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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Bferning, June 23, 1933 PAGE FIFTEEN " ' " - - ' ' : : ' il i 1 A I. r r . 4 V ! -' : 3 ness Directory Cards to this ATcUttf iMt monthly basil only. Rats. $L00 per lint per mouth. AUTO BRAKES Mike Fmk, the brake sand sMmmy doctor. IT Sooth Commercial 8 creel. CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. Ph. S788. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telepl hone 448 B. C. North ww. CHIROPRACTORS R. O. U BCOTT. rSG, Chiropractoz. $58 N. MUh, TeL Bo. JtTl. DRESSMAKING Exp. dressmaking In 3.09 day. Copy picture. your horn. Trl. 7t4. FLORISTS CUT dowers, wt4dlng bouquet fun eral wreath, decoration C P. Brelt- haupt. florist. (71 Court. Tel. . ALL. kinds ot floral work. Lutt Flor- 1st. 16th Market. TeL M. GLASS Auto and window glass mirror. TeL 1 1 04. Walter J. uown. o weya INSURANCE BECKE 18 J tL High HENDRICKS TeL 484T COFFEY-SMITH, gen. In a TeL 8681 LAUNDRIES IHI NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY 111 & High TeL 1 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRT First in Quality and Service Telephone 8168 1884 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sliarpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Spring mattress $8.00. Renovators and fumlgatora Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. TeL 4068. 8030 N. CapltoL New mattress made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, slslng; fluff rug wea ring. Salem Fluff Rag ft Mat tress Factory, a llth ft WUbur. TeL 844L Otto F. Zwlcker. Est 19 1L MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Pianos, radios, sew r maehinea sheet musle and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machine bum wki. Salem. MEDICINE n. Chan Lam Chines Medicine Co. TTnurm Tuesday and Friday, 10 :30 a.m. to 4:38 p. m. 48 N. Commercial. aii vtnria hetfhs for male and fe- ' far rTmiln.itlon. rheumatism. appendicitis, colitis, gland, stomach disorders. Charlie Chan, Chinese Med- lelna CO. IZi r. com i. unuy day 8-11 PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint ft Roofing. 474 Ferry, PRINTING enn stationery, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind ot printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 218 & Commercial. Tele- phone 110L. . REAL ESTATE BKCKB ft HENDRICKS, TeL 4947. w u nniRCNHOSST ft CO. 114 a.' Liberty St. TeL 6418. oncni .nirsttY a BON 104-8 rirst Nat L Bk. Bldg. TeL T60T. STOVES BTOVES and stove repairing. Stoves (or sale, rebuilt and repaired. Ail kinds of wove wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, books, logan hooka Batata Fene Stove Works 881 inhiMnlkat. TeL 4714. R. a Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY. Transfer Co. 224 i State St TeL T77X. DlatrlbuUna, tor- wardlna ana swrae wur -" "i Gel our rat. i xrno inai a, distant tTaasfer storage. call $184. Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portuna oauy. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Men. sold, runted. reDaired. Underwood Agents, Cooke ft Short. 818 Court, TeL 86 $4. WELL DRILLING IL.A West. 80 years experience. RFD 6. Bos 103 E. TeL 110F5. Street Backs Up Aiter Early Rise And Dull Middle NEW YORK, June 22 (AP) Stocks backed up abruptly toward' the close today after an early rise and an intermediate period of ex treme dullness. Final prices. above the lows, represented gen eral losses of 1 to around S points. Sales totaled 4,188,351 shares. At the close, TJ. S. 8teel, Am erican Telephone, Wostlnghouso, Union Pacific United. Aircraft, Harvester, Wool worth, Contoll- dated Gas, General Electric, Union Carbide. General Motors, Chrysler, ( Soars Roebuck, New Pennsylvania and 8anta re were York Central. Baltimore Ohio, down about 1 to 1H. Case waa off E, Western Union. National distillers.! Dn Pont and Allied Chemical 8 or more, and Ameri can Can