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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1933)
"The OREGON STATESMAlCSalem, Oregon, Sunday Morning,' June lSTiyS" 8 64 r 4 I i' TO .1 ) f- 1 i 3 1 J: v 9- I Business Directory Caroa la till duvcuxy run 00 a monthly basis outy. Rat : $1.60 per Una pr month. AUTO BRAKES Mik Panek. the brake and shimmy octor. 275 South CommRiaI Street CATERING Burt Crary. th caterer. Ph. 8781. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R E. Nerthne. CHIROPRACTORS DEC a I SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 156 N. High. Tel. Kea, 1571. DRESSMAKING Exp. dressmaking In your home. day. Copy -picture. Tel. 7984. FLORISTS CUT flower, wedding bouquet fun eral wreaths, decorations, c V. Brlt- haupt florist, 677 Court Tel. 690. ALL. kinds of floral work. UjU Flor ist. Kth Market. Tel. 912. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. Tel 1 l 06. Walter J. Downs. 680 Breya INSURANCE RECKJS & HENDRICKS Hi N. High TeL 494T COFFET-SMITH. gen, lna TeL 843 1. LAUNDRIES THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY tti a High Tel. nt CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service Telephone 116i 124 Broaiwaj LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Spring mattress 18.00. Renovators and fumigatora. Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed- 1 lna Co. TeL 4vb. . -apiioi- Mew mattress made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, slsing ; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag a Mat trees Factory. S. lltb Wilbur. TeL M4L QUO P. zwic-er. est. iiju MUSIC STORES . uma. C WILL Piano, radio, sew ing machines, sheet music and plane Studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 411 Sum Street. Balem. ' MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday snd Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 4 :30 p. m. 14 W. Lwnmerciau PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, lis S. CommerclaL Tele thtn HOL REAL ESTATE DECK B A HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. 134 a Liberty BU TeL 48. SOCOLOFSKY & SON 804 First Nat L Bk. Bldg. Tel. 7807. STOVES STOVES and tove repairing. Stove tor ale, rebuilt and repaired. Ail kind of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets hooks, togan hooka. Balem Fence and Stove Works, 282 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R a Fleming TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Go. 218 Stat St Tel. 7771. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty Oet our ratea FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 2131. Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dairy. TYPEWRITERS tvpvWRITF.ES Adding Mch. sold. .ni M-atrea. Underwood Agenta Cooke a Short, 519 Court Tel. 6584. WELL DRILLING It A. West. 10 years experience RFO S. Boa 101 K. Tel. imrs. Cropi is Never Better View Of District SUMMIT HILL. June 17. Crops never looked better despite the fact that everything was re seeded in the spring after being frozen out last winter. Gardens "Uso are making a wonderful growth. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Booth and Mrs. Booth's mother, Mrs. LeNora Corder, left for their bio me in Axusa, Calif., after spending a short vacation with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Booth, Her bert's parents, and his brother Carl Booth and family. Before leaving they .purchased the J. E. Whitehead farm of 200 acres which joins the Booth niace on the south. Many im provements will be made on the place and will be managed ana ran by G. F. and Carl Booth. Railway! la France are expect ed to reduce passenger rates. j Statesman . Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per tlae.lOe Three lneertlona .per 11a 100 Sis Insertion iter Una. .10c Oae month per Line, .f Lll Minima-, charge ......lit Copy for thU per eepted until f:30 the arm ing before publication tor classification. Copy re ceived After this time will be run nnder tae needing Too Lata to Clantfy. The Statesman assume ao financial responsibility tor errora which may ap pear la advertisement pao ittbod tn 1t eotamna, and la cases where thi paper la at fanlt wUl reprint that part ot an adrertlsement la which the typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman reserve the right to reject objec tional advertising, ft far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica HELP WANTED 1105-S250 MONTH. Government aft er depression lobs, Men -women, is 50. Steady. Quality now. Ssampie roacliinsr and list Jobs FREE. Apply today. Box 127 R, car jta teaman HELP WANTED MALE Neat appearing man for steady work. Permanent and advancements. Write Box 217. Statesman. Salesman wanted. Good proposition to producers. Call after 1 p. m., -Nel son Isios., 3 jo i;iiemf Keia street. TEA AND COFFEE ROUTE MEN -Bis: reliable national company needs 3 more men immediately, previous ex rerience unnecessary but must be phy sicallv able and willing to service 200 steady consumers on regular route and work 8 hours a day for about I3i.50 weekly. Write Albert Mills, Route Marr.. 243S Monmouth, Cincinnati, O. HELP WANTED FEMALE LADIES: Copy names and address es, spare time for mall order lirms. Good pay. Experience unnecessary. Stamp bring details. Holt Service. Nichols, N. Y. Women earn $12 dozen sewing, ma terlals cut. instructions furnished. ex perience unnecessary, addressed envel ope brings particulars. Superior Dress Company, 203 Havemeyer Street, Brooklvn. N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED MAKE 810 to $15 daily: $500 to I $5,000 protection certificates. Ages 1- 8a. Stipulated and assessment payment plans. Address 816 Thomas B'.dg., Dal las, Tex. Sell advertising coveralls, shop- coata 13 patterns, quality herring- hones and covert beat all competition. experience unnecessary. Comm. ad vanced. Outfit free. WEAREVA, 1120 axapie, ios Angeles. Write for FREE SAMPLE showing uses new metal liquid. Mends anything, metais, glass, wood, porcelain etc. Agents, distributors. 1'p to $50 to $200 weekly. Metallic-X. Elkhart. Ind. WH7 BE UNEMPLOYED You can make $3.50 a day distrib uting religious literature in your own community, l-our months work: no capital required. UNIVERSAL BIBLE HULSE, 1016 Arch Street, Philadel phia: Magazine men wanted. See If we haven't the best. 254 N. Front Street SITUATIONS WANTED Sewing, Mra Adsitt. Tel. 4376. WrL- -a r-., o i d at a-i7 , .i-. , oaiciii. Dressmak. by day, cheap. 1533 Court. vV--Wi Painting-carp, repair work. Tel. f.213. FOR SALE Miscelianeoas Fresh crab now at Fldler" stand. intersection ailverton-Fortland road. FOR SALE Burbank seed pota- toes, reasonable. W. M. Far. 581Hleh- 1HI1U. Tent In fine shape ; also good trail er ior sale cheap. 20113 x. Com L FOR SALE Hoover vacuum clean er, 3 piece porch . t. Thor electric washer and quart fruit Jars. 145 Bel- view. Team black horses, wt. 3100. 2 muies. 2 horses wt. -125ft. 519 N. Front Now wrecking 1-26 Standard Stude ; l-ZS lodge: 1-28 Over. 6: 1-28 Cher truck. Acme Auto and Truck' ttrecsers. 430 S. Com'L Tel. 7722. " ' ' ' in.nj-.-nj-m Rebuilt batteries 82.00 nri Kh for old one. Trailers, tires. Acme Auto ana irucg wrecker. 430 S. Com'L xei. az. w, . . . . , ... M)MMI Kale plants $1.00 M. 5 mile west on uwias Highway. W. J. Barnes, Box TRADE Miscellaneous 1928 Chev. 2-door. $150 slder elec. washing machine, radio or gun, itn') w. capitol. Cel. 7551. WANTED Miscellaneous --a --n-. nr. nr rninn... . We pick up dead or worthless horses. jovs sueep, ires or cnarge. TeL, 4869. Will hllV rhllll'. i,4 .-. f.l " " i n ojutri jtt 8SF21. MISCELLANEOUS KXD?rienp4i tMrhM -n-lll M-if . m- - - ' a ivtiui wiaieu-ne sraae pupils. Call 9683. TvCtne Student- keen In rt--4t .v -uiiui. nuts, ior o. 1 no. nutll, OUrt. "'-(ri1Cvwuii,r.rt. ------ The expert hair cutter who has been located at 301 & Winter for the past four months la nw t e t a - - "'"irn fti 1,11 North Com I. Hair cuts, 20c, children AnV. MaAa-1l-dkaMMa Mr. Lane of Seattle. Wn.. expert mu i-uiter, now located 301 s. W In ter. Prices the same. Adults 20c, chU-i .a a J l FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garase, sip. porch. 1 .- ini--iirwwirnri0.w Downstairs room In Drlvate home. lei. ROOM AND BOARD B. and R, near P. O. $10. TeL 5411. ROOM AND BOARD Board and room for La diss. Close In. Tel. 6678. 