1 Society Bride-Elect Honored Guest Miss Leo la Johnson, popular bride-to-be and sophomore at Willamette university was honor ed at a charming tea and shower Monday afternoon when the Miss es Lorraine Sheldon and Vernita Van Fleet invited a group of Miss Johnson's sorority sisters and friends to the Alpha Phi Alpha chapter house on North Summer street Misa Johnson's marriage to Donald Faber, a Willamette graduate who has been high school athletic coach at Ashland for the past year, will be a pic turesque event of Sunday in the Alpha Phi Alpha gardens. Bidden to the affair Monday afternoon included Alpha Phi Al pha house mother, Mrs. W. V. Johnson, Mrs. E. J. Ellis, honor ed guest, Miss Johnson, the Miss es Elva Sehon, Josephine Ander son, Gertrude Roenlcke, Ruth Schreiber, Mildred Drager, Elea nor Yarnes. Dorothy 'McDonald Betty Smith, Rose Naef, Edythe Glaisyer, Lucile Flannery, Lulu Allen, Margaret Lange, Sydney Hannaford, Carolyn Schneider, Eleanor Barth. Margaret Morris, Edwyna Broadbent, Frances Mae da, and the hostesses. Miss Shel don and Miss Van Fleet. Church Adds Music Department Of interest to music circles In the city is the newly organized music department in the First Christian church. This depart ment has been placed under the direction of Prof Loren Davidson. A newly organised male glee club has been completed with a person nel of 40 voices. The choir too, haa greatly increased in member ship and excellent work is being presented. A number of changes and musi cal developments are being antici pated for this department which is among the pioneer activities in church development in Oregon. At the present time there are four quartets, a girls glee and a child ren's chorus is being organized. Lawn Party Fetes Younger Set A delightful lawn party was giv en is the sunken gardens of the Doerfler home Sunday afternoon and evening. Those present were Miss Mar guerite Filsinger, Miss Jean Doo little. Miss Clea Rrtner, Miss Frances Doolittle and Miss Velma Mae, Perry Andrews, "Frosty" .King, Virgil Harrison and the host Don Doerfler. At a late hour refreshments were served and the remainder of the sight was spent in dancing. a Mrs. E. E. Buckles will be hos tess to Hal Hlbbard Auxiliary Friday afternoon beginning at 1 o'clock. All members are urged to be present as pictures for the year book will be taken at this time. Pattern By ANNE ADAMS It fairly ahouts Vacation! You'll don it for a game of tennis, or gelf, you'll wear it to the lake or beach . . . and yoall always capture the- honors. Smart, slim lines, neckline high in front and cleverly exposed la back to a summer sun . . . and Just as ehie battened up! Crisp pique, linen, shantung, broadcloth or lovelty cottons would be perfect. Pattern J 654 may be ordered only in sizes 12, 14. 1$, 18 and 20. Sixe 1 requires 3 yards 36 inch fabric. Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions in cluded with pattern. flftaaa easts (15c) la eatea e mmmr (estaa nrafarrad), far tats Aaa Aaaae aattara. Writ pialaty year bam, siMrir as4 7W aaav bet; Be mis to stoto sum vaatea, Taa aaw in aettaa af the ana mmbs ractata bock u vaaoy. pens, gov. waais lW kaaaa frocks, spaeUl kacfea am vattona, atytea foe ftrai , aa CMtM fat ttraetfaa fa aawM the taactaattac fat year copy, rrtea at teaa casta. Catalog aaaV m- aai, vwaiy-HTa AMiaaa aU avail areata ta Taa Ova. fcJL News and Club Olive M. Doak, SOCIAL CALENDAR Wednesday, June U Dorcas society of Christ Lutheran church, 2 o'clock in church; special dinner served at 5:30 o'clock. Leslie Ladles Aid, Home Missionary society. For eign Missionary society of Leslie Methodist church, joint meeting at home of Mrs. E. E. Dent on Rosedale road; covered dish dinner at noon; each bring own ta ble service and one eovered dish. Cars leave chureh at 10:30 o'clock. Women's Missionary society, First Presbyterian church, in church parlors; Mrs. W. M. Thomas in charge of meeting. Ladies Guild of American Lutheran church with Mrs. Julia Sebwiesnger, Independence; cars leaving church at 1:30 o'clock; transportation for those desir ing It. Kaiser Ladies Aid at Keefer home for all-day meeting. Sweet Briar club, guest of Mrs. Williams on Wallace road, informal afternoon. Mrs. William Stoddard assist ing hostess. Mrs. David Eason presents Betty Mercer in recital at studio. 