t. Statesman -Classified Ads ' Call 9101 ' CUavlfUd Advertising STngls Insertion per llce-lle Threw insertions par Una- IN 81z Uaertloas pr Una. .Ifft One month pr Una.. iLOt Minimum charge ....... Sit Copy tor thU page ac cepted until C: JO La irn 1ng before publication tor classification. Com c-sired sftar this Unt will 6s raa under the handing Too Lata to Classify. Too Btatenmnn un no Rnsrnclal i espjusTtot llty for errora whlefc may -an. pot.r U odtertUamtntr pmo Bahed la Hi col an as, ana In cuh where this paper It it tacit will -reprint that part ot an advertisement la which tho typographical mistake occur. Tho Statesman reserrea tho right to reject objee tloaal advertising. It tar thor resorres tho right to classify- all advertising un dor tho proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE Want a young man to work In town with crew manager. salary ana com mission. Leonard Hotel. Apply even- lnars. HELP WANTED FEMALE Two young women for permanent work. Experience In meeting the pub lic necessary. See Mr. Rose, 881 State St.. Room 806, 7 to 8 p. m. SITUATIONS WANTED Sewing. Mra Adsitt. TeL 4378. Work. R. Porter. R. 1. Bt 88, Salem. Painting -carp, repair work. Tel. 6213 Nurse will take care of sick or in valid and do light housework. Reason able. TeL 8182. Mra Smith. Jr. high girl wish housework care of children. Tel. 8377. r FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs now at FWler stand. intersection S lverton-Foruana roaa. Now wrecking 1-26 Standard Stude 6: 1-2$ Dodge: 1-26 Over. ; i-z Chev truck. Acme Auto and Truck Wrecker. 430 S. Com'L TeL 7722. Rebuilt batteries $2.00 and up exch. for old one. Trailers, tires. Acme Auto and Truck Wreckers, 430 S. Com'L Tel. 7722. Lbr., drs., wd's., cheap. 255 Market. Burbank seed potatoea Certified Netted Gem. Puritan Cider orss. West Salem. FOR SALE Sound team, weight 2800. Route 4, Box 112, Chemeketa Farm. Espert ladles and gents halrcuttlng. !0c, children 15c. 1614 N. Com'L FOR SALE Seed potatoea, $1.10 per C ana up. uarnets, uuroans auu Genoa 581 Highland. Roll top desk, typewriter desk and chair. 401 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Seed potatoes. Garnetchlll, $1.28 per 100. H. A. Hyde Co., 2698 Portland Rd. TeL 95$6. See radio special in front of store: radio changed each day. Wills Music Store. TRADE Miscellaneous One 14 Inch wagon, z good milk cows, and some yearling neirers : to trade for city lots, or ugnt car. IL C. SHIELDS Real Estate Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Oregon WANTED Miscellaneous Ws Pick UD dead or worthless horses. cows, sheep, free of charge. TeL 4869. WANTED Hatching eggs from a few large flocks Barred Rocka W. E. Park. 41 a 14th St, Salem. MISCELLANEOUS Typing students keep In practice pi. for summer, 2 mos. for $5. Thoa Roen, 420 court Mr. Lane of Seattle, Wi, expert hair cutter, now located 301 8. Win ter. Prices the same. Adults 20c, chil dren 15c. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, sip. porch. 1877 Court 8t TeL 4857. i i Downstairs room In private home. Tel. 8724. ROOM AND BOARD B. and R. near P. O. $20. TeL S482. Hjxn rxn iinrir-ii-ii-ii-i-i-i-i -1-1- - -- -- - - R-B., $20 and $25. 645 Marion. Board and room for ladles. Close tn. TeL 5678. 695 Court St FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 apta. $12 and $2a. Tel. 6294. Romitifiil court 8 rm. apt. rurnian- ed. Laundry, garage, TeL 8184. u'in.ii.njrrM-M-,.-ii-ii-n- Apta $11. 891 N. Com'L For rent. furn. apta, 444 S. Hign. Furnished bungalow apt in Oak Villa court Garage and water tree. 947 Mill St Adults oniy. I R. furn. apt, frigid., 1209 Court . 8 room furnished apt, private bath. $1$. 645 Court St xeu nvz. Nice furnished apt. 890 Union. Mt. fnrniahed ant Rent by day, week or month. Why top at the auto Ann? Garages mciuaea. ohm. inf.. nmma earasre nous, an nloelr furn. Tel. 7664. 