The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 11, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon,' Sunday Morning, June 11, 1933
iiation Activities Take Place in City's Social Realm This Week
First Presbyterian Church Chosen
For Fleener-Bollman
Large Church Wedding Planned and This to be Followed by Formal
' TUNE iroes forward with more wedding announcements and there are still more lurking
Week's Social Activities Include
Wide Variety for Women
Of the City
J .
National Visitor, Dances, Willamet te University Graduation Activities
Sche duled
SUMMER lull may be just around the corner like so many other things that have been
this past few month?, but like the rest it is still withdrawn from Salem society for
yet another week.
One of the busiest weeks of the past few will begin with .today for both organiza
tions and society. Tuesday night will mark t he visit of the national president of the Amer
ican War Mothers, Mrs. Lenore Harnsberger Stone of Washington, D. C, who is touring
the west in the interest of the national order. '
Mrs. Stone will be greeted with a 6 o'clock banquet at j w- i ,n .
1 V ' '3pY.
) v.;
l J iust around the corner. Miss Wilda Fleener has announced. the place of her marriage,
to J. Paul Bollman June 23 as the First Presbyterian cnurcn. ine service win De a canuie
light ceremony read by Rev. Grover C. Birtc het at 8 o'clock. This will be a large wedding
as about 200 invitations have been extended.
Prof. Frank Churchill will plav the wedding march which will be that of Lohengrin.
. oMiss Elizabeth Clement will sing "I Love You Truly" and
. - "At Dawning".
RfiliniAn rlon Miss Edna Bollman of Dallas will be Miss Fleener 3
rVCUn iOIl 1 Jctll maid of honor and maids who will attend the bride-elect in
clude Miss Iris Jorgensen, Miss -Yvonne Smith, Miss Mar
garet Wilson and Mrs. William Heseman.
. ....'o Mr. Bollman has chosen for
AMONG the many attractive
affairs planned for the grad
uation weekend in Willam
ette university is the "Ten Year '
reunion which the Alpha Phi Al
pha sorority is planning in cele
bration of the establishment of
the sorority 10 years ago.
Within the past year the soror
ity has moved into a beautiful
new home on North Summer
street and elaborate plans are be
ing made for the celebration.
Alumnae from all points of the
west will be present and from all
over the United States and from
many places outside the United
States alumnae members are send
ing remembrances If they are un
able to be present.
Registration of guests will be
gin Friday at the sorority home
and will be in charge of Miss
Muriel White. Miss Dorothy East
ridge is in charge of the housing
Friday evening an informal
party at the sorority home is be
ing arranged by Miss Helen
Breithaupt, chairman, and Mrs.
Ruby Delk Philips and Velleda
Ohmart. At this time each one
present will sketch in brief form
her present activities and these
sketches will be combined into a
large "round-robin" to be sent
to the absent members.
Saturday luncheon will be a
picnic in the gardens of the soror-
Ity home and the afternoon will
be marked with a tea between the j
hours of 3:30 and 5 o'clock for
patronesses and sorority mothers.
At this time the gifts from absent
members will be presented the
' All the activities of the gradua
tion program will be attended by
the alumae and sorority members.
Sunday morning at 8 o'clock
Initiation of new alumnae mem
bers will take place at the soror
ity, and at 9 o'clock breakfast
will be served.
. .The afternoon. holds a brilliant
ly planned wedding. At 2 o'clock
In the gardens of the sorority
home Miss Leola Johnson, Alpha
Phi Alpha active member, will be
come the bride of Donald E.
Faber of Ashland.
This will be a large wedding
with sorority sisters and alumnae
Invited, in addition to other
friends. Miss Johnson is the
niece of Barkley A. Newman of
. A formal reception will follow
the wedding ceremony. At 5
o'clock a buffet supper will be
nerved with charter member of
the sorority as special members.
Miss Elizabeth Ogden is in charge
of the supper; Miss Helen Stiles
Is in charge of the breakfast, and
Miss Helen Hanke in charge of
garden tea. AH three are of Port
Volseti A delightful" party
'ras given at the Amos Denno
home early. this week. Mrs. May
"Williams winning. first prize, Har
rold Wells the low score.
