Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Grefrorj, Wednesday Jlornlacr, June li, 1953 PAGE ELEVEN Business Directory Cards lit Uua directory run on a ' monthly basis ouly. Rat: 11.09 per tin per month. AUTO BRAKES ' Mike Parole, the brake and ebltnaajr doctot. 375 .Sroth Commwtitt Street CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. Ph. 8768. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 445. R E. Nerthnee. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor, 858 N High. Tet Rea ta7.. DRESSMAKING Exp. dressmaking In your $2 day. Copy pictures. Tet. home. 1984. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun eral wreaths, docorationa C F. Brelt uaept. florist. -77 Court. Tel. 6904. ALL kinds or floral work. Luts Flor ist, ltth a Market. TeL 9S93. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Single Insertion per llst.10e Three Injertloas per Una toe Six insertions par Una. .Sic One month par lToe..$ Minimum charge ......Bit Copy tor -thU pete ac cepted until the even ing before publication tor classif icatlon. Copy rs ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman uiumes ao financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear la advertisements pub lished la its columns, and In cases where this paper la st fault will reprint that part ot an advertisement la which the typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objee tlonal advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. FOR SALE Real Estate - r-i-,-iryirmn m nor i i rmru-i.r j- j-uLru-ij-ij-ijuii Good semt-roodera 7 -room Blattered residence, basement, fireplace, plumb ing, on two big lota covered -with nut. i cherry and ornamental tree and rosea, grape arbor, near schools, nice view. going at depression, price. Also two beau tutu nuu-ing lota svxiis each with large- fruit trees, block south Lea- lie brick scbooi. at bargain, easy terma Owner. 765 Rural Ave. Phone 154. Strictly modern 5 room bungalow. close In. Nearly new. A very choice home at only $1000.00, all furnished. Terma 5 Acres with modern S room bun galow near Salem. Price only $3800.00. I Terms given. 50 Acres located north of Salem, all fenced and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at $2500.00. Terma 1. F. ULRICH CO. Phone 8673 335 State Street Interesting Facts I u) f u V t . . A real home bargain $1(00. I lota . abundance of fruit, nuts and vegeta bles, rooms, paving, good location, owner leaving, cash necessary. Also 5 -room bungalow for $850 on terma H. P. GRANT 1120 N. 18th St. Phone 8310 I ewevevjyMwawVwVwwMwVea' FOR SALE 5 room house, also 10 room house. Call 1480 Marlon St. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. Tel RlttS. Walter J. Downs, 680 Breya INSURANCE BECKJS ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High Tel. 4947 COFFEY-SMITH, gen. Ina TeL 8633. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 2(3 S. High TeL tm CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 31(5 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened. ' repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. "The Crete Man", HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Two ladies retail sales experience, see Mr. Rose evenings ( to S p. m. 3S1 State Street, suite 206. SALESMEN WANTED Neat appearing man for steady work. Permanent and advancements. Write Box 217. Statesman. SITUATIONS WANTED Sewing. Mrs. Adsitt. Tel. 4376. Work. R. Porter, R. 1, Bx. 98. Salem. Bresemak. by day, cheap. 1533 Court. SUBURBAN BARGAINS H -A. 14 L-irge bearing cherries and walnuts. Modern 6-K. nlastered house. Txuble garage. A $6000 home for only 13400. Give-terma S -acres. Modern 6-R. house. 1-A. filberts. Poultry house for 700 hena Good barn. S miles out, only $2950. A snap. 2 -acres. 