PAGE SIX Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Snnday Morntng, Jane 18 1$33 fe Play Qraimd Ronde Here; Mat is Monday Night Show VALLEY LEAGUE CLASH AWAITED Indians Again Threaten to Win in Division; Fast I Contest Expected i With the Senators safely 200 or more miles from the home dia mond, the Salem Elks today achieve the spotlight of local base ball fan interest, and are expect ed to draw the "faithful" to din ger field at the usual hour, 2:30 p.m., for their game with the 1 Grand Ronde Indians. This Grand Ronde team was winner of the western division of the Mid-Willamette Valley Base ball association championship last year and participated in the tbree dhrlsion playoff. It has been win ning most of its games in the Yamhill county division this sea son, and threatens to reach the playoff unless the Elks or some body stops it. That is the chore the Elks will start out to perform today. The veteran Hudson has been doing a big share of the pitching for Grand Ronde this season, but Copeland and Hobbs also figured in the mound work against Amity last Sunday. New faces in the Elks' lineup today will be those of Denny Hee nan, Rex Adolph and Paul Keber. Others who have been playing in former games are Zorn, ex-Los Angeles Coast league pitcher; Beechler, B u s 1 c k, Foreman, Bui?., Elliott, McNulty, Lytle and McCaffery. Dragons Launch Aquatic Season; To Offer Circus The Blaek Dragons, Salem's senior lifesaving corps, will open its 1933 summer season by pre senting a water circus in the Y. M. C. A. pool June 22. The local corps, In Hts three years of existence, has received a high rat ing from the American Red Cross lifesaving service. Those in charge report that the program will be something entire ly different from anything hereto fore presented in Salem. Among features are clowns, races and other events with a genuine ring master in charge. A highly amus ing water stunt is being planned by Bob Parker, member of the corps, as a highlight of the enter tainment. 1933 Fire Season To be Favorable, ; The 19313 forest fire season apparently j will be one of the most favorable experienced in Oregon for many years, Lynn Cronemiller, state forester, de clared "Saturday. He said there was considerable snow in the mountains and that recent rains had eliminated the fire hazard in the lowlands. A large number of men are now at work repairing telephone lines and trails which were dam aged by the winter storms. Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER i 2 3 H m 5 6 7""" 8 H liiiiLiiiziz ZLWZZZWLZZ "11I!11I11IZII 1" 1 m 22 31 30 7y, 31 HO 41 H2 HI HO 41 'jS To -ZZZWZMZZ-Z 7T Ts HORIZONTAL 1 scattered 6 support 10 wine i 44 ladies 46 metal 47 chemical symbol of 12 money of Roman An- 4&-real uermamum tiauitv 60 toward 61 emmet 52 temporary mode 64 a trying course of experience 13 regarding 16 what presi dent i the slaves? 18 scandium (abbr.) 19 a tree ! 21 dreads 22- i-regret S3 ottered 25 an explosive 26 prefix,; 27 edge ' I 29 pouch'. 30 earnest Herewith is the solution to Satur day's Puzzle. W "T " II 1 iEtSiiiloTLlrN ; 81 irritated .; I 83 alcoholic - f beverage ' 85 Portuguese coin r i -i 87 composition for two voices : 83 small , .'