59S Court St. C00L pleasant, downstairs room in home near state bouse. Board option al. Home privileges. Box ill, care Statesman. Board and room, TeL 4178. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Well furnished 1 room apartment Garage. Adulta 475 N. CapitoL Three room furnished apartment. private bath, very nice, 1044 Oak 8C S apta. $11 and SIS. Tel. C24. Beautiful court 1 rm. apt. furnish ed. Laundry, garage. Tel. 6154. Apta 112. 811 N. Com'L Furn. apta. $5-110. 191 S. Church. For rent, turn, apta, 444 S. High. Furnished bungalow apt, In Oak Villa court. Garage and water free, 47 Mill St. Adults only. 3 R. furn. apt., frigid., 1209 Court. 2 room furnished apt., private bath. 19. 54a Court St. TeL 6792. Nice furnished apt., 590 Union. 2 room furn. apt., main floor, $1.50 week. 1290 Oak. Tel. 5276. Newly decorated, come see them. best price in city garage free. 555 Marion. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unfurn. houses. R. A. Forkner. H10 N Cottage. TeL 20S1. For rent 7 room house. See Mrs. Cadwell, Statesman office. 4-room modern. Inquire 1598 Court. Houses for rent. Damon, 897 N. Com 5-room bungalow and garage, 1455 Ferry. Tel. 6207. Furnished, unfurnished houses. II. P. Grant. 213 Oregon Bldg. TeL 8330 Furnished, unfurnished houses. VAN f. GREER. 202 Oregon Bldg. Tel 7533. FOR RENT OR SALE Goo7 five room modern hom with sleeping porch, located at 2095 8. Church St. $20 per mo. or will sell at a real sacrifice. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. . 134 South Liberty Street For rent Mod. 3 R. bungalow, fur nished $25. Others $15 up. Unfurnish ed $7.50 to $25. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASOX' 311 State Room 4. 1425 Fir street, $8.00: 1700 N. 17th I street. $18.00: 2105 Xorth Fourth, $12.50. P. H. Bell, 225 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8S02-3427. FOR RENT Apta, rooms, garage house. All nicely furn. TeL 7664, 2261 Haxel. Rent; 20 A- good hotm. 4 44 S. High. WANTED TO RENT Anyone having room to rent dur ing Q. A. R. convention, a cheap a $1 for 2 people will please list rooms with Commercial club. FOR SALE Real Estate SACRIFICE AT $1600. f rms.. 2 lots, paving, abundance of fruit nuts. Owner leaving. H. P. GRANT 211 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8330. REAL SPECIALS Prices Tn Homes For Ten Days Only soo home for $Ia0, terms. $2600 home for $1500. terms. $1000 home for $2S00. terms or with furniture. $2ail. Owner a non-resident SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 111 State Room -4 TEN ACRE BAROATN Ten acres all under plow, good drainage, all year stream, best of soli. located east on Krultland road, an ideal location te build, price $1500. ierma PACIFIC HIGHWAY PROPERTY Five acres all in bearing orchard. on r 11 1. ... . .... .1 - .' 1 1 . . II ... --u. omy vs i miles out. Price J2000. 8100 rash. bL zo per montti. IT'S A BITY. CHERRY ORCHARD 20 acres, 13 rfes in cherries all grafted to Royal Anne s about 4 yrs. old. balance pasture. No buildings. i-nce x.,ioo. worth more Jiono down. hal. terms. SEE W. IL GRABENHORST & CO KKALTORS 131 S. Liberty St. Tel. 6168 or 7975. SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS I $1075. Will buv a good five room tered house with full cement base ments, furnace, flretilace. hard wooa noors. paved st., located at lino ttood St. $175 down. bal. $18 per mo. to Include Int at fi" -3.j. Good late bu It modern seven 1 , , . " rvi,"' V ,. ' "anl!T noors. nre- i'. un i-irieni. nasement. rur- IMfWl r I 1 tr.. -1 . . lA'J,"j?.lncJul1 lnt- 6. lo- v-i-u i -od jenerson Street $2600. uum moaem SIT room nome, lioiiow tne construction. E?e.dLt-' hard floors, full ce- .".enV Mrnace. fireplace, paved t. ITcated In N. Salem. $50 -j,.-,!,, per mo. NOW IS THB TIME TO BI'Y W. It GRABENHORST & CO. RKAL.TfYR.-4 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 646S or 7975. 5 A. 1 ml. east of Salem, good aolL macadam road, $750 U 10 A. 5 ml. from Salem. 