5-R. house. New barn, poul try house, LfOts or cherries and fruit. Only $2000. Now is the time to buy that ranch. put don t iorget to see J AS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High Street type MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. SprUig mattress $5.00. Renovators and fumlzatora Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed ting Co. Tel. 40(9. 3030 N. CapttoL New mattress made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sixing ; null rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag ft Mat tress Factory. 8. 13th ft Wilbur. TeL (441. Ot'.o F. Zwicker. Let, 191L MUSIC STORES GEO. a WILL Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet musle and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 State btreeL Salem. MEDICINE - Dr Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday end Friday, 10:30 a-m. to 4:30 p. m. 148 N. CommerclaL PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint ft Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs now at Fldler's stand. intersection Sllverton-Portland road. Kitchen range, Rt. 1. Box 263. (3F15. eaeSaaeaVeeSe,awSae Baled hay. B. R. Bewley, Green wood Sta. Burbank seed potatoes. Puritan Ci der W orku, N est Salem. Burbank seed potatoes. Maple Tree Stand, west end of bridge. FOR SALE Btirbank seed pota toes, reasonable. W. M. Fay, 581 Highland. Two lots on knoll C 0x1 30 each, fac ing Leslie brick school grounds, trice view, covered with large cherry, pear and apple trees, will sell one or both. See these before building. Easy terma Owner, 765 Rural Avenue. Tel. 8854. 1 8-4 acres three miles north on Pa rifle highway. Modern house except basement. Barn, chicken house and garage. Variety of bearing fruit, ber ries, garden, fine shrubbery. Will trade clear for S rm. English house, north. See Mr. Chamberlain WINNIE PETTYJOHN 519 Court Street crrr tonveniences AND COUNTRY PRIVILEGES In a beautiful suburban home it- mile out on good road. 7 cheerful rooms, Duilt Ins, electric lights, fire place, full basement, furnace, laundry trays, garage, small fbarn. chicken coops, drilled Well With water -vatem nice large lawn with shrubs, flowers and rooL garden, fruit and ahnrie trees. Price $5500. part terma CHILDS ft MILLER. TtRATTWnc. 344 State Street Tel. 6708 SPECIAL $8100 HOME FOR $3800 7 room modern home nearly new, only 5 blocks from state house. Will accept clear property up to $1500 In exchange. SEE Mrs. Ellis with ? CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street TeL 6708 MIGHT TIIMWF PROFITS TAKEN, GRAINS LOWER lull. I Ull Mil EGGS, HOGS DECLINE LOCALLY Flag day today. Be sure to dis play your flag. i o Monthly Light Bill for Polk Selling Develops at t ,,. k. D4..Ari hu i nverv Advance ana I II W 1 1 I LI lie ncuubcu UT I " About $50 Close is Nervous We built a chicken yard for our chickens out on our farm. We put all our chickens In the near pen but left the pair of banties out to eat up the worms. . . They didn't CHICAGO. June 13 (AP)- I wN 1 a a . I A . U MONMOUTH, June 13. The fT1?""5 .iru'ni city council ot Monmouth . , I . M 1 . A has I niga price recoros lor wueai auu resched this agreement with the a Ta v,ues erased low Mountain States Power company er today. roncemln cltv lighting-. Berln- Augmented eelllng developed seem to appreciate that very much nlng June 7. the street lights are on every advance, and proved a for the first thing we knew they to oe turnea on ai ramaigui, nu u.uin imyuM.u.c '- were in the yard with the rest of Including lights at the city hall, except during brief intervals. The tne mommy uiu is io do rrsucsa .cuiug wkb msnj "iwu w 1100, about 50 less than cur- proflt-Uktng on the part of east rent cost. ern speculstive holders, and in Councilmen Harrsday and Coop- ome quarters was partly ascribed er, the lighting committee., were to complaints credited to the se- oi l creuary oi agricuuuie iui rcitui Salem Markets the birds. WATCH for the Friday Food (Green) section this lreek. Pages and MfM 1ust chuck full Of in- t...u. mAm Taii anrlv Mn aavn I inetruciea io aiaae a survey by using this section as your buy- "8t and power users in Mon- price advances had Interfered with i watrh lrldaTs Diner, mouth to secure a basis for fig- plans to effect acreage reduction Bring ine puieuimi cui i a uiuui- i u , u uu wvvu, . ... . . - . I TI-. . i . A .. ctpsi ugnimg piant. Bigger and better this week. MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COM.PAJS X tlJ Oregon Building. 