2261 HaseL FOR RENT HOUSES il Furn. and unfurn. nouses. VM-knee. 1118 N. COttag. l. vnr rnt 7 room house. See Mrs. OadweU, Statesman office. "Voom modern." Inquire litS Crt. Small wefl furn. modeiw cottage. Ad ults only. 4 blocks from business ec tlon. Would lease. 881 N. ComL uui.iin.nrn. r ' 1 v mnm furn. house. 685 Union. - - . .i. rM'-T.--. - . - Houses for rent. Damon, t8I K. Qom. FOR RENT HOUSES Furnished, unfurnished bouse a IL P. Grant, SIS Oregon Bids. TeL 1 3X0. FOR RENT Rent: 20 A., good house. 44 & High room furnished cottage on Alsea Bay beach, hot and cold water, shower, 818.00 week, or 815.00 month. Inquirer Savage Cash Grocery, waldport. Ore gon. FOR SALE Real Estate Good semi-modern T-rnotn plastered residence, basement, fireplace, pintnb Ing. on two big lots covered with nut. cheery and rnaroentai trees and. roses. grape arbor, near schools, nice view. going at depression price. Also two beautfful building lots llxXSO each with Urge fruit trees, block south Lea He brick schooL at bargain, easy terms. Owner. Tit Rural Ave. Phone 8854. Strictly modern 5 room bungalow. cloae to. Nearly new. A very choice home at only $3000.00. all furnished. Terma S Acres with modern C room bun galow near Ealem. Price only $1800.00. Terms given. 80 Acres located north or saiem, au fenced and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at $2800.00. Terms. J. F. ULRICH CO. Phone 8871 325 State Street Two lots on knoll 80x118 each, fac ing Leslie brick school grounds, nice! view, covered with large cnerry. pear and apple treea Will sell one or ootn. See these before building. -Easy terma Owner, 765 Rural Avenue. TeL 885. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 17$ acre farm In Yamhill county, fair set of bulldlnrs. 20 acres m cul tivation, creek and spring water piped to house. 40 acres of good timber can be used at nearby mill. Price $3000, or will take Salem residence In exchange. Neat 4 room cottage in Roseburg. clear, for home in Salem. Will pay $1000 difference. 6-10 acre tract 1 miles out on paved road, small hout, electric lights, drove welL Value $2000. Will pay or assume difference up to $1500 on t to 5-acres improved near Salem. $1000 mortgage on a 40 acre farm few miles out. Want small Salem home. CHTLD9 ft XflLLER, REALTORS 344 State Street TeL 6708 A plastered 8 rm. house', lights and water. Will accept a car or reason able down payment, $850. H. P. GRANT 213 Oregon Bid. Tel. 8380. EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR TRADE 10-ACRES I0-A. all In cultivation. Fine soil. Close In on paved road. 8-R. house. Electricity. Barn, and poultry house. Fruit, berries, and garden. Trade for larger place with good soil, not par ticular atout good buildings. SEE - JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High Street 201 A. CLEAR TO TRADE for Sa lem home, clear. 135 A. under plow, with fair buildings, balance In pas ture. VAN M. GREER, 202 Ore. Bldg. Owner of Boise Valley, Idaho, 80-A. under govmt Irrlratlon project nearly completed. Offers up to 40-A. for sim ilar area raw land. w. Oreg, 166 N. 21st, Salem. Tel. 6970. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT the best S R hmiM thai- $2500 will buy, with $500 down, $20 a mo. List yours today. VAN M. GREER, 202 Ore. Bldg. Business Opportunities BUSINSOPPORTUNITIKa For lease, gas station, grocery and confection. Fine location. Doing good Business, ueiter hurry. SKK JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High Street MONEY TO LOAN mm m m m iimnnni Borrow on personal property ; repay In monthly Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO., SUte 11a S-169. 