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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1933)
IV 1 - ' Tht OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, June 23, 1933 PAGE THREE iiiimii .nrinti pnn I iVi ' m . ... TT " : ! ' nnHniiHi 'in hiiv i iiii i i inn in i in innr i o ivwiiuHL nuui run murd a a tflbHt i i r . mm HSiOLBOlS r When the recently elected non high school boards bold their first meetings they will recelre copies or a manual Issued by C. A. Howard, state superintendent of public Instruction, outlining the procedure under the new tuition law. , The manual contains a con tract form for tuition and also a form for transportation for use in those counties that will con tinue' the school bus system. A method of computing tuition costs , has been, worked out based on j- the standard system of school ac counting now used in Oregon and on the experience of other states r In which laws cimilar to the Ore gon statute hay been in opera- " tlon for many years. "Both high school and non- high school boards should keep in mind that the sole purpose of this law Is to provide for rural boys and girls of Oregon the same opportunities for a high school education as are provided for those Jn the towns and cities," Howard said. "Financial considerations are important but to permit cost fac tors to take first place in nego- tiatlons would tend to cheapen in struction, lower standards, and ultimately thwart the purpose of law." 1 The new law was enacted by the 1933 legislature. J Eastern inquiry about 25? cents-per-cre farms In Oregon con tinues. .-. ' The chamber ot commerce yes terday received from a Chicago man request for information re garding lands put up for sher iff's sale in Klamath county. But the Chlcagoan - wants to be aure he gets his money's worth. . . . "Should this localrty prove wor thy, I shall settle upon it in the very near future," he writes. A news dispatch in eastern pa pers saying that Klamath county coum get no buyers, even at 25 cents per acre, for land at sher iff's sale, has caused the flow of inquiries, C1MIK TO Will UPON RACKETEERS WASHINGTON, June 22 (AP) A relentless camnale-n but minus the frills that go Into the making of movie thrillers has been directed against racke teers by Attorney General Cum min gs. One of the first objectives. Cummlngs said today will be to ascertain where gangsters obtain machine guns. Cummlngs called the slaying Standard Feed Co. 228 Ferry One-Half Block West Marion Hotel Phone 6858 DOING A CASH BUSINESS and being located outside of the high rent district enables us to usually undersell. We quote the following: Pullet Grower Egg Maker 100 lbs, .. $1.95 100 lbs. . $1.95 MASH m-i q MASH fi- nA wo lbs 3i.u loo lbs Jbi.yu Progressive Mash . . $1.55 Progressive Scratch $1.40 Alfalfa Hay . ct . 95c fvm,!, Cracked or grd. $-g .35 VAIJLII el00 lbs. . 1 Wheat.. Recleaned JL mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SIAM ROYALTYTO REVISIT U. S. I o SEARCH IS GENERAL ""4 V- V 1 -r ft.- ' V r i 1 ,v V King Prajadhipolc of Siam is shown with Queen Rambal Barnl aa they were cheered at White Plains, N. Y, when the king came here for eye treatment in 1931. Owing to a recurrence of the trouble, the monarch plans a second trip to the United States next January. Inset Dr. John Wheeler, New York, who treated the king on his former visit. Screening & Molasses & 75c of a Justice department agent and four other officers last, week at Kansas City "a challenge to American civilization." "I do not eSf ect to solve the question by magic," Cummings said. "We must proceed slowly. I hope to advance to the solution of it "We have got to win that war. We shall." He said various plans were be ing considered for a nationwide drive against criminals and that an agreement might be worked out with state authorities which would make it more effective. He expressed the belief that the crim inal confronted with the combin ed police powers ot the nation and 48 states would find himself in a net from which there would be no escape. A laxative that's ideal for summer use The beneftcUl aon-habtt-forming laxa tive effect of min eral oil but no oily taste, no leakage. Non-fattening. Agarex Ml ?Or PtEKLW9!! INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS 115 S. Commercial St. iav$Eir savers FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY. Ji-lb. CUT AGAR AGAR 39c NEW KOTEX EQUALIZER 14c 25c ANACIN TABLETS .... 