2nd Floor Office hra. 1:00 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. Telephone 7788. State license No. 8-165. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Too keep the ear P. A. EIKER Cot. Liberty St and Ferry Phona 4783 Saktsa. Ota Heads Loan Branch MONMOUTH. June 13. L. I. Bursell, a farmer of this section, is president ot the local National Farm Loan association branch, which has headfuarters at Dallas. E. K. Piasecki ot West Salem is secretary - treasurer; directors are Fred Elliott and H. G. Camp bell of Dallas, and H. H. Brant of Independence. Wheat closed nervous, 3-3 to 3-4 under yesterday's finish, corn also 3-8 to 3-4 down, oats 3-8 to 5-8 off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat July 77 1-8 to 1-4; Sept. 79 1-4 to 3-8; Dec. 81 5-3 to 3-4. Corn July 45 3-8 to 1-2; Sept. 48 3-8 to 1-2; Dec. 51 1-8 to 1-4. Oats Jury 27 7-3; Sept. 30 1-8 to 1-4; Dec. 32 to 32 1-8. Private money to loan on good real estate security. Abrams and tans inc., 411 Masonic FOR SALE WOOD eaSavaWraarew GUARANTEED DRY wood ooaJ TeL 6000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade ft Cottage. Ash. fir and oak. TeL 1(48. Dry wood $4 cord. TeL 6488. Dry oak. 4 ft., $4.00. TeL 870.8. i" frv tnh wood. 22 load: 16" dry old fir $2.50 load and dry planer wood. $2.50 load. Prompt delivery. At ir- ey e. Tet. 3S6. Town Team Wins MONMOUTH, June 13. Mon mouth's town baseball squad won a game here Sunday from the Mc Laughlin Hop Yard players, score was 11 to 6. Monmouth boys lea off with a score ot 3-2 until the sixth inning when the hop men reversed their luck! and .Jumped Into a 6-5 lead. A batting rally by Monmouth In the eighth ran In tire tallies before their slugging was cheeked. Monmouth was min us its usual battery, M. Nelson and R. Nelson doing duty. The McLaughlin battery was Fox and Keltz. General Markets Grade B raw 4 mtlk. co-op pool price, flJM per hundred. Surplus f 130. VUlk bated as eeail eraathly altarfat aweae.) Distributor price $1.70 Hutterfat Top 21 -22c. prints 2H, rabo 22 H. Prieea paid te twtrs Bale srert Jose 13 (The prices Inlaw. aHe4 DJ a lecal grocer, are lancaue r mm mmttj aMTiei bat are aot rmranarza by T StAtotaaa.) raoiT an vsazTasis Striae beast, lb- wh. .IS Articbakts, aot. . ' - Aarcu, local, r. -90 Cabbtf. lb. .08 (ireea peppert, Florida, lb. , -, .30 IV. Orecon. lb. . , .. .0 Onions, dot. baaehea .18 Potato. Xtkima o. 2 - 14 J riorida Shatta. r kites Sweet pott Coat, crate Ittaco, loeal Onions. Labitk, cvt. Rbabarb, local Celery. Calif. a erata Snictn toaittoet Apples Winettpt. ftoey Extra fancy 2.4 -2.40 L50 .65 .85 .01 -.75 ...2.25 . .05 .L40 TRADE Miscellaneous Clark Jewel gas rane. good as new, cost $75.00 : price $35.00. Has oven gage and lighter, take some trade. Phone fiOlT llfi New Bllgh. EXCHANGE Real Estate ii'U nrst mortgage ooverine- 40 acres of land, to exchange for ritv lota Oregon H. C. SHIELDS Bldg. Tel. 8902. c, . TifMotur esrda. Damnb- iets. Program., book. orjLny klndo, WANTED Miscellaneous We pick up dead or worthless horses, cows, sheop, free of charge. TeL 4869. WANTED Hatching eggs from a few lodge flocks Barred Rix-ks. W. E. I Park. 410 S. 24th St.. Salem. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20c child-. 15c I Two blocks a of library. S. Winter. Experienced teacher will tutor In termediate grade pupils. Call 9682. TRADR Modern 8-room Portland house and 2a acre tract near Oregon City, both clear of debt, total value 87000 win trade for storked and equipped farm anu assume :5UUU to 14000 SEE HAWKINS ft ROBERTS FOR REAL ESTATE TRADES, 160 A. by Madris. 