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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1933)
1 North Howell Will be Host to County Group Wednes day, June 21 KORTH HOWELL. June 13. Finns for entertaining the Pom ona grange members here at the grange park June 21, some legis latlre high lights by Senator Sam , Brown, and a merry time guessing baby photographs characterized the meeting Friday night of the North Howell grange. Committees appointed to assist at the hall on June 21 include: Waiters, George. Cline, George Wiesner, Roy Dunn, R. C. Jeffer ob, Jr.; Tom Bump and Kenneth Coomler; decoration, Mrs. A. T. Cline, Ena Harmon and Florence Oddle; tables, Ellis Stevens, J. S. Coomler and V. Van Brocklin; parking, W. H. Stevens and M. A. Dunn. Clean-up day will be Monday, Jane 19, when everyone is invited to come to the hall in the after noon and assist in the general cleaning up. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Dunn left Sunday for Pendleton, where they will attend the state 'grange ses sion. Monday night, June 19, the regular annual school meeting at the North Howell schoolhouse, will be held and much of interest to everyone in the community should demand a good attendance. ; Mrs. Ena Harmon spent the past week. In Portland engrossing diplomas for the Western States college. Among the post - gradu ate diplomas granted there was the one awarded to A. L. V. Smith oC Silverton. Mrs. Harmon, an art tat in penmanship, has done much of this work: for college and uni versity graduates. Helen Call Rescues Girl From Waters SILVERTON, June 13. Helen Call, 15 year old Silverton girl, saved the life of ten year old Virginia Bailer Monday afternoon when the younger girl fell iato Silverton creek and had gone down for the third time. Virginia "with her' sister May and another little companion, Bernice Wart, were playing along Silver Creek when the former lost her balance and went into the creek. She was unable to swim but kept paddling until she became exhausted. Helen was across the creek when she was called but man aged to arrive in time to dive in and pull out the younger girl in time to save her. TURNER. June 13. The Turn er high school alumni association met Saturday night with fair at tendance, holding an out-door pic nic and bonfire on the school grounds. New officers elected are: President, James Denyer; vice - president, ueraia Given; secre tary - treasurer. Miss Lillian Pet erson; publicity, Willard Beat Alter having arranged to hang pictures of two deceased mem Den in the school auditorium, it was voted to discontinue the pol icy. Speeches were given by mem bers of the new graduating class. i Two 4-H club girls, LaVerna Whitehead and Eleanor Parks. : left Sunday for Corvallls to at tend the 4-H club summer school. Bonnie, the oldest of two young daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Fay i weoo, is seriously ill and was moved Saturday to a Salem hos- . pltal for a mastoid operation. The Illness followed a case of measles TV T. Palmer lost a valuable horse which suffered a broken leg wnen kicked; by vicious horses. DALLAS, June 13. Polk county drys officially opened their campaign for the election of their dry candidates to the con stitutional convention and for re tention of the 18th amendment at the special election July 21, at West Salem, Sunday night. Rev. Dark delivered a prohibi tion sermon in which he urged the drys to greater activity. He stated that "we might repeal a good law but we can never repeal the harmful effects of alcohol up on the mind and human body." Virgil L. McPherson, one of Polk county's dry candidates, stated that the depression had caused a move against prohibi tion and that some people had a peculiar and erroneous" Idea that repeal of the 18th amend ment would bring back prosper ity. He stated further that "the money that Is now used to buy shoes, clothes, food, furniture and automobiles would be used to buy liquor. It takes many, many more men to manufacture and sell a dollar's worth of these articles than it does to distill and sell a dollar's worth of liquor. Repeal would cause more unemploy' ment." He urged the drys pres ent to see that their friends were registered for the special election by June 20. Other dry leaders