15c 1 pt. OLIVE OIL --- 39c 19c NEW EVER READY RAZOR $1 CARA NOME 0 CREAMS 3 for tP 25c PACQUIN'S HAND CREAM 25c J. & J. BABY TALCUM 15c 19c 9c 25c PALMOLIVE TALCUM 25c WOODBURY'S FA CIAL lOp SOAP JLQls 45c COLGATE'S HQ. SHAV- CREAM $1 JERGEN'S LOTION 59c Mb. box MARSH. - r MALLOWS l-O 60c MUM DEODORANT .... 39c 10c PALMOLIVE SOAP 5c $1 DUSKA FACE POWDER 10c COLGATE'S SOAPS 50c 5c 25c DICHLORICIDE MOTH CRY- -I flgi XIV VACATION LETTERS a peoture NOW! Toull find that this handy portfolio makes vacation letters a real pleas ure. SO sheets fine linen paper, 24 matched envelopes tucked in a slim portfolio. Fits snugly in your bag! And the rial back makes a con venient desk I Lord Baltimore Portfolio 29C STALS . ambrosia 49 jA&B???.":33c CLEANSER ...... SM mkweep.29c 6dan1)erine -39c 50c PROBAK Otrp elE 13C BLADES. 5's ...MuL MINT GUM -LOV 1 pt. N. F. 5 ANTISEPTIC 19c $1 large LYSOL - 79c 25c LISTERDSE -j Q TOOTH PASTE Xe7U 35c WIXLIAM'S 9Qn GLIDER . aVlUV 50c S ANTISEP TIC LOTION 33c 60c" SYRUP of PEPSIN 39c 10 c SW1M IIAP5 Distioctlre tyle olor. Aad T keep out water too I TO TINY - TOILET 5 KEEP BABY HAPPY... COMFORTABLE ... . To kte? Wby mora Withy aa4 comfortable a famous peialit per fected thla Tmy-Tot Toilet eet. A seutrat aeap of eocoanut ana ee oOa. Tioy-Tot Baby Cream. Aa4 Tiny-Tot Powder. Real Comfort. TOT 70- ley of Labish Center gave an in terestlng talk on her 20 years ex perience In rescne work In Port land. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Job. Bartrnf t of Kei rer, July 18. FOR s in MEXICO CITT, Jnne 22 (AP) estimated 10,000 aoldlera In addition to countleea ciTlllana were systematically searching thousands of saaare miles In southern Mexico tonight for the missing Spanish trans-Atlantic filers, Capt. Mariano Barberan and Lieut. Joaquin Collar. The aviators were known to hare been last sighted late Tues day oyer villa Hermosa, In Ta basco state, they were flying from Harana toward Mexico City to complete their long air Jour ney from Serille, Spain. Airplanes between here and villa Hermosa searched over awampa. Jangles, plains and mountains: Sergeant Madarlaga, Spanish representative and ' me chanio for the aviators, left today for Oaxaca to Join la the hunt. . - A rumor : that the fliers had trashed on .Lo Mallnche moun tain and that Lieutenaat Collar was killed and . his comrade In jured was being investigated. The department . of , J communications said last night the report had been conformed, bat later a wide spread search in the area disclos ed no trace of the wreckage. Safeway Stores Promoting Wool ' Use and Demand Safeway stores, western food concern, will Immediately start conducting a sales endeavor to stimulate the use and demand for the product of the western wool grower, according to an announce ment made by 'rank W. Lucia, district manager of the Safeway meat markets. From June 23 to July 1, 2726 meat markets in 18 western states will dedicate their entire efforts to the selling ot Iamb. This will the second lamb campaign la a series of or-ganixatlon-wide sales efforts to benefit the western farms and manufacturers. t These campaigns are planned to be held at , times when the grower or manufacturer needs them most. A'large crop of west ern lambs is ready and merchant able, and for this reason Safeway stores are Inaugurating this cam paign to .help move the lamb The Canton Tavern Jang Sing, formerly of the Shanghai Cafe, Salem, Ores Manager. Enjoy both Chiaeae aavd American Dishes or a cool ing Refreshment on oar dining porch. 11 A. M. to 4 A. M. MO N. Com'l Tel. 0563 grower's quickly. Cocks P1CMO IS SUCCESS -WOODBURN, June 22 The Wood barn Rural club . held ltaf annual picnic at the Oak Park camp ground at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday evening, a large gather ing of members and their fam iles were present to enjoy the pot luck supper. Watkins Products Dealer Now Located at 2261 Hazel Ave. I 935 South Commercial St. i Sarah Oliver Unit W. C. T. U. Holds Meeting at Green MIDDLE GROVE, June 22 The Sarah Oliver union of W. C. T. U.. of which Middle Grove is a unit, met at the home of Mrs. G. G. Looney of Hazel Green Tuesday afternoon. Representa tives from Labish Center, Hazel Green and Middle Grove were present. Mrs. Looney and Rev. Smith led devotions. The