4 A. by Salem for house In Salem. House, A. fruit, Newberg for Salem property. W. G. ir;tni. masonic Kldg. FOR SALEFARMS $140081 ACRE FARM $1400 miles out on good road, buildings neea some repair, z wells, beautiful snaae trees, small grove of timber. Tyring students keep in practice 1 mixed orchard, hnln eta. UlUAt Ma w - . I - ; ... I - w w-.m-wvin prtntui., call The Stataamaa iTlnuna i spL for summer, s mos. ior j. inos.i j?-or a REAL BUY In a small farm. phone 10L ---- . REAL' ESTATE BECKS ft aJSNDRICKS. TeL 4847. W. H. GRAB EN HORST ft CO . 184 a Liberty SU TeU ,4I- SOCOLOF9KY ft SON 804-8 TNat-- Bk TeL t60T. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, sip. porch. 1S77 Court St. TeL 4857. Close In, sleeping rooms. Summer rates 658 Center. CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 844 State Street Tel. 6708 Dry 16 In. old fir, $1.25. Tel. 4150. Wood, all kinds, call 4SF14. Smith ft Ruben a PERSONAL Will Charlie Chamberlain please call ru.n w. H.irms. Rt. 1. aiem, lei. j."22? FOR SALE USED CARS WANTED Several light cars. Will pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANOE Terms Trades 5 42 Chemeketa ROOM AND BOARD STOVES Board and room for ladles. In. TeL E678. 595 Court St. Close STOVES and stove repairU Stoves .Arra a riemiua. B. and R. near P. WarBaSsyBarSaSeaaSaf"-ABSSBAsa O. $20. TeL S482. ACREAGE iw m -. m n.n.n n itri.fLi ii i i If you are looking for a real buy ln hop land, I have a snap. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tet 8802 Business Opportunities -""-- - ---i-ij-trwinrn Five acre ranch with store and gas station near Salem. Box 311, Statesman. McKAYS USED CARS Here are some real values in used cars. They nave Deen reronimioneu throughout and are worthy of your consideration. 1926 Stude Coupe In excellent condition. 6-ply tires $125 1928 Ford Coupe for only 14$ 1928 DeSoto Sedan. Good condi tion. Good tires and paint. Here's a real value 2(5 1929 Pontiac Sedan. New paint, good rubber. Runs like new 295 1929 Nash Sedan that Is a dandy. It's a real buy at S15 1832 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan. Has only 19,000 mllea Can hard ly be told from a new car. Save soma monev on this one 475 198J Plymouth Sedan. This Is the long wheelbase sedan with automatic clutch, free wheeling and floating pow er, for only 495 Several late model Chevrolets at a big saving Several others from $25 up. Trucks from $100 to $525. TERMS TRADES McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 3.8 Center 430 N. Com'L Phone 8188 Weariness Shown On Wall Street, Prices Depressed NEW YORK. June 13 ( AP) Financial markets showed signs of weariness today, and closing prices in many directions were lower. Sales totaled 6,301,540 shares. American Telephone, Case, American Sugar and National Dis tillers dropped about 4 net. Allied Chemical, American Can, Du Pont, North American, Consolidated Gas of New York, Public Service of New Jersey, Sears Roebuck and U. S. Steel yielded 2 to more than 3. U. S. Steel wa3 off nearly 2. Union Pacific, which had been up half a dozen points, held about a sixth ot its rise, while other car riers showed moderate losses. paODTJCE EX CHAN OB PORTLAXD, Ore.. June IS. (AP) Produce exrtitnge, net prices : Botter Kxtrat 22c, Mandardt 21 Sr. prime firttt 21e, firtt 19 He. Ezra Fret- extra 18c, frets mediums 17c. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., Jnne 13. (API Wheat Opto Hifk Low Close Jnry 6? 