ::-t-.--v r ' , , &m& l -'Ts- u&'i MlfeVv tii; a5? BARGAIN DAY AT SHIPLEY'S Doors SWEATER Pastel and dark shades. Large assortment of styles 55c 2 for 1.00 CHILDREN DRESSES New up to the minute plain and prints. Sizes 8 to 14 55c 2 for 1.00 SILK HOSE First quality, chiffon or serv ice weight 45c 2 pair 85c COATS A rack of swagger and other port coats. Our regular stock cut to 5.95 JACKETS Flannel sport jackets In red, blue, gray. Spec. Bargain Day 2.95 SKRTS Flannel, knits and novelty weaves all included at 1 prlos U.CO BLOUSES Wash blouses la plain and printed materials for women and "little women" 55c 2 for 1.00 Society Editor, Any one' who wishes to contribute is invited to do so. All those attending are urged to register as soon as possible In order to allow plans .for supplies to be made. Those registered to date Include: Harriet Crawford, Vera Beech ler, June Llnd, Leone Spaulding, Beula Pederson, Gertrude Brooks, Sybil Spears, lone Turner, Max ine Drorbaugh, Mary Frances En trees, Sylvia J. Claggett, Bernlce Marcy, Doris Gutekunst, Betty Beck, Doris Turner, Mary Eliza beth Ross, Lynn Borlzo, Orah El liott, Thelma Thompson, Betty Hamilton, Berna Boyce, Jean Boyce, June Curtis, Elizabeth Steed, Virginia Steed. - Lyons The lodge members and other friends of Miss Clara Edna Mulkey of Mehama, gave her a miscellaneous bridal shower at the I. O. O. F. hall in Lyons Fri- aay night o-o-o- IT SURE Will Open at 9 Sharp, Friday HOUSE DRESSES 1933 models, fine prints, nicely trimmed 55 2 for 1.00 KITTED SUITS and Dresses. White, pastels and mixtures. For bargain day 55c SILK DRESSES Puffed sleeves, long sleeves, short sleeves, llany styles and materials. Values to S.7S 2.95 2 for 5.00 SILK DRESSES Dark and pastel shades. All very fine dresses that sold up to 10.50. Bargain Day 2.68 ENSEMBLES Printed silks in sixes to 80. Three quarter length coats J.CC HATS AS summer colored straws. To clean up at 4.G8 2 for 1.00 THE GREATER SHIPLEY STORE Affairs Art Exhibit Draws Portland Attention Seldom does it fail to Salem to secure a cultural exhibit which Is deprived Portland and seldom too, does an exhibit equal to that now at the Y. M. C. A. come to either Portland or Salem. Too exhibit is that of Maurice Herbert-ltobert and it contains both oil and water color canvases which hold admirers spell-bound the country over in Europe as well as in the United States. A compliment which this inter nationally known artist has paid the west is a number of distin guished canvases of Oregon and California landscapes. The past winter Monsieur Herbert-Robert painted two outstanding western pictures, one of- Crater Lake and another of Columbia River Gorge, which are on exhibit at the T. M. C. A., and which are attracting wide-spread comment. The exhib it is even more brilliant than the one which won it so much praise when it was presented at the Mar lon hotel for two days last fall. Rickey Mrs. W. Carothers en tertained about 30 of the young er set at a picnic party at Hager's grove honoring her daughter Vir ginia on her 12th birthday. Mrs. Carothers was assisted at the lunch hour by Mrs. C. Taylor, Mrs. F. Beard and Mrs. C. Court nier. o Additional Society on Page 8 O! IS HATS White fabria hats for sport and afternoon wear. Special, each 55c BLOUSES Organdie and pique in plajn and bar styles, snappy num bers - 95c CORSELLETTE and Girdles. One lot of od and ends. Regular stock v to 15V- 95 PANTIES Mesh and rayon ta novelty weaves. Many style. Special, each A U for 1.00 KNITTED DRESSES On and two piece, a few left we wCl dose out at 29 INFANTS' SWEATERS Wool and wool and rayon mix tures. A wonderful bargain at 2 for 1.00 BRASSIERES Odd and ends to move quick Odds and ends to move qulckrj Values to 98c 35c 3 for 1.00 Values to 1.50$ 1 for 1.00 1.00 o Ethel Mae Nichols Inspires Large Party, . One of the largest parties of the spring was that which compli mented Miss Esther Mae Nichols, brldo - elect of Emil Otjen, Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. A. Rhoten with Mrs. Rhoten, Mrs. Zeda Lisle and Mrs. B. E. Otjen as hostesses. The house was beautifully ar ranged with red and white roses in profusion. Miss Faith Pridy greeted the guests at the door. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. C. A. Downs and Mrs. Ralph Thompson. Assisting the hostess es were Mrs. W. J. Linfoot, Mrs. Clyde French. Mrs. Zeda Lisle, Mrs. John B. TJlrich, Mrs. Era Rasmussen, Miss LaVerne Proc tor, Miss Lltha Polk and Miss Monica Blade. A group of musical numbers and readings were presented by Mrs. W. J. Linfoot, Miss Dorothy Keeton, Miss Georgia Roberts, Daryl TJtjen, Miss Flavia Downs, Mrs. Mason Bishop, and these were sunnlemented br a mrrv mock wedding In which took part Mrs. B. Darlow Johnson, Mrs. Wayne Greenwood. Misa Frances French, Miss Lltha Polk, Miss Monica Blade. Miss Elizabeth Ot jen and small Beatrice Otjen. Just before the tea hour Miss Nichols was presentd with a love ly assortment of pre-nuptial gifts and the opening of these was a feature of the afternoon. Present in compliment to Miss Nichols were Mrs. Sara Lowry, Mrs. C. H. Brown, Mrs. Flora Ab bott, Mrs. W. H. Lucas, Mrs. B. E. Meeks. Mrs. Charle Viek. Mrs. Wayne Greenwood, Mrs. Jose- pnine Murray, Mrs. J. A. Kappa- nanan, miss Dorotny Keeton, Miss Faith Pridy, Mrs. C. E. Birch, our n. O U GET THE MIXER AND I PINT OF WESSON OIL at your grocer's today! both for WESSON O I L for making good kings io eat Mrs. Carroll Robinson, Mrs. Zeda Lisle, Mrs. C. F. French. Mrs. Ray Westphal, Mrs. W. C Connor, Mrs. Clara Lucas. Mrs. E. T. Bar kus, Mrs. J H. VIcary, Mrs. Wal ter Zlegler, Mrs. J. L. Heldler, Mrs. C. A. Nichols, Mrs. B. E. B arson, Mrs. Mason Bishop, Mrs. S. Darlow Johnson, Mrs. John B. Ulrica, Mrs. L C. McShane, Mrs. Daisy Mclntyre. Mrs: W. J. Lin foot, Miss Phoebe MeAdams, Miss Frances French, Mrs. E. D. Roee man, Mrs. John Bertleeoa. Mrs. Addle Mclntyre, Mrs. Era Ras mussen, Mrs. C. W. Darls, Mrs. J. Ray Pembertpn, Mrs. B. F. Ford, Miss Monica Blade. Mrs. Ralph, Thompson. Miss Ada Roes, Mrs. J. H. Rhoten, Mrs. C A. Downs, Miss Elisabeth Otjen. Miss La Verne Proctor. Miss Lltha Polk, Miss Flavia Downs, Mrs. W. R. Bush. Mrs. F. W. Selee, Mrs. Ben Randall. Mrs. C. T. Cooper, Mrs. Clark Will and the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs.L. C. McShane left Thursday afternoon for Portland, where Mr. MeShane Is to be a lay delegate for the Methodist con vention in session there. Later Mr. and Mrs. McShane will spend a few days in Vancouver. They ex pect to be home Tuesday. Dr. Rath M. Daugnerty 801-2-3 First National Bank Eves Examined 'i . ni r"'ii l Tel. 5858 Satisfaction Guaranteed Correctness and style are combined in all frames and lenses. At a price you can afford own nome rm iastes fresh because it is fresh When you make your own mayonnaise you use an egg just out of the shell and choice Wesson Oil. Perhaps you use freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of vinegar. These fresh ingredients arc whipped to a creamy smoothness and served while you know they are fresh . . . so your own home made mayonnaise always has that delicious "just made" taste . . . and there simply isn't anything to compare with it. HERE'S THE NEW MIXER THAT WHIPS IT UP IN IX MINUTES! PERFECT MAYONNAISE EVERY TIM El It works with ono hand while you pour with the other . . . whips up a perfect mayonnaise in IX minutes ... the time required for the pint of Wesson Oil to pour out of the can. When the can is empty, six more strokes and your mayonnaise is finished. It can't fail. 49 TJajjectSe . - . , , 1 1 1 J 11 i: ISOLATOR WALL CONSTRUCTION -Corner reinforced, ail sUel exterior wUa STAY-KOLD "DEFEOSTEK which "i"-'t a cycle of refrigeration and mrtxnea lee cubes Intact darta defreet Inr. ELASTO FINISH An anosaaOy hard and wear-raistiaf ex terior finish. Interiors are of acld-reasstlnf porcelain. Cnejeestionab ly yoa wffl want te see the MAJESTIC FIRST. Get an that Majes tic offers! And then more at this special limited offer of $99.50 and most reasonable terms. SEE THIS MODEL NOW! SaUeinni HHIai?dwai?e Go. 120 North Commercial Street Salem, Oregon The redpe Is on rite mixer Refrigerators ' - : a ' i4r'a Tiew Low j Price For a Limited Time Only The New 1933 Series. Regular $119.50 Value Keep your food whole xnne and fresh in one of these Majestic Specials Now is the time to install one. Don't Bsiss this &ar iags. A few plain facts Majestic Features the mayonnaise