- cake M " i 11 bridge . t 43 donkey Wong and Ribbons to Meet At Armory; Both Climbing Toward Top Rank of Sport H ID DODGER BUTTLE TILL NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. .615 .611 .545 ,525 .491 .446 New York 32 20 St. Louis 33 21 Pittsburgh 30 25 Chicago 31 28 Cincinnati 27 28 Boston .......25 31 Brooklyn 23 29 .442 Philadelphia 19 38 .333 NEW YORK, June 17 (AP) The Giants and the Brooklyn Dodgers played a 3-3 eleven in ning tie in the second game of their doubleheader today when darkness halted the struggle. The Giants won the first game 8-7. Brooklyn 7 9 1 New York 8 15 1 Carroll, Shaute, Heimach, Beck and Lopez, Oaten; Hubbell, Clark, Bell and Mancuso. Brooklyn 3 8 0 New York 3 9 3 Beck, Mungo and Lopez; Fitz simmons, Clark and Mancuso. Boston 11 20 0 Philadelphia 3 11 2 Frankhouse and Hogan; Hol ley, Pickrel, Liska and Davis, Todd. Boston, 3 12 1 Philadelphia 2 7 1 Starr, Mangum, Cantwell and Spohrer; A. Moore and Davis. St. Louis 17 23 0 Cincinnati 2 5 2 Carleton and Wilson, O'Farrell; Lucas, Stout, Frey, Qulnn and Lombardi. Chicago 3 14 0 Pittsburgh 4 10 1 Malone and Hartnett; Swetonic and Grace. Jason Lee Squad Wins Over Canby The Jason Lee church kitball team engaged in intercity com petition Friday night and emerg ed with a victory, defeating the Canby Epworth League tossers on Sweetland field 20 to 1. Battery for Jason Lee was Esch, Hese- man. Walker and Watson; for Canby, Kleinsmith, Radcliff and Thompson. Salem Fighters On Lebanon Card Johnny Higgins of Salem will meet Jack Kirk, Portland negro, in the main event of a fight care at Lebanon Tuesday night, re ports Promoter Brundige. Bob by Ambrose of Salem will meet Pat O'Day of Portland in the semi-final. After a long decline, Germany's chemical industry is improving. 65 commemo rative discs VERTICAL 1 tension 2 sun god 3 cloth meas ure 4 homeless child 6 chums 7 female fowl 8 bone 9 falsehood 11 peruses 14 note of Guido's scale 16 clear profit 17 waste 18 total 20 visions 22 write acknowledgement of payment upon 24 Toe 26 auctions 28 adult boys 29 title 32 a dance 84 sham figure 86 molests 88 utilize 89 eudgel 40 torn 42 a small island 44 plural of datum 45 secure 48 unit 49 dot 81 paid notice 63 davyum (chem. evnboll T I I i Two young, rugged and ambi tious grapplers, both headed to ward the top of the heavyweight wrestling ladder, will be pitted against each other In the main event of Monday night's mat show here, and the result should be one of the best matches at that weight seen here in many months. How ever, it will have to be good to eclipse the two bouts in which these men figured against other opponents recently. The principals are Wong Bock Cheung, Chinese whose eventual rise to the world championship has been predicted by a number of sport writers and experts on the game, and Everett Ribbons, former Oklahoma Aggie grid star. Both have been building up a fol lowing in Portland and other northwest cities. Though both are ex-collegians, of the two Kibbons is more ad dicted to the flying tackle type of attack, Wong specializing rather in his "Manchurian choke," a hold that is spectacular and us ually decisive. The supporting cast for Mon day night is made up of "Doc" Nelson, who has been here at least once before, and "Swede" Lawson, for the one-hour bout, and Jack Mitchell, the New York middleweight, and Clare Call, a newcomer, in the 30-mlnute af fair. Portland Gets Stater - Oregon Football Game PORTLAND. June 17 (AP) Portland will be the scene of the 1933 football game between the University of Oregon and Oregon State college. The game will be played at the civic stadium here on Armistice day. This decision was reached here tonight at a meeting attended by Hugh E. Rosson, director of ath letics at Oregon university; Carl Lodell, graduate manager and director of athletics at Oregon State, and James J. Richardson, manager of the stadium, and John Laing, secretary of the sta dium association. MICKEY MOUSE COSH 1 TVcAT HORjSe OUST WON a.ooof DO YA L-1KE MORSE RAC&S MOW ? r V7 i a bf w 5 THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye (Go