62 61 61 September - 64 ; 64 1 64 64 December 66 67 H 69 4 67 4 Catk when No. 1. Big Bend bluv tent 69c; dark hard winter 12 per rnt "Oe, 11 per cent 66e; toft white 61Ve: hard winter file; northern iprinr, west ern white, wettera red 59c. Ottt Xo. 2 whita $22.50. Corn So. 2E yellow 821. Millron Standard $1. Ktwtowna, fancy Xxtra faaey Oranget Beet, local, dot Turnips, local, crate Carrelt. local, dot. Spinach, local, crate Banaaea. lb. en stock Hands tfuitard gre.ui Cucumbers ... Piaeapple. retail rtnttloopct, crtta Lemont Gooteberriet Strawberries, local Liaef. fresh ATtctdo!, crtta ------ -0 1 AS 8.00 to 4.O0 85 , .S5 .SS .25 to .60 , .05 . .05 4 .60 Hogs Bring $5.10, 15c Down; Eggs Drop Cent a Dozen Hogs took their second decline locally in as many days yester day when the top market dropped to 15.10. The quotation wag down 15 cents pef hundred. Eggs likewise slipped down ward, with all sizes down a cent dozen. This places extras at 13 cents: standards, 12 cents: and mediums, 11 cents. Other price, remained da- changed. FIRST CELERY FROM UBISHATFORMiD Top. Tcrp, 19:12. 1931. HOPS Portland Produce Extrat .... grnndardi .... -tediums 0:4 reoetsTs . Colored hen -Madiomt heat Light hana, Broilers IV lb EOOS Buying Prices .ae to 1.30 .20 te .30 3.75 7. SO .01 to .04 .1.85 to 2.00 . .. 1.2" 3.23 714 .58 rOULTBY .13 to .13 .12 .11 .04 .11 .09 .08 15 PORTLAND. June 13 CAP) First celery out of the Labish section was offered today on the Eut Side Farmers' Wholesale market by Ronald Jones. Sales 11.25 dozen for hearts. Strawberries were about steady. Gold Dollars were generally 11.75 with a few higher. New Oregons were 32. -.25 crate. Offerings et fair volume only. Lettuce deal was a trifle better for good stuff with sales of local still mostly 40-50c and Labish 50c crate. Some northern sold 60c. Peas were slightly better, sell ing 3-3 l-4c lb., mostly the for mer. Cabbsfce sold 31.40-1.50 crate for The Dalles and 75c pony crate for local. Gooseberries sold up to 90c crate with balk stock around 3c pound. Asparagus sales were chiefly $1.90-2 pyramid. Turnip sales were generally 30-35c dozen bunches with beets 2-30c and carrots 3 5-4 Or dozen bunches. Radio Pros ram Board and room, 315 Bellevue. Cool, pleasant, downstairs room In heme near state house. Board option al. Home privileges. Box 218, care Statesman. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY W A N T E D Feeder pigs. Busch. R. 7. Box 4, 81 em. Otto TRANSFER warding and storage eur Get our ratea. roR local or distant tiWerrage. call 813L Lamer Trexuu" . te rVrtitnMur,,---sM; TYPEWRITERS " t vtnuWRITERS Adding Mch. sold. rented, .repadarwo WELL DRILLING -R. A. West, $0 yeaa experience. RKD S. Do- 103 B, TeL llOrS. Prunes Look Good; Other Crops Also KEIZER, June 'lS Kelier district seems to be highly favor ed this season as to the prospect! tor fruit. The cherry crop is mostly good, especially tha Royal Annes Some who have early peaches report an excellent pros pect while others say their later peaches will be more aounaani. The early apples are not o good but there will be a large production of the later Yarietles. Logans will only yield one heif crop, and not many kept their vines. The blackcaps are fine. Prunes are the best eTer, par- FOR RENT APARTMENTS UtnjkfLfL,lJllfll m m et.--Ha.a-a.------a-a.a-i a. Well furnished 3 room apartment. Garage. Adulta 478 N. CapltoL Three room furnished apartment, private bath, very nice, 10(4 Oak SC Nice furn. apt., (90 Union. Apta $10 and up. (38 Center. 8 R. and bath, 2(8 N. Cottage. Gentlemen, clean 2 -room. 253 Center. i i -rw'r--ii-iiii-iriririi'yy"i-i -i-i- r I rm. furn. duplex, ground floor and I garage. 864 MUL T. G. Albert Desirable 1st fL apt 1333 State. 2, 8 room turn, apta, private bath, reduced rates, 845 Court. TeL 5792. Wjn.ruutJ'JWBin-i- r r - - - 8 apta, 318 and 315. TeL i4. FOR RENTHOUSES rum. and unfurn. houses, ft A. rorkner. 1(10 N. Cottage. TeL 303L -i r ........, timm S room mod. furn. house. Close In. Call 7529 or 3131. U-L l. I - - - ' l WW House 6 rooms, modern newly pa pered and painted. Corner Marion and 12th street a Cosy cottage, furnished. No children. 