5 room house, 1 fine Soil. etet-l i o r a . j ' Irom Mt- Angel, 9 cultl- icu. i room house, feneed family orchard, liarn, 2 chicken house's $2400 I 'rvlce station, camp ground. Best lo 110 A. all in cultivation er k--.' I cation between Portland and Eugene rlnvoi- n 1 ... i ... , - . "ii. land, gooa i arm iencea. crop goes $60 per A. ..ici.iti uounson V. 1 n i n 275 State Street Tel 6796 ,,-iirn ,.... , - - - r MR. PAINTER ttvrft t -rrkT-rf i-nAftl- rms. and floored - tti uuiit yra .,ooa construction, liard- U'dn flfVir, . l.nn ..A . .. ! , corner lot 60x104 with view. Just out: I lll 11'IIHS. "Ill SCI! rlgllt and I lJ1"' or vacant lot. WINNIE PETTYJOHN ul9 Court Street POLLY AND HER i FOR SALE Real Estate Good Mini-modern 7 -room Blattered residence, basement, fireplace, plumb lna. on two big lots covered with nut. cherry and ornamental trees and roses, grape arbor, near schools alee view. going at aepression price, aiso two beautiful building lots 0xll each with large fruit trees, block south Les lie brick school, at bargain, easy terms. Owner. 7I& Rural Ave. Phone tSM. Strictly modern 5 room bungalow. close In. Nearly new, A very choice home at only $1000.00, all furnished. Terms. B Acres with modern room bun galow near Salem. Price only S 800.00. Terms given. E0 Acre located nortn or saiem, an fenced and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at zo.wj. rerms. Phone 8872 228 State Street Two lots on knoll $0x120 each, fac ing Leslie brick school grounds, nice view, covered with large cherry, pear and apple trees, w in sell one or now. See these before building. Easy term. Owner, 765 Rural Avenue. TeL 1SS4. S A. 1 R. house. 8550. $100 down. BaL like rent. Damon, 897et. Com'L jsssMgsjess THREE SUBURBAN HOMES Well located with 1 to $ acre all planted to mixed gardens, two have neat 4 room plastered house with plumbing, electric lights, good well and water systems. Prices vary rrom $850 to $2500 with llheral terma Will be glad to show you these prop' ertles at any time. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtor 344 State Street TeL 6708. YOU CAN BUY! A Home With Small Payment Down, Balance- to Suit 5 room comfortable home In N. Sa lem, near highway. Prlc $1150. Choice corner lot In a Salem, sev ral bearing fruit trees, garden spot. 5 room residence needing some repair, street paved and walks In. Price only $925. To close an estate. 3 room cottage with electric lights and plumbing, small corner lot. Price only $700. Distant owner offer choW corner lOO.xlOS ft. with comfortable 5 room! house, double garage, some large cher ry trees. A real sacrifice nt $850. To buv vour home. SEE CHILDS & MILLER, Realtor 314 State Street Tel. 670S. NORTH OF SALEM 4 acre trart. good new 4 R. plastered bungalow, electric lights, ham, poultry house, famllv fruit. This Is a nice home for only $1750.00. ALSO Well Improved 1H acre tract with electric lights, creek, spring water, lot of fruit, all for only $2500.00, some terma SEE HAWKINS & ROBERTS For Real Estate Bargains For sale or trade eoulty In small farm near Monmouth. Owner. Box zis, care statesman. EXCHANGE Real Estate wiwwwwwiuaw PACIFIC HIGHWAY PROPERTY Equipped restaurant. 2 pump service station : 3 cabins : 5 R. mod. home. Good business. $4750. Wift exchange for good home In Salem. SEE VAN M. GREER Before you buy 202 Oregon Bid. TeL 7531. RANCH TRADES ?0O na-na iil.l .ms.a-. riy4 I m -- mt.ntm PHce -8000 fo Jty part. 132-acrea Dandy dairy Dronosltion. About 10 mile from Salem. Fine land and dandy rmcrovementa 14-A. In al falfa. Price $100 per acre. Take mall- er place as part 285-acres. On Yachats river. Dandr puree, uooa soil and improvementa Oood hunting and fishing. Priced right Take smaller nlace In valley. 11 you want to trade don t forget to come ana see ui JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High Street OOOD BUSINESS CORNER store Wdg. and fxlture 6 room mod. home, 8 good lota All clear. Want good mll ranch. Will assume near Salem. SEE VAN M. GREER 202 Oregon Bldg. Some cash land In Utah for small Improved farm In WOIamett valler. Mra W. B. Richardson, Jefferson. Ore. FOR SALE FARMS FARM BARGAIN 237 acre farm located In a good farming district, nearly all under plow, buildings, best of soil. Price for iMMKUUTE sal.