50 Guardian Bldg. TeL 8877. f -V rsJ-iprr'trrw jijLrmj i-n-ijjj-ffknrs 'Bells of Harmony Heard ever KOIN daily ring out a loan service that Is really really different. TOO GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN TN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE 818 SUte Street TeL 8-7-4-8. - ---- -iisLir'sii i i n nnxtjxivi-nj- PERSONAL LOANS MADE en farnltare, car, salaries or ether good secttrtty. Repayable monthly. When tn financial need see us before closing s loan. UEAEKAL IN V ESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 8552 PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATS LOAN COMPANY 111 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor Office hra 10 :00 A. M. to 6 :30 P. M. Telephone 7783. Stat license No. S-165. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contract Refinanced Arrange to reduce yout payments You keep the car P. A. ETKER Cor.' Liberty St and Ferry Phone 4781 Sain. Ore Private money to loan on good real estate security. Abrams and Ellis Inc., 4ii Masonic. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRY TeL $000 Salem Fuel Co. Cottage. Trade ft ------- - , , . ii if if i ii - n - ru"uuulXn Ash. fir and oak. TeL 8648. Pry. My. P4-8.0! . .70K . 16" dry slab wood, 82 load. 16" dry old fir $2.50 load and dry planer wood, $2.88 load. Prompt delivery. At Tra cy's. TeL 3986. POLLY AND HER WV THS COSTUME: BEFORE WE OWN A FARM, SIR.? I - - - - - - - . MONET TO LOAN Wood, all kinds, call 48714, Smith a Rubens. 2nd growth and oak. Any length. Judd. TeL 1 1F1 4. No. 1 II In. old fir. f 4.11. TeL 4488. Good dry old fir, second growth, ash. oak. TeL 1178. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold-rlmmed glasses In black leather case. Finder please call 749 or 4406. Reward. LOST Rimless glasses In grey and whHe case. Leave at Miller's silk de-H partment. Reward. PERSONAL Canadian, of wood character. workman, gardener or farmer wishes to correspond with middle aged wi dow with home, who desires compan ion. No money seeker need reply. Write In English or German to Box 111, Statesman. FOR SALE USED ClARS WANTED Several light car a Win pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE Terms , Trades 141 Chemeketa THRIFT PRICES ON USED CARS Come in and Drive A Bargain 31 STUCK LIGHT SIX SEDAN. Free wheeling small mileage, new car service. 30 BXJICK STD. COUPE. Overhauled and reflnlshed. 32 ESSEX TERRAPLANE COUPE. Almost new nek car service and guarantee. 1 ' . '32 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE. The famous 4. with floating power. 2 8TUDE PRESIDENT SEDAN. One of the best cars ever built. '27 STUTZ VICTORIA COUPE. Cost over 83300 new. 28 HUDSON STD. SEDAN. Trunk and other extras. 29 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN. Karl Keen trunk. 29 DURA NT 4-DOOR SEDAN '28 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE State Motors Inc. S2S Chemeketa Evenings Open TeL 8400. SOME REAL BUYS 1930 Ford Cpe. First class $245 1930 44 Bulck Spt. Road. A-l 885 1930 Chev. Coach OKM 295 1929 Durant 6 Coach 165 1928 Essex Spt Cpe. 95 1925 Dodge Coupe, good cond. 65 TRUCKS 2-'2l Chev. lH-ton (each) $180 l-"29 Ford 1H ton. guaranteed 195 1 -Dodge Screen Dellverv tn BORREGO'S 240 North Liberty TeL 3688. CHEVROLET GIVES MORE FREE LICENSE '26 Stude Coupe $125.00 '29 Ford CouDe 165.00 '29 Chev. Coach '29 Nash Cabriolet 225.00 275.00 Z is ash Sedan 825.00 '32 Ford V-8 Tudor R1i 478.00 485.00 495.00 sz .:nev. coach '32 Plymouth Sedan '29 Ford Truck 29 Chev. Panel Truck 275.00 325.00 Z9 Chev. Truck 195.00 TERMS TFUhPS Open Evenings and Sundays McKAY CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET GIVES MORE "Dlck'S Car Lot" rhmnolrat. .. ,-. ,-V,n,. - io ure Nation, pays cash for cars. CHERRY FRUIT FLY E First spray application for the cherry frnit fly in sections of tho state where this pest Is a prob lem is expected to be due within the next day or two. This first spray Is timed according to em ergence of the flies, which is us ually about the time Royal Ann cherries attain good color. This is one pest where the pot- son spray Is directed toward the adults, because the flies hare a handy habit of spending consid erable time flitting about the trees