present were Mrs. R. L. Turrell of Dallas, president of the Polk county dry defenders, and Prof. Lyle Thomas of West Salem, vice - president in charge of the West Salem dis trict. At Social Meeting of Union Hill Grange; State Dele gates Leave VICTOR POINT June 12. Three candidates for election as director from their cone of non high school districts at the com ing school election spoke briefly on transportation problems at the social meeting of Union Hill grange Saturday night. Favoring transportation were: F. A. Doerfler of Macleay, and Mrs. Mary Murray, representing C. V. Murray who was unable to be present. Opposing transporta tion was C. A. Ratcllff of Red Hills. G. A. Sandner of Scio, a candi date from his rone In Linn coun ty, also talked briefly favoring transportation. F. A. Doerfler played a comic accordion solo and accordion and piano music was played for an hour's dancing, by Mrs. Doarfler and son Wallace. The Home Economics club of the grange will meet Wednesday at 2 o'clock at the hall and the grange will hold its regular busi ness meeting for June, Friday night. Winnie Tate, master of the grange and delegate to the state grange, which Is being held at Pendleton, left Monday morning to attend the session. Tate Is accompanied by his wife and daughter, Marjorie, and Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Lambert of Stayton, the latter two being delegates of Marlon county, Pomona grange. FLACKS ON MOTOR TRIP KINO WOOD. June 13. Mr, and Mrs. Bert B. Flack write home to friends that they have reached Salt Lake City in the course of a delightful motor trip, They will be absent six weeks during which, time they will visit Mrs. Flack's sister, Mrs. Flor ence Harkness at Waukesha, Wis., old home town of the Flacks. They will also attend the Chicago fair. Charles E. Wiley Dies at Stayton; Rites Held Tuesday STAYTON, June 13. Charles E. Wiley, 7, died at his home here Sunday morning. Death was due to heart trouble. He was born at CorvftlUs November 27. 187S. With his wife he moved to Stay ton three years ago. Mrs. Wiley died on June 3, 9Z2. Funeral services were held at Weddle chapel, Tuesday after noon, conducted by Rev. Lyman. Interment was at Corvallls. Mr. Wiley Is survived by one daugh ter, Mrs. Clara Gerard, Salem, one brother, Jess Wiley of Corvallls, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Elliot, Marshfield, and Mrs. Eva Cook, Portland. A MUSE 5 pianos and other nor chandise to moro than $60,000 given away June 19. See Final Ad In Sunday's Statesman Page 8 P E. 18 $ M E 0 RJ ' H waft.,'"' '4 SHOES !r For MEN o0) Florsheim Shoes in the new Summer styles. Come in tomorrow and see these new shoes you'll like them. m. iv m m am m r aw m m w Thursday Friday & Ootardoy 3 Day Darcaln Festival The Greatest Gelling Event in All Our . History 3 Dig Days anacE Sm$gy NggsJc 2 Ileal! Esi-Bottttsaa Pcsec S Here's the plan of the lc Sale: You buy an article In this ad at the full list price, and for only lc more, you get your choice of either the same article, or another article of equal ralue! You are not required to bay two of the tame article, if you do not wish to. This great sale features a record-breaking number of low prices you get more for your money on erery purchase made! 50c Perfection Cold Cream s 50c Pint Rabbins Alcohol S"Hc 25c Qrlls Tooth Paste 5c 12's Aspirin Tablets 50c 16 ox. Milk of Magnesia Mineral Oil SOcKghQ-aBty Rubber Gloves 2 5t Sdot CIlW Toilet Paper 2 16c A wonderful opportunity t bay a high grade toilet paper at a v7 low price 1 FOR THURSDAY Given away free, one lb. of chocolate coated cream mints with a purchase of $1.00 or over of Sale merchandise. FOR FRIDAY ONLY Given away free, one lb. box of Haas fresh velvet chews with a purchase of $1.00 or over of Sale merchandise. FOR SATURDAY ONLY Given away free, one dram of Cfcambly perfume, with purchase of $1 or over of Sale merchandise. 50c i Penway Stationery 251 Contains 24 sbeets and 24 enrclopce. Beautiful writing stationery. Han dsomrly de aigned eore- lopea. Regular 10m Powder Puffs 2'11 93 Po Do Sbar. Cream.2 for 36c 60c Po Do Shar. Lotioo,2 for Sl 60c ManOWar (Lather. lea) Sharing Cream. .2 for 61e J. 00 Fragrant Vegetal.. 2 for 1.01 50c Po Do Shar. Cream.2 for 46o J 0c Styptic Pencil 2 for 11 )J0O Sharing Broh.....2 for 1.01 7TU Net 7.