Board Makes Plans
For Summer Camp
The last board meeting of the
year' is being called for the Y. W.
C. A. board at 10 o'clock in the
Y. W. C. A. social rooms. It is
important that all mem bar b of
the committee be present for this
meeting because of plans which
are to be discussed for Camp
A meeting of the camp com
mittee including Mrs. Claude
Glenn, Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher,
Mrs. E. C. Mayor, Mrs. Ruth Ver
steeg, Miss Frances Welch, Miss
"Eloise White, Miss Gladys Taylor.
M4ss Martha Jane Hottel, Miss
Esther McMinnlmee, and Miss
Eileen Moore was held Wednes
day afternoon.
At this time plans were mada
for a camp rally June 20 at the
Y. W. C. A. Dr. D. B. Hill will
show motion pictures of Camp
Santaly and a song rally will bo
It is urged that all register as
soon as possible in crder to com
plete equipment p'ans for the
It is announced that there will
be three senior life 6avers present
with the Mmp members and this
will insure the safety of all girls
who wish to learn to swim.
Classes in stitchery "and raffia are
being planned as part of the craft
Among those home from school
is Robert Bishop who has been
taking post graduate work in
business administration in Har
vard university for the past year.
Before leaving the east a visit was
made in New York city and en
route home the Century of Pro
gress was visited in Chicago. Mr.
Bishop arrived Thursday and left
Friday in company with his
brother, Charles Kay Bishop for
the University of Oregon where
Charles Kay is a student and
from which school he graduated
last spring. He will return from
Eugene today in time for a fam
ily dinner at the home of his
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Bishop. Additional guests for the
dinner will be Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Bishop of Portland and two
sons. Mr. Bishop will be at home
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Gabrielson for most
of this summer.
The Sewing clug of the Busi
ness and Professional Women's
club was a guest or Mrs. Lillian
Cadwell Friday night at her
home. Miss Daisy Hayden vai
joint hostess with Mrs. Cadwell.
Following a 6:30 o'clock potluck
supper the evening was spent in
sewing and conversation. Miss
Juana Holmes and Miss Helen
Smith will be hostesses for th
club July 14 at the residence of
Miss Holmes.
The Salem Credit Women's
Breakfast club will meet at 7
o'clock iu the Marlon hotel Tues
day mornng. At this time Mrs.
W. Carlton Smith will address the
group. Mrs. Clifford Townsend
and Mrs. Caroln Jpnsen will al
so give short talks.
v s . S
Sunday. June 11
Recital of Miss Rose Xaef. at T. S.
4 o'clock.
Music recital announced by Frank
o'clock in Salem armory.
Roberts studio,
(J'Hara. 2:30
Monday, June 12
Recital of students of Elizabeth Lewis, 8:15 o'clock
at studio on North 15th street.
Tuesday, June 13
Past Presidents club of W. R. C. with Mrs. Cordelia
LeBare, 1745 Lee street.
Banquet for national president of American War
Mothers, 6 o'clock, Masonic temple for members and
friends only; reservatiens made by 6 o'clock Monday
night, telephone 527; reception 8:30 to 10:30, public
CiTic Male chorus. Madrigal club. Nelson auditor1
lum, 8 o'clock; no admittance charge.
Philharmonic Preparatory group orchestra program,
T,-M. C. A. 8 o'clock, no admittance charge.
' Salem Credit Women's Breakast club, 7 o'clock,
Marlon hotel, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, speaker.
Board meeting of Y. W. C. A., 10 o'clock in
Y. W. C. A. social room.-
Wednesday, June 1U ' .
Dorcas society of Christ Lutheran church, 2 o'clock
In church; special dinner served at 5:30 o'clock.
Leslie Ladies Aid, Home Missionary society. For
eign Missionary society of Leslie Methodist church,
Joint meeting at home of Mrs. E. E. Dent on Rosedale
road; covered dish dinner at noon; each bring own ta
ble service and one covered dj3h. Cars leave church at
10:30 o'clock. .
Women- Missionary society, -First Presbyterian
church, in church parlors; Mrs. W. M. Thomas In charge
of meeting. ,
Ladles Guild of American Lutheran church with
Mrs. Julia iSchwiesnger;.' Independence; cars leaving
church at 1;30 o'clock; transportation for those desir
ing It. .