17(8 State Street For rent 7 room nouse. ew . Cadwell, Statesman office. ftiini - 1 Strictly mod. house, call 1(00 State. - - - - m uvio RENT 3 room furnished, S JffR,lhed. Call 142 W. Fourth. MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony' Beard ever KOIN daHy ring out a loan service that Is really really different YOU OET THB FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTERKBT STRICT PBTVirT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE! UI LOAMS $18 to 300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 118 New Bllgh Bldg. tnd Floor LaUKNSED BY STATE) 818 StaU Street TeL S-T-4-0. aLADB en furniture, ears, aalarlee or other (rood security. Repayable monthly. When ta tlnanelal seed see us eerore eioslng a loan. UUlSHAL INVESTMSNT CORPORA TTflV First National Bank Bldg. Pherae tSIS Borrow en personal property: repay in mommy instaiimenta willah ETTB LOAN CO State Ho. 8-1(8. (ve Guardian Bldg. TeL 3877. Save $690 from original price 1832 Dictator Da Luxe sedan In per fect condition. Equipped In every de tail. Only driven 3628 mllea New car guarantee, $955. hvRKQvB 240 No. Liberty Tel. 3(88. 1927 Ford coach good tires ruxtel axle, new paint and upholstery, runs good 865.00 HAIN'8 TOP A BODY SHOP ON is mm em ftt!TO Jim 1 3 Th annual re union of the Crabtree family was held on the original Crabtree do nation land claim south of here Sunday. About 71 relatives and friends enjoyed the basket dinner and informal program. An all day meeting with a bas ket dinner at noon was held Sun day at the Baptist church in Scio, with the Christian and Bap tist churches going la together. Mrs. Asa Eastbum of the Pay and Save store in Scio, under went an appendicitis operation at the Lebanon hospital Friday morning. She is reported to be getting alone nicely. Arch Ray who has charge of a road crew above Cascadia spent the weekend at his home south of Scio. WEDNESDAY, Tans 14. XOAO COBYAZXIS do. Ka. 6:43 Farm market reports. T:00 Morning meditations, led by r. W. Raymond Wilder. 9:00 Heme economies obtervtr. 11:80 Science service. 12 :00 Farm hoar. 1:30 Fonr-H club summer school ei emhly. 1:30 Dr. Henrietta Morris, An s wen te queacioBt about health. 8:55 Farm market reports. 0:45 Fonr-H elab inmmer school, pro gram by deleft t ion t from Marion and Clackamas cooatits. 1:00 Prof. E. L. Potter, "What ts Inflation!" 8:30 Mnaieale, Mrs. I J. Murdoch, soprano. ILOW FOaTLAJTD 6.0 ate. 7:00 Orctn concert, XBC. s T:80 Orgaa concert, NBC. 7:30 Rhythm Bemblere, KBO. 8:80 Bonald Back, pianist. 9:80 Cooking tehool. 10:00 Sarah Krieadler, NEC. 10:80 Womaa's Mtfttiaa of the Air, 1:15 Cabbage as I Zings, NBC. 2:00 Al Paarea sal His Gang. NBC. 8:00 Jack sad Leretta Clemens, NBC. 8:80 Friendly chat. 6:15 Rialte Echoes, NBC. 8:30 Myron Nit-lay. NBC . 6:80 Sam Gordon, the Klbitser. 7:00 Amoe 'a' Andy, NBC. 7:15 Al Mitchell I orchestra, NBC. 8:15 College laa orchestra. :80 Edfaweter Beach Hotel erchettra, KBO. 8:45 Conrad and (frofe'i or chestra, NBO. 9:00 One -tea's Family, NBO. 9:30 Portland eteaalng works. 9:85 Concert la Rhythm, NBC. 10 : 15 Anson Weeks' orchestra, NBCB. 11:00 Phil Harris' erohtttra, NBC. 11:80 Jim Tsffs archtttra, KG W te NBC. rOIN FOEIIdUID 949 &. 6:30 KOIN'i Klock. 8:00 Ylaeent Travars orehettra, CBS. 8:90 Concert Mialateree, CBS. 9:15 WtlUr Btewart, orcaaltl. 11:15 Madame Belle Forbes Cutter, CBS, 11:45 Claude Hopkins sad orchestra, NBO. 18:15 Rose City trie and Harry Rifle. 19:80 Jack Brooks, CBS. PORTLAND, Ore., Jun 13. ' AP) Butter Trinn, extrat 24?, tundtrds .3Ie. Bntterftt Portland delirery: A grade 21 J2c pound; ftrmers' door delivery 21-2-c pound; tweet cream 5c hifher. Elt - Ptcific Poultry producers' telling prict; Overtiie 20c. extrtt 13c, mixed colon 17c, meditim 17e doien. Bujinf pri"e of whol-!r : Fresh cur rent receipt. 56 pound) tnd UI, 12c doien. Cheese 92 tcore Or.ja triplttt. 