994 North Summer street. Ladies of G. A. R. with Mrs. Alice R. Blessing, 825 iorth 15th street. 2 o'clock; Flag Day program. Ladies Auxiliary to Willamette Aerie, No 2081, Fraternal order of Eagles, special session, Fraternal temple. Procresslve Health club, 8 o'clock; St. Paul s parish house, 450 Chemeketa street; Dr. W. O. Powell of Mc Minnville, speaker. Gir Reserves of seventh grads. Parrish junior high school, r, :30 oclock at home of Miss Sarah Jane Dark, 9 i a E street. Foreign Missionary society of First Methodist church, at church, 2:15 o'clock; Mrs. Paul E. Edwards speaker of afternoon. Thursday, June 15 Mr?. Frank Churchill hostess to Chapter O of P. E. O. Sisterhood; 1:30 o'clock dessert luncheon- last meeting of year. Friday, June 16 Neighbors of Woodcraft plan dance at Fraternal temple. Hal Hibbard auxiliary, with Mrs. E. E. Buckles, one o clock; all members urged" to be present as pictures be ing taken for year book. Calvary Baptist Women's hpme missionary society at home of Mrs. Carl Huber, Woodburn; cars leave church at 1:45 o clock. First Spiritualist church, meeting at residence of George Stoddard. 1420 North Fourth street. 8 o'clock Three Links club with Mrs. Lena Wright. 297 South 17th street. Regular luncheon of Women's Alliance of Unitarian church, to be picnic at home of Mrs. Roy Burton Lib erty road, 1 o'clock. June Weddings Take Center Stage In Outlying Valley Communities Miss Golda Bush is Bride of Kenneth Ramey; Carr-Hessler Nuptials are Said Dayton Miss Mina Hessler, daughtef of Mr. and Mrs. George Hessler, and Charles s. Carr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr, were married Friday night at 7:15 at the home of the bride's parents near Dayton. Rev. M. H. Kendall of McMinnville, officiated. Miss LaVerne Hessler, sister of the bride was maid of honor, and Mrs. A'lvln C. Ross was matron of hon or. The bride was given away by her father, George Hessler. Hur sel Carr, brother of the bride groom, was best man. Miss Mar garet Clark of Portland, sang. Only 16 members of the famil ies of the bride and groom and Miss Clark of Portland, Mr. and Mra. Alvin C. Ross or Ocean Park and Fred Hessler of Baker, wit nessed the marriage. A reception at the home of the bride's par ents followed. Mr. and Mrs. Carr are both graduates of the Dayton high school. Mrs. Carr is a gradaate of the home economics depart ment of Oregon State college at Corvallis, and taught in the home economics department of Dayton high school last year. Several pre nuptlal affairs have been given for her. Mr. Carr is owner of "a garage here. They left almost immediate ly following the reception for a short wedding trip. Upon return they will occupy a farm home near Dayton. Brush Creek Miss Althea Mey er was the inspiration of a birth day party Sunday night when Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Meyer entertained for her at their home. A treasure hunt opened the evening, follow-, ed by lawn games and supper at midnight. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Madsen, Mrs. M. J. Madsen. Mrs. Theodore Grace. Stella Dybe rick, Lillian Block, Lillie Madsen, loga Goplerud, Luella Forland Margaret Giexik, Charlotte Gople rud, Sylvia HaerL Elmer Grace, Merl Grace, Milo Grace, John Go plerud, Walter Goplerud, Henry HJorth. 'Harold Larson, Lyla Krug, Lndrig Meyer. Althea Mey er and Mr. and Mrs. Meyer. a a Sublimity. A beautiful wed dlng was solemnized Monday at a. m., at St. Boniface's Catholic church, when Marie Minden, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Mich els, became the bride of Gndell Mack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mack of Washougal. Wash. Rev. F. H, Scherbring performed the cere mony. Richard Michels, brother of the bride, acted as best man. Yolaada Robl and Vera Hassler were the flower girls. After the wedding mast a wed ding dinner was served At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bene dict. They will make their home in Washoagal. aad other Merchandise and merchandise credits amounting to more than $60,000 siren away June 19th at ffnIInono Piano Otero See Final Ad in Saaday's tttateeaaaa. Face S Ther OREGON