shoot smi. sitting Y HMett voo Jf7vi o . U3E QOT TO GET RD OH THE PALhWARE EEMW, JL V nTv . SME ME 'T10E J TREE, v SKULTiie. iP3"V Wji e 0M a LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY rGlOEy05KyTH15 MUST BE CWRlSTWAS ) Ll V AMf VsrtLLVA LOOKIT WHAT 1 - LAST NIGHT WHLH I WENT TO BED flL SANTA CLAU5 BROUGHTMEflJs-V X OWNED A SHAKY WORN OUT , If GEE. rPS 6PAND ? kfytCpL I tooth RpusM ) I GUESS NOW T. WONT DO , rflJZ.ft tk NQTHINf ATALL'CEPT IS ?MV ' C sfl BRU5HM TEETH YVj 'J u TOOTS AND CASPER DAN, SOMETIMES I THINK I WAS SELFISH TO LET YOU BUY ME TVflS B16 DIAMCiJD-AND TUtS EXPENSIVE PERFUKZ BECAUSE I ' SPENO SO MUCH MONEY! 1 19)). King FcMwtt I . Inc. C inc. BOWMAN HELPS SCORE VICTORY His Double and Single big Factors; Statz Swats In 14th Straight COAST LEAGUE W L Pet Sacramento . 44 SO .595 Portland 40 32 .556 Hollywood 40 12 .556 Los Angeles 38 34 .528 Mission 38 37 .507 Oakland 34 37 .479 Seattle 28 41 .406 San Francisco 27 46 .370 LOS ANGELES, June IT (AP) Arnold "Jigger" Statz, Los An geles veteran center fielder, hit safely In his 14th straight game with a homer, a double and a single in four times at bat, but his efforts went to no avail today as Portland beat the Angels four to two. The series count now stands three to two in favor of Los Angeles. Portland scored twice in the third inning on singles by Joe Palmlsano and Eddie Mulligan with a double by Joe Bowman sandwiched in. Stats' home run with Pitcher Emmet Nelson on tied the count In the fourth. Al Moore drove in the Beavers' third run with a double in the sixth and Portland counted again in the ninth when Bowman made sure of the contest with a single scoring Moore. Nelson, a young right hander from Wichita, was starting his first game for the Angels. Portland 4 10 0 Los Angeles 2 7 2 Bowman and Palmlsano; Nel son and McMullen. Mission t 10 1 Sacramento 4 7 0 Pilette, Osborne and Fitzpat rlck; Bryan and Woodall. Seattle 6 13 S San Francisco 6 15 1 Page and Cox, Bradbury; Hen derson and Mclsaacs. Hollywood .. 3 7 1 Oakland 5 10 0 Page and Bassler; Walsh and Veltman. LIKE. THEM? oh, mickbv; . I LOVE THEM J I WISH WS OWNED A RACE. HORSE! 7 I KNOW YOU It is CtM Bnom wyhw wwrnjA j 'OJLW EiWS Weil, let's see what's the program for this treek. Prob ably the first thing today will bo - bevy of early bird golfers owt to play their matches la the Bobby Jones handicap tonrnament on the Salem Golf club coarse. Bobby Jones will also figure In the final event of the day, showing the golf era who attend the Elsinore theatre what to do with their hips. Some golfers do a sort of hala dance, bat we're sore Bobby won't st an example for :".iat, Quite a number of first round matches remain to be played in the Jones tourney, and they have to be played by tonight. Results posted up to Saturday night were: Robinson "beat Arthur I and 4; Pllcher beat Ohling S and 1; Cllne beat Hendrle 1 up; Isom beat . nunsen; Victor beat Page 2 and 1; Crews beat Stewart; Remington heat Curtis 3 and 1; Mlckelson beat Lowe. The main event today for baseball fans is the Salem Elk vs. Grand Ronde Indians game at 2:80 p. m. on O linger field. These teams play snap py ball, and the Elks have strengthened for this game. The Salem American Legion Junior team will be playing at Stayton while Woodhurn and Sll- verton ' jtermine in a game at Woodburn, whether Sllverton wins the county title barring an upset defeat next Wednesday by Stayton, or v. '.ether Salem, by turning the difficult trick of beat ing woodburn Wednesday on Woodburn's field, will have chance to deadlock the series in a three-way tie. The wrestling show is moved ap a day this week, and will be held