Kaiser Ladies Aid at Kcefer home for all-day
meeting. , ' " " .
his best man, his brother, Len
thal A. Bollman, Jr. Groomsmen
include Carl Collins, Lawrence
Fletcher, Homer Goulet and Wil
liam' Heseman.
Miss Fleener will be given in
marriage by her father, Damon
Following the ceremony a for
mal reception will be held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Damon
Fleener who with Dr. and Mrs.
L. A. Bollman and the bride and
groom-elect will receive.
Mrs. W. A. Cummings and
Mrs. Clifford J. Taylor will pre
side at the urns. Mrs. R. G. Hen
derson will have charge of the
dining room. Assisting in serving
will be Miss Claudia Buntin, Miss
Sybil White, Miss Roberta Mills.
Miss Dorothy Moore, and Miss
Lois Walton of Dallas.
A number of attractive affairs
are being planned within the next
few days for Miss Fleener and the
past two weeks have held still
more affairs in compliment to the
popular maid.
Another June wedding of the
week which attracted much at
tention in university and college
circles was that of Miss Dorothy
Taylor who became the bride of
Dennis Patch Friday morning at
10 o'clock at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. James Tay
lor. Dr. Carl Gregg Doney of
Willamette university read the
service which was quietly solemn
ized in the presence of only im
mediate members of the family
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Patch will make
their home in Corvallis this sum
mer and for the winter will re
side at Halfway.
A wedding of interest in Salem
and Portland which was observed
at 4 o'clock Saturday in Casa
nova, Virginia, was that of Miss
Elsie Tucker, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest J. Tucker of Salem,
and Rev. J. Thomas Lewis of
Alexandria, Virginia, son of Mrs.
S. Turner of Hereford, England.
Thig wedding was observed at
Grace Episcopal church. There
were no attendants but two small
flower girls in frocks of rose and
green with hats to match led the
way to the alter.
The bride wore a gown of sim
ple white melanese, a tulle veil
caught by orange blossoms, and
carried a shower bouquet of white
rose buds and lily-of-the-valley.
A reception at the "Redlands",
home of Miss Bertha Randolph
followed the wedding service.
Following a visit of two weeks
in New York city Rev. and Mrs.
Lewis wiil sail June 23 on the
"Scythia" for England where they
will spend several weeks visiting
the mother of Rev. Lewis.
They will return to Oregon this
fall where Rev. Lewis will begin
his duties with Eastern Oregon
missionary district of the Episco
pal church.
Mrs. Lewis is a graduate of Sa
lem high school and of Willam
ette university. For the past
three y ars she has been a mem
ber of the staff of the Portland
Y. W. C. A.
Still another wedding of inter
est in Salem which will be sol
emnized away from the city is
that of Miss Harrlette Hageman,
who plans to leave soon for Alas
ka where she will wed Everett
Patton. Miss Hageman has been
prominently identified with Wil
lamette university social circles.
She is a member of Beta Chi sor
ority. Mr. Patton also attended
Several . farewell affairs are
planned for Miss Hageman and
among the first to be given was
that for which Miss Clara Zuber
was hostess Thursday evening.
This was an informal evening
with gifts presented to the bride
elect preceding the late coffee
Mrs. B. J. C. Patton entertained
with a dinner party for her daugh
ter, Miss ' Roberta Patton en the
occasion of her 17th birthday
Wednesday at the Patton resi
dence. . Covers were placed for
Miss Patton, Miss Charlotte Byre,
Miss Ruth Falk, MIsa Lucille Kel
ly, Harold Bressler, Kenneth Han
son, Paul Patton and Ross Kep
pinger. Mrs. Patton was assisted
In serving by her daughters, Mrs.
Raymond. Feikert, and' Mrs. Ben
L. Jones. An informal evening fol
lowed the dinner hour. " ,
, i ,
Mrs. Fred T. Warren of Portland, state president of Daugh
ters of Union Veterans of Civil rear who will preside at
the 15th annual state convention in Salem June 20, 21
and 22.