- $55 per acre, $3000 down, long time on balance. If you want a REAL FARM BARGAIN, here It Is. SEE W. H. GRABENHOR3T A CO. 134 South Liberty Street ACREAGE ONE ACRE SNAP With new 5-room house. Garage, chicken house, etc. One-half mile from Salem. Price $1550. $150 cash, and bal. $20 per mo. See VAN M. GREER Before you buy 202 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 753$. Buy this $6,000 30 acre farm with the equipment for $3200; good bldg., . ri IClillB l i'Q 111- h. C. SHIELDS I Orea-on Tll.l TeL 890! I - " 50 acres between Portland and Sa tern, all In cultivation, mod road, all I feneed hnt lsnit Is-- v,n w iui I k.,iii-. . a k- gain at $2300.00. Terma 5 room house In good location. Not old. Priced at $1150.00. $100.00 down. $10 per month. 45 a ores, eholc tnace. good farm building Price only $5500.00. Oood terma J. V. TJLRICH CO. 325 State Stret TeL 8471. Business Opportunities FOR SALE Too O Hill Barbeqtt I am1 Antrim m ,!. K., -! ml ai1i I . ; ? V. " I "l aimy un jt-"-c. " I - -- - ............. ... I WANTED National sale rights ror wortny article win neip nnance I manufacturer. Give detalla Box 220, - I -'---mn. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY I VWWWIW(WWWWWIWWWWI I FOB SALE 80 head of sheep, Mr. J. Boedlghelmer, Rt 1, Box 61, Shaw, Oregon. PALS ! cJ eV" $&2ttm$i I NOTHING Ji JSWSr" , ( W-TA 'JSsm 'gZ 2S&SiZ-e& s -r-rfT doing.' , VTSt., ,V, ,t win - AtAterf &WT wP BillKI 1 1 MONEY TO LOAN Bells of Harmony' Heard ever KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really really different. TOO GET TUB FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON UDAN3 ll IO Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New BHgh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BT STATB til Stat Street TeL 8-7-4-0. PERSONAL LOAJVS IIADB on furniture, ears, salaries or other good seeartty. Repayable mocthty. When ta financial need eve us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First Nstkmal Bank Bids- Pnose 88 It Borrow on persons property : repay la mnnthtv Installment. WILLAM- ETTB LOAN COL, State Ha S-169, Guardian Bldg. TeL I8TT. ten nnnnnn rMsTrri- PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN CraiMNl 1 nnmn Rulldlne. 2nd Floor rttfl- hrm. 10:00 A M. to :10 P. M Telephone 7783. SUte license No. S-165. fc Private money to loan on good real estate security. Abrams ana talis im. 411 Masonic MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contract Refinanced Arrange to reduce tout payments Too keep the car P. A. E1KER fnr L.ttMi-tv St. and FerrT Phone 4712 Salem. Or LOANS WANTED $1700 first mortgage loan. Improved farm of 102 acres, Howell Prairie, ex cellent security, interest 7 semi-annually. We also have several small city mortgage well secured netting In vestors 7 semi-annually. CHILDS & MILLER, Mtge. Loans 314 State Street Tel. 67V FOR SALEWOOD WirfWVeVa waOaaaS GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TL 5000 Salem Fuel Co Trad a Cot tag Asa. fir and oak. TeL 6648. Dry wood 84 cord. Tel. 64 59. Dry oak, 4 ft.. $4.00. Tel. 8708. 16" dry lab wood. $2 load: 16" dry old fir $2.50 load and dry planer wooa. $2.50 load. Prompt delivery. At Tra cy". Tel. 3986. Wood, all kind, call 4SF14, Smith A Rubens. Bone dry old fir, 14". $5.00. Tel. 8175. 2nd growth and oak. Any length. I Judd. Tel. 21F14. FOR SALE USED CARS WANTED Several light cars. Will pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE Terms Trades 543 Chemeketa New License On pass, cars If 40 I paid down 1930 Chev. Coach. A-l $295.00 1929 Durant Coach 155.00 I 19.8 rhev. Sedan 165.00 I 1927 Chev Coupe. 75.00 I 1929 Pontlac Sedan 275.09 1!25 Dodge Coupe 65.00 . . . r j . ,.1 . 1 . . . - 1 - j v'.ii.iii'i uuue . u.uu 1923 Ford lH-ton truck, guar- I anteed 195.00 1929 Chev. lH-ton truck 145.00 I 1924 Dodge Screen del., good 65.00 Buy Your 4th of July Car Now Take Advantage of These Low Price BORREGOS 340 No. Liberty TeL 1688. Look! Special Buys Four Model A Ford Cmipe. Ready to go with new 1933 license. Your choice first come first served $115 each. See them at our used car lot Hurry. Valley Motor Co. I Lot at Marion and Liberty Tel. 7910 Buick '30, 44 Sp. Rdstr. A-l cond. throughout Oood rubber. 