Society Editor Independence T h e marriage of Miss Golda Bush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bush to Ken neth Ramey, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ramey, was solemnized at the Baptist parsonage Thursday night at 8:45 o clock. Rev. K. A. Nelson read the ceremony. Mildred Bush, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and Clifford Ramey, brother of the groom was best man. Membera of the two families were present: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bush, and children Mildred, Irene and Marcella. Miss Ida Bush. Mr. Sam Bush, Mrs. and Mrs. W. P Ramey and children Clifford" vera, Ruth, Anna May and June, and Miss Juanita Stockoff. The couple left for a short hon eymoon in Portland, and will leave next week for Yellowstone National park where Mr. Ramey has a position for the summer. The young couple are well known in Independence, both graduating from the high school hero. They are also graduates of Oregon Nor mal school. Mr. Ramey la princi- ?!i0,th?. trade school, and his bride has been teaching at Sunnyside. They will make their home at Perrydale thU fall a Lablah Center Arlene Klampe celebrated her ninth birthday Fri day afternoon by entertaining a group of friends. Those present were Donna and Doris Lovre. Cor- DvMiller' LaT,n Do-. Betty Pugh. Eva Pearsall, Dorothy Mil ler. Frances isham, Nona and Kianrethri8ten3n' Arlene 55 Mr- Klampe, and Grace and Frances Klampe. who assist ed in serving. vr Garbarino and Edward 2 University of Oregon, re turned Saturday to spend the summer at home. On Sunday, Wil led Hornsehuch. who attended li . .? V renrnd . well SLVt-r'.Jomf' wbo "nded the University of Oregon. West Salem a charming Post-season card party was anjoy a 7 a group of matrons at the irm?. Lotu MeAdanw re eently. with attractive Iris affec tively ased In the rooms of the homo where six tables of MS0O" were in play f0the afternoon. Frank p. Wells, second high to XL"' f,.ColllM' "ltk to LaDue and a draw Prize to Mrs. C. W. Standlsh. a Shaw A party wedding cere mony took place Tuesday morn ing at 9 o'clock at the Imacu late Conception church when Vir ginia Schafer became the bride of William Hoffinbrldl a a Stayton. Mrs. W. E. Brown. SUyton. and Mrs. s. D. Brown, Lyons, went to Portland Monday as delegates to the Eastern Star convention iuU- v STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning. June Affai airs Reception Welcomes Visitors A reception is being held at the home of Mrs. Dan Fry, Sr., to night between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in compliment to Mr and Mrs. E- L. Southwick who have Just arrived from the Atlan tic seaboard to spend the sum mer here as tha guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. R. Simonds and Rev. Simonds. The reception will be for all members of the church and friends who wish to call and meet the guests. Mrs. W. E. Hansen. Mrs. Mark, McCallister and Mrs. E. J. Donnell are acting as a com mittee in charge of general ar rangements Presiding at the urns during the evening will he. alternately, Mrs. W. I. Stanley. Mrs. Nola Meyers, Mrs. J. R. Simonds and Miss Marry Fake. Women of the church will as sist about the rooms and In re ceiving. a Jason Lee Group Enjoy Evening The Standard Bearer Girls of Jason Lee church met at the home of Mrs. Lena Scharff Mon day night. Their mothers were guests and together they spent a very enjoyable evening. The de votions were led by Marguerite Clark, and several songs were sung by the entire group. Mrs. Scharff who has traveled exten sively, had many Interesting things to show. Dainty refresh ments were served under the trees In the yard. Those present were: Loretta Pro, Mary Lois Driggs, Helen Marcy. Blanche Baumgartner, Gatha Bressler. Marguerite Clark, Dorothy Pro, Marie Baumgartner. Lavlna Deppen, Mrs. Waller, ad visor, Mrs. Gamble, Mrs. Marcy, Mrs. Pro, Mrs. Driggs, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Bressler, Mrs. Baum gartner and hostess. Mrs. Scharff a a Shaw A surprise party was given on Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sherman Sunday night at their home, the occasion being the 20th wedding anniversary. Cards and games were played. Present were: Helen lellnskl. Bertha Stegman, Ernestine Barry, Doris Albus, Dorothy Stegman, Mildred Schu maker, Inei Starr, Anne Albus, Helen Starr, Rose Perry, Maxine Albus. Mabel Sherman, Helen Nanneman, Dorothy Starr. Helen Sherman, John Zuzer, Richard Schumaker, Carl Nanneman. Alva Keene, Sheldon Barry, Leonard Schumaker, George Sherman, Robert Barry, John Rak, Marian fccnoemaker. Otto Fischer, Ken neth Barry, Edward Sherman, James Schnider, Jay. Williams, Walter Rak, Raymond Sherman, Robert Schumaker, Mrs. Emelia Schmidt. Mrs. Joseph Becker, Mrs. John Zuber, Mrs. Joseph Berry, Miss R. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schnider, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Zielinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keene, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Barry. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Humphrey and daughter Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nanne man, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Irvtn Schumaker and children Darrell and Betty Lou, Mr. and Mrs. John Hafner. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stegman. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Albus and Children Thomas and Rose Mary and the honor guests Mr. and mrs. joe Sherman. Scotts Mills A surprise birth day party was riven mm kh Taylor at her home Satnrita night. Present were: Stella Tay lor, bveiyn xayior, Margaret, Vio let and Clerance Landwlng, Dora Guen, Ruth Kellis. Grayce Duna gan. Elizabeth Ennl. iin a.- ford. Avert tt Dunagan, La Verne vuny, ttooen snepherd, Willard v11'. Ry McKWop, Herbert Walbel, Mr. apd Mrs. Oscar Kil born. Mr. and Mra. TvAnvit. Shepherd. Jack Taylor, Clifford oraaneia. Mr. and Mrs. John Tay lor and Mrs. T. Taylor. a Rickreall Mra iri 'vivavy uioivo Chapman gava her farewell mu- i aigm ai me Monmouth Chris tian church Sunday, and has been invited to give these programs at Snverton, Corvallis and Forest Grove. Recently she appeared at the American Lutheran ehurch in Salem, directing the young peo ple of her choir. She Is leaving with Mr. Chap man to attend summer school at the University of Oregon. . Mrs. W. W. Rosebrmrl! in Monday in Portland as tha guest of her daughter, Mra. Harry Fos ter. Mrs. Roaebraagh returned Friday from three weeks spent In San Francisco as the guest of her son, Frank Rosebraagh. Mr. Rose braugh and son Harold met Mrs. Rosabraugh at Treka on her re turn from the south and together a leisurely return trip by motor was made. Aa overnight stop at the summit of the 8iakiyous was enjoyed and the Oregon Caves were visited. HAY Can supply some good Al falfa Hay at $1.00 per 100 lbs. or some extra nice Qat and Vetch Hay at! i.io per 100 Ids. EGG MASH Ton Will flail rna nn nn money on your Egg- Mashes by using-our Masnes. Tha tnality la tha best en the market and as we manaf ajs. ture onr own feeds we can give yoa a better Mash at less price man Masnes snrpped'iat Miss Opal Yates Complimented Monday evening Opal Tates was delightfully surprised with a birthday party given by her moth er, Mrs. S. J. Yates. Tha guests arrived at o'clock and croquet was played until a buffet lunch was served. More outdoor games were enjoyed throughout the evening. At the supper hour refreshments were served during which time the honor guest opened her gifts. Those present were the Misses Opal Yates. Geneva Barnes, Ruth Pendergratt, Ruth Reasor, Velma Wagner, Josephine Hull, Erma Cole. Vesper and Reba Geer. Bet ty Rao McGahan, Zella Webb and Guinevere Wood. Messrs. Warner Jackson, Fran cis Barnes, Erwln Branch of Pra tum, Larry Reasor. Bill Judson. and Howard Cole, Mr. and Mrs. E J. Reasor and Mr. and Mrs S J Yates. a a a Mrs. Edwards Will Address Women The First Methodist church Foreign Missionary society will hear Mrs. Paul V. Edwards of Portland as a special speaker for the afternoon nroeram at thm church today. The program will begin at 2:15 o'clock with Mrs. A. A. Lee, president, presiding. A report of the nominating committee will be made and offi cers elected and Installed. Mrs. B. Earl Parker will have charge of the installation. There will also be an opening of the "blessing boxes" and this will be in charge of Mrs. H. M. Durk heimer. Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher will have charge of the devotions. a Miss Lois Plummer Presents Students Miss Lois Plummer presented students of piano In recital Tues day evening at the First Christian church studio. The following ap peared on the program: Rena Skaggs, Geraldine Schmoker, Wil ma Rings and Fern Flagg. They showed promising talent and gave evidence of marked Improvement both in technique and artistic in terpretation. Assisting on the program were Ruth Reasor, mezso-soprano. and John Schmidt, Ja., tenor, students of Professor Davidson. The guests responded to the program very appreciatively. a a a Calvary Baptist Women's Home missionary society will be enter tained Friday afternoon beginning at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Carl Huber at Woodburn. Cars will leave the church at 1:45 o'clock and all those desiring transportation be there at that time. Mrs. W. F. Foster will be the leader of the study hour. Mrs. H. C. Hanson will head the de votions which will Include special musical numbers by Mrs. Charles Davis. a a At the regular meeting of the Rebekahs Monday night the members were interestingly en tertained while the Past Noble Grands of the lodge exemplified the story of the Rebekah Degree with costume, under the direction of Gertrude Cummlngs. All Re bekahs that can are expected to go to Mill City Thursday night. a3 the lodge there has invited them to attend that evening. a Hazel Green Mrs. James Yada Is announcing the engagement of her sister. Miss Lilly Fukai to Mr. Ono of Vancouver, Wash. Miss Fukai returned from Okayama, Japan, last week, having made her heme there the past four years. Miss Fukai attended school here, when her father L Fukai was gar- aeuing on Laoisa Meadows. Th Three T.inka rlnh will m,.f with Mrs. Lena Wright, Friday uernoon ror tne regular social and business moat in witt. - . V L. ,UU membera iniawifir tii, mil .m with a Quotation about the flag. airs, wrignt s assisting hostesses will be: Coral McNeill. Clara Roberta and Carrie Jennings. it WORLD'S A free ticket through Calif oraia? Yes. that Is literally what Seudtem Pariac offers oa the ew, record-bresluf low sumaact to Chicago raaga fxoaa 114.90 of accommodauoas yon desire. G A. F. ICOTH. Agmt 14, 1933 i CARRIAGE SET j fj Nell Drthkletj Pattern No. - Nell Brinkley U world-renowned for the lovely, fluffy girls she draws. No less charming, wel known and inimitable are her baby illustrations dainty, win some, angelic babies that Bimply must be adored! For the first time a collection of some ot her lovely baby heads is offered for embroidery. They have been grouped on a carriage cover and a pillow to make a bouquet as dainty and flower - like aa any flowers that grow. All the Nell Brinkley winsomeness and delic acy of line have been retained in this embroidery interpretation for An informal and nnnsnalW in. terestlng meeting of the Standard Bearers of the First Methodist church was observed Monday af ternoon in Marion Square with Mrs. Lilian Hageman and Mr. A. A. Lee present for the meeting hours between S and S o'clock. A letter was read from Miss Eu genia Savage who was formerly a memoer or tne group and is now a teacher of mnii n t lira Nan college in Foo Chow. Letters were also read from rtrls of the school who had written to mem bers, of the Standard Bearers group in return to letters from this group. a Mrs. David Eason presented in recital at her residence studio on North Summer street, Charlotte McKee. Monday night. This in teresting recital of 10 numbers will be followed by another given by small Betty Mercer who after one year of piano will play her first recital Wednesday evening, a a Mr. and Mrs. Jack A u m a n were hosts Saturday night for a "500" party in compliment to Sans Souci club members. Mrs. Charles Andresen, Mrs. Lyle Rains, Oscar Dencer and William E. Moaes held winning scores. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Dennis will be hosts to the club in two weeks. a The June picnic of the Fort nightly club of the Congregation al church was observed Monday evening at Silverton park. About SO members accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCallister enjoy ed the informal evening. a a a Miss Estella Lebold. brld eloot of George Southam of Mohall. North Dakota, waa complimented with aa Informal evening and shower of nre-nuntial rlft hr Miss Lorena Lebold recently. a a a Mrs. William Einxig is visiting In California and while in San Francisco is staying at the Sir Francis Drake hotel. a a will spend tha summer at the heme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCallister. If It's a "Jantzen" Enjoy your swim or sun basking' in fashion. A Jantzen or Webfoot will give-you that very desirable moulded-fit effect . . . more over, youll swim better in these "skin tiht" suits. A food coat of tan calls for a white suit ... tha one illustrated is the new formal. It also comes in tha uplift braasiere style. Cams choose now whCa t&e sea son is tun young. Miller's FAIR TRIP! for to 19030. depcadiaf apoa daas X 1 j outline stitch. The carriage cov er is regulation size, the motif measuring 17 by 19 Inches while the corner motif for the pil low measures 8 by 12 inches. The motif can be used on a crib cov er or separate heads can be cut from the motif and used on a variety of baby accessories. The transfer pattern includes co'.or suggestions, yardage needed and direction for making a carriage cover and pillow. Send 10 cents for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Needle craft Dept.. 82 Eighth avenue. New York city. The last meeting of the year for Chapter G of the P.E.O. Sis terhood will be an event ot Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Churchill. A 1:3s o'clock dessert luncheon will be followed by the regular social and program afternoon. a a a Mrs. Edith Rowland of Rose- - -- burg is a guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. Smallwood and with her sister Mrs. Blanche Wekh. NEW br B0URJ0IS Evaning in Ports PERFUME om4 bfimtQ in Pans LIPSTICK NOW GIVEN WITH EACH BOX OF.... uJ U I 1 1 1 1 1 UTfiPiN June is the wedding month. Our Commercial Printing department is ready to supply correct and attractive Invita tions and Announce ments. Beautiful Paneled Stock Fine Assortment of Type Styles Correct Forms for all Occasions ASK FOR OUR SPECIAL LOW PRICES All Kinds of Society Printing -I- Statesman Company PAGE NINE-- FISCHER HDPI11D REOPEN DIG MILLS SILVERTON. June 11 The foreclosure suit brought last Jan uary by the First National bank of Salem, trustee of the bond holders, against Fischer Flouring Mill ot Silverton. was heard be fore Judge Arlle Walker Monday morning. Tha attorneys were given 10 days to file briefs, after which the matter will be taken under advisement tor decision. The mill is the largest flour ing mill in the valley and has not been in operation since last July, pending reorganization. Louis Fischer, owner and who has conducted tha business for the past 30 years, says efforts are being made to reopen the mill as soon as possible on account or the fall erope coming la. Rosedale Society Of C. E. Presents Advertising Stunt ROSEDALE, June 11 Chris tian Endeavor from the Friend's churches at Scotts Mills, North Salem, South Salem and Rosedale met at Rosedale Saturday night for a quarterly meeting social and stunt night Each society gave a stunt advertising tha. nual Christian Endeavor- confer ence at the beach in July. Rose dale society won first place and will give theirs again on Chris tian Endeavor night at Newberg Saturday. Music wa3 furnished by Rev. Herman Macy and son Keith of Scotts Mills and Miss Rachel Pemberton of Salem. Foresters at Prineville The Red Cross here yesterday receiv ed word that a large number of the 128 young men recently re cruited to the civil conservation corps from Marion county had been sent to Maury camp near Prinevllle. It Is expected they will work in the Ochoco forest during the summer and fall months. Miss Pauline Findley who has been teaching this past year In Yakima. Wash., and Mlaa Edith i - -on., uu iiui xvun a J Findley. who has been teaching is HUisDoro, are at the home ot their parents. Dr. and Mrs. M. C Findley for the summer. WW n FACE POWDER ALL FOR THE PRICE OF THE POWDER ALONE m 1 X-m n anjsnwHHIsV in 1U Publishing If TV ID. A. White & Sons DIAL 9101 aa West ITU aaraat, Kaw Tark attx. I Pboa ASX 11 State . ! mum XaUana- SaraaitMst. Depot, 18th aad Oak TeL 4-406