Annual State
THE fifteenth annual state con
vention of the Daughters of
Union Veterans of the Civil
war will b"e held in Salem June 20,
21 and 22. Headquarters will be
in the Hotel Senator and all bus
iness sessions will be conducted In
Fraternal temple.
Mrs. Annie S. Warren, is de
partment president and will pre
side at the sessions. Mrs. Nellie
A. Martin is department secretary
and department treasurer is Mrs.
May E. Esberg.
The complete program for the
convention includes a credential
committee meeting at the Senator
Monday evening at 7 o'clock and
a meeting of the department
council at 8 o'clock of the same
evening and also at the Senator
The program for the three days
Tuesday )
8:00 A. M. Credential commit
tee at Fraternal Temple.
9:00 A. M. Opening session of
convention business session.
12 Noon. Officers luncheon.
1:00 P. M. Business session
nomination of officers.
7:45 P. M. Civic reception at the
7:30 A. M. Past presidents
breakfast. The Spa.
9:00 A. M. Memorial service for
all Allied Orders, Masonic
10:00 A. M. Parade forms at 8.
Liberty and Ferry streets.
Presentation -of flag to
Troop 5, Boy Scouts at the
Court House Square.
1:30 P. M. Business session, elec
tion of officers first order
of business. Exemplification
of ritual by past depart
ment presidents and past
tent presidents.
6:00 P. M. Banquet for Daugh
ters only at Marion hotel.
7:45 P. M. Campfire at the ar
8:30 A. M. Business session
visit to G. A. R. convention.
12 Noon. Fathers' and Daughters'
luncheon. First Methodist
2:00 P. M. Business session. In
stallation of officers. Clos
ing session of convention.
Miss Lewis
Presents Pupils
Miss Elizabeth Lewis will pre
sent in recital her piano class
Monday evening at 8:15 o'clock
in her studio on North 15th
street. Of especial interest will be
"a musical journey around the
world," presented by Max Lip
hart. Assisting on the program
will be Miss Maxine Taylor of
Portland, violinist, accompanied
by her sister, Miss Marguerite
Those being presented include:
Betty Jean Smith. Vivian Webb.
Opal Smith. Irene Webb, Max
Liphart, Harriett Crawford, 11a
Mills and Miss Lewis.
The Women's Missionary soc
iety of the First Presbyterian
church will meet Wednesday in
the church parlors with Mrs. W.
M. Thomas in charge of the meet
ing. Mrs. Willis Moore is chair
man of the hostess committee and
will be assisted by Mrs. J. Pooles,
Mrs. W. H. Johnson, Mrs. J. T.
Whittlg. Mrs. W. A. Delzel and
Miss Anna Stout.
the War Mothers chapters of the state and invited friends, j K f I K
Rpfwppn ?nn anrl 10:30 o'clock a rcprjtion will be held to tHIlli
which all are invited who would like to meet Mrs. Stone. !
State president, Mabel Lockwood, local president, Liz-
beth Waters, Mrs. Frances carver o
and Mrs. Margaret Eubanks of , Miss Dorothea Core, Miss Fran-
Portland, Mrs. Emilie Hendricks,
Mrs. Ada V. Skiff, and Mrs. Helen
A. Carson, will act as hostess
All reservations are urged to
be in for the banquet not later
than Monday night at 6 o'clock.
And there is the dance Monday
night at which time most of Sa
lem will step to the strains of
Ted Flo Rfto and his orchestra
guests in the capital city for the
evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Bro
phy will entertain with a dinner
And speaking of dances there
is the one for Friday night at
Castillian hall at which time a
group of maids from one of the
city's younger sets will be hos
tesses. Invitations hare been ex
tended to a large number both in
and out of the city and as plans
are now much may be expected
from this smart affair.
Mr. and Mrs. Frances A. Bur
gy of Seattle are motoring down
to be among the patrons and pa
t lionesses which include in addi
tion to the Burgys, Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Ashby, Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Claggett, and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ramsden.