1 extra tlrea Chrome spotlight, radiator grill, doa- Die side case optional. Owner. In spect at 664 S. Commercial St -- ---ai iTili jXJi-rir JliXTjVTAATij'LA "CHEVROLET OIVE3 MORE FREE LICENSE Ford Tudor Sedan $ 15 uodge sedan 'JS Durant Sedan '28 Ford Coupe '29 Ford Coupe "26 Stude Cuope 0 ISs 115 165 125 225 '29 Chev. Coach '29 Nash Cabriolet '29 Nash Sedan . 275 325 395 '31 Chev. Special Sedan '3 2 Kord V-8 Tudor 4 75 '32 Chev. Coach . : 485 32 Plymouth Sedan 45 32 Che'. DeLuxe Coupe, 9000 mL 545 z t-nev. ranel Truck : 32i several isortl and Chevrolet truck from $75 to $275 TERMS --. TRADES Open evening and Sunday McKAY CHEVROLET CO. "CHEVROLET GIVES MORE" WANTED USED CARS WANTED Good car for eoulrv In strictly modern home, straia-ht Lian on bat. Call at 495 N. 18th. K. N. HALT, ILI WOODBURN. June 17. E. N. Hall, local mortician, is quite iu, accoraing to reports. Some time ago he suffered a severe heart attack which made It nec essary for him to stay in bed about two weeks. Later he derel oped sinus trouble. After nutting a huge ball. which are a bedroom and sitting room, more than 2,000 miles through Europe, two men have arrived In Dachau. Bavaria, with the strange vehicle house. The Reconstruction Gang "'" - .---aa----a . GRAINS DEVELOP RALLYING POWER STANDARD BUTTER CUT Flood of Crop Damage Reports Come in; Close is Firm CHICAGO, June 17 (AP) Despite almost 2 cents collapse of wheat prices today In flurried out bursts of selling, the market de veloped rallying power later, and more than overcame losses. Rushes to sell were associated with official announcement of the Washington administration $150, 000,000 wheat processor tax and farmer bonus plan. The subse quent recovery of values largely resulted from a flood ot crop damage reports about spring wheat both north and south of the Canadian boundary. Wheat closed firm at the same as yesterday's finish to higher, corn 4-lH up, oats ad vanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat July, 73-74: Sept., 75-76; Dec., 784-S. Corn July, 44 74-45; Sept., 48 H: Dec., 51-14. Oats July. 294-; Sept.. 31 Dec., 324-74. General Markets PRODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND. Ore.. June 17. ' AP) Prodaca exchange, net priret: Butter Kxtra 22c, standards 21 c, prima finti 21c. firiti ia',c. hut Fieta axtraa 18c, fresh mediums 17c. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. June 17. (AP) I Wheat Open High Los Close i July Stiij 66 4 5S September 59 3 59 7 594 58 December C3 63 S 63 63 H Ch wheat No. 1 Bis Bend bine stem 6Hf : dark hard winter 1- per rent 65 Vie. 11 per cent 61Vc; soft white 57c: bard winter 56Vsc; northern spring wet em whita. western red 51 Sc. Oats No. 2 whit 82. .50. Corn So. ijE yellow $21.75, iiUlrun Standard $1. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., June 17. CAP) Butter Pnnts, extras 24c, standards 3Hc. Bntterfat Portland deli-err: A grade 21-e nound: farmers' door detiTenr 21- c pound; sweat cream hither. Eggs Pacific Poultry producer selling price: Overux 20c, extras liJe, mixed eolora 17e, medtnm 17 doian. Buying price of wholesalers: Freak car- tent receipts, 59 pounds and up, 12e dose. Cheas 92 score Oregon triplets. 12c; loaf 13c pound. Brokers will pay Ho below quotations. Milk Contract price 4 per cent. Portland delirery $1.70 cwt; B grade cream 37V.C pound. Country maata Selling price to retailers: Country killed bogs beat butch ers, under 150 pounds 7Vi-ac; vealers, 70 to lt0 pounds 7-7 He; spring lambs 10-lOHe, yealmgs 2 - 4c ; beaxy awe H Sc. medium eowa 5c pound, tanner cows 2H-3e. Balls 4 4-5e. Mohair Nominal buying price: 1933 I elm 12a nonnd I . Cascara bark Bovine price: 1933 peel 3c pound. Hope Nominal. 1933, 71) poona. Lit poultry Portland delivery : Bay ing price, heavy hens, colored 4V pound 10-lle, do medium fir; lights c; spring. 14 pounds np. heavy lOe; eolor- ed. sprinza 12-14c. Rooster 5c pound. Ducks. Pekina, broilers, 1213a pound; old ducks, Pekins, lOe pound, do colored lue pound. Onions Selling price to retailers: J Oregon $1-1.25 cental New onions California Permodal $1 par 50 pound crate: California 40c per lug; new red 2o poad. Potatoes Local ii.u-i.ia ; uei chutae Gem $1.75. do Baker. $1.90; Yakima Gems 01.60. New potato Calitarni Garnets 2Vt-24e pound; white 2c pound. Strawberrtee Oregon ltoliara l.o- $1.60; new Oregons $1.75 2; Clark seed lings 82.25 crate. Wool 19S3 clip, nominal; Willam ette valley 21 23c ponnd; coster Oregon 17-20 ponnd; southern Idaho 1 200 pound. Hay Buying price from producer: Alfalfa No. 1. 