Monday night; be sore to keep that in mind and avoid walking in on a G. A. R, con vention affair Tuesday night in the belief there will be a wrest ling show at the armory. Also on Monday, at 6:45 p. m.. The "Dog" Pound ay, m.nnIx" ?pssstV 7 isgt) ouhea4 TTTl i THAT'S AM V yfT) ( .A AWAY. A MORSE ! A j StJ I I DEA ! jpUJ I B22ZJ... I( I'm R bac AN ' WANT THE B ''H CT ( TVS GOT 5,000- ) JL eZ2rx,.. V IN TEN BEST ONE rMJl : UvyT- "The Hunters Bold" A Timely Gift That Troublesome Secret I THOUGHT OUR DAYS OF SKIMP! Nr WERE OVER WHEN OU WERE OFFERED THAT $IS00aS A YEAR JOB Us MEXICO CITY 1 THOUGHT WE WERE TO BE SOMEBODIES AT LAST I COUNTED ON HAVING A BEAUTIFUL HOME THERE, A NICK CAB AND A MAID. BUT SOME- A THING HAPPENED YCU CI DMT l GEHRIG HITS 15TH m Y1KEES M AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York ..84 20 .630 Washington M . 3 22 .600 Cleveland ....-.30 26 .536 Philadelphia ,....27 24 .529 Chicago .-. 26 .527 Detroit ........ 2 6 29 .473 Boston .....20 35 .364 St. Louis 20 37 .351 CHICAGO, June 17. (AP) Aided by Lou Gehrig's 15th home run of the season and 13 other hits, New York defeated Chicago 8 to 3 today. New York 8 14 0 Chicago 2 7 1 Brown and Dickey; Jones, Hevlng and Grube. Washington 10 12 0 St. Louis .3 6 1 Whitehlll, Russell and Sewell, Berg; Wells, Gray and Shea. Phllad Iphia 15 16 Boston 3 7 Earnshaw and Cochrane; An drews, Kline, Welch and Gooch Philadelphia 6 6 1 Boston 7 11 1 (Called end 8th, rain) Cain, Grove and Cochrane; Rhodes and Gooch. Detroit 2 Cleveland 3 Bridges and Hay worth; rell and Spsncer. Fer- the kitball playoff will be re sumed, with Western Paper and Salem Linen, both victims of Pade's, clashing to determine hich will remain in the race. Whether 1 does that winner any good, will be determined Tues day at the s : m hour, when Pade's and Teachers get to gether. The Salem Juniors' game at Woodbnrn Wednesday will complete the week's activities as fur as we have them in mind, and will also wind up the season for the Juniors, ex cepting those selected for the county team, unless they win that game and tie up the coun ty series. V BLrXSTEO SUJWBSi S BUT a covr( f H0Nie.RO "Sbut T HOUSING OOUMO to; But me TrrT BG gunt: But -v t - out Vi jQuT-tuEGDT F7 NOW DONT MDU DACE TWANK AE.' -VtXJ KNOW HOW I HATEl FOLKS WHO 60 AROUND BEUXRW THAMK VOUV VOLVRE A NEAT LITTLE , 6IRL-THATS WHY I LIKE VtXJ LIKES CHILDREN WHO FORGET r- fTQ &RU5H THgrgTCtXH rLL NEVER FORGET THE DAY WE REACHED MEXICO CrTY I WATTED AT THE HOTEL FOR YOU TO RETURN FROM THE OFFKE AND WHEN YOU WALKED IN AND TOLD ME THEY HAD DCU3LE-CR0SSED YOU and Given the job to a RELATIVE OF SOME BIG-SHOT IN THE FIRM hWElLTHATUUST ABOUT BROKE MY j fj c ' fMotq Inc. CftM Bnttia nySn mrrti. af t w rx KB i ' T- A t C Special Correspon- DlSDatCheS iTOm dence to The State- man from Salem Units Guard Camps of National Guard By FREDERICK EDMUNDSON FORT STEVENS, June 17. (Special to The Statesman) Toes day afternoon the 249th coast artillery, Oregon National Guard, detrained at Fort Stevens. Halt an hour after the baggage was unloaded, the medics began physical examination of the men. By 9:30, 250 men had been examined. Headquarters, the oth er Salem artillery unit, took over maintenance of communications and supplies for the regiment. Before taps work had begun on the post and tug radios and the telephone system. During the eve ning the men who had hundred percent drill attendance were given their red diamonds with black numbers for the number of consecutive years of perfect drill attendance. Salem men with perfect drill attendance are: Six years. Tech. Sgt. Andrew Baker, Tech. Sgt. Virgil Bussey, and Staff