-25 Bath Spray 25c Peroxide 8 ox., ... 2 for 2S J5cAdbeafre Tape..... 2 for 1S 25c MercarockfoeM..... 2 for 2S )5c Iodine. 2 for 16e JOc Boric Acid CryrUls. 2 for 11 50c Bars Ointment 2 for Sic 75eWkh Hazel pint,.. 2 for 7 So pork Acid Powder.... 2 for llo 15c Vanilla Estncf 2 for 36c OIirOiI.8oiM...2for 7 So WaJCUL.......,2 for 21c t3tL no Extract.., ,2 for 36c l5eTo0etPpr...T;..S for ISo UOO Carting Iio.T7 2 for 1.01 iFnrnitere Polish.??. 2 for Sl ,rlendBreah,....7..2 forf yr Giant Size f Vw iO? 50c Tube ST iVa i)r Pyrolac Tooth PmI...2 for 4 25c Orb T. PuU 2 for 26 Anidoo Tooth Put. ... 2 for 4o Fletcher M. WmL.... 2 for 7So Orl Mouth WmL 2 for 76o 35c Tooth Broth.. .,...2 for 3S 50e Tooth Broth 2 for Sl Orn. Tooth Powder.... 2 for 3S l.OOMaitmrek Fountain Syringe 80m 25cCMtorOa 2 for 26 50c AreoMbc Cucnrm...2 for Sic 25c EpoeM Solta. 2 for 2 So RottUn Mineral 00. pt.2 for Sc Anwricnn Min. OJ....2 for 1.01 Mineral O0.qt........ 2 for li( 75cEoeoiSnltn....,...2 for 7 So 35cHinkle'.PiIk 2 for 3Sc Playins Cards 2-51 I km tntA. Bridgo Stylo Cnrdt. Yoor choico of 75c KvWrilPaper FIUdJ2 dveei.. . . .2 for 7e T5 Eneloeom, pockago of 25 2 for ISo 25 Enrol op, nnrVngo of 25 kZ for 2So 75 S. Paper, lal J f or 7So 90b Sftkowy. 24 nhotta and 24 EnWopea 2 for no 50a Cm in inii Cotda... 2 for Sic Drettlns Combs 236 Pato grade poILed hard rabfcer. An onownl aeloo boo te cheaoa froaal " 75CWoi. PaW,..2 for 7So '25Hand Broak 2 for 2So 75a Hair Braok. .r.rr.. 2 for 7 So t5cCaz,5ymrd 2 for 7 So ij00Corlmglroon....2 for 1.0 1 0c Bath Towala .2 for 81c 3c Men's Barber CceaU. 2 for 2Sc 23c Pocket Combe 2 for 26c 60C-U. Ra Hospital Cotton IJUU rnea tor ui 25 UgW Flaid . 2 for 2So 50c I idy Deodorant..., 2 foe Sic Camphnratad Oil.. M for 2So I DO BarW Skeara... 2 for 141 15a Camphor lea. ... .2 for ISo 25a Zinc Staaralo. . 2 for 2So IJOO Malted MA.2 for Ul .2 for 141 JjOO Fountain Syringe.. 2 for 1X1 J25 Tyton Bath Spray 2 for US IjOO Monarch Hot Water Bottle ,.ul for 1.01 50c Rubber Gkmn... 2 for Sic 50 Rubber Aproair.w 2 for 81c Combination Syringe and 1 Hot Water Bottle.... 2 for l-5f RttmlarTSm Oath Brush Regular 3S QaaBty Lemon Caadle Shampoo. 2 for Sic 50c Hav Ooaa.... for 81o SOcBandoTme, 4ex.;.2 for Bio 55c Brilliantine ....., 2 for SSo pa end Egg Shampoo.. 2 for 81c 50o Daadrafoe Took. 2 for. 81c j00DandraioeTonk...2 for 101 fOc Hair Chi 2 for 81c Whisk Brooms 236e Umfnl k mo car or homo. Made of astro Ino rfialiry fraeh brooan coral Mr Full Pint JQL$K ( Month Wash m. m. m m. mr m m Thermos Bottles 2 re, 151 Thia pint aizo gen oino Tkermoa M i i meat rer oenngi 1 pknica. Kaepa conatnta hot or cold for many keora. 1.00 Shaving Brush Gnaraateod atroaf white briatlea Irmly act in black ferrule. A broth of proved 50c Perfection CoU or ' Vanishing Cream.. ...2 for Slo Almond Lotion........ 2 for 44c UrenLaoo...(...2 for SSej )JQ0 AaaeHra Tkiatrieal Cold Cream. 2 for I At 35e MayUoom Creem Letioa M 2 for 34 50c Quality StyiUf, ThU ale lasts tor 3 days onfyl Rubber Aprons Fine oeaJiry aprona. lYeex choice of acrara) dilerent colonl IJOO Lemon Cream 2 for 1.0f 60c Orange Flower SLb Food M 2 for Sic 35cAmcnuNa3CW.2 for 3Sc 50cAmeLu Roego,....2 for Sic 25c Up Pomade. 2 for 2 So 50cAmeIiuLipotick....2 for Sic 15c Aepirin Tableta....2 for ISc 30c Apirin Tablets... 2 for 31c 25c Anidoo Tableta..... 2 for 26c Cod Liver O0. 16 ox... 2 for 1.01 50c Seccem Kidney PJk2 for Sic KcOer Syrep Ficaan2-lor Sic 65cBiamadine...'......2Jor 66c Phoepbe Cnp. Took.. . 2 for U( HilitW o Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10c Cocoa-Almond Sonp Un 11c Amdite Boaoty Soap... 4 ken 1.00 15c Lemon Soap.......2 Wore ISo 60c M.rUoo-Lotion... 2 for 61c SOcAmelitn Reogv....2 for 8U 50c Bay Ram...',. ..,2 for Sic 25c Lip Pomade 2 for 26c 60cAmentn C Cream.. 2 for Sle 50cAn PnrpceTak...2 fof 814 JjOO AmeCta Face Pow der. Fleah. While of , Brenotte ..! for 1J0 5eLTegglc Tnkam..,2 for 36c 25c Loma Roae Taksm. 2 for 26c LTeggie Dusting Pwdc. 2 for 1.01 VAnamne F. Powdet, lean, Hrnnette ot , jjOMiLa,AaaAa A 8J D OR J5 Siiotie OH., Coffee? ILuHpoirtij 25c Jaetrite Cora Rem.. . 2 for 26c 35c Walk Eary Corn PL. 2 for 36c 25c Walk Eaty Foot Soap ,.t. bora 26c ) 5c Walk Eary Banioo Plaster 2 for 36c PEaocne v 1