sampling; any drops of mois ture they find. The idea la to have some sweetened poison "mois ture" ready for them during this period. The spray used is made of lead arsenate one - half pound, molass es 2 quarts, and enought water to make 10 gallons. Trees aro never drenched with this spray, the Idea being merely to sprinkle the foliage enough to hare plenty of the droplets on the top side of the leaves for all flies. Excellent results hare been had by spraying with any sort ot a rig which will do that. Three sprays are usually need ed. The first given when tho flies first emerge; second in oeren days, and the third a week later. Hay rake Runaway Fatal to Driver SACRAMENTO. Calif.. June 22 (AP) Fred Richardson, 60, a farm hand was killed Wednesday when a terrified team of horses dragged him for a quarter of a mile on the prongs of a hayrake Ho suffered a fractured skull and Internal injuries. PALS H HER J f A TREAT,' rl I JfLT CT Pi'V. -SI rCM-t (fT TOilr i m. m m wm - - I I K m A . Bk. tl UaJ 1 I 0 Zim f . A JV 111 & mn W " M n c I niirncTED Eastern Oregon Crop to be Higher Than Western; Polk Crop Failure Eastern. Oregon fresh prune prospects are considerably better than western Oregon, according to tho latest Information. In Marlon county the fall production-has beea estimated as low as IS per cent, due largely to heavy fall occasioned by cold rains. Report from Clark county. Wash., growers and. packers in dicates a 25 per cent crop this year, or about three and a guar-J ter million pounds. Eastern Washington predicts a CO per cent production and in sosthem Idaho It Is asld not orer 00 carloads ot fresh prunes will be harvested, compared to tho normal output of from 1C0O to 2000 cars. Storage stocks of dried prunes are rery light throughout the northwest now, and some inquiry has been received from eastern sources for old-crop prunes for September delivery, the Market News service says. No future business is contemplated until the California opening prune price la announced, some time in August. Reports from various Oregon districts on prune outlook are: Clackamas county Rainy wea ther destroyed almost all the prune blossoms. Lane county- Prune crop reduced about SO per cent due to thrlp damage. Linn county Date prunes 90 per cent productions; Italians, 50 per cent. Washington county Date prunes 75 per cent production. Yamhill county Prunes prac tically complete failure In Dundee red hills district. Few young or chards have SO per cent crop. No Italians and a part crop of dates. Amity looks better. Polk coun ty Practically a failure; may not harvest any. Wasco Trees and foliage look yellow Instead of a healthy green, and think crop light. Douglas county At Look- lngglass, Italians almost all kill ed by cold: Canyonviile, leaves yellow due to lack of sunshine; Dlllard. spotted with Italians nearly 100 per cent except thrlp damage. E LIVED HEBE! Susan J. McGee, 68, passed away at her home in San Diego, Cel., June 14. Tho body was laid to rest In Greenwood Memorial park there beside the grave ot her late husband, Thomas J. McGee, She waa born October 23, 1871, to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dod- son. Oregon pioneers, in Prine- Yille, Ore., where she spent the early part of her life. She studied pharmacy at Salem, where she met John P. Jones, traveling pas senger agent for the Southern Pa cific, and they were married at Albany. March 1, 18 9g. They made their home in Portland un til the death of Mr. Jones in 1907 She married Dr. Thomas J. Mc Gee In San Diego, March 26, 126. Mrs. McGee was a member of the First Congregational church of San Diego, and of the Daugh ters of the Nile. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. N. E. Brink of Prlnerille, and two foster child ren, Mrs. Mabel Mass and the young son, Edward Thomas. raXDAY, Jnae 23 KQW TOnTLAHD 720 K. 7:00 U. 8. Msrlae Wad. HBO. 7:20 C. 8. Marine bsnd, HBO, 8:00 Rooeld Back, pUnilt. 