816; clover No. 2. $14: eastern Oregon timothy $16; oats and vetck $13. Slocks and Bonds (Copyright 1933. Standard But is tie Ce.) June IT STOCK AVEBAQES 50 20 a0 00 lnd'l KS'e I'l l Tntai Today 81.8 41.0 101.5 79.1 Previous day 60.4 41.4 100 6 77.9 Week ago ,86.4 43.2 107.0 83.8 Year ago S.4 1J.8 5B.6 3B.4 -tyearsaco 158.7 121.8 21S.7 1S3.4 High 1933 PS.O 44 .9 113.7 9S.5 Low 191S 42.3 2S.5 Sl.S 4. High 1932 72.3 20.8 111.0 72.9 Low 1932 83.1 18.2 51.9 33.0 BOBD AVMAQBS 20 20 72.1 74 4 20 88.6 68.4 84.1 74.8 SO 76.7 76.4 77.S 61.2 I Today - Prerieo day , 71.T 74.1 . 7V0 75.S , 5S.1 51.9 , 93.4 10T.1 . 78.4 70. . S8.S 57.0 . 71.8 76 0 . 58.8 47.4 Week ago Year ace JyeraCo 99.7 100.2 I Ft. A. 85.2 7S.1 74.1 63 6 86.2 78.1 70.9 57.5 u7h itia -w 1933 VISIT FROM CALIFORNIA RICKREALL. June 17. Mrs Belle Guthrie and son Hugh ot Monmouth, Mrs. Dora Chase and In daughter Marjorle of Oakland. Calif., were dinner guests of (Mrs. Jennie Dempsey Friday. Mrs. Guthrie and Mrs. Dempsey are sisters. Mrs. Chase it Mrs. Guthrie's daughter. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, fl.36 per hand red. Surplus $1.38. (Milk eMd seal meat sly Sulterfsl averse.) Distributor price f 1.70 Bntterfat Top 21-22c, print 24 H, cubes 224. Price paid U rrevers 67 Balea barer Jane 17 I (The prieee i. ppiieS r s leea grecer, are tadicati f the daity srkt Nil r aa garaafS St T 8utnl raOTT AJTD EOETaSLII Striag beast, lb wn. .1 Artieaoka. dot. Asparagus, local, dot. Cabbage, lb. ireen peppers, Florida, lb. Peaa. OrrgoD. lb. Onions, di. buncb-t , ,., Potatoes. Yakima No. 3 .. Florida Shifts, sroiict Swrct potato, crate LaltDca, local , . .75 . .00 . .08 4 . .30 - .03 H . .15 .1.43 .2.40 .2.40 .1.50 .65 .85 01 Onions. Labish, cwt Khubarb. local Celery, Calif. H crsta Mexican tomatoes -. A PPla VVinataps, ficcy - .93 .1 40 . .90 .1 Extra finer Kawtoatas, fancy . fcitra fancT Oranges 3.00 to 4.00 Bet. loril, doz. S5 Turn ps. Iocs'. crs"a 3 Carrots, local, dm. .35 Spinach, local, crate . .25 ta 60 Hrsnn. Ib on atock .05 Hands 05H Uastard erena 60 Cucumbers .80 to 1.30 .20 to SO 3.73 7 50 .03 to" Oi .1 00 to 2 21 1 25 . 3.25 Pineapple, retail rantalnupet. crsta .... Lemons Goo.eberrifs I St rswberri-, lo.-i! I.imel. frenh ATtcados. rrita BOPg 1!) :?. 1931. .714 .58 Top! lb. EOGS Bayicf Prices F.xtrn Manlarls Mediums POUXTE! Old rnostera - Colored bens 13 .12 .11 .04 .10 .09 .08 13 to .15 Mediums hens ... Li)it hen. Broilers MEAT Lambs, top 5.00 Hi. top - .,, .5.10 Firt cuts 4. S Steers .04. to .05 Cows .02 V4 t .03 Hifer .02 H to .04 Bulls .02 Vs to .03 lresed veal, top .6 Dr. ied hogs .07 Vi OUADJ AND HAT What. western red - .63 White. Se. 1 .65 Barley, top, toa Is. 00 to 20 00 Oat, ton .20.00 to 85.00 Hy. ba-ini erleaa Oats and retch, ton Alfalfa. ti'.W 1st cut Eastern Oregon .16.00 .17 00 .18.00 -17.C0 .23 .21 .13 .01 U. .04 H .1.80 C orer hay WOOL Medium Course Mohair CA8CA&A BA&X Green. Ib. Dry. IV - PZPPE-LMIVT Oil, ponnd SECURITY VALUES NEW YORK. June 17 (AP) Security prices improved' today. Gains for stocks and bonds were not particularly large, but the'y were rather general, which was In contrast to mixed performances on commodity exchanges. New York Shipbuilding, Inter national Cement. Bethlehem Steel, Bucyrus. Erie, t'len. Foundation Co., Thompson-Starrett and Elec tric boat pushed up 1 to more than 3 points higher. Lehigh Portland Cement jumped 4. American Tel-phone sdded a couple of points. American Can, General Electric, Sears Roebuck, Montgomery Ward. United Corp.. Chesapeake & Ohio. New York Central. Pennsylvania, Baltimore & Ohio and Southern Pacific rose fractions to a point. Volume totaled ouly 1.567,703 shares. Senior League Given Good Time at 'Grove MIDDLE GROVE. June 17 - The senior league met at the W. H. Scharf home for business meeting and social. A lively ball game