12c; loaf 13c pound. Brokers will pay Vic below quotation!. Milk Contract prict 4 per ctnt, Portland delivery $1.70 cwt; P erode cream 3 7iC pouud. Country meat Seilinf price to retailers: Country killed hoft best butch ers, under 1 'J poiutat i i : reaiers, 70 to l"0 pounds 7-7 c; irinf lambt llV-12e; yearllnft 2-4e; heavy ewet, 2 i -3c ; medium cowt 5c pound. Conner eowt . S -3c. Bntlt. 3-5e pound. ilohsir Nomintl buying price: 1933 clip 120 pound. Cases ra bsrk Bujinf price: 1933 peel, 4c pound. Hope Nominal, 1933, 70 7-c pound. Live poultry Portland delivery: Buy ing prices, heavy hent, colored 4H pounds 18c, do mediumt lie; lifhti 10c. Bpringt, light, LH pounds up, 10c; color ed, tprinfa. 13-14C. Boostart 8c pound. Deckt, Pekint, broilers, 1319c pound: Old ducks. Pekint, 10c pound, do colored 10s pound. Onion t Selliag price to retailers: Oregon 91-1.25 eeatal. hew onione California Bermudas 91 par 50 pensd crate: California 40c per lug; new red 2c ponnd. Potatoes Local $1.15-1.35; Det chatts Gems 91.73, do Bakers, $1.00; Yakima Gems 91.90. New potatoes California Garnets JH-30 penal: white 2e pound. Btrawberrtee Oregon Dollars 91.78 saw Oregons 89-3.25 crate; Clark seed lings 93.85 erata. Wool 1998 Olip. nominal; Willam ette valley 91-38e pound; eastern Oregon 17-80e pound ; southern Idaho 16 .0e paaad. Hay Baying price from producer : Alfalfa No. 1. 81: clever No. 8. 914: eeetera Oregoa timothy 916; oats sad vetch $18 Lambt, top Hgt. top .. First cutt Steers Cowg . MEAT 5 00 5.10 4.8S Heifers Bulla Dressed Dressed veal. .04 H to .02 H to .03 S to .02 H to top .05 .03 .04 .03 .06". 07H CHAIN AND HAY Wheat. wetrn red 67 White. No. 1 67 Bar'.er. top. ton 1 00 to 20.00 Oats, ton 20.00 to 23.00 M. buying prteee Ottt tnd vetch, ton 16.00 Alfalia. valley 1st cut 17.00 F.tttern Oregon 100 Cover hay 17.00 1HY WOOL Medium .. Course M.ri:r Graea. lb. Dry. lb. Oil. ponnd CASCABA BABK PEPPERMINT . .S3 . .21 . .12 . .01 . .04 , ISO Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., June 18. (AP) Cattle Receipts 150, ealvet 10 ;fully steady, Steers Good 96-6.65; common and medium 93.75 8.35. H.if.rt, goad $4.60 S 25: eommoa and medium 98-4.90. Cetrs. eood 8450-5.35: eommoa tad medinm Ir sn.a so RnUa. eood 89.35-9.78: eat tars and medium 92.85 8.35 Vtalera, feed 96-0.75; common end mediam $3-8. Calvef, good $5.50-6; eommoa ssi sse- Cinm 92.50-5. Hoga Reeerptf 200; steady. PimwL 140 ta 200 Dounat 900 to 850 pounds 95.10-5.50; ever 95 vounda 94.50-85. Scwt. good 88.78- 4.50; medium 93.50-4. Piga, food 94-5 Hki.n Toeceinta 800: 25e lower. T..ata rood and choice 83.75-6.18. eommoa and medium 94-4.75. Wethers 99.75-4.50. Ewes 92-3.75 1.-45 Belle and Martha, DLB9. 3:00 Happy Go Lucky hour, DLB3. 3 :00 Ftminine Fanciee. DLB9. 4:45 Midwetternera. CBS. -00 Snortt authority. CBS. 8:00 Fred Waring' t Penntjlaniass, CBS 6:30 Edwia C. Hill. CBS. Mill. JV I.itt CBS. 8:00 Eddie Duchla't ereheetra, CBS. 8:30 Gwy Lombtrdo-BartS ens auea, CBS. n 00 Put Arnheim'e orchestra. DLB8 B S0 Oene Baker CeeU Teagao "The W.nderer." tn-ao inh-ni- Walker's "Isle of Gold en Dreamt." AUia to wuujs, Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 193.. Sundtrd Statistics Lo. ) June IK STOCK AVERAGES 60 30 10 90 lad It KA's Ot's Total Todar . 86.5 44.6 108 9 84.0 Pretlout dty S o W eak ego B2.7 Year ago 8 4 8 vetr tgo 171.7 High 1933 89.0 Low 1933 42.3 High 1932 72. S Low 1933 35.1 44.9 111.7 86.5 48.S 100.5 79.8 15.2 58.1 39.8 124.8 242.5 176.8 44 9 in; 28.5 61.5 39.8 111.0 13.2 51.8 43.9 73.9 35 0 BONO AYEEAQE8 Todty Previous (ay Week ago Year ago 8 years age . High 193S Low 193 High 1932 Lew 1993 30 72.5 78.1 78.1 64.9 98.7 78.4 5.S 71. S 53.3 90 75.9 73.9 76.9 53.1 106 76.6 57.0 78.0 47.4 Y 84.1 84.4 8-4.8 74.0 SB 77.8 77.7 77.9 60.6 99.7 100.1 83.2 78.1 74.1 86.2 70.9 63.6 78.1 57.5" m m sni RICKEY, June 13 With a full house present the Rickey com munity club held the lat meet ing of a successful season and paid the last of the piano debt from the sale of a quilt donated by Mrs. Miller and quilted by the Rickey Sunshine and Communitj club members. Eleven