theme of the after noon was "Liquor and Social Wel fare" and short talks were given on its effect on family health, edu cation and employment. Mrs. Shel- Concert Will Benefit Open Door Mission Combined choirs of nearly 20 Salem churches will appear in a concert at the armory at 8 o'clock tonight as a benefit to aid the Open Door Mission in clean ing up the deficit it has Incurred on charity work. In the past seven months, the Mission has served 30,000 meals and lodged 17,000 persons, in addition to other work. The Willamette Philharmonic choir will also sing. Combined choirs are directed by Prof. Cameron Marshall, with Robert Magin and Mrs. Max Ro gers, accompanists. The program: Jolly Timer March (Messing er), Hilo March (Smith) and Misty Moon (Messinger) by Sil ver stringed orchestra, directed by Mrs. PrlsciUa Meisinger; Unfold Ye Portals (Gounod), combined choirs; A Brown Bird Singing (Wood), trio, Beneitta Edwards, Harriet Adams and Maurice Dean: readings. Bur dock's Music Box and The Wed ding by Jean Hawkins; Plantation (Stainer) and Day break (Fanning), by Willamette Philharmonic choir; One Fine Day (Puccini) and Joy (Watts) by Gladys Mclntyre Thomas; male quartet In negro spirituals, Bykerson Brothers and Harry Byier; Hallelujah Chorus (Han del), combined choirs. Tickets will be available at the armory tonight. Bids are Opened On State Prison Pump Equipment Fifteen bids were opened by the state board of control Thurs day .for boiler and pump equip ment at the Oregon state peniten tiary. Fairbanks Morse company submitted the low bid of $1330 on the pump. H. C. Hastorff, Inc., Portland, was los with a hid ot 39682 on the boiler and equipment. C. C. Moore & Company, Portland, with a bid of $11,324, was low on the combined reqlurements. The contract will be awarded at - the next meeting of the board. IDAHO BOLOXS QUIT BOISE. June 22 (AP) The special session of the Idaho legls- lature adjourned here late today after enacting laws permitting sale of 3.2 per cent beer and car rying out all other requests In cluded by the governor in his call. SEND FOR YOUR COPY OF THIS NEW SUMMER PATTERN BOOK This hie. Interesting book of fers helpful, money-aaving sug gestions for a smart Summer wardrobe. If yon sew. you will want s copy. Pages of patterns for herinnAr. too. The nattern feature of this newspaper gives Instructions for ordering wis gsw Anns Adams book. 935 Sooth Commercial St. Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday June 23, 24 and 26 We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Open Till 9 P. M. Daily Rosedale Medium Red cans r?f??o l To) Pure Cane Fine granulated nibso For sealing your jelly and jam glasses pound packag' Free! Saturday Only To the First Thousand Customers We Will Give One 5c Package of Potato Chips FREE Pancrust Vegetable Shortening, pound can CORN Butter Kernel, 2 No. 1 cans SHRIMP Antltirh, extra quality, 8 cans Home Ade Again we offer 70a this 10c pkg. for Jar Rubbers Doable Lipped, pkg Pen-Jel Package SOAP Lnna Whit Laundry, 10 bars , Whip with otuhand Home Made Mayonnaise in Vh Minutes PERFECT EVERY TIME1 New MIXER and 1 Pint WESSON OIL H por with I the 1 other both for The recip If n tK mixer 49c Will be demonstrated at Store Sat urday by Marguerite Bower. COFFEE Airway, pound Winning Friends by the Thousands UDc (S Genuine Copper, cleans pots and pans and dishes Made in U. S. A., each Obtain Your Fruits and Vegetables from Pay'n Takit Salem's Leading Produce Dept. Fresh strawberry V Large size Last chance for canning, lb Full of juice, doz. ILellitftaGe 5op iraffiigeG frra Extra large 2 Sweet and juicy e2J Solid heads - Medium size, doz. Strawberries Do You r Canning This Week HfcJ OUR rJAREUSTS Picnics d8;r ioy2c Loin Pork Roast R Pound 12y2C Beef Roast Choice arm and shoulder 12V2C Mayonnaise Very best qnal- OCf ity In bulk. Qt. &DL Weiners, Bologna, Liver Sausage, Frank Furters. ES5 lb. Mm cmxL Economical, fw ljjow tender snd toothsome ts a roast genuine spring Umb raised just for eat ing. The small bones, practically no fat and itde waste make Lamb an economical meat. We offer 1 choice selection 6f al Lamb cuts at our markets this weekj In order to assist the Lamb Grower! In their "Eat more Lamb" campaign. Lamb Roast I Lamb Chops Shoulder - Ol A I Loin or Rib -I Q cuts. Lb. - lZy2C I chops. Lb. LUC Lamb Stew Always a. farorite." Lb. 8c