Hostesses include Miss Esther
Wood, Miss Margaret Engel, Miss
Margaret Burdette, Miss Margaret
Corey, Miss Bula Bailey, Miss
Marie Patton. Miss Frances Mar
tin, Miss Jean Eastridge, Miss
Ruth Briedwell of Portland, Miss
K a t h r y n Hayward of Eugene,
Miss Betty Stewart of Seattle,
Miss Margaret Brown of Baker,
Miss Jeanne Patton, Miss Cynthia
Delano, Miss Dorotha Cannon,
Miss Helen Thompson, Miss Clau
dia Buntin, Miss Kathryn Meyers,
Miss Frances Sande. Miss Cleo
Ritner. Miss Hazel Johnson, Miss
Ruth Hillman, Miss Barbara Mac
Donald, Miss Lorraine Kinier,
Miss Jean Doolittle, Miss Mary
Jane Adams. Miss Helen Weid
ner. Miss Isobel George, Mi6s
Lois Wilkes, Miss Viola Crozier.
ces Marie Kupper, Miss Maxine
McKillop, Miss Frances Jensen,
Miss Frances Doolittle. Miss
Cathrin He drick, Mrs. Francis
Burgy of Seattle, Mrs. Charles
Claggett, Mrs. Robert Ramsden
and Mrs. Hubert Ashby.
Social events leading up to
graduation in Willamette univer
sity and those planned for the
graduation weekend are many. The
past weeks have teen taken up
with picnics and informal social
Among the last picnics to be
observed was that of Saturday at
Hagers grove when the sopho
mores enjoyed a gay day.
This coming weekend will be
filled with iormal and informal
affairs at the various sororities
and fraternities and organiza
tions. Reunion affairs, teas, and
banquets will be featured. The
president's reception for alumni
and all friends and supporters of
the university will e held June
17 at Lausanne hall with Dr. and
Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney as hosts.
Miss Margaret Ayers. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ayers left
June 6 for San Francisco where
she is planning to stay a month,
visiting, her brother, Harold S.
Ayers, and family. She also plans
to visit relatives in Fresno.
rogram is
T 1J
MUSIC devotees of Salem aro
anticipating the program
which will be presented bv
the Philharmonic Preparation or
chestra with Raymond Carl, di
rector, Tuesday evening in th
Y. M. C. A.
The program will begin at. 8
o'clock and will be open to the
public. Personnel of the orche
tra include those people who dur
ing the winter months have been
working in practice classes to at
tain proficiency which will allow
them entry to the regular sym
phony orchestra.
The program Includes Ballet No.
2 (Rosamunde) by Schubert.
Andantino La Marr
Violin Kathleen Broer
Flute Marjorie Broer
Piano Bert Broer
Intermezzo (L'Arleslenne)
Suite) Bizei
The Swan Saint Saens
The Bee Schubert
Hume Downs
Rakoczy Marche Berlict
Miss Mildred Kirk and Mis
Margaret Knapp left Tuesday on
the S. S. Dorothy Alexander for
several weeks vacation In California.
Private Vocal Instruction
Special Summer Rates
Prof. Loren Davidson
544 Center St. Phone 5660
8 x 10 Portraits
50c for one, 2 for 95c
. " -V-'- -' v
'Cyh' Cronise
Court and Commercial Sta.
if i4 ;'4 r- - I ' O f jt"- t '
t'-V",.tflJ.c3t'f i s v "
-Sc.'-:' v I ,Tv
fZFrr w.- V j " r
I -V ;v(, r -x''
1 i , ' -vi'-- f - , I
In the New
The National Institute of Music
and Arts will present a compli
mentary recital at the armory this
afternoon beginning at 2:30
o'clock. A program of wide var
iety and Interest has been arrang
William Wallace
Announces . Surnaier Class
of Six Weeks
JUNE 12tk
Private or group lessons
Phone 9549 er Call at
Willamette University
Women's. Greater
Oregon Assn.
' Monday, Jane 12th, f p.m.
Chamber of Commerce
Display of Oregon Made dresses
and bathing suits by Miller's:
Bread by Cherry City Baking
Co. Luncheon meats by Valley
Packing Co.; Photographs by
Salem Owned Studios. Princi
pal feature short talk by Earl
Fisher on Sales Tax.
Mad fn Salem by
Cherry City Baking Co.