new members were re ceived into the club. A picnic and homecoming will be held at Ima ger's Grove later in the season with "W. Carothers. C. Courtner. Roy Crabb. A. E. LaBranche and H. E. Martin In general charge. Mrs. F. "Waser, Mrs. O. D. Bine gar. Mrs. C. Courtner and Mrs. D. D. Horner will have charge of table arrangements. A five act comedy "How the Story Grew," was put on by Mrs. J. Amort. Valencia Amort. Mrs. H. Phillips. Mrs. M. M. Ma'gee. Margaret Magee. Mrs. IT. E. Mar tin, Mrs. M. A. Wells. Mrs. MsNe Pstton. Other numbers on the program were musle by the Beardsley orchestra; vocal solo. Alene Beard accompanied by W. Beard, piano solo. Frances Waser. vocal solo, Mrs. R. A. Hooper, ac companied by Russell Beardsley; mandolin solo, Johnny Propel, vo cal numbers, Orval Berdsley, ac companied by Russell Beardsley; music by a Hollywood orchestra. THEODORE DIE CHOSEN PRESIDENT WALDO HILLS, Jana II The Waldo Hills Community club closed Its year's activities Friday night. Officer elected tor 1IH- 14 were: president. Tneoaore Riches: rice president, J. M. Doer- fler: eecretary-treasuxer, Edna m Ooodknecht: director ot Baucis, Karl Haberly; director or mem bershtp, Waldo Rue. The outgoing president. A. A deer, announced the committee en eluh nlente Diane aa. Theedore Riches. Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Fred Knlaht. It was voted to give a day to club work and Tuesday. June 19. was chosen. The women will clean the building and prepare lunch while the men will get out wood and haul It. A social dance will be held the night of Jnly 4. The Misses Ella Kellner and Ed ith Knight played a violin duet L accompanied by Ethel Knight. Sandner, Maggie Neal Seek School Berths SHELBURN, June 13 George Sandner and Maggie Neal are both candidates for directors la this school gone. Geo. Sandner fa voring baa transportation and Mrs. Neal opposed to same. Shel burn is In gone two et Linn coun ty. Ia the Blstriet Ceart of ike TJaited Buses far the ZHatriet of Oregea. Cwt re. States et Amertea, libelant, vs. Bioirt L. Phillie sad Norma PVilllpa, Defend ants, C-13 991. United Btatee Man-are Notice. By virtue of aa order itissti wy the Carted States Drrrie Cewn for 'the District of Oregea. ta the salt el e-e Cnited Btstee of Asterlea on. Robert L. PklUipe sad Norma PhllUps. IMtttsats. Case No. C-13999. I sm eemmanewd oe sad de hereby give notice that ttttti twt taia Paatiaa Coach Meter No. P-S41aS. will be forfeited te the Caited Btatee smr taaat U Ue prevUieas et Beetiea 99, Title II. of Ua Nsttoaal Prekihltiea AM. aleee good cease te the eeatrery he shewn by the ewaer er any ease see-tg sa Interest taenia, si te o'clock. A. sL, en the 6h day of Jnry, 1993. ta the Oeart Bhaeta of saU Cenrt la the Old PetM Office Building, Fifth sad Maori see Streets, Portland, Or raw, Jean I Day. Cnited States XarthaL 7. 19-80. POLLY AND HER PALS Getting Down to Earth By CLIFF STERRETT FOR RENT FARM LEASE FOR SALES 180 acres between Albany ad Cor- growing SrV Mr to buildings. Lo fonvement ne t bs. schooL ratea n t"--. - Hb ticularly In the upper part of the Jtor, binder, and very ornplet district. Most orchards will have farm equipment .This year b rent ruiiy a bumper crop of Italians. O" r,t inly J!5"per year, man rnrtAA tbnt on 12 acres he eP??1.5.! 7rm 82500 to $2.- Would have 100 tons double tbatjj so. cash. Courtesy to brokejrs. Must Of last year. 1 be taken at once, -npp - If nHc nnlif show nn accord- bany. Oregon. -- m - 1 I e - - - - a I Ins: lv ITaIvaw Archardlsta will be I . -wmt ararasre bouse. All 1 r.Anfftj riron.toiiv ' i,iri furn. TeL 7664. 211 HaseL ( WOTLL W5 GROW) (I HAVENT TflZjl K MB AN' PCXUY 3 WORRIED ) CTgA f MY STARS, SAMtIt, ) Con our farm ? ffiNTBsrj C about what we'll raiseJ - ( .show s kaj have voj) -7TT? d&k? CVVHBsI W&OiT CNrOMA40 f ON OUR FARM jt-a3g-J--t - cTT,, YZ. i S IN MIND? S- i THE MOGTCSAeEi J V?'M& r .. .a vvtitvl .SUtOUV S 0 a