was enjoyed by all when H IN the young people arrived. The business session conducted by the president. Lola Hammer, follow, ed. Several important Items of business were discussed, includ ing going to the summer assem bly at Jennings Lodge. It was de cided to meet for July business session at the home of Mrs. Lena Bartruff. News stamp-vending machines being introduced by the British postal department accept the new florins, which are only half sil ver, and reject the old all-silver Victorian coins. HALF CElNfT Prime Firsts Unshaded Egg Market Mixed; Poultry Weaker PORTLAND, June 17 (AP) Cut ot He lb. in the price on standard butter during the week end session of the cube trade la the produce exchange was not un expected but the failure to shade prime first was surprising, inas much as the chief surplus recently has been in that score. There was no change ta other grades. There was bo change la batter fat for the day, indicating a good demand. Trade In the egg market con tinued its mixed character locally for the weekend. Prices quoted literally mean nothing inasmuch as survey shows that the bulk of the sales are 1 to 2c below estab lished values. Hot weather together with a ra ther fair supply caused severe weakness in chickens at the week end with a general cut of about le lb. in the buying price all through the list. Slight increase in coolness wa some aid to maintaining prices in the country meat trade at the low er values quoted the previous day. Lambs appeared oh hand for the coming week's call. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION' Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of choo! District No. 24. of Marion County, Oregon, that the annual election for said district will be held in said dis trict, to beein at the hour of two o'clock p. m. on tho third Monday la June, being the 19th day of June. A. D. 19;;2. and holding un til seven o'clock of said day, for the purpose of electing two direc- i tors to serve for the term of three years. Voting Place 220 South Commercial Street. (Marion Hotel Building). II. H. O LINGER. Chairman of the Board of Directors. W. H. BCRGHARDT. District Clerk. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING Annual school meeting of School District No. 24, Marion County. Oregon, will be held in the Administration Building. 434 North High Street. Salem. Ore gon. In said district. Monday eve ning. June 19. 1933. at eight o'clock for the purpose of hear ing reports of Board of Directors and of the District Clerk. of wii'l district, and for such other busi ness as msy lawfully come before this meeting. Dated this 7th day of June 1933. Attest: H. H. OLINGER. Chairman of the Board 't Directors. W. H. BURGHARDT. District Clerk. J. 8-17-1S I Radio ! Program r EUKDAT. Joe 18. BLOW POETLAUD I2Q K. 6:15 Jadge Rutherford. 9:30 Sabbath Reveriea, SBC l'i :30 Northwe-tem Chronicle, SBC. 1:00 World t Religion, SRC. 1.30 Page ( Romance. SBC. 2:Oi Catholic hour. SBC. 2:30 Our American achooU. SBC. 3:30 Great Momenta in History. SRC. 5:30 Album oi Familiar Masie, SBC. fi:45 Sunday a! !th Parker's, SBC. 7:50 Orchestral (ien. SBC. 8:20 Charle. Hart. NEC. 9:0) Richard .Hnnlgntaery book c-at. :30 Vioce of Paa. SBC. :55 Musical Cwasedy M in ia tares. MONDAY. Jan 1. IOW POETLAJile o Xe. 7:00 r. 8. Ansty bead, KBC. 8:00 Ronald Back, pianist. -8:15 Jack and Patsy, SBC 8:S0 Ariou trie, SBC. 9:30 Cooking school. 10:30 Woman's Magaiine ef the Al SBC. 12:15 Western Pan and Hoot tor, SBC. 1:00 Ciino orchestra, XBC. 3:20 Friendly ehat. 4:45 King's Jesters. 5:15 Sarah Kreindler. SBC. 5:80 Teldjaa band. SBC. 6 :00 Captain Krrin traffie talk. 7 :kR Abo n Andy, SBC. 7:15 At Mitchell' orchestra, KBC. 8:35 Painter Eonse dance rchetra, SBC. 9:00 Fav.r Shades ef Chythni. 10:15 Aasa Weeks orchestra, KBC. KQAC CQBVATiT Tl S5S Xc. S:4" Farm market reports. 7:0O Morning meditations, led by Rer. Howard MrCoonell. 8 :00 Morning Concert. 12:V) Farm hoar. 1:30 Four II club summer school ae aembly, addrena by Max Gehlhar, director of state d-partment of arricnlture. - 3:30 Uiti Maud Wilson. "Is Your House Hod era." 7:30 Farm boar. 8:15 Philosopher ef tie crossroad. By CLIFF STERRETT