8;S0 Cooking 4chool. 10:00 Arie trio, NBC. 10:80 Womii'i Mirtiin of ta Air, NEO. -rir Cardi. NBC. 11:18 WciUra Farm and Hera bear, NBO. 11:45 O. M, Plununcr. 8:00 The KoUckers, SBU, 8:20 Friendly chit. 4 :5 M sadL the Magician. 5:00 The Goldman bane. KBC. :3C Firat Kighter. NBO. 7:00 Amos 'a' Andy. NBO. 0:18 Charles Hart. NBO. 10:15 An son WeekV orchestra. KOAO OOBVALLXSj 860 K. 7:00 Morning meditations, led by Rev. Harold Howard. 0:00 Home eeonomiea obterrer. 11:00 Better health and longer life. 13:00 Fart keor. 1:80 Four-H clnb summer tehool aembly. . 8:55 Farm market reports. 8:48 Four-H clnb anmmer school, pro gram by dolerates from Lano and Bentea counties. 7:30 Karat sour. 8:30 Dr. W. B. Anderton. "Iatsroit- Ing Objects la tho Sky." 8:46 Byre Arnold, plsalat. If IS 1 Radio Program From Toe to Head I BUILDING PROGRAM ACCLAIMED r.i.v r jr. v -? V-- H I ;-f- y-V"x - - z .rx, ,;- n , '" t'-f' e-- Z. , '! t K to. i ... j-- "I'kJ,fc ' Four 10,000 ton cruisers, of the tro of the 16,000 ton Ranger, now under oy secretary ox the navy bwanson. Twenty destroyers, four submarines and two gunboats complete tae 1238,000,000 program. The ships will be built under the supervision of Rear Admiral Emory Land, chief U. So Net MATIOMAL DOUBLES 8 i f SZW J V f TAV)' BLOND LOS. , 1 ix2 x f vjko seems Xv V V jV headed FOR A fe3S$ GST THIS I i-nM-' W iV ; MUH1 J Stoefen, tr T A4 " yr'T&SC gledhiut 111 I: ill Iv7Hl r5L w .WIU.PIAYIM ft l4i II .S'S, THE 1 la. Wi V t fi ' s. cHAtMP- wrm ViMESa BESIDES tho regular Davis Cup line-up composed of Tines, Allison. Lott and Van Ryn, there are two other American tennis stars scheduled to take part in important European net events this year. Lester Stoefen. of Los Anfelea, and Keith Gledhill, of Santa Bar bara. Cal two of America's most promising young racquet-wielders, aro both scheduled to plsy at Wim bledon. ... . CledhiU and Stoefen will be mak Inn their Wimbledon debuts when the big English tourney gets under way shortly. OUdhilL Stanford UniTersity's contribution to the tennis world, is the favorite doubles partner of the rut TTTIirworth Vines. This pair defeated America's best doubles AIR CRaft OiRir 5J Ratse.s- of the new U. S. S. Indiana nolia construction, are included in tho naval building- program announced x navai coutrucuoo Stars at Wimbledon By BURNLEY combinations last summer to win the national doubles title. Listed to play in the doubles competition at Wimbledon, they will surely be one of the favored pairs. Young Lester Stoefen Is per haps the most interesting of these three young- racquet wieioers. ins tauesx ranjung tennis pisyer America, ha is feet 4 inches in feefeht. He is 22 rears old. with the build or a heavyweight noxer ana the profile of a moving picture ac tor. Shortly before leanne for Eu rope, Stoefen played in an Eastern tournament and showed such re markable tennis that tho experts in that sector tabbea him as the man to watch in next year's Davis Cup calculations. The blond West Coast giant flashed a fine all-around game in BY NAVY and two aircraft earriers. sisters WlMBLEDOM; T&URUEy LATE TTAIS MONTH! OUT TO .REPEAT; His LASP Vear TRIUMPH 1 beating the smart Sidney Wood in straight seta. la the rrasi mstcn ox . the tourney Stoefen forced the fa mous Wihner Allison U fire seta be fore bowiac to the No. 1 -ranking American player. The play of this bruiiaax yo-xng Los Angeles net star win be watched with treat interest when the Wimbledon tournament starts. Of course. Ellsworth Vines will be strong-tr favored to repeat his sensational Wimbledon netory ox last year. The defending champion is hitting the bell harder than ever, and the English courts are fast enough to make his terrific driving game rery effective. On the other hand, the slow, sorxY French courts seem especially desig-ned to slow up the poos of Vines' smashes. tttt. Ksw fams ti-asaaMa. kaa, By CLIFF STERRETT; I 111 .1.