Sgt. Clarence Greig; five years, Sgt. Grant Wicklander; four years. Master Sgt. Earl Unruh, Staff Sgt. Donald Poujade, and Staff Sgt. Ernest Knapp; three years. Tech Sgt. Bruce Willis, 1st Sgt. Donald Backer, Staff Sgt. Wil liam Depew, Staff Sgt. Carl Fin ster. Staff Sgt. Roy Flnster, and Staff Sgt. Leonard Greig; two years, Master Sgt. Arthur John son. Sgt. Wil'.iam Adams, Sgt. Arthur Golden, Sgt. Joseph Hut chason, Sgt. Kenneth Schultz, and Corp. Howard Harvey; one year, Corp. Bryson Clutter, Corp. Glad- wyn Walters, Pvt. 1st CI. Harvey Robins, Pvt. 1st CI. Robert Lt ter, Pvt. 1st CI. James Vincent, Pvt. Fred Edmundson, Pvt. Frank Jirak. Jr., and Pvt. Roger Wick lander. Second day at camp Is usually busy, and it was no exception for the coast artillery. Head quarters continued the work started the previous day and add ed target building. (The target is a sea sled with a triangular piece of red canvas on crossed uprights. This triangle is about three feet high and six feet above the water and is the target for six mile gunnery practice.) Fir ing batteries opened Batteries Clark, Prath, and Russell, and prepared for sub-caliber practice By -AKTX LITTLE NOBODV EVER y-x AN AS 1 SAID SOPHIE IS BEFORE.SOPHIE. I M0 MOTrEft TUn.THAT 1 1 I GUtt SHOOTS f HAV-F-r1 TOrA BFVA- FOR ' I CTHOObirAGS ov) I I HAVE MY WORRIES. TOO1. I HAD THE AKLTTYBUT THE OTHER GUY HAD I CANT EAT FEAR THAT CASPER WILL BLAB what HE F0UIO OUT ABOUT ME! I SHOULD HAVE TOLD SOPHIE ABOUT IT LONG AGO, BUT t DtDNT HAVE THE NERVE, THEN AND ITS TOO THE PULL AND THERE I ARE! IV Wednesday afternoon the regi ment prepared for the parade and review for General George A. White. At parade General White decorated the guideons of all the sections of the regiment tor rat ing "very satisfactory" during federal army inspection. At the same time Battery D of Klamath Falls received the drill attend ance trophy and five-year men decorated. Sergeants William H. Adams and Joseph F. Hutchason of Headquarters Battery were among the men decorated. Sub-calloer firing began Thurs day. Battery C of Marsh field fired ninety-fiie rounds of sub caliber before closing time. H. Q. operated the telephone, and ra dios on the tugs towing the tar gets and the post station. The medics kept busy immunizing Battery B and E for typhoid. SEATTLE. June 17. (AP) The West Coast Lumbermen's association said jtoday that lum ber orders last week increased 17,000,000 feet over the previous week, with prices still firm or ris ing. Building has not yet started, the W. C. L. A reported, holding that the buying movement was in anticipation of further price ad vances. A total 6 252 d own and oper ating mills reported for the week ending June 10, produced 94. 268,283 board feet of lumber, an increase of 13.8 per cent over their cut of the preceding week. New business of 180 mills was 129.S55.768 feet, and shipments exceeded production by 23.4 7 per cent, current sales topping pro duction by 54.45 per cent. Order? booked last week by the same mills exceeded orders of the pre ceding week by 16.861,938 feet, or 15.06 per cent. The aggregate inventories of 130 mills showed 20 per cent less than at this time last year. By WALT DISNE INCREASED LUMBER T By SEGAR NEU3S HEM- KEUJ VORK. BALL CRASHED INTO THE HILL NORTH OP '200 " STREET A FEUJ MOMENTS rVaOJ it PAeo o;er r 111 rVkW- NtKttifvt IT BV RiiT U sk V DARRELL McCLURE Y GEE,MRS REEAL1S AWFUL NICE: SHErS JSKSHT- KIDS WHO ARE. ALWAV5 FORGETTING TO BRUSH THEIR. TEETH WONT HAVE NO TEETH NO FRTCNDS WHEN THEY GROW UP By JIMMY MURPHY D1S UPSET, BUT MAT OR SLEEP FOR DO YOU SUPPOSE CASPER HAS FCUT3CUT ABUT COLONEL HQOFER? LATE NOW! WHAT'S PHa 6-19.